And a radiant composition of shea butter. Shea butter - properties and use for the face in pure form and whipped

The benefits and harms of shea butter have long been known to the indigenous people of Africa. Recently, this product has begun to gain more and more popularity outside the African continent. The secret of this popularity lies in the unique properties of the oil, making it an almost indispensable component of many cosmetic recipes. However, in addition to cosmetic, it also has healing and culinary properties.

What is shea butter made from?

Shea butter is obtained from the fruit of the Vitellaria marvelous tree, which grows in Central Africa. Other names for this tree are Shea or Karite. Oil production is a complex multi-stage process for processing the seeds of this tree.

In the manual production of oil, the seeds are finely crushed, water is added to them and the resulting suspension is foamed. The collected foam is boiled and cooled. The resulting white substance is the final product.

The industrial production of this substance includes filtration and bleaching processes, from which the final product acquires a whiter color and loses its characteristic odor.

Shea butter composition

The basis of the oil is made up of polymeric fat molecules, most of which are triglycerides. The fatty acids included in the product have the following composition:

  • oleic - from 40%;
  • stearic - from 35%;
  • palmitic - from 3%
  • linoleic - from 4%;
  • linolenic - no more than 1%.

In addition, unsaponifiable substances are present in the oil:

  • phenols;
  • tocopherols;
  • steroids;
  • triterpenes;
  • terpene alcohols;
  • various hydrocarbons.

The total proportion of unsaponifiables is less than 10% of the total mass.

Shea butter contains vitamins A, E and F.

Benefits of shea butter

Mostly shea is used in cosmetology. However, it has healing and culinary properties.

The beneficial properties of the oil are used in cosmetology to soften and moisturize the skin. It is used as an anti-aging agent - the use of oil allows you to smooth out wrinkles and carry out general skin rejuvenation.

The regenerative properties of this product are also known. It perfectly fights acne and eliminates the cause of skin peeling.

Useful substances included in shea stimulate the synthesis of collagen and elastin in skin cells. From what the skin becomes firmer, more elastic and cleaner.

The beneficial properties of the oil are also used for hair regeneration. Moistened with shea, the bulbs become more viable and grow hair faster.

The healing properties of shea have proven themselves in the healing of scars, cracks and cuts on the skin. They also help in the fight against stretch marks. Regular application of oil to the skin stimulates blood flow in the capillaries, and also protects it from exposure to ultraviolet radiation and low temperatures.

In cooking, this product is used as a substitute for fat. It is used for baking and making desserts.

Healing properties of shea butter

The beneficial properties of the oil are used in the treatment of diseases of the skeletal system, skin and viral infections of various nature. Shea has a pronounced antiseptic and protective effect.

For sore joints

The manifestation of the beneficial properties of the oil is especially pronounced in their effect on sore joints. Due to its structure, oil molecules are able to penetrate deep into the area of ​​inflammation and effectively fight it, removing swelling and pain.

It is believed that this is one of the most effective remedies against the manifestation of diseases such as rheumatism and arthritis.

When sprained ligaments

Shea has a warming effect, so it is often used for sprains of tendons and muscles. It is also used for muscle fatigue and to relieve local muscle tone.

With dermatitis

The use of oil moisturizes the skin, partially eliminates the cause of inflammation and prevents the inflamed area from increasing in size.

From diaper rash

Diaper rash in newborns is a serious problem that can cause considerable discomfort to both the baby and his mother. The beneficial properties of shea butter make it easy to deal with this problem.

To do this, clean the baby's skin by washing it with mild soap and water, then dry it thoroughly. Then shea butter should be rubbed into the affected area until it is completely absorbed. After that, you need to wait a few minutes and change the baby into a new diaper.

The use of shea butter in cosmetology

Despite the abundance of useful properties of a medical nature, the main use of oil is cosmetic. Shea can be used on any part of the body, from the top of the head to the toes. Its effect on the skin is extremely positive.

But its main purpose in cosmetology is to carry out cosmetic procedures in "responsible" areas - on the face and scalp. Shea butter is suitable for all skin types and in most cases can be used without fear of any allergic reactions.

For facial skin

Shea butter against wrinkles is made according to this recipe:

Mix 10 ml of shea butter, olive oil and almond extract and apply on the face for 15 minutes. After that, the mask must be washed off, but not with water, but with some herbal decoction (for example, from chamomile flowers).

Wrinkles are smoothed out, and the skin becomes fresh. During the preparation of the mask, it is recommended to slightly heat the components to enhance their beneficial properties.

Application of shea butter for the skin around the eyes. Mix 2 tsp. finely ground oatmeal with 1 tsp. shea and 1 tbsp. l. cucumber juice. Then add a few drops of sandalwood essential oil.

The composition is applied to the skin around the eyes with a thin layer for 5-7 minutes. The agent is washed off with warm water. After that, it is necessary to apply a cream for the skin around the eyes on this area. The frequency of application of the composition is up to 3 times a week for a month. This use of shea butter can eliminate swelling of the eyelids.

For body

Shea butter for stretch marks can be used either in its original form or in combination with any essential oil. Most often used or almond.

The remedy for stretch marks is made as follows: in 1 tbsp. l. slightly heated shea butter add 3-5 drops of essential oil. The product is applied to pre-steamed skin to enhance its beneficial effect. It is best to do this procedure after taking a warm bath.

After application, the problem area is wrapped with a film or simply wrapped with some kind of cloth.

For hands

Shea butter recipe for dry skin. In a blender or coffee grinder, grind the peel of one lemon, and then beat the resulting mass with the yolk using a whisk. The resulting composition is covered with a lid and let it brew for 15 minutes.

To enhance the beneficial properties of the composition is heated and added to it 1 tbsp. l. shea butter and pulp, stirring the mixture until smooth.

The mixture is applied to the skin and left for 5 minutes, after which a second layer is applied. The skin is washed after 15 minutes, and then a moisturizing gel is applied to it. A similar composition can be used for facial skin.

After applying the product, the skin ceases to peel off, its color evens out. It also reduces redness and irritation.

For hair

The composition of the restoring hair mask: 2 tbsp. l. shea butter is heated in a water bath and 3 drops of essential oil and 3 drops of jojoba essential oil are added to them.

The mask is applied to the hair half an hour before shampooing. In this case, the hair needs to be slightly moistened. Shea butter is applied to the entire volume of the hair, after which they are combed with a comb with large teeth. At the end of the distribution of the mask, the head should be wrapped with cling film and wrapped with a towel. After half an hour, the mask is washed off with shampoo.

A full recovery course consists of 10 procedures performed every two days. After that, it is desirable to carry out preventive restoration: in winter once a week, and in summer once every two weeks.

For lips, eyelids and eyelashes

For problem areas of the skin of the face, the following ingredients are used:

  • 2 tsp shea butter;
  • 1 tsp aloe juice.

It must be applied twice a day to the skin of the eyelids and around the lips. In this case, it is desirable to treat the skin with an ice cube before the procedure. Ice can be prepared independently from some herbal decoction (roses, calendula, chamomile, etc.)

Treatment of problem areas removes peeling and prevents the appearance of cracks and fine wrinkles.

For tanning in the solarium and in the sun

The use of shea allows you to get an even and safe tan on the entire surface of the skin. In this case, the source of ultraviolet radiation can be anything: the natural Sun or an artificial lamp in a solarium.

Tanning Blend:

  • shea - 50 ml;
  • coconut oil - 50 ml;
  • jojoba oil - 25 ml;
  • seed oil - 5 ml;
  • carrot seed oil - 30 drops.

All ingredients must be mixed and applied to the skin half an hour before sun exposure or the beginning of the procedure in the solarium.

In soap making

Karite finds its use in the manufacture of soap. It makes the soap firm and fragrant. Soaps made with a shea butter base lather relatively little, but have excellent cleansing properties. At the same time, this soap is able to moisturize the skin and make it silky.

Attention! It is better not to make soap at home from scratch on your own. Its composition necessarily includes sodium hydroxide, which, if handled carelessly, causes severe burns.

It is best to buy a ready-made soap base, which includes from 15 to 30% shea butter, and limit yourself to making soap only by adding flavorings and auxiliary substances.

In aromatherapy

Shea is used in aromatherapy. Its aroma improves sleep and has a relaxing effect on the body. In addition, its aroma helps with a runny nose.

The recipe for the aroma lamp mixture is quite simple: for every 10 ml of shea, add 5 drops of essential oil. Before “charging” the aroma lamp, shea butter should first be melted.

Benefits of shea butter during pregnancy

Shea during pregnancy helps to get rid of stretch marks on the abdomen. It can smooth existing stretch marks and prevent new ones from forming. In this case, shea butter can be used both in pure form and in a mixture with any essential oil.

How to use shea butter in cooking

Shea can replace butter or margarine in almost any dish. It is used in the preparation of pastries, desserts and chocolate. It is ideal for substitution in recipes.

Contraindications to the use of shea butter

Shea has no contraindications. However, studies over the past ten years have shown that it can cause allergies similar to latex allergies. The reason for this lies in some components of shea, similar to the components of raw materials for producing latex.

How to choose and store shea butter

Karite is almost impossible to fake. However, the addition of some components can change its properties not for the better. These components include some solvents, in particular, hexane. Therefore, you should familiarize yourself with the composition of the purchased product to make sure that there are no solvents.

Shea butter is stored in a closed container without access to light in a cool place. The recommended storage temperature should not exceed +25°C. The shelf life is 2-3 years.


The benefits and harms of shea butter are due to its composition. A large amount of healthy fats and biologically active components contribute to the spread of this product throughout the world. Shea has many useful properties and has practically no contraindications.

If you love natural cosmetics, then you are familiar with the many herbal ingredients that are used to create a variety of creams, lotions, tonics and other products marked "Bio" or "Natural". One of the commonly used natural ingredients is shea butter. The use and properties of this herbal product have become the topic of this article.

What is this oil?

This product is obtained from the fruit of a tree called shea. The substance has a solid consistency at temperatures below 35˚C. If you increase this thermal indicator, then shea butter, or shea butter, begins to melt with ease. The smell of this herbal product is gentle and pleasant, with nutty notes.

Depending on the characteristics of the raw material and the method of production of the oil, its color can vary from white to greenish-yellow. It is eaten, used for the production of chocolate, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.

Delicious and long lasting

At room temperature, this plant product is very similar to this similarity, probably the main thing that catches the eye of a European. Scottish traveler Mungo Park, who was one of the first immigrants from the Old World to witness the production of shea butter, appreciated the nutritional qualities of the product. He noted that this vegetable raw material can be stored unsalted for a whole year. The taste of the exotic product, according to Park, is in no way inferior to the premium cow butter familiar to Europeans. It is not surprising that the local population of Burkina Faso and other African countries include this vegetable fat in their daily diet. After the notes of the Scot, who so enthusiastically described shea butter, the use and properties of this product aroused great interest among Europeans.

How is it produced?

In the homeland of the growth of the shea tree, they are produced by hand, probably even today. The harvest of nuts falls during the rainy season. An interesting feature of the production of shea butter is the fact that it is completely feminized. The whole difficult process of extracting a fatty product is carried out by beautiful and hard-working African women.

After the nuts are harvested, they are placed in vats and kept in the ground for about two weeks. The flesh of the fruit rots, and the seeds are easier to extract. They are boiled to prevent sprouting and roasted for four days. Such a semi-finished product can be stored for a long time, up to nine months.

To extract oil from the seeds, they are freed from the peel and fried for a whole day. The prepared kernels are crushed, pounded in a mortar to a paste-like state and intensively kneaded. The resulting mixture is rinsed in plenty of water several times, separating the foam. Then this substance is boiled for several hours, removing the top layer. This is the precious target product - shea butter. The use and properties of this fat in Africa are mainly associated with the nutritional value of raw materials.

Where can this product be used?

This shea butter is exotic for us, and Africans cook food with it, smear walls and windows during the rainy season and use it for simple medical and cosmetic needs. About 90% of the produced product is used for own needs by the population of the black continent.

After shea butter was tried in Europe and the USA, the use and properties of this vegetable raw material formed the basis of many scientific and technological developments. Today in Africa, for the most part, not a ready-made fatty substance is purchased, but the seeds of the plant itself. Mechanically processed shea butter, whose properties and application, the photo and description of which are now familiar to many inhabitants of the planet, is considered a cleaner and more stable product. It is used for food purposes and in the manufacture of cosmetics. The quality of this oil is due to its composition. Let's take a closer look at what is in the cherished jar of plant substance.

What is this herbal product?

Currently, quite often, shea butter is included in the composition of cosmetic products.

The properties and uses of this fatty substance are directly based on its composition. Shea butter contains the following biologically active substances:

Triglycerides or fatty acids:

  • Oleic (up to 55%) - omega-9 acid, a good emulsifier, is widely used in chemical synthesis, in soap making, and in the production of cosmetics.
  • Stearic (up to 45%) - carboxylic acid, the most common in nature. For the human body, this substance is an energy depot. This acid is widely used in soap making and in the manufacture of cosmetic products.
  • Palmitic (up to 7%) is a monobasic unsaturated acid that imparts hydrophobic properties and is used in the production of soap, detergents and cosmetics.
  • Linoleic (up to 8%) is a monobasic omega-6 acid, which is indispensable for the human body. This acid contributes to the restoration and normal functioning of cell membranes.
  • Linolenic (1%) - refers to and is of considerable value to the human body.

Unsaponifiable substances:

  • Polyphenols have antimicrobial activity, have an adaptogenic and antioxidant effect.
  • Tocopherols, which together form vitamin E, have a rejuvenating, regenerating, antioxidant, and oncoprotective effect.
  • Triterpenes stimulate cell oxygen saturation, lower cholesterol levels, and serve as a sunscreen.
  • Steroids have a high biological activity and anti-aging effect.
  • Terpene alcohols are responsible for the smell of the oil. They have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic properties and deliver beneficial substances deep into the skin.

Hydrocarbons (up to 3%) perform a moisturizing function.

The effect depends on the method of application.

Thus, we can conclude that shea butter, properties and applications, reviews and benefits for the body of which are the subject of our review, is considered a very valuable product. When taken internally, essential fatty acids help to effectively lower cholesterol levels. This oil rejuvenates the body, actively fights aging and cancer, saturates cells with oxygen.

According to reviews, if you apply shea butter externally, then there is hydration, regeneration, skin rejuvenation, and peripheral blood circulation improves. Restoration of cell membranes, removal of inflammation, elimination of peeling is noted. Shea butter, whose properties and applications in cosmetology are now of great interest, can be used as a single agent, but is most often included in a wide range of face and body skin care products, as well as hair.

Shea butter for facial skin

This vegetable fat-like ingredient will be useful for dry, aging, irritated skin. You will find all the information of interest about shea butter, properties and use for the face, reviews and recommendations from experts and consumers below.

This ingredient has been actively included in the composition of cosmetics for two decades and has earned people's love and recognition. Shea butter soothes inflamed areas, softens hardened areas, protects against negative environmental influences, restores barrier functions, has a rejuvenating and antioxidant effect, and serves as a solar filter. The presence of phytosteroids makes this herbal ingredient a unique and effective assistant in the fight against aging. Shea butter starts cell renewal at the level inherent in a young body. Women who use shea butter creams and masks notice excellent results: the skin is perfectly hydrated, wrinkles are reduced, and elasticity returns.

Experts recommend using cosmetics with shea butter after thirty years, when beautiful ladies face the first signs. For young girls, this ingredient will help in the fight against acne. Consumers note a reduction in skin inflammation and rapid healing of scars after acne and blackheads. Shea butter, whose properties and use for the face are appreciated by consumers, prevents the formation of comedones and does not clog pores. This means that the mechanism of formation of blackheads and pimples is interrupted, and the skin becomes clean, even, smooth and fresh.

Shea for a beautiful body

Shea butter has proven itself well as an anti-cellulite component. It increases the microcirculation of the skin and fights the notorious orange peel. If coffee extract was added to the composition of the cellulite cream, then shea terpenes will deliver them to the deep layers of the dermis. Also, women note that not only the bumpy structure disappears, the skin becomes more elastic and soft.

Stretch marks that occur during pregnancy and for a number of other reasons can also be made less visible with shea butter. Having a regenerating effect and restoring cellular structures, this herbal component prevents the formation of stretch marks and helps to improve the healing of scars.

Cinnamic acid, which is part of shea butter, serves as a natural UV filter and is actively used in the production of special sunscreens.

Shea butter for hair

Of particular interest is the topic: "Shea butter: properties and applications for hair." Modern women expose their curls to daily hot styling, apply styling products, color and resort to the use of newfangled hairdressing services. All this, of course, makes us beautiful, but adversely affects the structure of the hair. They become dry, brittle and lose their natural shine.

Shea butter has shown excellent results in repairing damaged hair. If the scalp is dry, then you can apply shea products along the entire length and rub into the roots. Otherwise, experts recommend using shea butter on the hair, retreating from the roots a few centimeters. The mask should be kept for two to five minutes, depending on the dryness and degree of damage to the hair. Women note that after the first week of using shea products, the hair comes to life, becomes elastic, soft and shiny.

Other Ways to Use Shea Butter

In addition to the cosmetic industry, this herbal ingredient is widely used in food production. Quite a long time ago, shea butter, whose properties and application in the food industry became in demand immediately after its appearance in Europe, began to take root in the manufacture of margarine. The composition of this substance is rich in triglycerides, which, by hydration, give a large yield of saturated fats and make production profitable.

Shea butter is also often used in chocolate making as a substitute for cocoa butter. This significantly reduces the cost of its production and does not negatively affect the quality of the delicacy itself. However, experts say that such a product cannot be called chocolate and give it the definition of "confectionery bar".

For beauty from within

We can say that shea butter is clearly underestimated as a nutritional product. It can be used as a complete butter substitute and is much better than its animal counterpart. It not only does not contain cholesterol, but also contributes to the fight against atherosclerosis, protects against aging, and prevents the development of cancer. The presence of phytohormones in it makes shea butter very useful for women during menopause. This will serve as a good alternative to anti-climactic drugs of pharmaceutical origin.

One of the most sought-after products in the cosmetology and food industries around the world is the oil of the fruits of the Vitellaria tree. This plant is endemic only to equatorial Africa, but its plantations are so large that they are enough to satisfy all the needs of people. Shea butter (karite) is a unique useful product that can not only be applied to the skin and hair, but also used inside without fear. The tool has found its application in people of any gender and age, even in young children and pregnant women.

Shea butter composition

The main components of the finished product are fatty acids, which, in excellent combination, mutually potentiate the effects of the herbal remedy. Thanks to a long, but gentle way of obtaining oil, all the active substances of the Vitellaria fruit pass into shea.

The composition of shea butter is multi-component, it includes:

  • fatty acids, including polyunsaturated (oleic, linoleic, palmitic and linolenic);
  • tocopherol - vitamin E;
  • natural steroids (stigmasterol is especially important);
  • phenols;
  • some hydrocarbons;
  • terpene alcohol;
  • B vitamins.

Such a multicomponent composition provides ample opportunities for the use of shea butter (shea butter). Especially important is the combination of polyunsaturated fatty acids with active plant steroids, which contribute to mutually powerful potentiation of effects.

Shea butter properties

The properties of shea butter depend on how the product is used. It can be used externally in pure form or in combinations, as well as consumed internally.

As a result of a complex effect on the body, as well as local effects, the following properties of shea butter quickly appear:

  • active moisturizing and softening of the skin;
  • anti-inflammatory effect with any method of application;
  • removal of itching and irritation;
  • vitaminization of skin and hair;
  • facilitating the work of the intestines;
  • healing of minor abrasions and diaper rash;
  • powerful softening and protection of the skin from the effects of aggressive environmental factors.

Since the product is low allergenic, the use of hair, etc. available to most people. The use of shea butter is allowed in children from the first days of life, during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in any somatic diseases. The only exception is proven skin cancer.

Different States of Shea Butter

There are two types of finished products - liquid and solid. The latter option is typical for the usual state of shea butter, since it melts only at temperatures above 36 degrees. Shea butter is widely used in both solid and liquid form.

How to use solid shea butter?

The freshly prepared product in the solid state can be used in the following situations:

  • as well as use, it is acceptable to use shea butter in food - for example, as a substitute for standard butter for sandwiches;
  • inside with a therapeutic purpose to cleanse the intestines - at least 50 grams once a night;
  • to facilitate the emptying of the rectum by lubricating the anal ring and mucous membrane;
  • for the healing of small wounds for the purpose of their disinfection - the oil is applied in a small layer under the patch;
  • for the prevention of scarring by local application;
  • for the base of ointments with other components - the softening and moisturizing effect is sharply enhanced.

But the use of solid shea butter is not the main one. The main area of ​​\u200b\u200buse of the product is cosmetology, which implies the active distribution of shea butter over large surfaces. For this, liquid shea butter is used.

Vitellaria oil in liquid form

It is used in the following situations:

  • for intensive nutrition and hydration of the skin;
  • in order to stimulate the regeneration of the epidermis (especially effective);
  • to protect against dryness and irritation;
  • to strengthen and improve hair, including for the purpose of combating split ends;
  • for the prevention of sunburn and chapping of the skin and lips.

For shea butter, there may be special indications for specific people. In particular, it can be used for intensive vitaminization and activation of subcutaneous blood flow. But only a specialist in the field of dermatology or cosmetology can determine the benefits for individual indications.

The most common way to use

How to use shea butter in the easiest way? In a standard situation, shea butter is applied externally in its pure form. The frequency of the procedure is at least 3 times a week, and everyday use is also possible. The usual exposure time is 30 minutes, but to improve hair under a towel or cellophane, it is allowed to leave it even overnight.

After the procedure, the oil should be thoroughly washed off with a neutral soap. If it thickens, then the remnants of the product are difficult to remove from the hair and skin. To facilitate the task, hot water is used - up to the temperature that a person is able to endure.

Shea butter can also be used as part of combined products. It blends beautifully with other oils, as well as many natural and artificial ingredients. The product always potentiates the moisturizing and regenerative effects of any cosmetic products - ointments, creams, lotions or shampoos.

Private Uses for Shea Butter

Numerous beneficial properties predispose to the widespread use of shea butter. The low level of allergy, the natural balanced composition and the almost complete absence of adverse reactions allow the use of shea butter even by children and pregnant women. After a preliminary test, it is possible to apply a remedy from vitellaria even to people with polyvalent allergies.

Shea butter in cosmetology

Shea butter is most widely used in cosmetology. It is used in the following situations and forms:

  • on the skin of the body and limbs;
  • in pure form or as an active additive in creams, lotions or ointments;
  • on the head area in order to improve and strengthen the hair;
  • in the form of additives in shampoos;
  • on the lips to prevent their chapping.

The main effect of shea butter in cosmetics is protective. It moisturizes the skin after application and forms a kind of film with anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties. The effect of shea butter does not last long, but it can be used for many years without risk to health.

Shea butter during pregnancy

The product is approved for use by pregnant women. effective as a skin care product. In addition, it is used to prevent the formation of stretch marks. It is applied to the skin of the abdomen not only in liquid, but also in thick form in small layers. You can rub a little to moisturize and deeply soften the surface.

Despite the absence of serious adverse reactions, it is better not to use the product to moisten the nipples and prevent the formation of cracks.

Shea butter for children

Shea butter in children has been used since birth. Any diaper rash or irritation is enough to treat with a small amount of the product. After 3-4 daily procedures, the baby quickly recovers.

The oil can be added to diaper creams to reduce irritation and enhance emollient properties. The child sleeps better at night after such procedures.

Where is shea essential oil useful?

Shea essential oil is also used in cosmetology and traditional medicine. A few drops of it are added to shampoos and creams to enhance the activity of other components in the composition of the products. In addition, aromatherapy with shea essential oil is effectively used to rejuvenate the body and fight protracted colds. When inhaling shea essential oil vapors, local bronchopulmonary protection is activated, which contributes to a speedy recovery from respiratory ailments.

Thus, shea butter has many beneficial properties. The use of shea butter in cosmetology is effective, it is used in the food industry, as well as in traditional medicine. In the vast majority of cases, the use of the tool is completely safe. However, sensitive people should consult a specialist before using shea butter for the first time.

Shea butter comes from the exotic African continent and belongs to the group of solid oils, which is mostly composed of saturated fatty acids. It is extracted from the nuts of the shea tree, known locally as the "Tree of Life". The fruits of the shea tree are very fragrant, which is why they are very popular in the field of cosmetology and aromatherapy.

Anyone who has visited Africa at least once in their life must have noticed how smooth and clean the skin, as well as the thick hair of the women living here. And this is despite the fact that there is a very hot sun and a hot dry wind. It is thanks to the regular use of shea butter since childhood that Africans manage to keep their skin beautiful and well-groomed.

Despite the huge number of positive reviews, medicine has long been known in addition to the huge benefits and harms of shea butter, but many of those who use it do not even think that for some its use is not recommended.

In civilized countries, shea butter has found application in cosmetology, but the inhabitants of Africa have been adding it to their diet for many centuries. This is a great alternative to sunflower oils, without which we, the inhabitants of Europe, simply cannot imagine life.

In addition, thanks to stearic, linolenic, oleic and palmitic acids, shea butter performs the following functions:

  • Strengthens cell walls;
  • Provides the body with energy;
  • Participates in the formation of hormones.

Despite the fact that almost no one eats shea butter in civilized countries, it is still used for cooking, as a substitute for cocoa butter and in many other food industries.

But most of all, the beneficial properties of shea butter in developed countries were useful for the manufacture of cosmetics and balms. Due to the fact that this oil is rich in vitamins A, D and E, it is well absorbed into the skin, softens, moisturizes, rejuvenates and protects it. Shea fruit also interacts well with other essential oils.

Here are a few more positive factors that make shea butter an indispensable component in masks, lipsticks, creams and scrubs:

  • Improves blood circulation;
  • Eliminates skin peeling;
  • Protects the skin from hot sun, dry wind, frost;
  • Increases the amount of collagen in the body, which prevents skin aging and stretch marks, which are often found in pregnant women;
  • Strengthens hair, nails & cuticles.

Possessing a large number of medicinal properties, anti-edematous, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects, shea butter has also found application in medicine, where it is used to treat:

  • Dermatitis;
  • eczema;
  • Arthritis, manifested by pain in the joints;
  • Burns, wounds and cracks;
  • Psoriasis;
  • sprains;
  • Pain in the muscles.

Harm of shea butter

As is typical for any product from an exotic country, shea butter can cause allergies, namely due to the fact that it contains a small amount of latex. Also, this oil is not recommended for use by those who have various allergic reactions.

Therefore, before using any cosmetic product based on shea fruit, you should first check if you have a reaction to any substance that makes up shea butter. To do this, first smear a little oil on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin and follow the reaction for redness of the skin, itching, swelling or other discomfort.

Finally, we can say that such creams and balms will only benefit and harm shea butter can manifest itself only if a person is allergic to one of the components contained in this fruit.

Nutritional value and chemical composition of shea butter

  • The nutritional value

Calories 884 kcal
Proteins 0.0 g
Fat 98.0 g
Carbohydrates 0.0 g

Video “Shea butter for skin care”

In the last decade, exotic shea butter has become increasingly popular among European women. It is included in the list of the most valuable fats used by cosmetic manufacturers as a universal base, emollient and effective moisturizer.

What is African shea butter, what useful properties does this product have and how can it be used in home cosmetology to enrich the nutrition of the skin and its appendages? The answer to all these questions is waiting for you, dear ladies, in my story.

The fatty substance is extracted by manual grinding and washing in water of lipid-saturated seeds of a tree of the Sapotov family - shea. The plant, whose habitat is the African continent, has other names - amazing vitellaria and shea butter. A culture that grows up to 20 meters in height is long-lived and bears fruit, starting at the age of 50, for several hundred years.

What is shea butter and how to use it?

It looks like shea butter, photo

In African countries, shea butter is used for food purposes, being a valuable source of nutritious fats, for face and body care, in the treatment of dermatological diseases and cosmetic deficiencies, and for the manufacture of ointments. In the countries of the Western world, the product is mainly used in the production of natural elite care products and in home cosmetology.

Having shea butter in your arsenal, you can use it both as an independent care product, and as a universal basis for other healing components (fruit pulp, beekeeping products, herbal extracts, etc.), and as a base for pure essential oils.

The product presented on the modern market is purified and unrefined. Raw oil can be distinguished from refined oil by color and smell. If the product has a uniform white consistency, and the amber is completely absent, then it has undergone a full synthetic processing.

If shea butter has a light and pleasant aroma of a nut and has a yellowish or brown tint, then this indicates that the product was cleaned to a minimum, only with water. It is preferable to purchase unrefined shea butter, as it contains the maximum concentration of triglycerides, healthy fatty acids and terpene alcohols.

At room temperature (+22-24°C), the product remains in a solid form, resembling baked milk, and when heated or applied to the skin, it begins to melt, turning into a liquid substance.

Combining shea butter with other vegetable oils, plant extracts and pure etherols, you can get a creamy mass that easily penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin, nourishing, softening, moisturizing, restoring, healing minor damage and rejuvenating it.

In terms of the amount of unsaponifiable substances, consisting of tocopherols (group E vitamins), phenols, triterpenes, steroids and hydrocarbons, shea butter surpasses all the most famous solid vegetable oils (cocoa, coconut).

Polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are among the most effective antioxidants for the skin, are represented in shea butter by linoleic, linolenic, oleic, stearic and palmitic acids.

Such a powerful composition of shea butter provides the following medicinal properties of the product:

  • antioxidant;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • restoring;
  • tonic;
  • antiseptic;
  • wound healing;
  • keratolic;
  • moisturizing;
  • regenerating;
  • rejuvenating;
  • anti-cellulite;
  • protective.

Upon contact with the skin, the oil penetrates into the deeper layers and activates the production of collagen, and it is this substance that is responsible for the elasticity and firmness of the skin. Powerful moisturizing ingredients, present even in refined shea butter, saturate every cell of the epidermis with moisture, smoothing wrinkles and preventing their formation.

Due to its healing properties when applied topically, shea butter is in great demand in cosmetology, and expert reviews indicate its undoubted benefits for all skin types.

By combining shea butter with various products and pharmaceutical products, for example, with essential oils, vitamins from ampoules, fruit pulp, honey, fruit and vegetable juice, extracts from medicinal herbs, you can achieve different effects and select the most productive compositions for your skin.

Dense consistency and the ability to melt on contact with the skin makes the product indispensable and convenient for self-production of nourishing creams and masks for face and hair.

Shea butter for face

One of the easiest ways to prevent skin care is to apply a thin layer of pure shea butter to your face, neck and décolleté before bed. Before use, a small amount of the product is melted in the palms. Cosmetologists recommend such care for young skin, as well as for women under 35 years old.

Aging facial skin requires more attention, so shea butter is enriched with healing additives.

Rejuvenating Shea Butter Skin Cream

  • Option number 1.

Put a bowl with 2 teaspoons of shea butter in a water bath, after it blooms, quickly add 5 ml of avocado and jojoba oils and 10 ml of macadamia oil. After mixing all the oils as quickly as possible, the cream is removed from the heat, transferred to a convenient glass or plastic container, for example, from a used cosmetic product, and sent to the refrigerator for 30 minutes to solidify. The cream is intended for application to the face and eyelids after cleansing the skin in the evening.

  • Option number 2.

To 10 g of melted shea butter add 20 g of sweet almond oil, 2 drops of blue chamomile ether and 3 drops of lavender. The cream is prepared using a wooden spatula and only in glass or ceramic dishes. The resulting product is transferred to a container convenient for further use and cooled for half an hour in the refrigerator. Apply the product 1-2 times a day with a thin layer on the cleansed skin of the face and neck. This composition is also suitable for wrinkled skin of the hands.

An intensive hydrating & nourishing mask, used before responsible events, is prepared as follows:

Melt a teaspoon of shea butter in a water bath, add the same amount of jojoba oil. Introduce 5 g of liquid honey and 2 teaspoons of pureed pulp of fresh avocado or banana into the mask. The resulting mass is applied to the face in a thick layer and kept for 15-20 minutes, after which it is washed off with a warm decoction of the string.

Lifting & wrinkle smoothing mask

Grind dried lemon peels (zest) in a mortar or coffee grinder. Grind a teaspoon without the top of the resulting powder in a ceramic bowl with egg yolk. Let the composition stand for about 20 minutes. After the zest swells, add 5 g of melted shea butter, walnut oil, avocado oil, liquid bee honey to the mixture. The procedure time is 20 minutes. Rinse off with chamomile infusion, wipe your face with a cube of green tea infusion.

Shea butter for hair

According to trichologists, the use of shea butter for hair significantly improves their condition and can restore health to lifeless and dull hair, reminiscent of tow.

8 benefits of shea butter for hair:

  1. soothes irritated scalp;
  2. nourishes the follicles;
  3. activates blood circulation and hair growth;
  4. smoothes and softens unruly strands;
  5. protects curls from harmful external influences;
  6. contains biological sun protection factor;
  7. laminates split ends;
  8. enhances the natural shine of hair.

Shea butter for hair can be used in the form of masks or wraps, both in pure form and in various compositions. Also, ready-made hair care products are enriched with the melted product - shampoos, conditioners, conditioners, masks, moisturizers, oils for nourishing the tips of curls, etc., at the rate of 15 g per 200 ml of the original product.

In its pure form, warm oil melted in the hands is recommended to be applied to the split ends of the hair after washing the head. The tool is quickly absorbed into the rods of curls, so it does not require rinsing. To enhance the effect in shea butter, you can add 2 drops of yarrow or calamus essential oil.

A revitalizing & hydrating mask that enhances the shine and silkiness of the strands

Melt 30 g of shea butter in the microwave, cool slightly to an acceptable temperature, add 5 ml of a solution of tocopherol and retinol (can be replaced with 3 Aevit capsules) and 3 drops of sandalwood essential oil. The resulting product is applied along the entire length of the hair before going to bed, put on a warming cap, washed off in the morning with an organic shampoo or eggs beaten with water.

Oils for strengthening hair roots with shea and burdock

2 tbsp. tablespoons of dissolved shea butter combined with 3 tbsp. spoons of burdock oil (burdock root) and 30 drops of cedar essential oil. The composition is rubbed into the scalp with soft circular movements, the remains are evenly distributed along the entire length of the strands. To enhance the performance, the head is covered with a plastic bag and tied with a downy scarf.

The procedure time is 45 minutes. Rinse off the mask with warm water, use nettle decoction for the last rinse.

Shea butter for body

Experienced cosmetologists and masseurs recommend their clients to use shea butter in the care of all parts of the body. The powerful components of the product are able to eliminate various problems, ranging from softening rough skin on the heels, elbows and feet, and ending with the elimination of peeling and healing of microdamages.

Shea butter is also indispensable for hands. Regular application of the product in its pure form or in combination with other vegetable and essential oils helps to eliminate age-related problems that appear primarily on the hands. In addition, the healing components of the oil nourish the cuticle and nail plates, eliminating their fragility and delamination.

Shea butter, the properties and uses of which are not yet fully understood, however, is a unique remedy for cellulite. Since the product stimulates the production of collagen, strengthening the skin frame and restoring elasticity, shea butter procedures, in particular wraps and massages, help dissolve cellulite subcutaneous deposits in all problem areas of the body and restore smoothness to the skin.

Chocolate wrap with shea butter to reduce cellulite

For example, chocolate-oil wraps are especially popular for body contouring. To eliminate cellulite and reduce body volume, 15-20 procedures are required.

At one time, you will need to melt a broken bar of dark chocolate (100 g) in a water bath, add 2 tablespoons of shea butter to it, mix thoroughly, cool the mass to room temperature and add 100 ml of natural yogurt without additives to it.

The problem areas are abundantly lubricated with the composition, the body is wrapped with cling film, cotton clothes are put on, covered with a blanket and they sit in an armchair or lie on the sofa. The wrapping time is from 30 to 45 minutes. The procedures are performed 2 times a week, avoiding long breaks between them, as this reduces the anti-cellulite effect.

With information on how to properly use shea butter, you can diversify home skin and hair care that will shine with health, saturate them with a maximum of nutritional compounds, and also maintain youth and beauty of the body at the proper level.

If you do not yet have this exotic product in your cosmetic arsenal, then it's time to order it online or go to the nearest pharmacy or eco-shop in search of a useful purchase. Share in the comments your exclusive experience on the use of African shea butter so that all our readers can benefit from the useful experience and become even more attractive and elegant!