Factoring a number. Factoring Prime Factoring 6

This online calculator is designed to factorize a function.

For example, factorize: x 2 /3-3x+12 . Let's write it as x^2/3-3*x+12 . You can also use this service, where all calculations are saved in Word format.

For example, decompose into terms. Let's write it as (1-x^2)/(x^3+x) . To see the progress of the solution, click Show steps . If you need to get the result in Word format, use this service.

Note: the number "pi" (π) is written as pi ; square root as sqrt , e.g. sqrt(3) , the tangent of tg is written as tan . See the Alternative section for a response.

  1. If a simple expression is given, for example, 8*d+12*c*d , then factoring the expression means factoring the expression. To do this, you need to find common factors. We write this expression as: 4*d*(2+3*c) .
  2. Express the product as two binomials: x 2 + 21yz + 7xz + 3xy . Here we already need to find several common factors: x(x + 7z) + 3y(x + 7z). We take out (x+7z) and get: (x+7z)(x + 3y) .

see also Division of polynomials by a corner (all steps of division by a column are shown)

Useful in learning the rules of factorization are abbreviated multiplication formulas, with which it will be clear how to open brackets with a square:

  1. (a+b) 2 = (a+b)(a+b) = a 2 +2ab+b 2
  2. (a-b) 2 = (a-b)(a-b) = a 2 -2ab+b 2
  3. (a+b)(a-b) = a 2 - b 2
  4. a 3 +b 3 = (a+b)(a 2 -ab+b 2)
  5. a 3 -b 3 = (a-b)(a 2 +ab+b 2)
  6. (a+b) 3 = (a+b)(a+b) 2 = a 3 +3a 2 b + 3ab 2 +b 3
  7. (a-b) 3 = (a-b)(a-b) 2 = a 3 -3a 2 b + 3ab 2 -b 3

Factoring methods

After learning a few tricks factorization solutions can be classified as follows:
  1. Using abbreviated multiplication formulas.
  2. Search for a common factor.

What does it mean to factorize? How to do it? What can be learned from decomposing a number into prime factors? The answers to these questions are illustrated with concrete examples.


A prime number is a number that has exactly two distinct divisors.

A composite number is a number that has more than two divisors.

To factor a natural number is to represent it as a product of natural numbers.

To factor a natural number into prime factors means to represent it as a product of prime numbers.


  • In the expansion of a prime number, one of the factors is equal to one, and the other is equal to this number itself.
  • It makes no sense to talk about the decomposition of unity into factors.
  • A composite number can be decomposed into factors, each of which is different from 1.

Let's factorize the number 150. For example, 150 is 15 times 10.

15 is a composite number. It can be decomposed into prime factors of 5 and 3.

10 is a composite number. It can be decomposed into prime factors of 5 and 2.

Having written down their expansions into prime factors instead of 15 and 10, we obtained a decomposition of the number 150.

The number 150 can be factored in another way. For example, 150 is the product of the numbers 5 and 30.

5 is a prime number.

30 is a composite number. It can be represented as the product of 10 and 3.

10 is a composite number. It can be decomposed into prime factors of 5 and 2.

We got the decomposition of the number 150 into prime factors in a different way.

Note that the first and second expansions are the same. They differ only in the order of the multipliers.

It is customary to write the factors in ascending order.

Any composite number can be decomposed into prime factors in a unique way up to the order of the factors.

When decomposing large numbers into prime factors, a column entry is used:

The smallest prime number that 216 is divisible by is 2.

Divide 216 by 2. We get 108.

The resulting number 108 is divisible by 2.

Let's do the division. We get 54 as a result.

According to the test of divisibility by 2, the number 54 is divisible by 2.

After dividing, we get 27.

The number 27 ends with an odd number 7. It

Not divisible by 2. The next prime number is 3.

Divide 27 by 3. We get 9. The smallest prime

The number that 9 is divisible by is 3. Three is itself a prime number, divisible by itself and by one. Let's divide 3 by ourselves. As a result, we got 1.

  • A number is divisible only by those prime numbers that are part of its expansion.
  • A number is divisible only by those composite numbers, the decomposition of which into prime factors is completely contained in it.

Consider examples:

4900 is divisible by prime numbers 2, 5 and 7 (they are included in the expansion of the number 4900), but is not divisible, for example, by 13.

11 550 75. This is so because the expansion of the number 75 is completely contained in the expansion of the number 11550.

The result of the division will be the product of factors 2, 7 and 11.

11550 is not divisible by 4 because there is an extra 2 in the expansion of 4.

Find the quotient of dividing the number a by the number b, if these numbers are decomposed into prime factors as follows a=2∙2∙2∙3∙3∙3∙5∙5∙19; b=2∙2∙3∙3∙5∙19

The decomposition of the number b is completely contained in the decomposition of the number a.

The result of dividing a by b is the product of the three numbers remaining in the expansion of a.

So the answer is: 30.


  1. Vilenkin N.Ya., Zhokhov V.I., Chesnokov A.S., Shvartsburd S.I. Mathematics 6. - M.: Mnemosyne, 2012.
  2. Merzlyak A.G., Polonsky V.V., Yakir M.S. Mathematics 6th grade. - Gymnasium. 2006.
  3. Depman I.Ya., Vilenkin N.Ya. Behind the pages of a mathematics textbook. - M.: Enlightenment, 1989.
  4. Rurukin A.N., Tchaikovsky I.V. Tasks for the course of mathematics grade 5-6. - M.: ZSh MEPhI, 2011.
  5. Rurukin A.N., Sochilov S.V., Tchaikovsky K.G. Mathematics 5-6. A manual for students of the 6th grade of the MEPhI correspondence school. - M.: ZSh MEPhI, 2011.
  6. Shevrin L.N., Gein A.G., Koryakov I.O., Volkov M.V. Mathematics: Textbook-interlocutor for 5-6 grades of high school. - M .: Education, Mathematics Teacher Library, 1989.
  1. Internet portal Matematika-na.ru ().
  2. Internet portal Math-portal.ru ().


  1. Vilenkin N.Ya., Zhokhov V.I., Chesnokov A.S., Shvartsburd S.I. Mathematics 6. - M.: Mnemozina, 2012. No. 127, No. 129, No. 141.
  2. Other tasks: No. 133, No. 144.

Every natural number other than one has two or more divisors. For example, the number 7 is only divisible by 1 and 7 without a remainder, that is, it has two divisors. And the number 8 has divisors 1, 2, 4, 8, that is, as many as 4 divisors at once.

What is the difference between prime and composite numbers

Numbers that have more than two factors are called composite numbers. Numbers that have only two divisors, one and the number itself, are called prime numbers.

The number 1 has only one divide, namely the number itself. The unit does not apply to prime or composite numbers.

  • For example, the number 7 is prime and the number 8 is composite.

First 10 primes: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29. Number 2 is the only even prime number, all other prime numbers are odd.

The number 78 is composite, because in addition to 1 and itself, it is also divisible by 2. When divided by 2, we get 39. That is, 78 = 2 * 39. In such cases, the number is said to have been factored by 2 and 39.

Any composite number can be decomposed into two factors, each of which is greater than 1. With a prime number, such a trick will not work. So it goes.

Decomposing a number into prime factors

As noted above, any composite number can be decomposed into two factors. Take, for example, the number 210. This number can be decomposed into two factors 21 and 10. But the numbers 21 and 10 are also composite, let us decompose them into two factors. We get 10 = 2*5, 21=3*7. And as a result, the number 210 has already decomposed into 4 factors: 2,3,5,7. These numbers are already prime and cannot be decomposed. That is, we decomposed the number 210 into prime factors.

When decomposing composite numbers into prime factors, they are usually written in ascending order.

It should be remembered that any composite number can be decomposed into prime factors and moreover in a unique way, up to a permutation.

  • Usually, when decomposing a number into prime factors, the signs of divisibility are used.

Let's decompose the number 378 into prime factors

We will write numbers, separating them with a vertical bar. The number 378 is divisible by 2, since it ends in 8. When dividing, we get the number 189. The sum of the digits of the number 189 is divisible by 3, which means that the number 189 itself is divisible by 3. As a result, we get 63.

The number 63 is also divisible by 3, on the basis of divisibility. We get 21, the number 21 can again be divided by 3, we get 7. The seven is divisible only by itself, we get one. This completes the division. To the right after the line, we got prime factors into which the number 378 is decomposed.


It all starts with a geometric progression. At the first lecture on series (see section 18.1. Basic definitions) we have proved that this function is the sum of the series , and the series converges to a function at
. So,


Let us write down several varieties of this series. Replacing X on the - X , we get

when replacing X on the
we get

etc.; the region of convergence of all these series is the same:


All derivatives of this function at a point X =0 are equal
, so the series looks like


The area of ​​convergence of this series is the entire numerical axis (example 6 of section Radius of convergence, interval of convergence and region of convergence of a power series), that's why
. As a consequence, the remainder term of the Taylor formula
. So the series converges to
at any point X .


This series converges absolutely for

, and its sum is really equal to
. The remainder term of the Taylor formula has the form
, where
is a limited function, and
(this is the common term of the previous expansion).


This expansion can be obtained, like the previous ones, by successive calculation of derivatives, but we will proceed differently. Let's differentiate the previous series term by term:

Convergence to a function on the entire axis follows from the theorem on term-by-term differentiation of a power series.

5. Prove on your own that on the whole number axis , .


The series for this function is called binomial series. Here we will calculate derivatives.

…The Maclaurin series has the form

We are looking for a convergence interval: therefore, the convergence interval is
. We will not investigate the remainder term and the behavior of the series at the ends of the convergence interval; it turns out that when
series converges absolutely at both points
, at
the series conditionally converges at a point
and diverges at the point
, at
diverges at both points.


Here we will use the fact that
. Since , then, after term-by-term integration,

The region of convergence of this series is the half-interval
, the convergence to the function at internal points follows from the theorem on term-by-term integration of a power series, at the point X =1 - from the continuity of both the function and the sum of the power series at all points, arbitrarily close to X =1 on the left. Note that taking X =1, we will find the sum of the series .

8. Integrating the series term by term, we obtain an expansion for the function
. Perform all the calculations yourself, write out the area of ​​​​convergence.

9. Let us write out the expansion of the function
according to the binomial series formula with
: . Denominator
represented as , double factorial
means the product of all natural numbers of the same parity as , not exceeding . The expansion converges to a function for
. Term-wise integrating it from 0 to X , we get . It turns out that this series converges to the function on the entire interval
; at X =1 we get another beautiful representation of the number :
. Solving problems on the expansion of functions in a series. Most problems in which it is required to expand an elementary function into a power series
, is solved using standard expansions. Fortunately, any basic elementary function has a property that allows you to do this. Let's consider some examples.

1. Decompose the function
by degrees

Solution. . The series converges at

2. Expand the function
by degrees

. Convergence area:

3. Expand the function
by degrees

Solution. . The series converges at

4. Decompose the function
by degrees

Solution. . The series converges at

5. Decompose the function
by degrees

Solution. . Convergence area

6. Expand the function
by degrees

Solution. The expansion into a series of simple rational fractions of the second type is obtained by term-by-term differentiation of the corresponding expansions of fractions of the first type. In this example . Further, by term-by-term differentiation, one can obtain expansions of functions

7. Decompose the function
by degrees

Solution. If a rational fraction is not simple, it is first represented as a sum of simple fractions:
, and then proceed as in example 5: , where

Naturally, such an approach is inapplicable, for example, to the decomposition of the function by degrees X . Here, if you need to get the first few terms of the Taylor series, the easiest way is to find the values ​​at the point X =0 the required number of first derivatives.