Reviews about the insurance company "Capital Life. Rosgosstrakh life personal account Grs life

According to statistics, Russians more often insure housing, cars and other property than their own lives. However, in situations where a person receives a serious injury, the support of an insurance company comes in handy. In Russia, one of the leading companies in this area is Rosgosstrakh. During its work, 17 million people became its customers.

Why is it worth contacting Rosgosstrakh?

Rosgosstrakh is recognized as the largest financial holding in Russia, which has been successfully operating in the insurance market for 96 years. Rosgosstrakh Life is part of the holding company and offers its clients life and health insurance services and financial savings. As of 2018, 5 million Russians used the services of CSG Life.

The advantages of Rosgosstrakh Life are as follows:

The company guarantees financial protection in the event of an insured event. This is confirmed by large cash reserves. To connect to one of the insurance programs, customers can contact a consultant by phone and complete the documents as soon as possible.

Gosstrakh offers the following insurance programs:

Endowment life insurance programs and their cost

The main purpose of endowment insurance programs is to create a cash reserve dedicated to any event. In addition to the accumulation of funds for the event specified in the contract, the programs are aimed at achieving the following goals:

  • ensuring financial protection of the insured and his family in the event of accidents and other events;
  • proper planning of the family budget;
  • rational use of funds (investment, redistribution).

Obtaining a policy guarantees financial protection not only to the insured, but also to his entire family. In case of loss of a breadwinner, his family receives an insurance payment in accordance with the concluded contract.

Rosgosstrakh Life offers the following accumulative programs:

  • "Prestige for adults". The program was created specifically to achieve these goals. It guarantees a reasonable accumulation of funds and includes an extended list of risks. In case of disability, the company pays the accumulated funds. The policyholder has the right to independently choose the schedule and currency of contributions - rubles or US dollars.
  • "Comfort for adults". The program was created specifically for the comfortable accumulation of funds through small but regular contributions. In addition to the possibility of accumulation, "Comfort for adults" creates personal protection for the insured and his family in case of emergency. Registration of the contract takes a few minutes, and its action begins the next day after payment.
  • "Prestige for children". The program offers the accumulation of a large amount of money for the future of the child (for example, for education) with an even distribution of the burden on the family budget. The program includes protecting the life and health of children in case of emergency, including injuries at school or kindergarten. Under the terms of the program, the insured can insure his own life, as his health is important for his children. The frequency of payments is determined by the insured independently. If necessary, monetary contributions can be made in US dollars.
  • "Comfort for children". The program allows you to create a cash reserve to provide for children in the future at any level of income of the insured. In addition to savings, children receive protection in case of unforeseen situations, which are indicated in the contract.

The term of insurance is from 5 to 22 years. The minimum age of the insured is 18 years, the maximum is 70 years. Each of the programs involves the use of a personal account on the insurer's website. In it you can find up-to-date data on savings and other information about concluded contracts.

Features of the investment savings program

Rosgosstrakh Life has created a program that makes it possible to invest and save at the same time. The investment and savings program allows you to significantly increase your tangible assets.

Key benefits of the Wealth Management program:

  • high profitability;
  • tax, insurance and legal protection of funds;
  • providing the maximum number of additional opportunities, including an increase in the volume of investments.

Rosgosstrakh guarantees customers a higher return than when making deposits in banking institutions. If situations arise in which quotes fall sharply, investments are returned to the owner in full.

There are three program options:

  • conservative (the risk is minimal);
  • balanced (optimal in terms of risk-return ratio);
  • dynamic (high risk - high income).

Signing an agreement

Three parties are specified in the insurance contract - the policyholder, the insured and the insurer. To sign the contract, the insured must contact the office of the Rosgosstrakh company, having previously received a telephone consultation.

Before signing the contract, it is necessary to carefully study it, read those parts that are printed in small print. As a rule, important information is hidden there.

First of all, you should check:

There is a basic set of insured events. In the Rosgosstrakh company, it can be supplemented with risks at the request of the insured.

After checking the text of the contract, the parties sign it. The agreement begins the day after the deposit of funds.

How to terminate the insurance contract?

The contract can be terminated at the initiative of the insurance company or the policyholder. However, this is disadvantageous for both. Upon termination of the agreement, the policyholder may lose part of the deposited funds. Usually this condition is written in the contract. The sooner after the conclusion of the agreement is terminated, the more money the insured will lose.

To terminate the insurance contract, you must contact Rosgosstrakh and fill out an application for cancellation of insurance. It takes no more than 10 days to consider the application, after which the contract is terminated.

Non-state pension fund "Rosgosstrakh" offers private clients 2 pension programs: compulsory insurance and non-state security. You can view all the information on them in the "Rosgosstrakh Pension" section of the official website of the insurance company. Connecting the personal account service of the NPF RGS makes it possible to check pension savings via the Internet.

Possibilities of a personal account

Through the personal account of the NPF RGS, the following options are implemented for the client of the pension program:

  • Tracking the increase in pension savings online.
  • View accruals filtered by time period.
  • Full history of transactions on accounts opened in accordance with pension agreements.
  • Availability for downloading forms of relevant documents.
  • Setting the password recovery method.

Through the official website of NPF RGS without registration, you can:

  • Use the pension calculator.
  • Download the form of the Client Identification Sheet required to inform the Fund about the change in personal data.
  • Request a callback.
  • Find the contact details of the nearest office.

Registration and login to your personal account

The personal account service of the NPF RGS is considered a separate, albeit free, service that you need to connect by submitting a written application to any conveniently located office of the Fund. The application form is available in electronic form on the login page of the client's personal section.

Within 30 days after the application is submitted, the client will be registered in the site database. The login password will be sent to the client in the way that he chose when activating the service - by SMS to the phone or in an e-mail message.

Having a password and SNILS, a client of any pension program can log in to the personal account of the NPF RGS. The desired section opens on the site when you select the "NPF RGS" item from the drop-down menu, which is called up by clicking on the "Personal Account" button.

Customers who have connected the service can get a new one instead of a forgotten password through the website:

  • By entering the numbers of SNILS in the appropriate field of the electronic recovery form.
  • Entering the correct anti-spam code from the picture.
  • By clicking the "Recover password" button.

A new temporary access code will be reset to a mobile or email message, depending on which method the client preferred when filling out the application or later indicated in the personal account.

1. Why are endowment life insurance programs more profitable than bank deposits or educational loans?

Insurance programs from RGS Life, as well as bank deposits, allow you to receive additional income. The main advantage of accumulative life insurance programs is insurance coverage for the entire duration of the contract. This means that if during the term of the contract the client is injured or seriously ill, he is paid money - and not from his personal savings, but entirely at the expense of the company. If you have entered into a long-term contract with RGS Life, then regardless of the number of payments received for injuries, the amount and contributions under the contract will remain unchanged. They are determined at the time of the conclusion of the contract.

2. How do insurance programs protect savings from inflation?

If real inflation is taken into account, then fixed income instruments can carry a hidden loss. RGS Life programs have potentially unlimited profitability, but, unlike stocks, they guarantee a return on investment in the event of negative dynamics. All accumulative programs "RGS Life" are protected from inflation. First, you have the opportunity to participate in the insurance company's investment income. Secondly, you can include an additional condition “Insurance premium indexation” in your insurance policy. In addition, by entering into a long-term life insurance contract, you can qualify for a tax deduction.

3. From when and where is the insurance policy valid?

The insurance contract shall enter into force on the day following the date of its conclusion. However, individual risk coverage may take effect at a later date if specified in the contract. Your RGS Life insurance policy is valid all over the world, except for territories where a state of emergency has been declared or hostilities are taking place.

4. Under what conditions is it possible to cancel the insurance contract?

You can terminate the insurance contract early by submitting a written application. At the same time, the insurance contract provides for a period of up to two years, during which the redemption amount is not paid under it. If the insurance contract has been paid for more than two years, then the redemption amount is returned to you within the limits of the formed reserve on the day the contract is terminated. The redemption amount is specified at the conclusion of the contract.

5. What is the cooling period and what opportunities does it give the insured?

The cooling period is 5 business days from the date of conclusion of the insurance contract, during which you have the right to withdraw from the contract and receive a refund of the paid insurance premium. To do this, the holder of the insurance policy within the specified period must send a written application to the address of "RGS-Life" about the cancellation of the insurance contract. A prerequisite for the return is the absence of events that have signs of an insured event.

6. Who will get the savings and payout under the life insurance policy in the event of a divorce?

All accumulated savings and payment under a life insurance policy are not subject to division in the event of a divorce - this is guaranteed by Article 34 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation. In addition, the insurance policy is not property and is not subject to confiscation by a court decision (Article 934 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

7. Can relatives sue the payment if people of my choice receive it?

The recipient of payments under the insurance policy is the person appointed by you - the Beneficiary (guaranteed by Article 934 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

8. How do I get a life insurance tax deduction?

Since 2015, all clients who have signed long-term voluntary life insurance contracts (at least 5 years) can apply for a social tax deduction, provided that contributions are paid in 2015 and later. You can apply for a tax deduction in several ways - independently submit documents to the tax office or receive a benefit at the place of work. Also, a tax deduction can be issued online using the electronic service "RGS Life. Tax":

9. Can I manage my insurance program online?

The personal account of the RGS Life client - - makes it possible to comfortably interact with the company online during the entire period of validity of the insurance policy. With the help of an individual customer account, you can make changes to the insurance contract, receive information about current and special promotions and events, order a call back for a consultation, clarify the necessary actions in case of an insured event, and much more.

Rosgosstrakh Life is one of the largest insurance institutions in Russia. Provides a large range of services to citizens, government and commercial organizations, small and medium-sized businesses. The company's client base includes more than 1 million individuals.

Rosgosstrakh Life Personal Account is a multifunctional and multi-purpose web service available to customers 24 hours a day. Its use frees people from the need to stand in lines and at the same time helps to unload the offices. Distinctive features of the account are a pleasant interface, convenient management and a high level of security.

The account allows you to issue insurance policies directly online. So through the control panel you can buy life insurance, real estate, a policy for traveling abroad and much more. Convenient calculators are available to customers to calculate the cost of selected products.

Also in the profile there is detailed information about each proposed policy. The undoubted advantage is the ability to pay for the purchase with a bank card and receive insurance electronically by email. Round-the-clock customer support is implemented in two of the most popular ways: a free hotline and online chat.

Login to the personal account of RGS Life

Official site allows you to log into your personal account Rosgosstrakh. Authorization in the account occurs after entering the username and password, online.

Possibilities of a personal account

  • Studying the product line of the brand;
  • Registration and payment of insurance policies;
  • Tracking the status of existing contracts;
  • Receive news about exclusive promotions and offers;
  • Submission of documents on the occurrence of an insured event;
  • Receive notifications of payment of current insurance premiums;
  • Request for information about representative offices, telephone numbers and work schedule;
  • Setting up a personal profile and electronic signature (for organizations).

Registration and login to your personal account

Connecting an account in the Rosgosstrakh Life web service is available to existing customers of the organization and new users who are just about to take out insurance. For authorization, you need to open the official portal of the company and go to the tab

On this page, you need to indicate that you are a new user and request access details by writing a mobile phone number. The information will be sent as an SMS message. You just have to add it to the form and click the "Login" icon.