Presentations on the topic "problems of demography in the modern world" presentation for a lesson on the topic. The demographic problem in the world - presentation Presentation on geography topic demographic problem

ESSENCE OF THE PROBLEM The current demographic situation is a global problem. Rapid population growth is taking place in Asia, Africa and Latin America, while developed countries are experiencing a demographic crisis. Owing to their economic, social and cultural backwardness, the developing countries are least of all able to provide their population doubling every year with food and other material benefits, provide at least a basic education to the younger generation and provide employment to the population of working age. In addition, rapid population growth comes with its own specific challenges. The economic burden of the disabled population on the able-bodied population has increased significantly, which now in these countries is almost 1.5 times higher than the corresponding indicator in industrialized countries.

Studies conducted in recent years in a number of countries in Asia and Latin America show that where the level of economic and social development is the lowest, where the majority of the population is illiterate, the birth rate is very high, although many of them have a policy of birth control, and on the contrary, its decline is evident with progressive economic transformations.

REASONS FOR THE APPEARANCE Providing the entire population with adequate quality housing Full employment Free access to education and medical care (impossible without the development of the national economy based on industrialization and modernization of agriculture, without the development of education and education, the solution of social issues) Political, national or racial reasons (If in In 1970 there were 2 million refugees in the world, then in 1992 there were 19 million.)

Provision of mankind with natural resources and pollution of the environment (“pressure” on natural resources, which in a number of areas has undermined their ability to naturally renew) Space filling (goes very quickly, garbage is also multiplying, which makes its shortage even more threatening.) Displacement of migrants from labor-surplus third world countries to those rich countries where there are few children, many elderly pensioners, and fewer and fewer workers every year (It is not possible to stop the flow of immigrants to Western Europe from the countries of Southeast Europe, North Africa and Turkey.)

EXAMPLES OF MANIFESTATION IN ECONOMICALLY DEVELOPED COUNTRIES In some developed countries (France, Germany, Denmark, Belgium, Hungary) the number of abortions and infant mortality is increasing, therefore, a policy aimed at increasing fertility is being actively pursued: families with two or more children are allocated good benefits, various privileges. The demographic problem of developed countries also lies in the frequent cases of suicides, both among young people and among the adult population.

INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM SOLVING PROBLEMS In 1969, within the framework of the United Nations, a special UN Fund for activities in the field of population and holding under its auspices three World Conferences on Population Problems. The Fund, already at the beginning of its activity, developed the UN program in the field of population, which covered more than 100 countries and included about 1,400 projects. The Program calls for the development of policies and laws that provide better support for the family, which is the basic unit of society, and also contribute to its stability and take into account the diversity of its forms. The issues of fertility, mortality and population growth rates are considered. Issues of urbanization and migration.

Thus, the potential danger of the current demographic situation lies not only and not so much in the fact that in the next two decades the world's population will increase by almost 1.5 times, but in the fact that there will be a new billion starving, a billion people who do not find employment for their labor. in cities, one and a half billion disadvantaged people living below the "poverty line". Such a situation would be fraught with deep economic, social and political upheavals both within individual countries and in the international arena.

HYPOTHESIS OF MALTHUS T. Malthus argued that the population is growing exponentially, while the food resources needed to feed this population - in arithmetic. Thus, sooner or later, no matter how slowly the population grows, the line of its growth will intersect with the straight line of food resources - an arithmetic progression (point X on the graph). When the population reaches this point, only wars, poverty, diseases and vices can slow down its growth (it should be noted that he never called for these methods of dealing with an increasing population, which is often written in the tracts of his theory). In other editions of his book, Malthus suggested other ways to "slow down" population growth: celibacy, widowhood, late marriages.

The content of the work The essence of the demographic problem The essence of the demographic problem The essence of the demographic problem The essence of the demographic problem Causes Causes Causes Dynamics Dynamics Dynamics Current state Current state Current state Current state Solutions Solutions Solutions Solutions Ways of solution Conclusions Conclusions Conclusions

The essence of the demographic problem The essence of the demographic problem of humanity lies in the continuous increase in the number of inhabitants of our planet. But this situation is more dangerous because a huge increase in the number of inhabitants falls on the share of economically backward or developing countries. The essence of the demographic problem of mankind lies in the continuous increase in the number of inhabitants of our planet. But this situation is more dangerous because a huge increase in the number of inhabitants falls on the share of economically backward or developing countries.

Causes of the demographic problem Large contrasts in population distribution and density Large contrasts in population distribution and density Failure of states to implement the necessary demographic and social policies Failure of states to implement the necessary demographic and social policies Economic and political instability in countries experiencing a population explosion Economic and political instability in countries where there is a demographic "explosion" Migration Migration

The current state of the demographic problem The rate of increase in world population growth is not declining, but rather increasing, and according to UN experts, by 2025 the world's population may reach 8.5 billion people. The rate of increase in world population growth is not declining, but rather increasing, and according to UN experts, by 2025 the world's population may reach 8.5 billion people.

Ways to solve the demographic problem Rest against a complex set of social and economic tasks Rest against a complex set of social and economic tasks Joint actions of all states of the world Joint actions of all states of the world Raising the standard of living of the population (in developing countries) Raising the standard of living of the population (in developing countries) State regulation birth rate State regulation of birth rate

Results of the work Demographic problem Environmental pollution Problem of lack of resources Fuel and energy problem The demographic problem is one of the global problems of mankind and is closely related to other global problems of our time. Urgent action is needed to remedy the situation.

References Geography textbook grade 10 V.P. Maksakovskiy Geography textbook grade 10 V.P. Maksakovskiy Modern demography A.Ya. Kvasha, V.A. Iontseva Modern demography A.Ya. Kvasha, V.A. Iontseva Encyclopedia "Science" Susan McIver Encyclopedia "Science" Susan McIver Network Internet Network Internet

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Population explosion is on the decline

The demographic problem is a priority problem for the survival of mankind. The population explosion around the world has subsided, although in Africa the decline is just beginning to show. If in the early 60s the world population increased by an average of 2% per year, then in the late 80s - by 1.7%, in the late 80s - by 1.4%, At the beginning of the 21st century, it continues to decline .

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Nevertheless, the inertia of the population explosion, associated primarily with a very high proportion of young ages, will have an impact for a long time to come. This is evidenced by the demographic forecasts regularly published by the UN. According to the forecast, by 2025 the population of the Earth will increase to 7.8 and by 2050 - up to 9 billion people. At the same time, the share of economically developed countries will decrease even more, while the share of developing countries will increase. The country numbers also change. At the same time, as a result of the continuation of the "Urban Explosion" in the countries of the south, the proportion of the urban population and the number of million-plus cities will constantly increase.

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In order to solve the demographic problem, the UN adopted the "World Population Action Plan", in the implementation of which geographers and demographers also participate. At the same time, progressive forces proceed from the fact that family planning programs can help improve the reproduction of the population. But demographic policy alone is not enough. It must be accompanied by an improvement in the economic and social conditions of people's lives.

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Scientists believe that the medical calorie intake of food consumed should be at least 2300-2600 kcal and 70-100 grams of protein per day. But at present, according to the UN, almost 2/3 of humanity lives in countries where there is a constant shortage of food. That is why the food problem should be considered global.

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Of course, it should be borne in mind that for the countries of the North, the phenomenon of hunger and malnutrition as a whole is no longer typical. These countries now produce and consume more than ¾ of the world's food, although they are home to less than 15% of the world's population. In most developed countries, the average caloric intake exceeds 3000 kcal/day. On the contrary, in these countries there are more and more overeating people with excessive body weight. In the countries of the South, despite a noticeable increase in the average calorie intake, this indicator barely falls short of the medical norm, and in sub-Saharan Africa it is 2000 kcal / day. That is why, in order to solve food problems, humanity must make fuller use of the resources of crop production, fisheries and animal husbandry. However, it can go in two ways.

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extensive path

The extensive way is to further expand arable, pasture and fishing lands. The area of ​​land suitable for agricultural cultivation on our planet is 3.2-3.4 billion hectares, of which less than half are still used. The main reserves of such lands are in sub-Saharan Africa and in Latin America. However, since all the fertile and conveniently located lands have already been practically developed.

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intensive way

The intensive way is primarily to increase the biological productivity of existing lands. Of decisive importance for it will be biotechnology, the use of new, high-yielding varieties and new methods of tillage, the further development of mechanization, chemicalization, and land reclamation, the history of which dates back several millennia, starting from Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, India. Example. Only during the 20th century the area of ​​irrigated land has increased from 40 to 270 million hectares. Today, these lands occupy approximately 20% of cultivated land, but provide 40% of agricultural production.

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Scientists have calculated that in order to provide the population of the Earth with food, it was necessary in the last quarter of the 20th century. to increase the volume of agricultural production by 2 times, and by the middle of the XXI century. 5 times. Calculations show that if the level of agriculture achieved so far in many developed countries were extended to all countries of the world, it would be possible to fully meet the food needs of 10 billion people and even more. Therefore, the intensive way is the main way to solve the food problem of mankind. Even now it provides 9/10 of the total increase in agricultural production.

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    Types of population reproduction The first type of population reproduction. demographic crisis. The first type of population reproduction is characterized by low birth rates, mortality rates and, accordingly, natural increase. There is a "demographic crisis" It has spread primarily in economically developed countries, where the proportion of elderly and old people is growing all the time; this in itself lowers the birth rate and increases the death rate. The decline in the birth rate in industrialized countries is usually associated with the spread of an urban lifestyle, in which children are a "burden" for parents. In industrial production, the service sector requires highly qualified personnel. The consequence of this is the need for long-term studies, lasting up to 21-23 years. The decision to give birth to a second or third child is strongly influenced by a woman's high involvement in the labor process, her desire to make a career, to be financially independent. This type is observed in Europe, North. America, Australia, New Zealand, Japan. There is an "aging of the nation" and depopulation of the population.

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    Types of population reproduction The second type of population reproduction. "Population explosion". The second type of population reproduction is characterized by high and very high birth rates (25-50 people) and natural increase and relatively low mortality rates. It is typical primarily for the developing countries of Africa, Asia, Lat.America, Oceania After gaining independence, these countries were able to make greater use of the achievements of modern medicine, sanitation and hygiene - primarily to combat epidemic diseases. This led to a rather sharp reduction in mortality. The birth rate, for the most part, remained at a high level. Of course, this is largely due to the persistence of millennial traditions of early marriages and large families. The average family size is now 6 people. In addition, it remains the main means of maintaining a living wage, and children continue to serve as the main support of parents in old age. Yes, and infant mortality in these countries is still significant. Factors such as the predominance of the rural population, the insufficient level of education, and the weak involvement of women in production continue to affect. For Muslim countries, it is also the dominant religion, according to which family planning is unacceptable. Such a phenomenon of rapid population growth in countries of the second type of reproduction in the middle of the 20th century. received in the literature the figurative name of the population explosion. Today, these countries (together with China) account for almost 4/5 of the entire population of the planet and 90% of its annual growth. Including the population of Asia annually increases by about 45 million people, Africa - by almost 20 million, Latin America -. more than 6 million

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    "Global problems of the modern world" - The difference in natural conditions, the physical environment that affects economic activity. Formation of ecological consciousness and ecological culture. Conducting ecological expertise of technical projects. Problems of war and peace in modern conditions. The problem of international terrorism. Environmental problems:

    "Global problems in the modern world" - 3 world-death of mankind. XX century - 2 world wars. The concept of "global problems". 4500 years -300 years of peace. Values ​​and contradictions of the modern world. Causes of global problems. Ntp. Conditions for preventing nuclear war. Plan for learning new material. The threat of an ecological crisis. Ways to overcome.

    "Global human problems" - Demographic problem? a consequence of relative and absolute population growth. Raw material problem. An electromagnetic pulse disables electrical and electronic equipment, disrupts radio communications. Objective. Food problem. "Young Issues". Global translated from the Latin "globe" - Earth, globe.

    "Global problems of ecology" - Theme "Polymers". The principle SHOULD BE PRODUCED WHAT NATURE CAN DESTROY. Now the main factor of the global ecological crisis on Earth is HUMAN. Recycle. Consider an example. Burn. E c o l o g and i. Here is the handout material. Recycling. What is the place of ecology in the system of sciences?

    "Problems of the present" - The problem of health protection, prevention of the spread of AIDS, drug addiction. International terrorism. The North-South problem. Reflection. The problem of war and peace; Environmental problems; Energy problems; The "North-South" problem; demographic problem; Health problems, prevention of the spread of AIDS, drug addiction; International terrorism.

    "Problems of humanity 1" - Major environmental problems. Let's love and appreciate nature! Pollution by oil and oil products is the most common phenomenon. The greenhouse effect. Humanity taken as a whole becomes a powerful geological force. Air pollution. In 1958, the thinning of the ozone layer can lead to serious consequences for mankind.

    In total there are 34 presentations in the topic