Criteria for evaluating exam tasks in social science from fipi. Unified State Examination in Social Studies Preparing for the Unified State Examination in Social Studies from scratch on your own

The list of school disciplines allowed for passing within the framework of the unified state exam is quite wide. Among them is such a subject as social science. Many choose this discipline, thinking that it will be easy to pass the exam, although it is not so easy there. The Unified State Examination in Social Studies 2019 is already planned, no one has excluded the subject from the list of acceptable ones, in addition, it became known exactly what students will have to do as part of this exam.

The structure of control and measuring materials for the exam

The demo version of the social studies exam provided by FIPI reveals in detail the number of parts and questions. KIM for this discipline contains only 2 parts. They are expressed disproportionate - 1 part consists of 20 questions, and in the second part there are only 9 tasks. At the same time, the total duration of the state exam in this discipline is quite solid - 235 minutes (3 hours 55 m) are allotted to complete 29 tasks.

First part of the exam in social studies in 2019 is in the test part. Digital answers are also meant in the form of a word / phrase. Answers are written in standard form - each number or letter in its own cell without gaps. All 9 questions of the second part require a detailed answer. Traditionally, for the first part there are numbered columns for the answer, and the student himself puts in the second number of the task during a written answer.

It is also worth testing your skills in terms of using various charts and reading charts in advance. They will be present in the first part of the examination materials. Don't forget about multiple choice questions. Therefore, in addition to knowledge of the subject itself, developed attention will also be required.

USE assessment system in social studies 2019

Many schoolchildren do not care much about the principle of scoring during the exam until the very date of delivery. This approach can be classified as erroneous - knowing the nuances of evaluating different tasks, it is really possible to score a sufficient number of points by answering only a part of the questions. The exam has a number of questions, estimated at only 1 point.

They are located in the first part of the tasks and are under such numbers.

The remaining questions of the first part can bring 2 points. They also have an intermediate grade of 1 point, awarded for a partially completed task. One point for such an answer can be obtained if one additional incorrect statement or concept is indicated in questions in which it is necessary to mark several options. A similar situation occurs in the absence of one of the required options. If 2 options are missed, 2 answers are chosen incorrectly or one wrong answer and not marked the right one, then the point is no longer awarded, the task is considered failed.

The evaluation criteria for the second part are more complex. This is due to the more detailed structure of the answer and the complexity of the task itself. Some tasks of the 2nd part contain several questions or other elements. Often, within the task, it is necessary to explain not only the concept itself, but also talk about the scope of its application, methods of use, etc. In addition, the number of such questions in one task also differs. Because of this, the grading system of the second part is variable - some of the questions give 2 points, the other 3, 4 or even 6. At the same time, there are clear instructions on the possibility of partial scoring for an incomplete task.

It will be useful to know that the level of objectivity in grading for Part 2 is quite high. The work is checked by 2 independent experts who do not have information about the results of each other's evaluation. If, as a result of their verification, a discrepancy of 2 points is revealed on the same issue, then an additional analysis is carried out by a third expert. He is already provided with information about the results of 2 other specialists, the task of the expert is to identify the correct assessment from the two previous ones.

FIPI staff specifically emphasized changes in several issues. In 28 and 29 tasks, the wording was detailed, excluding discrepancies. We also changed the grading system, making it clearer. Question 25 underwent a more serious transformation - the changes are so large that now 4 points are required for a complete answer, instead of the previous three. Because of this innovation, the total number of primary scores in the test has also changed. Now there are 65 of them.

Every year the assessment system improves, but at the same time, the requirements for the wording of answers become more stringent. Teachers of social science and specialists developing KIM say that each phrase in the answer must be brought to a state of unambiguity, excluding any manifestation of ambiguity.

When answering, you must adhere to the rules regarding the following literary moves:

  • minimize analogies;
  • do not use allegories;
  • exclude metaphors and denials;
  • refuse short answers-phrases;
  • form detailed sentences with explanations.

This approach to wording allows minimizing understatement or some kind of “incomprehensibility” of the answer, which can deprive points even for conditionally demonstrated knowledge. In fact, in order to correctly answer the tasks in the second part of the social studies exam, it is necessary to have a good command of written speech, forming sentences in a qualitative and understandable way. Students who are not able to fully respond in writing should remember that a simple phrase instead of a sentence produces a feeling of incomplete provision of data. Therefore, it is better to try to answer at least with short sentences, and not with simple phrases separated by commas.

For the rest, you should not be afraid of the exam in social studies in 2019. This exam has not become significantly more difficult compared to previous years. Any student who conscientiously studies the subject is able to pass the USE without special preparation, but we are talking only about those students who actually did social science for a year, and not just read a couple of chapters and wrote off a few notes. You should not be afraid of the exam, besides, you can always take the Unified State Exam according to KIMs of past years as a preparation for yourself.

Social science life hacks in video

There are constant discussions in society about the exam. Some are convinced that the Unified State Examination should be abolished and a return to the Soviet system of examining students is needed. However, there is another point of view: the USE allows you to check the level of knowledge of students and give way to graduates from the provinces to enter prestigious metropolitan universities. To date, there are two mandatory exams - Russian language and mathematics. Next, the graduate selects from the school curriculum those subjects for which the results must be presented at the selected university. The Unified State Examination in Social Studies 2019 is interesting because it is integrated and allows graduates to feel like a lawyer, sociologist, economist, political scientist or lawyer.

Important documents

The preparation of students for the Unified State Exam in social studies should be based on several documents, which can be found on the FIPI website:

No. p / p Document's name
1 specifier
2 Codifier
3 Demonstrative option

On the FIPI website, you can also find information about the date of the exam and solve the options for KIMs.

What can be learned from the Specification?

From this document you can find out that this exam consists of 29 tasks. 20 of them - in part 1, 9 - in the second.

In the first part, 20 tasks have a maximum primary score of 35. And the tasks in the second part -29.


The Codifier has a short list of legal acts that you need to get acquainted with:

  1. Constitution.
  2. Civil Code (separate chapters).
  3. Family Code (separate chapters).
  4. Labor Code (separate chapters).
  5. Code of administrative offenses.
  6. Federal law on citizenship.
  7. Law on military service and others.

Knowledge of these documents is necessary in order to successfully pass the exam in social studies and get high results.

Demonstrative option

A demo version of the Unified State Exam in social studies is needed in order to get acquainted with the approximate types of tasks that will be in the control and measuring materials directly at the exam.

Much attention should be paid here to the system of evaluation of examination papers. This is necessary so that the graduate clearly understands how exactly it is necessary to complete the tasks of the 2nd part, where there is a detailed answer.

If an eleventh grader sees two question marks in an assignment, then two answers must be given.

About the task structure

Tasks 1 - 3 (basic level) and task 20 are conceptual, checking the level of preparation of graduates.

4-6 - these are tasks that are aimed at testing the formation of the skills of students in grade 11 in the topic "Man and Society", including knowledge and spiritual culture.

7-10 is Economics.

11-12 - "Social relations".

13-15 - tasks from the "Politics" area. Always in task No. 14, positions from the Codifier 4.14 and 4.1 are checked. (“State authorities of the Russian Federation” and “Federal structure of the Russian Federation”).

16-19 are assignments on the topic "Law". You can be sure that task 16 is always aimed at knowing the basics of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation. Each graduate of the school must be an active citizen of our state, understanding in which state he lives, knowing the foundations of his state, the rights and obligations guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Part 2 (9 tasks) represents in aggregate the basic social sciences that form the entire course of the secondary school:

  • Philosophy.
  • Sociology.
  • Political science.

Tasks 21 - 24 are combined into one compound task with a fragment of a popular science text, aimed at testing the ability to find the main thing from the text.

Tasks No. 21 and No. 22 strictly according to the text. You only need to find the sentence that contains the answer.

In task 23, an additional task is given for this text, for example:

  • illustrate any provision in the text with an example;
  • give an appropriate argument, etc.

The 24th task involves the use of text information, but knowledge of the course "Social Studies" as a whole is also required.

The 25th task tests the ability to reveal key social science concepts. The graduate must here show the semantic basis of the concept, highlight the main idea.

No. 26 tests the ability to concretize the studied theoretical positions and concepts with examples. Examples are an opportunity for experts to see how theoretical knowledge a graduate can apply in life.

Task 27 requires the analysis of the information presented, including statistical, graphic, explanation of the relationship of social objects.

The 28th task is a detailed answer on the topic. A student of the 11th grade must systematically show what he knows on the topic. In 2018, 1 point was added in the grading system to this task (4 points in total for the task). There should be three points of the plan, two of which are disclosed in subparagraphs.

The last task, No. 29, is an alternative one (presented in five options). This is a mini essay. It is necessary to choose one statement from those presented and reveal the meaning of the statement, present the theoretical content, identifying key concepts and illustrate with examples and facts. Here, since 2018, 1 point has been added, dedicated to the correctness of the use of theoretical concepts, provisions and reasoning.

Changes in the exam in society

In 2018, there were some changes in the social studies exam assessment system.

The maximum primary score that can be scored on the Unified State Exam in social studies is 64 points.

About 5 social science life hacks that will help you pass the exam, you can see here:

Over the past few years, social studies have been confidently leading among elective subjects, because by adding good USE scores in Russian and mathematics to this certificate, you can confidently apply to various universities in the country in such areas as: law (the USE in history is also required); psychology and pedagogy; sociology; media communications; hotel business; publishing.

Despite the apparent "simplicity" and clarity compared to other sciences, social science is not the easiest way to earn the desired points.

Recently, tasks for “logic” (with the choice of option) have been removed from the options, and now all that simplicity has evaporated. Therefore, avoid such a negligent attitude, prepare in advance. And do not forget that the competition in universities in areas where the main subject is social science is always the highest.

USE dates in social studies in 2020

Accurate USE dates are determined by the Ministry of Education at the end of the year, while it is possible to assume when the Unified State Examination in social studies will be in 2020.

  • Early period: April 4, 2020
  • Main period: June 14, 2020

Social Studies Essays in 2020

Essay topics will not be released until the 2020 Social Studies exam. Teachers and students will learn the exact topics at the time the assignment envelope is printed at the exam itself.

But there are indicative essay topics that cover the problems of the main five topics. When preparing for the exam in social studies in 2020, you can focus on these topics. This document can be downloaded and viewed on your computer in pdf format.

Preparation for the exam in social studies-2019

Materials for CMM

It is extremely important to choose sensible textbooks for preparation. FIPI specialists have their own preferences: they recommend preparing based on L.N. Bogolyubov and A.I. Kravchenko. It is possible and necessary to discuss, express one's point of view at other times and in other places: at lessons, disputes, in a friendly company. The exam requires knowledge to be shown. Although in some issues there is an opportunity to reflect, to express one's point of view. Such a chance will be in writing an essay. Calmly, slowly choose a topic. An essay is a good chance to get extra points.

Specialists from FIPI say that the first thing you should pay attention to when preparing is knowledge and understanding of the terms of such disciplinary blocks as economics, philosophy, law, sociology and political science. Very often, the student cannot solve the task correctly, because he does not relate it to a certain scientific field, using the wrong method of analysis.

Social science includes "squeezed" from several disciplines, such as psychology, law, political science, sociology, economics, philosophy. Experts believe that the main stumbling block in exams in this subject is the blurring of students' ideas, fuzzy knowledge of terminology.

How to write an essay on social studies. Plan.

Once you have an idea of ​​the essay topics, you can practice writing. Essays are written according to a single plan, the content varies depending on the topic.

The mini essay should have the following structure:

Working through each topic from the modules "Philosophy", "Social Psychology", "Sociology", "Economics", "Political Science" and "Jurisprudence", you must:

  • understand the essence of the problem;
  • pick up a quote
  • build a logical chain of reasoning;
  • find arguments;
  • give examples.

To facilitate work on the structure of a mini-essay, you can use ready-made clichés. A sample social studies essay plan applicable to any topic in 2020 will look like this:

Of course, this is only a basic template that needs to be supplemented and expanded using your own thoughts, knowledge base, thoughts and statements that you can refer to, as well as experience (you can use your own, but better described in textbooks).

For most graduates choosing in 2020 USE year in social studies, making a plan for an essay is not a problem.

It is useful to use the advice of practitioners on writing an essay:

  • Remember - you are not required to have a long and meaningless text, but a concise reasoning supported by facts.
  • Do not go away from the main idea, periodically returning to it at different points in the essay.
  • Do not forget to mention a few words about the author of the statement used in the essay.
  • Avoid statements and judgments that are not related to the given topic.
  • Try to describe all existing views on the problem under consideration, considering all possible ways to solve it.

Attention! The main criterion for evaluating an essay is the correspondence to the given topic and the completeness of the disclosure of the issue. If the commission decides that the essay is off topic, it will be evaluated at 0 points.

On the Internet you can find videos on writing an essay on social studies. In 2020, they will also be relevant, the advice and the principle of preparation are universal.

About half of the graduates choose social studies as an optional exam. Some - because of the seeming ease of the subject, but for many this exam is necessary to get a decent score for entering a university. What difficulties await students? What will be required of them at the exam and how to prepare well for it? Will there be new topics in the USE in social studies in 2019? Read in this article.

Exam Description

Perhaps this is one of the most controversial items. The most controversial reviews relate specifically to social science. Why it happens? The first reason is the most popular of those given by choice. The second - often, many choose it only out of hopelessness and misunderstanding where and whom to go to study, and since they think that this is the easiest way - to pass social studies, they are ultimately very mistaken. Recently, tasks for “logic” (with the choice of option) have been removed from the options, and now all that simplicity has evaporated. Therefore, avoid such a negligent attitude, prepare in advance. And do not forget that the competition in universities in areas where the main subject is social science is always the highest.

the date of the

The exact date of the exam in social studies is not yet known. In 2018, the main and reserve stages are held in April, May and June.

Specificity of implementation and changes

The duration of the exam is 235 minutes, during this time you need to have time to deal with 29 tasks and give the correct answers. When preparing for the Unified State Exam-2019, it makes no sense to rely on KIMs of 2015-16 and earlier years, since they have been significantly updated since 2017. The main innovation is that tasks in the form of tests have disappeared from the tickets, when you just had to choose one of the proposed several options, and there was a chance of random guessing.

The tasks are grouped into blocks by topic, which makes it easier to find answers. A new system has appeared: accounting for primary and secondary points. When all tasks are completed, the student receives 62 primary points. Plus, the so-called resulting scores for the quality of answers are added. There are tasks with a short answer, and those that require detailed reasoning, and an essay. For answers to ordinary questions, you can earn from 1 to 3 points, and 5 more primary - the maximum mark for a mini-composition (essay).

What questions will you need to prepare for?

When passing tests in tickets, questions will be used, including the following blocks:

  • "Social Relations" - a block where you need to show an understanding of the patterns and complexities of the interaction of social groups; knowledge of the algorithm for building a society; and also to show how much the student understands the basics of conflictology.
  • "Man and society". The questions in this section refer to the history of the biosocial evolution of people, which will help to understand modern society. The student will be required to show how much he understands the details of socialization, whether he understands the most important principles of the functioning of society, how he sees the place of the individual in it.
  • "Politics". The state structure in the dynamics of development and its current state, political regimes, management institutions, principles of statehood and other aspects of the topic should be known and understood by the graduate.
  • "Right". Answers in this section require accurate, specific knowledge in the field of Russian legislation, as well as the ability to operate with various legal concepts.
  • "Economics" - here it is necessary to demonstrate not only theoretical knowledge in the field of market economy, but also the ability to read and analyze charts, calculate the main economic indicators.

In total, 29 tasks will be presented in each ticket, they will be divided into two parts - blocks 1 and 2. For 20 tasks of the first block, very short answers in the format of numbers, words or short phrases are sufficient. Half of these tasks are designed for a basic level of knowledge, the remaining ten require a higher level of preparation. For the first part of the exam in social studies in 2018-19, you can score a maximum of 35 primary points.

In the second block there are 9 tasks that require more detailed answers. Two of them (tasks 21 and 22) are basic, and then there are tasks of increased difficulty. Including essay. Topics will be offered, you must choose one of the five. 29 points can be earned for this part of the exam.

Exam preparation

It is extremely important to choose sensible textbooks for preparation. FIPI specialists have their own preferences: they recommend preparing based on L.N. Bogolyubov and A.I. Kravchenko. It is possible and necessary to discuss, express one's point of view at other times and in other places: at lessons, disputes, in a friendly company. The exam requires knowledge to be shown. Although in some issues there is an opportunity to reflect, to express one's point of view. Such a chance will be in writing an essay. Calmly, slowly choose a topic. An essay is a good chance to get extra points.

Specialists from FIPI say that the first thing you should pay attention to when preparing is knowledge and understanding of the terms of such disciplinary blocks as economics, philosophy, law, sociology and political science. Very often, the student cannot solve the task correctly, because he does not relate it to a certain scientific field, using the wrong method of analysis.

Social science includes "squeezed" from several disciplines, such as psychology, law, political science, sociology, economics, philosophy. Experts believe that the main stumbling block in exams in this subject is the blurring of students' ideas, fuzzy knowledge of terminology.

The list of school disciplines allowed for passing within the framework of the unified state exam is quite wide. Among them is such a subject as social science. Many choose this discipline, thinking that it will be easy to pass the exam, although it is not so easy there. The Unified State Examination in Social Studies 2019 is already planned, no one has excluded the subject from the list of acceptable ones, in addition, it became known exactly what students will have to do as part of this exam.

The structure of control and measuring materials for the exam

The demo version of the social studies exam provided by FIPI reveals in detail the number of parts and questions. KIM for this discipline contains only 2 parts. They are expressed disproportionate - 1 part consists of 20 questions, and in the second only 9 tasks. At the same time, the total duration of the state exam in this discipline is quite solid - 235 minutes (3 hours 55 m) are allotted to complete 29 tasks.

The first part of the exam in social science in 2019 is the test part. Digital answers are also meant in the form of a word / phrase. Answers are written in standard form - each number or letter in its own cell without gaps. All 9 questions of the second part require a detailed answer. Traditionally, for the first part there are numbered columns for the answer, and the student himself puts in the second number of the task during a written answer.

It is also worth testing your skills in terms of using various charts and reading charts in advance. They will be present in the first part of the examination materials. Don't forget about multiple choice questions. Therefore, in addition to knowledge of the subject itself, developed attention will also be required.

USE assessment system in social studies 2019

Many schoolchildren do not care much about the principle of scoring during the exam until the very date of delivery. This approach can be classified as erroneous - knowing the nuances of evaluating different tasks, it is really possible to score a sufficient number of points by answering only a part of the questions. The exam has a number of questions, estimated at only 1 point.

They are located in the first part of the tasks and are under such numbers.

The remaining questions of the first part can bring 2 points. They also have an intermediate grade of 1 point, awarded for a partially completed task. One point for such an answer can be obtained if one additional incorrect statement or concept is indicated in questions in which it is necessary to mark several options. A similar situation occurs in the absence of one of the required options. If 2 options are missed, 2 answers are chosen incorrectly or one wrong answer and not marked the right one, then the point is no longer awarded, the task is considered failed.


The evaluation criteria for the second part are more complex. This is due to the more detailed structure of the answer and the complexity of the task itself. Some tasks of the 2nd part contain several questions or other elements. Often, within the task, it is necessary to explain not only the concept itself, but also talk about the scope of its application, methods of use, etc. In addition, the number of such questions in one task also differs. Because of this, the grading system of the second part is variable - some of the questions give 2 points, the other 3, 4 or even 6. At the same time, there are clear instructions on the possibility of partial scoring for an incomplete task.

It will be useful to know that the level of objectivity in grading for Part 2 is quite high. The work is checked by 2 independent experts who do not have information about the results of each other's evaluation. If, as a result of their verification, a discrepancy of 2 points is revealed on the same issue, then an additional analysis is carried out by a third expert. He is already provided with information about the results of 2 other specialists, the task of the expert is to identify the correct assessment from the two previous ones.

FIPI staff specifically emphasized changes in several issues. In 28 and 29 tasks, the wording was detailed, excluding discrepancies. We also changed the grading system, making it clearer. Question 25 underwent a more serious transformation - the changes are so large that now 4 points are required for a complete answer, instead of the previous three. Because of this innovation, the total number of primary scores in the test has also changed. Now there are 65 of them.

Every year the assessment system improves, but at the same time, the requirements for the wording of answers become more stringent. Teachers of social science and specialists developing KIM say that each phrase in the answer must be brought to a state of unambiguity, excluding any manifestation of ambiguity.

When answering, you must adhere to the rules regarding the following literary moves:

  • minimize analogies;
  • do not use allegories;
  • exclude metaphors and denials;
  • refuse short answers-phrases;
  • form detailed sentences with explanations.

This approach to wording allows minimizing understatement or some kind of “incomprehensibility” of the answer, which can deprive points even for conditionally demonstrated knowledge. In fact, in order to correctly answer the tasks in the second part of the social studies exam, it is necessary to have a good command of written speech, forming sentences in a qualitative and understandable way. Students who are not able to fully respond in writing should remember that a simple phrase instead of a sentence produces a feeling of incomplete provision of data. Therefore, it is better to try to answer at least with short sentences, and not with simple phrases separated by commas.