The famous football player Evgeny Aldonin. Biography of Evgeny Aldonin: a new family The last years of his career

Football player Yevgeny Aldonin retired a few years ago. In this regard, his name appears less and less in social and sports chronicles. After the death of the first wife of Yevgeny Aldonin, interest in him flared up with renewed vigor. Many want to know the details of his life and who Olga is, the second wife of a football player.

The athlete never sought to be in the public eye. He preferred to win fame not through fights or gatherings in expensive restaurants, but by a good scoring game. Eugene has been fond of football since childhood. He managed to combine his studies at school and training. And the guy played tennis well. If he had not become a football player, he would have certainly reached the heights in tennis.

The guy was noticed when he was 16 years old. Then he was invited to play in the Rotor football club in Volgograd. This club became native for Aldonin. It was from there that his brilliant career began.

The debut match for the main team of Rotor took place in 2000, and two years later Aldonin was invited to the Russian national football team. The player's game is constantly improving. Many clubs have already wanted to get the midfielder into their ranks. The president of Rotor did everything possible to keep Eugene at the club, but he preferred to move on. In 2004, the football player tried on the CSKA uniform. Together with this club, he won the UEFA Cup.

Aldonin completed his career at the Volga football club. There he did not show impressive results, but the fault was not the loss of form, but the numerous injuries that haunted the football player. Because of his game, Eugene ran into a flurry of criticism, but he managed to withstand it, because he knew that during his career he had achieved a lot and was included in the rating of the best football players more than once.

non-public celebrity

Often football players choose models, singers or actresses as their wives. Thus, they probably seek to further raise their popularity rating. Evgeny Aldonin, although he married the famous singer Yulia Nachalova, did not at all strive to attend secular parties and various events.

He met Julia in 2005. In the same year, the athlete proposed to the girl and they formalized their relationship. In marriage, they had a daughter, who was named Vera. But two famous people were not destined to be together. lasted only 5 years.

After the divorce, Eugene recalled that their family life with Julia was all the time at a distance. Either he disappeared at training camps and tournaments, then she - on tour and recordings. At one point, the couple decided that the family could not exist like that. This decision was mutual for them. The divorce was quiet and was not accompanied by a scandal. The couple did not share property. Aldonin left his ex-wife and daughter an apartment in the center of Moscow.

Former spouses were able to maintain friendly relations. Until the end of her days, Julia considered Eugene to be a kindred person and never prevented him from communicating with her daughter. She knew that she could call her ex-husband at any time and ask him for advice. Nachalova has a good relationship with her current wife Olga.

Creating home comfort

The current wife of Evgeny Aldonin Olga is the exact opposite of Yulia Nachalova. She chose to devote herself entirely to the family and create family comfort. The girl is not yet interested in a career, she is busy raising her little son Artem.

Eugene and Olga met in 2014. Then the football player decided to marry the girl. On their honeymoon, they went to a luxury resort in the Dominican Republic. In early 2016, Olga found out that she was expecting a baby, and in October their son Artem was born. The birth of a half-brother was eagerly awaited by Vera, who was able to make friends with her father's new wife.

Olga developed good friendly relations with the first wife of a football player. Julia Nachalova attended their wedding. After the birth of Artem, the singer left a touching congratulation on Olga's personal page on the social network. When Nachalova died, Eugene and his wife openly expressed their condolences to their families and friends, both of them were present at the funeral.

Interesting Notes:

Olga tries to avoid publicity, but according to her publications, it can be concluded that she is modest and pleasant in communication. She prefers to bypass conflict situations, and if they arise, then smooth them out as much as possible. Olga and Eugene are very fond of traveling. They attend football and hockey matches with the whole family and like to spend time on the seashore.

Now Aldonin is truly happy, because his wife fully shares his views on life. They are satisfied with what they have. Their family is considered one of the strongest in the world of sports.

It's no secret that the personal life of many football players is accompanied by loud scandals, betrayals and accusations of each other's spouses. But the Aldonin family does not strive to demonstrate their life to the public and thereby raise their ratings. They just enjoy quiet family happiness and want not to be disturbed.

Evgeny Aldonin is a player whose name is associated with many bright pages in the history of Russian football. This talented midfielder spent most of his career with CSKA Moscow, but this extraordinary player also managed to achieve impressive success in other clubs. For a long time, our today's hero was the main player in the Russian national team. Therefore, the story of his life, for sure, will not go unnoticed by our readers.

Childhood and family of Evgeny Aldonin

Evgeny Aldonin was born on January 22, 1980 in the Ukrainian city of Alupka. Here he first became interested in football. However, very soon, classes at the sports school of the Crimean town were interrupted by the move of his family to the city of Yalta. Here, by the way, the parents of our today's hero also stayed for a short time and quite soon moved their son to the Russian city of Volgograd. Here, the future football player began to seriously engage in football again. At the age of sixteen, Eugene entered the sports boarding school of the Rotor football club, which later became his family.

Football player Yevgeny Aldonin does not plan to leave big sport

Evgeny Aldonin first started defending the colors of the Volgograd club in 1997, but the player managed to really play in the team much later. In the period from 1997 to 2000, the talented defensive midfielder played mainly in the Rotor-2 youth team and was practically not called up to the main squad.

During the time spent in the farm club of the Volgograd club, the player managed to accumulate the necessary experience, as well as get stronger emotionally and physically. At the youth level, Evgeny has always been one of the brightest players. That is why at some point the coaching staff of Rotor Volgograd decided to give the young guy a chance to prove himself at a higher level.

The career of a football player Evgeny Aldonin in big-time sports

In the main team of the club, our today's hero began to play in 2000. The first season was not the most successful for the young player. However, later the talented "opornik" became the main player of "Rotor". He often appeared in the first team, played brightly both in the support zone and in the center of defense. Moreover, Evgeny Aldonin was remembered by the club's fans for his rare ability to score important and necessary goals.

During the three years spent in the main team of Rotor Volgograd, our today's hero played in 99 matches of his native team, having managed to score seven times during this time (which is quite good for a defensive midfielder).

The bright game of the football player attracted the attention of the coaches of the Russian national team. In 2002, they called Yevgeny Aldonin to several training camps, and very soon they gave him a chance to play in one of the team's matches. The debut for the twenty-two-year-old player was the match against Ireland. In this fight, Evgeny Aldonin replaced Alexei Smertin, who was eliminated due to injury.

It is noteworthy that the debut of Aldonin in the Russian national team could be prevented by Ukraine, of which he was a native. However, the young and unknown player practically did not interest the representatives of the football federation of this state. That is why the transition of the Ukrainian to the Russian team was completed without unnecessary delay.

Evgeny Aldonin in CSKA

In 2004, after three bright seasons spent in Rotor Volgograd, Evgeny Aldonin began playing for CSKA Moscow. As part of the “army team”, the football player almost immediately became an “iron” player in the starting lineup. It is noteworthy that CSKA coach Valery Gazaev personally insisted on the transfer of the player. It was under his leadership that Evgeny also played for the Russian national team for a long time.

In CSKA Moscow, Evgeny Aldonin played 212 matches, having managed to become a true leader of the Russian club in a few years. As a player of CSKA, our today's hero won the Russian championship twice, became the silver medalist of the national championship three times, and also managed to win the Russian Cup five times. In addition, the talented Crimean native made a significant contribution to winning four Russian Super Cups, as well as the UEFA Cup, the second most important club trophy in Europe.

During the period of performances in CSKA, Evgeny Aldonin became the owner of the Order of Friendship, as well as the title of Honored Master of Sports of Russia.

Evgeny Aldonin at present

Only in 2011, the age player began to gradually lose his place in the main team of the Moscow club. In 2012, Eugene was loaned to Mordovia. As part of this club, the player played the whole season, and subsequently signed a full agreement with Volga Nizhny Novgorod. As part of this team, our today's hero performs to this day.

Football player Evgeny Aldonin with his first wife Yulia Nachalova and a child

According to the player himself, he does not plan to end his professional career yet. In one of his interviews, the footballer noted that he would be glad to return to the Russian national team. However, according to experts, such an option is unlikely.

Personal life of Evgeny Aldonin

In the personal life of the player, as well as in his professional career, there are also many interesting episodes. In June 2006, the talented midfielder married the singer Yulia Nachalova. However, even despite the fact of the birth of a common daughter, their union did not last long. The couple filed for divorce in December of that year. As repeatedly reported in the press, the reason for this was the singer's betrayal, as well as her romance with another athlete, hockey player Alexander Frolov.

Currently, Evgeny Aldonin is dating a new girl, who, as it became known, is called Victoria. It is noteworthy that, according to some media reports, before meeting with Eugene, Vika met exclusively with girls. She does not hide her former sexual orientation at all, noting that she had not previously been interested in men at all.

He is a football player in demand at one time, whose name is known to any fan of a sport popular all over the world. Two-time champion, five-time Russian and UEFA Cup winner. Evgeny Aldonin: biography, personal life and an overview of the latest tragic events that occurred in the life of an athlete.

History of success

The biography of Evgeny Aldonin, in whose personal life disappointing events have recently taken place, began in the small Crimean town of Alupka in 1980. From early childhood, the main goal of the future athlete was to play football at a professional level.

But Zhenya did not yet know how to get closer to her and understood that while training in a small town, he was only at an amateur level.

Everything was decided by the tournament, where several teams participated, including the then-famous Volgograd Rotor. The coach of the popular team noticed Aldonin's game and invited him to go to see it. Then Eugene studied in the 10th grade. So Aldonin ended up in a sports boarding school, from where his professional career began. In the first important tournament, he scored a goal and was marked by mentors.

The player has been playing for Rotor since 1997. Gradually, the coach began to connect Aldonin to the training of the main team. In 2000, the athlete made his debut in the Russian Championship, and in May of the same year he first appeared in the main team.

Aldonin played as a winger. Entering the field as part of the major league, the footballer simultaneously played for the second team of the club. Over time, Aldonin became the main player in Rotor. In total, the footballer played 102 matches for the team and scored 7 goals.

In 2003, Aldonin became an official member of the famous Moscow football team CSKA.

The athlete played his first match for this Moscow team in 2004. Playing for CSKA, Aldonin grew professionally by leaps and bounds. This is how Igor Rabiner put it in his report.

Since the summer of 2012, Aldonin has been playing for Mordovia, becoming the team captain. In total, the athlete played 22 matches for this club without striking distinctive results.

Since the fall of 2013, Aldonin has been playing for Volga Nizhny Novgorod. Then he continued to play in amateur teams. Aldonin also became the coach of the children's football club, which is closely associated with the main team of CSKA. Before 2017, the football player signed a contract with the Krasnogorsk club.

During his professional sports career, Aldonin won many different awards and entered the history of sports.

Personal life

The personal life of a football player also did not stand still. The first significant relationship in the biography of the athlete was with the singer Yulia Nachalova, who recently died suddenly. Relations developed rapidly and a year later the athlete invited the artist to marry him.

The marriage proposal was made at home, but this did not lose the spirit of solemnity and romanticism.

In June 2006, the couple had a long-awaited daughter, Vera. This child was especially valuable for Nachalova, who until recently heard the doctors' disappointing forecast about the impossibility of having. Then Julia suffered from anorexia and weighed only 42 kilograms.

The fault was the former relationship with a member of the Prime Minister group, with whom Yulia was officially married. Aldonin for Nachalova at that time became a breath of fresh air and opened the door to a new, happier life for her.

They played a magnificent wedding, which was attended by many celebrities. Then all the glossy magazines were full of photos with happy newlyweds who arrived at the wedding in a snow-white limousine. Lokomotiv footballer Dmitry Sychev was a witness to the couple.

The family happiness of the couple lasted 5 years, which officially announced the separation in December 2011. The couple separated but remained on good terms.

She herself recalled that they had never seriously quarreled for all the time that they were together. Relationships fizzled out on their own. Aldonin was constantly on the road for matches. Nachalova also did not lag behind him: developing professionally as a singer and leaving all the time on tour.

The last time before parting, Yulia Nachalova and Evgeny Aldonin appeared together in public for the sake of their daughter, having joined together on her birthday. Although the couple announced their separation in 2011, the actual marriage did not exist until this date for about two years.

The unambiguous photographs of Nachalova with the hockey player Frolov, with whom she subsequently began a romantic relationship, added fire to the oil. The singer herself denied having an affair with a famous athlete at the time the pictures were taken.

Julia explained that she accidentally ended up in the same institution with a hockey player, in which the persistent paparazzi connected them together: a fatal combination of circumstances.

One way or another, the couple maintained warm friendly relations, putting at the forefront the most precious thing they have in life - their daughter Vera. After parting with Yulia Nachalova, journalists noticed Aldonin in the company of other artists and attributed to him a relationship with them.

The result of all the rumors and conjectures was the second marriage of a football player with a girl, Olga, who gave birth to his heir. According to Wikipedia, Aldonin officially registered relations with Olga in 2014.

Nachalova never interfered with the relationship of their daughter Vera with the new family of a football player. The girl accepted her new wife Yevgeny Aldonin, her father's child from his second marriage, without any problems and actively communicated with them.

On the official Instagram, the footballer shares with subscribers the details of his personal life.

Most recently, Aldonin congratulated his new wife on their wedding anniversary by posting a photo of them together. The athlete wrote a post in which he confessed his love to his soulmate. By the way, the daughter of the football player Vera also has a page on Instagram.

Last week, the name of Yevgeny Aldonin was widely mentioned in the press, social networks, radio and television. The reason for such increased attention to the athlete was the sudden death of his first wife Yulia Nachalova.

When the singer was taken to the hospital, Aldonin was on a business trip. Having learned about the events taking place with his ex-wife, the football player asked Nachalova's relatives to keep him up to date every day. From the excitement in their voice a few days later, Aldonin realized that the situation had become more complicated.

The artist was put into an artificial coma, but all the relatives and fans of the singer hoped for the best. Unfortunately, this did not happen and Aldonin's ex-wife died on Saturday, March 16th.

The death of Yulia Nachalova was reported to the football player by his mother, who contacted her cousin Nachalova. She said that Julia was gone. At the time of her death, the artist was only 38 years old.

It was Aldonin who fell not the easiest fate to become a messenger of sad and difficult events. The football player had to tell everything about them shared with the Nachal daughter - Vera.

When all these sad events took place, the girl was with her classmates in London and did not suspect anything. Eugene was supposed to meet Vera at the airport and tell her everything when she returned.

According to the football player himself, it was very difficult for him to do this, he did not know what words to choose. When they Aldonin saw his daughter, he realized that it would be much harder to do this than he expected: Vera was in a great mood after the trip.

Only when she got into the car did Aldonin tell her that her mother was no more. The girl did not immediately understand what these words meant, and according to Aldonin, it is still hard for her to believe what happened. Now it is about her that her relatives and Aldonin himself are most worried.

Based on the latest information in the press, the Internet and television, while the daughter of Aldonin and Nachalova will remain with her grandparents - the parents of the prematurely departed singer.

The last days of Aldonin's life are overshadowed by sad events related to his family. For his daughter, now a football player is one of the most important pillars in life, his support and participation at this point in time is more important for her than ever.

He refused to take into his new family their common 12-year-old daughter, who was left alone after the death of the singer.

The mother of the ex-football player Elena Aldonina confirmed this information in the comment "".

“The granddaughter will live with her maternal grandparents, Yulia’s parents,” the woman said. - Now the girl is very worried, of course, but she will be fine.

We are all friends. We all love and respect each other. Everything will be fine".

Elena also admitted that the sudden death of her son's first wife was a bolt from the blue for their family.

“Of course, we could not expect such a misfortune! No one expects death at 38. Julia and I met, talked, and everything was always good. Her death is a coincidence,” Elena said.

It was previously assumed that the daughter would live with Aldonin and his new family - his young wife Olga and their two-year-old son.

It was the ex-footballer of CSKA who became the person who met the girl at the airport upon arrival from London, where she spent her holidays, and told her the tragic news of Nachalova's death.

However, after a meeting in the circle of the closest people, Aldonin came to the conclusion that it would be better for his daughter to move to her maternal grandparents, who paid great attention to their granddaughter.

The fact is that Nachalova quite often went on tour and devoted her free time to creative projects, which is why her parents often came to the rescue and played the role of nannies for the girl.

And now the teenager will finally move to his grandparents - the composer Viktor Nachalov and his wife Taisiya. At the same time, Aldonin's mother Elena promised to help the former matchmakers in everything, since she also feels affection for her eldest granddaughter. The woman currently lives alone: ​​her husband died in a car accident 14 years ago.

It turns out that her son could unwittingly repeat the fate of his mother and lose his soul mate. However, the marriage of Evgeny Aldonin and Nachalova broke up in 2011.

At the same time, close friends of the singer believe that the football player was the only perfect match for her.

“Zhenya was, perhaps, the only decent and decent man in Yulia’s life, since the other two husbands brought more suffering and injustice into her life

- either mercenary showdowns, or simply undeserved accusations, ”said a person from Nachalova’s close circle“.

Another friend of the singer and her colleague in the craft, Alexander, expressed the opinion that there is no need to worry about the fate of Nachalova's daughter - no one will leave her alone.

“Despite the divorce of Yulia and Eugene, their daughter never felt like a separated child, as often happens in such cases. Both mom and dad always found a common language, and she was loved on both sides, - said the artist. Her parents respected each other even after the breakup.

For example, I never heard negative words from Yulia in the direction of Evgeny, including after he started another family, and he had a new child there.

Aldonin, in general, from the very beginning was a fan of Nachalova and always loved her.

And so their family appeared - thanks to great love. Of course, their child, born in such a relationship, was very happy.”

Panayotov also confirmed that after a divorce from Nachalova, Aldonin continued to take an active part in raising his daughter, and not only helped her financially, but also often paid personal attention.

“To a greater extent, of course, the daughter was with Yulia and with her grandparents on her mother’s side, but she was often with her dad.

Julia only encouraged them to see each other as much as possible, to be with dad, ”said the singer.

He also spoke about the warm relationship between the singer and her ex-husband, who was the head coach of CSKA Moscow at a time when the colors of red and blue were defended by Aldonin.

The specialist was lucky enough to attend the wedding of the player and Nachalova, which took place in 2006.

“We attended the celebration with the entire CSKA team. I want to say that Julia and Eugene were the most beautiful couple. Yes, they were truly in love.

Zhenya is generally a very loving husband and a great person. As a true professional, he treats everything in his life carefully and responsibly,” said Gazzaev.

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Evgeny Valerievich Aldonin. Born on January 22, 1980 in Alupka (Crimea). Russian footballer, midfielder. Two-time champion of Russia (2005, 2006), five-time winner of the Russian Cup (2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2011), winner of the UEFA Cup (2005). Honored Master of Sports of the Russian Federation (2005).

His father was a ship mechanic who died in a car accident in 2005.

Mother worked as a store manager.

From an early age he was involved in sports. His passions were tennis (for which he retained a lifelong love) and football.

At some point, the family moved to Yalta, where he grew up.

At the age of 16, Aldonin moved to Volgograd, where he was invited to join FC "Rotor". Since 1997, he began to play for the reserve team of this Rotor-2 team and immediately became the top scorer in the zonal tournament of the Russian championship among teams born in 1980-1981 at clubs of the highest and first leagues. In 2000, he left the main team in the game against Krylya Sovetov. May 13, 2000 first entered the field in the starting lineup.

Established in the position of extreme midfielder. Since 2001, Aldonin has been playing as a defensive midfielder.

In the 2002 season, Aldonin entered the list of 33 best players in the championship. In August of the same year, Valery Gazzaev called him to the main national team for the first time.

On March 17, 2002, he scored his first goal in his professional career, scoring in a match against Sokol Saratov and bringing Rotor a 2-1 victory.

In the 2002/2003 season, Aldonin was included in the list of 33 best players in the RFPL for the second time in a row. In the championship, the midfielder played 29 matches and scored one goal, which he scored in the game with Yaroslavl "Shinnik". In total, he played 102 matches for Rotor and scored 7 goals.

In November 2003, it became known about Aldonin's transfer to the Moscow CSKA, he signed a contract with the "soldiers" for 4 years.

Aldonin played his debut match for CSKA on March 7, 2004 in the Russian Super Cup against Spartak Moscow. The game ended with the victory of CSKA with a score of 3:1. In the season, Aldonin played for the club in all 30 league matches.

2005 was the most successful year in the history of CSKA: the club won the championship, the Russian Cup and the UEFA Cup in it. Evgeny was a key player in the team during the season, constantly appearing in the first team. On March 10, 2005, in the game with Partizan in the UEFA Cup, Aldonin scored his first goal for the "army" club and helped the team avoid defeat.

In the UEFA Cup final, CSKA faced Sporting. The midfielder came out in the first team and had a good match in terms of the quality of the game, and CSKA defeated the opponent with a score of 3:1.

On June 22, 2005, in a match against Shinnik, he received two yellow cards in the first half and was sent off for the first time in his career.

In total for the season, Aldonin played 58 matches and scored 4 goals in all tournaments and added quite a lot in attacking actions, often giving sharpening passes to his partners.

In the first match of 2006, which was held as part of the Russian Cup, against Spartak Kostroma, the midfielder scored a double, and one of these goals was scored into the upper corner of the goal from a distance of thirty meters. This season, the Red-Blues took the championship and the cup, and Aldonin entered the list of 33 best players in the Premier League at number 2, as a central midfielder.

In 2007, CSKA did not win a single trophy and took only third place in the championship. During the season, Aldonin played 27 matches and scored 2 goals in the Russian Premier League. Already after the end of the season, at the winter training camp, the midfielder was embroiled in a conflict between Sergei Ignashevich and the team's head coach Valery Gazzaev, and because of this, the latter sent Evgeny to double for several matches of the new season.

However, later the coach returned the midfielder to the main squad and Aldonin spent the rest of the season at a good level. At the end of the season, Gazzaev left CSKA, and the Brazilian Ziko took his place, who continued to trust Evgeny with a key role in the team. On March 31, in the final of the Russian Cup, Aldonin scored the only goal against Rubin in stoppage time for the second half and brought the trophy to the Red-Blues.

From the beginning of the 2010 season, Evgeny began to increasingly remain on the bench, losing the competition.

In the 2011 season, Evgeny played a large number of matches in European competitions, but in the Russian championship he played only 32 out of 44 games, in many of which Aldonin came out at the end of matches. At the end of the championship, CSKA began to negotiate with Premier League clubs regarding the rental of a midfielder, while Aldonin himself trained with the youth team at that time.

Evgeny Aldonin's style of play. At the very beginning of his career, Aldonin played as an attacking midfielder, but then he retrained as a defensive midfielder. His best playing qualities were tackling the ball and good positioning. He had a strong delivered blow from his left foot. The midfielder has always played diligently and disciplined, and also distinguished by dedication and fighting character. At the same time, Eugene often broke the rules and received yellow cards.

Evgeny Aldonin in the Russian national team

Aldonin had the right to play for the Ukrainian national team, in the 1998 season he was declared in the second division as a citizen of Ukraine. But the FFU showed no interest in the player. After participating in foreign training camps of the Rotor main team, he received Russian citizenship.

In May 2001, he was called up by Valery Gazzaev to the Russian youth team, but did not play a single match for it.

On August 13, 2002, Aldonin was called up to the Russian national team for the first time for a friendly match against Sweden. On August 21, he made his debut after a break in the position of a defensive midfielder.

Gazzaev invited Aldonin to the next match, which was held as part of the qualifying tournament for Euro 2004, in which the Irish team played against the Russians. Before the game, Smertin was injured, and Aldonin replaced him in the starting lineup. Having played the entire match, he earned positive reviews, and also received comparisons from the press with Smertin.

From August 2002 to September 2003 he played in all ten games of the national team. Russia has qualified for the final stage of the European Championship after two play-offs against Wales. Aldonin was in the national team's application for them, but did not enter the field.

Was a member Euro 2004. In the group stage match against the Spaniards (0:1), Aldonin came out in the starting lineup, but did not play the best way and was replaced by Dmitry Sychev in the 68th minute. In the next game against Portugal, Yartsev again released Aldonin on the field from the first minutes, but in the 45th minute, goalkeeper Sergei Ovchinnikov received a red card, and Aldonin was replaced by Vyacheslav Malafeev. The Portuguese won, and the Russian team lost the chance of reaching the quarterfinals. In the last, victorious game against the Greeks, Aldonin did not enter the field.

In the qualifying tournament for the 2006 World Cup, Aldonin played 7 matches. Russia finished third in the group and did not qualify for the tournament.

In the fall of 2006, the selection for Euro 2008 began, Guus Hiddink became the coach of the national team, who chose Aldonin as the captain of the national team in a friendly game against Latvia. For the next match, which was already held as part of the qualifying tournament, Alexei Smertin, who had previously played the role of captain, was called to the location of the national team. But Hiddink again gave the armband to Aldonin. Then he missed two games of the qualifying stage due to injury, but on October 7 he again participated as a captain in a qualifying match against Israel, and on October 11 against Estonia. In total, he played 3 matches in the qualifying tournament.

In 2007, Aldonin played one game for the national team - on February 7, he replaced Yegor Titov in a match against the Netherlands. This match was the last for the midfielder in the national team.

In total, Aldonin played for the Russian national team in 29 matches (in 4 as a captain), without scoring goals.

In July 2012, on loan, he moved to FC "Mordovia". Aldonin played his first match for the new club on July 27, 2012, the rival of Mordovia was the Krasnodar Kuban. On August 19, the midfielder entered the field in the game against CSKA - this match was the 450th for him in his professional career. In total, he played 22 matches for the club.

September 2, 2013 Aldonin moved to the Nizhny Novgorod club "Volga". On September 4, in the Russian Championship, he played in a match against Spartak. At the end of the season, Volga was relegated to the FNL.

Then he became a children's coach of the CSKA-Vatutinki club, which is closely associated with the main "army" team. In 2014 he received a coaching license category "A". In 2016, he began working in the All-Russian Professional Union of Football Players together with.

Before the 2017/18 season, he signed a contract with the PFL club Zorkiy Krasnogorsk.

Participates in charity events, holds a football tournament in his native Alupka called the Evgeny Aldonin Cup.

The growth of Evgeny Aldonin: 179 centimeters.

Personal life of Evgeny Aldonin:

Was married twice.

Evgeny Aldonin and Yulia Nachalova in the program "Let them talk"