Mikail Shishkhanov and Mikhail Gutseriev. poor relative

Date of Birth. August 6, 1972

Origin. Mikail Shishkhanov was born in Grozny, Ingush by nationality. The name Mikail was given to the boy in honor of the main angel close to Allah, perhaps thereby determining his fate - to take the main post of one of the largest banks in Moscow.

Education. As a child, Mikail dreamed of becoming a doctor. The dream almost came true: he got a job as a nurse at ambulance and even attended operations. However, he soon realized that fate (not without the participation of his uncle Mikhail Gutseriev) had prepared for him a different career path.

In 1993, Mikail Osmanovich received a bachelor's degree from the Peoples' Friendship University (PFUR). Two years later, he graduated with honors from the master's program at the same university. In 2000, he graduated from the Academy of Finance under the Government of the Russian Federation, becoming a certified specialist in the field of Finance and Credit.

To date, Mikail Shishkhanov has the title of candidate of legal sciences, doctor of economic sciences, is a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.

Career. Mikail Shishkhanov starts climbing the career ladder at the age of 20, while still a student at RUDN University. In 1992, he worked as a commercial director of BIN LLP. A year later, he received a promotion and became the general director of the newly-minted PFC BIN (CJSC). A year later - from 1994 to 1995 - he held the post of vice-president of the JSCB "BIN". And, finally, in January 1996, he sits down in the chair of the president of Binbank OJSC and heads the Board of Shareholders. In July 2015, Mikail Shishkhanov was appointed Chairman of the Board of MDM Bank.

Welfare. Today, Forbes magazine estimates the fortune of banker Mikail Shishkhanov at $550 million. And in the 2012 ranking of the richest businessmen in Russia (according to the same magazine), he ranks 179th.

Sport. He has been actively engaged in boxing for a long time, and is also not indifferent to chess.

Hobbies. TV show "What? Where? When?" for a long time was under the sponsorship of Binbank and personally Mikail Shishkhanov. Although, most likely, it was just a marketing ploy to attract viewers' attention to the bank.

In addition, the banker reads a lot, writes scientific articles and books on economics and law.

A family. Very little is known about Mikail Shishkhanov's family: he is married and has four children. Much more information is available about his family ties with Mikhail Gutseriev, the former deputy chairman of the State Duma. Mikail speaks of his uncle with respect and admits that he has learned a lot in his life from him.

What annoys him? Laziness, stupidity, hypocrisy.

Advantages. Shishkhanov himself calls himself a "cautious optimist in life", who is able to extract the maximum benefit from any, not even the most successful enterprise.

Flaws. Spends catastrophically insufficient time with his family due to chronic employment in the business sector.

Valuable advice. In one of the interviews, Mikail advised young bankers to remain honest with themselves at all costs, so that there would be no reason to regret any of their actions or inactions. The rest, as Shishkhanov said, will follow.

The main thing. Mikail Shishkhanov considers continuous growth to be the most important thing in life.

Honorary titles. The banking community awarded Mikail Shishkhanov with the ARB Order in 2009. In addition, the President of Binbank bears the honorary titles "Charisma in Business", "Name in Business", "Banker of the Year 2008" (according to the magazine "Company"). He was awarded a gold star for loyalty to Russia, a gold diploma of a patron of the arts from the congress of Russian mothers.

Shishkhanov Mikail Osmanovich

Mikail Osmanovich Shishkhanov is a Russian businessman and financier.

The main owner of PJSC "Binbank" (59.4%). Together with the Gutseriev family, he is a co-owner of MDM Bank (84.38%), as well as the BIN pension group, which includes the pension administrator SAFMAR Pension LLC (100% subsidiary of BINBANK), as well as the European Pension Fund NPF , NPF "Doverie", NPF "Education and Science", NPF "Regionfond" and acquired in October 2015 NPF "Raiffeisen". He is a co-owner of the Europlan group of companies.

He is also a co-owner of large real estate assets, in particular, he owns CJSC INTECO and CJSC Patriot (the total stake is 95%), PJSC Mospromstroy, and the A101 urban development project in New Moscow.


In 1995 he graduated with honors from the Faculty of Economics and Law of the Patrice Lumumba University of Peoples' Friendship, and in 2000 from the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation. In 1998 he defended his dissertation for the degree of candidate of legal sciences, and in 2002 - doctor of economic sciences. Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.

Mikail Shishkhanov's uncle, Mikhail Gutseriev, is a big businessman.

Professional activity

Starting in 1992, Mikail Osmanovich combined his studies with work at CJSC "Industrial and Financial Company" BIN ", where he took the post of general director in a short time.

In June 1994, he moved to the Joint Stock Commercial Bank "BIN", where he worked as the head of the department for organizing interbank relations and representatives of the bank in the regions, deputy chairman of the board, vice president. From 1996 to July 2015, he was President and Chairman of the Board of PJSC Binbank. Currently, he heads the Board of Directors of Binbank and the Management Board of MDM Bank.

Shishkhanov takes an active part in the life of the banking community: he is a member of the Board of the Association of Russian Banks, as well as a member of the Moscow Banking Union.

Shishkhanov is the author of two monographs and a number of articles on economic and legal issues, as well as the books "Scientific and Methodological Aspects of Audit Preparation", "Property: Administrative and Legal Support of Market Transformations in Russia" and the dictionary-reference book "Management Consulting".

According to the results of 2015, Mikail Osmanovich became the winner of the XI National Banking Prize in the nomination “For personal contribution to the consolidation of the Russian banking system”.

As a child, I wanted to become a doctor and even worked for some time as a nurse in an ambulance. But his further fate, largely thanks to his uncle, the famous businessman Mikhail Gutseriev, became connected not with medicine, but with banking.


Graduated from the Faculty of Economics and Law of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.

He received his second higher education at the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation. He defended his Ph.D. thesis in jurisprudence, and soon his doctoral dissertation in economics.

Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.

Labor activity

While still a student, in 1992, he began working in his uncle's company BIN LLP. In 1993, he became the general director of CJSC Industrial and Financial Company BIN. In 1994, he moved to the joint-stock commercial bank BIN. There he changed a number of positions: head of the department for organizing interbank relations and bank representatives in the regions, deputy chairman of the board, vice president.

In 1996, he took the post of President and Chairman of the Board of Binbank. He was the main owner of this bank until 2017*.

In July 2015, he became the Chairman of the Board of MDM Bank, in parallel to November 2016, he headed the Board of Directors of Binbank.

Together with Suleiman Kerimov and Arkady Rotenberg, he owns shares in the Dekmos development company, which owns the Moscow Hotel.

Along with Sait-Salam and Said Gutseriev, he was the ultimate owner of the NPF European Pension Fund (JSC), NPF Doverie JSC, NPF Regionfond (JSC). It is known that in the summer of 2015 these three funds acquired about 10% of the shares of Promsvyazbank.

On November 18, 2016, the completion of the merger of Binbank and Binbank Murmansk with MDM Bank on the basis of the latter's license was officially announced, which was eventually renamed Binbank. The latter, as president and chairman of the board, was headed by Mikail Osmanovich.

On May 28, 2017, on the official page of Binbank, information appeared about the banker's resignation from the post of chairman of the board and the transition to the position of deputy chairman of the board of directors of the Safmar industrial and financial group. He began to supervise the financial block and foreign economic activity of PFG, including areas of promising cooperation with Western, Asian and Arab funds, subsidiary retail companies (M.video, Eldorado, Technosila), Europlan leasing company, IT- technology, as well as the insurance business - the company "VSK".

*On September 20, 2017, the media became aware that the owner of Binbank (Mikail Shishkhanov and Mikhail Gutseriev were the Central Bank) with a request for a possible sanation through the Banking Sector Consolidation Fund (FCBS) (these were Mikail Shishkhanov and Mikhail Gutseriev, who exactly communicated with representatives of the Bank of Russia was not specified). Then the board of directors of Binbank decided to re-elect Mikail Osmanovich as its chairman, including because of negotiations with the Central Bank.

Since December 15, 2017, for the duration of the provisional administration, the powers of the governing bodies of Binbank were suspended. At the beginning of March 2018, Binbank was additionally capitalized by 56.9 billion rubles, and the Central Bank announced its imminent merger with FC Otkritie bank. The banker himself played an important role in the recovery of the credit institution, having transferred for this purpose his non-banking assets - shares of Inteko, A101, companies producing broilers, cement, woodworking and nanotechnology enterprises.

In June 2018, Open Media reported that since June 8, the businessman has been listed as the sole owner of the Ural agricultural holding Healthy Farm. Thus, he controls Healthy Farm Group, Healthy Farm Delicacies, Delicacies from Healthy Farm, as well as Uralbroiler and Ural Meat Company.

Included in the list of 200 richest businessmen in Russia.


Has state awards.


He enjoys chess and boxing.

Family status
Married, has four children.

On September 21, 2017, something happened that had been talked about in the banking market for a couple of months: the Central Bank announced the reorganization of Binbank, owned by billionaires - Mikail Shishkhanov and his uncle Mikhail Gutseriev. Under compulsory recovery through the Banking Sector Consolidation Fund (FCBS), not only Binbank (12th place in terms of assets), but also Rost Bank, Binbank Digital and Uralprivatbank fell. As a result, Shishkhanov may lose not only banks, but also industrial assets and leave the Forbes list of the richest entrepreneurs. He declined to be interviewed for this article.

Vasily Pozdyshev, deputy chairman of the Central Bank, estimated the preliminary costs of additional capitalization of Binbank at 250-350 billion rubles, later the bar was raised to 350-370 billion rubles. At the same time, one of the conditions for the reorganization was the transfer to the balance of the bank of the industrial assets of the Safmar group, owned by the family of billionaire Mikhail Gutseriev. Pozdyshev stressed that for several months the Central Bank had been discussing rescue options with the owners of Binbank, but in the end, the negotiations stalled, all the proposals of the bank's owners boiled down to a request to give them a preferential loan for up to 10 years.

In 1992, 20-year-old Mikail Shishkhanov, the eldest of Gutseriev's nephews, began working for his uncle at the BIN Industrial and Financial Company. In 1993, Gutseriev registered Binbank and appointed Shishkhanov as a banker, and in 1998 he became the sole owner of the bank. In 2016, the BIN group was renamed the Safmar group, although legally it, like its predecessor, is not registered - various companies of the Gutseriev clan are united under this name. The main activity of the group - oil - was personally supervised by Mikhail Gutseriev, his brother Sait-Salam was engaged in real estate, and the financial business remained with Shishkhanov. In June 2014, Gutseriev again entered the capital of Binbank, and in the spring of 2015 he increased his stake to 39.4% of the shares. According to Gutseriev, he invested only $300 million in the bank. At the same time, his brother and nephew got shares in his main projects. Sait-Salam and Shishkhanov received 15% each in Safmar's oil assets (stakes in Russneft and Neftis) and 24% each in Russian Coal (according to Gutseriev).

In 2015, the BIN group bought the A101 construction holding from Vadim Moshkovich for $ 700 million, in its capital, according to Gutseriev, Shishkhanov received 30%, and Sait-Salam - 19%. Gutseriev's brother and nephew also became owners of 15% of the shares of the M.Video and Eldorado retail chains. The share of Mikhail Gutseriev in all projects of the group ranged from 51% to 70%.

In 2016, Shishkhanov and Sait-Salam Gutseriev became billionaires for the first time. In the 2017 rating, Forbes estimated the fortune of Shishkhanov at $2.3 billion, Sait-Salam at $1.6 billion. Mikhail Gutseriev ranked 20th with a fortune of $6.3 billion.

For the sake of saving Binbank, which fell under the reorganization of the FKBS, Shishkhanov was ready to transfer assets worth more than 300 billion rubles and then leave the banking business forever. They don't go into the same river twice, Shishkhanov admitted. He considers himself guilty before Gutseriev. “I am very worried that this is connected with his name. And I am ashamed in front of him, ”he said in an interview with Vedomosti. If, following the results of the reorganization, Shishkhanov retains a 25% stake in the capital of Binbank, as provided for by the recovery mechanism through the FCBS, he plans to transfer these shares to his uncle: “In fairness, I don’t deserve a share: I brought the bank to such a situation.”

Shishkhanov considers his purchase of MDM Bank for $100 million in June 2015 as his fatal mistake, which undermined the banking business. His uncle fully agrees with this assessment of the situation. He clarified that after the purchase, an additional $126 million was contributed to the capital of MDM Bank. negative capital was $600 million. When the Binbank team figured out the state of affairs, it turned out that the real loss by mid-2016 amounted to $900 million,” Mikhail Gutseriev noted in a conversation with Forbes.

According to him, already in 2016, Shishkhanov was summoned to the Central Bank and demanded to accrue additional reserves in the amount of 98 billion rubles. “This became a catalyst for the problems of Binbank, MDM Bank pulled it into a hole with it,” says Gutseriev.

In addition to the failure with MDM Bank, the reorganization of Rost Bank also played a role. With obligations of 665 billion rubles, Rost Bank received a loan of almost 600 billion rubles from Binbank and, as it turned out later, directed these funds to the projects of the Safmar group. According to Vasily Pozdyshev, up to 75% of Rost's assets can be "lending in various forms of assets that are associated with the owners."

The harbinger of the end of Shishkhanov's banking career was his departure from the post of chairman of the board of Binbank. At the end of May 2017, the bank officially announced that Shishkhanov decided to focus on work in the Safmar group: "The decision to leave the post of head of the bank was determined by the rapid growth of the Safmar group and the need to improve its corporate governance." Mikhail Gutseriev called Shishkhanov's departure from the bank after more than 20 years of work a kind of promotion. “Shishkhanov spent 23 years in the Binbank, now he is forty-five. May be enough? Maybe put younger, another? - the billionaire argued in an interview with Vedomosti. - Time has changed. Shishkhanov went on promotion. Now he oversees various issues, including those related to finances.”

At the helm of Binbank stood Evgeny Davydovich, previously he headed the Svyaznoy bank that collapsed in 2015. The Central Bank approved his candidacy on September 18, and three days later it became known about the reorganization of Binbank. “Davydovich went to Binbank with Neglinna and understood that he would work in a bank being reorganized,” says a Forbes interlocutor from the Safmar group.

As two sources from the Safmar group told Forbes, the multiplying problems of Binbank caused dissatisfaction with Mikhail Gutseriev and he began to consistently reduce his nephew's shares in the family business. And Shishkhanov began to vacate seats on the boards of directors of the companies of the Safmar group. In mid-November, he left the boards of directors of NPF Safmar and Russneft, and at the end of the month - from the beneficiaries of NPF Doverie (part of Safmar). At the end of November, Mikhail Gutseriev told Forbes that he had taken shares in all his companies from his nephew, leaving only a small stake in Russneft and a 49% stake in the A101 group. At the same time, Gutseriev himself retained control in the development company. According to documents revealing the ownership structure, since July, two offshore companies from the British Virgin Islands have been dividing shares in A101 LLC in the proportion of 51 to 49. The ownership structure of other group companies has been changing since July 2017. Instead of Shishkhanov, a new shareholder appeared in the Cypriot structures that own Russneft, Neftisa, M.Video and Eldorado - Lereford Holdings, 100% owned by Mikhail Gutseriev.

Shishkhanov has 3.7% of Russneft's voting shares (at the closing price on November 29 they cost $87 million) and all the company's preferred shares (almost 25% of the charter capital), the shares are on the balance sheet of Rost Bank. So far, this bank is 100% owned by Shishkhanov, but the situation may change. The work of the interim administration, as a rule, lasts about six months.

If, after the reorganization, the capital of Rost Bank is negative, the value of Shishkhanov's share will be a symbolic 1 ruble, in other words, he will lose not only the bank, but also the shares of Russneft. According to the Central Bank, Rost Bank's capital as of November 1 was minus 199.5 billion rubles (a month earlier - minus 171.6 billion rubles).

At the end of October, Pozdyshev announced the transfer of non-financial assets to Binbank and Growth Bank, including the shares of Inteko, Russneft and A101, which means that Shishkhanov had practically no shares in the business that he inherited from his uncle.

Contrary to Shishkhanov's assurances that he will put an end to his banking history, the businessman probably still allows it to continue. “I am at the bank every day. I want to bring the transfer process without excesses. And until the Central Bank dismisses me, I will work for free, ”Vedomosti quotes Shishkhanov.

In early December, he was among the candidates for the new board of directors of Binbank, which is to be approved at an extraordinary meeting of shareholders on December 27. So far, Shishkhanov remains the chairman of the board of directors of Binbank. The list of candidates does not include Mikhail Gutseriev, his son Said, brother Sait-Salam, and chairman Evgeny Davydovich. But among the possible directors are members of the Shishkhanov team: Anzhelika Anshakova, Alexander Lukin, Kirill Lyubentsov, Sergey Maryin, Alexander Filatov and Anatoly Efremov. All of them, except for Efremov, are members of the current board of directors. The next re-election may take place in three to six months, Shishkhanov believes.

The prospects for Binbank itself are not yet clear. According to the Central Bank, as of November 1, 2017, the capital of the credit institution was positive - 25 billion rubles. However, according to an estimate as of October 1, it was 43.9 billion rubles, and as of September 1 - 94.3 billion rubles. The total capital of the three banks of the BIN group is negative - about 175 billion rubles, Pozdyshev said in November. Most of the losses are accounted for by Rost Bank. Binbank Digital still retains positive capital - 4 billion rubles.

Binbank and related credit institutions showed huge losses in the first 9 months of the year. In addition, it became clear that Bean violated all the basic regulations, in other words, the bank was left without its own funds and squandered others. When it was just taken for reorganization, the shareholders announced that they were ready to compensate for the losses. But now a month has passed, and still nothing is known about how they will pay. One gets the impression that the Gutseriev-Shishkhanov family simply gave the Central Bank a "leaky" bank, shifting all the problems onto the shoulders of the state.

And inside is empty

Probably every child in our country knows a funny and stupid trick: eat a chocolate candy, and then carefully fold the wrapper. Since the paper remembers the shape of the candy, it will look like the treat is still inside. Only the weight, of course, will be different. Then you need to stretch this pacifier to dad or mom with the words: "treat yourself with candy." Well, look at the face of a parent who, instead of a treat, receives an inedible piece of paper. Kids have a lot of fun, adults not so much. Approximately the same focus was shown to the Central Bank by the shareholders of Binbank, having given the bank for reorganization to the regulator, which, through the efforts of the owners, turned into an illiquid shell. Only, unlike the deceived parents, the Central Bank saw how money was flowing out of the credit institution and knew perfectly well what was hidden under the bright wrapper.

My business is on the edge

The other day, Binbank and Otkritie published their financial statements for three quarters. Their total loss amounted to half a trillion rubles. The figure is gigantic, impressive and a record for the Russian banking system. Both organizations have recently been on the reorganization of the Central Bank, which will now have to cover their losses and improve their health. It is known that the regulator has never hidden this fact that their owners and top managers are to blame for the problems of banks. They made strategic mistakes and screwed up their corporations. It is difficult to argue with this, as well as with the fact that for mistakes, unintentional or deliberate, these owners and managers must answer. Moreover, everything seems to be clear with Otkritie, no one is going to answer for this bank. Now it's exclusive headache Central Bank. And recent media reports are very similar to the truth that the deputy chairman of the Central Bank Vasily Pozdyshev calls bank customers with a request not to take their deposits, and asks those who have already taken them to return the money. You read and even feel a little sorry for the leaders of the Central Bank, who act as petitioners.

But the owners of the "Discovery" everything is going just fine. They quietly go about their business, trying not to comment on what happened in their bank. And why, will they manage somehow without them. And the fact that a trillion rubles was needed for the "Discovery" (that is, this trillion, according to the logic of things, is not enough in the bank), this is an everyday thing, it happens. Most of the owners have other main businesses, the same Vagit Alekperov and Leonid Fedun- First of all, oilmen, they have one of the largest oil companies in the country, Lukoil, what do they care about a bank from which a lot of money has disappeared. And the main owner of "Discovery" Vadim Belyaev recently got a new position, he is the bank's diamond business. Last year, Lukoil sold Otkritie to Arkhangelskgeoldobycha for $1.5 billion. Now journalists from the British newspaper "Financial Times" found out that this amount is 3 times the market value of the asset. But these are things of the past days, now nobody is particularly interested in these things. The main thing is that everything is in business.

Cry for the bank while it's alive

The situation with Binbank is somewhat different. Shortly after the Central Bank on the reorganization of the bank of the Gutseriev family, co-owner of a credit institution and nephew of Mikhail Gutseriev Mikail Shishkhanov gave a very touching, heartfelt interview. He stated that he wants to show that he did not steal money from the bank, did not withdraw assets. He promised never to engage in the banking business again, and to save Bean to give all his personal property. Including their deposits of 100 million dollars. The impulse, of course, is very valuable, and is also capable of causing a mean male tear.

That's just 100 million in US currency - that's about 6 billion rubles. And the “hole” in Binbank was estimated at hundreds of billions. So it would be nice to donate something else. And at first it seemed that it would.

The Central Bank stated that the owners of the bank are set to cooperate and are ready to invest in its rescue. Still the same Vasily Pozdyshev said that other assets of the Safmar group (it manages the property of the Gutseriev family), in particular agricultural, hydrocarbon and even something from nanotechnologies, will be transferred to Bin's balance sheet. Moreover, in the same interview, Shishkhanov said that the owners would return assets worth more than 300 billion rubles to the bank. And recently it turned out that the shareholders are transferring their warehouse, construction sites, offices and even a large vegetable warehouse near Moscow to the Central Bank. That's just vegetables, probably, the financial regulator did not have enough for complete happiness. The total value of this property is about 70 billion rubles. And then the Bank of Russia reported that the Shishkhanov-Gutserivs were also transferring the shares of RussNeft, the pearl of the family's business empire. But the journalists found out that we are talking about only 3.7%, they cost billions of rubles, but not tens or hundreds of billions. And businessmen will not give away a larger package. In the end, for the shareholders of Binbank, this is already a passed stage. Love is gone, everything is burned out. What now, in memory of the past relationship, should Mikhail Gutseriev be given all the shares of RussNeft? Or lose luxury hotels in Moscow? Everything that, as they say, is acquired by overwork ...

From jar to jar

Acquired by really overwork, whether righteous or not, but Gutseriev has been collecting all his assets (losing them in parallel) for more than 20 years. The same Binbank was founded in the early 90s. The legend assures that its name is an abbreviation: "The Brotherhood of the Ingush people." True, the owners of the bank publicly supported a different version: the "Bank of Investments and Innovations." Interestingly, until some time, no one really knew anything about this credit institution. There were few such banks in the era of primitive capital accumulation, then every more or less large businessman got himself a pocket bank to service his business, and there were more than 2000 banks in the country at that time. At the beginning of the 2000s, the situation changed, Binbank got to service the financial flows of the state oil company Slavneft. Big luck, a ticket to a big banking future. And no one paid much attention to the fact that the owner of Bean just got a job as the president of Slavneft Mikhail Gutseriev...

After that, Binbank acquired a federal scale and quietly developed until it suddenly went into rapid growth. Moreover, “growth” is not just a suitable word, Bean became a sanatorium for the banks of the Rost group, having received about 35 billion rubles from the Deposit Insurance Agency for this. And soon the bank made a new acquisition, buying MDM, according to some estimates, it cost Shishkhanov and his uncle Gutseriev 17 billion rubles. There was another interesting deal: in the midst of the Ukrainian events, the family got Moskomprivatbank, the daughter of the bank of a Ukrainian businessman Igor Kolomoisky. The owners of Bean almost did not hide the fact that it was more of a political move, counting on the loyalty of the authorities. In general, they insured themselves and began to grow a banking monster with assets of a trillion rubles at a frantic pace. Which, by the way, judging by customer reviews, did not particularly affect the quality of service, rather the opposite: a huge queue at the branch for Binbank has become the norm. And what about the recent story of a client from St. Petersburg, who, in the absence of people in the branch, sat in an electronic queue for about an hour ... These, of course, are trifles compared to the global changes in the life of the bank, but life, as you know, consists of trifles.

Your money is our money

The passion of shareholders for gigantism is only one of the reasons for the collapse of Binbank. The main one lies in their other passion: to buy everything that can be bought. First of all, luxurious Moscow real estate - all sorts of Nationals, Marriotts and other Hiltons. This fun is expensive, you need to get money for it somewhere. But after all, the Safmar group has pension funds where the future pensions of Russians are stored. An excellent source for investment. Businessmen, that today they will take this “long” money, and then they will earn and return it with interest. But either their abilities turned out to be not so brilliant, or we have such time now, but they could not return the money. Or maybe they didn’t have time, because since this year the Central Bank has tightened the requirements for investing pension money and a huge financial hole had to be urgently plugged. It was necessary either to quickly sell their property, or to take money from their own bank. Of course, the second option was chosen.

And as the media recently reported with reference to a letter from the First Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank Dmitry Tulin, Binbank lent more than 700 billion rubles to the third-party business of its shareholders. A beautiful figure, and the fact that it is 700% of the bank's own capital adds a special beauty to it. There is no question of any banking standards here, everything is violated so that there is nowhere else to go. However, there is nothing to be surprised. It is known that Russian bankers, according to the established tradition, consider client money to be their own and take it when they need it and in the amount they see fit. As for giving back - see above, it looks like no one is going to give anything away. This seems to have become exclusively a matter for the regulator. He, of course, wrote off the shareholders' deposits, but as already mentioned, these are only billions of rubles, while hundreds of billions have been spent.


It is always believed that if the bank is large, then it cannot be closed, too many people will suffer. That's probably how it is. But why does the state need another huge bank? The Central Bank stated that, most likely, they would merge Bin and Otkritie, which means that another monster will turn out, on which the financial authorities will spend several years and a lot of money. But why not get rid of this “rectal disease” now? Yes, to spend money, return everything to customers, close all debts, write off everything that can be written off painlessly for the economy. But turn the page and move on with your life. But no, the Central Bank is headed by Elvira Nabiullina with some kind of masochism, for several years I watched how money was withdrawn from the largest private banks in the country. And now, with pain in his heart, he forks out and creates a new monster. Is it really not enough Sberbank, VTB (with all its "Post Bank", the former "Bank of Moscow" and so on), Gazprombank and other credit giants with state participation?

True, the regulator optimistically declares that now it will improve these banks and successfully sell them on the market. There are no other comments to this, except for "well, well" and no. What normal businessman would buy a bank now? There is an assumption that the regulator will suffer with its new bank, suffer, and even close it. For there was no market need for it, and there is none. And these banks existed solely to satisfy the ambitions of their shareholders. And, apparently, everyone is now so satisfied that they live their lives calmly and in freedom. And no one ran away. There are two options. Either the shareholders are crystal-clear guys. Either the Motherland appreciates these citizens so much, and these citizens value their Motherland so much that one can turn a blind eye to some of their actions. By the way, Elvira Sakhipzadovna, why not establish some orders personally for them at the same time? Something like the Order of Friendship with the Central Bank.