Holiday May 9 at school scenario. We remember and are proud: original ideas for the script for Victory Day

For school.

May 9 - Day of military glory of Russia. Victory Day of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

On this significant day, you can invite veterans from among the teachers, from the families of the students of the school or living near the school, to your school.

The script of the festive concert for the Victory Day

Registration: there are burning candles on the proscenium, the date is indicated on the back - June 22, 1941 and the number of years of the Great Victory.

Before the start of the concert, songs of the war years, bard songs about the war are heard in the hall. Veterans are met at the doors of the hall and invited to take specially designated places of honor.

I've only seen melee once,

Once in reality and a thousand in a dream.

Who says that war is not scary,

He knows nothing about the war.

(A waltz soundtrack sounds, ramps are turned on. A dancing girl appears on the stage, and a boy with a flower approaches the stage, looks at the dance, approaches the girl, silently gives the flower, both freeze. The soundtrack becomes quieter, a voice behind the scene sounds. Gradually appear on stage young men in uniform with unlit candles in their hands and stand in a checkerboard pattern. Gradually the ramps go out and the light becomes muffled.)

Against the background of plywood Crimea

They stand smiling

She is young and loved

He is young, in love, unmarried.

And together - no hunger,

Neither the cold is terrible,

Their happiness is forever!

thirties -

And young. And the age is full of hope...

(A girl walks across the stage and lights candles for the young men, the music changes to lyrical.)

How long will it glow

Such serene peace.

On those laughing faces

Neither one knows...

As, however, and those behind the scenes -

Peers of a young country -

Over a book, over a field, over a map -

Three years before the war...

(Anxious music sounds and the howling of sirens and the roar of explosions is heard, the girl presses against the boy, both look around anxiously, a voice offstage.)

It seemed to be cold flowers

And they faded a little from the dew.

The dawn that walked through the grasses and bushes

Rummaged, German binoculars.

(Music is replaced by the intro of the song “Get up, the country is huge”, voice-over.)

The guys left, and do not expect them back,

They left, melting like stars in the darkness,

But left the truth, the real truth,

The unchanging truth in the beloved land...

(People in black appear, who separate the lovers, put on the young man a military uniform, cap, people with candles slowly line up perpendicular to the auditorium and hold the candles so that they form a dividing strip between the young man and the girl - the first squats down and holds a candle in front of him, the second one sits on one knee, etc.)

The guys left like smoke in the sky.

There will be steppes in bloom, there will be sky at dawn,

And left songs, even if not loud songs,

But good songs in the beloved land.

(The poem "Memory" by E. Voronkova is performed.)

Flowers bloom again

On May day, I so want to believe

What beautiful and bright dreams

Like the sun's light bursting through the door.

Falling into the soft grass

Remember those who are no longer with us,

But they live in your soul

Warming the eternal word "memory"!

It was many years ago

But the earth keeps the frenzy of battle,

Remembers the explosions of tank grenades,

Remember those who died standing!

The skies have been clear for a long time

Life goes on and the sun shines the same

But they put flowers on the parapet

With trepidation and embarrassment, children.

And we will be on a par with them,

Because we haven't seen much

After all, we did not die in the war,

They gave their lives for the sake of life!

Leave everything for a moment

Remember, and the world will become brighter!

Time erases everything, but it must

The memory remains in our souls!

Presenter 1: Good afternoon!

Host 2: We are glad to welcome everyone who has gathered in this hall!

Presenter 1: May 9 - Victory Day of our people in the Great Patriotic War. This is a day of joy and celebration, a day of immortal glory and blessed memory of heroes.

Host 2:

Victory is sweet, they say...

You ask the soldiers about it.

A booming flame, sleepless eyes,

On the lips - a blood bite ...

Sweat and tears and blood are salty:

Victory has a salty taste!

Presenter 1: May 9 is an unusual holiday. Every holiday is, first of all, joy, fun, laughter. The joy of this holiday is intertwined with grief, laughter with tears.

Host 2:

This Square knew only once,

Once only the Earth saw:

The soldiers dragged the banners of the enemy,

To throw them at the foot of the Kremlin.

Presenter 1:

Hanging down, they swept the dust from the paving stones.

And the warriors in the radiance of shoulder straps,

Everyone beat, beat in their black folds

With a polished tarpaulin boot.

Host 2:

The Square was silent. Only drums

Thundered. And more steps, steps...

That's what "Russian Ivans" are -

Take a look and remember, enemies!

Presenter 1:

Did you shoot them?

Yes, you shot them!

And burned in ovens? Yes, you burned them in ovens!

Yes, only in vain: they did not die,

Only lightning was added in their eyes!

(The phonogram "Spring of the 45th" sounds in the background.)

Host 2: The war claimed lives, but did not break the spirit of resistance among the people, the will to defend the fatherland. Death ceased to mean anything when every minute counted on the path to victory.

Presenter 1:

Time passed, but the war did not let go.

Leisure at a halt, while not long,

We will hear at the hour when the west went out,

As a school of cranes flies in the heights.

Host 2:

He carries news from us to his homeland.

I want to shout after: Cranes, tell me

You are the native side that we will come back,

That each path is memorable to us in life,

Each hill is on the churchyard where the ancestors lie!

(The song "Cranes" is performed.)

Presenter 1:

Not! The house should not stand without a roof,

Complaining in vain to heaven.

Letters that someone writes to someone

You must reach the addresses!

Host 2:

The day must end with sunset

The fire must burn in the hearth,

Bread should not dry without being reaped

And wither the girl's palm.

Finish the books, remove the grapes.

not yet born,

They must not die before their time!

Host 2: Today we want to say to our respected veterans - thank you very much. Thanks to you, we live, hear children's laughter, and see how carefree and joyful our children live.

Presenter 1:

The sunset was fading into the evening

And the sea overflowed during the white night,

And the sonorous laughter of the guys was heard,

Not knowing, not knowing grief.

Host 2:

You went on the attack, firmly went there,

Where shots were fired continuously

So that on earth the Nazis never

Children were not separated from toys.

(Dance is performed by primary school students.)

Presenter 1: Time goes by, it hasn't stopped for a second. And in this rhythm, we continue to enjoy these beautiful sunny days. Joy for us is always smiles, songs and dances.

Host 2:

The boys dance, the girls dance,

Like before grandma, like before grandfather.

At any time, we need music.

We will dance until morning.

(High school students perform a Russian folk dance.)

Presenter 1:

Fire beats in a tight stove

Resin on logs, like a tear,

And the accordion sings to me in the dugout

About your smile and eyes.

Host 2:

Accordion - was the best friend at the front.

(A song of the war years is played to the accordion.)

Presenter 1:

A narrow strip of dawn burns a little,

Golden, quiet stream.

Oh, you are a mother - native land, Russian,

My dear homeland!

Host 2: Motherland is Russia. But for each of us, the homeland is the place where we were born and raised. For many of us, this is our beloved and hometown.

(A number connected in some way with the city is performed.)

Presenter 1: May 9 is a holy day for those who remember the war years. This is an occasion for meetings, which, unfortunately, are so few in everyday life with her worries and problems.

Lead 2: We are always glad to see you. I would like for many, many more years to have the opportunity to prepare concerts for those who fought for a peaceful life and won this struggle.

Presenter 1: May this holiday be a good reason to gather together for many years to come.

(One of the veterans' favorite songs is performed. The concert participants go on stage to the last verse of the song, they hold flowers in their hands.)

Host 2: Dear veterans and participants of the Great Patriotic War! On behalf of those who have the opportunity to live in peacetime, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts and bow to you!

(All participants in the concert bow to the veterans and give them flowers.)

“Ninth Day of Big May”

They say that when the war is forgotten, it starts again... We remember. Every year on May 9, we honor the memory of the dead and honor the veterans - sincerely, with all our hearts, and we teach children the same. But for some reason, the roar of battles does not subside, human blood does not stop flowing ... So, we don’t remember for real? Doesn't the scenario of Victory Day become a part of the soul and life? We will try again, and once again stir up our feelings and open our souls... For the sake of children, for the sake of a peaceful future, for the sake of life on Earth.

In the back of the stage is a monument to the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War. An eternal flame burns. Quiet calm music sounds. Two boys, two brothers - one is 15 years old, the other is 7 years old - go with bouquets of flowers to the monument.

Voice-over: To all those who fell in the battles of the Great Patriotic War - we dedicate. To all the veterans who won the victory and gave us the world - we dedicate. We dedicate it to all children who have never seen war. To be remembered. To understand.

The younger boy is a little behind. The elder calls him:

- Alyosha! Let's go!

The guys put flowers near the eternal flame.

Older brother:
We're not here because the date
Like an evil fragment, the memory burns in the chest.
To the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
You come on holidays and weekdays.
He protected you on the battlefield
Fell without stepping back
And this hero has a name -
Great Army simple soldier. (M. Isakovsky)

The first bars of Concert No. 2 by S. Rachmaninov sound.

Alyosha: What is it?

Brother: These are the bells of memory.

Alyosha: Do they really exist?

Brother: Yes, of course. Watch attentively!

The boys step back a little.
The lighting changes - it becomes duller, only the monument remains brightly lit. Separately, a circle of light on the proscenium - for memories.
A ball rolls out onto the stage, followed by a boy of about 6 years old, dressed in the fashion of the post-war years - short trousers with straps and a shirt. A young man comes to the fore in a beam of light, watches the boy. He tosses the ball several times, then approaches the young man.

Boy: When the war started, I was 3 years old. I don't remember much. I remember how dad went to the front - he lifted me high, high, kissed me and put me on the floor ... I never saw my dad again. In 1942 we received a funeral. But I still didn’t believe for a long time that dad was dead ...
A young man reads a poem by R. Rozhdestvensky "Bazaar of the 45th"

The light is diverted from the proscenium, the boys go backstage. A folk dance song sounds quietly. A little girl runs onto the stage dancing. A girl comes to the fore. The girl, having made several dance moves, joins the girl.

Girl: The first blockade winter was very difficult. Dad died. One day, the head of our dance group, Arkady Efimovich Obrant, came to our house. He decided to restore his team from those guys who remained in Leningrad. Not everyone was able to come to the first rehearsal on their own: someone was brought by the arm, someone was brought on a sheet of plywood - everyone was exhausted. “Concert in 5 days,” said Arkady Efimovich. It was impossible to believe. And yet, after 5 days, we went out to the audience for the first time. We danced in hospitals and on the front lines, where it was forbidden to make noise - we danced without music, and the fighters, our spectators, were forbidden to applaud. During the war, our ensemble gave more than 3,000 concerts.

A girl reads a poem by R. Rozhdestvensky "Concert"

The light highlights the figure of a young military nurse. She passes by the monument, puts a bouquet of wild flowers in front of the eternal flame, goes to the forefront.

Nurse: At 41, I was a first-year medical student. We have all the doctors in our family - mom, dad, grandmother, great-grandfather ... I passed almost all the exams perfectly, except for physics. And now the war - what kind of physics is there? So I became the head nurse of the hospital. The medical staff was extremely lacking - there were only three nurses for the entire hospital, and almost all surgeons were sent to the front. Kindergarten teachers did what they could to help us. Very soon I learned to do everything - anesthesia, assist during operations. We operated on lacerated wounds, and severed limbs, and concussions ... At the end of the war, I almost died: a fragment from an exploding mine was supposed to hit me, but it was prevented by the Order of the Red Star on my chest ...

Reads a poem by Yu. Drunina "Bandages"

The song "Blue Handkerchief" sounds quietly. A young fighter in a tunic appears on the stage, takes off his cap, and stands at the monument for a few seconds.

Soldier: Lida and I got married at the beginning of 1940. In the spring of 1941, a boy was born to us. A son! And two months later I went to the front. And often mentally talked with his little son.

Reads a poem by I. Garlyanova "Letter from the war"

On the stage, the light becomes bright, as in the beginning. Memories fade.

Alyosha: Did our grandfather fight?

Brother: No. Our great-great-grandfather Alexei fought. He went to the front in the first days of the war, and after 3 months our grandfather, also Alexei, was born. But his father never found out about it, he died in battle ...

Alyosha: I'll write him a letter! Let him know that he has grandchildren and great-grandchildren, and that I have the same name as his!

The brother reads a poem by V. Shulzhik "Letter to a distant friend."

From the hall, several guys in modern clothes rise to the stage. Stand in a semicircle.
First: We have never seen the terrible, mangled face of war.
Second: We do not know the smell of death and the taste of burning from burnt villages and villages.
Third: We can't remember the roar of guns and our own heart - it was not with us.
Fourth: But we really want to imagine and feel what you had to go through.
Fifth: Because you can't save the world without knowing what its price is.
Brother: We wrote letters to you. From your future to our past. And let this thread be stretched like a string, and never break!

The guys read their letters to the front. They are written in advance - you need to give the children such a task. These may be letters to their relatives who fought in those years, or it may be a letter to an unknown soldier - the choice of children. Alyosha reads his letter first.

After the letters are read, the guys leave the stage, only the brother and Alyosha remain.
Thank you for the sunshine
For mushroom rain and dawn.
For the first step, for the first cry,
For everything I'm so used to.
Life is made up of little things
Simple, naive, like a stream.
And how piercingly important
They are in the face of war!
You fought for birch sap,
For bread in the oven and for a sip
Fresh milk, for the ball,
That rushes galloping through childhood.
For a sticky sheet, for a dragonfly,
For our May thunderstorm.
For a brand new bike...
For a childhood that knows no troubles.
I don't know the war years
After the war, my grandfather was born.
But I remember everything! And every hour
I will live now for you!

The stage lights go out. The screen lights up. On it, accompanied by suitable music (this may be music associated with the Victory Day, or classics), a video sequence passes - photographs of modern HAPPY children - this is the main requirement for photographs. Photos can be taken from the family archives of the guys.

R. Rozhdestvensky "Bazaar of the 45th year"
Bazaar? Bazaar!
“Saccharin packaged!..”
“Healing mahr!..”
What was not in this market,
if on sunday
since morning…
“I’m selling a brand new overcoat!
I would have worn it myself - it's a pity! .. "
“Cowberry tincture! -
The cure for adversity! ..”
to whom
Ruddy shangs!..”
“And here is a miracle soap…”
“And here is a self-propelled crutch…”
“Bouncing ball for fun for kids…”
"Felt boots!
Boots for any frost!..”

Selling curses
for fifty dollars a couple -
dark-haired, hoarse, legless sailor ...
“There are earflaps.
Three kilo pile...
Come on, servants!
The price is nothing…”
- And you, grandfather? ..
I have tricks..
- What's the news?
Like this?..
- And so ...
He spread a rug right on the cobblestone.
He took a cucumber out of his own ear.
And in a muddy puddle
among watermelon peels
swam, splashed silver fry ...
And the old man was pulling pigeons out of his purse,
then turned the log
into a rusty saw...
The old man did his best!
Dry fingers flickered ...
Who's tricks!
I take cheap…”
The audience came up.
The women laughed out loud...

And the boy -
as struck by thunder,
suddenly said:
- Granddad,
Sell ​​it to me..
so that at the end of the focus ...
The old man shrugged helplessly.
The chipped wall bloomed with victorious slogans ...
People looked back.
People were silent...

It's over.
It's over.
ran out

R. Rozhdestvensky "Concert in the hospital"
Forty hard years.
Omsk hospital ...
The corridors are dry and easily soiled.
The old nanny whispers:
What are the artists

We walk in long wards.
We almost melt into them
with balalaikas,
with mandolins
and big stacks of books.
What's in the program?
The program includes reading
couple of songs
military, correct ...
We are in the ward for the seriously wounded
We enter with trepidation and reverence.
Two are here.
Major of artillery
with an amputated leg
in a crazy fight
near Yelnya
taking fire upon himself.
He looks at the aliens cheerfully ...
And another -
bandaged up to the eyebrows, -
rammed "Messer"
three weeks ago
over Rostov.
We entered.
We stand in silence.
breaking falsetto
Abrikosov Grishka desperately
announces the beginning of the concert.
And behind him
not quite perfect
but listening with might and main,
about folk singing,
about sacred
as we understand it.
In it, Chapaev fights again,
red-star tanks rush.
in the attack
and the fascists drop dead.
In it, someone else's iron melts,
in it, even death must recede.
To be honest,
such a war!
We sing.
Only the voice of the pilot
is distributed.
And in it - a reproach:
- Wait...
Hold on guys...
The balalaika burst out mournfully.
like crazy...

…That's all
about the concert in the hospital
in that year.

Yu.Drunina. "Bandages"
The eyes of a fighter are filled with tears,
He lies, springy and white,
And I need adherent bandages
To rip him off with one bold move.
In one motion - so they taught us.
With one movement - only this is a pity ...
But meeting with the look of terrible eyes,
I didn't decide to move.
I generously poured peroxide on the bandage,
Trying to soak it without pain.
And the paramedic became angry
And she repeated: “Woe to me with you!
So to stand on ceremony with everyone is a disaster.
Yes, and you only add flour to him. ”
But the wounded always marked
Fall into my slow hands.

No need to tear the adherent bandages,
When they can be removed almost without pain.
I got it, you'll get it too...
What a pity that the science of kindness
You can't learn from books in school!

I beg you -
think about the past.
I beg you -
know about me.
I am a thread, a small seam
on your living canvas.
Do not tear on granite slabs
and don't shed tears in vain.
We are common
twisted by fate
on our bony earth.
Please think about it
when you're on the doorstep.
You are a branch
You are a relay.
You can do a lot, baby.
And I'm on some road
in this war.
I beg you
think of many.
And know something about me.

V. Shulzhik "Letter to a distant friend"
In the forest, where the hubbub of birds,
One, like a forester,
Lives in a forester's hut
Named Lesnik.

He has a dog
named dog,
Great dog
Try touching her...

He has a rifle
named rifle,
And a good old horse.

Above the roof the hubbub of birds
And rustling branches.
And in the forester's house
Sad without sons.

They left once
To the front, not somewhere
They went to the soldiers
And they are gone for many days.

And all the trees know
Tall trees,
beautiful trees
And clouds in the sky

One died in the village
named village,
Another died by the river
Named River.

In winter and hot summer
Fridays and Wednesdays
The postman brings the mail
In taiga housing.

There are letters from workers
From warriors and others.
And among these others
One letter is mine.

About how we recently
They did a housewarming party.
About our collective farm and school,
About the river, which is far away.

My letter about our
common earth,
which once
The soldiers were saved.

I didn't see the war myself.
Yes, I didn't see her.
But the memory of the heroes
I keep in my heart.

Guys. I beg you
You also write
At this address:
"Russia, Lesnik".

Screenwriter: Yulia Belousova

Explain the meaning of words related to the topic, work on remembering important dates;

To cultivate respect for the older generation, for veterans;

Develop speech, continue work to enrich vocabulary;

To cultivate love for the motherland, respect for the history of Russia;

To develop the creative abilities of students;

Activate the cognitive activity of students, develop skills of independent work;

Develop the ability to work in a team;

Be able to express your thoughts, argue your point of view.

Planned results:

. Students must learn the history of the origin of the holiday, remember memorable dates;

Cultivate a respectful attitude towards elders, towards veterans.

Equipment: PC, projector, dictionary, photo of hometown, list of hero cities, presentation on the topic, table of important dates ( cm.), recordings of songs of the war years, the movie "Stalingrad", a candle.

Intersubject communications Keywords: literature, history, music.

During the classes

I. Org. Moment

II. Update

Opening talk:


What season is outside the window? (Spring)

And what does the expression "red day of the calendar" mean? (Celebration)

Holidays are different: state and family, religious and city. For example, March 8 is a state holiday, we celebrate it all over the country. Easter is a religious holiday, because it is connected with the church calendar.

But we have a holiday, which is both state and family. This is the holiday that is called "the holiday with tears in the eyes." It's Victory Day.

What do you know about this holiday? What does the date "May 9" mean? (This is the Victory Day. On May 9, 1945, our soldiers won the war against the Nazis.)

III. Preparation for the perception of the topic

Teacher: Our country has experienced the greatest tragedy - the war. What does "war" mean? How do you understand this word? (Horror, death, fear, loss, hunger, tears, grief)

Here is what our great writer L. Tolstoy said about the war: "War is the greatest of misfortunes that a person could invent."

IV. Setting goals and objectives of the lesson

Teacher: We live in a wonderful country, at a wonderful time. The sky above our country is peaceful. And this is happiness, because there is nothing worse than war in the world! And we live with you, because in those distant forties our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers sacrificed themselves.

Now it is our duty to remember this, not to forget those terrible years when millions of people in our country demonstrated incredible fortitude, courage and bravery, boldness and desperate courage. When millions of people went to their death so that we could live.

V. Explanation of the topic

Teacher: Today I suggest you take a walk into the past. It won't be an easy walk. But we need it so that we can see for ourselves what war is and what victory cost us.

VI. Appendix

Working with the application:

  • Material: download presentation
  • Table: watch app
  • Music in the presentation: Chopin - E Minor Prelude

The melody of the waltz "School graduation" sounds

Teacher: It was the summer of 1941. On June 21, high school students celebrated graduation in all schools of the country. Laughter and happiness, dreams of a wonderful future, dancing until the morning, fun. And suddenly! At dawn, an ominous sound sounded ....

Recording sounds of flying planes, explosions.

On June 22, 1941, the fascist invaders invaded our Motherland. The war has begun. Thousands of boys and girls went straight from the graduation ball to the war.

Table filling starts ( cm. )

The table can be executed on an interactive whiteboard.

An excerpt from the song "Holy War" sounds.

The defenders of the border city of Brest were the first to take the blow.

On a separate sheet write down the name of the cities. The list is updated as the conversation progresses. Call the list "Hero Cities"

Many poems have been written about the feat of the soldiers who served in the Brest Fortress, and films are still being made. In memory of those who were the first to defend the Motherland, the poet S. Shchipachev wrote.

1) Working with a dictionary :

Words on the board: Nazi invaders, Great Patriotic War, country, Motherland, Fatherland.


. Why was the war called Patriotic War? (People defended the Fatherland)

. What does Fatherland mean? (Motherland, Motherland)

. Who are the Nazi invaders? What did they want? (These are the fascists who wanted to enslave our people, to force them to work for themselves. They did not recognize anyone except their own nation).

. How do you understand the expression "Hero City"? (The city, famous for its heroic defense in the Great Patriotic War).

Continuation of the conversation:

Teacher: Our warriors fought not for life, but for death. But the Nazis were well prepared for the war, they had more weapons, more soldiers. Despite desperate resistance, our troops retreated farther and farther.

The Nazis were counting on a quick victory. They began to attack in three directions at once: on Kyiv, on Moscow and Leningrad, on cities near the Black Sea.

2) Conversation:

. Why do you think the Nazis sought to immediately capture Moscow? (This is the main city of our country, the capital of the state)

. What is the name of the city of Leningrad now? (St. Petersburg)

. Why did the Nazis want to cut off the path to the Black Sea? (They wanted to destroy the fleet)

Continuation of the conversation:

But we could not allow the Nazis to roam the streets of our capital. And everyone stood up to defend Moscow - from young to old. In September 1941, when the invaders had already come close to Moscow, the words of commander V. Klochkov flew around the country: "Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat. Moscow is behind!" Defended.

Sounds like an excerpt from the song "March of the Defenders of Moscow"

The Nazis could not defeat Leningrad either. And for a long 871 days they put the city in a blockade ring.

3) Work with the table and dictionary:

A blockade is the isolation of a city in order to cut it off from the world.

Continuation of the conversation:

And on the shores of the Black Sea, bloody battles broke out for every piece of land, for every ship. In this series, there are many cities that have made a significant contribution to the future victory: Kerch and Sevastopol, Odessa and Novorossiysk.

In 1943, a turning point came. And it all started with the battle of Stalingrad. For the first time, Soviet troops managed to win such a significant victory.

Filling in the list of "Hero Cities" and the table of important dates

The Battle of Stalingrad is the largest land battle in the history of mankind. About 2 million people died in this battle. But it was our victory. And since then, February 2 has been celebrated as the Day of Military Glory of Russia.

Screening of an excerpt from the film "Stalingrad"

. What is the name of the city of Stalingrad now? (Volgograd)

. What war films have you watched?

Continuation of the conversation:

Since that time, the victorious offensive of our troops on all fronts begins. The Nazis began to retreat to the borders, and then our soldiers drove these conquerors through the cities of Europe, freeing them from the Nazis.

Sounds like an excerpt from the song "Road to Berlin"

And then came the spring of 1945. Our soldiers drove the Nazis all the way to Berlin. Above the main building of the Nazis - above the Reichstag, our banner flew up. On May 9, 1945, Victory was declared!

The people greeted the first day of peace with rejoicing. Everyone poured out into the street. Strangers hugged each other and congratulated. Wept with happiness.

And at midnight in Moscow fireworks burst. 30 volleys from 1000 guns announced to the world that the bloodiest and most brutal war in the world was over. And ended with our Victory!

Sounds like an excerpt from the song "May Waltz"

The teacher lights a candle. (If safety requires it, you can use the Eternal Flame slide)

Teacher: Look at this candle. What does fire look like? What does it symbolize?

There is a fire that symbolizes memory. Look at the photo "Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Moscow". A fire is always burning near this grave. And every day the Guard of Honor is lined up. And the post is called "Post #1". He is the most important and the most honorable.

. Where does this name come from: Tomb of the Unknown Soldier?

. Why is fire always burning near such graves?

. Why are there always fresh flowers near these graves?

. Is there a grave of an unknown soldier in our city?

. What monuments in our city are erected in honor of the great Victory?

. What does the inscription "Your feat is eternal" mean?

More than 20 million Soviet people died during the war. We will never forget those who defended our Motherland in these terrible days. In memory of all the dead, I ask you to stand up. Let's honor their memory with a moment of silence.

The metronome sounds

Teacher: It has been 69 years since then. There are few people left who fought, who lived and worked in the rear. These are our veterans. They are heroes. It is to them that we owe the fact that we live peacefully and happily in such a beautiful country. They won our freedom.

The song "Victory Day" sounds

VII. Fixing the topic. Blitz Poll


1) What are the important dates of the Great Patriotic War

2) What is the title of "Hero City" awarded for?

3) List these cities.

4) What streets in our city are named after the Victory? What monuments have been erected?

An excerpt from the song "Let's bow to those great years" sounds

VIII. Reflection

. What new did you learn at the lesson today?

. How do you congratulate our veterans?

IX. Homework

1) Supplement the list of hero cities.

2) Learn a poem about the war.

3) Creative task: Write a letter to an unknown soldier.

Purpose of the lesson: education of historical literacy and a sense of patriotism in the younger generation, the formation of a sense of belonging to the historical events that took place during the war years.

Methodical instructions:

  • The meeting is timed to coincide with the celebration of the 66th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.
  • The following methods are used for the event:
    • literary and musical composition;
    • multimedia presentation (slide show)
    • fragments of films;

Venue: school, auditorium

Event progress

Teacher. On May 9, the whole country celebrates a great holiday - Victory Day, the 66th anniversary of the victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War.

66 years since the war ended, a war that claimed more than 20 million lives, which turned cities and towns into ruins, put factories and factories out of action. The war brought a lot of grief and fear, but despite hunger, cold and devastation, our people won. He defeated a terrible enemy who enslaved many states and forced them to live in fear - he defeated fascism.

Victory Day is a great holiday in our country. On this day, they honor the memory of those who died, and bow to all those who survived.

May 9 is celebrated all over the world as a sign of gratitude to our people for a great feat. Our people are very sensitive to this holiday and pass it on from generation to generation.

Today we congratulate everyone on this great holiday and wish everyone that there will never be war in our world again, that there will always be a peaceful, blue sky above our heads, that no one will ever hear bomb explosions, that all peoples live in peace and harmony.

Time is running fast and today there are few of those who won the Victory at the front and in the rear with us. We give our holiday to all veterans, to all representatives of the older generation.

(Student speaks with poetry)

There is no dearer Motherland in the world,
Where other azure skies
The sun is brighter, the stars are brighter than all,
Where groves and forests are encouraging,
Where in the rivers are swift waters
Blue like turquoise
Where, when the weather comes,
All the people come out like a thunderstorm.
Glorious forty-fifth!
But we look back:
From those war years the soldiers
Today they speak to us

Teacher. On June 22, 1941, the peaceful life of the Soviet people was disrupted. The Great Patriotic War began.

Student 2

Forty-first! June.
Year and month of nationwide struggle.
Even the dust of time
This date cannot be delayed.
The country was rising
And went to the front porto
scarlet stars
Carrying on banners.

Student 3

War was sacred. In that
Not even he doubts
Who arrived from another planet,
Earth will read history
Read about how under the moon
The country lived in retribution.
War is sacred if Zoya
Without flinching, she walked to the gallows.

Pupil 4

War is sacred. and Matrosov
With all my heart lay down on a machine gun
Oh, how many fair-haired and snub-nosed
In the name of life, death will take
They will go to the damp earth,
In the dawn, in the grass, in the green,
Until death, believing
All your rightness, Moscow!

Teacher. Terrible forty-one: How he changed people's destinies, stained childhood with blood and tears, cut off the lives of many boys and girls, destroyed the dreams of seventeen-year-olds who, straight "from childhood", went to a dirty car, to echelons with infantry, to sanitary platoons!

(Students perform poetry)

Student 5

Ah, the war, what have you done, vile?
Our courtyards have become quiet.
Our boys raised their heads
They have matured for the time being.
On the threshold barely loomed
And the soldiers went after the soldier.
Goodbye boys! Boys
Try to get back!

Pupil 6

How I hate war!
For how many years I have been dreaming of her -
Breaking sleep and silence
Everything knocks on me at night.
Knocking those with whom he fought,
Who did not return from the battlefield.
I lost friends every day
And fell asleep in the trench standing

(Viewing the video "From the heroes of old" on the screen)

Teacher. They wanted to return to their homes to look into the kind, longing and sad eyes of their mothers. Very wanted! But ... they threw themselves on the embrasures of enemy machine guns, died under bullets, were martyred with a noose around their necks in the enemy rear. Almost 70 years have passed since that summer Sunday in 1941, but each of us felt the lines that beat straight to the heart.

Pupil 7

The country flourished. But the enemy from around the corner
He made a raid, went to war with us.
In that stormy hour
Becoming a steel wall
All youth took weapons
To defend the Fatherland.

Student 1

Here is the forty-first year, the end of June,
And people went to bed peacefully the night before.
But in the morning the whole country already knew
That a terrible war began

Teacher. Everyone, both adults and children, stood up to defend the Motherland. Echelons went to the front, partisan detachments were created, women and children took over the labor watch in the rear.

The greatest burden of the war was carried on her shoulders by a mother

Pupil 8

Can you tell me about it,
What years did you live in!
What an immeasurable heaviness
On women's shoulders lay down!
That morning we said goodbye to you
Your husband, or brother, or son,
And you with your destiny
Left alone.

Pupil 9

One on one with tears
With uncompressed bread in the field
You met this war.
And all - without end and account -
Sorrows, labors and worries
Came to you for one.
One you willy-nilly-
And you have to hurry everywhere
You are alone in the field and at home,
You alone cry and sing.

Teacher. For four long years the Great Patriotic War went on, for 1417 days and nights the gigantic battle with German fascism continued. There was a mortal battle "not for the sake of glory - for the sake of life on Earth." But even in the days of severe trials - in the battles near Moscow, Kursk, on the Volga and the Dnieper - our soldiers believed that the hour of reckoning with the hated enemy would come. After all, there was a war of liberation, and this was not only death, blood and suffering, it was also gigantic upswings of the human spirit, selflessness, selflessness and heroism.

Pupil 10

And the war went on for four long years.
We fought for our freedom.
Enemies wanted to seize our land,
And turn us into obedient slaves.
And there were many terrible battles
In which the damned enemy was defeated.
Great battle near Moscow
In which we told the enemy firmly: "STOP!"

Teacher. During the war, there were heavy battles in the battles near Moscow, Stalingrad, Kursk, Leningrad, and in the Caucasus. Having cleared the territory of our Motherland from the fascists, the soldiers liberated the peoples of Europe from the fascist yoke.

Pupil 11

Of course, you need to remember
And the encirclement of the enemy near Stalingrad,
And the Kursk Bulge, and the Crimea, and Leningrad.
There was Hitler that attacked us, he is no longer happy.
The fascist invaders were defeated,
The Germans were driven all the way to Berlin.
Berlin was taken, and the Reichstag
Our flag was proudly hoisted.

Teacher. And he came this day - May 9, 1945. Victory Day! With what impatience the oppressed peoples of Europe waited for him! In his name, rivers of blood were shed and the most difficult trials were endured. Over 20 million of our citizens died during the war years.

Thousands of mothers did not wait for their sons and daughters from the front.

May 1945: Is it possible to forget the events of those days?

Pupil 12

Let's remember all the heroes by name,
Who is broken
Fascist horde!
Here fall the fascist banners,
For more
Never get up!

Pupil 13

War is over,
But with a singed song
Above every house
She is still spinning
And we have not forgotten
That twenty million
Gone to immortality
So that we can live with you.

(Viewing the video "Minute of Silence" on the screen.)

Teacher. 66 years have passed since the end of the war. But those who brought us Victory in May 1945 forever remained in the memory of the people.

Pupil 14

The world bows to the Soviet soldiers,
Beloved Moscow sees them!
You hear!
Marching in forty-five
Soviet troops!
Near Brest, near Moscow and in Stalingrad
Their way they
They took me to the Reichstag!
And so
At the historical parade
The liberators of the Earth stand!

(Viewing the video "Victory Parade" on the screen.)

Pupil 15

Thank you veterans
Soldiers of the past war
For your severe wounds
For your disturbing dreams.
For the fact that you saved the Fatherland,
Faithful to filial duty
Thank you family, thank you
From those who do not know war!

March of the Motherland includes veterans

The call signs of the holiday sound.

Speaker: To you, the heroes of our country, living and fallen, known and nameless, this holiday is dedicated.

The soundtrack of the song sounds
"Those who took Berlin".

1st. Remember, people, the bloody years,
Nazi raids like animals
2nd. Remember mortal battles, campaigns,
And tears of innocent children, mothers.
3rd. Remember, people, soldiers by name...
We owe our lives to them.
4th. After all, they are in a country scorched by war,
They gave us peace under the holy sky.
5th. Remember, people, the world got blood,
Heroes may forever be in flowers.
6th. And so that the tornado of war does not meet on the way,
Let the memory of the past not fade for centuries!
against the background of music

1st. 1941!
2nd. 1942!
3rd. 1943!
4th. 1944!
5th. 1945!
6th. Five years… … Five fiery years!

Vedas 1 . 71 years have passed. The war is gradually becoming a thing of the past, becoming a page in the history books. Why do we remember it again and again, why are the footage of this newsreel so exciting?

Veda 2. There is a memory that will never end, and that is why we heartily bow to those great years on the bright Victory Day. Time has no power to make them oblivious.
Veda 3. The echo of the war still does not subside in people's souls, because time has its own memory - history.
So let's turn over a few pages of that distant war and remember how it was ...

waltz sounds
Host 2:

June has come - the blush of the year,
An abundance of light and warmth,
And nature blossomed around
Came to life with a palette of colors.

Presenter 1:

And poplar fluff like a blizzard
Powdered the tracks of the roads,

And the chorus of grasshoppers with a flute
Fields and groves announced.

Host 2:

Everything breathed such silence,
That the whole earth was still asleep, it seemed.
Who knew that between peace and war
Only five minutes left...
(S. Schipachev)

Waltz sounds; (Autumn dream) boys and girls walk around the stage, dance, talk)

- What a wonderful morning today, what a blue sky! Yes, the golden childhood flew by. Farewell, school, teachers! What lies ahead for us?! Uncertainty...

Young woman:

Why the unknown? You will become a sea captain.
Oh, guys, as I imagine, five years will pass, we will finish all the institutes. Let's grow up. Maybe someone will even get married.
Youth: Yeah, or get married. No, it's later. I will be a geologist, I will go to the taiga. Romance!

Young woman: Sasha, what are you dreaming about?

- I ... I want to go to college, and then ... I'll probably be a doctor. And you?

Young woman: And I want to be a teacher. And I also want this world to be as bright and sunny as it is today!

The rumble of a bomber sounds, the music stops

Young woman:

What happened, tell me, wind?
What is the pain in your eyes?
Doesn't the sun shine the same
Or are the herbs in the gardens withering?


Why did people suddenly freeze at dawn, opening their eyes?

Girl and boy (together):

What happened, tell us, wind?

Is this really a war?

Presenter 1:

For four long years, 1418 days, 34000 hours, the most bloody and terrible war in the history of mankind was going on on our land.

Brest was the first to take the blow of the fascist army. Three and a half thousand people against an entire enemy division, reinforced with tanks, aircraft, artillery. The heroic defense of the Brest Fortress lasted 28 days, almost all of its defenders died the death of the brave. The defense of the fortress is truly a feat of patriotic warriors.

Footage from the film "Brest Fortress" (with the words: "So the war began ..."

I am a fortress (6 times)(reader 1,2,3)
I fight
I will not surrender to the enemy.
And death is just nonsense

I cannot accept her.


I am Brest. I stand burned.
I fight for soldier's honor.
And no one is here, no one is slain,
There are only the dead here.

My house is surrounded and cut off.
It's hard for me. Again and again.
And if there is not enough iron -
I will shoot stones.

Through this mortal ferocity,
Through the deadly storm of fire.
I am a fortress! (3 times)
Descendant, can you hear me?

Host 2:

And with pain, and with memory together.
You look at the soldier of Victory,
He won the victory in Brest,
Bow to the ground to him.(readers and presenters bow)

Vedas 1 . Soldiers fought for peace and dreamed of a future peace between battles, in cramped dugouts and cold trenches, around fires in partisan forests. They believed that the world saved from fascism would be beautiful.

Veda 2. Branches crackled in the smoke on the fire,
Strong tea was smoking in the pot.
You came tired from intelligence,
He ate a lot and was silent for the same amount.
Blue, frozen hands
Wiped the sweaty machine
And I thought about something from time to time,
Head tilted back.

The phonogram of the song “The Last Battle”, or “Letter from the Front” sounds

the soldier's mother appears on the scene

Host 2:
The coals are burning in the iron stove,
Covered with gray ashes.
Dinner is over. The soldiers are resting.
The smoke is thickening.

Presenter 1:
It's midnight outside, the candle is burning down
High stars are visible.
You are writing a letter to me my dear
To the blazing address of war.

Host 2:
How to live and serve, dear son,
Mother will write, sighing sadly.
And in response, a precious notebook sheet:
"Don't be sad, I'm fine."

Presenter 1:
I read a letter that has turned yellow for years
On the envelope in the corner there is a field mail number
His 43rd boy wrote to his mother
Before leaving for his last, decisive battle.

A soldier appears on the stage to the music.

Mom, I am writing these lines to you.
I send you filial greetings.
I remember you, so dear,
So good, there are no words!
For life, for you, for your native land
I'm walking towards the leaden wind,
And let there be kilometers between us now,
You are here, you are with me, my dear!

We've become tough people, Mom. We rarely laugh, we have no right to laugh while our cities and villages are burning. We defeat death because we are fighting not only for our lives. We are entering the battlefields to defend our Motherland.
But you, mommy, don’t think about the bad and don’t worry about me, I will definitely come back ... No bullet will dare to pierce my heart ...
I will definitely be back mom, you just wait.

Clip "Prayer to the son."

Host 2: He was a son, a child, a schoolboy, a boy, a soldier. I wanted to correspond with the girl next door, I wanted to return home, I wanted to wait for the holiday on my street. And he wanted to live...

Presenter 1: But an unbearable burden fell on his not yet strong shoulders.

Host 2: And our peer did not flinch, he bravely fought with enemies.

Presenter 1: After a hard bloody battle, sitting in a dugout, a soldier wrote letters to relatives and friends, recalled a happy peaceful time, looking at the sky and dreaming ...

Vedas 2 . Well, comrade, after the battle,
Inhaling powder smoke,
Look at the blue sky
Clouds float overhead.

Vedas 1 . Today we have a break
Tomorrow is a new fight
Dear fighting friend,
Dance with Me!

Dance "Moldovanka"

Leading. The difficult soldier's share was shared with the men and women of our Motherland. The black wing of the war overtook many on the threshold of youth. As soon as they reached the age of eighteen, the girls went to the front. Where every day could bring death.

5 reader: How to see through the days

trail is unclear?

I want to close to my heart

this trail...

On battery

were entirely


And the eldest was

eighteen years.

Dashing bangs

over a cunning squint,

bravura contempt for war...

That morning

tanks came out

straight to Khimki.

The very ones.

With crosses on the armor.

And the eldest

really getting old

as if shielding from a nightmare with a hand,

commanded subtly:

Battery ah!

Oh mommy!

Oh dear!..





They whined to their heart's content.


all the woman's pain


in these girls

suddenly called back.

The sky swirled



There was a wind

piping hot.

epic cry

hung over the battlefield

he was more audible than the breaks,

this cry!

To him -

lingering -

the earth listened

stopping at the edge of death.

Oh, mom!

Oh, I'm scared!

Oh, mom! .. -

And again:

Battery-a-a! -

And already

in front of them

in the middle of the globe

to the left of the nameless mound


unbelievably hot

four black

tank fires.

Echoed over the fields

The battle bled slowly...

Anti-aircraft gunners shouted

and they shot

smearing tears down her cheeks.

And they fell.

And they got up again.

For the first time protecting in reality

and your honor


And the Motherland.

And mom.

And Moscow.

Spring spring branches.


wedding table.


"You are mine - forever! .."


" Iwaited for you…"

And my husband's lips.

And his palms.

funny mumbling

in a dream.

And then to scream

in the maternity hospital

“Oh, mommy!

Oh, mother, I'm scared!

And a swallow.

And the rain over the Arbat.

And feeling

complete silence...

... It came to them after

At forty-five.

Of course, to those

who came

from the war.

Clip "For the rest of my life"

Host 2: And yet the long-awaited day has come. May 9, 1945 - Victory Day, the day of national rejoicing, joy, but joy with tears in our eyes. This victory cost us 27 million lives.

Presenter 1: Stop, time! Freeze and look back. Look back at those who look at us in stone from the height of their monuments.
Look back at those whose names are carved at the foot of the obelisks. For those who gave for you and me the most precious thing they had - spring and the first kiss, happiness and life, which was just beginning.

Host 2:
The flame burns day and night,
And illuminates the globe
Our memory does not subside
About those who were killed by the war.

Presenter 1:
Tens of years lay between us,
The war has gone down in history.
We are in the heart with eternal words
We write the names of the dead.

Host 2:
Inextinguishable memory of generations
And the memory of those whom we so sacredly honor,
Let's people stand up for a moment
And in sorrow we will stand and be silent.

moment of silence

Children's choir

Presenter1: In this huge, crazy world, there is a tiny dot - we!
Adults and students perform (they go on stage with signs and stay there, then they sing the song “Victory Day!”

We are the generation that calls itself the future!
We are the generation that witnessed the birth of the 21st century!
We are the generation in whose name millions of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers gave their lives!
We are the future defenders of the Fatherland, we remember the price of the Great Victory!

D. Tukhmanova's song "Victory Day!"Children take the stage, they give flowers to veterans.

Lyrics of Song "Prayer to the Son"

Oh my son
On which of the foreign roads
Does your heart freeze in the snow?
I will help you with prayer.
Ah, for good reason
So sadly the star shines
Over a distant, foreign side
Over your and my fate.

I would like to be a star
The one above you.

If again the fight -
all my Love

And my unspoken guilt.

Oh my baby
Among the streets, houses and roofs
Restlessly, breathing a little,
My soul got lost.
Ah, for good reason
So stubbornly repeat the mouth.
Everything will pass, and in the spring sometimes
You will return my son my hero

I would like to be a star
The one above you.
To see that you are near, and that you are alive.
To rejoice together at the birth of the day,
Fragile hope in the soul keeping.
If again the fight -
all my Love
Rush first, losing blood.
We will leave our war with you
And my unspoken guilt.

I would like to be a star
The one above you.
To see that you are near, and that you are alive.
To rejoice together at the birth of the day,
Fragile hope in the soul keeping.
If again the fight -
all my Love
Rush first, losing blood.
We will leave our war with you
And my unspoken guilt.

Oh my son
On which of the foreign roads
Does your heart freeze in the snow?
I will help you with prayer.