Which alcohol is less harmful to the body of a man. The harm of alcohol to the liver - which alcoholic drink is the most harmless? Forms and symptoms of ABP

Alcohol abuse, drinking them daily, has a negative effect on the liver. If you drink for quite a long time, serious liver damage is guaranteed, because it is the body's filter that processes almost 90% of alcohol. When the liver is overloaded with the use of alcoholic beverages, irreversible changes occur that lead to diseases such as fibrosis, fatty liver. What is the effect of alcohol on the liver?

Alcoholic drinks are one of the worst foods that negatively affect the functioning of the liver.

The effect of low-quality alcohol on the liver

Alcohol in any quantity has a detrimental effect on a person, but the use of low-quality alcoholic beverages has a doubly effect on the entire body and internal organs. There are many varieties of drinks that cannot be called healthy, but rather, on the contrary, they are much more dangerous than, for example, expensive wines or vintage cognac. Such drinks include: moonshine and "self-made" vodka, alcoholic substitutes, cheap tinctures and liquors. In addition to harm to brain cells, heart, blood vessels, it can cause and lead to poisoning - instant or gradual, and even worse, the development of serious diseases that shorten the life of an alcoholic. Alcohol may contain dangerous genetically modified products in its composition, and they are known to be strictly prohibited for use in the manufacture and sale. These substances can destroy life, are dangerous in composition and effects on a healthy body.

Influence of beer

Beer refers to drinks with a small dose of alcohol, so it is considered harmless. However, the amount of alcohol and components - hops, preservatives, flavors, dyes - make up such a range of negative substances that it is sometimes not inferior to stronger alcohol in terms of negative properties. Given that they drink beer not in small doses, but in liters, and moreover, regularly, its load on the liver becomes more and more harmful. The cells are overloaded and the inflammatory process of the body begins - the temperature rises, general weakness, malaise appears, the skin of the face and body turns yellow, and digestive disorders are observed. Often, such symptoms are attributed to other organs, other causes of poor health are found, and the disease slowly progresses further. The worst thing that can happen to the liver is hepatitis C, which is difficult to treat with drugs. In particularly difficult cases, when treatment already fails, only a liver transplant is possible. This is the destructive effect of alcohol on the liver.

Nonalcoholic beer

Non-alcoholic beer is similar in taste to alcoholic beer, but does not contain alcohol and is low in calories in energy value. This allows you to drink it and not get drunk, drink and not be afraid to get better. Nulevka contains B vitamins, which play an important role in cellular metabolism. Scientists have proven that beer has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, prevents the development of cancer. Encoded drinkers can drink this soft drink without experiencing cravings, which helps them keep their weakness at bay.

The drink also has its downsides. Not every manufacturer conscientiously follows the cooking technology, so it contains dangerous impurities, preservatives, phytohormones that adversely affect men and women. The male part of the population has beer bellies, problems with potency. Women are strongly discouraged from drinking non-alcoholic beer during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

What is the effect of red wine?

Dry red wine is put forward by some researchers as a cure for steatohepatitis.

Dry red wine plays a special role in medical nutrition, because it is made from natural products, it is a source of trace elements, vitamins of groups B, C, D, H. Magnesium, iron, chromium, calcium, zinc are minerals and elements so necessary for the heart, bone tissue, hemoglobin, enhance immunity. The polyphenols contained in it prevent the development of type 2 diabetes, resveratol is effective for the prevention of osteoporosis, astringents for intestinal disorders will help relieve spasms and relieve pain. Red wine is drunk before meals in order to increase appetite, for the speed of digestion of heavy food, better metabolism, and prevention of obesity.

Its use in reasonable quantities can prevent non-alcoholic steatohepatitis - a chronic liver disease, the risk of its development becomes several times less. However, its maximum dose per day should be no more than 100 grams. In case of abuse, its action will adversely affect the body, from good to spoilage is one step.

Which alcohol is less harmful?

Which alcohol is less harmful is a rhetorical question. Considering that it causes damage both in the minimum and in the maximum amount, one can only try to divide all alcoholic beverages according to the strength of the harm done: the dose consumed, the degree of purification of alcohol, impurities and preservatives. So, if you choose a certain volume and the most low-grade drink, it will be wine or beer in comparison with cognac, for example. If the volume of wine or beer is increased, then the amount of alcohol consumed will be greater, and the effect will be the same as that of cognac. This misconception can quietly lead to the fact that one day a young guy wakes up addicted to alcohol.

The most dangerous alcohol is methyl alcohol. By-products formed during fermentation are esters, oils, from which cheap alcohol is made and will be very dangerous. This is the strongest neurovascular poison, which causes a deterioration in the general condition, visual impairment and requires immediate medical attention, otherwise death may occur.

Of course, where without dyes and flavors. These are all chemicals that affect the liver and pancreatic function. Low-alcohol drinks, liqueurs at a low cost will become products that are more harmful and merciless to your liver. This group of products is designed for young people and women, so they are often the ones who suffer. Champagne, tincture, cider are all low-grade alcohol, but this does not mean that it is not so harmful to the liver. Here it will be important the amount of alcohol consumed, not the degree. When choosing, be guided by alcohol of good quality, thorough cleaning, preferably without additives and dyes, and, of course, know the measure in their use.

Safe dosage of alcohol

In the use of alcohol, the correct dosage is necessary so as not to suffer from diseases and not expose the liver to a “hit”. Men can drink only 20 g of alcohol per day, women up to 10 g of alcohol. Doses are conditional, since weight, height, age, gender, and health status must be taken into account. If you increase the dosage, then you risk getting the first "bells" of the sore. If you already suffer from liver or cardiovascular diseases, then take care not to worsen the condition and it is better to completely refuse to drink alcohol. In the event of a relapse, you risk getting into a hospital bed.

Diseases from alcohol

  • Fatty liver (fatty liver). Obesity is caused by the accumulation of ethanol in the liver cells. Obesity provoking factors are overweight, previously transferred hepatitis C, drinking large amounts of alcohol, and eating fatty foods. Symptoms are expressed by weight loss, yellowing of the skin, pain in the liver area, and vomiting. Treatment for obesity will take a long time, requiring self-discipline and patience from the patient. In addition, the success of therapy will come with the observance of a therapeutic diet - table number 5, which must be observed for 1.5-2 years to improve the result. In an advanced case, if you do not seek medical help, the tissue will scar and the organ will cease to function, which can lead to death.
  • Fibrosis. Damage to liver cells. Liver fibrosis has 5 degrees or stages: F0, F1, F2, F3, F4. The progress of the stages depends on the patient himself and is determined by such factors as: male sex, the presence of diabetes, obesity, alcohol abuse. Treatment of fibrosis is possible in a therapeutic way, the latest drugs can prevent its further development. A favorable outcome of treatment is possible when taking medications, following the recommendations of the attending physician.

  • Cirrhosis. Excessive alcohol consumption leads to the development of a chronic disease and changes in the structure of the liver. Men often suffer from it. The reasons are - viral hepatitis C, excessive alcohol consumption for a long time. Symptoms, as with hepatitis, are nausea, fatigue, lack of appetite, itching, jaundice. It occurs in alcoholics, it is difficult to treat, since this is already an irreversible process. In advanced cases, if treatment is refused, death is possible.
  • Liver failure. Violation of one or more liver functions. There are acute and chronic. progresses for several hours or days, needs urgent treatment. Chronic has a progressive character, provoking factors are alcohol, bleeding of the upper digestive tract, which can lead to the progress of liver failure (hepatic coma). The outcome of treatment of hepatic coma depends on the timeliness of detection of the first signs of the disease. Success depends on well-prescribed and performed therapy.

Many people often wonder which alcohol is less harmful to the liver. In any amount, alcohol has a negative effect on the entire body, especially on this organ. Despite this, doctors themselves believe that in a certain amount, alcoholic beverages are not capable of harming the body.

If you drink it within reasonable limits, then the risk of negative consequences will be extremely small. It is the liver that receives the most load after ethyl alcohol enters the body. It can begin to collapse, which leads to the development of serious pathologies and even death.

Agree, it is very difficult to completely abandon the use of alcoholic beverages. Everyone likes to relax after a hard week of work or to properly celebrate a significant date. Yes, and sitting at the table, many will feel like a black sheep if they don’t drink a few glasses. Often, the hosts of the celebration are offended when guests refuse to raise a glass of alcohol.

It should be noted that numerous studies have allowed doctors to determine the safe dose of alcohol. The fact is that the liver is the only organ that can recover.

If you do not constantly take ethyl alcohol, damaged liver tissue can easily be replaced by a new and healthy one. The dosages obtained during the experiments cannot be considered reference, since a large number of factors influence the exact indicator: gender, weight, age, and the presence of chronic diseases.

Doctors call the following doses of alcohol safe:

  • Strong drinks (brandy, whiskey, vodka) - no more than 30-60 ml per day.
  • Wine with distillates or port - about 150-200 ml.
  • Sparkling or natural wine - 200-300 ml.
  • Light beer - 450-700 ml. If you drink non-alcoholic, then the dose can be increased.

According to doctors, natural white wine is the safest for the body. It has a wonderful aroma and an incredible refreshing effect. If you regularly drink it in small amounts, you will also be able to comprehensively improve your health due to the beneficial elements found in grapes. It should be noted that the doses described above are averaged.

Excessive alcohol consumption leads to severe stress on the liver, which causes the development and exacerbation of chronic diseases of the entire gastrointestinal tract.

Beverage classification

Alcoholic beverages are usually classified according to the concentration of ethyl alcohol. They are:

  • Low alcohol.
  • Strong.

The drinks of these two groups differ in the way they are prepared. The first type is usually obtained on the basis of the fermentation process, the second - after distillation. However, in some cases, for example, with fortified wine, such options can be combined.

Beer usually ferments very quickly, it has a short aging time. The exact quality indicators depend on the variety and species. On average, the strength of the foamy drink ranges from 3 to 8 degrees.

It takes much longer to make wine, in some cases even several years. However, its strength will increase from 7 to 18 degrees. Spirits are usually made by diluting water and alcohol. To improve the palatability, various additives or aromatic ingredients can be added to the mixture.

If you do not know what is more harmful, vodka or cognac, the answer is unambiguous - cognac.

The effect of alcohol on the body

The liver is an organ that largely determines how the body will work. It is she who is responsible for the processing and removal of toxins and toxins from the body, cleansing the blood. Excessive alcohol consumption always negatively affects the body - for someone earlier, for someone later.

Both vodka and brandy, as well as beer, can provoke the development of cirrhosis.. The fact is that all these drinks contain ethyl alcohol, which, upon contact with the liver tissue, destroys important cells.

The process of liver dysfunction due to alcohol is as follows:

  1. After alcohol enters the body, part of the ethyl alcohol is excreted, the rest remains in the liver.
  2. Alcohol components are converted into acetaldehydes, which cause a hangover. They are what cause liver damage.
  3. Increases the concentration of fatty acids in the body.
  4. The walls of the liver are covered with fat, a person's health deteriorates sharply.

If you drink alcohol in moderation, you will never face serious consequences. However, it is best to try to completely abandon it. If you want to minimize the negative impact on the liver, choose only those drinks that do not contain additional chemical components, flavors and other poisons.

Women should not drink alcohol, the strength of which exceeds 15 degrees. Doctors say that with the daily use of even the smallest doses of alcohol, the risk of serious complications is extremely high.

Which alcohol is less harmful?

To minimize the negative impact of ethyl alcohol on the body, it is necessary to choose only high-quality alcoholic beverages. You should not buy them from your hands or in unfamiliar stores - it is best to do this in specialized departments.

Below you can see a table that lists the least harmful alcoholic drink.

Name Harm to the body
BeerThis is the most harmful alcohol for the liver. The fact is that in its composition there is a huge amount of preservatives, stabilizers, purines, photoestrogens. This results in dehydration of the body. It also causes a diuretic effect, which negatively affects the functioning of the kidneys. It is best to drink beer no more than 3 times a week.
Liqueurs and energy drinksOf particular danger is the high content of sugars and other flavorings. In addition, they contain ethanol, which disrupts the central nervous system.
ChampagneDespite the fact that champagne is a fairly light drink, it contains a large amount of sugar and ethyl alcohol. Such a mixture adversely affects the liver.
WineWine is a drink that in small doses is even beneficial for the body. However, with excessive use of it, sulfites begin to accumulate in the blood, which can cause a hangover. It is best to drink 150 ml of red wine no more than 3 times a week.
VodkaThe advantage of vodka, compared to other alcoholic beverages, is the absence of any carbohydrates and sugar. However, it affects the liver no less - it contains a large amount of ethyl alcohol. It is best to take no more than 50 ml 3 times a week.

No matter how high-quality and low-alcohol the drink is, it still causes irreparable harm to the whole organism.

The consequences caused by prolonged exposure to ethyl alcohol can cause serious complications. If you drink alcohol-containing drinks in small doses, then you will be able to avoid serious pathogenic consequences.

Nonalcoholic beer

Non-alcoholic beer is a rather specific drink that tastes no different from standard foamy beer. The only difference is the absence of ethyl alcohol, as well as low energy value. Of course, if you drink it, you will not get drunk or gain weight.

Non-alcoholic beer contains a large amount of vitamin B, which has a positive effect on the work of metabolic processes. In addition, it has been experimentally proven that non-alcoholic beer has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, and also reduces the risk of malignant tumors.

Non-alcoholic beer can be taken even by those who have been coded against alcohol. Despite this, this drink has several disadvantages. First of all, it should be noted that it still contains certain impurities in the form of phytohormones, preservatives and others, due to which changes can occur in women and men.

The impact of low-quality alcohol

It is safe to say that the most harmful alcoholic beverages are of poor quality. The liver oxidizes about 90-98% of ethanol, after which the toxic compound acetaldehyde enters the body instead. It negatively affects the work of all internal organs.

The main danger of counterfeit alcoholic beverages is that even a single use is enough for serious violations and even death.

Treating the Consequences of Alcohol Use

Due to the prolonged use of alcoholic beverages, severe intoxication occurs in the body. The liver suffers the most from it. To restore its function, it is necessary to take hepatoprotectors - drugs that can cure and protect the liver from further negative consequences.

Examples of such funds are Ursosan, and Karsil. You can also resort to using their analogues.

No less effective are homeopathic preparations created on the basis of extracts of medicinal plants. The most popular drugs and. They normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, relieve spasms and inflammation.

The funds are available in the form of drops and tablets, you can easily choose for yourself the most convenient method of application. In order for the effectiveness of such therapy to be higher, it is necessary to eat right, observe the daily regimen, and also refuse to drink alcoholic beverages.

Judging by the fact that you are now reading these lines, victory in the fight against liver diseases is not on your side yet ...

Have you thought about surgery yet? It is understandable, because the liver is a very important organ, and its proper functioning is the key to health and well-being. Nausea and vomiting, yellowish skin tone, bitterness in the mouth and bad smell, dark urine and diarrhea... All these symptoms are familiar to you firsthand.

But perhaps it is more correct to treat not the consequence, but the cause? We recommend reading the story of Olga Krichevskaya, how she cured her liver...

All alcoholic beverages differ not only in taste, but also in the level of harm to the body. Their use increases the risk of developing diseases and leads to a decrease in the standard of living. The negative impact of a feast with alcohol can be reduced by choosing the right type of alcohol. Knowing the characteristics of the influence of various alcoholic beverages on a person will help you choose the safest one and comply with the allowable dose.

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    The effect of alcohol on the human body

    Numerous studies have confirmed that alcohol, even in small doses, is a poison that destroys the entire human body. According to statistics, drinking women live on 10%, and men on 15% less than non-drinkers. Of course, not everyone will be able to stop drinking alcoholic beverages overnight, so the question of which alcohol is less harmful to the liver and the body as a whole has always been of interest.

    There is an opinion that small doses of strong drinks as an aperitif promote digestion, and regular consumption of a glass of wine has a positive effect on a person and helps in the treatment of many diseases. Hippocrates also adhered to this theory - he actively used red wine as a therapy for many diseases.

    No matter how pleasant and harmless it may seem to drink alcohol in small doses, its regular intake in the body contributes to the accumulation of harmful substances. As a result, human health is no less harmed than when drinking alcohol-containing drinks in large doses. When it enters the body, suffer:

    • Nervous system. 100 gr. vodka, a glass of wine or a mug of beer cause the death of about 8 thousand nerve cells that are not restored.
    • Heart muscle. Within 5-7 hours after drinking alcohol, the heart experiences heavy loads - blood pressure rises and the heartbeat quickens. In such conditions, the risk of developing arrhythmia, coronary heart disease and heart attack is high.
    • Vessels. Under the influence of harmful substances in the blood, erythrocytes stick together and blood clots appear. Moving through small vessels, they clog the gaps and provoke a stroke, a hypertensive crisis and a heart attack.
    • Liver. This organ is responsible for the neutralization of ethyl alcohol (the main element of alcohol). For 10 hours, the liver processes 1 glass of strong drink. The rest of the drunk destroys its cells (hepatocytes), causes obesity of internal organs, hepatitis and cirrhosis.

    Criteria for choosing the least harmful alcohol

    To understand which strong drink will cause minimal damage to the human body, it is worth determining the main selection criteria. There are several of them:

    • drink quality;
    • the amount of ethanol in the composition;
    • type of flavor additives;
    • action speed.

    Knowing these features, each person will be able to pick up not the most harmful alcohol-containing drink.

    The difference between expensive and cheap alcohol

    Many people believe that all alcoholic drinks are equally harmful, so spending money on expensive ones is not worth it. This statement is not entirely correct. It is useless to deny the harm of any alcohol, but there is still a difference between an expensive and a cheap option.

    The low price of the product inevitably indicates the poor quality of the raw materials used in production and imperfect manufacturing technology. When buying cheap alcohol, you can not bother choosing a sparing option - surrogate vodka and wine of dubious quality will be equally harmful.

    The amount of ethanol in the composition

    If you break down any alcoholic drink into its components, the most harmful of them will be ethanol. Once in the body, this substance turns into acetaldehyde - it is he who causes human intoxication. These consequences occur with constant abuse of alcohol and with a single dose in large doses.

    The stronger the drink, the more ethanol it contains - which means that it is this kind of drinking that causes the most negative consequences. However, one feature must be taken into account - not only the amount of ethanol in alcohol is important, but also the amount drunk.

    Many people, fearing a negative impact on the body, refuse a glass of vodka in favor of several cans of beer. In this case, the amount of low-alcohol beer will do even more harm than one glass of vodka. In other words, the level of ethanol in a product matters only if we are talking about the same volumes of different drinks.

    Importance of flavorings in alcohol

    In addition to ethanol, alcohol contains other elements:

    • sugar;
    • dyes;
    • essences;
    • flavors.

    It is these ingredients that give the strong drink its characteristic color, smell and taste, but their benefits are very doubtful. If you want to at least slightly reduce the harmfulness of alcohol, you should choose products with natural additives. Elements of synthetic origin exacerbate the already dire consequences.

    Sugar is one of the most common ingredients in alcohol. Its high content is noted in liqueurs, champagne, alcohol-containing cocktails. Such products have a high calorie content, which increases the load on the body.

    From sweet types of alcohol should be abandoned by those who:

    • is overweight;
    • suffering from diseases of the pancreas;
    • underwent surgery to remove the gallbladder;
    • has liver disease (including hepatitis) - a mixture of sugar and ethanol puts a huge burden on it.

    Herbs, fillers, and other additives in liquors can cause allergic reactions in the body.

    Action speed

    All alcoholic drinks can be divided into 2 types:

    • with a quick intoxicating effect (absinthe, tequila, vodka, cognac);
    • delayed action (champagne, wine, beer, cocktails).

    Drinking with a high level of ethyl alcohol leads to rapid intoxication - this allows you to react in time and stop. So, after drinking 3-4 glasses of vodka, a person already feels signs of intoxication. Wine, beer, and other delayed-release alcohol products work differently. After a few glasses, the consciousness will remain clear, and the coordination of movements will be clear. This gives the illusion of being sober, so the person drinks more and more. The result is severe intoxication of the body. Therefore, when drinking alcohol with a delayed effect, you must not rush and constantly control the amount of alcohol you drink.

    Energy drinks with alcohol content

    Over the past few years, alcohol-containing energy drinks have become widespread among young people. Such a product is considered to be quite harmless due to the low content of ethanol and a pleasant sweet taste. Addiction to such a drink promises serious problems.

    Scientists from the University of Victoria in Canada have shown that people who often drink alcohol with caffeine are more likely to suffer from suicidal tendencies, attacks of aggression and are prone to injury. Energy alcoholic drinks have several features:

    • combination of ethanol and caffeine in the composition (caffeine suppresses the intoxicating effect, so people do not feel drunk, which is why they are prone to rash acts);
    • high sugar content (the load on the whole body increases, especially on the liver).

    Sweet alcoholic cocktails

    Fans of pampering themselves with a light Margarita or Daiquiri in a nightclub do not even suspect that only one glass of this drink is fraught. Traditionally, several components are found in the composition at once - a carbonated drink, a certain type of strong alcohol, syrup, juice or sweet water. The use of 2-4 glasses significantly increases the load on the body and leads to severe intoxication. This mixture instantly enters the bloodstream and makes the following human organs work in an enhanced mode:

    • Pancreas - it processes sugar;
    • The liver - a double burden is placed on it (the absorption of glucose and the neutralization of ethyl alcohol);
    • Kidneys - they remove toxins from the lymph and blood at an accelerated pace;
    • Heart - blood flow increases, which is why it has to work in emergency mode.


    This drink is often called "feminine" and "aristocratic". Despite the low percentage of ethyl alcohol in the composition, champagne will be harmless only in the amount of 1-2 glasses.

    The product contains a large amount of sugar and carbonic acid. Glucose overloads the liver and spoils the figure, and carbon dioxide provokes the process of fermentation in the intestines. Abuse of this drink can cause numerous disorders in the digestive system, as well as severe poisoning.


    This golden foamy drink is in vain considered safe for the body. First of all, it is dangerous because it is quickly addictive. To date, doctors say that the number of beer alcoholics significantly exceeds the number dependent on other, stronger types of alcohol.

    Beer is a high-calorie product. It contributes to rapid weight gain and causes obesity. Regular consumption of beer significantly reduces the amount of hormones produced, and therefore the reproductive system suffers.

    The so-called “non-alcoholic” beer is not inferior in terms of harmfulness to its alcoholic counterpart. It should be borne in mind that there is still a certain proportion of alcohol there (about 0.5%).


    Compared to beer and cocktails, cognac can be considered less harmful, since the amount of additives and impurities in it is much lower. Small doses help lower blood pressure and neutralize some viruses in the human body.

    Cognac has less effect on the human body if it is consumed no more than 50 g. Excessive passion for this type of alcohol will cause severe intoxication of the human body and a severe hangover.


    If we are talking about good wine obtained in the process of grape fermentation, then this product can be called one of the most sparing types of alcohol. It contains a small amount of dyes, flavors and ethanol, so the drink will not bring the body as much harm as alcoholic energy drinks and beer do.

    This statement is equally true for both red and white varieties. However, with red wine, the risk of an allergic reaction is much higher. In other words, 1-2 glasses of wine will be almost harmless if you do not use them very often.


    Many will surely be surprised by the fact that this particular strong drink is one of the least harmful to the body. This can be explained by several features:

    • simple composition (only alcohol and water are present here);
    • complete absence of sugar (this helps to unload the pancreas and facilitates the work of the liver).

    High-quality good vodka in moderation does not lead to a severe hangover and is quickly neutralized. However, its use must be accompanied by a snack.


    Having studied all the criteria for the harmfulness of strong drinks, we can conclude that the most harmful products were those types of alcohol that have a complex composition and a large amount of impurities (caffeine, sugar, flavorings). A relatively harmless product is vodka.

    At the same time, no matter what type of alcohol a person chooses, the main thing is a good snack and a sense of proportion. This is what will allow not only to enjoy the feast, but also to easily endure a hangover.

The harm of alcoholic beverages is obvious and has long been proven. But, even understanding how detrimental and destructive effect of ethyl alcohol on the body, people do not give up alcohol. The range of modern alcohol-containing products today is huge. Is there a more harmless alcohol? Although this expression sounds rather inappropriate for poisonous products, it is possible to determine the most dangerous by comparing the types of alcohol.

By the way, scientists have been working in this direction for a long time, trying to systematize the available knowledge and make a classification of which alcohol is less harmful to the body. Some experts argue that alcohol can even bring some benefit to a person if it is consumed in a minimal amount and very rarely. Let's take a look at this interesting and vital topic.

Any drink that contains ethanol cannot be considered safe.

To find out which alcoholic drink is the most harmless, you should learn about the types of alcohol. The most common gradation is the classification of alcohol according to the degree of strength:

Many ordinary people talk about alcohol harm, based on the degree of its degree. And they believe that the weaker the alcohol, the safer it is. Based on this reasoning, we can say that the most harmless alcohol is beer or champagne. This is a big mistake.

The harmfulness of alcohol does not depend on the degree of its degree. Even weak alcohol drinks can provoke the development of alcoholism in a person.

A few years ago, Canadian scientists conducted a series of experiments that showed that most people do not suffer from strong alcohol. In the overwhelming majority of cases, addiction to alcohol was caused by light alcohol, which was drunk in large quantities and constantly. This caused rapid addiction and subsequent health problems.

Alcohol is destructive to all internal systems and organs

Rating of alcohol by harmfulness

So what is it, the safest alcohol, where to look for such alcohol that you can drink calmly, without regard to upcoming health problems? We can say right away: absolutely safe alcohol does not exist, any drink in which ethyl alcohol is present, a priori, belongs to the category of dangerous and destructive. But there is a list compiled by scientists, which presents alcoholic beverages in terms of harm. Check out this rating.

1st place: alcoholic energy drinks

In the spring of 2017, the world got acquainted with the data of a multi-year study, which was arranged and conducted by Canadian scientists. According to their research, the greatest danger to people is a mixture of ethanol with various energy drinks or ready-made alcoholic canned energy cocktails. These drinks, in addition to the well-known harm from alcohol, bring their admirers the following:

  1. Attacks of aggressive behavior.
  2. Suicidal attempts, most of which are successful.
  3. Increased trauma. Drinkers of alcoholic energy cocktails were more likely to be in an accident compared to lovers of more "clean" alcohol.

Alcoholic energy drinks are considered the most dangerous drinks for health.

Scientists have found an explanation for this. Caffeine, which is necessarily included in the composition of such alcohol, has a relaxing effect on the body and suppresses the sedative effect of ethanol. As a result, an intoxicated person not only does not understand the fact of intoxication itself, but also does not give an account of his own actions, considering them quite adequate.

Constant consumption of alcoholic energy drinks is accompanied by dizziness, weakness, loss of consciousness and memory problems. Sometimes a person who has committed some crime because of intoxication with this product, having sobered up, is not able to remember what he did and where he was. Alcoholic energy drinks rightfully occupy an honorable first place in the ranking of the most dangerous alcoholic products.

2nd place: alcoholic cocktails

There is a huge army of fans of various delicious cocktails that are prepared on the basis of alcohol. They regularly drink them at parties, cafes, clubs. It is very difficult to convince them of the danger of such a hobby. How can light and such fragrant Daiquiris, Cosmopolitan, Margarita be harmful? But in fact, they occupy the second position in the ranking of the most dangerous alcohol.

The harm of alcoholic cocktails lies in their composition

It's about their composition. Indeed, in addition to alcohol, the ingredients include carbonated drinks, sweetened water, liqueurs, syrups, juices. These components, mixing with each other, create a dangerous mixture that:

  • instantly absorbed into the blood;
  • provokes the strongest intoxication;
  • increase the concentration of sugar in the body;
  • leads to a severe hangover;
  • significantly increase the load on almost all internal organs.

All body systems begin to work in emergency mode: the liver neutralizes ethanol, while actively assimilating glucose. The kidneys try to quickly remove toxic toxins from the body, the work of the pancreas is activated. And the heart increases its rhythm, trying to ensure normal blood flow to actively working organs.

Even one small glass of an alcoholic cocktail brings a triple load on the body. The more a person drinks such drinks, the stronger the hangover syndrome will manifest in him.

3rd place: champagne and sparkling wines

Made with careful observance of the technological process, high-quality champagne will not bring much harm to the body if you drink it in the volume of a glass. But the passion for this drink will turn him into a terrible monster. The explanation is as follows:

  1. The composition of exquisite champagne includes a large amount of sugar. It has an extremely negative effect on the work and condition of the liver and pancreas.
  2. Once in the digestive tract, this drink leads to the development of violent processes of decay, involving the remains of undigested food in it. Such processes champagne owes its constituent carbon dioxide.

Good champagne won't hurt if you drink no more than one glass of it.

Large volumes of this pleasant and light alcohol can provoke severe poisoning in a person. Sparkling wines work the same way. A mixture of ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide can knock down even a strong and large man in a short time.

4th place: beer

An extremely popular drink that is equally addicted to both men and women. But in the meantime, this fragrant foamy beer is very dangerous for rapid addiction and the development of beer alcoholism. Dangerously foamy and a large dose of phytoestrogens, which are rich in hop cones.

The phytoestrogens contained in beer are plant analogues of female sex hormones. These compounds are extremely dangerous for both sexes. They contribute to a serious disruption of the hormonal system.

Unfortunately, narcologists now diagnose beer alcoholism much more often than addiction caused by strong drinks. Unfortunately, unaware of the dangers of beer, they begin to get involved in it from adolescence, ruining their own health. It is much more difficult to get rid of beer alcoholism than addiction of a different kind.

Regular consumption of beer leads to the rapid development of beer alcoholism.

A long and constant passion for intoxicating drink leads to the following violations:

  • "live" beer, considered the most "clean", has a high calorie content and quickly causes obesity;
  • inhibits the production of natural sex hormones, which responds badly to the functioning of the reproductive system;
  • provokes global changes in the thickness and structure of the myocardium (heart muscle), this provokes the development of numerous cardiac pathologies.

Moreover, the detrimental effect does not depend on the brand or brand of beer. This drink is dangerous in any case, regardless of the variety and the manufacturing process. There is no safe beer in nature.

5th place: cognac

According to scientists, the most harmless is the purest alcoholic drink, that is, without unnecessary additives. It is easier for the body to cope with such alcohol, which lacks other components, because less energy is spent on neutralizing aggressive components. Cognac is the least harmful alcohol. Plus, it can also bring some benefits:

  • Stabilizes high blood pressure;
  • Stops the pathogenic activity of viruses.

Cognac has the ability to stabilize blood pressure, but only with its moderate and rare consumption.

But, good cognac can differ in such talents, subject to its minimal and infrequent consumption. It is believed that a safe dose of this strong liquor does not exceed 50 g.

6th place: liqueurs

This alcohol is much safer than a number of low-alcohol alcohol. The composition of liqueurs does not include carbon dioxide, and they are traditionally used in small doses. Their only and significant drawback is the high sugar content.. It is for this reason that fragrant and tasty liqueurs are forbidden to be consumed by people suffering from diabetes and prone to rapid weight gain.

The disadvantages of liqueurs include a large amount of sugar in the composition.

7th place: wine

With moderate, competent consumption of red and rosé wines, they can even be considered medicinal. But such a statement is valid only in relation to natural wine alcohol, made by fermenting grapes. True, in some individuals predisposed to allergic manifestations, red wine can provoke allergy attacks.

Wine can only be beneficial if consumed wisely.

By the way, when considering the question of which alcohol is less harmful to the liver, doctors opt for good, natural wine. Grape juice ferments completely. When the bones and the remains of the peel remain in it, the output is red wine, which becomes the basis for the production of wines that are considered the highest quality:

  • noir;
  • Merlot;
  • Cabernet;
  • Saperavi.

These wines have the least destructive power for the liver. And also they are the most beneficial for the body, since all the most valuable substances from the skin and fruit pits pass into the wine composition.

8th place: vodka

According to the unanimous opinion of doctors, vodka, our legendary drink, which is already equated with a national treasure, is the safest. But also insidious, because we can talk about benefits only if the quality of alcohol and its minimum consumption.

Vodka is considered the safest of all spirits, but its regular consumption leads to the development of alcoholism.

Doctors, speaking about the safety of vodka, explain their words with the following qualities of this strong alcohol:

  • the minimum amount of calories;
  • complete absence of carbohydrates;
  • the purity of the ingredients, vodka consists of a mixture of water and alcohol.

By the way, high-quality vodka almost never leads to a severe hangover. But this does not mean that you can drink it without a snack. Good and fatty food is an indispensable addition to this spirit.

Let's summarize

So, speaking about the degree of harm of alcohol, we can conclude that the most dangerous for health are energy alcoholic cocktails with the inclusion of various stimulants. They should be abandoned completely and categorically. By the way, a law is under development that limits the production and sale of alcoholic energy drinks.

In the near future, Russia will join the list of 14 countries where the sale of this alcohol is strictly prohibited. As for the consumption of the rest of the alcohol, doctors recommend choosing exclusively high-quality alcohol, strong and pure, for holidays and feasts. And do not spend it on creating various cocktails, but take care of choosing a good and satisfying snack.

What exactly to drink: vodka, cognac, wine or champagne is a personal matter for everyone. The only rule is only the consumption of alcohol in moderation and only on major holidays, not forgetting a tasty and healthy snack. Only in this case it is possible to minimize possible risks and protect your body from the destructive effects of ethanol.

In contact with

There is no unequivocal opinion which alcoholic drink is the most harmful. However, most agree that the stronger the alcohol, the more negatively its use can affect the functioning of the whole organism, and, in particular, the liver, kidneys and cardiovascular system.

There are several groups of alcoholic beverages. This classification is based on the level of the fortress. All alcohol is divided as follows:

  1. Strong. Represented by vodka, cognac, whiskey, rum, brandy, tequila. The same group includes sambuca and absinthe.
  2. Medium fortress. This category includes various types of wine, punch, martini, liquor, vermouth.
  3. Carbonated drinks with low levels of ethyl alcohol. Represented by champagne, sparkling wines, beer.

Despite the strength indicator, each alcoholic drink poses a serious threat to humans. All of them contain ethyl alcohol, which, if consumed in excess, can lead to gastritis, pancreatic diseases and other pathologies of various body systems.

TOP most harmful alcoholic beverages

Any type of alcohol is dangerous to the body in different ways. Below is a list of the top drinks according to the degree of harmfulness. We also present data on the strength of the hangover syndrome on a 10-point scale according to the British Medical Association.

10th place - vodka

Starts the list, oddly enough, it is vodka. It is in last, 8th place, according to the degree of harmful effects on the body. In this case, the quality and dosage of alcohol is decisive.

  • lack of carbohydrates;
  • simple composition.


Minimum calorie content - there are no sugars in vodka, therefore its caloric content is minimal and is provided only by the alcohol itself, equal to 7 Kcal per 100 grams. Thus, vodka is one of the most dietary alcoholic drinks. However, this does not mean that it can be abused. It is also not recommended to drink vodka in cocktails.

No harmful additives such as dyes, flavors. In addition, alcohol undergoes a thorough purification.


  • Most often causes poisoning.
  • It is easy to drink, easily diluted with various juices, and therefore it is most often abused.
  • Since this is one of the cheapest and easiest drinks to prepare, it is most often counterfeited. There is a high risk of running into a surrogate.

Hangover syndrome: 3 points out of 10.

9th place - wine

Both white and red wine are classified as medicinal drinks. However, they are such only if they are created in a natural way, i.e. during the fermentation of grapes.


  • If you drink in reasonable amounts, it prevents the occurrence of blood clots and various inflammations.
  • Reduces the content of cholesterol in the blood;
  • Contains a natural antioxidant - reservatrol, which is almost absent in white wine. Therefore, it is believed that the drink fights aging.
  • Contains not only ethanol, but also methanol. Since the latter is processed after ethyl alcohol, it lingers in our body the longest, which causes an unpleasant hangover when abused.

Hangover severity: 7 points out of 10.



  • Reduces cholesterol levels due to the content of special chemical compounds.


  • White wine contains sulfites, which are formed over time, and sometimes producers add them themselves. It is these substances that cause a rather severe hangover syndrome when drinking more than 3 glasses of wine. Also, it is not uncommon that they become the culprits of various symptoms of allergies, asthma and migraines, thin the enamel on the teeth and cause caries.

Degrees of hangover syndrome: 6 points out of 10.

As a result of the distillation of alcohol from red wine, brandy is obtained - the famous imported drink. British scientists have found that the longer the exposure, the higher the amount of toxic substances.

8th place - liquor

This alcohol is both very strong and medium. It has a high sugar content, so it is most often drunk as part of various cocktails. Traditionally, the following types are distinguished:

  1. Strong - 35 to 45% ethanol and 30 to 50% sugar.
  2. Dessert - 25-30% alcohol, 25-30% sugar;
  3. Creams - 15 to 23% alcohol and 50 to 60% sugar.


  • Taste qualities;
  • Ingredients (often contain beneficial components such as herbs, plant roots, flowers).


  • Often causes allergies and heaviness in the stomach;
  • High calorie content (300-350 kcal per 100 grams);
  • High sugar content in all types.

7th place - cognac

The alcoholic beverage contains a minimum amount of additives. With moderate use, cognac is considered beneficial, as it lowers blood pressure and contributes to the death of some viruses. The total amount of the drink taken should not be more than 50 grams per day.

Strong alcohol, a kind of brandy (about 40% alcohol). It is valued for its noble taste, which strongly depends on the aging time.


  • Virtually no foreign additives.
  • Stimulates appetite.
  • Expands blood vessels and normalizes blood pressure.
  • Eliminates stomach cramps.
  • Relieves headache.

Important! All of these benefits are valid in moderation. Those. for women it is no more than 30 grams per day, for men - no more than 50.


  • It has quite a lot of contraindications, namely: urinary and cholelithiasis, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, a tendency to alcohol addiction.
  • With excessive use, there may be an ambiguous effect on pressure, as well as lead to hyper- and hypotonic crises.
  • It has a high calorie content (about 240 kcal per 100 grams of product).

Hangover severity: 8 points out of 10.

6th place - beer

The drink is prepared from barley with the addition of hops and yeast.


  • Low alcohol content - 3-8%.
  • With moderate drinking reduces the risk of coronary heart disease and diabetes.
  • Beer contains silicon, thanks to which bone mass is restored.
  • Thanks to the drink, aluminum salts, carcinogens, and various slags are excreted from the body.
  • The growth of hair and, interestingly, the female breast due to the content of hops.
  • 500 ml of beer contains ¼ ​​of the daily value of vitamin B.
  • Low calorie content (43 kcal per 100 ml).


  • Purines, which are contained in the drink, increase the level of lactate (uric acid), and this, in turn, leads to the deposition of salts in the joints and the development of gout.
  • Easily digestible, and therefore can slow down digestion.
  • Cobalt, which is contained in the drink, can cause inflammation of the esophagus and stomach.
  • Washes out of the body, including many useful substances - proteins, fats, carbohydrates and trace elements.
  • In men, when abused, it suppresses the production of the main hormone - testosterone, which leads to an increase in the amount of estrogen and gynecomastia (breast growth).
  • In women, on the contrary, the voice becomes rougher, “beer mustaches” may appear.
  • Since beer is easy to drink, it is consumed in large quantities and a standard serving contains many more calories than whiskey or wine.
  • Since the drink is often consumed excessively, the risk of obesity, problems with the heart and blood vessels, and intestines is high.

  1. Experts believe that the normal daily dosage of the drink, both for men and women, is no more than 200 grams.
  2. 500 ml of beer is equivalent to 50 grams of vodka.
  3. Beer is the official licensed antidepressant for Scandinavians.
  4. Beer alcoholism develops about 4 times faster than vodka.

The severity of the hangover syndrome: 4 points out of 10.

5th place - champagne and sparkling wine

The production process is similar to wine, yeast is added to form a large number of bubbles.


  • Contains antioxidants (tyrosol and caffeic acid), which prevent the resolution of nerve fibers, preventing diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.
  • It has a bactericidal and tonic effect on the body.
  • Due to the content of carbon dioxide, it has a positive effect on blood circulation and the respiratory system.
  • Reduces cholesterol levels, i.e. prevents the development of atherosclerosis.
  • Works as an antidepressant.
  • British scientists in the course of research found that champagne contains polyphenols. This plant chemical promotes vasodilation and thus reduces heart stress.

Negative points

  • Intoxication and absorption of alcohol into the blood is much faster due to the presence of bubbles.
  • Champagne does not improve mood, contrary to popular belief. British scientists have found that the effect of alcohol is only overwhelming. Yes, alcohol releases emotions, makes us more talkative, but at the same time it suppresses the active work of the brain, dulls common sense and does not make us happier.
  • Excessive use leads to diseases of the liver and pancreas. Therefore, it is not recommended for use by people with gastrointestinal pathologies.
  • When abused, it has a negative effect on the central nervous system, increasing the pain threshold.
  • After entering the intestines, champagne provokes the decay of those products that have not been fully digested. The consequence of this is the development of acute poisoning.

Hangover syndrome: 7 points out of 10.

4th place - whiskey

Produced by fermenting barley and wheat. It is pre-cleaned and kept in wooden barrels for several years.


Single malt whiskeys contain beneficial ellagic acid, which slows down the growth of malignant tumors. This conclusion was reached by British chemists in the course of various studies.


With excessive use, outbursts of rage, mental disorders, up to alcoholic delirium (delirious tremens) may occur.

Since the drink, according to tradition, is drunk undiluted and without a bite, they get drunk pretty quickly from it, the drinker can behave in an unpredictable way.

Since whiskey is stored for a long time, during this time various impurities appear in it, which cause a severe hangover.

Hangover syndrome: 8 points out of 10.

3rd place - brandy

Produced by distilling alcohol from red wine. Expensive varieties of the drink, like whiskey, are aged in wooden barrels, up to several years.


  • Brandy is high in antioxidants.
  • According to research by scientists from Australia, 35 ml of this drink contains the daily rate of ascorbic acid.


The most severe hangover syndrome possible due to the presence of a large amount of impurities. The same poisoning comes from the abuse of gin, rum, and, as mentioned above, wine.

Hangover severity: 9 points out of 10.

2nd place - alcoholic cocktails

The combination of substances such as ethyl alcohol, carbonated drink, juice or syrup in them creates a dangerous mixture. The latter, getting into the bloodstream, contributes to rapid intoxication and an increase in the amount of sugar. An increase in glucose levels activates the pancreas. The liver begins to neutralize the toxic substances that have arisen in the process of breaking down ethyl alcohol. At the same time, there is an active assimilation of glucose. The urinary system also takes part in the excretion of harmful substances. To ensure the full functioning of the internal organs, the heart muscle begins to contract more strongly, pumping blood and ensuring its flow to all systems.

1st place - alcoholic energy drinks

The title "The most harmful alcoholic drink for the human body" belongs to energy drinks with the addition of alcohol. They are considered the most dangerous. The simultaneous intake of energy drinks and strong alcohol causes significant harm to all internal organs and structures. The brain is especially affected. Significantly increased aggressiveness and suicidal tendencies. In the process of research by scientists from Canada, it was found that caffeine, which has an exciting effect, suppresses the sedative effect of alcohol. As a result, a person perceives all his actions as normal. At the same time, memory lapses and loss of consciousness are not ruled out.


When using alcohol as a regular remedy for everyday stresses, it should be remembered that any alcohol-containing drink can be addictive. It is much easier to prevent the development of alcoholism than to treat it. To do this, it is enough to know the safety rules when drinking alcohol.