Military Order of Lenin Academy of Logistics and Transport. Military Academy of Logistics named after General of the Army A.V.

The professional selection of candidates entering the VA MTO for training as cadets is carried out by the selection committee in order to determine the ability of candidates to master educational programs of the appropriate level. Professional selection of candidates includes: a) determining the suitability of candidates for admission to a university for health reasons; b) determination of the category of professional suitability of candidates on the basis of their socio-psychological study, psychological and psycho-physiological examination; c) entrance examinations, consisting of: assessment of the level of general education of candidates based on the results of a unified state exam(USE) in general education subjects corresponding to the specialty for which admission is carried out; assessment of the level of physical fitness of candidates. 2. Professional selection of candidates is held from 1 to 30 July. 3. The term of training of cadets under programs with full military-special training is 5 years, qualification "specialist". 4. The term of training for cadets in programs with secondary military special training is 2 years 10 months, qualification "technician".

The procedure for processing documents

Citizens who have passed and have not completed military service, who have expressed a desire to enter the VA MTO, submit applications to the department of the military commissariat of the subject Russian Federation(municipal) at the place of residence (graduates of Suvorov military schools submit an application addressed to the head of the Suvorov military school where they study) until April 20 of the year of admission to the university. Military personnel who have expressed a desire to enter the VA MTO submit a report addressed to the commander of the military unit before April 1 of the year of admission to the university. 2. In the application of candidates, the following shall be indicated: surname, name, patronymic, date of birth, education, address of residence, name of the military educational institution, level of professional education, specialty in which he wishes to study. In the report of candidates from among the military personnel, in addition to the above, the following is indicated: military rank and position held, and instead of the address of the place of residence - the name of the military unit. Attached to the application (report) are: photocopies of a birth certificate and a document proving identity and citizenship, an autobiography, a reference from the place of work, study or service, a photocopy of a state document on the appropriate level of education, three certified photographs 4.5x6 cm in size, service card soldier. 3. A passport, a military ID or a certificate of a citizen subject to conscription for military service, an original state document on the appropriate level of education, as well as original documents giving the right to enter universities on preferential terms established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, are submitted by the candidate to the reception the commission of the military educational institution upon arrival, but not later than one day before the meeting admission committee to make a decision on the admission of a candidate to a university. Documents for these candidates, medical examination cards and professional psychological selection cards are sent by the military commissars of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (heads of Suvorov military schools) to the VA MTO until May 20 of the year of admission to the university. 4. Documents of candidates from among military personnel, medical examination cards, professional psychological selection cards, and for candidates from among military personnel undergoing military service under a contract, and personal files are sent by the commanders of military units for consideration to the headquarters of formations before May 1 of the year of admission to the university.

Military Academy rear and transport

The history of the Military Academy of Logistics and Transport dates back to the Quartermaster Course, the date of formation of which is March 31, 1900, when Nicholas II approved the "Regulations on the Quartermaster Course" with a location in St. Petersburg. In 1906, the Quartermaster course became the highest military educational institution. In 1911, the Quartermaster's course was transformed into the Quartermaster's Academy with the task of training specialists to fill the positions of the highest ranks of the quartermaster department. In 1918, the academy was reorganized into the Military Economic Academy of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army.

About 1000 pupils of the academy took part in the civil war, in positions in various units of the rear of the Red Army - on the Eastern, Turkestan and other fronts.

During the pre-war period, the academy trained more than 3,000 qualified logistics organizers and military transport engineers.

During the years of the Great Patriotic War more than 13 thousand qualified logistics and transport specialists were trained. For heroism, courage and selfless military labor during the war, many academy graduates were awarded orders and medals. Among the graduates of the academy, 15 people were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, 15 graduates were awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor.

In 1998, the Volsk Higher School of Logistics and the Ulyanovsk Higher Military Technical School became part of the Academy as its branches.

In 2008, the Volsk Higher Military School of Logistics (military institute), the Ulyanovsk Higher Military Technical School of Logistics (military institute), the Military Transport University of Railway Troops and Military Communications (St. Petersburg), the Military Engineering and Technical University (St. Petersburg), Military Veterinary Institute (Moscow), Togliatti Military Technical Institute.

Today, the Military Academy of Logistics and Transport is the leading educational, scientific and methodological center for the Logistics of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the rear of military units of federal ministries, departments and services.

The Academy annually conducts research on 30-40 research projects assigned by the Ministry of Defense, the General Staff, the Logistics Headquarters of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Academy scientists make a significant contribution to the development of domestic military science.

The inventions of WATT scientists are widely used in the gas, petrochemical, automotive, food and light industries, nuclear energy, in the construction of railways and highways, bridges and tunnels. Academy officers took an active part in the construction of the Baikal-Amur Mainline and the roads of the Non-Chernozem region, in the aftermath of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, and in supporting military operations in Afghanistan and Chechnya.

At present, at two faculties: command engineering (automobile and road), distance learning, as well as at a special department (training foreign specialists), and at academic retraining and advanced training courses, comprehensive training of officer personnel is carried out in 15 specialties and specializations of the rear and transport support. Among them, Organization of transportation and transport management (by type), Construction and operation of roads and airfields, Construction of bridges, Logistics management of troops (forces), Management of military units and formations, Bridges and transport tunnels, Highways and airfields, Lifting transport, construction, road machinery and equipment, Organization of transportation and transport management (by type), Logistics of the Armed Forces.

The department for training specialists with secondary vocational education of the Academy of Logistics and Transport recruits cadets for training in the following specialties:

chemmotology and problems of the effective use of liquid rocket fuel, fuels and lubricants and special liquids.


Address St. Petersburg, emb. Makarova, 8

    Military Academy of Logistics named after A. V. Khrulev- Military Academy of Logistics A. V. Khruleva (VAMTO) ... Wikipedia

    Khrulev, Andrey Vasilievich- Andrei Vasilyevich Khrulev ... Wikipedia

    Military Financial and Economic Academy- Military Financial and Economic Institute of the Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (VFEI VUMO RF) Former name until 1974 Yaroslavl Military School. Army General A. V. Khrulev until 1999 Yaroslavl Higher Military ... ... Wikipedia

    general Khrulev street- On July 26, 1971, the projected passage in the Zhdanovsky (now Primorsky) district was given the name General Khrulev Street. In reality, the street appeared only in 1980. Andrei Viktorovich Khrulev (1892–1962) in 1917 ended up in the ranks of ... ... St. Petersburg (encyclopedia)

    Yaroslavl Higher Military Financial School. General of the Army A.V. Khrulev

    Yaroslavl Military Financial and Economic Academy- Military Financial and Economic Academy (VFEA) Former name until 1974 Yaroslavl Military School. General of the Army A. V. Khrulev until 1999 Yaroslavl Higher Military Financial School. gene. arm. A. V. Khruleva until 2003 branch of the Military ... ... Wikipedia

    Makartsev, Mikhail Konstantinovich- Mikhail Konstantinovich Makartsev ... Wikipedia

    Parade on Palace Square on May 9, 2008- Victory Parade in St. Petersburg On May 9, 2008, the parade dedicated to the 63rd anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War was held on the Palace Square in St. Petersburg. The parade was broadcast by the 100 TV channel Contents 1 Parade progress 1.1 ... ... Wikipedia

    Kozlov, Georgy Kirillovich- Wikipedia has articles about other people with that surname, see Kozlov. Georgy Kirillovich Kozlov Date of birth December 19, 1902 (January 1, 1903) (1903 01 01) Place of birth Selyakhi, Grodno province R ... Wikipedia

    exchange line- St. Petersburg General information Area of ​​​​the city of Vasileostrovskiy Historical district Vasilyevsky island Police station Vasilyevsky part Length 260 m Nearest metro stations ... Wikipedia

    A. V. Khruleva Military Academy of Logistics (VAMTO) ... Wikipedia

    Andrei Vasilievich Khrulev ... Wikipedia

    Military Financial and Economic Institute of the Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (VFEI VUMO RF) Former name until 1974 Yaroslavl Military School. Army General A. V. Khrulev until 1999 Yaroslavl Higher Military ... ... Wikipedia

    On July 26, 1971, the projected passage in the Zhdanovsky (now Primorsky) district was given the name General Khrulev Street. In reality, the street appeared only in 1980. Andrei Viktorovich Khrulev (1892–1962) in 1917 ended up in the ranks of ... ... St. Petersburg (encyclopedia)

    Military Financial and Economic Academy (VFEA) Former name until 1974 Yaroslavl Military School. General of the Army A. V. Khrulev until 1999 Yaroslavl Higher Military Financial School. gene. arm. A. V. Khruleva until 2003 branch of the Military ... ... Wikipedia

    Mikhail Konstantinovich Makartsev ... Wikipedia

    Victory Parade in St. Petersburg On May 9, 2008, the parade dedicated to the 63rd anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War was held on the Palace Square in St. Petersburg. The parade was broadcast by the 100 TV channel Contents 1 Parade progress 1.1 ... ... Wikipedia

    Wikipedia has articles about other people with that surname, see Kozlov. Georgy Kirillovich Kozlov Date of birth December 19, 1902 (January 1, 1903) (1903 01 01) Place of birth Selyakhi, Grodno province R ... Wikipedia

    St. Petersburg General information District of the city Vasileostrovskiy Historical district Vasilyevsky island Police station Vasilyevsky part Length 260 m Nearest metro stations ... Wikipedia

St. Petersburg is a forge of military personnel, in the Northern capital there are several military universities at once. One of these educational institutions is the MTO Academy named after General of the Army A. V. Khrulev. The university of the Ministry of Defense trains qualified personnel for military departments in the field of management and provision of the army with logistical equipment.

Front entrance of the building of the Military Academy of Logistics


March 31, 1900 is considered the founding day of the Academy, when a special Quartermaster Corps was formed in St. Petersburg by decree of the emperor. This educational institution was the first in Russia to train officers and civil servants for the quartermaster department.

Since 1906, the military rear Quartermaster course became a higher educational institution, the term of study increased to three years. Since 1911, the university was renamed the Quartermaster's Academy.

After the Bolsheviks came to power, the academy was reorganized and on March 15, 1918 it received the name: Military Economic Academy of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army. In 1920, the educational institution was again reorganized and became known as the Military Economic Academy of the Red Army and the RKKF, after merging into one university with the Naval Higher Financial and Economic School. In the period from 1924 to 1925, the faculties of the academy were transferred to different educational institutions. However, the reform did not have a positive result in the training of qualified rear personnel. Ultimately, the Military Transport Academy appeared in Moscow in 1932. In 1935, the Military Economic Academy was formed in Kharkov.

In 1942, the educational institution was renamed the Military Academy of Logistics and Supply. After the war, there was an acute shortage of personnel in the troops, it became necessary to organize a single multidisciplinary university to train qualified specialists in the field of supply and transport. On June 1, 1956, a new Military Academy of Logistics and Transport appeared, the new university became an amalgamation of two academies, from Moscow and Kharkov.

Since 1999, the Military Academy of Logistics and Transport has been preparing cadets for a full military special training program, and since 2010 for a secondary training program.

Own modern name(Military Academy of Logistics named after General of the Army A.V. Khrulev) received the university on June 21, 2012 by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Today, the Military Academy of Logistics is an advanced scientific, educational and methodological center for the material and technical support of the Russian Armed Forces for the training of highly qualified officers specializing in the logistics of all branches of the RF Ministry of Defense and other federal departments in which military service is provided.

Practical training for cadets of the Military Academy of Logistics

The training of MTO specialists is focused not only on the Ministry of Defense, but also on the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB (border service), as well as the military departments of foreign states. The Academy is engaged in a wide scientific activity to solve the problems of material and technical support of troops in peacetime and in combat conditions. The university is also engaged in the development and publication of scientific papers, textbooks and manuals, as well as other scientific and educational works for the training of qualified personnel, both in theoretical education and in practice.

The head university Military Academy of Logistics named after General of the Army A.V. Khrulev has several branches:

  1. Institute of Railway Troops and Military Communications in Peterhof.
  2. Engineering and Technical Military Institute in St. Petersburg.
  3. Military Institute of MTO in Volsk.
  4. Armored Engineering Institute in Omsk.
  5. Artillery Engineering Institute in Penza.

Academy graduates made a significant contribution to the strengthening and construction of the Russian Armed Forces during the Great Patriotic War, as well as in peacetime. In matters of increasing the combat readiness of the troops and strengthening the defense, the students of the academy are among the best specialists.

Awards presented by the Military Academy of Logistics named after. Khruleva

The structure of the university

There are nine main and additional faculties in the academy:

  1. Command and engineering faculty (automobile and road).
  2. Command faculty (rear and railway troops).
  3. Faculty of retraining and advanced training.
  4. Faculty of technical and transport support.
  5. Faculty of Logistics of the National Guard Troops.
  6. Special Faculty.
  7. Training battalion of junior specialists.
  8. Training battalion (secondary vocational education).
  9. Educational department (training of the mobilization reserve from among university students).

Also, the educational institution has 20 departments:

  1. Organization of logistics.
  2. Logistics management.
  3. Material support.
  4. Technical support.
  5. Organization of material and technical support of the Navy.
  6. military messages.
  7. Tactics and operational art.
  8. Railway troops.
  9. Restoration of military bridges and crossings.
  10. Road service.
  11. Humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines.
  12. General scientific and general technical disciplines.
  13. Physical training.
  14. Foreign languages.
  15. Logistics Management of the National Guard Troops.
  16. MTO FSB.
  17. Russian language.
  18. The use of subdivisions and parts of material support.
  19. Operation and restoration of weapons and military equipment.
  20. Management of the technical support of the troops of the national guard.

Educational and material base

The educational and material base includes many objects for various purposes.

The ritual of the military oath in the VA MTO


The laboratory of the academy allows conducting laboratory and practical classes with cadets on the examination of products for quality characteristics (of those that enter the army units). Specialists of the food service are trained to be able to fill positions in the management of logistics in the troops, as well as to receive additional education and advanced training for the chiefs of food logistics services in the troops.


To provide the educational process, as well as scientific research with reference materials and literature, the academy has a library. This division is engaged in the organization, storage and use of materials of scientific works (dissertations, abstracts), and also organizes the development and publication of specialized specialized manuals. The library holds lectures on various topics, meetings with the authors of works, exhibitions, etc.

Classes of cadets at the Military Academy of MTO them. Khruleva

Computers are located in the reading room for the convenience of work. Since 2015, the library has been equipped local network words with access to the Internet and the expansion of the literature base. Since that time, cadets have been given access to the most famous virtual libraries, from the Library of the Academy of Sciences to the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library.

Practical objects

The military academy has at its disposal two bases for the educational process.

The base in the city of Luga, the field infrastructure of the academy includes the following complexes:

  • transport and reloading;
  • track;
  • pavement;
  • physical training;
  • fire training.

The training and training complexes are complemented by a tactical field, a library and other means of information support.

Emblem of the Military Academy of MTO them. Khruleva

The base in the village of Privetninskoye is used for training cadets in the summer. Practical classes, training courses, scientific research, etc. are held on the territory of the base.

Sports facilities

Sports facilities are represented by three halls:

  1. Hall of hand-to-hand combat. At the same time, 30 people are allowed to take classes, it is intended for conducting practical classes in martial arts.
  2. Game room. The area of ​​the object is 550 sq. meters, at the same time can be engaged up to 50 people. Gymnastics classes are held here sport games and athletic training of cadets.
  3. Gym. Equipped with a large number of equipment and shells, as well as special equipment for strength training, up to 20 people can work out at the same time.

Training classes

The military academy has several specialized training classes.

  1. Internet class. An auditorium equipped with personal computers for conducting military command and control classes.
  2. Clothing class. Designed to study the history of military uniforms. The audience is presented with many samples of uniforms used by the troops from 1988 to the present day. There is also a rich collection of orders and medals.
  3. Lecture room 229. The room is intended for scientific work in various disciplines. The lecture room has a standard project with equipped places for cadets. It is equipped with a set of special equipment that allows displaying multimedia information on the educational board.
  4. Room 401. Used to organize the educational process of training specialists in the artillery and technical support of the army.
  5. Audience for lectures 530. Capacity 130 people. It is used for video conferences, television bridges, presentations, etc. It is equipped with equipment for sound and graphic support. The chambers of the Military Space Forces of the Russian Federation function in the auditorium.
  6. Language lab. 16 cadets can study at the same time, designed to study foreign languages and is equipped with recording and listening equipment, as well as personal computers.

Cadets of the Military Academy of Logistics with the teaching staff

Admission conditions

Applicants for admission to the Academy for full vocational training programs must meet the stated requirements:

  1. Russian citizenship.
  2. Complete secondary education.
  3. The minimum age is 16 years old, and the maximum age is 22 years old if the applicant has not completed military service.
  4. For candidates who have completed military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and military personnel, the maximum age is up to 24 years.
  5. At the department of secondary military special training, age up to 27 years is allowed.
  6. Girls can also be trained, but only in the Volsk branch with a degree in Logistics.

To participate in the competitive selection, applicants must provide:

  • the passport;
  • military ID;
  • certificate of complete secondary education;
  • diploma of secondary vocational education (if any);
  • USE results;
  • information about academic achievement.

The selection committee evaluates each candidate for admission according to the following criteria:

  • health status;
  • professional suitability based on psychological, psychophysical and psychoemotional research;
  • level of physical fitness;
  • results of the Unified State Examination.

Competitive selection of candidates is held from 1 to 30 July. All applicants undergo a preliminary and final medical examination. The term of study for full military special training programs is five years, the secondary military special training program is designed for 2 years and 10 months. During training, cadets live in the barracks and are on full allowance (property, money and food) of the state.