Bazhov of the copper mountain hostess read briefly illustrations. A very short story based on the tale of the copper mountain mistress

The fairy tale "The Mistress of the Copper Mountain" Bazhov was written in 1936. The central character in this instructive story was the mythical mistress of the Ural Mountains, a popular character in the legends and beliefs of local miners.

For better preparation for a lesson in literature in grade 5, we recommend reading the online summary of “The Mistress of the Copper Mountain” on our website.

main characters

Stepan- a young miner, an honest, determined guy, a man of his word.

Mistress of Copper Mountain- the mistress of the underground riches of the Urals, a mythical character.

Other characters

Nastenka- the bride of Stepan, a kind, simple girl, an orphan.

clerk- a cruel, treacherous person, a vile deceiver, a murderer.

One day, two miners went out to hay. One of them was older, the other was a very young guy. Due to the hard work at the mine where they mined malachite, their health was seriously undermined, and in their eyes, it even “became green”.

Razomlev in the sun, the comrades decided to lie down under a tree, and soon fell asleep. Suddenly, a young guy, whose name was Stepan, woke up, as if someone had pushed him in the side. Nearby, he saw a beautiful young woman with a blue-black braid and in a rich dress, which "you will not find in the world." With the experienced eye of a miner, Stepan realized that its decoration was made of a rare variety of malachite, which means that the mistress of the Copper Mountain was in front of him.

The guy was seriously frightened - he heard from the old people that the hostess "loves to be philosophic over a person." As soon as he was about to run away from this place, the hostess turned to him and called out. Stepan became timid, but tried not to show his fear. Surprised by the bravery of the young worker, the mistress of Mednaya Gora ordered him to tell the factory clerk to "get out of the Krasnogorsk mine." Otherwise, the "malachite" threatened to sink all the copper so deep that no one could ever get to it. If Stepan does everything as expected, she will marry him. Having finished talking, the mistress of the Copper Mountain turned into a nimble green lizard, and disappeared among the stones.

Stepan got upset. It is embarrassing, and even scary, to convey to the boss the words of the hostess, but it is even more terrible to refuse the malachite mistress. The next morning, the guy made up his mind, and in front of all the workers, he conveyed to the clerk the words of the mistress of the Copper Mountain. From such audacity, "the clerk even had a mustache." He ordered Stepan to be flogged, and then lowered into the mine and chained. Yes, besides, he sent him to the poorest face, and set the rate of extraction of malachite prohibitively huge.

There was nothing to do, Stepan set to work and soon noticed with surprise that “malachite is pouring, exactly who throws it with his hands.” He realized that this was the work of the hostess, who soon appeared before him in all her glory. She praised the guy for his courage, and offered to see her dowry. After these words, the underground riches of the malachite mistress opened before Stepan: blue, azure, copper, golden rooms - the innumerable treasures of the Urals.

"Malakhitnitsa" reminded Stepan of her promise to marry him. And then the guy was completely embarrassed - he already had a bride, a good, simple girl, an orphan Nastenka. Stepan answered the mistress that he would not marry her, because "the other was promised." Hearing such an answer, the underground mistress seemed to be delighted, and praised the guy that he "did not exchange his Nastenka for a stone girl." She gave him a gift to the bride - a large malachite jewelry box, and promised to improve his life. Finally, the hostess punished Stepan never to remember her again.

The next day, the clerk was surprised at how much Stepan managed to get perfect malachite. He quickly realized what was the matter, and promised that he would immediately set him free as soon as he "finds a malachite block worth a hundred pounds." Stepan coped with the task, and after that he also fulfilled the master's request - to find such huge malachite stones in order to "cut down pillars of at least five sazhens from them." For their diligence, Stepan and his bride received freedom.

At first, Stepan healed well: he got married, built a house, "everything is as it should be." But he did not have true happiness, he could not forget the mistress of the Copper Mountain. Stepan was losing weight, weakening before his eyes. Increasingly, he began to visit the place where he first met with the "malachite". After one of these walks, Stepan did not return home. He was found dead, and a large green lizard was sitting next to him, as if crying over the body of the deceased. Since then, the locals, more than ever, began to beware of the mistress of the Copper Mountain - "meeting the bad with her is grief, and the good is not enough joy."


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"The Mistress of the Copper Mountain" is one of the most famous tales of the Russian writer Pavel Bazhov (1879 - 1950). The story was first published in 1936. Copper Mountain is the name of the Gumeshki copper mine in the Urals. Bazhov heard stories about the Mistress of the Copper Mountain from his family and from factory old people. The image of the Mistress of the Copper Mountain or Malachitnitsa in the mining folklore has various options: Mountain mother, Stone girl, Golden woman, girl Azovka, Mountain spirit, Mountain elder, Mountain master. All these folklore characters are the keepers of the riches of the mountain bowels. Bazhov's image of Malachitnitsa is much more complicated. The writer embodied in it the beauty of nature, inspiring a person to creative searches.

Summary the tale "Mistress of the Copper Mountain":

Once two mine workers went to look at their mowing, and when they reached the Krasnogorsk mine, they lay down to rest in the grass and fell asleep. The junior worker, whose name was Stepan, woke up after some time and saw a girl with a black braid sitting with her back to him. From her dress of malachite, the guy guessed that in front of him was the Mistress of the Copper Mountain. Stepan wanted to run away from her unnoticed, but the Mistress turned around and called him to her for a conversation.

The retinue of the Mistress had countless lizards. The next day the mistress ordered Stepan to convey to the factory clerk the following words: “The mistress, they say, ordered the Mednaya Mountain to you, stuffy goat, to get out of the Krasnogorsk mine. that there is no way to get it." After that, the Mistress turned into a lizard with a human head and shouted goodbye to Stepan: "Do it in my opinion, I will marry you!"

It was terrible for Stepan to incur the wrath of the clerk, but the wrath of the Mistress of the Copper Mountain was even more terrible, and Stepan nevertheless conveyed the words of the Mistress to the clerk. The clerk got angry and ordered Stepan to be flogged, sent to work in a damp mine with bad ore, and chained to him. And as a task, Stepan was assigned to extract a huge amount of pure malachite. But the Mistress of the Copper Mountain took care of Stepan, he had an abundance of malachite, and the water from the mine was gone. Soon the Mistress took Stepan to look at her dowry.

Having looked at the wealth of the Mistress of the Copper Mountain, Stepan said that he could not marry her, because. he already has a fiancee - the orphan Nastya. In response to this, the Mistress was not angry, but delighted: “I praised you for the clerk, but for this I will double praise. And the Mistress gave a gift to Stepan's girlfriend - a malachite box with earrings, rings and other rich jewelry. Saying goodbye to Stepan, the Mistress of the Copper Mountain ordered not to remember her, began to cry and ordered to collect her tears - precious stones. After that, the Mistress returned Stepan to the mine.
Seeing a lot of malachite mined by Stepan, the overseer of the mine put his nephew in Stepanov's mine, and Stepan was transferred to another mine. Seeing that Stepan was still extracting a lot of malachite, and his nephew could not get anything, the warder ran to the clerk: "Not otherwise, Stepan sold his soul to evil spirits." The clerk says to this: "It's his business, to whom he sold his soul, but we need to have our own benefit. Promise him that we will set him free, let him only let him find a hundred-pood block of malachite."
The clerk remembered the words of the Mistress of the Copper Mountain, transmitted to him by Stepan, and decided to stop work at the Krasnogorsk mine. Stepan found a malachite block, but he was deceived and not released. A gentleman from St. Petersburg wrote about the block, he came and ordered Stepan to find such malachite stones in order to cut down pillars five sazhens long from them. Stepan refused to look for stones until they write free in his name and in the name of his fiancee Nastya. Stepan found the pillars, he and his bride were freed from serfdom, and the malachite pillars were placed in a church in St. Petersburg.
The mine, where the stones for the pillars were found, soon flooded. They said that this was the wrath of the Mistress of the Copper Mountain at the fact that the pillars in the church were standing.
Stepan got married, but was sad all the time, often went to the abandoned mine to hunt, but did not bring the booty home.

Stepan at an abandoned mine. Artist Vyacheslav Nazaruk

Once Stepan was found dead near the mine. There was a smile on his face. It was said that near his body they saw a large lizard that was crying.

In 1975, director Oleg Nikolaevsky made a puppet cartoon "The Mistress of the Copper Mountain" based on Bazhov's tale. You can watch this cartoon online below:

"Mistress of the Copper Mountain" P.P. Bazhov.

Pavel Petrovich Bazhov

"Mistress of the Copper Mountain"

Grade: Grade 5

Genre: tale

Year of writing: 1936;

Year of publication: 1939. In world history, the year is remembered for the invasion of Nazi Germany into Poland and the beginning of the Second World War. Mass arrests and repressions were taking place in the Soviet Union at that time. P.P. himself Bazhov was not repressed, on the contrary, he was actively engaged in creativity and journalistic activities, living in Sverdlovsk.

The action of the work takes place in the second half of the 18th - the first half of the 19th centuries, as indicated by the mention of serfdom and the name of the breeder Turchaninov.

The main characters of the work are the miner Stepan - a young, strong, courageous man who was not afraid to convey to the clerk the words of the Mistress of the Copper Mountain.

The second protagonist is the Mistress of the Copper Mountain herself, she is Malachite. Bazhov presents in the image of an unmarried girl (wearing a braid) with a blue-black braid, at the end of which there is a ribbon of sheet copper, a dark green dress, similar to silk malachite. Sometimes she appears in the form of a lizard with a crown on her head, or a lizard with a female head. The mistress of the Copper Mountain is proud, confident in her strength, and mocking. She sympathizes with simple miners: “... the one who is with you, nothing, look, don’t say. He is a spoiled man, that he should be disturbed and involved in this matter. And so she said to the little titmouse that she helped him a little. It is impossible to call it good, rather, fair, because. everyone at a meeting with her gets what he deserves. You can learn self-confidence and honesty from the Mistress. For Stepan, these qualities are also characteristic. It should be noted that the Mistress of the Copper Mountain is found not only in this, but also in a number of other tales of Bazhov.

The plot of the work is as follows:

at the time of haymaking, two guys working at a mining plant went to look at the grass. One of them, Stepan, saw the Mistress of the Mednaya Mountain, who told him to give the order to the clerk to get out of the Gumeshkovsky mine. As a reward, she promised to marry him. Stepan conveyed to the clerk the words of Malachitnitsa, for which he was chained in the face and was obliged to extract a large amount of malachite. The hostess rescued him from the slaughter and took him to see her "dowry" - underground riches. Then she asked if Stepan was taking her in marriage. Stepan refused, explaining that he had promised to marry another. The hostess of the Copper Mountain was delighted and gave his bride a malachite jewelry box, and gave Stepan a handful of emeralds - her tears. The last command of the Mistress was to forget her.

A few years after his marriage, Stepan began to yearn, wither away. One day he went into the forest and did not return. He was found dead near a mine, a lizard crying over him. Emeralds were clutched in his hand, which crumbled to dust when touched.

My opinion

Tales of P.P. Bazhov about the Mistress of the Copper Mountain, in particular, this tale, are one of my favorite works. The story reveals to the reader the world of the Ural miners of that time, shows their traditions, way of life, worldview. There is no place for idealization here, the characters of people are drawn believably, everyone has good and bad traits. The language of the tale "The Mistress of the Copper Mountain" (as, indeed, of all other tales) is bright, figurative, rich in dialectisms, conveys the local dialect. When reading a tale, it is as if you hear a living story of a person with rich life experience, who has seen a lot in his lifetime. He loves his land, his land, the people who live there. And through his stories, he tries to show that despite all the hardships of life, people should be kind, honest, fair.

Pavel Petrovich Bazhov is a famous writer, his greatest merit is that he is a pioneer in the literary processing of Ural tales. One of the results of this work is his work "The Mistress of the Copper Mountain". A brief summary will introduce the reader to this most interesting tale.

Brief biography of the author, the history of the creation of the tale

To better understand the work, you need to know at least a little about its creator. Pyotr Bazhov was born on the 15th, and according to the old style on January 27, 1879. His father was a mining master and probably told his son about his work, about the valuable stones that are found in rocks. Thus, arousing the child's interest in this topic.

The excellent style of the future writer was facilitated by the fact that he studied very well, and later worked as a teacher of the Russian language in the religious schools of Kamyshev and Yekaterinburg.

Then the Mistress of the Copper Mountain says to Stepan: "We need to tell the factory clerk to get out of the Krasnogorsk mine, otherwise it will be bad." She clapped her hands, the ore turned into lizards again, and then the girl herself turned into too. She ran to the top of the mountain and from there she shouts to the guy that if he says as she asks, she will marry him.

Stepan fulfills the order of the Mistress, what came of it

The guy thinks about what to do now. Decided to do as the girl asked. The next day, he approached the clerk at the factory (where he worked) and conveyed what the Mistress of the Copper Mountain had ordered. He was amazed at such impudence, did not believe Stepan and ordered him to be whipped. They chained the young man to a long chain and ordered him to work in the mine.

They gave the guy a task - to get a lot of malachite and assigned him to an unpromising adit, where almost no expensive stones come across. It was still wet and damp. So that Stepan would not die of hunger, the chief ordered to give him a bowl of dog porridge.

So the young man would have been in these terrible conditions if the Mistress had not come to his rescue of the Copper Mountain.

  • summary;
  • Bazhov P.P.;
  • title of the work;
  • Main characters.

Recall that these items must be filled in reader's diary. In the column "main characters" write down "Stepan" and "Mistress of the Copper Mountain".

A new friend helped the young man, she drained the adit, and then appeared to him herself. The hostess ordered her faithful assistant servants to get 2 times more malachite than Stepan was ordered to, and she herself took him to her palace to show the dowry.

Mansions under the mountain

Here is such an interesting story, based on ancient stories, invented by P.P. Bazhov. The mistress of the Copper Mountain took the guy to her chamber. Under the ground, as if large rooms are located. The walls are pouring different colors like the girl's dress. It was changing right before our eyes. At first it was as if made of malachite, then it began to be molded with glass. After that it covered

The guest and hostess entered a very spacious room. There is a bed, a table, stools. They sat down, the girl asked, how about marriage now. After all, she promised to give her hand and heart if the guy conveys her words to the clerk. But the young man could not marry the Mistress. He told the one that he had a fiancee - the orphan Nastya. Bazhov tells about this further. The mistress of the Copper Mountain seemed to be glad that Stepan did not exchange his Nastenka for her - a stone girl.

For that, the girl rewarded him, gave him a box with rings and earrings for the bride. Then the Mistress fed him and showed him the way back.


The young man returned back to the adit, and there the lizards had already stored up a lot of malachite for him. They fixed the chain again, as if the guy had never gone anywhere. The clerk was amazed when he saw how much Stepan mined malachite, gave this adit to his nephew, and sent the young man to a bad face. But even there the guy managed to get a lot of malachite, because a magical girl invisibly helped him.

Then they ordered Stepan to find a huge block of malachite and promised freedom for this. After all, then there was still serfdom. The guy found a block, but they did not give him the will. The gentleman heard about everything, came, gave the guy an honest noble word to give him freedom if he finds malachite stones, from which pillars no less than five fathoms long can be cut down. The young man said that he would try to get such, but first let the master write free to him and his bride Nastya. That's what they decided

How did the story end

Styopa found this wealth, of course, helped him invisibly Mistress of the Copper Mountain.

The story ends on a not very happy note. Nastenka and Stepan got their freedom and got married. A young man built a house, it seems everything was fine, but Stepan Petrovich became sad, melted right before his eyes.

He took a gun and went hunting. But his path invariably lay to the Red Mountain, and from the hunt the man returned empty-handed. Somehow, also in the fall, he left and did not return. They began to search, found an inanimate in the mine, he lay motionless and seemed to be smiling.

Someone said that next to him he saw a very large one. Most likely, it was the Mistress of the Copper Mountain.

The meeting with a magical girl did not bring happiness to Stepan. Not without reason, in the last lines, the author says that if a bad person meets her, there will be grief for him, and there is little joy from this. This ends both the tale and the summary of the work.

If you listen to the reviews about this story, it will become clear what is hidden behind the image of the main character. She turned into a lizard, since it is this reptile that is mentioned in the folk tales of that area. They also say that the folk image of the goddess Venus is imprinted in the Mistress of the Copper Mountain, field copper was branded with her sign in the 18th century.

Readers like this story about a simple, honest, brave Stepan, who was not greedy and prudent, like a clerk or a gentleman. Unusual speech of heroes, expressions, folk words are interesting. This can also be found in reader reviews.

Two mine workers went out on a hot summer day to look at their mowing. The road was long, they were tired and lay down on the grass to rest. One soon fell asleep, and the second Stepan quickly woke up and saw a girl in a bright sundress sitting on a stone not far from him.

She turned and beckoned him to her. Stepan got up and saw thousands of colorful lizards under his feet. At that moment, he realized that this was not a simple woman, but the Mistress of the Copper Mountain herself. She told the guy that he should convey to the clerk her strict order to leave the Krasnogorsk mine, otherwise she would sink all the copper into Gumeshki and no one would be able to mine anything. And she also promised Stepan that if he fulfills her command, she will marry him.

It was terrible for the guy to say such words to the formidable clerk, but he nevertheless fulfilled the order of the mountain queen. The clerk became terribly angry and ordered Stepan to be chained in the face, where no one mined anything, and he gave him twice the norm as before. But the Mistress gave the worker the opportunity to fulfill all the difficult norm. And then she herself appeared in front of the guy and led him to look at their caves.

She took him through many underground passages, showed him various miracles, and finally asked if he would take her as his wife. But Stepan said that he already had a bride - the girl Nastya, whom he had long promised to marry.

The hostess praised the young man for being brave and honest, not coveting wealth, not changing his word. And then she began to cry, and the tears from her eyes fell in the form of precious stones. She collected them in a box and gave them to Stepan as a gift to his bride.

She ordered Stepan not to remember her, since they would not see each other again, and returned him to workplace. The greedy overseer saw that Stepan had chopped so much malachite, rearranged it to another place, and sent his nephew to the mine. But even in the new place, the worker mined the most malachite. Then the warden went to the clerk and said that perhaps Stepan confessed to the evil spirit, gave his soul to the evil spirit.

The clerk was a cunning man, he said that you need to promise Stepan that they will give him freedom if he finds a huge block of malachite that can be sold profitably.

But when Stepan found deposits of valuable malachite, he was deceived and was not released into the wild, but was given a new task: to find such malachite stones so that high columns could be cut out of them. But now the man was already taught by bitter experience. He said that first let him and his fiancee Nastya be released, and then he would find such blocks.

And indeed, he fulfilled his promise, the pillars were cut and taken to St. Petersburg and exhibited in the temple, where everyone could admire such a curiosity. But soon this mine was flooded. People said that this was done by the Mistress of the Copper Mountain, because she did not like the fact that the pillars in the church were standing. Both Stepan and Nastya were released, they got married, and although they did not know the need, Stepan was unhappy. All the time he went somewhere and was absent for a long time. Everyone said that he was looking for a meeting with the Mistress, whom he could not forget. But he never met the mountain queen again.