Starcraft game over LAN.

"How to play Starcraft 2 on LAN?"

I'm not a gamer or Blizzard fan, I just love this game! Back in our student years, we played the first Starcraft in computer clubs. After all, it was the multiplayer (network game) that made it so popular. It's been 12 years and people are still playing Starcraft. But now it's time for the second part. I got myself this toy, I went through a couple of missions, I liked it. I wanted to play online, since there is a second computer. I say brother, turn on the computer, go to the old one, and I will create a game. And everything seemed to go according to plan, before I discovered that you couldn’t choose maps for battles, or rather, they simply didn’t exist. Nonsense, I think, I'll download it now. While I was looking for maps, I decided to make sure I was doing everything right, and to my great regret, Starcraft 2 simply does not support playing over LAN. I also dug around on the Internet, and yes, there is no local network support! I couldn't think of such a thing!

Not only I was upset about this, the petition against the cancellation of LAN was signed by more than 100 thousand people, but the developer continues to stand his ground. Multiplayer in Starcraft 2 is still available, but only through the service. And everything would be fine, only to enter this service you need to have a licensed copy of the game. And she will agree, not all fans have.

However, the company has stated that it is working on a pseudo LAN mode for Starcraft II and Diablo III. “Pseudo” in this case means that the network game will still be available only through, however, the ping and system for connecting to the game will be similar to the usual LAN mode. There are also rumors that Starcraft 2 will still support LAN mode. But only in Korea and only in professional tournaments intended for TV broadcasts.

Let's hope for the best in terms of LAN play, if not the developer, then someone else 😉


The hope was for an emulator for BattleNet 2, but Blizzard seemed to have made it clear that development should have been canceled, and they did.
But the Chinese are not asleep, and it seems that they have quietly started playing such an emulator for StarCraft 2 for themselves.

In short, here in the comments they left a message that on the site you can download such a Chinese marvelous product. I myself have not tried it yet, here is the link, read try it, and if it does not make it difficult to unsubscribe about the result.

I want to play Starcraft on the Internet, who can advise what? I downloaded an old version of Starcraft for myself, I want it and got the best answer

Answer from Iskander Gafarov[guru]
1) Now the latest StarCraft BroodWar patch is 1.16.1. You need to download it from here, for example:
and install. Now everyone plays SC:BW 1.16.1, whether it's a room in Garena, whether it's a professional iCCup league, whether it's an amateur server like Podolsk.
Or, if too lazy to understand, then:

2) If, after patching, StarCraft stopped starting, requiring a CD, then there are two ways out:
- first -
Q.: How to wean StarCraft 1.15.2 and above from CD?
A.: In order not to require a disk, you need to copy install.exe from the disk with the original game to the folder with StarCraft, and rename it (install.exe) to StarCraft.mpq (the extension will change, yes), then repeat the operation with the disk on which addon - copy install.exe from there and rename it to BroodWar.mpq.
- second -
Download FULLY patched, translated, working Stark from here:
3) Download and open the reg file, which will add to the registry a list of available StarCraft servers today.
True, few people play on these servers, and most of them are generally closed, but Podolsk and the Playground still work.
3a) You can go to and download the launcher. But I don't recommend it yet. Hiccup is a professional server and a professional league in general. I couldn't score higher than the C- rank on this server, although I'm quite an experienced and ancient player.
4) Go here:
Register, download the Garena Plus client. Downloaded, installed, updated the client, use the same login as on the Garena website, go in, a program like ICQ will open, click the "LAN" icon closer to the top, Garena itself will open, click Game on top, select StarCraft from the list, then Russia Room or Europe Room 1 - there are the most people.
If you have time - add me to ICQ 7998366, or in Garen nickname DeLF4eG

Answer from Dima Goncharov[newbie]

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: I want to play Starcraft on the Internet, who can advise what? I downloaded an old version of Starcraft, I want to use it

In the first part of Starcraft, playing over the network was absolutely not difficult - the player was given a lot of options, many of which did not require an Internet connection, but only needed a network between two computers.

But times are changing and Blizzard, wanting to protect its product (read - get more profit), made Starcraft 2 multiplayer available only through its proprietary network - BattleNet. Fortunately, game fans have long understood that the future of online gaming will be exactly like this, and they came up with Tunngle and Evolve network programs created using P2P VPN technology (each computer connects directly to another). It is with the help of these programs that you can play Starcraft online.

For this you will need:

1.StarCraft 2: Wings of Liberty + Heart of the Swarm version (downloadable from file sharing) or original game version 1.4.2. Install the downloaded game on any disk.
2.The StarFriend program is a special utility that allows you to play Starcraft 2 over the network. Install StarFriend in any folder, except for the folder with the game;
3. A set of cards - it must be unpacked into the same folder where StarFriend is located.
4. Program Tunngle or Evolve - you can download them for free from the official website. Install one of them and register on the site.

Congratulations, you have passed the preliminary stage. Here are the steps to follow each time you want to play Starcraft 2 online:

1.Start Tunngle/Evolve and, if necessary, log in;
2. Use the search on the left side of the screen to find the Starcraft 2 room and double-click to connect to it;
3.Run StarFriend and select the folder where Starcraft 2 is installed;
4.Select the desired language.

Now you have two main options - either connect to a ready-made server, or create a server yourself.

First, consider the order of connection to the server:

1.In the StarFriend program in the Player Name field: enter your nickname;
2.Select the required client version in the Client version field - we recommend choosing 1.4.2;
3. Copy the IP address of the desired server (the one you want to connect to) into the appropriate field, then press the "Start game" button.
4. If you did everything correctly, then the game itself will start. To start playing multiplayer Starcraft 2 you only need to enter

login [email protected]
password gg

Now consider the order of creating your game:

1. In StarFriend, enter your nickname and select the desired version of the game client;
2.Check that the server IP address is, port 1119
3.After that, go to the next tab and press the Refresh WAN IP button (tell this IP to the players with whom you want to play Starcraft 2 over the network), then press the Start Server and StartGame button;
4. Now Starcraft 2 itself will start. To start the gameplay, all that remains is to enter the login [email protected] and password gg.

As you can see, the answer to the question: how to play starcraft 2 online? - quite simple. And after a dozen matches played, you will start creating servers with your eyes closed. We hope that our tips will help you get the most out of online play.

Many people remember my first article: In which I first tried to describe in a language understandable even to grandmothers, the possibility of playing StarCraft 2 by LAN
Those. local network and direct p2p connection via the Internet. Or just on a local network, without an Internet connection.

Quite a lot of time has passed since then. The developers improved their brainchild, improving, introducing new changes and features to it. Making the interface more and more user friendly. Therefore, my first article has lost its relevance, describing one of the first stable versions of the program.

  • Firstly, since then everything has become in Russian. Which is definitely a big plus.
  • Secondly, new versions starfriend(currently it 0.75 ) support Starcraft 2 in any language, with the latest for today patch 1.4.1. This means that you no longer have to look for the Chinese client version 1.3.2. You can absolutely safely download and install any of the distributions of the game.
  • Thirdly, a graphical interface appeared, which greatly simplified the procedure for installing and configuring the application. From now on, you do not need to dance with a tambourine, climb into config and with pens to prescribe incomprehensible numbers opposite lines with obscure phrases.
  • Fourth, the client has received full support for Hamachi, and other similar services, which greatly facilitates the search for rivals.
  • And finally, our compatriot vivivor compiled a convenient installer that allows you to install starfriend Literally three clicks. For which he is a giant respect, respect and a free ticket to the healing hot springs of the planet Char.

In connection with all this, I decided to rewrite the article in order to familiarize you with the new version in more detail.

First, a couple of words for those who are not yet in the subject:

In this article I will try to explain in as much detail as possible how to play the game. Starcraft 2 over a local network with a friend, or over the Internet without a license key (still $44 for now. In the dead of night, a toad can crush ...).

You must specify as Server IP the network address of the computer on your local network that is the server. An IP address usually looks like 192.168.XXX.XXX(where XXX- value from 1 to 254). Port, so as not to be confused, it is better to leave the default - 1119 .

Game Creation:

Lead ( Host) - the person who creates the game. He must be the first to connect to his server. Therefore, the IP address that he must write in the field Server IP , -

ATTENTION! server IP for host - always (!!!)

This is what we indicate in the corresponding field on the tab Customer . If you haven't changed anything yet, this address will already be there.

Same way starfriend has the ability to monitor the quality of the connection, and prohibits players from joining the server if there is a very high ping value between them and the server.

If the ping between you and the host exceeds the value set on the server, then the game will turn into a battle of Estonian turtles in the dark. Those. When a unit performs actions with a delay of a couple of seconds - this is somehow not very cool ... (this is the reason why it is difficult to play on Korean or American servers - lag).

Default ping limit 300ms . You can set it manually by changing the value of the parameter Max. ping (ms) , on the tab Server . Basically, for playing LAN this parameter is not critical, because ping should be here . If more, you have hardware problems somewhere.

On the same tab, you can see a few more items:

Your WAN IP : - your external IP address (Internet address) and, accordingly, the port. In this case, we are not interested. We will touch on this when we analyze the game via the Internet.

Server version: - version of the game for which the server was created. The default is 1.4.1 . You can choose 1.3.6, but only if you have a game with patch 1.3.6. Different versions are not compatible with each other!

Server start And Stop server: - start and stop the server, respectively.

Server log: - it will record everything that happens. (who created the game, who connected, changed their nickname, etc.)

To start the server just click Server start.
After that go to the tab Customer , and press Game launch .

Button Official SC2 Launches Starcraft 2 without using StarFriend.

After starting the game, we will see the following picture:

Standard login screen BattleNet 2.0. The information window on the left displays some useful information. starfriend community:

  • greetings
  • address of the "official" server,
  • a little sign-in hint,
  • the address of the official English-language website of the program (there, by the way, there is a Russian section),
  • the latest version of the program and its official release.

Already out at the time of writing 0.76 , nothing fundamental, except for fixing some bugs, no different.

Entering login information:

User: [email protected]
Password: gg

If you receive an error message connecting to Battle.Net, then first check if you have a server running. And secondly, are your settings correct? Server IP - should be .

★ Asterisks ★ next to the nickname indicate that you are a host.

The room has been created.
Now after logging in, you can tell your partner that he can connect to you. In the meantime, you can go smoke, or drink tea. Seriously... :D

The thing is that as soon as you entered the game, the formation of a list of cards will begin. And it's not very fast...
Huh why. It doesn't seem to depend on the performance of the computer. Fortunately, in the latest versions this shortcoming seems to have been fixed and you won’t have to wait long.

The problem was that if you immediately after entering the game leave the main page before the red message about the expiring subscription to use Pirate Battle.Net, will change to something else in white, then you will end up with an incomplete list of cards. As a result, you may experience problems joining a game on a map that is not on your list.

It should be noted that now the server starfriend more and more like the official Battle.Net. Correct (at first glance) information about the number of players is displayed, there is a news feed. Even tournaments are held among those wishing to compete.

The rest of the features are not yet available. But enthusiasts work tirelessly. And I hope that soon everything will be in place and working as it should.

Now you can create a game.

Get into mode Online game , on the panel My own game click the button Create . Select a card and then click again Create. Those. everything is similar to how we create a game on custom maps.

In order to add another player to the game, you must first open the chat channel and right-click to select Invite to game . If you have closed the chat channel window, you can reopen it via the icon in the lower right corner, next to the clock.

Yes, and I do not advise you to invite the player to the created game through the button "+ player" - this function is not working yet.

Now you can start the game and enjoy local network game with no lag whatsoever! :)

We join the created game:

In principle, you are doing the same thing as when creating a game, which I described above. The only differences:

Firstly, as Server IP we specify the IP address of the computer on which the game was created. (we agreed to leave the default port - 1119 )

Secondly, we don't touch the tab at all Server .

AND third, we enter the room only after the other player creates it. Otherwise, you will get an error about not being able to connect to Battle.Net.

Then hang on the channel and wait for the host to invite you to the created game. You cannot enter without an invitation.

Online play via direct connection (p2p)

On top of this topic, I want to say that playing directly over the Internet is carried out in exactly the same way as over a local network.

In the right box you will find a list of some Starfriend servers. Double click will start automatic discovery of servers and ports to them, on the given IP address. A list of found servers will appear in the window below. Double click will copy the data into the field Server IP .

If you specify as Server IP ip-address on the Internet of your friend - the program will already search through the Internet for a running server on his computer. True, you will have to make sure that there are no problems with closed ports on routers, the provider, etc.
Otherwise, without the help of a bearded system administrator and half a liter of water, you will definitely not be able to do it. :)

Unfortunately, no one guarantees the stable operation of public servers at the moment. So it is best to pre-arrange with your rivals/partners about the meeting.

This can be done in different ways. For example, in Skype there is a chat group *Sc2 LAN* where Starfriend users gather.
To join it, you must knock on Skype to the following people: vivivor; a_leks19111; julfy777. And also to be decent, mannered and willing to play.

Playing online with Hamachi

Once again we will sing praises to our comrades from the Red Banner of Communist China, thanks to the efforts of which many players got the opportunity to play among themselves not only locally, but also through the network Hamachi.

To describe this program in a nutshell:

You can create a LAN game over the Internet using VPN technology. Any applications that run over the local network can run through Hamachi. Most often, Hamachi networks are used to connect computers that are behind a NAT or firewall.

At times StarCraft Brood War this program was used to get around the problem Latency too high for players playing through Proxy server.
In our case, we will also use this program to bypass possible problems with a connection to other players.

Install Hamachi. If you used the installer from Vivior "a, the shortcuts to the distributions will already be on your desktop.

Download the distribution kit is separately available on the official website of Hamachi

Run, follow the instructions of the installer. No additional settings are required.
After installation, just in case, reboot.

Now start Hamachi. Let's go to the menu Net and click Connect to an existing network . In the window that appears, enter identifier networks and password to connect.

In our case, there is already an "official" network of users starfriend, where the people who use it usually gather:
Identifier: Starcraft 2HF

Connection limit - 256 users.

Unfortunately, it often happens that there are no vacancies. And to get there, you have to wait a fair amount. Therefore, if you are still connected, observe the mannerism and do not forget to disconnect from the network if you are not going to play - don't take the slot!

Before us opens a list of users of our virtual network. Green indicates those that are currently online. By right-clicking you can open a chat and chat with the selected player about the game. Or with all the players on the channel, if you click on the channel name.

To create a game, we need to specify Player's IP address, with which you will play, as a server. (in case he creates a host) Or tell him your IP if you are the host. In principle, the IPs of all connected to this network are visible anyway. But in which case, the same magic right key will come to our aid.

Start the client and wait. The first person to enter the game is the one who created and is the server. After that, he should inform you that he is already in the game. Otherwise, you simply will not see each other.

If you are the host, then you enter first and in turn inform your opponent about it.

Everything else - creating a game, rooms, playing against players and AI - is done in exactly the same way as when playing on LAN.

Playing online with Tunngle

Another option for playing over the Internet with the least amount is to use Tunngle.

Tunngle, like Hamachi, simulates the connection of different computers into one virtual (pseudo-local) network for playing together. The essential difference is that the Tunngle network is decentralized. Those. does not depend on the central server, as it is done in Hamachi and where its main drawback comes from - if the server lies, then there is no access to the created virtual networks.

To play through this service, pre-registration is required on the official website. You can also download the distribution kit there.

Installing Tunngle is similar to Hamachi.

In principle, there are also other services that allow you to emulate the game over a local network via the Internet. Tunngle and Hamachi are listed as the most popular.

Eliminate latency with Leatrix Latency Fix 1.23

With a little software Leatrix Latency Fix, you can try to improve the quality of the connection with especially slow opponents. Not guaranteed, but still...

The program is already included in the distribution kit of Starfriend. Separately

  • Opening a folder Leatrix Latency Fix 1.23 and run the script install.vbs .
  • We reboot the computer.
  • We rejoice. :)

But keep in mind that the action Leatrix Latency Fix spreads throughout the system.
It helps a lot in cases where it is necessary to speed up the exchange of small amounts of data (when playing online games, for example). But at the same time, it can slow down the download of thick files quite strongly.

The whole thing is deleted through Remove.vbs.

The program is being updated. The latest version can always be found on the home page. The latest version at the moment -
It is still easier in it - run the program and press the appropriate button. ;)

Well, that seems to be all!

I tried to consider as much as possible and explain as clearly as possible for everyone who wants to join the community StarCraft 2 Wings of Liberty, a free-to-play variant over a local network. As well as alternative options games over the Internet, in addition to the official Battle.Net server.

Perhaps I could miss something somewhere, state it inaccurately, or not clearly enough. Therefore, feel free to leave your comments on this guide.
I will try, over time, to expand and supplement it.

And also adjust for new versions of Starfriend, which will certainly have even more features!

Good luck playing!
Gl, Hf, Gg!

And most importantly, remember: StarCraft - FOREVER!

As promised a couple of weeks ago, the classic beloved real-time strategy game Starcraft II is now free to play.

Ready to start? Here are a few things you should know, followed by instructions for registering and downloading the game.

What can you play.

The free play option includes full version Wings of Liberty, which earned a 9.5 rating from GameSpot when it debuted in 2010.

You also get access to all multiplayer elements in Unranked Multiplayer and Custom modes. You can access the Ranked Multiplayer ladder by completing 10 First Wins of the Day challenges in Unranked Multiplayer or Versus AI (against the computer).

At the same time, you can play in team mode with free team leaders up to level 5.

Finally, if you already own Wings of Liberty, you can get a free digital copy of the Heart of the Swarm Expansion Pack - although the offer is only valid until December 8th.

How can you play.

Starcraft II is available for both Windows and Macs, but you'll need a Blizzard account before you can get the game. If you already have it, great.

If not, you can register after downloading the installer, which you can do by clicking on "Play" on the Starcraft II homepage. (Curiously, when I did this a little earlier today, I was directed to the page where I had to create an account before downloading the installer. But now it seems that this requirement has been removed, as clicking this button immediately downloads the installer.)

You can sign up for through your Facebook account, or more traditionally with email and password. You will be prompted to verify your email, although strictly speaking this is not required.

When you first log into, you need to create a BattleTag - this is your online alias. From there, the client will complete the installation of Starcraft II. Don't be surprised if you have trouble connecting at first, or if the software throws up some weird error messages, I've seen that too. Since this is the first day of the free game, the traffic on the site is sure to be heavy.