The most "gluttonous" car: Bentley Meteor. Lei, do not be sorry: the most voracious cars of the Russian market The most voracious car

Bentley Meteor is officially recognized as the most "gluttonous" car on our planet. In order to drive 100 kilometers, he needs 117 liters of fuel! During this time, 57 liters of engine and 16 liters of transmission oil are also consumed, as well as 64 liters of coolant.

The thing is that the “heart” of the car is the Rolls-Royce Meteor V12 aircraft engine, the volume of which is 27 liters. At one time, such mechanisms were installed on fighter planes during the Second World War. This was in those days when the automation of production, which you can read about, was only being introduced in factories. Given this fact, the impressive power of the vehicle does not look like something surprising.

The creator of the Bentley Meteor is considered to be Bob Peterson, who brought together a powerful engine and a body from the legendary Bentley. As a result, three different modifications were created at once, the most powerful of which boasted two thousand horsepower under the hood. As for the Bentley Meteor, an 850 horsepower engine is installed here, but it is enough to accelerate the car to a speed of 257 km / h.

Interestingly, no one managed to surpass Bob's achievements. Other engineers simply can't find a way to reunite a transmission and an engine this powerful. Attempts to do this were made by many amateurs and professionals, but they never succeeded. In this regard, the place of the car in the Guinness Book of Records is justified one hundred percent.

Peterson's brainchild managed to visit the famous TV show Top Gear, where its host Jeremy Clarkson wanted to race a Bentley Meteor. However, he did not succeed in fulfilling his dream because of the frightening power of the car, coupled with not the best handling.

Now Bentley Meteor is up for auction and the initial price for it is 800 thousand dollars. It remains only to guess when there will be a lucky person who will be able to drive a car with an engine power of 2000 horsepower. In the meantime, all automobile magazines write articles about the car, it regularly becomes the hero of photo reports and television stories.

You about the most economical cars on the Russian market, which can "boast" the smallest fuel consumption. Today we will talk about the exact opposite - cars officially presented on the Russian market, which, in the literal sense of the word, "eat" fuel in liters.

It is worth noting that our rating of the top most uneconomical cars in Russia can be easily changed into top most "gluttonous" SUVs of the Russian market, since it included cars belonging exclusively to the popular SUV segment. You are ready? Let's start! We also note the fact that the actual amount of fuel consumption below the described machines can easily cause a depressive syndrome.

7. Range Rover/Range Rover Sport

Land Rover Range Rover

Photo: Land Rover

Perhaps, let's start our impromptu hit parade with "economical" cars, which, against the background of other cars, include British SUVs and. It is only natural that the compressor 5.0-liter unit that these models use cannot, by definition, have a modest appetite.

The minimum fuel consumption of British SUVs (not lower than AI-95) is about 12.5 liters for every hundred of the way. What's in return? You get a "herd" of 525 horsepower, as well as an amazing torque of 625 Newton meters. However, it is worth remembering that if you wish to travel on Range Rover/Range Rover Sport in full, then the fuel consumption indicator will be ... about 18 liters. The tank of the car will hold 105 liters of fuel.

6Chevrolet Tahoe

Photo: Chevrolet

And here is another "humble" from America. In the engine compartment of a full-size SUV Chevrolet Tahoe located 6.2-liter unit. Its power is 409 hp. Torque - 610 Nm. The declared fuel consumption (AI-95) in the combined cycle is 13.4 liters per 100 kilometers.

In the combined cycle, the Japanese "rogue" is able to "eat" about 13.9 liters of fuel per 100 kilometers. Use in the city of an SUV Toyota Land Cruiser 200 will lead to the fact that its engine begins to consume at least 18.2 liters of fuel. That is, a popular frame car is able to easily make elegant gaps in your pockets or purses.

4. Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT8

Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT8

Photo: Jeep

Even without officially declared data, we can safely say that a “charged” SUV, in the engine compartment of which a 6.4-liter engine is located, has a rather immodest appetite!

In the combined cycle, according to the manufacturer, the SUV Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT8 consumes 14 liters of AI-95 gasoline. In turn, in the urban cycle, the powerful unit of the car “eats” at least twenty liters of fuel.

3. Lexus LX 570

Photo: Lexus

Premium "brother" Toyota Land Cruiser 200 is equipped with a 5.7-liter 8-cylinder engine. The return of this unit is 367 hp, and the torque is 530 Nm. Already in the standard version, the SUV flaunts a polished appearance and richer equipment. But!

In the combined cycle, this car is able to “destroy” at least 14.4 liters of fuel. If we talk about the urban cycle, then the fuel consumption indicator will be 20.2 liters per hundred of the way. The only good thing is that the car engine is able to "digest" AI-92 fuel.

2. Infiniti QX80

Photo: Infiniti

Another "sperm whale" of our rating top most "gluttonous" cars in Russia- premium Japanese SUV. The engine capacity of this car exceeds 1.2 gallons. Let's have some jokes! According to the Russian owners of the Infiniti QX80, the fuel consumption of this SUV is "as great as the radiation background of Fukushima."

As for specifics. Combined SUV fuel consumption Infiniti QX80 will not fall below 14.5 liters per hundred kilometers. In the city, this figure is ... not less than 20.6 liters. Recall that the 5.6-liter car engine generates 405 hp. and 560 Nm of torque.

1. Mercedes-Benz G65 AMG

Mercedes-Benz G65 AMG

Photo: Mercedes-Benz

Finally, the leader of the rating top of the most "gluttonous" and uneconomical cars of the Russian market! Meet! "Charged" version of the iconic SUV Mercedes-Benz G-Class- (or Mercedes-AMG G65 - whatever is more convenient for you).

Under the hood of the "charged" Gelendvagen is a 12-cylinder engine that generates 630 forces. Without a doubt, both the car and its owner "do not care deeply about what others think about it"! In the combined cycle, this car "eats" about 17 liters per hundred. However, in other modes, this figure may be ... ..

Volume and power are not only torque and reliability, but also consumption. Even the most ideal roads, uniform driving modes and unearthly measurement methods cannot bring the numbers to normal if there is a herd of five thousand under the hood, and the working volume is no longer measured in liters, but in gallons. And if 7 real ones are often hidden behind the passport 4 liters per hundred, then judging what the “live” consumption of today's participants in our top will be is an occupation that can cause a depressive syndrome.

Last time, the entry threshold for cars was 4 liters per 100 kilometers. How much will we throw at her today? On reflection, we decided that it would be nice to throw ten. Plus or minus...

7th place: Range Rover / Range Rover Sport

But in order not to immediately rush into the pool headlong, let's start with "economical" cars - that's like the Range Rover, for example. Its five-liter compressor engine clearly hints that it will not be boring with it - neither on the road nor at the gas station. But how much?

So much so that you will refuel, wiping tears of happiness. This aristocrat, both in an elongated luxurious and in a sports-reckless version, deigns to eat from a tank of 12.8 liters of 95th gasoline for every 100 kilometers of travel. In return, he promises 525 horsepower and 625 Nm of torque. But if you enter the city...

Pictured: Range Rover Sport "2013–present

Here you yourself are to blame - the aristocracy will not be modest in requests. In the urban cycle, consumption immediately rises to 18 liters - and this is only according to the passport. How long a tank with a capacity of 105 liters of fuel is really enough for you will not even be decided by your brain, but by your right leg. And sometimes they will not be connected with each other ...

6th place: Chevrolet Tahoe

Here's another modest guy who didn't even reach our benchmark of 14 liters per hundred in the combined cycle. The Chevrolet Tahoe offers even more than the Range Rover: there are up to eight seats, the engine capacity is one Skoda Fabia more and amounts to 6.2 liters, horsepower ... but, sorry, there are only 409 of them. But there is almost the same amount of torque - 610 Nm, and this despite the fact that there is neither a turbine nor a compressor - the American approach says that any problem can be solved with a liter or two of working volume.

In the photo: Chevrolet Tahoe "2014–present

You have to pay for this approach - and in the truest sense of the word. In a combined cycle, Tahoe will pump out at least 13.4 liters of AI-95 from the tank, and if there are pedestrians, houses and traffic lights around, he will get nervous and ask for 18.3. And there are also suspicions that if these houses and pedestrians are on planet Earth, then even 18.3 liters will not be limited.

5th place: Toyota Land Cruiser 200

Once upon a time, an Englishman, an American and a Japanese meet at a gluttony competition ... It sounds like the beginning of a joke, but for the owners of the Land Cruiser 200 who have chosen, but, this joke with the replenishment of the international team of gluttons will be a little sad.

Pictured: Toyota Land Cruiser (200) "2015–present

And he will be sad for two reasons. And the first one is not even fuel consumption, but the fact that the 5.7-liter gasoline V8 marked 3UR-FE did not go to the “two hundred”, remaining the prerogative of the Lexus LX 570, and the 4.6-liter 1UR-FE under the hood has almost 60 forces less, despite the fact that the savings on gasoline are by no means so obvious. Judge for yourself: a fee for 309 hp. and 439 Nm of torque become 13.9 liters per 100 km in the combined cycle and 18.2 in the city, which turn your pockets into elegant gaps with a flick of the leg. The only consolation here is that the Japanese units are more unpretentious in food and are quite happy when they are treated to the usual 92nd gasoline, provided that this gasoline is unlimited.

4th place: Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT8

Another American confidently wedged between the Japanese and the Japanese, who is absolutely sure that gasoline is just a means of achieving the desired speed and the desired concentration of adrenaline and dopamine in the blood. And he, too, is American-style confident that this does not require turbines, compressors or tricky settings - to drive, it is enough that the engine capacity is 1.41 gallons, or 6.4 liters.

In the photo: Under the hood of the Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT8 "2012–13

And we must not forget to feed this motor - not to feed, namely to generously satisfy its constant hunger. This will require 14 liters of the 95th in the mixed cycle of movement, but in the city even the politically correct-passport consumption figure broke the mark of 20 liters, jumping to 20.7. And under these conditions, 93.5 liters that fit into the tank is just breakfast ...

3rd place: Lexus LX 570

This fellow "two hundred" received the notorious 5.7-liter 3UR-FE with a V-shaped arrangement of eight cylinders and unequivocally boasts of this in its index. No less, he boasts of a power of 367 hp, a torque of 530 Nm and rich equipment, multiplied by a polished appearance. However, he also has such features that you won’t boast in public ...

In the photo: Lexus LX 570 "2015–present

One of these features is the consumption indicators. The combined one exceeded our benchmark of 14 liters, settling at around 14.4. The urban one is a little less modest than that of the aforementioned “big Indian”: 20.2 liters per hundred. And again, the only thing that the owner can console himself with at a gas station is that he does not overpay for fuel, at least in terms of the cost of a liter: AI-92 burns without problems in the cylinders.

2nd place: Infiniti QX80

Infiniti QX80 surprisingly was able to combine the features of both the Japanese and the Americans, located on the previous lines. Its engine is not supercharged, the displacement of the engine compartment exceeds 1.2 gallons, and the dimensions of the car itself inspire awe, even by US standards. At the same time, it bears a Japanese name and has a noticeable Japanese design, and its consumption is as great as the background radiation of Fukushima.

Pictured: Infiniti QX80 5.6 "2015

However, in such cases it is better to operate with numbers - fortunately, they are visible to the naked eye. Consumption in the combined cycle is at least 14.5 liters per hundred kilometers, and the city does not fall below 20.6. How much is it with 5.6 liters of volume, 405 hp? power and 560 Nm of torque? This can be discussed - after all, you need to keep yourself busy with something while the hundred-liter tank is being filled ...

1st place: Mercedes-Benz G 65 AMG

But this guy doesn't care at all. The fact that you can not be so fast and powerful if you were designed in the seventies of the last century as an army transport. The fact that 12 cylinders and 630 horsepower in a V-twin engine is too much for an SUV and too little for 3.2 tons of gross weight. And the fact that it is better to go with all this monstrous charge only in a straight line. He doesn't really care what you think of him.

In the photo: Mercedes-Benz G 65 AMG "2012–15

It’s impossible to make friends with him: you either go limp and resign yourself to being in a nuclear-fuelled adamantium box, or you try to fit in, having breakfast with pancakes from a condensed milk bar. But in both cases, you must have enough courage to understand that the declared figure of 17 liters per hundred in the combined cycle is as reassuring as if it were written in meters on the altimeter of your aircraft flying over the erupting volcano. Mercedes-Benz's city mileage figure is prudently not listed (but it's rumored to have added a single gray hair to Chuck Norris' beard).

Disappointment for the owner. Especially if the car is not new. A used car is already in need of repair, and then you still need to satisfy its increased appetites. Our goal is to choose the most profitable in terms of gasoline costs. We take as a basis the indicator of mixed fuel consumption, which is indicated by each manufacturer in the technical characteristics of the machines.

So, let's turn to sites for the sale of used cars. We will not consider frank trash. We are interested in the most economical cars with mileage at a price of 400,000 to 500,000 rubles, the average fuel consumption should not exceed seven liters per hundred. First, let's look at the most popular cars in Russia - sedans.

12th place

The domestic auto industry, no matter how they scold it, remains the most popular among buyers. There are more than enough VAZ sedans on the secondary market. Appetite with a 1.6-liter engine and a 5-speed robot - 6,6 l for every 100 km of run. But with mechanics, the car requires 7 liters per hundred. Well, a 98-horsepower engine paired with a machine gun “eats” as much as 7.6 liters per 100 km.

11th place

Lada Granta and others: the most economical used cars up to 500,000 rubles.

We chose the least voracious used cars, the fuel consumption of which in the combined cycle does not exceed 7 liters of gasoline per hundred kilometers, at a price of no more than half a million rubles.

Lada Granta and others: the most economical used cars up to 500,000 rubles.

With a 1.6 liter engine and 106 hp. consumes in a mixed cycle 6.6 l/100 km. This is with a robotic gearbox. With mechanics, the car is a little more voracious - 6.9 liters. It turns out that it is slightly more economical than Grants. On the secondary there are 2015 sedans. Average mileage - from 30,000 km.

10th place

Lada Granta and others: the most economical used cars up to 500,000 rubles.

We chose the least voracious used cars, the fuel consumption of which in the combined cycle does not exceed 7 liters of gasoline per hundred kilometers, at a price of no more than half a million rubles.

Lada Granta and others: the most economical used cars up to 500,000 rubles.

The Volkswagen Polo Sedan also tops the sales charts. For half a million on the secondary market, you can find a car manufactured in 2010-2013 with a junior 1.6-liter engine with a capacity of 85 hp. It works in tandem with mechanics and consumes 6.4 liters per 100 km. With an engine of the same volume, but with a power of 105 hp. appetite increases to 6,5 l. Runs of used copies start at about 50,000 km.

9th place

Lada Granta and others: the most economical used cars up to 500,000 rubles.

We chose the least voracious used cars, the fuel consumption of which in the combined cycle does not exceed 7 liters of gasoline per hundred kilometers, at a price of no more than half a million rubles.

Lada Granta and others: the most economical used cars up to 500,000 rubles.

Another one is Hyundai Solaris. One of the most popular models on the Russian market can be bought with engines 1.4 (107 hp) and 1.6 (123 hp). Working in tandem with mechanics, both engines consume 6,0 liters per hundred. On the secondary, you can often find sedans from 2012–2014 with mileage of 50,000 km or more.

8th place

Lada Granta and others: the most economical used cars up to 500,000 rubles.

We chose the least voracious used cars, the fuel consumption of which in the combined cycle does not exceed 7 liters of gasoline per hundred kilometers, at a price of no more than half a million rubles.

Lada Granta and others: the most economical used cars up to 500,000 rubles.

A fellow Solaris sedan of the first generation Kia Rio was also included in our selection. He has the same engines: 1.4 (107 hp) and 1.6 liters (123 hp), paired with mechanics. But both engines consume 5,9 liters per hundred. Apparently, the difference is due to Korean bestsellers. On the secondary, you can often find sedans from 2012–2014 with mileage of 50,000 km or more.

7th place

Lada Granta and others: the most economical used cars up to 500,000 rubles.

We chose the least voracious used cars, the fuel consumption of which in the combined cycle does not exceed 7 liters of gasoline per hundred kilometers, at a price of no more than half a million rubles.

Lada Granta and others: the most economical used cars up to 500,000 rubles.

With expense 5,7 liters per 100 kilometers seventh place is occupied by the Mazda 2. There are most second-generation hatchbacks on the market. A five-door hatchback manufactured in 2010 with a 1.5-liter engine of 105 hp will cost half a million rubles. and mechanics.

6th place

Lada Granta and others: the most economical used cars up to 500,000 rubles.

We chose the least voracious used cars, the fuel consumption of which in the combined cycle does not exceed 7 liters of gasoline per hundred kilometers, at a price of no more than half a million rubles.

Lada Granta and others: the most economical used cars up to 500,000 rubles.

The second generation Mini Cooper fits into the required amount. Cars produced in 2010 are sold with mileage from 80,000 km. The most economical engine - a working volume of 1.6 liters and a power of 98 forces, paired with mechanics. Consumption in 5,4 liters per 100 km is pretty good. There are many cars on the market with the same engine and CVT. But they already consume 6.4 liters per hundred.

5th place

Lada Granta and others: the most economical used cars up to 500,000 rubles.

We chose the least voracious used cars, the fuel consumption of which in the combined cycle does not exceed 7 liters of gasoline per hundred kilometers, at a price of no more than half a million rubles.

Lada Granta and others: the most economical used cars up to 500,000 rubles.

The liftback is a real people's car. It is larger than any small car in its class. In the car market for 500,000 rubles there are liftbacks manufactured in 2012 with supercharged engines with a working volume of 1.4 liters, developing 125 hp. Paired with the engine is a 7-speed robotic gearbox. Fuel consumption - 5,3 liters. But cars with 1.6-liter engines with 90 hp. and mechanics consume 5.8 liters per hundred. Rapid is one of the most interesting candidates to buy. It is economical, while it has good acceleration dynamics, a huge trunk and a spacious interior.

4th place

Lada Granta and others: the most economical used cars up to 500,000 rubles.

We chose the least voracious used cars, the fuel consumption of which in the combined cycle does not exceed 7 liters of gasoline per hundred kilometers, at a price of no more than half a million rubles.

Lada Granta and others: the most economical used cars up to 500,000 rubles.

With expense 5,1 l fourth place is occupied by a compact hatchback Opel Corsa 2012 release. Until Opel left the Russian market, Corsa was quite popular with Russian buyers. Especially in women. Half a million fit a car with a 1.2-liter engine (85 hp) and a five-speed robot. Today, such cars on the secondary are found with a mileage of 60,000 km.

3rd place

Lada Granta and others: the most economical used cars up to 500,000 rubles.

We chose the least voracious used cars, the fuel consumption of which in the combined cycle does not exceed 7 liters of gasoline per hundred kilometers, at a price of no more than half a million rubles.

Lada Granta and others: the most economical used cars up to 500,000 rubles.

Small cars Citroen C1 and Peugeot 107, built on a common platform, were officially sold in Russia. But the crisis of 2014 forced the French to withdraw both models from the market. Both of them are found on the secondary. Our amount includes cars manufactured in 2012 with a mileage of 40,000 km. Under the hood is a 68 hp liter engine, paired with a robot. The average fuel consumption is only 4,6 liters per 100 kilometers. There are more three-door hatchbacks on the market than five-door ones. It requires 4.1 liters per hundred. Mileage - about 70,000 km. There are many hatchbacks on the market with. Their fuel consumption is the same or slightly higher. Smart of the third generation with a 90-horsepower 0.9-liter engine consumes the same 4.1 liters of gasoline per 100 km in the combined cycle. Enough on the secondary and second-generation cars, with lower mileage (from 50,000 km). But, say, the second generation ForTwo with a liter engine of 84 hp. and the robot consumes already 4.9 liters per hundred.

Despite the constant increase in fuel costs, powerful cars are more popular than ever on the market. Such cars symbolize success and wealth, and their operation will give a lot of positive emotions, from high-speed aerobatics and a feeling of power and maneuverability of your car. Let's talk in more detail about the most voracious cars on the Russian market.

Immediately make a reservation that fuel consumption indicators will directly depend on the style of driving. For some, even a small city hatchback with an active driving style will eat 15 liters of fuel or even more. Therefore, when compiling our rating of the most voracious cars, we primarily based on information from the manufacturer, which allowed us to obtain the necessary accurate data for each car.

Most of the vehicles on our list are 4WD SUVs. Indeed, such machines are equipped with powerful gasoline engines that have 8 or more cylinders, and their working volume exceeds 4-5 liters. Given the large mass of such SUVs, is it any wonder at an average consumption of 15-20 liters per hundreds of kilometers, and in urban conditions this figure can even approach 30 liters of high-octane gasoline per 100 kilometers.

In seventh place in our impromptu rating was the Range Sport SUV, popular with Russians. Despite all the efforts of the British automaker to make its car economical and versatile in use, yet in the top configuration with a powerful engine, this jeep consumes almost 13 liters of fuel per 100 kilometers on the road. And this is in the average mode, and in the city the consumption will exceed 20 liters of fuel. In return, we get 525 horsepower, which is removed from a powerful engine equipped with two turbines. The volume of the tank here is 105 liters, but at speeds over 200 km / h on the highway, such a gas tank is enough for about 500 kilometers.

A huge SUV is another voracious jeep that is often found on domestic roads. This car is equipped with an engine with a volume of 6.2 liters. Such a giant weighs more than 3 tons, and the power of the power unit exceeds 400 horsepower. The car has 8 seats, and the average consumption is 14 liters per hundred mileage in mixed mode. In the city, the car will eat about 30 liters of gasoline. It saves that, unlike most other modern cars, the Tahoe can run on low-octane 92 fuel.

200. This is a well-known SUV to all of us, which is often found on Russian roads. If diesel and inexpensive three-liter gasoline models are popular among domestic car owners, then this manufacturer’s offer has a real monster that received an eight-cylinder 5.7-liter engine. This engine in mixed mode consumes 14 liters per hundred, and its power rating is 309 horsepower. In urban conditions, the Land Cruiser 200 will eat 18.2 liters of fuel. In defense of this popular jeep, we note only its legendary reliability, unpretentiousness in use and excellent cross-country ability.

In fourth place in our ranking is the SRT8. This is a top-end charged modification, which received a huge engine with a volume of 6.4 liters. With such a power unit, a two-ton jeep accelerates to hundreds in 5 seconds. The car consumes about 14 liters of fuel on a country road, and in the city its appetite increases to 20 liters. Moreover, only 93 liters of fuel are included in the gas tank, respectively, with active piloting, it will be possible to drive about 400 kilometers from refueling to refueling.

The top three winners are opened by a luxurious Japanese jeep LX570. This SUV appeared in the offer of the Japanese brand quite recently, but at the same time it quickly became in demand in the domestic market. Catchy appearance, luxurious equipment and a powerful engine have invariably affected the popularity of this car. In fact, this is the well-known Toyota Land Cruiser 200, which received a modified design and improved quality of finishing materials. The car received an eight-cylinder 5.7 liter engine, which is fully controlled by automation. The engine develops 367 horsepower, and at the same time consumes 14.4 liters of fuel on the highway. In the city, this giant engine consumes more than 20 liters of gasoline. The only thing that a car owner can console himself with is the possibility of using inexpensive 92 gasoline.

In second place in the list of the most voracious cars was the QX80 SUV. This car is a real safe on wheels. The original design of this giant is combined with a powerful engine, which is necessary to propel this four-ton car. The car received a 5.6 liter engine that develops 405 horsepower. For 100 kilometers in mixed consumption, the car consumes 14.5 liters of fuel. In the city, fuel consumption figures do not fall below 22 liters per hundred kilometers. That is, a 100 liter tank is not enough even for 500 kilometers. However, this does not stop many fans of this brand, who are happy to purchase an Infiniti jeep, which gives them a lot of positive emotions.

In the first place of our ranking was Mercedes- B enz G 65 AMG. This is a truly legendary SUV that has been in production for over 30 years. The car was modified by the AMG court tuning studio and received a 12-cylinder V-engine that develops 630 horsepower. The weight of the car is 3.2 tons. Is it any wonder that with such a weight and power, the car consumes 17 liters of fuel even in mixed mode for a hundred mileage. But the automaker is silent on consumption data in the city, however, according to unconfirmed reports, it is known that the car's consumption is 35 liters of fuel per hundreds of kilometers. However, if you look at the streets of large cities, where this car is often found, we can conclude that such a huge fuel consumption does not stop many potential buyers.

Also on sale today you can find various sports and executive sedans, which differ in the installed powerful engine, respectively, have a consumption far beyond 20 liters of fuel. Such machines include M ulsanne, various and Mercedes from AMG. All such cars are distinguished by a sporty disposition, and, accordingly, their consumption will largely depend on the style of driving a car. We have offered you a rating of the most voracious cars, which, even in everyday use, will consume an unacceptably large amount of fuel. However, if you can afford such a car, then you are unlikely to think about its fuel consumption.