Livadny black sun full version. Ghost Server

Andrey Livadny

Ghost Server. Black Sun

Chapter 1

The asteroid belt of the Darg system. The board of the frigate of the Departed…

Tiny flickering lights reflect in Liori's pupils.

A soft twilight reigns in her compartment. On the table, near the dancing drow figurine, candles float. Drops of wax, losing transparency, break down, freeze with bizarre streaks of memories of amazing universes, where we, without caring about anything, plunged into whirlpools of events, meeting dangers with passion, firmly believing in respawn, firmly knowing - nothing fatal, irreparable with us will never happen.

So life flashed by, entwined with wires, writhing in fashion.

We felt young and strong, regardless of age, seriously believing that it would always be like this, not suspecting that the line of reality had already been erased ...

A dull jolt disturbed my thoughts. The vibration swept through the bulkheads. The external view screens turned on automatically. The panorama of the Milky Way, splashed like a river of stellar fire, began to slowly shift - the ship is preparing for battle, the final check of subsystems is underway.

Liori's pupils now reflect the Abyss.

In them, fear and hope are mixed together. It is impossible to believe that she is dead - only the matrix of her personality remained, recorded in the nanites connected to my consciousness expander.

We were absolutely sure that we were testing the "game of the future", which is characterized by an unprecedented level of realism. Boldly, fearlessly walked towards dangers, not suspecting that every step is fatal, and the discoveries made or acquired skills are sources real knowledge, - through the devices of neuroimplants they were broadcast to the Earth.

Grains of truth are like burning coals. They do not light the way, but burn the mind.

Andre, - Liori brushed the icy panorama of space from the screens with the movement of her pupils. The flame of candles for a moment became brighter, warmer, and suddenly died out. - It's time.

The direct neurosensory contact mode is disabled.

The system message erased the compartment's furnishings, Liori's image melting into a mirage. I'm standing at a low fence. A chilly crimson twilight reigns around.

From deep within the launch deck, flashes of plasma welding splattered, and long shadows darted across the bulkheads. By right hand the oval slots of the vacuum docks ooze from me like darkness. They are sealed by force fields. A level below there are docking cells for fighters - openwork mobile structures, near which work is now in full swing: technicians from among the Haashs are hastily preparing two Condors for departure.

A muffled pop sounded from the side of the gravity elevator shaft. I turned towards the sound and saw the lanky figure of Aaron gently pushed onto the landing.

"Haash. Sentient xenomorph. Level 57 pilot."

He is equipped with an armored suit, only he has not yet put on a helmet. Framing the three-fingered hands, short computer cables gleam with connectors - with their help, the haashi connect to the systems of their airobs.

Andr, worum? the lizard croaked inquiringly, bowing its head slightly out of habit.

The word is unfamiliar to me. Previously, I perceived difficulties in communicating with the Khaash as a certain element of the color of the game, but now I know for sure that it is not people who stand behind the avatars of "intelligent xenomorphs".

Aaron is silent, waiting for an answer. The look is insightful. Vertical pupils are narrowed. Hot breath hoarsely breaks from the ajar mouth.

The semantic processor nevertheless coped with the translation: "worum" means - "standing at the line." Another interpretation is "on the verge".

Yeah. Can't be more precise. The way of thinking of the Khaash does not imply white lies. They are straightforward and therefore sometimes look cruel.

Again there was a soft pop, accompanied by an elastic movement of air.

Oh, the deck was wrong! ..

Max, come on over here! - I squatted down and asked sternly: - Who allowed you to walk around the ship?

He smiled shyly.

I'm looking for Liori! She promised to play with us. So cool when it appears from the particles!

Haash touched my shoulder, drawing my attention, then transmitted a disturbing image: Maxim's "physical energy" indicator flickering orange.

I have a similar strip barely smoldering in the red sector. Ralph fell ill. Jürgen and Frieda are holding on for now. Arbido feels the best of all, which is not surprising, because he was connected to the "Ghost Server" later than the others.

Maxim is only five years old. He does not understand the enormity of what is happening.

Listen, Max, go back to the compartment with the guys, agreed? I need you all to sit in your seats and buckle up, okay?

OK. What if the girls don't listen to me?

Say that I made you senior.

Oh, is it true?!

Yes. Come on, let's run, run!

Delighted, Maxim jumped into the grav-lift shaft.

Aaron gave him a look full of anxiety and compassion. Greyish spots appeared on the rough skin of the Khaash, a sign of extreme spiritual confusion.

We must hurry! he said curtly. - You're all dying!

* * *

A power escalator leads to the level of the docking cells.

Without exaggeration, we are "moving through time." Devices and mechanisms float past, the purpose of which has not yet been figured out. Every now and then, evidence of the past comes into view: numerous melted marks, huge inserts with jagged edges - this is what patched hull holes look like. The Departed Frigate (which became our home after the fall of Argus Station) holds a history of space travel and battles that can only be guessed at.

Until recently, I would not have paid much attention to this. Well, just think, melted furrows, and traces of numerous repairs. So what? Well-modeled game scenery, and nothing more.

Now I know - everything is much more complicated. Our consciousnesses have been moved through hyperspace and integrated into the technosphere of another civilization. We are able to interact with the objects of the real world, to manipulate them - this is how the Departed mastered the Universe. Their technologies lie beyond comprehension, in the field of phenomena not yet discovered by mankind, but, nevertheless, they work.

In fact, the Darg system is just a tiny, unremarkable "location" of the ancient interstellar network. A dozen gloomy, long-destroyed stations have been preserved here, and clusters of debris drift in space, left over from the unknown battles of bygone eras.


Ghost Server. Black Sun (Livadny Andrey)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 64kbps

Release year: 2017
Duration: 08:56:21
Description: We boldly, fearlessly walked towards dangers, firmly believing in respawn, firmly knowing that nothing fatal, irreparable will ever happen to us, because this is just a game. A game... that goes through an ancient extra-dimensional web. A game that involves dozens of real-life civilizations. The earth was mysteriously depopulated. The fate of Mankind is unknown. We, the survivors of the Darg system, have only one thing left: to go to the end. Find the Phantom Server - the central node of the interstellar network of the Departed and solve its mystery.


Ghost Server. Outcast (Andrey Livadny)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 64kbps
Release year: 2016
Duration: 10:11:58
Description: The Eurasia fleet has already entered the Darg system. Unsuspecting players yearn for adventure, but the protagonist has an "alternate story" full of surprises. The girlfriend has mysteriously disappeared. In his nervous system woven artificial neurons containing fragments of ancient AIs. Can he survive the battle for his own sanity? What price will you have to pay for a unique development branch, based on...


Ghost Server (3 books of 3) (Andrey Livadny)

Format: audiobook, M4B, 64kbps
Year of issue: 2016-2017
Genre: ,
Duration: 29:54:45
Description: You are a gamer and almost a permanent inhabitant of virtual reality. You thought that you had "passed through" the whole world of the "Crystal Sphere" and achieved almost everything. The thirst for new sensations pushes on a risky step. And now one of the first neural network implants becomes an integral part of your body. The new game "Ghost Server" is a new Universe where space and cyberspace converge, burning the fate of people and aliens, and...


Do-it-yourself office network and linux server

Publisher: BHV-Petersburg
Release year: 2006
Number of pages: 320
Description: Describes how to install, configure, and configure a Linux server for a small local office network where client machines run Microsoft Windows. Considered life cycle a small company that is expanding, and as it expands, the tasks assigned to the organization's server become more complex. The practical aspects of installing and administering servers: mail, web, file, printing are covered. When describing the configuration of the server, 2 options for solving the problem are used ...


The Black Veil (Charles Dickens)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 160kbps
Release year: 2011
Duration: 08:13:30 The audio collection of short stories by Charles Dickens "The Black Veil", like any other works of the great Englishman, will not leave anyone indifferent. Contents1. Worldly struggle 2. Mr. Means and his cousin 3. Excellent case 4. Toggs family 5. Horatio Sparkins 6. Black veil 7. Duel 8. House play


Black Lake (Alexandra Baidikova)

Format: audio performance, MP3, 128kbps
Release year: 2012
Genre: melodrama, fantasy
Publisher: Radio of Russia - St. Petersburg
Artist: Era Ziganshina and others.
Duration: 01:29:25
Description: A radio play based on the story of the same name by A. Baidikova. Young fisherman Yang finds a chest with the body of a living girl in the waters of the Black Lake. Yan's parents accept a girl named Lilya as their son's bride. The local sorceress Jeanne explained to Leela that she is a product of the Black Lake and is still in the power of the lake and the water one, although...


Black Sunday (Thomas Harris)

Release year: 2015
Artist: Stix37
Duration: 11:03:09
Description: The biggest game of the season has begun! Eighty thousand spectators who filled the huge stadium do not even suspect that they may soon die, because an airship stuffed with explosives is already hovering over the stadium, at the helm of which is a crazy Vietnam veteran who has lost everything except his killer skills. He doesn't demand anything. He doesn't negotiate. It can only be destroyed, but it will take tens of thousands of innocent lives with it...


Black dress (Maria Shkatulova)

Release year: 2011
Genre: detective
Duration: 11:20:00
Description: How could she know that a week-long trip to Paris at the invitation of her best friend, an innocent request ex-husband to deliver a package to a person at Charles de Gaulle airport and a chance meeting with a handsome Frenchman will lead to a chain of terrible events that will almost break her life? A masterfully built intrigue, an unexpected denouement, a wonderful literary language - all these are detective stories of a famous writer ...


Red and black (Stendhal)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 128kbps
Release year: 2013
Genre: classic
Publisher: ,
Duration: 23:50:39
Description: It was traditionally believed that the names of the colors in the title of the novel symbolize the choice facing the protagonist between a career in the church (the black color of the clergy's clothes) and in the army (the red color of the officer's uniform). Subsequently, many hypotheses were put forward as to why the author chose such a name for the novel, but there was no unequivocal opinion on this subject in literary criticism. Mayor n...


Red and black (Stendhal)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 80kbps
Author: ()
Release year: 2010
Genre: foreign classical prose
Publisher: Audiobook Club Library
Artist: //DM
Duration: 19:53:30
Description: An ordinary case from a criminal chronicle, which underlies the novel, became, under the hand of a subtle psychologist and brilliant stylist Stendhal, a human drama of the highest intensity and at the same time a social study of society. Julien Sorel, an ambitious and capable young man, experienced both romantic love and a violent passion that he could not resist ...


White Bim - black ear (Gavriil Troepolsky)

Format: 128kbps, mp3
Release year: 2007
Artist: See below
Duration: 01:46:19
Description: A piercing and touching story about a dog named Bim - a devoted and faithful friend of his owner - made more than one generation of children and adults cry when they read the story of the wonderful Russian writer G. Troepolsky "White Bim Black Ear". A successful film adaptation made this work of the author even more popular. Endowed with almost human intelligence, Beam the Scottish Setter has one big flaw since birth.


Black Sunday (Harris Thomas), M4B, Stix37

Format: audiobook, 128kbps
Release year: 2015
Artist: Stix37
Duration: 11:03:09
Description: The biggest game of the season has begun! Eighty thousand spectators who filled the huge stadium do not even suspect that they may soon die, because an airship stuffed with explosives is already hovering over the stadium, at the helm of which is a crazy Vietnam veteran who has lost everything except his killer skills. He doesn't demand anything. He doesn't negotiate. It can only be destroyed, but it will take tens of thousands of innocent women with it...


Ghost student (Nikolai Metelsky)

Chapter 1

The asteroid belt of the Darg system. The board of the frigate of the Departed…

Tiny flickering lights reflect in Liori's pupils.

A soft twilight reigns in her compartment. On the table, near the dancing drow figurine, candles float. Drops of wax, losing transparency, break down, freeze with bizarre streaks of memories of amazing universes, where we, without caring about anything, plunged into whirlpools of events, meeting dangers with passion, firmly believing in respawn, firmly knowing - nothing fatal, irreparable with us will never happen.

So life flashed by, entwined with wires, writhing in fashion.

We felt young and strong, regardless of age, seriously believing that it would always be like this, not suspecting that the line of reality had already been erased ...

A dull jolt disturbed my thoughts. The vibration swept through the bulkheads. The external view screens turned on automatically. The panorama of the Milky Way, splashed like a river of stellar fire, began to slowly shift - the ship is preparing for battle, the final check of subsystems is underway.

Liori's pupils now reflect the Abyss.

In them, fear and hope are mixed together. It is impossible to believe that she is dead - only the matrix of her personality remained, recorded in the nanites connected to my consciousness expander.

We were absolutely sure that we were testing the "game of the future", which is characterized by an unprecedented level of realism. Boldly, fearlessly walked towards dangers, not suspecting that every step is fatal, and the discoveries made or acquired skills are sources real knowledge, - through the devices of neuroimplants they were broadcast to the Earth.

Grains of truth are like burning coals. They do not light the way, but burn the mind.

Andre, - Liori brushed the icy panorama of space from the screens with the movement of her pupils. The flame of candles for a moment became brighter, warmer, and suddenly died out. - It's time.

The direct neurosensory contact mode is disabled.

The system message erased the compartment's furnishings, Liori's image melting into a mirage. I'm standing at a low fence. A chilly crimson twilight reigns around.

From deep within the launch deck, flashes of plasma welding splattered, and long shadows darted across the bulkheads. To my right, the oval slots of the vacuum docks ooze dark. They are sealed by force fields. A level below there are docking cells for fighters - openwork mobile structures, near which work is now in full swing: technicians from among the Haashs are hastily preparing two Condors for departure.

A muffled pop sounded from the side of the gravity elevator shaft. I turned towards the sound and saw the lanky figure of Aaron gently pushed onto the landing.

"Haash. Sentient xenomorph. Level 57 pilot."

He is equipped with an armored suit, only he has not yet put on a helmet. Framing the three-fingered hands, short computer cables gleam with connectors - with their help, the haashi connect to the systems of their airobs.

Andr, worum? the lizard croaked inquiringly, bowing its head slightly out of habit.

The word is unfamiliar to me. Previously, I perceived difficulties in communicating with the Khaash as a certain element of the color of the game, but now I know for sure that it is not people who stand behind the avatars of "intelligent xenomorphs".

Aaron is silent, waiting for an answer. The look is insightful. Vertical pupils are narrowed. Hot breath hoarsely breaks from the ajar mouth.

The semantic processor nevertheless coped with the translation: "worum" means - "standing at the line." Another interpretation is "on the verge".

Yeah. Can't be more precise. The way of thinking of the Khaash does not imply white lies. They are straightforward and therefore sometimes look cruel.

Again there was a soft pop, accompanied by an elastic movement of air.

Oh, the deck was wrong! ..

Max, come on over here! - I squatted down and asked sternly: - Who allowed you to walk around the ship?

He smiled shyly.

I'm looking for Liori! She promised to play with us. So cool when it appears from the particles!

Haash touched my shoulder, drawing my attention, then transmitted a disturbing image: Maxim's "physical energy" indicator flickering orange.

I have a similar strip barely smoldering in the red sector. Ralph fell ill. Jürgen and Frieda are holding on for now. Arbido feels the best of all, which is not surprising, because he was connected to the "Ghost Server" later than the others.

Maxim is only five years old. He does not understand the enormity of what is happening.

Listen, Max, go back to the compartment with the guys, agreed? I need you all to sit in your seats and buckle up, okay?

OK. What if the girls don't listen to me?

Say that I made you senior.

Oh, is it true?!

Yes. Come on, let's run, run!

Delighted, Maxim jumped into the grav-lift shaft.

Aaron gave him a look full of anxiety and compassion. Greyish spots appeared on the rough skin of the Khaash, a sign of extreme spiritual confusion.

We must hurry! he said curtly. - You're all dying!

* * *

A power escalator leads to the level of the docking cells.

Andrey Livadny

Ghost Server. Black Sun

Chapter 1

The asteroid belt of the Darg system. The board of the frigate of the Departed…

Tiny flickering lights reflect in Liori's pupils.

A soft twilight reigns in her compartment. On the table, near the dancing drow figurine, candles float. Drops of wax, losing transparency, break down, freeze with bizarre streaks of memories of amazing universes, where we, without caring about anything, plunged into whirlpools of events, meeting dangers with passion, firmly believing in respawn, firmly knowing - nothing fatal, irreparable with us will never happen.

So life flashed by, entwined with wires, writhing in fashion.

We felt young and strong, regardless of age, seriously believing that it would always be like this, not suspecting that the line of reality had already been erased ...

A dull jolt disturbed my thoughts. The vibration swept through the bulkheads. The external view screens turned on automatically. The panorama of the Milky Way, splashed like a river of stellar fire, began to slowly shift - the ship is preparing for battle, the final check of subsystems is underway.

Liori's pupils now reflect the Abyss.

In them, fear and hope are mixed together. It is impossible to believe that she is dead - only the matrix of her personality remained, recorded in the nanites connected to my consciousness expander.

We were absolutely sure that we were testing the "game of the future", which is characterized by an unprecedented level of realism. Boldly, fearlessly walked towards dangers, not suspecting that every step is fatal, and the discoveries made or acquired skills are sources real knowledge, - through the devices of neuroimplants they were broadcast to the Earth.

Grains of truth are like burning coals. They do not light the way, but burn the mind.

Andre, - Liori brushed the icy panorama of space from the screens with the movement of her pupils. The flame of candles for a moment became brighter, warmer, and suddenly died out. - It's time.

The direct neurosensory contact mode is disabled.

The system message erased the compartment's furnishings, Liori's image melting into a mirage. I'm standing at a low fence. A chilly crimson twilight reigns around.

From deep within the launch deck, flashes of plasma welding splattered, and long shadows darted across the bulkheads. To my right, the oval slots of the vacuum docks ooze dark. They are sealed by force fields. A level below there are docking cells for fighters - openwork mobile structures, near which work is now in full swing: technicians from among the Haashs are hastily preparing two Condors for departure.

A muffled pop sounded from the side of the gravity elevator shaft. I turned towards the sound and saw the lanky figure of Aaron gently pushed onto the landing.

"Haash. Sentient xenomorph. Level 57 pilot."

He is equipped with an armored suit, only he has not yet put on a helmet. Framing the three-fingered hands, short computer cables gleam with connectors - with their help, the haashi connect to the systems of their airobs.

Andr, worum? the lizard croaked inquiringly, bowing its head slightly out of habit.

The word is unfamiliar to me. Previously, I perceived difficulties in communicating with the Khaash as a certain element of the color of the game, but now I know for sure that it is not people who stand behind the avatars of "intelligent xenomorphs".

Aaron is silent, waiting for an answer. The look is insightful. Vertical pupils are narrowed. Hot breath hoarsely breaks from the ajar mouth.

The semantic processor nevertheless coped with the translation: "worum" means - "standing at the line." Another interpretation is "on the verge".

Yeah. Can't be more precise. The way of thinking of the Khaash does not imply white lies. They are straightforward and therefore sometimes look cruel.

Again there was a soft pop, accompanied by an elastic movement of air.

Oh, the deck was wrong! ..

Max, come on over here! - I squatted down and asked sternly: - Who allowed you to walk around the ship?

He smiled shyly.

I'm looking for Liori! She promised to play with us. So cool when it appears from the particles!

Haash touched my shoulder, drawing my attention, then transmitted a disturbing image: Maxim's "physical energy" indicator flickering orange.

I have a similar strip barely smoldering in the red sector. Ralph fell ill. Jürgen and Frieda are holding on for now. Arbido feels the best of all, which is not surprising, because he was connected to the "Ghost Server" later than the others.

Maxim is only five years old. He does not understand the enormity of what is happening.

Listen, Max, go back to the compartment with the guys, agreed? I need you all to sit in your seats and buckle up, okay?

OK. What if the girls don't listen to me?

Say that I made you senior.

Oh, is it true?!

Yes. Come on, let's run, run!

Delighted, Maxim jumped into the grav-lift shaft.

Aaron gave him a look full of anxiety and compassion. Greyish spots appeared on the rough skin of the Khaash, a sign of extreme spiritual confusion.

We must hurry! he said curtly. - You're all dying!

* * *

A power escalator leads to the level of the docking cells.

Without exaggeration, we are "moving through time." Devices and mechanisms float past, the purpose of which has not yet been figured out. Every now and then, evidence of the past comes into view: numerous melted marks, huge inserts with jagged edges - this is what patched hull holes look like. The Departed Frigate (which became our home after the fall of Argus Station) holds a history of space travel and battles that can only be guessed at.

Until recently, I would not have paid much attention to this. Well, just think, melted furrows, and traces of numerous repairs. So what? Well-modeled game scenery, and nothing more.

Now I know - everything is much more complicated. Our consciousnesses have been moved through hyperspace and integrated into the technosphere of another civilization. We are able to interact with the objects of the real world, to manipulate them - this is how the Departed mastered the Universe. Their technologies lie beyond comprehension, in the field of phenomena not yet discovered by mankind, but, nevertheless, they work.

In fact, the Darg system is just a tiny, unremarkable "location" of the ancient interstellar network. A dozen gloomy, long-destroyed stations have been preserved here, and clusters of debris drift in space, left over from the unknown battles of bygone eras.

We were used blindly. The technosphere of a civilization that has sunk into oblivion was thoroughly destroyed, static, until we awakened it by collecting the surviving components, trying to manipulate them - often crudely and ineptly. Thinking that we were acting within the framework of a gaming virtual reality, the plot of which is based on the myth of the Departed, we did not ask unnecessary questions, organized raids, broke into the dead bowels of the stations, searched for modules of ancient artificial intelligences, implanted ourselves with cybernetic "upgrades", choked to death with incredible realism of feeling...

…Two "Condors" and three "Airobs" of the Khaash slowly emerged from the darkness. Aerospace fighters are enclosed in openwork frames of service trusses. The sparks of side lights sparingly illuminate the chipped cargonite skin of combat vehicles in places.

Marugail and Mitufurol are waiting for us at the site of the prelaunch storage tank. Mark and Mitya - this is how I used to shorten the long names of the Khaash.

Andr, the transport of the Daugoth Clan has entered the given coordinates, - Jurgen's voice was heard in the communicator. - Vogel reports: assault groups are ready.

How is Relic's energy?

I brought the reactors to twelve percent capacity. This is three minutes of shield operation at full combat load.

Understand you. Let's try not to take it to extremes, - I turned to the Khaash. They are high-class pilots, but today they are on the sidelines. Assaulting the Forsworn Clan's former base, now ruled by the ancient AIs, requires special skills that only Liori and I can master...

The situation is simple and deadly.

Thousands of light-years away, on Earth, in the dead silence of deserted megacities, scarlet sparks of emergency lights are now breaking through the smoky plastic of our inmods. The resource of life support systems has been exhausted, the organisms are extremely exhausted - everything is left to the mercy of fate. No one will come to change consumables. People have mysteriously disappeared. I have no reasonable explanation for what is happening, except that the human civilization choked in the rapids of alien technologies pouring from here?

It doesn't matter anymore.

There is only one way to survive. We must digitize our consciousnesses, as the Departed did. To break the last thin thread connecting with the distant Earth, for the complete failure of the inmods threatens with death. This can happen at any moment.

Aug 2, 2016

Ghost Server. Black Sun Andrey Livadny

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Title: Ghost Server. Black Sun

About the book “Ghost Server. Black Sun" Andrey Livadny

Andrey Livadny's novel “Ghost Server. Black Sun is the third and final book in the Ghost Server series. It is written in the genre of combat fiction and skillfully combines events taking place both in reality and in the virtual world.

The heroes of Andrey Livadny's novels believed that they would not die. Of course, because nothing happens to you if your character dies in the game. You just reboot and continue your exploits. Hence the boundless faith in one's own strength and the feeling of absolute power over this world. But the real death of loved ones and friends makes you change your outlook on the world. There will be no respawn. You die forever: irrevocably, suddenly and not at all heroically.

The characters in Black Sun have an ancient, extra-dimensional web that the game is played on. Its participants are not individuals, but entire civilizations. So the alien standing in front of you is not a bizarre image and not a whim, but a different race of alien creatures. This sit down was left by some ancient civilization, very technologically advanced. The network allows you to create a game body in virtual reality, which will be similar to the real thing in detail. With the help of this network, you can move between different worlds, that is, to be where your physical body would definitely not be able to get. And this is not a metaphor for paradise. It's a cruel world with advanced technology. But is there another paradise beyond paradise? It was this question that the heroes of Andrei Livadny began to ask.

They have no other choice: the earth is mysteriously depopulated, and a handful of survivors repulse the furious attacks of aliens. The game body does not save from death in the game.