How to check the availability of office work with bailiffs. Enforcement proceedings of bailiffs - check

Unpaid debts can bring a lot of unpleasant moments to their owners. A person is not even always aware of the existence of debt. To avoid problems, it is necessary to check the status of enforcement proceedings in the bailiff service. The information is public and available to any user.

Why check enforcement proceedings

Bailiffs have a wide arsenal of tools to influence citizens who do not fulfill their obligations. Funds withheld from wages, money debited from the account, a ban on leaving the country - this is just an incomplete list of troubles that debtors may face.

Various organizations that a person has to deal with in his life can also find out about the availability of enforcement proceedings from bailiffs and check the debt. For example, requests to the FSSP are sent by potential employers, credit institutions, private lenders. The existence of debt negatively affects their decisions.

On the other hand, the debtor does not always know about getting into the base of the enforcement service. This may be due to both objective reasons - a change of residence, the loss of a postal item, or the mistakes of bailiffs or contractors. Situations are known when claims were made to namesakes of real debtors, or obligations appeared as a result of a failure of technical means. Therefore, even people who are confident in the absence of debts should periodically check themselves in the FSSP database.

Verification of enforcement proceedings is also useful for claimants. They can online compare the funds received with the data of bailiffs and contact the service if there are discrepancies.

Verification methods

There are two main methods of monitoring the conduct of enforcement proceedings - this is a direct appeal to the bailiff who is conducting the case and checking in the online service. The advantages of an electronic request are obvious:

  • fast response time;
  • lack of queues;
  • providing information to any user;
  • independence from the bailiff's working hours;
  • optional knowledge of the data of the specialist conducting the case.

But open information from the database of the executive service is quite limited. If more detailed information is required (for example, about all measures taken by the bailiffs to collect the debt), you must contact the bailiff directly.

The FSSP Enforcement Bank is located on the official website of the federal service at Access to information is also provided on the domains of territorial subdivisions, which look like r** (instead of asterisks, the region number). The service allows not only to get information about the case, but also to pay debts, if any.

Owners mobile phones can install the FSSP application, which provides similar services. The software tool allows you to subscribe to receive information periodically. Applications can be downloaded from the App Store, Google Play and Windows Phone. Continuous provision of information is also possible through the program "Data Bank of Enforcement Proceedings", developed for the social networks "Vkontakte" and "Odnoklassniki".

How to check the debt on the website of bailiffs

In order to use the service, you must select the desired section at the top of the search form. Public information provided by the resource contains enforcement proceedings of individuals and legal entities. In addition, on the website of the bailiffs, the enforcement proceedings can be checked by the case number. The user independently selects the desired section in the form.

Search for individuals

After selecting the item "Search individuals» The service will send the user to a page to enter information about the citizen being monitored.

The first line is designed to select the region in which enforcement proceedings are conducted. It opens at the place of residence (registration) of the defendant. If the person has recently moved, the old and new address should be searched, as data is not always transferred in time from one department to another. The last line - "All regions", allows you to check all the territorial departments of the bailiff service.

In the next four lines of the search form, information about the alleged debtor is entered. The name and surname of the citizen are obligatory. Middle name and date of birth are optional, but they allow you to cut off the cases of people with the same first and last name.

After entering the information, click the "Search" button. The program will issue a list of enforcement proceedings for a given person. To generate it, you must enter a verification code.

If a blank page comes out, it means that the citizen being checked has no debts.

Search for legal entities

The company is checked by name and location. In the first line, as in the search for debts of citizens, you should select the region in which enforcement proceedings are being conducted. This is the subject of the Russian Federation in which the company is registered. Value - "All regions" displays search results for all territorial divisions of the FSSP.

The name of the organization is required. It should be introduced in accordance with the constituent documents. The legal address allows you to clarify information about the enterprise, but this information is optional for searching.

Search by enforcement proceedings number

This is the most accurate and easiest way to find information. To obtain the necessary information, you must enter the number of the executive case. The disadvantage of this search method is an incomplete result. The service will issue information only on the given number of enforcement proceedings, and will not provide a complete picture of the debts of the audited entity.

The composition of the information provided by the bailiff service

The information of the Bank of Enforcement Proceedings, contained in the public domain, is limited and gives an idea of ​​the amount of current debts. There are no details in the open information. For example, data on the total amount of the executive document and the amount of obligations already repaid. To obtain this information, you need to contact the bailiff or other resources.

Information provided by the bailiff service includes:

  1. debtor details. For individuals - this is the surname, name, patronymic, date and place of birth. For legal entities - name and legal address.
  2. Information about the enforcement proceedings, namely the case number and the date of its opening.
  3. Document-basis of enforcement proceedings (IP):
    • Name;
    • issuing authority;
    • date of acceptance;
    • Document Number.
  4. Grounds for closing the IP:
    • the date;
    • under which article the case was terminated (according to the Federal Law "On Enforcement Proceedings").

If production has not been discontinued, there is no information in this section.

  1. The reason (basis) for opening an IP.
  2. Amount of outstanding debt.
  3. Information about the bailiff in whose jurisdiction the IP is:
    • the name and address of the department;
    • contact number.

All information on enforcement proceedings in the search section is collected in a table. In addition to the specified information, there is a “Pay” button in the IP line. Clicking it takes the user to the payment service.

Payment of debts

The website of the bailiffs presents a large number of ways to pay off the debt. You can pay the debt online from bank cards or from your phone account, as well as transfer money from an electronic wallet. Selecting the desired option will send the user to the payment system website. Automatic filling of the payment document allows you to make a transfer in a matter of minutes.

For users who do not trust electronic services, the service provides the opportunity to generate a printed form of a receipt for payment. A paper document is presented by the payer to the bank or post office.

(click to open)

When is it necessary to find a writ of execution

The reasons for finding enforcement proceedings by number may be as follows:

  • shortcomings in the work of bailiffs, sometimes bailiffs may not notify a citizen about the occurrence of a debt;
  • the bailiffs’ lack of information about the person’s permanent place of residence also does not allow delivering a notification.

In what cases can a search for enforcement proceedings by the number of a writ of execution be useful to citizens:

  1. Before planning a trip abroad, it is worth checking yourself. Debtors are prohibited from leaving the country.
  2. If a person misses the deadline for paying the debt, a fine of 5% of the debt will be imposed on him. To avoid unnecessary costs, it makes sense to check the availability of a writ of execution and the deadlines indicated in it.
  3. For reinsurance. If a citizen or organization does not want excessive communication with bailiffs, then sometimes you need to check information about debts.

How to check the writ of execution by number

Is it possible In order to find out the existence of a debt, it is necessary to find enforcement proceedings by the number of the writ of execution. Information about writ of execution is provided by the official website of the bailiff service

Upon entering the main page, you will immediately be taken to the “find out about your debts” section. There you enter the data of the desired individual or legal entity, as well as individual entrepreneurs.

If the database manages to find the case by the number of enforcement proceedings, it will give you a list of data:

  • the name of the authority that issued the decision and its address;
  • IP number;
  • details of executive documents;
  • date of issuance of the writ of execution;
  • the amount of the debt and its maturity date;
  • appeals of the owner of the writ of execution to the bailiffs, if any.

If a person is interested in how to find a bailiff's order by number, then the answer is simple - just like a writ of execution.

Features of the search on the FSSP website

It is not necessary to check the writ of execution by its number. The site database is equipped with an advanced search, where you can specify all the data about the case you are looking for or part of the information known to him without the number of enforcement proceedings, and the search will return a list of cases that match the information in the request.

You can enter the following information in your search:

  • full name of the citizen or the name of the legal entity;
  • registration address;
  • number of the writ of execution;
  • the date of the decision on the case;
  • the name and address of the body that made the decision.

The more information you specify in the search, the more accurately and quickly it will give you information. Filling in the fields partially, it is likely that the search will return quite a lot of options, and this is an extra waste of your time.

Lawyers advise checking yourself through the FSSP database every year. This will save you from the consequences associated with late payment of debts.

Receipt of a writ of execution

When the court makes a decision in favor of the plaintiff, there are two options for what happens with the writ of execution:

  • asks the court to send it to the bailiffs;
  • picks up and delivers.

The first option is considered unfavorable for the plaintiff. The court may take some time to forward the decision, and this gives the defendant the opportunity to: hide, cancel accounts, transfer money to inaccessible accounts, etc.

To get the sheet in hand, you need to submit a corresponding application to the court office two weeks after the decision is made. A special form and sample are issued at the office.

When receiving a decision, it is worth carefully studying all the information indicated in it. If the bailiffs find errors in the data, they will refuse to launch the case.

Before handing over the original writ of execution to the bailiffs, it will not be superfluous to make a copy for yourself and certify it with a notary. Having such a copy, it will be easier for you to find out from the bailiffs information about the progress of the case.

Loss of writ of execution

If, having received the decision in your hands, you lose it, then you will have to receive a duplicate through an additional court session, in the same court that ruled on the case. Both parties will be summoned to the meeting again, but the defendant's failure to appear will not be grounds for refusing to issue a duplicate.

Subscribe to latest news

Court decisions in the Russian Federation can be taken from several sources. The relevance of the opportunity to receive the text on various identification points is very important, since the parties to the process do not always have the opportunity to take part in the meetings or then receive copies of the decisions by mail.

Where can I get the judgment number?

You can find out the number of court decisions:

At the court officea phone call or a personal appeal at a time when the printed version of the conclusion is not yet ready.
Internet resource,where the decisions of the Supreme, Arbitration, World Courts of General Jurisdiction are placed.
State automated system of legislative verdicts"Justice" (site
On the site judicial decisions.rf.-
On the portalFederal bailiff service.
On a single portalpublic services.

Check by last name

Information can be found on each of the above resources. On the website of GAS "Pravosudie" the data is searched in the following way:

  1. First you need to go to the "Search by cases and judicial acts".
  2. A window will appear before the user's eyes.
  3. In the window that appears, you must select the region where the legislature is located.
  4. In the column "Participant in the process (full name)" enter the data of an individual who is a party to the dispute (regardless of whether the person is the plaintiff, defendant or accused).
  5. It is also desirable to fill in the estimated date of receipt of the case for consideration by the court.

On the portal of judicial opinions, information on personal data is even easier to find:

  • you need to go to the "Simple search" section;
  • in the dialog box, the initials of the participant in the case are entered;
  • you can prescribe additional data (court region, participant status, case number).

If you need to find information about enforcement proceedings from bailiffs:

  1. The user enters the website of the Federal Bailiff Service.
  2. In the dialog box that opens, select the "Services" section.
  3. At the next stage, clicks on one of the available services. The most suitable is the “Data Bank of Enforcement Proceedings”.
  4. In the window that opens, selects the territorial body of the FSSP and enters the full name, as well as the date of birth of the person against whom the case has been started.

Search engines allow the possibility of finding information by the name of the judge. For example, there is such an opportunity on the website.

To get detailed material on a group of cases, you need to specify:

  • region of the Russian Federation;
  • instance of the case;
  • the name of the legislature;
  • judge data.

What is a valid enforcement proceedings number?

This number is a specific identifier. That is why people are faced with a problem when services are asked to enter numbers in the required field.

Valid number is filled in the format:

  • room;
  • region;
  • year of IP initiation.

Example, 17543 (number) - 14 (area code) - 01 (2001).

Is there an issue with the FSSP?

How do you know if enforcement proceedings have been initiated against you? The issue is quite relevant, because not always the representatives of the collection or the judicial authorities send letters to citizens with notifications about the occurrence of debts, or other legal issues that may lead to the opening of an individual entrepreneur.

There are many ways to get help:

  1. Call SSP on the phone.
  2. On the FSSP website in the section "Bank of Enforcement Proceedings".
  3. Through special applications for mobile phones.
  4. Through the application "IP Bank", created specifically for the social networks "Odnoklassniki" and "Vkontakte".
  5. Using the portal of the State Service. You need to go to the FSSP section and click on the tab "Obtaining information on the progress of enforcement proceedings."
  6. Check for enforcement action by visiting personal reception to the SSP.

Modern Internet capabilities allow you to subscribe to the news of groups in "VK" and "OK", therefore, by visiting the social. networks that relate to FSSP information, you will receive updated data constantly.

You can check the availability of enforcement proceedings exclusively by full name. Of course, a search is also available by number, but a person who does not know about the existence of the case itself will not know its number.

Is it possible to find out the reason for the fine through the bailiffs?

You can find out from the enforcement proceedings for what the fine can be. Note that on the FSSP website it is not always possible to understand the reason for the decision to impose penalties, but in most cases the information is more or less clear.

To obtain data, you need to go to the "Bank of Enforcement Proceedings" section of the website of the Federal Collection Service and fill in the fields that appear. The service will issue a status certificate on the date the request was entered.

Consider the search process with an example:

  • go to the fssprus website;
  • select the required section;
  • select the search region (for example, the Amur Region);
  • enter the last name and first name (for example, Alexander Tkachenko). In this window, you can also enter a middle name and date of birth for greater detail.

After processing the request, a block of information appears:

  • Full name of the debtor;
  • case number;
  • IP number;
  • the subject of the debt (transport tax, debt on utilities, other property recovery, insurance premiums, debts on loans, etc.).


IP base

Check the data on the database of enforcement proceedings , any citizen can. It contains information on all court decisions, except for criminal cases. The data in the service is provided systematically, because one of the important elements of the search process is the specification of the region.

The base is constantly updated. Data about initiated cases are immediately entered into the system, since public information should be available for review on the Internet.

The man found out that he was brought executive action. In the first minutes, he does not know what to do. He realizes that it is necessary to deal with the issue of payment or cancellation of the fine. The main idea is this: how to find a bailiff for enforcement proceedings?

A citizen understands that it is possible to learn in detail about the reason for imposing a fine and how to resolve the issue (payment or exemption from liability) only in the case of a personal appeal. That is why knowing the bailiff's personal information is not a whim, but a necessity.

It is quite possible to find out the name of an employee:

  1. Go to the site
  2. Select the section "Data Bank of Enforcement Proceedings".
  3. Fill in the dialog box that opens (region, full name of the applicant, date of birth).
  4. Press the "Find" button.
  5. Familiarize yourself with the information found (information about the bailiff will be in the far right column).

In this table, the applicant will also specify:

  • the address of the FSSP bureau where the case is opened;
  • the approximate cause of the debt;
  • the exact amount of claims against him.

How can I find out about the progress of enforcement proceedings?

To obtain information about the course of production actions in relation to a person, it is necessary to come to an appointment with the bailiff. It is also important to know that data will not be provided based on an oral request.

The person against whom the case has been initiated must write a statement and indicate:

  • name of the territorial division of the FSSP;
  • Full name of the applicant, address and contact details;
  • enforcement order number;
  • date of commencement of debt repayment;
  • the basis for its excitation;
  • request and grounds for providing a certificate on the course of enforcement actions;
  • date of the application.


The article addresses the following questions:

  1. The procedure for obtaining data on whether a forced recovery has been initiated against a person.
  2. How to find out the number of the judgment.
  3. The procedure for obtaining materials on the course of enforcement actions.
  4. How to find out the reason for the sanctions.
  5. Other legal aspects.

If you have any questions about the topic of the article, ask them in the comments or the duty lawyer of the site. Also call the numbers listed. We will definitely answer and help.

Thank you! The lawyer will call you back as soon as possible.

The federal GIS GMP database is temporarily unavailable, please check later. Ask your question to the bailiff on duty, we will call you back in 15 minutes. You can also get advice by calling 8 800 350 84 13, ext. 456

H what is debt FSSP?
FROM indebtedness or indebtedness FSSP This is a legal term that defines a situation in which the court has officially ordered the recovery of funds from a person in favor of the plaintiff (applicant).

T total debt FSSP and other nuances are indicated in the court order or judicial act. H and on the basis of the court decision, the so-called writ of execution is issued to the bailiff, on the basis of which FSSP starts pursuing the debtor.

How to get free help from an FSSP debt lawyer?

Free legal advice
8 800 350-23-69 ext. 456. An on-duty lawyer who specializes in matters related to litigation and litigation will advise you on this number.

In what cases can FSSP debts arise?

  • traffic police of the Russian Federation (overdue fines)
  • Banks and banking organizations (mortgages and consumer loans)
  • Management companies (debts on housing and communal services)
  • Tax authorities (taxes and fees of various levels)
  • Non-payment of alimony

Debtor FSSP runs the risk of being arrested, losing money in bank accounts and cards, losing a driver's license and the ability to leave the country. Increasingly, debtors under the FSSP are put on the federal wanted list, their property is sold under the hammer.

How to check the FSSP debt

It is easy to check the FSSP debt on the official website of the Federal Bailiff Service. In order to find out the FSSP debt in the simplest case, you will need to indicate the region of residence, last name, first name, patronymic and date of birth.

On the FSSP website, you can also check the debt by the name of the enterprise for individual entrepreneurs (legal entities) and by the number of enforcement proceedings if documents from bailiffs have been sent to the mail.

Know about FSSP debts and you can pay them within 5 minutes with a bank card on our website or by entering the data in the form below.

FSSP debt check by last name

Checking FSSP debts by last name is the easiest way to find and pay debts to bailiffs. In order to find out the exact amount of debt, only 3 types of data will be required:

  • Surname (also called full name)
  • Region of residence
  • Date of Birth

Only by last name and this additional data, the official website of the FSSP will be able to identify the existing debt and offer payment methods online.

Almost 30 million Russian citizens now have FSSP debts. Most of the debtors to bailiffs may not be aware of the enforcement proceedings instituted against them. An outstanding housing and communal services debt, a bank loan or a recovery for alimony - all this can cause FSSP debts and all this can be found on the website by last name.

FSSP verification of the data bank of enforcement proceedings

Enforcement proceedings- this is the sum of all legal aspects and real actions of state bodies aimed at forcing individuals and legal entities to comply with court decisions that have entered into force.

It is important to consider the nuance. Enforcement proceedings are initiated at the time the debt arises. Often there is confusion, because administrative and criminal proceedings are initiated before the court makes specific decisions on the case.

The main thing to remember is that the initiation of enforcement proceedings by the FSSP automatically makes the party in respect of which it is initiated by the debtor.

In other words, the debt of the FSSP and the initiated enforcement proceedings are one and the same phenomenon.

It is elementary to check the database of enforcement proceedings of the FSSP, as in the case of debts to bailiffs by last name, on the official website of the bailiffs. You can also pay your bills on our website.

FSSP checking debt on traffic police fines

The main subspecies of FSSP debts are debts on traffic police fines. The number of traffic cameras, the poor work of the Russian post, ignorance of the laws, due to which the usual fine goes to the bailiffs after 70 days, is affecting.

However, it often happens that measures against the debtor fall asleep due to distortions in the work of the state system. For example, fines accumulate on a car, go to a different address and gradually move to the FSSP. Bailiffs, due to their workload, prefer not to pay attention to a petty offender and forget about him for a while.

A year passes, overdue traffic police fines accumulate for a substantial amount and the FSSP begins to operate. The mechanism can start at any time, so if you have a personal car, you should check the FSSP debt at least once every 6 months.

FSSP checking the debt of individuals

The main ways to check the FSSP debt for individuals were described above. As mentioned earlier, you can check your debts to bailiffs on the official website of the FSSP.

Verification for individuals is carried out there by the number of enforcement proceedings and by last name. In addition, today you can find out the FSSP debts online by:

  • TIN number,
  • number of the execution proceeding,
  • VIN number,
  • Number and series of the passport,
  • Data from SNILS.

This service allows you to check an individual for the presence of enforcement proceedings and debts on the basis of the Federal Bailiff Service. To check, you must enter the full name and date of birth, as well as select the region of registration of the person being checked. You can get information quickly and anonymously, both in relation to yourself and other individuals. How to check a person on the database of bailiffs In order to verify an individual, it is necessary to fill in the fields of the submitted form with the relevant data. Verification can be carried out even on incomplete data of a person. In this case, its result will be a list of all persons corresponding to the entered parameters. After filling in the form fields, you need to click the “Check” button and wait for the results. Verification is carried out according to the most relevant and reliable sources. The result is provided within a few seconds. If the person being checked has no debts to the FSSP, and enforcement proceedings have not been initiated against him, as a result of the check, the system will issue an appropriate message. What information can be obtained The result of the check is a table containing the following information about the person being checked: - Full name of the debtor and his date of birth; - Number and date of commencement of enforcement proceedings; - Data of the executive document; - Address and phone number of the FSSP branch at the debtor's place of residence; - Surname and telephone number of the bailiff. The information in the database is regularly updated and expanded. Verification can be carried out in relation to individuals registered in any region of the Russian Federation.

Why do you need a check on the FSSP database

Checking against the base of executive produces may be required in various cases. Firstly, the service allows you to quickly check your debts and repay them in a timely manner. The presence of debts in enforcement proceedings can become an obstacle to traveling abroad, the reason for the seizure of property and bank accounts, the imposition of fines and other problems. Therefore, it is very important to find out about the existing debts and pay them. Secondly, it is possible to check a person when applying for a job, deciding on cooperation, collecting personal information, etc. Also, this service allows the creditor to check whether bailiffs have initiated enforcement proceedings against the debtor.