Organization of the management system of a preschool educational institution. Organization goals tree - a simple example Educational organization goals tree example diagram

All activity on modeling, construction and development of the system of work begins with the setting of a goal and the definition of tasks through which the achievement of the goal is planned. The constructed system of work is aimed at creating conditions for the individual self-expression of each child and the development of each personality, preserving the originality and revealing his potential abilities, protecting the interests of childhood.

The system of work contains effective forms and methods that allow creating conditions for the development of the child's personality at each age stage of education and upbringing.

To create a system of work, the teacher carried out preliminary work: the study of the legal framework, modern methods, methods, techniques, forms, principles and models of work.

Having studied the model "Tree of goals" by Ch. Churchman and R. Ackoff, the teacher used it in his pedagogical work. The goal tree is a graphical diagram that shows the breakdown of general goals into sub-goals. The top of the scheme is interpreted as goals, edges or arcs - as connections between goals. The goal tree method is the main universal method of system analysis. This method allows the teacher to put their own plans (personal or professional) in order, to see their goals in the team.



Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Education management

administration of the municipality "city of Buguruslan"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Municipal Formation "Buguruslan City"

"Kindergarten of the combined type No. 18"

Description of the operating system


Borisova Irina Nikolaevna

Buguruslan, 2013

Explanatory note

To ensure the optimal development of each child, based on the uniqueness of his individuality, an effective system of educational work has been organized in MBDOU "D / s No. 18". Changes in preschool education have influenced the construction of the system of work both in general and on the teacher himself.

All activity on modeling, construction and development of the system of work begins with the setting of a goal and the definition of tasks through which the achievement of the goal is planned. The constructed system of work of Borisova I.N. is aimed at creating conditions for the individual self-expression of each child and the development of each personality, preserving the uniqueness and disclosure of his potential abilities, protecting the interests of childhood.

The system of work contains effective forms and methods that allow creating conditions for the development of the child's personality at each age stage of education and upbringing.

To create a system of work, the teacher carried out preliminary work: the study of the legal framework, modern methods, methods, techniques, forms, principles and models of work.

Having studied the model "Tree of goals" by Ch. Churchman and R. Ackoff, the teacher used it in his pedagogical work. The goal tree is a graphical diagram that shows the breakdown of general goals into sub-goals. The top of the scheme is interpreted as goals, edges or arcs - as connections between goals. The goal tree method is the main universal method of system analysis. This method allows the teacher to put their own plans (personal or professional) in order, to see their goals in the team.

When building a system of work, Borisov I. takes into account the patterns of goal formation and uses the principles of the formation of hierarchical structures. The system of work is built in stages, from top to bottom, by successive transition from a higher level to a lower, adjacent level. The principle is based on the coordination of goals among themselves. The specification of goals from top to bottom is growing: the higher the level, the better the goal is formulated.

The compiled goal tree has a decision system on paper. That is, a plan to achieve the main goal of Fig.1. The goal tree is for a yearly goal. The principle of splitting a common goal into subgoals and tasks is illustrated by the diagram shown in the figure.

Building a model of the system of work of the educator

I.N. Borisova in modern conditions of preschool education

(based on the Goal Tree model)Ch. Churchman and R. Ackoff)

Description of the system of work based on the model "Tree of goals"

1. Development of a project for educational work in educational areas

Borisova I.N. builds the system of the educational process in accordance with the regulatory documents: the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the decree "On Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for the Maintenance and Organization of the Regime in Preschool Organizations", the main educational program of the institution. The general educational program of MBDOU "D / s No. 18" provides a versatile development of children aged from birth to 7 years, taking into account their age and individual characteristics in 4 educational areas: physical, social and personal, cognitive and speech and artistic and aesthetic. The program ensures that pupils achieve school readiness. It is given in accordance with the FGT and is based on the program "From Birth to School" ed. NOT. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva.

In order to ensure an individually differentiated approach to each child, the pedagogical process is organized taking into account the health of children, a flexible daily routine, and the interests of each child. When designing independent activities of children, he takes into account psychological relief, discusses matters during the day with the entire children's team.

At the organizational stage, a work plan was drawn up - a project of educational work with the children's team. The main objective of the project is to organize the independent activities of the children's team so that the pupils voluntarily, with great desire, participate in various activities of the kindergarten, learn to be independent, be able to assess their capabilities and constantly strive to know themselves. This goal is realized in the second part of the program "In the wake of the mood."

In accordance with the program of the kindergarten, the annual and curriculum of the work of Borisov I.N. developed a comprehensive thematic, thematic work plans in accordance with the FGT.

Educational areas

Communicative and personal development

Cognitive speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Aimed at gaining experience in the following activities:

  • Motor , including in basic movements (walking, running, jumping, climbing, etc.)
  • Game (story game, role-playing, directing and game with rules)
  • Communicative(constructive communication and interaction with adults and peers, oral speech as the main means of communication)
  • Cognitive research(study of objects of the surrounding world and experimentation with them)
  • Perception of fiction and folklore
  • Elementary labor activity(self-service, domestic labor, labor in nature)
  • Constructions from various materials(building material, constructors, modules, paper, natural material, etc.)
  • pictorial(drawings, modeling, appliqué)
  • Musical (singing, musical and rhythmic movements, playing children's musical instruments)

In order to compose the 2nd part of the program, the teacher determined the time for the main part of the program

2. Develop a project for working with the teaching staff

Borisova I.N. is a member of the creative group of teachers for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard in preschool educational institutions. The creative group of teachers made up the second part of the program, formed by the participants in the educational process. Irina Nikolaevna developed and implemented the program “Following the Mood” into the educational process.

The time required for the implementation of the second part of the Program, formed by the participants of the educational process

The program was developed with the aim of developing creative abilities in children of primary preschool age through non-traditional drawing methods. The content of the subject of the program contributes to the understanding of the properties of different materials by children, their expressive possibilities, forms creative skills. The visual type of activity allows you to make the work of children more interesting, expressive, colorful, as well as develop children's independence and thinking. Also valuable in the program is the possibility of integrating different types of visual activity (drawing, modeling, applications); in the process of creating an interesting image, a combination of visual techniques and materials is possible (“drawing with plasticine”, collage, splashing).

Teaching children non-traditional ways of drawing activates cognitive interest, forms an emotionally positive attitude towards the process of artistic activity, and contributes to the effective development of children's creativity. The result of the developed program is the participation of children in competitions. Her pupil Baryshnikova Dasha won first place in the city competition of children's creativity on the fire-fighting theme "Stop the fire".

In 2013, at the methodological association for heads of preschool educational institutions and educators, an open demonstration of directly educational activities was held in the second junior group “In the wake of mood”. Directly educational activities were evaluated at a high level.

A system of specific measures has been organized for the development of preschool educational institutions and education of parents on the development and upbringing of children: the creation of a column in the print media of the city, the preparation of a video clip for display in local news, as well as on electronic media, the distribution of leaflets, booklets, magazines, newspapers and other printed publications on the basis of DOW with their further distribution.

The performance indicators of Irina Nikolaevna's work for 2013 are high, this is evidenced by the participation of the teacher in the competitive direction:

  • winner of the regional photo contest among voters of the Orenburg region "Life is a series of elections";
  • All-Russian diploma of the III degree “The best modern lesson. Physical Culture";
  • All-Russian diploma for providing their pedagogical experience in the nomination "Pedagogical ideas and technologies: preschool education" ;
  • certificate of publication of materials of the NOD "In the wake of mood";
  • participation in the regional competition on traffic rules "Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims" (the results are not known);
  • participation in the forum of the network competition of methodological developments in the preschool educational institution "Educational activities in the preschool educational institution".

3. Develop a project to work with parents

In order to study the family, to find out the educational needs of parents, to establish contact with its members, to harmonize educational influences on the child, the teacher began work with the questionnaire "Cooperation between the kindergarten and the family." Having received a real picture, based on the collected data, he analyzed the features of the structure of family ties of each child, the specifics of the family and family education of a preschooler, and developed tactics for his communication with each parent. This helped to better navigate the pedagogical needs of each family, to take into account its individual characteristics.

Irina Nikolaevna developed criteria for the "involvement" of parents in the educational process. At first, this criterion reflected the quantitative indicators of the presence of parents at group events: attendance at parent meetings and consultations; the presence of parents at children's holidays, the participation of parents in the preparation and conduct of excursions, thematic classes; participation in exhibitions, opening days; publication of magazines and books; visiting the "Open Day"; help of parents in equipping the pedagogical process.

Later, she singled out qualitative indicators: initiative, responsibility, the attitude of parents to the products of joint activities of children and adults.

4. Develop a project to work on self-education

Borisova I.N. improves his professional level through coursework, methodological associations, is engaged in self-education. In 2013, at the methodological association for heads of preschool educational institutions and educators, an open demonstration of directly educational activities was held in the second junior group “In the wake of mood”. Directly educational activities were evaluated at a high level.

Irina Nikolaevna is a member of the creative team for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard in preschool educational institutions. In 2013, she successfully completed distance training courses for teachers of preschool education: advanced training courses for employees of preschool educational institutions on the topic Legal, psychological and organizational support of the Federal State Educational Standard in the system of preschool education "(72 hours).

The teacher independently works on the topic “Systematization and generalization of work experience”. The initial stage of solving this problem is the passage of a distance course on the topic "Professional design of a teacher's portfolio in electronic form." With the help of a portfolio, you can clearly characterize the activities of a teacher, prepare for certification. The methodological portfolio of Irina Nikolaevna connects individual aspects of her activities into a more complete picture, allows you to record, accumulate and evaluate the individual achievements of a person in a certain period of his activity. Creates an electronic portfolio in various Windows applications: PowerPoint, Word, Excel, as a Web page, PDF portfolio using Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro. Puts there what you can’t show on paper. These are multimedia products created for classes or leisure activities: presentations, graphic objects, video materials, etc.


With the help of system analysis, you can explore various socio-economic processes and systems in order to better understand the problem and find measures to resolve it. In this calculation work, using the methods of system analysis, we will consider the educational problem in order to develop a physically and morally healthy person at the level of modern education. Because Since this problem has many aspects, suggesting various options for their solution, it can be considered quite complex and controversial. To select the most appropriate options for solving this problem, as well as to create an action plan for the implementation of the entire range of works that ensure its solution, we will build a tree of goals and trees of activities, calculate relative importance coefficients and build a network work schedule.

Thus, the purpose of this study can be defined as the creation of an optimal plan of action to improve modern education in Russia.

Based on the purpose of the study, the following tasks were set:

identify a problematic situation;

Detail the problem;

Solve the problem using system analysis methods.

The object of research is how to develop a physically and morally healthy person.

The subject of the study is the process of developing the education of children and youth.

Goal Tree

The theoretical basis for writing the work was the lectures and educational and methodological complex of Krichevsky A.I.

Building a goal tree

Calculation of coefficients of relative importance

Calculation of coefficients of relative importance (RC) of subgoals (1st level of the goal tree):

Expert Survey Matrix:

Here, experts assign ranks (places) to subgoals, performing the following task: "Place the subgoals in their places based on their importance for achieving the main goal."

Our task is to determine the COP of subgoals, i.e. their share in the composition of the main goal.

This means that a larger number must correspond to the more important subgoal (as opposed to assigning ranks in the original survey matrix), so we need to calculate the rank transformation using the formula: (max rank - expert rank).

Conclusion based on the calculation of KOV at the first level:

When detailing, the main goal "Modern education is the development of a physically, morally healthy person" was divided into 4 unequal subgoals:

Develop a state strategy for the upbringing of children and youth - 38.7%;

Scientific and methodological provision - 12.9%;

Raise the qualifications of employees of educational institutions - 22.5%;

Diversity and availability of children's leisure infrastructure - 25.9%.

Based on the analysis of the KOV, we see that the experts identified the development of the state as the most important sub-goal in achieving the main goal. strategies in the education of children and youth (0.387). It follows from this that experts believe that it is the development of state strategies that should be given the most attention. The second place was taken by the sub-objective "Diversity and accessibility of the infrastructure of educational institutions" - 0.259. It is also important because children's leisure means fewer children loitering on the streets. In third place is professional development for employees of educational institutions - 0.225 means that professionalism is necessary for employees in this field of activity. And the last subgoal in terms of weight - scientific and methodological security - 0.129, which is necessary for improvement in education.

All of these sub-goals, in detail, represent our main single goal, and therefore, by effectively developing programs to achieve all these sub-goals and achieving them, we also achieve the main goal.

Calculation of the KOV of the tree of goals of the second level.

Expert survey matrix.

When determining the COP of subgoals of the 2nd level, we use the same methodology as at the first level, considering the sequence of splitting the subgoals of the 1st level into component parts. At the same time, we first determine the proportion in which this subgoal is divided into its component parts, and then we divide the COP of the higher subgoal in the same proportion. This will ensure that the following necessary requirements for the calculation of KOV are met.

The sum of the KOV of subgoals is equal to the KOV of the higher subgoal (goal);

The sum of the KOV of all subgoals of one level of the tree of goals is equal to 1.

Matrix of Transformed Ranks:

Expert Survey Matrix:

Matrix of Transformed Ranks:

Expert Survey Matrix:

Rank conversion matrix:

Expert Survey Matrix:

Rank transformation matrix.

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By achieving life goals, the meaning of human life is determined, the same can be said about the existence of each company, whether it be state, charitable, public or commercial, organization goal tree - a simple example. Any enterprise, individual entrepreneur or association pursues its goals, which are the reason for their functioning and existence. Let's consider different types of tasks and use the example of a company to build an example of a goal tree.

Purpose and mission

Each enterprise in the course of work develops its mission - the main task that justifies the existence of the organization. For example, for a charitable company, it means helping people with cancer. For a commercial company - to earn maximum profit, for a social organization - the achievement of a significant social task, for example, adaptation in the modern world of children with disabilities.

The process of achieving the mission will be divided into goals, “steps”, overcoming which you can get as close as possible to solving the main task.

Types of goals

Any company for the near future sets for itself several aspirations and desires, which can be long-term, medium-term and short-term. It usually takes no more than 12 months to solve a short-term goal, medium-term ones - from one year to five or six years, and at least 5 years are required to solve a long-term problem.

How goals are set

In general, the goals for the entire organization or for each of its divisions are set by the center, or decentralized and centralized to the heads of departments. It all depends on what kind of management system is adopted at the enterprise.

The decentralized method of setting goals can develop in two directions. In the first method - from the bottom up, initially goals are set in departments, and management, on the basis of them, determines the main tasks of the organization and ways to resolve them. In the second method - from top to bottom, large tasks are set by the center, and managers, in order to solve them, develop their smaller goals on the ground and set them for the staff and workers.

The task tree on the example of a company is compiled based on the analysis of the impact of the external and internal environment at the enterprise, adhering to the main goal of the organization. And only then are individual and specific goals set.

Goal tree on the example of an organization

Viewing an example goal tree in a graphical display helps to visualize the task model of the organization. With it, it is easy to arrange the degree of importance of tasks. To build such a chart, there are conditional positions.

The overall mission (goal) of the company is placed at the top of the tree. Then it is divided into separate subtasks, without which the main task cannot be completed. When formulating the task, it is necessary to describe the desired result, but it is not necessary to indicate the way to achieve it. Goals should be on the same level, not arising from each other and independent of each other.

For each organization, the set of goals is purely individual. However, several areas of activity can be distinguished, any company will find its interest in them:

Personnel policy
Finance and politics
Sales policy

The number of levels into which the main task of the organization is divided depends on the complexity of the goal, the size of the company, the hierarchy in management and organizational structure.

An example of an organization's goal tree:

Examples of Specific Organizational Tasks

In different areas of activity, the organization has its own goals, let's consider some of them.


Expansion of the product range
Market Promotion


Development and implementation of modern technologies
Improving product competitiveness
Improving production efficiency
Cost reduction


Increasing labor productivity
Incentive system
Personnel optimization

An example of an organization goal tree #2:


Multiplication of investment attractiveness
Improvement of profitability and solvency
Effective financial management of the organization

Setting goals for the organization is of great importance - this is the basis for building relationships within the organization, and only by solving the tasks set can one evaluate and control the progress and results of the work of departments, personnel and the entire structure as a whole.

And why is it needed, is it, or for clarity, you can use the example of an already built one. The same article is devoted to practical recommendations on how to independently create a hierarchy of goals.

What is needed to compile

If you are just learning strategic planning or building a tree of goals for yourself, then in addition to the desire itself, you need: A blank sheet of A4 paper (at the training stage - perhaps a stack of paper), a pen.

If you are preparing a presentation of the tree of goals: in this case, many programs on a PC will do (Mind Manager, simple SmartArt MS Word, ...)

Stages of building a goal tree

1. Formulation. This is the top of the tree, it can also be a global large and very complex goal, in contrast to the strategic one, in the possibility of its ultimate attainability. (example, strategic - increase in sales, global - increase in capital by a certain amount; strategic -, global - learn 5 foreign languages). This goal answers the questions: what do I (we, the organization) want to receive or receive after such and such a period? Who I want to be? What do we want to achieve or achieve? Answer - write to the top.

2. Write down the conditions, sub-goals contributing to the implementation of the global strategic goal. Answering questions: under what conditions is it possible to achieve the goal? What do you need to decide in order to achieve goal number 1?See example below.

2.1. Highlight those goals and objectives, conditions that depend directly on us (ourselves), or are subject to our indirect influence, or vice versa - are absolutely independent of us. This is usually formulated as internal, external or indirect conditions. Sign, respectively, the conditions, goals or objectives. This item can be skipped. But sometimes it is also needed.

3. We crush further goals, follow the same procedure as in the case of item 2, but only for the 2nd row of targets. Our task is to build a consistent hierarchy until all the goals come down to the implementation of a specific small task, either done once, or in a constant cycle.

We complete the tree on one sheet. But if you need to cross something out for clarity, it’s better to start with a new clean slate.

You need to crush goals sequentially. Those. they should be subordinate to each other, and there were no big jumps.

When writing down this or that step in the hierarchy, it is important to remember that there is always one more option.

The smallest goals should be as simple as possible, the implementation of which realizes, just as simply, a higher goal.

Practice and train again. Ideally, after some time you will reach this