Walk of Fame. Walk of Fame During the Great Patriotic War

One of the most famous tank crews of the USSR, Alexander Mikhailovich Fadin, was a professional officer who graduated from the Gorky Tank School and the Higher Armored School in Leningrad. Fadin first appeared at the front in 1943 and took part in a number of major battles on the Soviet-German front, including the grand battle of the Kursk Bulge, which finally turned the tide of the war in favor of the USSR.

One of the brightest combat episodes of the military career of Alexander Fadin was the operation of the Soviet troops to liberate the Ukrainian capital - Kyiv from the Nazi invaders. With the beginning of the general offensive, Fadin's tank brigade went to the highway to Zhitomir, cutting off one of the possible escape routes for the enemy. The commander of the T-34 tank, Fadin, was among the first to break into Kyiv; during the fighting, the crew of his tank chalked up at least three wrecked Nazi combat vehicles - two tanks and a self-propelled gun, as well as a large number of destroyed enemy infantry.

Remarkable combat episodes in the battle path of Alexander Fadin occurred in the winter of 1943. It was then that in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe settlement of Kamenny Brody, his "thirty-four" was able to knock out a German heavy tank "Tiger", actually turning the situation on the front sector that was unsuccessful for his brigade. In the area of ​​​​the city of Chernyakhov, a few days later, Fadin's tank was hit by enemy fire and was subjected to serious fire from the advancing German infantry, however, all attempts by the Nazis to approach the tank and capture the Soviet combat vehicle that had lost its course were unsuccessful - Fadin and his comrades continued to fire from guns and machine guns, inflicting significant losses on the advancing Germans.

Tank commander Alexander Mikhailovich Fadin in every combat situation showed courage and stamina - characteristic features of many Soviet soldiers during the Great Patriotic War. In the winter of 1944, in the battles in Ukraine, a tank under his command captured an enemy artillery battery, burned one self-propelled guns and destroyed a truck with German infantrymen. In the same month, Fadin distinguished himself during the assault on the village of Dashukovka, which was occupied by a surprise night attack by a platoon of Soviet infantrymen supported by his only tank. During the battle, the Germans lost a large number of machine-gun points and several mortar crews, the Soviet units destroyed an armored personnel carrier and three tanks holding the defense of the village. The attackers also shot down a German reconnaissance aircraft. Fadin's tank was hit during the battle, one of the crew members died, the rest were wounded, but the Germans did not manage to drive the Soviet infantry and Fadin's tankers out of the village. The reinforcements of the Soviet troops that soon arrived forced the Nazis to finally leave Dashukovka.

Alexander Fadin participated in many major operations of the Soviet troops at the final stage of the war, having fought through half of Europe, freeing city after city from the enemy in Hungary, Austria, Czechoslovakia and other countries. He was awarded medals "For the capture of Vienna", "For the liberation of Prague" and "For the capture of Budapest". Fadin ended the war in the Far East, where Soviet troops were completing the defeat of Imperial Japan, and participated in the capture of Port Arthur.

After the end of the war, he held many military posts, in the mid-70s he defended his thesis for a candidate of military sciences, and in the early 80s he was awarded the title of professor at the Academy of Military Sciences. Fadin was the author of dozens of scientific papers on military topics. In the late 90s he worked at the Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces Russian Federation. The famous tanker died in the fall of 2011.

During the battle in February 1944, during the capture of the village of Dashukovka, the tank crew under the command of Alexander Fadin single-handedly destroyed three tanks, an armored personnel carrier, two mortars with crews, 16 machine-gun points of the enemy, and shot down a German aircraft with a shot from the main gun. About the hero and his feat - our material.

Colonel's watch

Alexander Mikhailovich Fadin was born in 1924 into a simple peasant family. At the time of the outbreak of the war, he was only 16 years old, and he did not belong to the draft, but he wanted to fight passionately, therefore, like many teenagers, he added two years to himself. He was enrolled in the 2nd Gorky Automobile and Motorcycle School, where he soon became one of the best. In August 1942, the school was retrained as a tank school. Naturally, the cadets greeted this change with jubilation - the Soviet T-34 and KV-1 tanks made a rustle at the front, and it was a tempting offer to fight on them.

Fadin himself recalled: "We, the youth, shout:" Hurrah! You will burn in these iron boxes."

The time has come to take exams, the theoretical part and fire training were the most important and decisive among them. You pass both with "good" and here you are - a junior lieutenant, with "excellent" - a whole lieutenant. Alexander passed the theory with "5", but the main difficulties were associated with shooting. The tests took place at the test site. During the exam, a tractor moved a target on a cable - a wooden model of a tank, and the cadets had to hit it from 1500 meters. At the same time, the T-34 with the examinees travels to a certain point, stops for a few seconds and fires a shot, and the fewer seconds the student spent aiming, the better.

During the shooting, Fadin decided not to slow down at all and make a shot right away - an unprecedented thing at that time, especially from such a distance.

“I was allowed to shoot on the move, but the examiner warned: “Keep in mind, if you don’t hit with all three shells, then you won’t get a junior lieutenant, but you will get a senior sergeant” ... As soon as they approached the firing line, the mechanic says: “ Wait, wait, now there will be a "path" (a place to stop and shoot - ed.). And I caught a target, a shot - there is no stern! It was a blast! We returned to the starting point, the colonel runs up, shakes hands, takes off and gives me his watch," he recalled.

Baptism of fire had to wait until June 1943. During the debut, Fadin knocked out the first German Pz-4, and a couple of minutes later a truck with retreating enemy infantry took off.

Fadin's crew brightly showed itself towards the end of the 43rd year, liberating Kyiv. Two T-34s and an ISU-152 self-propelled gun were blocking a strategically important clearing in the forest, when a German "Tiger" unexpectedly stepped on them. A couple of seconds passed, and, flashing, he lit up the moonless night like a hundred torches. A few moments, and the flames cover the next tank with a cross on its side. Both tanks were personally shot down by Fadin. When his car moved forward, it discovered the third victim - a self-propelled artillery mount from the StuG III assault gun class, lurking in the bushes and left without support.

No man is an island

Alexander Mikhailovich accomplished the most important feat in February 1944. Only his tank, with the support of infantry, held back the many times superior enemy forces. However, the word "restrained" does not show how bold and bright that battle was.

The order from the authorities almost single-handedly to hold the approaches to the village caught Fadin by surprise. But there was nowhere to wait for help, and since only his tank was on the move, it means that he had to go on a suicide mission. We loaded two ammunition into the car and set off.

The first problems appeared even before the start of the battle. Before the village, which was to be captured, there was a deep ravine, the ramp into which gave the tank crazy acceleration. However, this speed was not enough to overcome the obstacle. Several times the T-34 limply rolled back, and then the commander, together with the crew, came up with a solution: firstly, use special attachments for the tracks, and secondly, the movement should go in reverse. Succeeded!

At night, tired and exhausted tankers climbed to the other side of the ravine and found help - 45-50 infantry. Having rested a little, the Red Army went on the attack. They immediately heard the chirping of enemy machine-gun emplacements, and the tank only had time to turn its turret, extinguishing the fascist points fortified in the village with high-explosive shells on the move.

When the first part of the night battle came to an end, Alexander Fadin's T-34 had 16 such points. But out of 50 infantrymen, no more than 20 survived, and German trucks and armored personnel carriers appeared on the road. The situation seemed catastrophic, only luck and the excellent eye of the tank commander radically changed the course of the battle.

At night, fascist cars always moved with their headlights on. So they revealed themselves, but at the same time minimized the loss of cars on the roads broken by slush. This was taken advantage of by a lone Soviet tank. "Splinter, fire!" - and the first truck shattered to smithereens, another shot - the last one blazed.

"The mechanic says to me:" Lieutenant, do not shoot all the cars, you need to collect trophies. discharged a disk from a Degtyarev tank machine gun coaxial with a cannon," the tank hero said.

We had barely dealt with this problem, as two German Pz IVs sneaking around in a neighboring field noticed. Once again - shots at the enemy, and once again - the cars were hit. True, there were just no shells left - about 15 out of 150. A few minutes passed, and a German plane flew over the road with wrecked vans, right above the telegraph poles.

Alexander Mikhailovich recalled: “The plane was cruising along this line and, knowing approximately the distance between the pillars, I calculated its speed. It was small, about 50-60 kilometers per hour. When the plane dropped the load and flew past us, I decided that if he will turn around, I will try to shoot him down. I give the command to Fetisov to unscrew the cap and load it with fragmentation. The plane turns around, I take a lead - a shot. The shell hit him right in the engine, and the plane broke."

This doesn’t happen every day on the battlefield, machine-gun emplacements and armored personnel carriers are commonplace, but to shoot down a plane from a tank?! But that was not all. As if a charmed T-34 notices movement 100 meters away, and randomly fires the last shell in that direction. And now, from behind a smoke screen, German submachine gunners, engulfed in flames, run out, and a terrible explosion rumbles behind them - Fadin's shell set fire to the "Tiger", and the fire blew up the tank's ammunition.

The battle lasted over five hours. At its very end, an enemy shell hit the T-34 hull, killing the loader. The rest of the crew was injured, but held out until help and main forces arrived. For that battle, the entire crew was presented for awards, and Commander Fadin himself - for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. True, he was not awarded for unknown reasons, and only in 1996 he received the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

Help "RG"

In the post-war period, Alexander Mikhailovich served at the Military Academy of Armored Forces, then he trained tankers in Syria. Since 1998 he served in the Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. He was the author and co-author of more than 40 scientific papers. The tank hero died on November 10, 2011.

Fadin Alexander Mikhailovich - veteran of the Great Patriotic War, former commander of the T-34 tank of the 207th battalion of the 22nd guards tank brigade of the 5th guards Stalingrad tank corps of the Voronezh (then 1st Ukrainian) front, retired guard colonel.

Born on October 10, 1924 in the village of Knyazevka, now the Arzamas district of the Nizhny Novgorod region, into a peasant family. Russian. In 1940 he graduated from an incomplete secondary school in the city of Arzamas and entered the Gorky River College.

When the Great Patriotic War began, A.M. Fadin was not taken to the front because of his childhood. He graduated from the tank school in the city of Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod) and the Leningrad Higher Officer Armored School. Member of the Great Patriotic War since 1943. He fought on the Voronezh, 1st, 2nd and 3rd Ukrainian fronts. Participated in the Battle of Kursk and the Belgorod-Kharkov offensive operation.

The crew of A.M. Fadin especially distinguished himself in the Kiev offensive operation, carried out in the first half of November 1943. Its goal was to defeat the grouping of Nazi troops in the Kyiv region and liberate the capital of Ukraine. At the end of September, bridgeheads were captured on the right bank of the Dnieper north and south of Kyiv, attempts were made to liberate the city twice, but these operations did not achieve the desired result. A high patriotic enthusiasm reigned in the troops, everyone was burning with the desire to throw the enemy out of the capital of Ukraine. As if by itself, the time limit for the liberation of the city emerged and was determined - by November 7th. The 22nd Guards Tank Brigade of the 5th Guards Tank Corps, in which A.M. Fadin fought, on November 5, having completed the breakthrough of enemy defenses together with other troops, cut the Kyiv-Zhitomir highway. By the morning of November 6, the capital of Ukraine was liberated. Lieutenant A.M. Fadin, having overcome a hard-to-reach area of ​​wooded and swampy terrain on his tank, having destroyed two enemy tanks, a self-propelled gun, several heavy machine guns with his fire and exterminating more than a dozen Nazis, he was one of the first to break into Kyiv. The battle was on the outskirts of the city. At the intersection of two streets, a smoking enemy self-propelled gun suddenly came to life and opened fire. She set fire to the tank driven by Lieutenant Golubev. A.M. Fadin turned the turret of his tank and put a shell into the side of the self-propelled gun.

In December 1943, in the battle for Kamennye Brody in Right-Bank Ukraine, A.M. Fadin personally knocked out a heavy tank "tiger" and provided the main forces of the brigade with favorable conditions for deployment and entry into battle. And four days later, in the battle for the settlement of Chernyakhov, his tank, already being hit, repulsed the attack with its fire to an infantry platoon trying to capture the tank. The crew of A.M. Fadin destroyed up to twenty and captured thirteen Nazis.

In the battles for the city of Tarashcha in February 1944, A.M. Fadin on his tank attacked and captured an artillery battery on the move, without even letting it turn around, he was the first to break into the city, in a street battle he destroyed a heavy Ferdinand self-propelled gun and a bus with soldiers and enemy officers.

Heroism and personal courage were also shown by A.M. Fadin during the defeat of the encircled Korsun-Shevchenkovsky enemy grouping in February 1944. His only tank, supported by an infantry platoon, captured the village of Dashukovka in a night attack and held it for more than five hours, until the brigade's main forces arrived. In this battle, the crew of A.M. Fadin destroyed 3 tanks, 1 armored personnel carrier, 2 mortars with crews, 12 machine-gun points of the enemy, and also shot down a German aircraft with the fire of a turret machine gun. Our tank was also hit, all crew members were injured, the turret gunner was killed, but the wounded did not leave the battle until reinforcements arrived.

Then he participated in the Iasi-Kishinev operation, in the battles to liberate Romania, Hungary, Austria and Czechoslovakia. A.M.Fadin ended the war in the Far East. As commander of a tank company on the Trans-Baikal Front, he participated in the defeat of the Japanese Kwantung Army, successfully overcame the mountain ranges of the Greater Khingan on his tested combat vehicles, smashed the enemy in the vast expanses of Manchuria and in capturing Port Arthur.

A.M. Fadin twice presented himself for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. The first time he was presented to the heroic title in November 1943 for his distinction in the battles for the liberation of Kyiv. The idea reached the Military Council of the 38th Army. Commander K.S.Moskalenko and a member of the Military Council A.A.Epishev decided to award A.M.Fadin the Order of the Red Banner. The second time he was presented to the heroic title in February 1945 for distinction in the battle for Dashukovka in the Korsun-Shevchenko operation. The idea reached the Military Council of the Front. The commander and member of the Military Council of the front did not leave a written decision on the award sheet. The assignment of the heroic title did not take place then.

After the war, he served as commander of a tank battalion, deputy chief of staff and chief of staff of a tank regiment, deputy commander of a tank regiment, officer in the combat training department of the Civil Defense headquarters of the USSR Ministry of Defense.

In 1964 he was transferred to the service in military academy armored forces to the post of head of the combat department of the academy. In 1967 he was appointed to the post of lecturer in the Department of Tactics, where he worked until 1975. In 1975 he defended his dissertation for the degree of candidate of military sciences. By the decision of the highest attestation commission in 1981, he was awarded the title of associate professor, and then professor of the Academy of Military Sciences. He was the author or co-author of more than 40 military-scientific works.

In 1976-1978 he was on a business trip in the Syrian Arab Republic, organized the training of tank troops officers. Since 1996, Colonel A.M. Fadin has been retired.

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 6, 1996 for the courage and heroism shown in the fight against the Nazi invaders in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, Fadin Alexander Mikhailovich He was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation with the award of a sign of special distinction - the Gold Star medal.

He continued to work at the Military Academy of Armored Forces named after R.Ya. Malinovsky as a researcher in the research teaching and methodological group of the academy. Since 1998, senior researcher at the Center for Information Technology of the Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Actively participated in military-patriotic work.

He was awarded the Orders of the Red Banner, Alexander Nevsky, Patriotic War 1st and 2nd degree, Red Star, "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" 3rd degree, medals, including "For Military Merit", the Order of the White Double cross of the 2nd degree (2010, Slovakia).

Alexander Mikhailovich Fadin(October 10, 1924 - November 10, 2011) - Soviet and Russian officer, during the Great Patriotic War - commander of the T-34 tank of the 207th tank battalion of the 22nd guards tank brigade of the 5th guards tank corps, retired guard colonel. Hero of the Russian Federation.

Candidate of Military Sciences, Professor of the Academy of Military Sciences, Researcher at the Military Academy of Armored Forces named after R. Ya. Malinovsky, Senior Researcher at the Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Childhood, education

Born on October 10, 1924 in the village of Knyazevka (now the Arzamas district of the Nizhny Novgorod region) in the family of a tailor. Russian. Father - Mikhail Alexandrovich Fadin, tailor. Mother - Maria Antonovna Fadina. In 1940 he graduated from an incomplete secondary school in the city of Arzamas and entered the Gorky River College.

During the Great Patriotic War

With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, A. M. Fadin volunteered to go to the front, but he was not taken due to his infancy. He graduated from the tank school in the city of Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod) and the Leningrad Higher Officer Armored School.

At the front since 1943. He fought on the Voronezh, 1st, 2nd and 3rd Ukrainian fronts. Participated in the Battle of Kursk and the Belgorod-Kharkov offensive operation.

The crew of A. M. Fadin especially distinguished himself during the “Battle for the Dnieper” in the Kiev offensive operation, carried out in the first half of November 1943. Its goal was to defeat the grouping of Nazi troops in the Kyiv region and liberate the capital of Ukraine. At the end of September, bridgeheads were captured on the right bank of the Dnieper north and south of Kyiv, attempts were made to liberate the city twice, but these operations did not achieve the desired result. A high patriotic enthusiasm reigned in the troops, everyone was burning with the desire to throw the enemy out of Kyiv. The time limit for the liberation of the city was determined - by November 7, the anniversary of the October Revolution.

The 22nd Guards Tank Brigade of the 5th Guards Tank Corps, in which A. M. Fadin fought, on November 5, having completed the breakthrough of enemy defenses together with other troops, cut the Kyiv-Zhitomir highway. By the morning of November 6, the capital of Ukraine was liberated. Lieutenant A. M. Fadin, having overcome a hard-to-reach area of ​​wooded and swampy terrain on his tank, was one of the first to break into Kyiv, destroying two tanks, a self-propelled gun, several heavy machine guns and exterminating more than a dozen enemy soldiers with his fire. The battle was on the outskirts of the city. At the intersection of two streets, a smoking enemy assault gun suddenly “came to life” and opened fire. The self-propelled gun set fire to a nearby tank, which was led by Lieutenant Golubev. A. M. Fadin turned the turret of his tank and destroyed the self-propelled gun with a direct hit on the side.

In December 1943, in the battle for Kamennye Brody in Right-Bank Ukraine, A. M. Fadin personally knocked out a heavy tank "Tiger" and provided the main forces of the brigade with favorable conditions for deployment and entry into battle. And four days later, in the battle for the settlement of Chernyakhov, his tank, already being hit, repulsed the attack with its fire to an infantry platoon trying to capture the tank. The crew of A. M. Fadin destroyed up to 20 and captured 13 enemy soldiers.

In the battles for the city of Tarashcha in February 1944, A. M. Fadin on his tank attacked and captured an artillery battery on the move, not even allowing it to turn around. He was the first to break into the city, in a street battle he destroyed the Ferdinand heavy self-propelled gun and a bus with enemy soldiers and officers.

A. M. Fadin also showed heroism and personal courage during the defeat of the encircled Korsun-Shevchenkovsky enemy grouping in February 1944. His only tank, supported by an infantry platoon, captured the village of Dashukovka in a night attack and held it for more than five hours until the brigade's main forces arrived. In this battle, the crew of A. M. Fadin destroyed 3 tanks, 1 armored personnel carrier, 2 mortars with crews, 12 machine-gun points of the enemy, and a German aircraft was shot down from the main gun of the tank, cruising low above the ground along telegraph poles. A. M. Fadin's tank was also hit, all crew members were injured, the turret gunner was killed, but the surviving wounded tankers did not leave the battle until reinforcements arrived.

Then he participated in the Iasi-Kishinev operation, in the battles to liberate Romania, Hungary, Austria and Czechoslovakia.

A. M. Fadin twice presented himself for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. The first time he was presented to the heroic title in November 1943 for his distinction in the battles for the liberation of Kyiv. The idea reached the Military Council of the 38th Army. Commander K. S. Moskalenko and member of the Military Council A. A. Epishev decided to award A. M. Fadin with the Order of the Red Banner. The second time he was presented to the heroic title in February 1944 for distinction in the battle for Dashukovka in the Korsun-Shevchenko operation. The submission reached the Military Council of the Front, but the commander and member of the Military Council of the Front did not leave a written decision on the award list, and the assignment of the heroic title did not take place then. Was awarded the Order of Alexander Nevsky.

End of the war

A. M. Fadin ended the war in the Far East. As commander of a tank company on the Trans-Baikal Front, he participated in the defeat of the Japanese Kwantung Army, successfully overcame the mountain ranges of the Greater Khingan on his tested combat vehicles, smashed the enemy in the vast expanses of Manchuria and in capturing Port Arthur.

post-war period

After the war, he served as commander of a tank battalion, deputy chief of staff and chief of staff of a tank regiment, deputy commander of a tank regiment, officer in the combat training department of the Civil Defense headquarters of the USSR Ministry of Defense.

In 1964 he was transferred to serve in the Military Academy of Armored Forces as the head of the combat department of the academy. In 1967 he was appointed to the post of lecturer in the Department of Tactics, where he worked until 1975. In 1975 he defended his dissertation for the degree of candidate of military sciences. By the decision of the highest attestation commission in 1981, he was awarded the title of associate professor, and then professor of the Academy of Military Sciences. He was the author or co-author of more than 40 military-scientific works.

In 1976-1978 he was on a business trip in the Syrian Arab Republic, organized the training of tank troops officers. Since 1996, Colonel A. M. Fadin has been retired.

By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 6, 1996 "for the courage and heroism shown in the fight against the Nazi invaders in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945", Fadin Alexander Mikhailovich was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation with the award of a special distinction - the Gold medal. Star" (No. 346).

He continued to work at the Military Academy of Armored Forces named after R. Ya. Malinovsky as a researcher in the research teaching and methodological group of the academy. Since 1998 - senior researcher at the Information Technology Center of the Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Actively participated in military-patriotic work.

Fadin Alexander Mikhailovich

(10.10.1924 - 10.11.2011)

Born on October 10, 1924 in the village of Knyazevka, Arzamas district, Nizhny Novgorod region. In 1940 he graduated from an incomplete secondary school and entered the Gorky River College.

With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, having added two years to himself, he came to the draft board as a volunteer and was enrolled in the 2nd Gorky Automobile and Motorcycle School, in the 9th company of the third motorcycle battalion. After an eight-month training course, the third battalion continued training under the program for commanders of automobile platoons.

At the end of August 1942, the school was renamed the 2nd Gorky Tank School, and Alexander Mikhailovich, among 100 people selected from graduates, continued his studies there. April 25, 1943, after completing the course, he was awarded the rank of lieutenant. Graduates were sent to the 3rd Reserve Tank Regiment at Plant No. 112. Crews were formed there, who were trained in a marching company, received new tanks from the plant and were sent by echelon to the front in the Kursk Bulge region, where they became part of the 207th Battalion of the 22nd Guards Tank Brigade of the 5th Guards Stalingrad Tank Corps of the Voronezh Front. Here Lieutenant Fadin received his baptism of fire. In the very first battles, he, as stated in the combat characteristics, "showed examples of courage and fearlessness."

Alexander Mikhailovich began to fight as a T-34 tank commander. The first battle began with an offensive on July 12 and ended on July 16, when his tank was knocked out. Of the sixty-two graduates of the school who came to the corps, after four days of the offensive, only seven remained, and by the autumn of 1944, only two of them remained. After the first battle, in which Alexander Mikhailovich was able to prove that he knew how to fight, he became a guardsman. Later, Alexander Fadin participated in the Belgorod-Kharkov offensive operation, distinguished himself in the battles for Kyiv in November 1943.

But the war continued. There were new battles, new victories over the enemy, experience was added every day, self-confidence and faith in success, in victory grew. Here are just some examples of how fearlessly and skillfully a graduate of the Gorky Tank School fought.

In December 1943, in the battle for Kamennye Brody in Right-Bank Ukraine, Alexander Fadin personally knocked out a heavy Tiger tank and provided the main forces of the brigade with favorable conditions for deployment and entry into battle. And four days later, in the battle for the settlement of Chernyakhov, his tank, already being hit, repulsed the attack with its fire to the enemy infantry platoon, which was trying to capture the tank. The crew of Alexander Fadin at the same time destroyed up to 20 and captured 13 Nazis.

In the battles for the city of Tarashcha in February 1944, Alexander Fadin on his tank attacked and captured an enemy battery on the move, without even letting it turn around, he was the first to break into the city, in a street battle he destroyed a heavy Ferdinand self-propelled gun and a bus with enemy soldiers and officers .

Heroism and personal courage were also shown by Alexander Fadin during the defeat of the encircled Korsun-Shevchenko enemy grouping in February 1944. His only tank, supported by an infantry platoon, captured the village of Dashukovka in a night attack and held it for more than five hours until the brigade's main forces arrived. In this battle, Fadin's crew destroyed 3 tanks, 1 armored personnel carrier, 2 mortars with crews, 12 machine-gun points of the enemy, and also shot down a German aircraft with the fire of a machine gun turret. Fadin's tank was also hit, all crew members were injured, the turret gunner was killed, but the wounded did not leave the battle until reinforcements arrived.

Then Alexander Fadin participated in the Iasi-Kishinev operation, in the battles to liberate Romania, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Austria, where he was caught by the Victory. Alexander Fadin ended the war in the Far East. As commander of a tank company on the Trans-Baikal Front, he participated in the defeat of the Japanese Kwantung Army, successfully overcame the mountain ranges of the Greater Khingan on his tested combat vehicles, smashed the enemy in the vastness of Manchuria and in capturing Port Arthur.

The brave tank commander twice presented himself for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. The first time he was presented to the heroic title in November 1943 for his distinction in the battles for the liberation of Kyiv. The idea reached the Military Council of the 38th Army. The commander and a member of the Army Military Council decided to award A.M. Fadin with the Order of the Red Banner.

The second time he was presented to the heroic title in February 1945 for his distinction in the battle for Dashukovka in the Korsun-Shevchenko offensive operation. This time the idea reached the Military Council of the Front. The commander and member of the Military Council of the front did not leave a written decision on the award sheet. The assignment of the heroic title did not take place.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 6, 1996 "For courage and heroism shown in the fight against the Nazi invaders in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" Fadin Alexander Mikhailovich was awarded title of Hero of the Russian Federation with the award of the Gold Star medal (medal No. 346).

After the war, the brave tanker served as commander of a tank battalion, deputy chief of staff and chief of staff of a tank regiment, deputy commander of a tank regiment, officer in the combat training department of the Civil Defense headquarters of the USSR Ministry of Defense. In 1964, Alexander Mikhailovich was transferred to serve in the Military Academy of Armored Forces as the head of the combat department of the academy. In 1967, he was appointed to the post of lecturer in the Department of Tactics, where he worked until 1975, passing on his combat experience to new generations of tank officers. In 1975, he successfully defended his dissertation in his specialty and was awarded the degree of candidate of military sciences. By the decision of the highest attestation commission in 1981, he was awarded the academic title of associate professor, and then professor of the Academy of Military Sciences.

In 1976-1978. was on a business trip to the Syrian Arab Republic, where he organized the training of tank troops officers.

During his work at the department of tactics, NIG-6 and NIG-4 he was engaged in military scientific research in the field of operational art and tactics, the development of armored vehicles, and the training of scientific personnel. He is the author or co-author of more than 40 military-scientific works.

In 1996, Colonel A.M. Fadin retired. He continued to work at the Military Academy of Armored Forces named after Marshal of the Soviet Union R.Ya. Malinovsky as a researcher of the research teaching and methodological group of the academy. Since 1998 - senior researcher at the Information Technology Center of the Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Actively participated in military-patriotic work.

Lived in Moscow. Died November 10, 2011. He was buried at the Troekurovsky cemetery in Moscow.

Alexander Mikhailovich was awarded six orders and twenty-three medals. Among the awards are the Order of the Red Banner, Alexander Nevsky, Red Star, Patriotic War 1st and 2nd degree, For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR 3rd degree.

Slovak state awards: Order of the Double White Cross, 2nd class (April 7, 2010).