Divination by the lunar calendar. Lunar days and divination Lunar days interactive divination

Study the lunar divination calendar if you want to do divination and divination. It will help you choose favorable days and learn about periods when you can’t lay out cards.

  • Not all ladies know that there are certain days for fortune telling.
  • Finding out when you can tell fortunes, and when not, will not be a problem. The lunar calendar contains information about favorable and bad days for predictions.
  • IN New moon usually they do not guess, since during this period the predictions will be false.
  • The moon was worshiped by our ancestors. They knew about the influence of this planet on the living beings of the Earth.
  • Modern astrologers continue to study the impact of the white magic planet on everything earthly. Many people follow their advice: some plant plants in the garden according to the lunar table, others cut their hair or move to a new place of residence, and still others guess on favorable days according to the moon.
  • To believe or not to believe is a personal matter for each person. But millions of people have already appreciated the help of the lunar calendar in various life affairs.

Lunar divination calendar for January 2020: auspicious days

All girls love to guess, getting together with their friends. Many tell fortunes alone, but everyone is interested in learning about the betrothed or getting some information from the future. January is the most active month for various fortune-telling. And it is better if your fortune-telling day coincides with an auspicious day in the lunar calendar.

January 2020 dates Divination
January 1st
7 lunar day - the moon is growing
January 2
8 lunar day - the moon is growing
January 3
9 lunar day - the moon is growing
4 January
10 lunar day - the moon is growing
5 January
11 lunar day - the moon is growing
January 6
12 lunar day - the moon is growing
January 7
13 lunar day - the moon is growing
January 8
14 lunar day - the moon is growing
January 9
15 lunar day - the moon is growing
January 10
16 lunar days.
Full moon.
Moon eclipse.
January 11

January 12

13th of January

January 14

January 15

January 16

January 17

Bad day for divination.
January 18

January 19

January 20th

Divination is not recommended.
January 21
January 22
January 23
January 24
30 lunar day - the moon is waning
The right time for a prediction. The true result will be if you guess on vegetables and fruits.
The 25th of January
1 lunar day - New Moon
January 26
2 lunar day - the moon is growing
January 27
3 lunar day - the moon is growing
Bad time for divination.
28 January
4 lunar day - the moon is growing
January 29
5 lunar day - the moon is growing
January 30
6 lunar day - the moon is growing
January 31

Lunar divination calendar for February 2020: auspicious days

There are days in which it is better to avoid any fuss, questions about fate, tension. These days you should not engage in predictions. Relax or just relax on the couch. Such periods are indicated in the lunar table as not recommended for divination.

Lunar divination calendar for February 2020 - auspicious days:

February 2020 datesordinal number of the lunar day, lunar phase Divination
1st of February 8 lunar day - the moon is growing
The day is neither good nor bad for divination. There is no guarantee for a quality result.
February 2 9 lunar day - the moon is growing
Bad day for divination. You can guess something bad, which then turns out to be false.
February 3rd 10 lunar day - the moon is growing
Auspicious day for divination. The best result will be fortune-telling related to the needs of the family, such as a major purchase, moving, and other family interests.
February 4 11 lunar day - the moon is growing
Auspicious day for divination on fire. Fortune telling by candlelight will give the best result. Prepare a variety of questions.
February 5th 12 lunar day - the moon is growing
The day is not very favorable for divination. But there is one feature. If an urgent prediction is required, and the question is clearly and specifically, then guess.
February 6 13 lunar day - the moon is growing
Bad day for divination. The result will be false.
February 7 14 lunar day - the moon is growing
Bad day for divination. You can predict something bad and believe in it, and then it will come true. If you do not know about the bad, it will not manifest itself in your life.
February 8 15 lunar day - the moon is growing
Auspicious day for divination. Fortune telling on cards, runes will give the best result. Questions can be very different.
February 9th 16 lunar days. Full moon.

February 10 17 lunar day - the moon is waning
An auspicious day for divination only for mutual love, for a soul mate. On other topics it is better not to guess.
11 February 18 lunar day - the moon is waning
A good day for fortune-telling, except for fortune-telling associated with a reflective surface - mirrors, water, crystals.
12th of February 19 lunar day - the moon is waning
A very bad day for divination.
February 13 20 lunar day - the moon is waning
Fortune telling is allowed, but it will turn out more truthful if you guess for a short time associated with colleagues and work.
The 14th of February 21 lunar days - the moon is waning
A good day for fortune-telling, but you can’t guess for money. This will adversely affect them.
February, 15 22 lunar day - the moon is waning
Auspicious day for divination. Guessing for luck, money, wealth is welcome.
February 16 23 lunar day - the moon is waning
Bad day for divination.
February 17 24 lunar day - the moon is waning
It is favorable to guess by candlelight, with the help of fire. And themes to use the most large-scale, serious. You can guess at major events in life (building a house, buying a car, position, marriage).
February 18 25 lunar day - the moon is waning
Auspicious day for divination. Fortune telling on water, shells or stones will give the best result.
February 19 26 lunar day - the moon is waning
Divination is not recommended.
February 20th 27 lunar day - the moon is waning Auspicious day for divination. Fortune telling on milk, water will give the best result. Any questions can be asked.
February 21 28 lunar day - the moon is waning Auspicious day for divination. The best result will give a fortune-telling associated with the road, the trip.
February 22 29 lunar day - the moon is waning The most unsuitable day for divination. The negative impact of the new moon (dark moon) and the eclipse is already affecting. You can predict problems and troubles.
February 23 30 lunar day - New moon The day is completely unsuitable for divination because of the invisible moon.
24 February 1 lunar day The moon is rising
25 February 2 lunar day - the moon is growing Fortune telling is allowed, but it will turn out more truthful if you guess for a short time, up to about 1 month.
February 26 3 lunar day - the moon is growing Bad time for divination.
February 27 4 lunar day - the moon is growing Good time for predictions. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out at the moment, and the answer to the questions asked should be “Yes” or “No”.
28th of February 5 lunar day - the moon is growing Good time for guessing. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out for the distant future, the distant future.
February 29 6 lunar day - the moon is growing Good time for predictions. Guessing on all sorts of topics will be successful. Predictions will be the most real, because on these lunar days the ability of foresight is increased.

Lunar divination calendar for March 2020: auspicious days

There are days on the Moon that are saturated with information. During this period, the predictions will be accurate and undistorted. Such days are indicated in the lunar table as favorable, and are recorded in the column "guessing is allowed." Listen to your feelings. If you're not in the mood to guess even on a good day, don't do it. Postpone the process until a positive attitude emerges.

Lunar divination calendar for March 2020 - auspicious days: table

March 2020 dates,ordinal number of the lunar day, lunar phase Divination
March 1 7 lunar day - the moon is growing
The day is good for divination. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out to be related to relationships.
2nd of March 8 lunar day - the moon is growing
The day is neither good nor bad for divination. There is no guarantee for a quality result.
March, 3rd 9 lunar day - the moon is growing
Bad day for divination. You can guess something bad, which then turns out to be false.
March 4 10 lunar day - the moon is growing
Auspicious day for divination. The best result will be fortune-telling related to the needs of the family, such as a major purchase, moving, and other family interests.
5th of March 11 lunar day - the moon is growing
Auspicious day for divination on fire. Fortune telling by candlelight will give the best result. Prepare a variety of questions.
March, 6 12 lunar day - the moon is growing
The day is not very favorable for divination. But there is one feature. If an urgent prediction is required, and the question is clearly and specifically, then guess.
March 7 13 lunar day - the moon is growing
Bad day for divination. The result will be false.
March 8 14 lunar day - the moon is growing
Bad day for divination. You can predict something bad and believe in it, and then it will come true. If you do not know about the bad, it will not manifest itself in your life.
9th of March 15 lunar day - Full moon.
Auspicious day for divination. Fortune telling on cards, runes will give the best result. Questions can be very different.
10th of March

The most positive day for predictions on a variety of topics - money, betrothed, career.
March 11th 17 lunar day - the moon is waning
An auspicious day for divination only for mutual love, for a soul mate. On other topics it is better not to guess.
March 12 18 lunar day - the moon is waning
A good day for fortune-telling, except for fortune-telling associated with a reflective surface - mirrors, water, crystals.
March 13 19 lunar day - the moon is waning
A very bad day for divination.
March 14th 20 lunar day - the moon is waning
Fortune telling is allowed, but it will turn out more truthful if you guess for a short time associated with colleagues and work.
March 15th 21 lunar days - the moon is waning
A good day for fortune-telling, but you can’t guess for money. This will adversely affect them.
March 16 22 lunar day - the moon is waning
Auspicious day for divination. Guessing for luck, money, wealth is welcome.
March 17 23 lunar day - the moon is waning
Bad day for divination.
March 18 24 lunar day - the moon is waning
It is favorable to guess by candlelight, with the help of fire. And themes to use the most large-scale, serious. You can guess at major events in life (building a house, buying a car, position, marriage).
March 19 25 lunar day - the moon is waning
Auspicious day for divination. Fortune telling on water, shells or stones will give the best result.
20th of March 26 lunar day - the moon is waning
Divination is not recommended.
March 21 27 lunar day - the moon is waning Auspicious day for divination. Fortune telling on milk, water will give the best result. Any questions can be asked.
March 22 28 lunar day - the moon is waning Auspicious day for divination. The best result will give a fortune-telling associated with the road, the trip.
March 23 29 lunar day - the moon is waning The most unsuitable day for divination. The negative impact of the new moon (dark moon) and the eclipse is already affecting. You can predict problems and troubles.
March 24 30 lunar day - New moon The day is completely unsuitable for divination because of the invisible moon.
March 25 1 lunar day The moon is rising Predictions on the first day of the lunar cycle are not recommended. "Dark Moon" still has power, covering the truth. It is advisable today to dream about a good result of future fortune-telling, make plans for a happy outcome of what you want, prepare a topic and what you would like to ask for future fortune-telling.
26 March 2 lunar day - the moon is growing Fortune telling is allowed, but it will turn out more truthful if you guess for a short time, up to about 1 month.
March 27 3 lunar day - the moon is growing Bad time for divination.
March 28 4 lunar day - the moon is growing Good time for predictions. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out at the moment, and the answer to the questions asked should be “Yes” or “No”.
March 29 5 lunar day - the moon is growing Good time for guessing. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out for the distant future, the distant future.
March 30 6 lunar day - the moon is growing Good time for predictions. Guessing on all sorts of topics will be successful. Predictions will be the most real, because on these lunar days the ability of foresight is increased.
March 31 7 lunar day - the moon is growing Good time for predictions. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out to be related to relationships.

Lunar divination calendar for April 2020: auspicious days

Remember that divination is just a ritual, a prediction. You don't have to take what you see seriously. If the prediction turned out to be bad, do not be discouraged. After all, a person is the master of his own destiny and can change everything for the better. Try to direct the situation in the opposite direction so that only positive things are present in your life.

Lunar divination calendar for April 2020 - auspicious days: table

April 2020 dates,ordinal number of the lunar day, lunar phase Divination
April 1 8 lunar day - the moon is growing
The day is neither good nor bad for divination. There is no guarantee for a quality result.
April 2 9 lunar day - the moon is growing
Bad day for divination. You can guess something bad, which then turns out to be false.
April 3 10 lunar day - the moon is growing
Auspicious day for divination. The best result will be fortune-telling related to the needs of the family, such as a major purchase, moving, and other family interests.
April, 4 11 lunar day - the moon is growing
Auspicious day for divination on fire. Fortune telling by candlelight will give the best result. Prepare a variety of questions.
April 5 12 lunar day - the moon is growing
The day is not very favorable for divination. But there is one feature. If an urgent prediction is required, and the question is clearly and specifically, then guess.
April 6 13 lunar day - the moon is growing
Bad day for divination. The result will be false.
April 7 14 lunar day - the moon is growing
Bad day for divination. You can predict something bad and believe in it, and then it will come true. If you do not know about the bad, it will not manifest itself in your life.
April 8 15 lunar day - Full moon.
Auspicious day for divination. Fortune telling on cards, runes will give the best result. Questions can be very different.
April 9 16 lunar day - the moon is waning
The most positive day for predictions on a variety of topics - money, betrothed, career.
April 10th 17 lunar day - the moon is waning
An auspicious day for divination only for mutual love, for a soul mate. On other topics it is better not to guess.
April 11 18 lunar day - the moon is waning
A good day for fortune-telling, except for fortune-telling associated with a reflective surface - mirrors, water, crystals.
April 12th 19 lunar day - the moon is waning
A very bad day for divination.
April 13 20 lunar day - the moon is waning
Fortune telling is allowed, but it will turn out more truthful if you guess for a short time associated with colleagues and work.
14th of April 21 lunar days - the moon is waning
A good day for fortune-telling, but you can’t guess for money. This will adversely affect them.
April 15 22 lunar day - the moon is waning
Auspicious day for divination. Guessing for luck, money, wealth is welcome.
April 16 23 lunar day - the moon is waning
Bad day for divination.
April 17 24 lunar day - the moon is waning
It is favorable to guess by candlelight, with the help of fire. And themes to use the most large-scale, serious. You can guess at major events in life (building a house, buying a car, position, marriage).
April 18th 25 lunar day - the moon is waning
Auspicious day for divination. Fortune telling on water, shells or stones will give the best result.
April 19 26 lunar day - the moon is waning
Divination is not recommended.
20 April 27 lunar day - the moon is waning Auspicious day for divination. Fortune telling on milk, water will give the best result. Any questions can be asked.
April 21 28 lunar day - the moon is waning Auspicious day for divination. The best result will give a fortune-telling associated with the road, the trip.
April 22 29 lunar day - the moon is waning The most unsuitable day for divination. The negative impact of the new moon (dark moon) and the eclipse is already affecting. You can predict problems and troubles.
April 23 1 lunar day - New Moon The day is completely unsuitable for divination because of the invisible moon.
April 24 2 lunar day - the moon is growing Fortune telling is allowed, but it will turn out more truthful if you guess for a short time, up to about 1 month.
25th of April 3 lunar day - the moon is growing Bad time for divination.
26 April 4 lunar day - the moon is growing Good time for predictions. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out at the moment, and the answer to the questions asked should be “Yes” or “No”.
April 27 5 lunar day - the moon is growing Good time for guessing. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out for the distant future, the distant future.
April 28 6 lunar day - the moon is growing Good time for predictions. Guessing on all sorts of topics will be successful. Predictions will be the most real, because on these lunar days the ability of foresight is increased.
April 29 7 lunar day - the moon is growing Good time for predictions. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out to be related to relationships.
April 30

Lunar divination calendar for May 2020: auspicious days

Fortune telling is best done on the Full Moon, since it is on this day that the Moon has magical powers. Her energy during this period is “alive” and helps in carrying out many rituals. Such a day is designated in the lunar calendar as auspicious.

Lunar divination calendar for May 2020 - auspicious days:

May 2020 dates,ordinal number of the lunar day, lunar phase Divination
1st of May 9 lunar day - the moon is growing
Bad day for divination. You can guess something bad, which then turns out to be false.
May 2 10 lunar day - the moon is growing
Auspicious day for divination. The best result will be fortune-telling related to the needs of the family, such as a major purchase, moving, and other family interests.
May 3 11 lunar day - the moon is growing
Auspicious day for divination on fire. Fortune telling by candlelight will give the best result. Prepare a variety of questions.
May 4th 12 lunar day - the moon is growing
The day is not very favorable for divination. But there is one feature. If an urgent prediction is required, and the question is clearly and specifically, then guess.
5 May 13 lunar day - the moon is growing
Bad day for divination. The result will be false.
the 6th of May 14 lunar day - the moon is growing
Bad day for divination. You can predict something bad and believe in it, and then it will come true. If you do not know about the bad, it will not manifest itself in your life.
May 7 15 lunar day - Full moon.
Auspicious day for divination. Fortune telling on cards, runes will give the best result. Questions can be very different.
May 8 16 lunar day - the moon is waning
The most positive day for predictions on a variety of topics - money, betrothed, career.
May 9 17 lunar day - the moon is waning
An auspicious day for divination only for mutual love, for a soul mate. On other topics it is better not to guess.
May 10 18 lunar day - the moon is waning
A good day for fortune-telling, except for fortune-telling associated with a reflective surface - mirrors, water, crystals.
May 11 19 lunar day - the moon is waning
A very bad day for divination.
12 May 20 lunar day - the moon is waning
Fortune telling is allowed, but it will turn out more truthful if you guess for a short time associated with colleagues and work.
may 13 21 lunar days - the moon is waning
A good day for fortune-telling, but you can’t guess for money. This will adversely affect them.
May 14 22 lunar day - the moon is waning
Auspicious day for divination. Guessing for luck, money, wealth is welcome.
May 15 23 lunar day - the moon is waning
Bad day for divination.
16th of May 24 lunar day - the moon is waning
It is favorable to guess by candlelight, with the help of fire. And themes to use the most large-scale, serious. You can guess at major events in life (building a house, buying a car, position, marriage).
May 17 25 lunar day - the moon is waning
Auspicious day for divination. Fortune telling on water, shells or stones will give the best result.
May 18 26 lunar day - the moon is waning
Divination is not recommended.
May 19 27 lunar day - the moon is waning Auspicious day for divination. Fortune telling on milk, water will give the best result. Any questions can be asked.
May 20 28 lunar day - the moon is waning Auspicious day for divination. The best result will give a fortune-telling associated with the road, the trip.
May 21st 29 lunar day - the moon is waning The most unsuitable day for divination. The negative impact of the new moon (dark moon) and the eclipse is already affecting. You can predict problems and troubles.
22nd of May 30 lunar day - New moon The day is completely unsuitable for divination because of the invisible moon.
May, 23rd 1 lunar day The moon is rising Predictions on the first day of the lunar cycle are not recommended. "Dark Moon" still has power, covering the truth. It is advisable today to dream about a good result of future fortune-telling, make plans for a happy outcome of what you want, prepare a topic and what you would like to ask for future fortune-telling.
May 24 2 lunar day - the moon is growing Fortune telling is allowed, but it will turn out more truthful if you guess for a short time, up to about 1 month.
May 25 3 lunar day - the moon is growing Bad time for divination.
26 of May 4 lunar day - the moon is growing Good time for predictions. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out at the moment, and the answer to the questions asked should be “Yes” or “No”.
May 27 5 lunar day - the moon is growing Good time for guessing. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out for the distant future, the distant future.
May 28 6 lunar day - the moon is growing Good time for predictions. Guessing on all sorts of topics will be successful. Predictions will be the most real, because on these lunar days the ability of foresight is increased.
May 29 7 lunar day - the moon is growing Good time for predictions. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out to be related to relationships.
May 30 8 lunar day - the moon is growing Neither a good nor a bad time for divination. There is no guarantee for a quality result.
May 31 9 lunar day - the moon is growing

Lunar divination calendar for June 2020: auspicious days

Make a good forecast for the future with the help of fortune telling. Sit down at a table with cards or other items for predictions only in a good mood. Nothing should distract you. Put candles, quantity does not matter. The main thing is that it should be light, but this light should not interfere.

Lunar divination calendar for June 2020 - auspicious days:

June 2020 dates,ordinal number of the lunar day, lunar phase Divination
June 1st 10 lunar day - the moon is growing
Auspicious day for divination. The best result will be fortune-telling related to the needs of the family, such as a major purchase, moving, and other family interests.
2 June 11 lunar day - the moon is growing
Auspicious day for divination on fire. Fortune telling by candlelight will give the best result. Prepare a variety of questions.
June 3 12 lunar day - the moon is growing
The day is not very favorable for divination. But there is one feature. If an urgent prediction is required, and the question is clearly and specifically, then guess.
June 4 13 lunar day - the moon is growing
Bad day for divination. The result will be false.
June 5 14 lunar day - Full moon, lunar eclipse.
Bad day for divination due to a lunar eclipse. Fake result.
June 6
Auspicious day for divination. Fortune telling on cards, runes will give the best result. Questions can be very different.
June 7 16 lunar day - the moon is waning
The most positive day for predictions on a variety of topics - money, betrothed, career.
June 8 17 lunar day - the moon is waning
An auspicious day for divination only for mutual love, for a soul mate. On other topics it is better not to guess.
the 9th of June 18 lunar day - the moon is waning
A good day for fortune-telling, except for fortune-telling associated with a reflective surface - mirrors, water, crystals.
June 10th 19 lunar day - the moon is waning
A very bad day for divination.
June 11th 20 lunar day - the moon is waning
Fortune telling is allowed, but it will turn out more truthful if you guess for a short time associated with colleagues and work.
12 June 21 lunar days - the moon is waning
A good day for fortune-telling, but you can’t guess for money. This will adversely affect them.
June 13 22 lunar day - the moon is waning
Auspicious day for divination. Guessing for luck, money, wealth is welcome.
June 14 23 lunar day - the moon is waning
Bad day for divination.
June 15 24 lunar day - the moon is waning
It is favorable to guess by candlelight, with the help of fire. And themes to use the most large-scale, serious. You can guess at major events in life (building a house, buying a car, position, marriage).
June 16 25 lunar day - the moon is waning
Auspicious day for divination. Fortune telling on water, shells or stones will give the best result.
June 17 26 lunar day - the moon is waning
Divination is not recommended.
June 18 27 lunar day - the moon is waning Auspicious day for divination. Fortune telling on milk, water will give the best result. Any questions can be asked.
June 19 28 lunar day - the moon is waning Auspicious day for divination. The best result will give a fortune-telling associated with the road, the trip.
June 20 29 lunar day - the moon is waning The most unsuitable day for divination. The negative impact of the new moon (dark moon) and the eclipse is already affecting. You can predict problems and troubles.
21st of June 30 lunar day -
22nd of June 1 lunar day The moon is rising Predictions on the first day of the lunar cycle are not recommended. "Dark Moon" still has power, covering the truth. It is advisable today to dream about a good result of future fortune-telling, make plans for a happy outcome of what you want, prepare a topic and what you would like to ask for future fortune-telling.
June 23 2 lunar day - the moon is growing Fortune telling is allowed, but it will turn out more truthful if you guess for a short time, up to about 1 month.
June 24 3 lunar day - the moon is growing Bad time for divination.
June 25 4 lunar day - the moon is growing Good time for predictions. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out at the moment, and the answer to the questions asked should be “Yes” or “No”.
June 26 5 lunar day - the moon is growing Good time for guessing. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out for the distant future, the distant future.
27th of June 6 lunar day - the moon is growing Good time for predictions. Guessing on all sorts of topics will be successful. Predictions will be the most real, because on these lunar days the ability of foresight is increased.
June 28 7 lunar day - the moon is growing Good time for predictions. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out to be related to relationships.
June 29 8 lunar day - the moon is growing Neither a good nor a bad time for divination. There is no guarantee for a quality result.
30 June 9 lunar day - the moon is growing Bad time for predictions. You can guess something bad, which then turns out to be false.

Lunar divination calendar for July 2020: auspicious days

Divination is an ancient occupation, and there is no such people in the world who would not know it. Each person wants to know the future or read the thoughts of another person - whether he thinks of me and whom he loves. We ask a variety of questions during divination, and get answers to them. To believe in it or not, each person decides for himself. The moon will help you find the right solution.

Lunar divination calendar for July 2020 - auspicious days: table

July 2020 dates,ordinal number of the lunar day, lunar phase Divination
July 1 10 lunar day - the moon is growing
Auspicious day for divination. The best result will be fortune-telling related to the needs of the family, such as a major purchase, moving, and other family interests.
July 2 11 lunar day - the moon is growing
Auspicious day for divination on fire. Fortune telling by candlelight will give the best result. Prepare a variety of questions.
3 July 12 lunar day - the moon is growing
The day is not very favorable for divination. But there is one feature. If an urgent prediction is required, and the question is clearly and specifically, then guess.
4th of July 13 lunar day - the moon is growing
Bad day for divination. The result will be false.
5'th of July 14 lunar day - Full moon, lunar eclipse.
Bad day for divination due to a lunar eclipse. Fake result.
July 6 15 lunar day - the moon is waning
Auspicious day for divination. Fortune telling on cards, runes will give the best result. Questions can be very different.
July 7 16 lunar day - the moon is waning
The most positive day for predictions on a variety of topics - money, betrothed, career.
July 8 17 lunar day - the moon is waning
An auspicious day for divination only for mutual love, for a soul mate. On other topics it is better not to guess.
July 9 18 lunar day - the moon is waning
A good day for fortune-telling, except for fortune-telling associated with a reflective surface - mirrors, water, crystals.
July 10 19 lunar day - the moon is waning
A very bad day for divination.
July 11 20 lunar day - the moon is waning
Fortune telling is allowed, but it will turn out more truthful if you guess for a short time associated with colleagues and work.
July, 12 21 lunar days - the moon is waning
A good day for fortune-telling, but you can’t guess for money. This will adversely affect them.
July 13 22 lunar day - the moon is waning
Auspicious day for divination. Guessing for luck, money, wealth is welcome.
the 14 th of July 23 lunar day - the moon is waning
Bad day for divination.
July 15 24 lunar day - the moon is waning
It is favorable to guess by candlelight, with the help of fire. And themes to use the most large-scale, serious. You can guess at major events in life (building a house, buying a car, position, marriage).
July 16 25 lunar day - the moon is waning
Auspicious day for divination. Fortune telling on water, shells or stones will give the best result.
July 17th 26 lunar day - the moon is waning
Divination is not recommended.
July 18 27 lunar day - the moon is waning Auspicious day for divination. Fortune telling on milk, water will give the best result. Any questions can be asked.
July 19 28 lunar day - the moon is waning Auspicious day for divination. The best result will give a fortune-telling associated with the road, the trip.
July 20 29 lunar day - New moon The day is completely unsuitable for divination because of the invisible moon and the solar eclipse.
21 July 1 lunar day The moon is rising Predictions on the first day of the lunar cycle are not recommended. "Dark Moon" still has power, covering the truth. It is advisable today to dream about a good result of future fortune-telling, make plans for a happy outcome of what you want, prepare a topic and what you would like to ask for future fortune-telling.
July 22 2 lunar day - the moon is growing Fortune telling is allowed, but it will turn out more truthful if you guess for a short time, up to about 1 month.
July 23 3 lunar day - the moon is growing Bad time for divination.
July 24 4 lunar day - the moon is growing Good time for predictions. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out at the moment, and the answer to the questions asked should be “Yes” or “No”.
July 25 5 lunar day - the moon is growing Good time for guessing. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out for the distant future, the distant future.
26 July 6 lunar day - the moon is growing Good time for predictions. Guessing on all sorts of topics will be successful. Predictions will be the most real, because on these lunar days the ability of foresight is increased.
July 27 7 lunar day - the moon is growing Good time for predictions. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out to be related to relationships.
July 28th 8 lunar day - the moon is growing Neither a good nor a bad time for divination. There is no guarantee for a quality result.
July 29 9 lunar day - the moon is growing Bad time for predictions. You can guess something bad, which then turns out to be false.
July 29 Auspicious day for divination. The best result will be fortune-telling related to the needs of the family, such as a major purchase, moving, and other family interests.
July 29 Auspicious day for divination on fire. Fortune telling by candlelight will give the best result. Prepare a variety of questions.

Lunar divination calendar for August 2020: auspicious days

The principle of predictions is always simple. An event that has not yet occurred is virtual. It is affected by the Cosmos and everything that surrounds us. The future depends on the actions we take in the present. But we don’t know which actions will have an impact, so we turn to predictions.

Lunar divination calendar for August 2020 - auspicious days:

August 2020 dates,ordinal number of the lunar day, lunar phase Divination
August 1 12 lunar day - the moon is growing
The day is not very favorable for divination. But there is one feature. If an urgent prediction is required, and the question is clearly and specifically, then guess.
August 2 13 lunar day - the moon is growing
Bad day for divination. The result will be false.
August 3rd 14 lunar day - Full moon
Bad day for divination. You can predict something bad and believe in it, and then it will come true. If you do not know about the bad, it will not manifest itself in your life.
August 4 15 lunar day - the moon is waning
Auspicious day for divination. Fortune telling on cards, runes will give the best result. Questions can be very different.
5th of August 16 lunar day - the moon is waning
The most positive day for predictions on a variety of topics - money, betrothed, career.
August 6 17 lunar day - the moon is waning
An auspicious day for divination only for mutual love, for a soul mate. On other topics it is better not to guess.
August 7 18 lunar day - the moon is waning
A good day for fortune-telling, except for fortune-telling associated with a reflective surface - mirrors, water, crystals.
8 August 19 lunar day - the moon is waning
A very bad day for divination.
August 9 20 lunar day - the moon is waning
Fortune telling is allowed, but it will turn out more truthful if you guess for a short time associated with colleagues and work.
August 10 21 lunar days - the moon is waning
A good day for fortune-telling, but you can’t guess for money. This will adversely affect them.
11th August 22 lunar day - the moon is waning
Auspicious day for divination. Guessing for luck, money, wealth is welcome.
12th of August 23 lunar day - the moon is waning
Bad day for divination.
August 13 24 lunar day - the moon is waning
It is favorable to guess by candlelight, with the help of fire. And themes to use the most large-scale, serious. You can guess at major events in life (building a house, buying a car, position, marriage).
August 14 25 lunar day - the moon is waning
Auspicious day for divination. Fortune telling on water, shells or stones will give the best result.
August 15 26 lunar day - the moon is waning
Divination is not recommended.
August 16 27 lunar day - the moon is waning Auspicious day for divination. Fortune telling on milk, water will give the best result. Any questions can be asked.
August 17 28 lunar day - the moon is waning Auspicious day for divination. The best result will give a fortune-telling associated with the road, the trip.
August 18 29 lunar day - the moon is waning
August 19 30 lunar day - New Moon The day is completely unsuitable for divination because of the invisible moon.
August 20 1 lunar day The moon is rising Predictions on the first day of the lunar cycle are not recommended. "Dark Moon" still has power, covering the truth. It is advisable today to dream about a good result of future fortune-telling, make plans for a happy outcome of what you want, prepare a topic and what you would like to ask for future fortune-telling.
August 21 2 lunar day - the moon is growing Fortune telling is allowed, but it will turn out more truthful if you guess for a short time, up to about 1 month.
August 22 3 lunar day - the moon is growing Bad time for divination.
August 23 4 lunar day - the moon is growing Good time for predictions. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out at the moment, and the answer to the questions asked should be “Yes” or “No”.
24 August 5 lunar day - the moon is growing Good time for guessing. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out for the distant future, the distant future.
25-th of August 6 lunar day - the moon is growing Good time for predictions. Guessing on all sorts of topics will be successful. Predictions will be the most real, because on these lunar days the ability of foresight is increased.
August, 26th 7 lunar day - the moon is growing Good time for predictions. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out to be related to relationships.
August 27 8 lunar day - the moon is growing Neither a good nor a bad time for divination. There is no guarantee for a quality result.
August 28 9 lunar day - the moon is growing Bad time for predictions. You can guess something bad, which then turns out to be false.
August 29 10 lunar day - the moon is growing Auspicious day for divination. The best result will be fortune-telling related to the needs of the family, such as a major purchase, moving, and other family interests.
August 30 11 lunar day - the moon is growing Auspicious day for divination on fire. Fortune telling by candlelight will give the best result. Prepare a variety of questions.
August 31 12 lunar day - The moon is rising The day is not very favorable for divination. But there is one feature. If an urgent prediction is required, and the question is clearly and specifically, then guess.

Divination lunar calendar for September 2020: auspicious days

Everyone chooses their own way of predictions. One person has a good visual perception of everything that happens, and he easily reads information from complex patterns. Another simply translates these symbols or patterns, and the third tells the pictures that are generated in his head in the form of a chain.

Divination lunar calendar for September 2020 - auspicious days: table

September 2020 dates,ordinal number of the lunar day, lunar phase Divination
September 1 13 lunar day - the moon is growing
Bad day for divination. The result will be false.
September 2 14 lunar day - Full moon
Bad day for divination. You can predict something bad and believe in it, and then it will come true. If you do not know about the bad, it will not manifest itself in your life.
September 3 15 lunar day - the moon is waning
Auspicious day for divination. Fortune telling on cards, runes will give the best result. Questions can be very different.
4 September 16 lunar day - the moon is waning
The most positive day for predictions on a variety of topics - money, betrothed, career.
September 5 17 lunar day - the moon is waning
An auspicious day for divination only for mutual love, for a soul mate. On other topics it is better not to guess.
6 September 18 lunar day - the moon is waning
A good day for fortune-telling, except for fortune-telling associated with a reflective surface - mirrors, water, crystals.
September 7 19 lunar day - the moon is waning
A very bad day for divination.
8 September 20 lunar day - the moon is waning
Fortune telling is allowed, but it will turn out more truthful if you guess for a short time associated with colleagues and work.
9th of September 21 lunar days - the moon is waning
A good day for fortune-telling, but you can’t guess for money. This will adversely affect them.
10 September 22 lunar day - the moon is waning
Auspicious day for divination. Guessing for luck, money, wealth is welcome.
11 September 23 lunar day - the moon is waning
Bad day for divination.
12-th of September 24 lunar day - the moon is waning
It is favorable to guess by candlelight, with the help of fire. And themes to use the most large-scale, serious. You can guess at major events in life (building a house, buying a car, position, marriage).
September 13 25 lunar day - the moon is waning
Auspicious day for divination. Fortune telling on water, shells or stones will give the best result.
September 14 26 lunar day - the moon is waning
Divination is not recommended.
September 15th 27 lunar day - the moon is waning Auspicious day for divination. Fortune telling on milk, water will give the best result. Any questions can be asked.
16 of September 28 lunar day - the moon is waning Auspicious day for divination. The best result will give a fortune-telling associated with the road, the trip.
September 17 29 lunar day - New moon The day is completely unsuitable for divination because of the invisible moon.
September 18 1 lunar day The moon is rising Predictions on the first day of the lunar cycle are not recommended. "Dark Moon" still has power, covering the truth. It is advisable today to dream about a good result of future fortune-telling, make plans for a happy outcome of what you want, prepare a topic and what you would like to ask for future fortune-telling.
September 19 2 lunar day - the moon is growing Fortune telling is allowed, but it will turn out more truthful if you guess for a short time, up to about 1 month.
September 20 3 lunar day - the moon is growing Bad time for divination.
September 21st 4 lunar day - the moon is growing Good time for predictions. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out at the moment, and the answer to the questions asked should be “Yes” or “No”.
September 22nd 5 lunar day - the moon is growing Good time for guessing. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out for the distant future, the distant future.
23 September 6 lunar day - the moon is growing Good time for predictions. Guessing on all sorts of topics will be successful. Predictions will be the most real, because on these lunar days the ability of foresight is increased.
September 24 7 lunar day - the moon is growing Good time for predictions. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out to be related to relationships.
September 25 8 lunar day - the moon is growing Neither a good nor a bad time for divination. There is no guarantee for a quality result.
September 26 9 lunar day - the moon is growing Bad time for predictions. You can guess something bad, which then turns out to be false.
September 27 10 lunar day - the moon is growing Auspicious day for divination. The best result will be fortune-telling related to the needs of the family, such as a major purchase, moving, and other family interests.
September 28 11 lunar day - the moon is growing Auspicious day for divination on fire. Fortune telling by candlelight will give the best result. Prepare a variety of questions.
September 29 12 lunar day - the moon is growing The day is not very favorable for divination. But there is one feature. If an urgent prediction is required, and the question is clearly and specifically, then guess.
September 30th Bad day for divination. The result will be false.

Lunar divination calendar for October 2020: auspicious days

The most important condition for the success of a fortuneteller is the correspondence of the chosen method to the spiritual warehouse of the predictor. He must be happy to guess. You need to come to the prediction session, as mentioned above, with a positive attitude.

Lunar divination calendar for October 2020 - auspicious days: table

October 2020 dates,ordinal number of the lunar day, lunar phase Divination
October 1 14 lunar day - the moon is growing
Bad day for divination. You can predict something bad and believe in it, and then it will come true. If you do not know about the bad, it will not manifest itself in your life.
2 October 15 lunar day - Full moon
Auspicious day for divination. Fortune telling on cards, runes will give the best result. Questions can be very different.
October 3 16 lunar day - the moon is waning
The most positive day for predictions on a variety of topics - money, betrothed, career.
The 4th of October 17 lunar day - the moon is waning
An auspicious day for divination only for mutual love, for a soul mate. On other topics it is better not to guess.
October 5 18 lunar day - the moon is waning
A good day for fortune-telling, except for fortune-telling associated with a reflective surface - mirrors, water, crystals.
October 6 19 lunar day - the moon is waning
A very bad day for divination.
October 7th 20 lunar day - the moon is waning
Fortune telling is allowed, but it will turn out more truthful if you guess for a short time associated with colleagues and work.
October 8 21 lunar days - the moon is waning
A good day for fortune-telling, but you can’t guess for money. This will adversely affect them.
October 9 22 lunar day - the moon is waning
Auspicious day for divination. Guessing for luck, money, wealth is welcome.
October 10 23 lunar day - the moon is waning
Bad day for divination.
October 11 24 lunar day - the moon is waning
It is favorable to guess by candlelight, with the help of fire. And themes to use the most large-scale, serious. You can guess at major events in life (building a house, buying a car, position, marriage).
October 12 25 lunar day - the moon is waning
Auspicious day for divination. Fortune telling on water, shells or stones will give the best result.
October 13 26 lunar day - the moon is waning
Divination is not recommended.
October 14 27 lunar day - the moon is waning Auspicious day for divination. Fortune telling on milk, water will give the best result. Any questions can be asked.
October 15 28 lunar day - the moon is waning Auspicious day for divination. The best result will give a fortune-telling associated with the road, the trip.
October 16 29 lunar day - New moon The day is completely unsuitable for divination because of the invisible moon.
17 October 1 lunar day The moon is rising Predictions on the first day of the lunar cycle are not recommended. "Dark Moon" still has power, covering the truth. It is advisable today to dream about a good result of future fortune-telling, make plans for a happy outcome of what you want, prepare a topic and what you would like to ask for future fortune-telling.
October 18 2 lunar day - the moon is growing Fortune telling is allowed, but it will turn out more truthful if you guess for a short time, up to about 1 month.
October 19 3 lunar day - the moon is growing Bad time for divination.
The 20th of October 4 lunar day - the moon is growing Good time for predictions. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out at the moment, and the answer to the questions asked should be “Yes” or “No”.
October 21 5 lunar day - the moon is growing Good time for guessing. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out for the distant future, the distant future.
22 of October 6 lunar day - the moon is growing Good time for predictions. Guessing on all sorts of topics will be successful. Predictions will be the most real, because on these lunar days the ability of foresight is increased.
October 23 7 lunar day - the moon is growing Good time for predictions. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out to be related to relationships.
October 24 8 lunar day - the moon is growing Neither a good nor a bad time for divination. There is no guarantee for a quality result.
the 25th of October 9 lunar day - the moon is growing Bad time for predictions. You can guess something bad, which then turns out to be false.
October 26 10 lunar day - the moon is growing Auspicious day for divination. The best result will be fortune-telling related to the needs of the family, such as a major purchase, moving, and other family interests.
27th October 11 lunar day - the moon is growing Auspicious day for divination on fire. Fortune telling by candlelight will give the best result. Prepare a variety of questions.
28 of October 12 lunar day - the moon is growing The day is not very favorable for divination. But there is one feature. If an urgent prediction is required, and the question is clearly and specifically, then guess.
29th of October 13 lunar day - the moon is growing Bad day for divination. The result will be false.
October 30 Bad day for divination. You can predict something bad and believe in it, and then it will come true. If you do not know about the bad, it will not manifest itself in your life.
October 31 15 lunar day - Full moon Auspicious day for divination. Fortune telling on cards, runes will give the best result. Questions can be very different.

Lunar divination calendar for November 2020: auspicious days

If you want to guess, turn off the TV, close the windows so that the noise of cars passing by or people talking is not distracting. You should feel calm, do not cross your arms and legs. Sit comfortably in front of the table on which you will lay out cards or other items for prediction.

Lunar divination calendar for November 2020 - auspicious days:

November 2020 dates,ordinal number of the lunar day, lunar phase Divination
Nov. 1 16 lunar day - the moon is waning
The most positive day for predictions on a variety of topics - money, betrothed, career.
November 2 17 lunar day - the moon is waning
An auspicious day for divination only for mutual love, for a soul mate. On other topics it is better not to guess.
the 3rd of November 18 lunar day - the moon is waning
A good day for fortune-telling, except for fortune-telling associated with a reflective surface - mirrors, water, crystals.
November 4 19 lunar day - the moon is waning
A very bad day for divination.
November 5 20 lunar day - the moon is waning
Fortune telling is allowed, but it will turn out more truthful if you guess for a short time associated with colleagues and work.
November 6 21 lunar days - the moon is waning
A good day for fortune-telling, but you can’t guess for money. This will adversely affect them.
November 7 22 lunar day - the moon is waning
Auspicious day for divination. Guessing for luck, money, wealth is welcome.
November 8 23 lunar day - the moon is waning
Bad day for divination.
November 9 24 lunar day - the moon is waning
It is favorable to guess by candlelight, with the help of fire. And themes to use the most large-scale, serious. You can guess at major events in life (building a house, buying a car, position, marriage).
10th of November 25 lunar day - the moon is waning
Auspicious day for divination. Fortune telling on water, shells or stones will give the best result.
11th of November 26 lunar day - the moon is waning
Divination is not recommended.
November 12 27 lunar day - the moon is waning Auspicious day for divination. Fortune telling on milk, water will give the best result. Any questions can be asked.
the 13th of November 28 lunar day - the moon is waning Auspicious day for divination. The best result will give a fortune-telling associated with the road, the trip.
November 14 29 lunar day - the moon is waning The most unsuitable day for divination. The negative impact of the new moon is already affecting
15th of November 30 lunar day - New Moon The day is completely unsuitable for divination because of the invisible moon.
November 16 1 lunar day The moon is rising Predictions on the first day of the lunar cycle are not recommended. "Dark Moon" still has power, covering the truth. It is advisable today to dream about a good result of future fortune-telling, make plans for a happy outcome of what you want, prepare a topic and what you would like to ask for future fortune-telling.
November 17 2 lunar day - the moon is growing Fortune telling is allowed, but it will turn out more truthful if you guess for a short time, up to about 1 month.
November 18th 3 lunar day - the moon is growing Bad time for divination.
November 19 4 lunar day - the moon is growing Good time for predictions. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out at the moment, and the answer to the questions asked should be “Yes” or “No”.
20 November 5 lunar day - the moon is growing Good time for guessing. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out for the distant future, the distant future.
November 21 6 lunar day - the moon is growing Good time for predictions. Guessing on all sorts of topics will be successful. Predictions will be the most real, because on these lunar days the ability of foresight is increased.
November 22 7 lunar day - the moon is growing Good time for predictions. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out to be related to relationships.
November 23 8 lunar day - the moon is growing Neither a good nor a bad time for divination. There is no guarantee for a quality result.
November 24 9 lunar day - the moon is growing Bad time for predictions. You can guess something bad, which then turns out to be false.
November 25 10 lunar day - the moon is growing Auspicious day for divination. The best result will be fortune-telling related to the needs of the family, such as a major purchase, moving, and other family interests.
November 26 11 lunar day - the moon is growing Auspicious day for divination on fire. Fortune telling by candlelight will give the best result. Prepare a variety of questions.
November 27 12 lunar day - the moon is growing The day is not very favorable for divination. But there is one feature. If an urgent prediction is required, and the question is clearly and specifically, then guess.
November 28 13 lunar day - the moon is growing Bad day for divination. The result will be false.
29th of November 14 lunar day - the moon is growing Bad day for divination. You can predict something bad and believe in it, and then it will come true. If you do not know about the bad, it will not manifest itself in your life.
November 30th 15 lunar day - Full moon, lunar eclipse Bad day for divination due to a lunar eclipse. Fake result.

Lunar divination calendar for december 2020: auspicious days

Formulate your questions before divination specifically and clearly. Do not conduct fortune-telling for fun, as the questions posed will certainly be answered. In order for the answer to be definite, it is necessary to formulate the question correctly. Do not ask "what will happen?", ask about what interests you at the moment.

Lunar divination calendar for December 2020 - auspicious days: table

December 2020 dates,ordinal number of the lunar day, lunar phase Divination
December 1st 16 lunar day - the moon is waning
The most positive day for predictions on a variety of topics - money, betrothed, career.
December 2nd 17 lunar day - the moon is waning
An auspicious day for divination only for mutual love, for a soul mate. On other topics it is better not to guess.
December 3 18 lunar day - the moon is waning
A good day for fortune-telling, except for fortune-telling associated with a reflective surface - mirrors, water, crystals.
December 4 19 lunar day - the moon is waning
A very bad day for divination.
5th of December 20 lunar day - the moon is waning
Fortune telling is allowed, but it will turn out more truthful if you guess for a short time associated with colleagues and work.
December 6 21 lunar days - the moon is waning
A good day for fortune-telling, but you can’t guess for money. This will adversely affect them.
December 7 22 lunar day - the moon is waning
Auspicious day for divination. Guessing for luck, money, wealth is welcome.
December 8 23 lunar day - the moon is waning
Bad day for divination.
9th December 24 lunar day - the moon is waning
It is favorable to guess by candlelight, with the help of fire. And themes to use the most large-scale, serious. You can guess at major events in life (building a house, buying a car, position, marriage).
December 10 25 lunar day - the moon is waning
Auspicious day for divination. Fortune telling on water, shells or stones will give the best result.
December 11th 26 lunar day - the moon is waning
Divination is not recommended.
12 December 27 lunar day - the moon is waning Auspicious day for divination. Fortune telling on milk, water will give the best result. Any questions can be asked.
December 13th 28 lunar day - the moon is waning Auspicious day for divination. The best result will give a fortune-telling associated with the road, the trip.
December 14 29 lunar day - New moon, solar eclipse The day is completely unsuitable for divination because of the invisible moon and the solar eclipse.
December 15 1 lunar day The moon is rising Predictions on the first day of the lunar cycle are not recommended. "Dark Moon" still has power, covering the truth. It is advisable today to dream about a good result of future fortune-telling, make plans for a happy outcome of what you want, prepare a topic and what you would like to ask for future fortune-telling.
December 16 2 lunar day - the moon is growing Fortune telling is allowed, but it will turn out more truthful if you guess for a short time, up to about 1 month.
December 17 3 lunar day - the moon is growing Bad time for divination.
December 18 4 lunar day - the moon is growing Good time for predictions. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out at the moment, and the answer to the questions asked should be “Yes” or “No”.
December 19th 5 lunar day - the moon is growing Good time for guessing. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out for the distant future, the distant future.
20th of December 6 lunar day - the moon is growing Good time for predictions. Guessing on all sorts of topics will be successful. Predictions will be the most real, because on these lunar days the ability of foresight is increased.
21 December 7 lunar day - the moon is growing Good time for predictions. The most successful fortune-telling will turn out to be related to relationships.
December 22 8 lunar day - the moon is growing Neither a good nor a bad time for divination. There is no guarantee for a quality result.
December 23 9 lunar day - the moon is growing Bad time for predictions. You can guess something bad, which then turns out to be false.
December 24 10 lunar day - the moon is growing Auspicious day for divination. The best result will be fortune-telling related to the needs of the family, such as a major purchase, moving, and other family interests.
December 25 11 lunar day - the moon is growing Auspicious day for divination on fire. Fortune telling by candlelight will give the best result. Prepare a variety of questions.
December 26 12 lunar day - the moon is growing The day is not very favorable for divination. But there is one feature. If an urgent prediction is required, and the question is clearly and specifically, then guess.
27th of December 13 lunar day - the moon is growing Bad day for divination. The result will be false.
December 28th 14 lunar day - the moon is growing Bad day for divination. You can predict something bad and believe in it, and then it will come true. If you do not know about the bad, it will not manifest itself in your life.
December 29th 15 lunar day - the moon is growing Auspicious day for divination. Fortune telling on cards, runes will give the best result. Questions can be very different.
December 30th 16 lunar days - Full moon, lunar eclipse Bad day for divination due to a lunar eclipse. Fake result.
December 29th 17 lunar day - the moon is waning An auspicious day for divination only for mutual love, for a soul mate. On other topics it is better not to guess.

Whether the prediction will come true or not, no one can give the right answer. If during fortune-telling you have already formed an answer, wait a while. If the results of fortune-telling did not come true, repeat the process, but formulate the question in a different way.

Any person in his life resorted to fortune-telling in order to find out the future, decide on work, love relationships. But in order for fortune-telling to come true, it is necessary to choose for predictions only those days that, according to the lunar calendar, are considered favorable. Only in this case you will know the truth and be able to rely on the information received.

You can guess in various ways: on ordinary cards, Tarot, coffee grounds, and so on. And for each type of predictions there is a favorable day. The only exceptions are the New Year, Maslenitsa and the holy calendar. These days are just meant for divination. All values ​​will be accurate, correct and possibly long-term. That is the only reason why it is necessary to know the influence of lunar rhythms, phases and cycles on the fate. In this article, we will tell you when it is advisable to guess in 2019, and when it is better not to do so.

New Year's Eve on January 1st. It is she who has powerful energy, which allows you to accurately predict the future. Girls guess at the grooms. Christmas (from 6 to 7 January). Dreams are always prophetic and must be remembered and correctly interpreted. This is how future events can be determined.

Divination with the help of shadows is in great demand on this day. But not everyone can master it. Here you need to have a great imagination and intuition. New Year according to the old style (the night of January 13-14) is a great day for fortune-telling on cards. You can reliably find out the future on January 17 (Feliktist Day) and 18 (Baptism). On the other days of January, it is better not to guess on the cards. You can resort to coffee magic.

On the 15th, it is better to guess at the family. The next day, it is better to find out the future with the help of candles or other objects, as long as there is fire. The 20th is an auspicious day for communicating with runes, they will be truer than ever. The 27th favors those who are trying to learn about financial well-being and good luck.


In accordance with the lunar calendar, the 6th is a fortune-telling for the near future. To find out about the fate of distant events, you can ask about it on the 9th. The next day is optimal for any fortune-telling, the answers will only be true. On the 15th, you should seek help from candles that will help you learn about important things. February 19th is a great day for rune reading. You can find out about serious financial transactions and large purchases by asking the cards about it on the 26th. Unfavorable for fortune-telling days in February are 3, 5, 7, 13, 16, 17, 23, 27.


It is this month that all young ladies want to specifically know the name of their fiancé and mutual feelings. Guess based on the Lunar calendar and get answers to all your questions. But remember about possible errors in the fortune-telling process and do not despair if you do not like what you see.

On March 1 and 2, it is permissible to guess on water or milk. The next day is suitable in order to find out if the trip will be successful. The most favorable days in March for divination are the 12th and 13th. These days will help reveal the secret of the future, and answer any questions. It is better to guess on the family on the 16th. On March 22, you should ask fate for advice. Cards will “answer” financial questions on the 28th. To find out about the outcome of major events and the likelihood of acquiring real estate, you should turn to candles. You cannot guess 2, 6, 9, 15, 19, 25, 29.


Don't take bad news to heart this month. Remember that they are received only for informational purposes and mainly in order to be taken into account and tried not to make mistakes. Know that not everything can be determined by divination. Your initiative, life position and behavior can correct your destiny in the right direction.

On April 3, you can guess on long-distance trips. On the 7th you can find out the fate for the near future. The most optimal day for divination is April 11, which also applies to the 12th. It is better to spread cards on the family on the 15th, and on the 16th it is worth turning to the candles for an answer. You can learn about the career and the financial side on April 21. Auspicious day - 27th number on the waning moon. On the 30th, it is better to use water or milk for divination. The unfavorable days are the first, 4, 5, 8, 14, 17, 18, 24, and 28.


Certain days of this month have the corresponding energy, so choose them exclusively for fortune telling. As a rule, the young moon is not the right moment for love predictions. It is necessary to tell fortunes on the full moon, because on such days the magic of the moon is very strong.

On the waning moon on May 3, you can get answers to questions related to the trip. For the near future, you can make a deal on the 6th. The most favorable days are May 10 and 11, these days you can get answers to various topics. You can open the curtain of secrecy regarding the family on the 14th, and the next day you should use candles for divination. 19 is a great day for divination on runes, and it is better to dedicate the 20th to divination for a betrothed. To learn about finances and wealth, manipulations 27 should be performed. Favorable are also 28 and 31. Do not tempt fate on May 1, 5, 13, 16, 17, 23, 27, and 30 May.


You need to know that correct predictions are possible only on days favored by the Moon. Therefore, in order not to deceive yourself, and then not to be upset, correspond to the Lunar calendar. Before you start fortune telling, you need to tune in. If there is no such desire, then it is better to postpone this event until better times. Don't waste your time.

On long journeys, it is worth guessing on the 1st. For the near future - 5. On the growing Moon on the 9th and 10th, you can find out the answers to the most secret questions, since these days contribute to clairvoyance and sharpening of intuition. The family should be dealt with on the 13th, and on the 14th get answers with the help of candles. It is better to use runes on the 18th, and to learn about the career and financial side on the 19th. June 23 is a successful day for divination for colleagues and work. The 25th is about luck and wealth. Auspicious days this month are 28 and 30. It is forbidden to turn to magic 2, 36 12, 16, 22, 26, 29.


If you want to tell fortunes for love, put red candles on the table. If you are interested in financial issues and business, guess by golden candles. Their light will contribute to correct predictions.

The trip is guessed on the 1st and 30th. In the distant future - July 7th. The most favorable days in this month are considered to be 8 and 9, when intuition is sharpened, and the answers will be accurate. For the family, the alignment is done on the 12th. The next day, you need to use candles for divination. Thus, the answers will be true. On the 17th, it is better to use runes or cards. On July 20, divination is allowed using various objects, except for those that reflect light. 24 is suitable for predictions for wealth and good luck. 29 on the waning moon, you can guess with the help of milk or water. Divination is forbidden on 2, 5, 11, 21, 25, and 28.


You can guess for the near future on the 3rd, and for the far future - on the 5th. The most favorable are the 7th and 8th of August, on the growing moon, when the probability that the answer will be accurate reaches 100%. On the 11th, you can tell fortunes about family members, and the next day, fortune-telling by candlelight is allowed. Runes are best picked up on the 16th. On the 19th, water or a mirror cannot be used in rituals. August 23, 26 and 28 are considered favorable. Don't tempt fate 1, 2, 4, 10, 14, 20, 24, 27, 30.


You can guess any day, but it is worth remembering that only favorable days can help you lift the veil of possible events. Do not guess for the sake of just killing free time and amusing those present.

On the first day of autumn, they are guessing for the near future, and for the far future on the 4th. On the growing moon, which falls on September 5 and 6, you can ask fate questions, and it will give only truthful answers. On the 9th, they tell fortunes for the family, and the next day only candles are used for rituals. It is better to communicate with runes on the 14th. If you are tormented by questions related to work colleagues or career advancement, it is worth making an alignment on the 19th. You can learn about financial well-being on the 20th. On the waning moon, they tell fortunes using objects that reflect space. On September 29, the first day of the growing moon falls, when fortune-telling stops and think about your future. Unfavorable days this month are 2, 8.11, 18, 22, 25, 28, 29.


If you rarely guess, then make the appropriate atmosphere in the room, twilight, candles and be sure to set the mood. Nothing without him.

For the distant future in October, they are guessing the 3rd. The growing moon this month falls on the 4th and 5th, when you need to guess. These days favor those who are trying to open the curtain and learn a little about the future. The family is guessed on the 8th, and the next day candles will help to find out what you want. Runes can be dealt with on the 13th. It will be possible to find out questions about colleagues and work on the 18th. Good luck - October 20th. In addition, favorable days are 22, 23, 25, 29. It is worth taking a break from fortune telling on 1, 7, 11, 17, 21, 24, 28, 30.


In the process of divination, try not to look for decades.

The growing moon in November falls on the 2nd and 3rd, which are considered the most truthful for divination. On the family it is worth spreading the 6th. The next day, candles are used for divination. Runes are to be worked on on the 11th. Wealth is guessed on the 18th. Auspicious days when you can get answers to questions of interest are 23.28 and 30. It is forbidden to guess 5, 9, 19, 22, 26, 29.


Fortunetellers claims that the most correct predictions happen on the day a person is born. If the 13th falls on a Friday, then this day is also suitable for divination.

The 1st is guessed at the Growing Moon. On this day, it will turn out to find out the truthful answer about the distant future. The most favorable days are December 2 and 3. They tell fortunes on the family on the 6th. Working with runes is better than the 11th. The 16th is suitable for those who plan to find out further events developing at work. Unsuitable days for predictions are 5, 9, 19, 22, 25, 28.

The most suitable days for divination by ordinary cards, tarot cards or monthly? How can the Moon and its phases affect the outcome of your divination?

The article is about how to choose the right date for divination. We will choose a day suitable for divination in one way or another, based on the phase of the moon. You will learn how the lunar calendar is related to divination of various types. And we will also talk about whether it is possible to guess during menstruation and, if possible, how to do it correctly.

Favorable days for divination according to the lunar calendar

Favorable lunar days for divination are those days of the month on which the moon is growing. It is during this interval that divination will give the correct result, and all magical powers will accompany you in order to show you the truth. That is, from the moment when the growing moon begins to be seen in the sky and until the full moon phase, you can do fortune telling.

As for the type of fortune-telling, there are rules here. For example, on ordinary maps it is worth guessing when the Moon is in the first phase of growth. That is, from the moment when the Moon is just beginning to be seen in the sky and until about half of the lunar ball appears in the sky, you can guess using ordinary cards.

On Tarot cards, it is worth guessing in the second phase of the growth of the moon. That is, when half of the moon is visible in the sky, you can start guessing at the Tarot. It is necessary to stop fortune-telling in this way when the moon becomes full. Throughout this period, Tarot cards will give you a true result.

Next, we will write down for specific lunar days what exactly you can guess with the help of ordinary cards and Tarot cards. Our recommendations will help you navigate and choose the right date for a particular fortune-telling using cards. You can tell fortunes for your future, and for the groom, for whether a wish will come true, and so on.

Lunar calendar divination on cards

first lunar day. On this day, you can find out how a new acquaintance treats you. Perhaps you have loving feelings for him and will probably want to know if he will reciprocate.

second lunar day. This day is good because it can show you with the help of fortune-telling on the cards whether your cherished dream will come true. Surely you have something grandiose in your plans, and so, on this lunar day you will be able to guess whether your plan will turn into reality or not.

third lunar day. On this day, you can tell fortunes at work. The cards will show you if you can move up the career ladder in the near future.

fourth lunar day. If you decide to tell fortunes on the cards on this lunar day, you can find out how your boyfriend's mother treats you. Tell fortunes and find out, maybe she has some kind of cunning plan brewing against you.

fifth lunar day. Fortune telling on the cards on this lunar day will show you what the near future will be like. You will find out whether it is worth preparing for something bad or you can calm down and wait for happiness.

sixth lunar day. Fortune telling on this day may indicate a creeping severe illness. If you use the cards when divining on a given lunar day, you can find out whether it is worth preparing for a disease.

seventh lunar day. Fortune telling on the cards on this day may indicate losses that may happen to you in the near future. Perhaps they will not be connected with money, but you can even lose a loved one or respect for yourself.

Lunar calendar tarot divination

eighth lunar day. If you use Tarot card divination on this lunar day, you can find out if your loved one has ever cheated on you. Tarot cards will accurately indicate whether the chosen one is faithful to you or only pretends to be a sincere and loving man.

Ninth lunar day. On this day, Tarot divination will indicate the dangers that may lie in wait for you in the coming days. If you want to know if you should be afraid of something now, then tell fortunes on the Tarot on the ninth lunar day.

tenth lunar day. If you use Tarot card divination on this lunar day, you can find out if pleasant surprises await you in the near future. You will learn about whether you should prepare for incredible joy or wait for now.

Eleventh lunar day. Fortune telling on Tarot cards on this lunar day can show you the way to resolve the problem that has now arisen in your life. You will understand how you can deal with your trouble.

twelfth lunar day. If you are worried about the next exam or some kind of competition, and you want to know if everything goes well, then tell fortunes on the twelfth lunar day using Tarot cards. They will point out to you in what favor the upcoming test will end for you.

thirteenth lunar day. If you have to go on a long journey, which may be long, then tell fortunes on the Tarot on this day, and you will find out what this journey will be like for you. You will understand whether it is worth going to it at all.

fourteenth lunar day. On this day, you will be able to tell fortunes when you will finally get married. This fortune-telling on the fourteenth day of the growth of the moon is designed only for unmarried ladies.

fifteenth lunar day. On this day, you can learn about deception. If you suspect that a particular person is deceiving you, then think about him during fortune-telling and the cards will indicate whether your suspicions are correct or not.

Do they guess during menstruation

At the time when you have menstruation, guessing is not recommended, it is impossible to pick up cards, runes, perform some kind of magical rituals aimed at peacefully this time. Cards and runes will show the wrong result. One should not believe such fortune-telling.

Do not be discouraged by the fact that it is impossible to guess on cards or runes during menstruation. After all, you can guess by the monthly ones. The day on which they can begin with you and how plentiful they will be, you can determine what lies ahead, whether your chosen one really loves you, whether wealth and success await you, and so on.

How to guess by menstruation

So, if you want to tell fortunes by menstruation, then for this you just need to remember what day they started and what they were like. Pain during the first day of menstruation also matters. With the help of such detailed data of your menstruation, or rather, a lot can be said about their first day.

With the help of fortune-telling by menstruation, you can also find out if suddenly someone behind your back is up to something unkind. In order to find out what the day of the onset of menstruation means, you just need to find out on what lunar day it happened. Next, we will write down on lunar days what your first day of the onset of menstruation can mean.

Fortune telling by monthly according to the lunar calendar

first lunar day. If your period came on the first lunar day, it means that someone is whispering angrily behind your back. This mean person may well be a girlfriend with whom you started talking not so long ago. You must have guessed who this girl is. Try to minimize communication with this person.

second lunar day. If your menstruation starts on this day, then we can safely conclude that the chosen one is madly in love with you and will never dare to cheat. Do not suspect in vain your beloved man of something vile and vulgar. Do not torture yourself with such dirty and empty doubts.

third lunar day. If your period started on this day, then get ready for the arrival of guests from afar. One of these days, visitors will come to you, whom you have not seen for a long time. You will be very glad to your guests and want to treat them with your culinary masterpieces. Don't worry, guests will appreciate the treats, and your efforts will be rewarded with an abundance of compliments.

fourth lunar day. If menstruation begins on this lunar day, then this is a sign that you will soon have to see a doctor. Health in the near future will weaken significantly and you will need the help of doctors.

fifth lunar day. If menstruation decides to visit you on this lunar day, then get ready for a noisy party. Your friends will invite you to it. There you can meet very interesting young people. You should not get carried away with alcohol at this fun event, because under their influence you can do a lot of stupid things.

sixth lunar day. On this day, menstruation comes to those women who will soon experience global changes in their personal lives. You may have to change your beloved man and parting with your former partner will be very painful.

seventh lunar day. Menstruation, which came on this lunar day, suggests that one of her girlfriends will soon try to deceive a woman. It is worth being more careful in communicating with the female sex and not trusting anyone with your most outspoken secrets.

eighth lunar day. Menstruation, which began on this day of the growth of the moon, indicates that a woman should monitor her speech. With sharp phrases, she often spoils relationships with loved ones. This will not end well and something needs to be changed urgently.

Ninth lunar day. If your period started on this very day, then get ready to receive gifts. On this day, someone close to you will give you a present of impressive size. Surely there will be a reason for this, it is likely that your birthday or name day is approaching.

tenth lunar day. If your period began on this lunar day, then feel free to decide on changes in your image. Perhaps you have long wanted to change your hairstyle, and so, the time has come for this. It would also be nice to update your wardrobe with a couple of stunning outfits.

Eleventh lunar day. If menstruation began on the eleventh lunar day, then this is a signal that a black streak will soon begin in your relationship with your beloved man. It is worth preparing for this negative event properly.

twelfth lunar day. If menstruation began on a given lunar day, then negative news should be expected in this case. Some of your relatives or friends will tell you the sad news. It may well be associated with a serious illness or with the death of one of the relatives.

thirteenth lunar day. If the beginning of menstruation fell on this day, then happiness will soon look into your house. It may well be related to the birth of a child. If you already have your first child, then it's time for the birth of your second baby.

fourteenth lunar day. If on this day menstruation decided to visit you, then this is a good sign. Fortune-telling hints in this case that soon you will be lucky in your personal life. If you are still a lonely young lady, then soon the situation will change dramatically and you will bathe in the love of the man you like.

fifteenth lunar day. The beginning of menstruation on this day promises you a debt and a happy life with your chosen one. If the periods were plentiful at the same time, then the family of you and your beloved man will turn out to be large and there will be many children. If the monthly periods are very meager, then there will be only one child in your family, but in any case, happiness in the house will always be present.

sixteenth lunar day. If you started your period on this day, then this is an occasion to think about your relationship with your parents. Perhaps they are seriously offended by you for something. The situation needs to be corrected as soon as possible. Visit mom and dad and talk heart to heart with them, then everyone will feel better.

seventeenth lunar day. If on this day you were visited by menstruation, then your family budget will soon increase. The reason for this may be your extra income or a decent lottery win. Feel free to go for a lottery ticket, you should be lucky.

eighteenth lunar day. If your period began on this day, then wait for the fulfillment of your small, but such a secret desire. Soon you will be a little happier. Most importantly, your desire should be known only to you alone, do not tell anyone about it until it is fulfilled.

nineteenth lunar day. If the beginning of menstruation fell on a given lunar day, then you can be promoted at work or your salary can be increased. In any case, amenities await you and will be associated with professional activities.

twentieth lunar day. If on this lunar day you notice that your period has begun, then expect a dirty trick from your loved one. He will soon make you cry. Try not to take to heart the sad events that will soon happen in your life.

twenty first lunar day. If menstruation began on this very day, then a long road is not far off, it will bring you a lot of good, and you will remember this journey for many years to come. There you will meet a pleasant young man, with whom you will keep in touch for many years.

twenty second lunar day. If your period comes on this day, then you will soon have a meeting with a former young man. It will be very unpleasant, because the guy will want to find out a relationship that has long outlived its usefulness. He will do it in a rude way.

twenty third lunar day. If your menstruation visits you on this lunar day, then you will soon have to give an account for actions that you actually did not commit. Someone will impudently set you up, as a result of which, you will be accused of a bad deed that you did not commit.

twenty fourth lunar day. If the first day of menstruation fell on this lunar day, then wait for the visit of an unpleasant woman. She will bring scandals and sheer negativity into your home. It is worth mentally preparing for this event.

twenty fifth lunar day. If you notice that your period began on this very day, then expect good news from distant relatives. Perhaps one of these days you will receive a letter from them, or the news will be delivered orally.

twenty sixth lunar day. If menstruation comes to you on this lunar day, then soon your health will deteriorate significantly. You will even have to go to the hospital to heal. Do not be alarmed, health problems will not be serious and protracted, but it will still be useful to lie down in a hospital.

twenty seventh lunar day. If the beginning of menstruation fell on this day, then you can safely go to a new place of work. There you will be well received by the team, a decent salary will be assigned, and your management will like you very much.

twenty-eighth lunar day. If your period starts on that day, then waiting in this case is worth serious waste. You run the risk of acquiring an expensive item, but then you will regret it very much. Think carefully before giving away a large amount of money for a stupid thing.

twenty ninth lunar day
. If menstruation begins on this lunar day, then you should prepare for a serious scandal that will happen in your family the other day. The cause of the scandal will be the banal fatigue from daily affairs, which are rather tired. You and your family need to go on vacation as soon as possible.

thirtieth lunar day. If on this day you find that your period has begun, then feel free to go on a journey that you have been waiting for so long. It will have a positive effect on your psyche and will have a beneficial effect on your overall well-being.

Now you know what lunar days you can start fortune telling and find out your future. We also told you about a very entertaining divination by menstruation. We hope that our article has become a useful guide for fortune-telling, taking into account the phases of the moon.

From the book by N. Sudina "365 best fortune-telling"

The system of lunar days has existed for thousands of years and is one of the popular methods for determining the astrological influence of the Moon on a day of interest to a person.

A full lunar cycle is 30 days. The countdown of lunar days begins at the moment of the new moon. The 1st lunar day lasts from this moment until the first moonrise, the 2nd - from the first moonrise to the next sunrise, etc. The last lunar day of the month (29th or 30th) ends at the time of the next new moon. Thus, the 1st and last lunar days of the month may last only a few minutes at most, while the remaining days of the moon are approximately equal in length. Therefore, it is very important to know when the Moon favors certain undertakings, and when it can interfere with the implementation of plans and disturb peace of mind.

If you want your fortune-telling to come true, if you like prosperity and success, make it a rule to listen to the signs that the Moon sends.

1. New moon and divination

The period of the new moon in magic is the time of the "dead" moon. Therefore, you should not rely on her help in divination, since the "strength" of the night beauty is minimal. This time is used to plan and think about the divination you want to do. Actions can be taken on other days of the young moon.

2. Full moon and divination

The full moon is the most magical period - the time when the influence of the night beauty is maximum. These days are best suited for divination. It is the full moon that enhances all types of energies that give special power to any magical actions.

3. First lunar day

The symbol of the day is a lamp.

The lunar month begins. Think of it as the "foundation" of the entire next month. Much depends on how this foundation is laid. It is this time allotted for planning events that should occur during this lunar month.

On the 1st lunar day, it is better not to guess, since you will not be able to know the future yet. This period is considered "dark" because a force is activated that prevents a reliable result from being obtained.

4. Second lunar day

The symbol of the day is the cornucopia.

These lunar days are created so that you can start implementing everything that you have planned on the 1st lunar day.

Everything that appears in your life on the 2nd lunar day, “must be gratefully accepted”, because now fate sends you all the most important things for this lunar month. Everything you get will definitely be useful to you in the near future, even if at first it seems to you that this is not so.

On the 2nd lunar day, the potential of the upcoming lunar month is actively manifested. Therefore, if you want to know what awaits you in the coming month, feel free to guess. These predictions will be reliable.

5. Third lunar day

The symbol of the day is the leopard.

On the 3rd lunar day, for the first time in a month, the crescent of the young Moon becomes visible in the sky. The moment has come when everything that was planned and started in the previous days of the lunar month finally begins to "grow" - to take shape and unfold in time and space.

There is no need to guess on the 3rd lunar day, since during this period energy flows are too active, which can greatly distort the result of the prediction, it will not be accurate.

6. Fourth lunar day

The symbol of the day is the Tree of Knowledge.

Since the Tree of Knowledge is the symbol of the day, it means that the 4th lunar day is the period of obtaining information. It is on this day that the truth about your real situation at the moment can be revealed to you. Therefore, on the 4th lunar day, when fortune-telling, one should ask only those questions that require a specific answer, for example, “yes” or “no”. They should relate to some important choice or personal life.

7. Fifth lunar day

The symbol of the day is the unicorn.

The unicorn is not accidentally chosen as the symbol of this day, as it denotes fidelity to duty and principles. According to legends, he appears before a person only when some important change awaits him, some significant step forward in spiritual development. On these lunar days, you need to be especially attentive to all your actions, thoughts, deeds. Guess if you want to know what fate has in store for you in the future, and the longer this period of time, the better. To verify the accuracy of the prediction received, repeat the same fortune-telling the next day.

8. Sixth lunar day

The symbol of the day is the crane.

The crane is not accidentally chosen as a symbol of this day: it is believed that the 6th lunar day is associated with both the elements of water and the elements of air. The events of this period are calm, like the smooth flow of water, and light, like air. It is believed that this time is intended for relaxation, and travel can disrupt the calm rhythm of life. Such a shock can lead to unpredictable negative consequences.

The Tibetan astrological school does not recommend handing over personal items to anyone during this period. It is believed that the person to whom you give your things can take away your peace and good luck with them: they will flow away like “water” or disappear like “air” on the 6th lunar day. Take the 6th lunar day as a time of rest, passivity, contemplation.

This is one of the best days for divination. It is believed that on the 6th lunar day, a person opens up the ability to predict. It is no coincidence that the druids performed magical rituals and performed mantic (divinatory) practices on this very day.

You can guess literally everything: for luck, love, fulfillment of desire, using various fortune-telling practices. It is very good at this time to guess on the runes.

9. Seventh lunar day

The symbol of the day is the wind rose.

The 7th lunar day passes under the sign of the magic of the word. The power of the word on this day increases many times over, and not only the sacred word - prayers, spells, but also the usual one, thrown by you in vain. That is why during this period one should be especially careful about the words spoken and in no case send curses to anyone. At this time, curses become especially effective and are sure to come true. On this day, you can get a prediction that is highly accurate. But it is necessary to guess only on relationships with people. For example, on the 7th lunar day, you can find out who your friend is, who is your enemy, or receive a prophecy about your betrothed.

10. Eighth lunar day

The symbol of the day is the Phoenix bird, fire.

The 8th lunar day corresponds to the element of Fire, and not just Fire, but transforming Fire. In other words, this period is a crucible, after passing through which a person is transformed, receiving a qualitatively new state. No wonder the symbol of the 8 lunar day is the mythical bird Phoenix: burning down, it is reborn from the ashes every time.

On the 8th lunar day, it is undesirable to guess the future. It is recommended to turn to numerology, since with the help of this ancient technique you can understand the reason for your failures.

11. Ninth lunar day

The symbol of the day is the bat.

The 9th lunar day is a difficult day in the lunar month. It is fraught with temptations, so be constantly on the alert.

The “shadow” side of the human personality comes to the fore. All vices, deeply hidden "black" thoughts and desires rise from the depths of the subconscious and try to realize themselves at any cost. That is why this time is fraught with serious problems. If you guess on this lunar day, you may not get the most pleasant prediction for you. Maybe you shouldn't tempt fate? After all, it’s not for nothing that they say: “If you are afraid of the road, then it’s better not to send it on the road.” But, if you are ready to accept even the most bitter truth and find the strength to fight for your future, tell fortunes on the cards.

12. Tenth lunar day

The symbol of the day is a fountain.

The fountain is the personification of the energy that constantly overwhelms a person, reminiscent of spiritual independence. This lunar period is associated with everything that is somehow related to traditions. Dedicate it entirely to your family, meetings with close and distant relatives, communication with friends. On these lunar days, you can guess with the whole family, so you need to choose such fortune-telling that would be of interest to all its members. For example, you can find out if there will be prosperity in the house or when you can move to a larger apartment, etc. If you recently got married, then on the 10th lunar day you can find out the gender of the unborn child.

13. Eleventh lunar day

The symbol of the day is the crown.

In astrology, the 11th lunar day is considered the energy peak of the entire lunar month. The concentration of energy at this time is so high that any action performed is endowed with crushing power. For many people, the 11th day can become very dangerous: if a person does not find the strength and ability to control such a powerful flow, then the flow itself will begin to control the person. On this day, you can get an answer to any question. You will get the most correct predictions if you choose fortune-telling related to fire.

14. Twelfth lunar day

The symbol of the day is the heart.

The 12th lunar day is a period of accumulation of wisdom, comprehension of the world and oneself. This lunar period was created specifically for people to think about the soul. It is advisable to go to church, visit the temple or your spiritual mentor. If you are an atheist, then go to the forest or to the river bank - somewhere where you feel your spiritual kinship with the entire universe.

On these lunar days, it is better not to tempt fate and not guess. If, nevertheless, you decide to tell fortunes, then you need to ask only those questions that have a high degree of importance. They must be clearly articulated and free from ambiguity.

15. Thirteenth lunar day

The symbol of the day is the wheel.

The 13th lunar day is the time of spiritual aspirations and searches. This is a period of renewal and transition to a new qualitative level of perception. The energy used for the previous 12 days is replaced by a new one. In other words, there is an energy recharging. If you have correctly and accurately followed the lunar rhythms from the very beginning of the lunar month, you will receive additional strength to carry out your plans and projects.

It is unlikely that divination on the 13th lunar day will be reliable. Therefore, guessing these days is almost pointless.

16. Fourteenth lunar day

The symbol of the day is the trumpet.

14th lunar day: during this period, you cannot slow down the pace in the implementation of any idea or project. Keep working hard and never for a moment doubt the success of your plan.

This is one of the most energetically saturated lunar days, the last period before the peak of the lunar month - the full moon. You have the opportunity to correct, correct or change something else. On the 14th lunar day, you can only guess about the most important things. And only to those people who do not perceive their future passively, but actively try to change it. If you tell fortunes on these lunar days and get bad predictions and do not try to turn them in a favorable direction, then events will develop even worse. Therefore, it is better not to tempt fate.

17. Fifteenth lunar day

The symbol of the day is a snake.

The 15th lunar day is the full moon itself, one of the most important points of the entire lunar month. The moon is at its apogee, at the peak of its energy saturation. You can guess on any topic, but only in traditional ways. For example, on runes and Tarot cards, as well as use Kupala, Christmas, Christmas and Epiphany fortune-telling. All non-traditional methods will not clarify the future, but will only confuse it even more.

18. Sixteenth lunar day

The symbol of the day is a dove.

On the 16th lunar day, it is better to avoid all sorts of fuss, turmoil, tension and fruitless movements. You can indulge in laziness with complete impunity! Lie on the couch, watch TV, read a book, listen to music. And the best thing is to go somewhere in nature. If possible, then go to the lake, river, sea or forest. Try to be surrounded by peace and quiet during this period. You need to restore the lost strength. On the 16th lunar day, fortune telling will tell you about the prospects for promotion. You can also tell fortunes for a betrothed, for desire and for money.

19. Seventeenth lunar day

The symbol of the day is a bunch of grapes. The time has come for joy, fun, carnivals, a riot of colors and passions. Away with despondency! Forget about business and worries, remember about feelings. Indulge in love and pleasure. On this day, love, infatuation and attraction are manifested. Reach for the opposite sex (if you are a straight person). Of the serious matters on the 17th day of the lunar cycle, only one thing is welcome - a wedding. A marriage entered into the day after the full moon will be strong and happy. This is the most successful day of the lunar month for divination for the betrothed. You can get reliable predictions about love relationships between a man and a woman. Answers to questions concerning other aspects of life will be inaccurate, and with very large distortions.

20. Eighteenth lunar day

The symbol of the day is a mirror.

It is no coincidence that the mirror is a symbol of the 18th lunar day. Everything that happens to you during this period indicates the state of your affairs at the moment. This lunar day itself acts as a mirror, which reflects the true nature of your "I".

Everything that happens to you on the 18th day is not a punishment, but a warning given so that you think about your own behavior and traits of your character. Show maximum observation and ingenuity on this day!

On the 18th lunar day, it is best to refrain from those types of divination that use mirrors or reflective surfaces, as well as various crystals.

21. Nineteenth lunar day

The symbol of the day is a spider.

The 19th lunar day is a dangerous day, one of the most conflicting in the entire lunar month. Tension is just “in the air”, and one careless word or an unkind look is enough for a conflict to immediately arise. The consequences of a quarrel can be dire and tragic. In a sense, this day is a test of strength. You must endure it at all costs, otherwise you will lose everything that you have achieved in the previous lunar days. The Moon Goddess needs to prove that you truly deserve all the gifts she has given you this month. You yourself know that staying on top is even more difficult than climbing it. Show everything that you are capable of, show endurance, patience and mercy to others. Respond appropriately to challenges. On this day, you yourself will understand whether you are ready to fight for your life values. Even if you really need to get some information, remember: it is forbidden to guess on the 19th lunar day.

22. Twentieth lunar day

The symbol of the day is the eagle.

Figuratively speaking, the 20th lunar day is the time of “high flight”. You have to realize its internal connections, understand that nothing happens by accident - everything is natural and follows one from the other. No wonder they say: "Look not at things, but at the connections between them, and then the truth will be revealed to you." If you can take advantage of the given chance, you will gain a lot of useful things not only spiritually, but also materially. But before you gain altitude, you will have to take a step into the unknown, a step into the abyss. This is a great time to make new acquaintances, establish friendships, visit friends, etc. But at the same time, as mentioned above, it is necessary to pay attention not to words, not to the people themselves, but to the connections between them.

On the 20th lunar day, you can guess at your relationship with people at work. But you need to remember that the answer is limited only to the time frame of the current lunar month. Guessing for longer periods is not worth it, since the answer will still be inaccurate due to the fact that relations between people are changing very quickly, and each time you need to guess again to clarify the situation.

23. Twenty-first lunar day

The symbol of the day is a horse.

The day of active and impetuous actions, creative upsurge and inspiration has come. Perhaps this is one of the most creative days in the entire lunar month. The symbol of the 21st lunar day can be not only a horse, but also Pegasus. So, inspiration will visit you for sure. The energy of the Moon is so powerful that with its support, any business will go several times faster. If you use the energy of the moon correctly, events will rush like a horse. Not without reason, in many mythologies, the horse is a carrier between the worlds (for example, Sleipner is the horse of the god Odin).

On the 21st lunar day, it is undesirable to guess for money. But you can lay out the cards and find out your future or tell fortunes with the help of lotto or dominoes.

24. Twenty second lunar day

The symbol of the day is the elephant.

The period of wisdom, knowledge, spiritual search, transmission of sacred teachings has come. This day is favorable for almost any action, if they are performed sincerely and aimed at creation. Conversely, any conceived negative act is doomed to failure.

On this day, fortune-telling, success and good luck. But remember that any prediction is just a prediction. There is always something that can be changed. Therefore, if you receive an unfavorable response, do not despair, everything can be changed. After all, the future originates in the present, do everything right today, and tomorrow your life will be better than it is now.

25. Twenty third lunar day

The symbol of the day is the crocodile.

This period is characterized by a high energy charge. It is filled to the limit with activity, as well as aggression. If on the 23rd lunar day you allow yourself to be in passivity or inertia for at least a second, then the rapid flow of energy will simply crush you. On this day, it is better to talk less and do more. All conversations that are not directly related to any important matters will turn into banal gossip. Such a grinding of rumors, in turn, will lead to a loss of energy stability. The more you talk, the higher the chance of running into a scandal becomes.

It is better to refrain from guessing. On the 23rd lunar day, energy flows are too unstable, so the prophecies will be vague and, as a rule, not true.

26. Twenty-fourth lunar day

The symbol of the day is the bear.

On the 24th lunar day there is neither randomness of energy flows, nor mental tension. This is a great period for creativity: you can not only create works of art, but also successfully demonstrate them. Astrologers believe that if you go on a trip on this day, it will certainly be successful and enjoyable.

One of the main conditions for the successful holding of the 24th lunar day is preparation for it. It should become the starting point for any fairly large-scale project. So, in ancient Egypt, it was on this day that the pyramids were laid.

On the 24th day, it is best to guess on topics related to the future fate of various projects. For example, for good luck in building a house or for housewarming. Fortune-telling with the help of fire will be especially reliable.

27. Twenty-fifth lunar day

The symbol of the day is the turtle.

On this lunar day, do not be hasty. Be thorough and slow. The symbol of the day is a turtle, so try to become like it: think over each step for a long time, weigh all the pros and cons, and only then take some action. As they say: “Measure once…” The type of activity itself is not so important as the pace of work. Do not waste extra energy, do not make extra moves.

Usually, astrologers advise devoting this day to internal problems. Tibetan astrologers believe that the 25th lunar day is favorable for travel, various kinds of trips, business trips, etc. It is believed that everyone who sets out on the road now will certainly be lucky. There is, however, one condition: do not rush anywhere!

On the 25th lunar day, fortune telling using water will be the most accurate. Divination on shells and stones will also be no less accurate.

28. Twenty-sixth lunar day

The symbol of the day is the toad.

The toad, like the snake, is the personification of wisdom. Only this wisdom does not bring any benefit to a person, because he is inclined to exaggerate his own achievements.

A very difficult period is coming. You have to gather all the will into a fist, so as not to succumb to various kinds of temptations and provocations. Try to keep calm and restraint! Treat everything that happens with a certain amount of irony.

On the 26th lunar day, there is a high probability of robbery and theft. Do not allow yourself to be drawn into any adventure, no matter how you are persuaded and no matter what the golden mountains promise. Motorists need to be especially careful: accidents, collisions, thefts - this is not a complete list of possible problems. Tibetan astrologers consider this time to be the most favorable for making various vows and oaths. In addition, according to Tibetan beliefs, the 26th lunar day is the day of gaining everything desired, but first of all, spiritual blessings.

On the 26th lunar day, it is better to refrain from any kind of fortune-telling.

29. Twenty-seventh lunar day

The symbol of the day is the trident.

The time has come for a mystical transformation, an appeal to one's spiritual sources.

Try not to get hung up on specific life, especially everyday problems. If you do not pay attention to everyday trifles and rise above the vanity, then hidden motives in the actions of your acquaintances and colleagues may become clear. On this lunar day, you need to accept any weather. “Does it rain, snow, any time of the year…” is a good sign. The "aerobatics" of immersion in the elements of the day will be swimming in cold water or, in extreme cases, walking in the rain.

The 27th lunar day is simply intended to tell fortunes on water or milk, and you can ask about anything.

30. Twenty-eighth lunar day

The symbol of the day is the lotus.

Great day! One of the calmest and brightest of the entire lunar month. Its symbol is the lotus, the personification of the spiritual growth of man.

The 28th lunar day is filled with mysticism: various miracles can happen to you today. Try to correctly accept everything that comes to you on this day, both good and bad. A lot depends on your understanding. If during the entire lunar month you did everything right and received a reward today, accept it with joy. Journeys started on the 28th lunar day bring good luck: boldly set off on a journey, new experiences await you.

Any destructive action is prohibited. On the same personal plot, nothing should be torn, dug up and uprooted. Even flowers on this day are better not to give: in this case, you also become involved in the destruction. Lovers of hunting and fishing can say with all responsibility: this is not your day.

On the 28th lunar day, fortune telling is about events related to the road, travel, business trips, etc.

31. Twenty-ninth lunar day

The symbol of the day is the octopus.

For the 29th lunar day, a rather bad reputation was entrenched. And this is no coincidence, since this is the most difficult day of the entire lunar cycle. Many esoteric schools even refer to this period as "Satanic". The fact is that his energy is so powerful that most people are simply unable to cope with it. It is on this day that astrologers advise to be incredulous. Doubtful figures and facts must be checked. Do not believe any kind of forecasts: they are unlikely to come true.

Guessing on the 29th lunar day is strictly prohibited. Not only will all the prophecies be wrong and, as a rule, exactly the opposite, so through fortune-telling you will attract troubles into your life that you yourself cannot get rid of. After all, it is on these lunar days that black magicians induce damage through fortune-telling practices.

32. Thirtieth lunar day

The symbol of the day is the golden swan.

The 30th lunar day does not happen in every lunar month, which is a pity: this is a wonderful day filled with beauty and light. He is like a flash of love and warmth. In general, it does not last long, sometimes even less than an hour, but it is considered a full-fledged lunar day with its own special characteristic, and it must be spent with dignity. The 30th lunar day is a wonderful time filled with unexpected pleasant surprises, meetings with old friends, gifts, joys; it can be called a day of rest.

Astrologers do not recommend starting new large-scale projects, as a last resort, you can complete old ones. It is undesirable to enter the last day of the lunar cycle with debts. Pay off your creditors as much as possible. And no anger, aggression, quarrels and conflicts. Be considerate and kind to the people around you.

On this lunar day, you can guess at anything. Divination on vegetables or fruits is especially good, since the 30th lunar day is associated with the earth and fertility.


New Year is the most magical holiday, when everyone hopes for the fulfillment of their cherished desires. And of course, every person wants to know what awaits him in the coming year, whether his dreams will come true or not. Many questions can be answered without leaving home. Just guess in the ways that we offer you. New Year's fortune-telling is carried out from December 25 to January 5.


Christmas is the best time for divination! The night from 6 to 7 January is Christmas Eve, Christmas Eve. According to popular beliefs, on this night all prohibitions are lifted, mysterious forces rush to the Earth. One is to harm people, the other is to help.

Christmas fortune-telling

Christmas fortune-telling lasts from January 7 until Epiphany (January 19). The girls wondered about the betrothed, and the family - about the future harvest, prosperity. Christmas divination was carried out on dark evenings or nights. At twenty-four hours they gathered for midnight fortune-telling, after midnight - for night ones.

baptismal divination

Baptism comes after Christmas time, according to the new style - on the night of January 18-19. They tell fortunes at Epiphany in different ways, they use the same fortune-telling as on Christmas and Christmas time.

Fortune telling is a ritual known to our ancestors, thanks to fortune telling you can get answers to many questions, find out fate, see the feelings of a loved one. When you can guess, on which days you can guess, whether time for fortune telling matters, you will learn from this article.

What days can you guess?

If you still decide to tell fortunes on your own, you can’t choose auspicious days for divination. So which days you can guess, and which days you can’t under any circumstances.

You can not guess during menstruation. Female energy is very vulnerable during menstruation, it is not recommended to resort to divination on such days, so as not to get a magical effect on yourself.
It is not recommended to guess if you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs. You can also take on negative influences from divination.

Favorable days when you can guess.

Accurate predictions can be obtained on certain lunar days. Fortunetellers say that favorable days for divination come on the 12th, 14th and 18th lunar days.
recommend guessing at a loved one and love relationships on Friday evening. This is the best time for fortune-telling, the planet of love Venus itself, is conducive to finding out what feelings a loved one has for you. Friday Night Divination it is also good because at this time the heart chakras function most actively, and love forecasts are perceived more sensually.

Favorable days for divination according to the lunar calendar.

  • 2 lunar day - at this time you can do a magical ritual and use any kind of fortune-telling for love, relationships, the future.
  • 6 lunar day is a favorable day when you can find out what awaits you in the near future (for a month);
  • 10 lunar day - guessing on this day is not the best time, but you can look into the past and find it possible to understand the reasons for wrong decisions.
  • 20 lunar day is a good opportunity to tell fortunes about love relationships and receive signs from fate.
  • 22 lunar day - suitable for divination for work, business. at lunch will indicate future events in your career and affairs.
  • 27 lunar days - at this time it is better to tell fortunes on water or milk, you can ask questions of any nature on any topic.
  • 28 lunar day is a good time to turn on your intuition and hear yourself. Most of us open our "third eye" on this day and we can see the future very accurately.

There are the most important days of the year, at this time you can get an accurate prediction for the future.

In 2017, from February 20 to 26, at Maslenitsa, it will tell you when there will be marriage and, possibly, pancake fortune-telling will show who the future husband will be.

Favorable days for accurate fortune-telling: from March 15 to 20, from June 23 to 28, from November 15 to 21.

It is an important day for forecasts for the future, it takes place on July 6th.
It is not recommended to guess on church holidays and on Sunday.
If you are not satisfied with the result of fortune-telling, you cannot ask the same question again.

When can you guess and how should you guess?

If you love and predicting events is your hobby, there are days and certain times of the day when the ritual of predicting events can be predicted most accurately.
It is absolutely not forbidden to make layouts on cards to familiar friends and relatives, to make unusual gatherings on holidays, with a touch of mystery with the help of the Gothic tarot, it will bring you joy, entertain and amuse, making your celebration unusual. But if we talk about serious fortune-telling, but as a necessary help when you turn to a real fortune teller. When it comes to very important things, an answer to the question is urgently required, whether it is the division of an inheritance, health problems, difficult and sometimes hopeless relationships with a loved one, love triangles, total lack of money or trouble with relatives, a lot of things happen wrong in our life and sometimes it seems the situation is completely irreparable, when other specialists of non-esoteric profiles cannot do anything, this is where people turn to fortune-telling.

When you need to hear that everything is not so bad, when the exit is already there, you just need to point to it. And finding happiness is possible and everything is not so gloomy, but of course you can turn to a lawyer or a psychologist, but sometimes the question is so emotionally exhausting that a person needs to get an answer here and now, then they turn to a fortuneteller or tarologist for advice, there are two possible bad moments, you may not believe the prediction and you may try not to pay for the prediction, this is more difficult, unpaid predictions rarely come true, these are the laws of karma.

And it is precisely the desire to get answers immediately that is the very motivation for contacting a fortuneteller. After all, the desire to fix everything as soon as possible, to again feel harmony in the soul and peace in the heart, as well as to get an accurate hint and solutions, even if something happened that you can’t fix, divorced your husband, relationships with not free people, then here you can ask, and if this is not a karmic lesson, maybe it was given to gain inner strength. It is very important for a person in a difficult life situation, just to hear words of consolation and encouraging news, it is simply necessary.

What is divination?

What is fortune-telling, let's see, fortune-telling is nothing more than communication with higher powers, turning to them during fortune-telling, people receive the answers they need, tips and explanations about the situation that tormented them. Now divination itself has become closer to scientific action than to ritual, and fortunetellers are now called tarologists, numerologists, runologists and palmists, now this is a phenomenon substantiated by esoteric science.

Now let's try to answer the question when you can guess, if fortune telling is a way to spend time distracted to satisfy the need to look into the future or a completely justified and necessary action in order to get out of a difficult situation. Most restrictions in fortune-telling are nothing more than superstition; you can guess at any time of the day or month.

Such superstitions as the fact that one can only guess at Christmas time from January 7 to 19 or at Ivan Kupala.
You can not guess on Sunday and Monday, as well as on church holidays.
The fact that the best time for divination is morning, or night, and the days are either the 13th of the month, or birthdays, it was also believed that it was impossible to guess on the eve of these days.

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