If there is an intriguer in the team or how to fight competently. If a snitch wound up at work ... At work, the foreman turned out to be a snitch

How to calculate the "snitch" in the team? and got the best answer

Answer from Ainura Incognito[guru]
To calculate the "snitch", according to psychologists, is not difficult. To do this, it is necessary for some time to become attentive to the behavior of colleagues. As a rule, an informer is either a perfectionist, that is, a person obsessed with order and accuracy, or a devout careerist who is ready to go over their heads. "Squealer" tries to maintain friendly relations with all employees, and often initiates corporate parties. He talks little about himself, but constantly provokes the revelations of others. He drinks little, but always makes toasts. The authorities are always more than loyal to informers. They are more likely to receive bonuses, although they often work less than others. "Snitch" can be caught by the hand. For example, being alone with him, commit a minor offense for which a reprimand is put. Now we need to wait for the reaction from the management. If she follows, it means that you were not mistaken in your suspicions and you were reported. Surviving a scammer from the team is easy - just declassify him. In most cases, the "woodpecker" is ashamed of his behavior, and therefore will rush to quit as soon as it becomes clear to his colleagues that he has a tendency to complain.

Answer from Lyudmila Boyko[guru]
And it is better to ask the KGB veterans ...

Answer from nemo nemo[newbie]
start some rumor. in any case, you suspect someone.
sweep away the verified people at once, and tell one of the suspected snitchers first.
if the error is another rumor. and so on until victory.
tried - found the second time.

Answer from Irina Vedeneeva (Burlutskaya)[guru]
Let a few "ducks" on different topics, and when some spread. then you will find out who disbanded it.

Answer from Marat Antsiferov[guru]
Watch the movie "State Counselor". He very classically separated them all there, when he said which room he would be in ... I tried it like that - it turned out ...

Answer from User deleted[expert]
tell everyone a different story and then when this or that pops up you will know for sure who snitched!! =)

Answer from Jovetlana[guru]
if you suspect him, then insult him .. those who, only him, and soon you will hear your words there, laugh in his face and tell him what he thinks, you are on purpose, but he got caught! tell the FABULOUS!

Answer from Irene[active]
To each member of the team, if possible, state new version information. Whichever pops up ... that one is the snitch.

Answer from Akhmadullina Diana[guru]
I advise you not to use yourself as bait))

"They say that ballerinas in white tutus in the struggle for solo parts put crushed glass into each other's pointe shoes. They say that cardinals in red cassocks, in the struggle for church positions, poured poison into each other's glasses, and sometimes even cutlets. They say that the ancient Russian princes in the struggle for land allotments simply - once! - and gouged out each other's eyes. Also a method. But you're in luck. You are like everyone else. You work in o-fi-se…" - writes Jenny ( http://1tvrus.forum24.ru/)

It is really difficult sometimes to imagine what a person weaving intrigues can come to, what meanness he can go to in order to achieve his goal - to survive the chosen victim from the team.

Psychologists have identifiedfive types of "schemers"", who manipulate others in various ways:

An omniscient worker, trying to reason about everything that is happening around with a smart look. Many people believe this;

Activist. This type by hook or by crook is behind his own project;

Eminence grise. This type of people usually stands out not due to their own working qualities, but more due to intrigues;

Prophet. Capable of almost anything for what he thinks is right;

Privy Councilor (reports to superiors about everything that happens).

Psychologists believe that intrigues are mostly engaged in not very capable people who have not been able to satisfy their own ambitions, and therefore they are engaged in such an unworthy business. As a rule, the intriguer chooses a weaker victim - a single mother, often on sick leave, a person of pre-retirement or already retirement age. It may be that the victim occupies a stronger position in the team, but this is quite rare and difficult to explain ... Maybe out of sports interest, or maybe out of envy or revenge.

There is a wide arsenal of methods that are used by intriguers in the struggle for power in the team. Here are some "dirty" methods - typical examples of dishonest behavior:

Hex and rumors - used quite often. The intriguer spreads negative information about the "victim". At the same time, the intriguer addresses directly or indirectly to some influential person, to the boss of the intended victim. He caninform him of the planned negative information, and not necessarily the truth.

Try to be in good relationship with your boss, then your boss will believe your words more. Also, good relationships with colleagues will help you quickly find out who and what says bad things about you. Friends are also needed for your defense: they are the ones who will support and protect you.

Blackmail- this is already from the category of crime. A threat to discover and publicize the “weak spot” of the victim if the victim does not comply with the blackmailer's request. Such an action by the majority normal people perceived as unworthy. Many managers consider the fact of blackmail a good reason to fire the blackmailer.
No need to show others your weaknesses, personal problems and addictions unnecessarily, remember - everything can be used against you

Fake friendship - using a trusting relationship with you to harm you. The intriguer rubs himself into your confidence, and then skillfully sets up networks. More often it looks like this: the one you consider a friend starts a conversation about your boss and provokes unfavorable statements about him from your side, then he passes all this on to your boss, more often embellishing and exaggerating, and in this situation you look very unworthy and disloyal.

Therefore, try not to succumb to such provocations and do not talk about your weaknesses, personal problems and mistakes. Unfortunately, such "friends" are not so easy to find. Try to find out the motives of a sudden friendship. It's better to appear incredulous. The intriguer will actively provoke you into erroneous actions in order to victoriously "expose" you at a convenient moment for him.

The intriguer plays on emotions- any excitement or emotional tension that arises in a team is a great environment for weaving intrigues. More often, the intriguer tries to provoke such a situation himself, involving several people in scandals and insults. Control your feelings, do not get involved in the emotional experiences of other people, try to remain neutral. Don't give him trump cards. Watch your statements, especially with people who are positive about the schemer. do not leave your letters or documents unattended, giving him the opportunity to use them against you.

Collect gossip about him. The most effective way, in my opinion, is to beat him with his own weapon. collect gossip about the intriguer. Watch his actions, and when he makes a mistake - take advantage of the moment. You must always be on the alert. Remember, there is an enemy against you without conscience and honor.

Focus on results - If an organization is focused on real results and each employee has a clearly defined area of ​​responsibility, then intrigues will be almost impossible. Unfortunately, there are situations when an intriguer, having infiltrated the trust in the leadership, will try to shift his duties and responsibilities onto you. If you are lucky and you have a smart and professional leader in the person of your boss, then he will try to separate you into different corners and not give rise to conflict. However, it happens that for some reason such a tense atmosphere in the team is beneficial to the management. In this case, peaceand only calm, as Winnie the Pooh said.

Be better than him. Try to earn a positive reputation for yourself as a person and as aa professional in your field in the team where you work. The more good things are known about you to employees and colleagues, the easier it will be for you to prove your case.

Define alliances within the team. San Tzu once said, "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer." If you have already decided who puts spokes in your wheels, the next step is to decide who, if necessary, can take your side. Try to get support. And yet ... avoid the temptation to involve your bosses in your conflict, perhaps your conflict is already pretty fed up with him, irritating or beneficial.

Move away from direct conflict. And finally, try to take your mind off the conflict, do your job. If they start asking you about the problem, pretend that you have already forgotten about everything and do not hold a grudge. First, the more you remove yourself from the conflict, the faster it will be resolved or forgotten, or perhaps you will be able to lull the intriguer's vigilance.

Nobody likes scammers, but you can meet them in any team. Rjob found out why snitching flourishes in modern companies, what signs can be used to calculate a sneak, and how a manager and subordinates should respond to information leaks.

Who benefits from denunciations

Since snitching is a common phenomenon, it means that someone gets undeniable benefits from it. Firstly, lovers of confidential conversations in the office of the boss benefit from regular denunciations. If the initiative of the sneak was to the liking of the leader who wants to be aware of the corporate life of his subordinates, then in exchange for information, the informant receives incentives: bonuses, promotion, patronage.

Secondly, the benefits of a developed system of denunciations are obvious to bosses. According to Olga Kosets, the owner of Sofiano LLC, with all the richness of the choice of other alternatives for informing the authorities, they have not yet been invented.

“I don’t know a single company where, over time, they didn’t grow and nurture their own informer. And he, dear, not being afraid of a whip, will always find an opportunity to whisper the pure truth from the best of reasons. Probably, in women's groups, the scammer lives more freely and more conveniently, but among men it is customary to share big and small secrets with the leadership, ”the expert comments.

Aleksey Fedulov, Senior Consultant at Wyser (Gi Group international human resources holding), confirms that scammers are everywhere, but snitching is not welcomed either in the state or in the commercial structure, because it brings discord into the team and reduces the productivity of all employees without exception.

“In Russia, snitching is a negative trait. However, in the West, this is considered healthy careerism and allows you to get Better conditions and opportunities, even at the cost of harm to another,” notes Alexey Fedulov.

Squealing for good

In most cases, surveillance of employees with a subsequent report in the manager's office is an unseemly occupation. However, there are situations when such actions are included in professional competence.

“Our company, which specializes in auditing telephone conversations of sales managers, sometimes has to do something like snitching. We listen to calls from sales departments, find errors and report them to company executives. Such “squealing” definitely helps the business to develop and correct incorrect algorithms in negotiations,” says Pyotr Litvin, founder of X-Call. – There are situations when our actions are perceived negatively by employees. For example, at the diagnostic stage, on behalf of the owner, we communicate with managers, find out problems in the unit. Sometimes you have to make not the best conclusions about the work of managers and report them to the director. But we are pursuing the main goal of the owner - to earn more money.

Where does the wind blow from?

When it comes to traditional corporate denunciations from overly enterprising employees, it is important to understand their true purpose. What does the informant want to achieve: to annoy colleagues or to restore justice? In the first case, we are dealing with an employee whose actions are negative. In the second - with a person who puts the interests of the company in the first place. Finding an informant is not difficult if you know his intentions.

“For me, a whistleblower is a certain psychological pattern of a person, considering which one can accurately exclude those who do not fall into the “risk group” and discover the personalities that are most interesting to us in this context. Motivation, values ​​and emotions set the vector of human behavior and actions, and this is reflected in it, as in a mirror. By body language, verbal behavior and other psychodiagnostic components, I determine those whose communication and survival mechanisms correspond to the given parameters. All this is also supported by the “criminal profile” of a person, which is assessed as part of a general psychodiagnostics. At the final stage, Mr. X will be ready to discover himself,” Liana Bahova, profiler, specialist in operational psychodiagnostics, image expert, consultant on personal and corporate image, shares her experience.

Aleksey Fedulov is sure that an employee ignorant of the intricacies of psychology until the last moment cannot understand who “surrendered” him, because sneaks are skillfully “encrypted”.

“Suspicions tend to fall only on a very limited number of people. Most effective method checks - to catch on the "live bait". That is, you need to report in a narrow circle of colleagues supposedly important information and see how quickly it reaches the head. It is only possible to accurately calculate the sneak, paying attention to the behavior of the “suspects”, for example, those who often go to the boss’s office with or without reason,” the expert advises.

Down with gossip and slander!

It is very important that the desire of some corporate activists to open the eyes of the manager to what is happening in the company does not cross the boundaries of reason. Otherwise, scandals that will negatively affect business cannot be avoided.

Olga Kosets found a way out of a delicate situation. She advises offering employee-sneakers the appropriate professional functionality.

“In my clothing factory, secrets are regularly told to me: who, what, to whom and how much. It is clear that one should not follow the scammer's lead and take all the information at face value. But I must admit that informers bring a lot of valuable information. The main thing is to use them correctly. For example, somehow one particularly nosy and talkative seamstress had to be promoted to the position of foreman. A small allowance turned out to be justified - the new foreman practically had no time to spy and eavesdrop, basically he had to follow the general order and eliminate local excesses.

To structure the flow of denunciations, a wise leader asks employees to formulate the essence of the situation in writing. This method helps to weed out gossip and increase the responsibility of employees for the information they provide.

“I always advise everyone to use squealing talents for peaceful purposes. Yes, many leaders are trying to publicly remove the informer from the healthy body of the team, which, in my opinion, is unreasonable and unprincipled. Any suppression of such initiatives will simply reshape the flows - they will report not to you, but to your deputy, who will begin to use the information at his own discretion. The business owner must be the most informed, that is, warned and, accordingly, armed, ”comments Olga Kosets.

A control system will help reduce the desire of colleagues to “knock” on each other: from video surveillance to listening to corporate calls. This opinion is shared by Peter Litvin.

“There is no need to denounce colleagues to a leader who already knows everything. And no one will discuss what they would not personally tell the boss, because everyone understands that with the help of the control system, he will find out everything anyway, - Petr Lytvyn notes. - In addition, informing is not a very far-sighted strategy: the leader will not be able to take action without discovering the source of information, if he wants to punish the perpetrators, he will have to extradite the “informer”.

In conclusion, we add that each leader and his subordinates have their own corporate principles, but this does not negate the uniform moral norms and rules of behavior in society. Treat your colleagues with respect, don't criticize your boss behind his back, and don't seek to curry favor at any cost - perhaps these are the main recommendations for those who want to stay away from gossip and denunciations.

If you have not yet encountered such a phenomenon as snitching at work, then you will inevitably get acquainted with this type of struggle for a “place in the sun”. The phenomenon is not uncommon and unpleasant for the entire team, because it introduces a shade of nervousness both into production and personal relations of employees. And if you yourself have become a victim of such an earpiece, it would be very nice to know how to prevent it from ruining your reputation in the eyes of your superiors and the team, how to punish a snitch at work so that no one else would be disinclined to engage in this type of "solo work".

So, how to punish a snitch at work

Calculate the informer it is possible by external signs: he likes to be the initiator of the conversation, but he never expresses a clear opinion on the issue under discussion. He speaks in general phrases, in the third person (“there is an opinion that ...”, “they say that ...”). He is pleasant in communication, sociable, always in the center of events. If someone's bones are washed or a conflict is planned somewhere, he is right there. He has no time to work - he is at his post.

About the good: if they knock on you, it means that in the eyes of the authorities you are something of yourself, otherwise why would the "woodpecker" try to denigrate you? Since a snitch denounces you, it means that the very fact of your existence stung him, and this is already the beginning of a successful career. And although this is little consolation in a situation where, thanks to a “well-wisher,” you are under the close attention of management, you can even benefit from this: work with a twinkle, and the authorities will have to notice it. And even then your boss himself will think about how to punish the informer who misled him about you.

Some think that by offering their friendship to an informer, they will protect themselves from the results of his activities. Alas! Born to report makes no exceptions for anyone. He will regard your friendship as a chance to get to know you better in order to tell more about you. And it is useless to appeal to his conscience: he will not understand you, he does not consider informing something shameful. If you don't want your boss to gossip about you, don't say too much about yourself . Do not feed the curiosity of your employees, do not give food for conjecture and fiction to the informant.

Provide information in a dosed and beneficial way. Tell, for example, that in your free time you study a foreign language, that you read special literature in order to improve your professional level. Hint in between that you have strong patrons, this will add points to you in the eyes of the boss. But do not overdo it: the boss may ask you to solve a serious problem through your connections, and you may not be able to help him.

Thinking through the moves, like in chess, you can put the informer in a puddle. Drain , for example, in a general conversation in the presence of a "woodpecker" some misinformation , with which he immediately runs to the authorities. When it turns out that there was a "misinformation", the anger of the authorities will fall on the head of the informer. A couple more such punctures, and the reputation of the informer in the eyes of the chief will perish forever.

If the informer does not hide his vile essence and runs into the manager’s office without embarrassing anyone, the method of dealing with him should be just as frank: ignore the "woodpecker" at all levels, except for production. Don't talk to him, don't make any requests, don't answer his questions, look through him. No one can endure such an attitude for long. Usually, six months are enough to bring the informer to dismissal.

In fact, only the boss can be guaranteed to eliminate the "woodpecker". He just needs to stop encouraging whistleblowing and punish the snitch. But there are few such principled leaders, most of them, although they do not like “masters of artistic knocking,” want to know what is happening in the team behind their backs, and secretly encourage this type of office art. It is difficult for an ordinary employee to deal with an informer, but you can try to deprive him of reasons for creativity: do not be late, do not skip, do not hang out on social networks during working hours. In short, observe labor discipline, and the “office orderly” will simply have nothing to impute to you.

In each team there is a character who conveys to the management all the nuances of the life of colleagues. In some communities, informers are dealt with simply - boycott, "dark" or worse. But is it right? Cosmo asked Yuri Virovets, President of HeadHunter, to comment on several stories of whistleblowers.

Sasha suddenly appeared in our small editorial office. By lunchtime, he managed to joke twice about his knee-like hairstyle, thus joining the team. When he criticized the leadership the next day, we were convinced that he could be trusted. Such conversations with a discussion of what the boss came in and whether the boss was sleeping with Masha became the norm. Somehow the boss called me to her and scolded me - they say, it is not good to envy other people's earnings. A couple of days later, the layout designer was explained that discussing the personal life of the management is dangerous for a career. At the planning meeting, they made a remark to everyone and said that we are better at boltology than the main professions. After heated discussions, we decided that there was a wiretap in the office. I was already in the process of transferring to another company, and then a colleague entered the office of the boss just at the moment when Sasha was pouring out new details of our conversations, adding a little gag.

Expert comment

The most effective way to fight is to keep your mouth shut in the presence of this person. Alternatively, you can leak the necessary information to him, turning from the suffering side into the active one and trying to control the authorities. But it is dangerous to play these games, an experienced boss immediately recognizes primitive manipulation. Therefore, it is better not to talk too much. For many, this is already a feat.

Leonid , the undersigned

The owners of the casino, where my friend Leonid worked, screwed an offer box to the wall, which they immediately dubbed the “knocker”. For a month, almost every employee contributed their figurative five kopecks there. They complained about trifles and anonymously, but a month later a worthwhile message was finally fished out of the box. Leonid matured for a serious step, who told how one senior manager comes to work drunk, the second meets with a croupier girl, which is forbidden, and the guards, instead of watching surveillance cameras, walk along the corridor. In general, Leonid remembered all the sins of those around him and did not forget ... to subscribe. Apparently, a song has firmly stuck in his memory, in which there are lines: “I am not a closet and not a museum - to keep secrets from friends.” So the culprit of the showered fines and the cancellation of the New Year's corporate party became known to all honest people. The result is salt in the tea, the light in the toilet turned off, the sleeves painted with a pen and a complete boycott from the whole team. “And you didn’t have to sign up!” - one of the croupiers answered for everyone, once again sewing up Leonid's leg before the change.

Expert comment

In such a situation, the only way out is to quit. Moreover, it is desirable to change the field of activity. If Leonid goes to work in another casino, then the rumor about his "features" will quickly reach there. And everything will start all over again.

Zhenya just a secretary

About a month after her arrival, a colleague told the secretary Zhenya in the smoking room that there was a scammer named Sergey in the team. Once she came to work a little out of shape and, over morning coffee, told how friends had come to her the day before. The chief arrived, and Sergey immediately ran to him “with a report”. When Zhenya brought tea to the chief, he immediately took the bull by the horns: “Well, tell me how you rested with your friends yesterday.” - “And where did you get the idea that I was with friends yesterday? Zhenya was not taken aback. “I didn’t tell you anything…” The chief was embarrassed and kept silent. After some time, one of the employees suddenly announced that they had a snitch in their team. If someone does not know, then this is ... Zhenya. Moreover, Sergey, already familiar to us, gave her such an idea, applying impeccable logic: “Who we most often communicate with the boss? Right! Secretary." Zhenya did not prove who was the true informer in their team - she quit.

Expert comment

Professional prospects in an organization where the boss allows himself such things are doubtful for a young employee. Career growth involves periodic transitions from one company to another, but what can an employee of an organization built on intrigue and intrigue offer a new employer? This is a direct path to professional degradation. So Zhenya did the right thing.

Olya , a victim of pedagogy

Olya worked as a teacher in a small school. Long corridors did not allow to hide from the director's all-seeing eye. And if you caught the eye, then they will invite you to the office. The conversation algorithm was as follows: the conversation began with work matters, then unobtrusively moved on to discussing more intimate issues: how is your mother’s health, and who is the young man who picked you up from work yesterday, etc. During one such heart-to-heart conversation, she told Olya : "Since we're talking about Masha ... She doesn't like that I sent you to the conference, and not her." In response, she demanded the same frankness. Olya tried her best not to react in any way and, throwing “Okay, I’ll take it into account”, retreated from the office. But over time, she began to notice that the attitude of other teachers towards her was changing. There were no open conflicts and scandals at school, but the atmosphere became tense, and it is much easier to manage people. This is what the sociable headmistress used.

Expert comment

In this situation, Olya would have to try to laugh it off, and then, if uncomfortable questions continue, clearly define the boundaries. True, you need to be prepared for an inadequate reaction from the director, who may dislike the employee. In a bad scenario, this can even lead to dismissal. To prevent this from happening, it is worth finding like-minded people and speaking out against it openly.

Of course, it is impossible to completely protect yourself from informers. If a person wants to denounce you, he will go and denounce. Even the habit of keeping your mouth shut will not save you from ill-wishers - if you do not talk too much, they will come up with something for you. When you're alone with an angry boss who scolds you for something inside the office, don't admit to anything! Little did they say about you. Once you confess, the boss will be sure that all the slander against you is true. It is best to muster up the courage and directly ask where the boss got such information.

Another ethical question. Is it possible to be frank with the boss? No one but you will answer it. However, even when you decide to tell your boss about something confidential, ask yourself what drives you. If a banal desire to take revenge on a harmful colleague, it is better to refrain. But if you see that the actions of the object of your denunciation cause serious harm to the company, then you can act. But it's still best to do it out in the open. C

From the fields comes


Whistleblowing is not regulated by the Labor Code, but something can still be done. If an employee finds out that he was slandered, he can file a lawsuit for the protection of honor, dignity and business reputation, demanding a refutation and compensation for moral damage from the offender. If colleagues do not distribute information in particularly large batches, you can send a memo to the person who was told too much and put a mark on its acceptance on your copy (for example, from the secretary). It should describe the situation, specific facts, you can ask for an internal investigation. His materials can later become evidence in court - they, evidence, in any case, should be stocked up in advance.

Chef's help

ANNA SKUPCHENKO, director of a chain of grocery stores:“Denunciations and gossip help. I don’t run to deal with the one who was complained about, but I look at him. And if the situation repeats, I know who might be to blame.”

DENIS POLOVINKIN, General Director of the entertainment complex:“I don’t welcome squealing, but I don’t forbid it either. If they value me as a leader, they will come and tell them themselves.”

TATYANA MOCHALOVA, project manager of the media holding:“Recently, I was informed that one of the employees is using social networks and playing games. I made a work plan for him and began to control. In case of failure, the system administrator will disable access to resources.

Natalia Zhilyakova