Written off the standard cost of finished products wiring. Accounting for the release of finished products (accounting methods, postings)

In the practice of enterprises of various types of organizational and legal forms and fields of activity, the responsible section of accounting is cost accounting, which accumulates information about the actual costs incurred for the manufacture of one or another type of finished product. In this regard, managers of business entities are looking for an answer to the question: “Actual cost is this?”

Full actual cost - what is it?

The sum of all actually incurred costs for the production and sale of a particular type of product is the actual full cost of production.

Cost types

The cost can be:

  • planned;
  • actual.

The essence of the concepts of these types of cost is presented in table 1.

Table 1. Planned and actual cost

Cost type Essence
Planned cost The planned cost is understood as an average indicator of the estimated costs for the performance of work, services or production of products for a certain planned period. This type of prime cost is planned on the basis of existing average norms for the consumption of resources (fuel, energy, materials, raw materials, labor costs, etc.) and certain, established norms for expenses for general production and general business expenses. The planned period in the formation of the planned cost can be a quarter or a year.
Actual cost Under the actual cost is understood the totality of actually incurred costs for the manufacture of products or the performance of work (the provision of services). This type of cost is formed on the basis of actually incurred production costs.

Formula for calculating actual cost

To determine the actual cost of accounting objects, a method called "normative" is used. This method is based on the formation of the cost at the beginning of the reporting period according to the norms in force for this period. And then, at the end of the reporting period, the planned cost price is subject to adjustment for the amount of deviations from the standards identified in the process of the production process for the manufacture of finished products.

The actual cost of finished products, the calculation formula and an example are presented in Table 2.

Table 2. Example of calculating the actual cost

From the calculations presented in Table 2, we can conclude that the actual cost indicator (indicator 3) is found by adding the planned cost calculated on the basis of established consumption rates (indicator 1) and the deviations of the received actual cost data from the planned ones (indicator 2, which can be presented in in the form of savings and have a negative sign (indicator 2a) or in the form of overspending and have a positive sign (indicator 2b)).

How to determine the actual cost of finished products, consider the example presented in Table 2. When considering the example, it can be seen that in 2015, negative deviations of 36674 thousand rubles were obtained, which means cost savings for this amount. And in 2016, positive deviations were received in the amount of 65438 thousand rubles, which means the actual overspending of resources compared to the planned values.

The actual cost is calculated according to the example given in table 2:

2015: 456,789 - 35,674 = 421,115 thousand rubles;

2016: 512,654 +65,438 = 578,092 thousand rubles

The deviation of the actual cost from the planned one can be positive, and in this case it means that more resources were spent on the production of products than planned, i.e. there was an overrun, or this indicator can be negative if the resources were spent on production production is less than planned, i.e. these resources have been saved.

Accounting for finished products at actual cost

In the accounting department of an economic entity, operations for accounting for finished products are carried out using account 43, which has the appropriate name "Finished products". The release of finished products from production at actual cost is reflected in an accounting entry, where the credit account is 20 (i.e., the release of products from the main production), account 23 (the release of products from auxiliary production), and the debit is account 43.

When a sale is made, the actual cost of goods sold is written off in the accounting department of an economic entity. In this case, the posting is drawn up as follows, where account 43 is indicated in the credit (meaning the write-off of the actual cost of the sold products), and account 90, sub-account 2 (which reflects the cost of sales) is indicated in the debit.

Production organizations of mass and serial production, as a rule, use the standard method of accounting for finished products, since it is its use that makes it possible to correctly reflect the sale of products and its actual cost, which is determined only at the end of the month.
If accounting for finished products is carried out at the standard (planned) production cost, then the organization sets accounting prices for products that remain constant for a sufficiently long time and at which products are delivered to the warehouse and written off from the warehouse during its sale or other disposal within a month . At the end of the month, when all costs are formed and the value of work in progress is determined, the difference between the planned and actual cost is determined. There are two ways to keep records of these deviations - with and without the use of account 40 "Output of products (works, services)".

If account 40 “Output of products (works, services)” is not used, then upon receipt of finished products at the warehouse, the following posting is made within a month:
DEBIT 43 "Finished products"
CREDIT 20 "Main production"

  • finished products are accepted for accounting at planned accounting prices.
When selling products within a month, the write-off of its cost is reflected in the posting:
DEBIT 90 "Sales" subaccount "Cost of sales"
CREDIT 43 "Finished products"
  • the cost of sold products was written off in planned and accounting prices.
At the end of the month, the actual cost of production is determined, and the amount of deviations of the actual cost from the planned one is reflected in the same accounts by additional entries if the actual cost exceeds the planned one, or by reversal if the actual cost is less than the planned one. At the same time, an adjustment is made to the cost of products accepted for accounting - for the entire amount of the deviation and the cost of goods sold - in the share attributable to products sold.
Within a month, the warehouse of an organization producing car trailers for cars received finished products, the planned cost of which amounted to 75,000 rubles. The cost of goods sold at planned prices amounted to 50,000 rubles. The total amount of costs recorded in the debit of account 20 “Main production” during the month is 90,000 rubles.
a) Suppose that the balance of work in progress at the end of the month is 18,000 rubles.
90,000 rubles - 18,000 rubles = 72,000 rubles.
75,000 rubles - 72,000 rubles = 3,000 rubles.
The actual cost is less than the planned cost, so the savings must be reversed.

The amount of deviation attributable to sold products: (3,000 rubles / 75,000 rubles) x 50,000 rubles = 2,000 rubles. The amount of deviation attributable to the balance of finished products in the warehouse:
(3,000 rubles / 75,000 rubles) x 25,000 rubles = 1,000 rubles. Actual cost of goods sold:
50,000 rubles - 2,000 rubles = 48,000 rubles.
The balance of finished products in stock (at actual cost): 72,000 - 48,000 = 24,000 rubles.



Contents of operation
Debit Credit

Within a month
43 20 75 000 Accepted finished products to the warehouse at planned accounting prices
90-2 43 50 000

In the end of the month
20 02, 10, 70, 69, 25, 26 90 000
43 20 3000 STORNO! The amount of deviation of the actual cost from the planned one is taken into account
90-2 43 2000 STORNO! The amount of deviation of the actual cost from the planned cost in the share of sold products is taken into account

b) Suppose that the balance of work in progress at the end of the month is 12,000 rubles.
Then, the actual cost of finished products:
90,000 rubles - 12,000 rubles = 78,000 rubles.
The sum of the deviation of the actual cost from the planned one is:
78,000 rubles - 75,000 rubles = 3,000 rubles.
The actual cost is greater than the planned cost, so additional postings must be made for the amount of overrun.

The amount of deviation attributable to sold products:
(3,000 rubles / 75,000 rubles) x 50,000 rubles = 2,000 rubles. The amount of deviation attributable to the balance of finished products in the warehouse:
(3,000 rubles / 75,000 rubles) x 25,000 = 1,000 rubles. Actual cost of goods sold:
50,000 rubles + 2,000 rubles = 52,000 rubles.
The balance of finished products in the warehouse (at actual cost): 78,000 rubles - 52,000 rubles = 26,000 rubles.
In the accounting of the organization, these transactions are reflected as follows:



Contents of operation
Debit Credit

Within a month
43 20 75 000 Accepted finished products to the warehouse at planned accounting prices
90-2 43 50 000 Written off the cost of goods sold in planning and accounting prices

In the end of the month
20 02, 10, 70, 69, 25, 26 90 000 Accounted for production costs
43 20 3000 The amount of deviation of the actual cost from the planned cost is taken into account
90-2 43 2000 The amount of deviation of the actual cost from the planned cost in the share of sold products is taken into account

Please note that this method is a simplified version of the calculation of deviations, since in this case there was no balance of finished products in stock at the beginning of the month.
In cases where there are balances of finished products at the beginning and end of the month, for the correct reflection and distribution of deviations, it is advisable to apply the calculation method, the principle of which is specified in paragraph 206 of Order No. 119n.

If finished products are accounted for at the standard cost or at contractual prices, then the difference between the actual cost and the cost of finished products at accounting prices is recorded on the “Finished products” account under a separate sub-account “Deviations of the actual cost of finished products from the book value”. Deviations on this sub-account are taken into account in the context of the nomenclature, or individual groups of finished products, or for the organization as a whole. The excess of the actual cost over the accounting cost is reflected in the debit of the specified sub-account and the credit of the cost accounting accounts. If the actual cost is less than the book value, then the difference is reflected in a reversal entry.
Write-off of finished products (during shipment, vacation, and so on) can be carried out at book value. At the same time, deviations related to the sold finished products are written off to the sales accounts (determined in proportion to its book value). Deviations related to the balance of finished products remain on the account "Finished products" (on the sub-account "Deviations of the actual cost of finished products from the book value").
Regardless of the method used to determine discount prices, the total cost of the finished product (account value plus variances) must equal the actual production cost of that product.
The balance of finished products in the warehouse of the organization, the beginning of the month is 240,000 rubles at planned prices, the amount of deviations is 5,000 rubles (overrun). Within a month, the warehouse received finished products at planned prices in the amount of 750,000 rubles. The amount of costs for the production of finished products recorded on account 20 "Main production" amounted to 900,000 rubles, the balance of work in progress - 120,000 rubles. The planned cost of goods sold is 500,000 rubles.
Actual cost of finished products: 900,000 rubles -

  • 120,000 rubles = 780,000 rubles.
The amount of deviations for finished products transferred to the warehouse:
780,000 rubles - 750,000 rubles = 30,000 rubles.
Percentage of deviations for shipped products:

(5,000 rubles + 30,000 rubles) / (240,000 rubles + 750,000 rubles) x x 100% \u003d 3.54%
The amount of deviations attributable to the shipped products:
500,000 rubles x 3.54% = 17,700 rubles.
Actual cost of shipped products:
500,000 + 17,700 = 517,700 rubles.
The balance of finished products at the end of the month at actual cost:
(240 000 + 5 000) + (750 000 + 30 000) - (500 000 + 17 700) =
= 507,300 rubles, including: planned cost:
240,000 + 750,000 - 500,000 = 490,000 rubles; sum of deviations:
5000 + 30,000 - 17,700 = 17,300 rubles.
We considered the accounting of finished products at the standard (planned cost) without using account 40 "Output of products (works, services)".
However, for the convenience and clarity of identifying deviations of the actual cost from the planned cost, the organization can use account 40 “Output of products (works, services)”.
In this case, the debit of account 40 "Output of products (works, services)" takes into account the actual production cost of products

in correspondence with the accounts for accounting for production costs, the credit of account 40 "Output of products (works, services)" reflects the planned cost of finished products, which is written off to the debit of account 43 "Finished products". At the end of the month, when the actual cost of production is fully formed, by comparing the debit and credit turnovers of account 40 “Output of products (works, services)”, the amount of deviations of the actual cost from the planned one is determined. The instructions for the application of the Chart of Accounts provide for the following procedure for writing off the amounts of deviations:
a) if the credit turnover on account 40 “Output of products (works, services)” is more than the debit one, that is, the actual cost is less than the planned one and savings are revealed, then an accounting entry is made for the amount of the deviation, made using the “red reversal” method:
b) if the debit turnover on account 40 “Output of products (works, services)” is greater than the credit turnover, that is, the actual cost exceeds the planned one (overrun), the usual accounting entry is made for the deviation amount:
Debit 90 "Sales" subaccount "Cost of sales" Credit 40 "Output of products (works, services)".
Thus, account 40 “Output of products (works, services)” is closed monthly and there is no balance on this account.
Please note that the amounts of deviations are written off to account 90 "Sales" in full, regardless of the volume of sales of products and thus increase or decrease the cost of products sold in the reporting period.
The balance of finished products in the warehouse in this case is taken into account at the planned cost.
The balance of finished products in the warehouse of the organization at the beginning of the month is 240,000 rubles at planned prices. Within a month, the warehouse received finished products at planned prices in the amount of 750,000 rubles. The amount of costs for the production of finished products, accounted for on account 20 "Main production", amounted to 900,000 rubles
lei, the balance of work in progress - 120,000 rubles. The planned cost of goods sold is 500,000 rubles.



Contents of operation
Debit Credit
20 10, 70, 69, 25, 26 900 000 Reflected the costs of the current period
40 20 780 000 The actual production cost of finished products is reflected (900,000 rubles -120,000 rubles)
43 40 750 000 Finished products accepted for accounting at planned accounting prices
90-2 43 500 000 Written off the planned cost of goods sold
90-2 40 30 000 Included in the cost of goods sold (780,000 rubles - 750,000 rubles) is the amount of the identified deviation (overrun)

The balance of finished products in the warehouse of the organization at planned prices: 240,000 rubles + 750,000 rubles - 500,000 rubles = 490,000 rubles.

On the day the finished product is transferred to the warehouse, write off the cost of manufacturing the product by posting:

Debit 43 Credit 20 (23, 29)

the finished goods issued by the main (auxiliary, servicing) production are credited in the warehouse.


LLC "Jupiter" produces lamps. The main production costs for the production of a batch of lamps amounted to 130,000 rubles. The assembly of fixtures is carried out by auxiliary production. His expenses for the assembly of this batch of lamps amounted to 14,000 rubles.

Jupiter's accountant must make the entries:

Debit 20 Credit 10 (69, 70...)

RUB 130,000 - reflects the costs of the main production for the production of lamps;

Debit 23 Credit 10 (69, 70...)

14 000 rub. - reflected the cost of assembling fixtures;

Debit 20 Credit 23

14 000 rub. - the cost of finished products includes the costs of auxiliary production;

Debit 43 Credit 20

RUB 144,000 (130,000 + 14,000) - finished products are credited to the warehouse.

Accounting for finished products at accounting prices (standard (planned) cost)

Finished products at discount prices (standard (planned) cost) can be accounted for in two ways:

using account 40 "Output of products (works, services)";

without using account 40 "Output of products (works, services)".

In most cases, account 40 is used in mass (batch) production or a large range of products.

The normative cost of products (works, services) is calculated by the organization independently on the basis of the consumption rates of materials, fuel, etc. necessary for the production of products (performance of work, provision of services).

The planned cost of products (works, services) is also established by the organization independently. So, the cost of products (works, services) according to the data of the previous reporting period can be taken as the planned cost.

Accounting for products (works, services) using account 40 Accounting for products

If you use this method, then reflect the value of the cost (both standard and planned) of manufactured products on the credit of account 40.

After the products are manufactured and transferred to the warehouse, make an entry in the accounting:

Debit 43 Credit 40

finished goods were credited at the standard (planned) cost price.

When selling finished products, reflected at the standard cost, make the following entries:

Debit 62 Credit 90-1

reflected the proceeds from the sale of finished products;

Debit 90-2 Credit 43

written off the standard (planned) cost of finished products;

VAT is charged on proceeds from the sale of products.

Take into account the actual cost of manufactured products in the debit of account 40.

The cost of products manufactured by the main (auxiliary, service) production, reflect the entry:

Debit 40 Credit 20 (23, 29)

reflects the actual cost of products manufactured by the main (auxiliary, service) production.

As a rule, the standard (planned) cost of finished products does not coincide with its actual cost.

As a result, a debit or credit balance appears on account 40.

Therefore, when writing off products accounted for at accounting prices (planned cost), you also need to write off the difference (deviation) between the actual cost of finished products and its accounting price.

Determine the amount of deviations to be written off using the formula:

┌───────────────────┐ ┌────────────┐ ┌──────────────────┐

│ Amount of deviations, │ │Regulation price│ │Percentage of deviation│

│subject to write-off│ │ products │ │actual cost-│

│ │ \u003d │ │ x │ cost of products-│

│ │ │ │ │tion from her account│

│ │ │ │ │prices │

└───────────────────┘ └────────────┘ └──────────────────┘

Calculate the percentage of deviation of the actual cost of production from its book price as follows:

┌────────────────┐ ┌───────────────────┐ ┌─────────────────┐ ┌────┐

│Percentage of rejection-│ │Deviation by goto-│ │Cost of the finished one│ │ │

│ │ actual │ │ your products on │ │ products on │ │ │

│cost price │ │beginning of month + From-│ │discount price at│ │ │

│products from it│ │deviation by finished│ │beginning of the month │ │100 │

│ discount price │ \u003d │ products, post-│: │ + Cost │ x │ │

│ │ │drinking to the warehouse in│ │ready │ │ │

│ │ │ reporting month │ │products by│ │ │

│ │ │ │ │discount price,│ │ │

│ │ │ │ │arrived at│ │ │

│ │ │ │ │ warehouse in the reporting│ │ │

│ │ │ │ │month │ │ │

└────────────────┘ └───────────────────┘ └─────────────────┘ └────┘

Write off the amount of deviations to the same accounts to which the cost of finished products was written off at discount prices.

The debit balance on account 40 (overrun) is written off monthly by posting:

Debit 90-2 Credit 40

the excess of the actual cost of manufactured products over its standard (planned) cost was written off.

The credit balance on account 40 (savings) is written off monthly with a reverse entry:

Debit 90-2 Credit 40

the excess of the standard (planned) cost of manufactured products over its actual cost was reversed.


LLC "Bella" produced and sold in the reporting period 1000 sets of glass wine glasses for a total of 118,000 rubles. (including VAT - 18,000 rubles). "Bella" reflects finished products at planned cost. The planned cost of one set is 70 rubles, the actual cost is 75 rubles.

The accountant of Bella LLC must make the following entries:

Debit 43 Credit 40

70 000 rub. (70 rubles x 1000 pcs.) - finished products are credited at the warehouse at the planned cost;

Debit 40 Credit 20

75 000 rub. (75 rubles x 1000 pieces) - reflects the actual cost of finished products;

Debit 51 Credit 62

RUB 118,000 - received funds from buyers;

Debit 62 Credit 90-1

RUB 118,000 - reflected the proceeds from the sale of products;

Debit 90-2 Credit 43

70 000 rub. - written off the planned cost of goods sold;

Debit 90-3 Credit 68 subaccount "VAT calculations"

18 000 rub. - accrued VAT payable to the budget;

Debit 90-2 Credit 40

5000 rub. (75,000 - 70,000) - the amount of excess of the actual cost of finished products over its planned cost was written off.

At the end of the month, you must record:

Debit 90-9 Credit 99

25 000 rub. (118,000 - 70,000 - 18,000 - 5,000) - profit from the sale of products is reflected.

Accounting for finished products (FP) in manufacturing companies is carried out at actual cost. Let's see how this happens in practice.

Accounting for finished products at actual cost

Actual cost is the combined cost of a business to produce goods for sale. The actual cost of finished products at the stage of the production process is accumulated on the production accounts in the context of analytical items:

  • In the debit of the 20th account - the expenses of the main workshops, broken down by item of materials, wages of shop workers, depreciation of fixed assets and intangible assets, etc.;
  • On the 23rd - the costs of auxiliary production with itemized analytics;
  • On the 29th - the costs of service farms with a distinction between the items of expenditure involved in the production of SOEs.

The prime cost of the GP includes direct costs (materials, shop wages of workers, depreciation of fixed assets, etc.) and indirect costs - general production and general business, calculated proportionally as a percentage of facilities and sites. Therefore, there is a methodology by which only direct costs are taken into account in the actual cost. Indirect ones are added by the total amount calculated as a percentage of the base of the corresponding costs.

GP accounting is conducted on the account. 43 without the formation of sub-accounts.


Basis for admission to the accounting of SOEs

Formation of the cost of production from the actual costs of production:


Certificate for the issue of GP



How to calculate the actual cost of finished products: formula

Despite the ease of recording the actual cost of a product, large companies rarely use this method. The fact is that the actual cost of the GP can only be calculated at the end of the reporting month, when all costs are collected in the relevant accounts. Therefore, when applying this algorithm, it is difficult to accurately determine the cost of the released goods for transferring it to the warehouse within a month, which is simply inconvenient.

More often, to determine the actual cost of accounting objects, a regulatory method is used, based on the preparation of a calculation according to the norms in force at the beginning of the year, and subsequent adjustments to the identified deviations from the norms. The planned cost is the estimated price of a unit of goods in accounting prices, which is a kind of cost standard, but allows you to more accurately determine the real cost of the GP throughout the reporting period and is adjusted at the end of the month.

The calculation of the actual cost is carried out according to the formula:

C fact = C pl ± O, where C pl is the planned cost, and O is the deviation of the actual cost from the planned one, i.e. from the established standards: (-) savings, (+) - overspending.

Accounting for finished products at planned cost

So, the planned cost of production, or rather the planned method of accounting for GP, makes it possible to most reliably reflect its actual cost in accounting, while relying on the calculation of the standard cost.

In this case, the firm sets discount prices at which GPs come to the warehouse. The basis for them are the developed planned cost estimates for units of production. At the standard cost, the GP is taken to the warehouse within a month and retired for sale. At the end of the month, when the size of real costs and the amount of work in progress are determined, the difference between the planned and actual cost is established.

Calculation of the planned cost is a table for calculating the cost of a unit of GP according to the standards established by the company. They are based on accounting data and economic methods used in the company, on the analysis of previous periods and the developed norms of resources necessary for the release of each item of goods. The cost estimate might look like this:

GP accounting is carried out by postings:

At the end of the reporting month, the actual cost of the GP and the amount of deviations from the planned one are determined. It is reflected in the same accounts with a STORNO entry, if the actual cost was less than the planned and additional posting, if the actual cost exceeds the standard one. In this case, the cost adjustment is made:

  • GP accepted for accounting - for the entire amount of the deviation;
  • of sold products - as a percentage of the share attributable to the sold goods.
ABC Accounting Vinogradov Alexey Yurievich

7.3. Write-off of deviations of the actual cost of finished products from the accounting cost of selling products

Finished products are accounted for in accounting at actual cost. But at enterprises there is often a situation where it is difficult to establish the actual cost of finished products at the time of their receipt at the warehouse, since it can only be calculated at the end of the month. And for the convenience of accounting for the shipment of finished products to the buyer from the warehouse, many enterprises use accounting prices (standard cost).

At the end of the month, the standard cost of finished products, which is shipped from the warehouse, is added sum of deviations, together with which the actual cost of finished products shipped to customers is obtained.

Amount of deviations, to be written off to the debit of sub-account 90-2 "Cost of sales" from the credit of account 43 "Finished products", is calculated in 2 steps according to the formulas:

[Deviation for the balance of finished products in stock at the beginning of the month + Deviation for finished products received at the warehouse for the month]

: (divide by)

[Cost of finished products in stock at discount prices at the beginning of the month + Cost of finished products received at the warehouse at discount prices for the month]

* (multiply by)

= (get)

[Variance percentage to be written off]

* (multiply by)

[Cost of finished products at discount prices shipped to customers per month]

= (get)

[Amount of deviations to be written off].

If the actual price turned out to be more than the book price, then the following posting is made for the amount of deviations for the shipped products:

Debit account 90"Sales" subaccount 90-2"Cost of sales"

Account credit 43"Finished products" sub-account "Deviation of the actual cost of finished products from the book value",

and if the actual price turned out to be less than the accounting price, then a STORNO posting is made.

Example 7.7. The company uses accounting prices for finished products.

1) At discount prices, the balance of finished products in the warehouse at the beginning of the month is 100,000 rubles. The actual cost of this balance is 120,000 rubles. That is, there is an overspending of 20,000 rubles.

Within a month, the warehouse received finished products at discount prices for 300,000 rubles. The actual cost of incoming products is 340,000 rubles. That is, there is an overspending of 40,000 rubles.

Within a month, the company shipped finished products to buyers at accounting prices for 250,000 rubles.

Accounting entries will look like:

Debit account 43"Finished products"

Account credit 20"Primary production"

300 000 rub.- received per month to the warehouse of finished products in the amount of the standard cost.

Debit account 43"Finished products"

Account credit 20"Primary production"

40 000 rub.- the difference between the actual and standard cost.

Debit account 90"Sales" subaccount 90-2"Cost of sales"

Account credit 43"Finished products" sub-account "Finished products at discount prices"

250 000 rub. - the cost of finished products at discount prices, shipped to customers per month.

Debit account 90"Sales" subaccount 90-2"Cost of sales"

Account credit 43"Finished products" sub-account "Deviation of the actual cost of finished products from the book value"

37 500 rub.

In the considered example, the revenue from the sale of products was recognized at the time of shipment products to the buyer.

If revenue from the sale of products were recognized after payment by the buyer (which should be stipulated in the contract, for example, when exporting products), that is, some time after shipment, then at the time of actual shipment, the posting would be made:

Debit account 45"Goods shipped"

Account credit 43"Finished products"

300 000 rub.- on the planned cost of shipped products,

after payment for the products, the posting would be made:

Debit account 90"Sales" subaccount 90-2"Cost of sales"

Account credit 45"Goods shipped"

300 000 rub.- planned cost of goods sold

and, finally, at the end of the month, additional postings would be made to bring the written-off cost to the actual value:

Debit account 45"Goods shipped"

Account credit 43"Finished products"

37 500 rub.- the amount of deviation attributable to the shipped products.

Debit account 90"Sales" subaccount 90-2"Cost of sales"

Account credit 45"Goods shipped"

37 500 rub.- the amount of deviation attributable to the products sold.

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75. Accounting for finished products at actual cost Accounting for the availability and movement of finished products is carried out on the active account 43 "Finished products". This account is used by organizations of branches of material production. Finished products purchased for

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76. Accounting for finished products at standard cost When using account 40 “Output of products (works, services)” for accounting for production costs, synthetic accounting of finished products is carried out on account 43 at standard or planned cost. By

From the book The ABC of Accounting author Vinogradov Alexey Yurievich

119. Analysis of the cost of production Analysis of the cost of products, works and services is of exceptional importance. It allows you to identify trends in this indicator, the implementation of the plan according to its level, to determine the influence of factors on its growth and on this

From the author's book

Lecture 8 Production cost planning 8.1. The composition of the costs included in the planned cost of production The cost of production is one of the most important economic indicators that characterize the efficiency of the enterprise. The cost is

From the author's book

Chapter 15 Plan to Minimize the Average Cost of Controlling Incoming Materials and Finished Goods I am mired in a deep swamp with nothing to stand on; entered the depths of the waters, and their rapid current carries me away. Ps. 68:3 Introduction Contents of this chapter. Even when the seller

From the author's book

7.4. Accounting for finished products at the standard (planned) cost - when using account 40 "Output of products (works, services)" When accounting for finished products at the standard (planned) cost, active account 40 "Output of products (works, services)" can be used.