Why is my sister’s wedding dreaming - what do dream books say? Why is my sister dreaming? Dream "sister" - a complete interpretation of dreams Dream Interpretation of the wedding of an unmarried sister.

In life, everything is subject to its own strict laws, but in dreams absolutely anything can happen.

Therefore, the world of dreams is so alluring and captivating. Especially when something amazing is dreamed, after which the hands themselves reach for the dream book - find out as soon as possible what this dream means?

Girls and even adults, married ladies, often dream of a wedding. Such a dream can cause a whole storm of emotions and be interpreted in different ways. But take your time!

Let's look into the dream books and try to understand correctly and accurately what the wedding is dreaming of, how to interpret such an ambiguous dream and what to expect from fate?

Oh this wedding...

It is difficult not to remember or ignore such a dream. After all, a wedding in itself is a rare, solemn, unusual event. And if it is a dream, then it is certainly some important sign!

First of all, it is worth remembering all the details of this dream, and only then look into the dream book - a wedding can be dreamed of for various reasons and mean completely different things. And most importantly - do not confuse anything. So, the most common dreams are as follows:

  • Own wedding.
  • Marriage of a friend or sister.
  • My own daughter's wedding.
  • Someone else's wedding where you are a guest.
  • A failed celebration.

Also, a married or unmarried young lady can dream of a wedding - and this is also very significant. So, having understood the basic conditions, remembering important details and details, you can safely look into dream books and discover the secrets of the unknown, mysterious world of dreams ...

Dreams come true ... It's a pity that only in dreams!

In general, a wedding in dreams in itself is always a very important and serious sign, and such a dream must be interpreted correctly. And even more so for your own wedding.

If an unmarried girl or woman dreamed in a dream that she herself was getting married - and it doesn’t matter who appeared as the groom - this means that serious changes are coming in life.

Alas, such a dream does not directly mean that you will be proposed or you will get married in reality. Although the mysterious dream books are silent in which particular area to expect big changes, so anything can happen!

Therefore, the difficult and important question of why a wedding is dreaming, or rather, your own marriage, is definitely not easy to answer. One can only confidently expect a new, decisive stage in life, some new milestone.

At the same time, most likely, nothing here depends on you yourself, but more on fate. Calm down the train of thought, meditate, reflect on your life and look very closely and carefully in which direction you are moving, whether it is right.

Do not be afraid of change - after all, as you know, they always happen only for the better. Even if it doesn't seem like it from the start.

Knowing why a young and so far unmarried girl dreams about her own wedding, you can safely expect a new stage in life - open up internally, trust fate and wait for the best!

Married again?

But when a married woman dreams of her own wedding, the situation is completely different. Do not rush to conclusions, this does not mean at all that a new marriage awaits you! But still, such a dream is an occasion to think.

If a married lady suddenly dreamed that she was going down the aisle with someone (no matter with whom), then most likely she was subconsciously dissatisfied with her marriage. Perhaps, deep down in his soul, he wants to break out of it.

Often such a dream can signify impending difficulties in the marriage union. But how it will cost and how it all ends, depends only on you.

As almost every dream book suggests, a wedding for a married lady is an important sign. This is a call to think well and seriously, to reflect on the situation, to be honest with yourself and try to understand what exactly is currently happening in her marriage.

But even such a dream is always dreamed of only by wise and reasonable women, and it means that if you spare no time and effort, think carefully, you will find the right way out of the current, perhaps difficult, situation.

You will definitely be able to find the wisdom and strength in yourself to save, restore relationships, refresh feelings, and create a new, even brighter and more prosperous stage in family life.

A surprise for mom - daughter goes down the aisle!

Of course, if a mother sees in a dream how her dear, only, beloved daughter in a wedding dress is going to get married, this can cause a real shock.

What to think, what could this mean, is the daughter really hiding something? Without exception, all mothers experience and terribly “wind up” such situations, but you should not do this. If you had such a strange and unexpected dream - the wedding of your own daughter - first calm down.

  • This can easily mean that you and your daughter may begin, or maybe some small conflicts, frictions, misunderstandings have already begun, but nothing serious.
  • A wedding in a dream is always a symbol of change, and perhaps your daughter will have an important, new period in her life. Perhaps it will not be easy, but important and inevitable.

Having correctly understood what the daughter’s wedding is dreaming of, you must certainly draw the right conclusion and do everything to alleviate the situation.

1. If you really notice that your relationship with her has somehow grown cold lately, you have begun to move away from each other - take action. Apologize sincerely if you were wrong about something, talk to her peacefully and kindly, tell her how much you love and cherish her.

Try every day to establish a relationship with your daughter. You will thank yourself later, and even more so, there will be no end to her gratitude.

2. If your relationship with your beloved beautiful daughter is really in perfect order, then a dream can signify big and serious changes. And after all, every dream book confirms this. The daughter’s wedding in a dream should be an occasion for the mother to help, support, do everything possible so that these changes for her beloved daughter are not painful.

This may be a new job, admission to a technical school or institute, or vice versa, graduation, the beginning of a new relationship - in general, any new milestone. Support, but do not press - help with your affection, love and care, and then, without a doubt, everything will be fine.

Is she married?

Often, girls and women dream of their own sister or friend walking proudly down the aisle. I want to immediately tell her such a funny dream, discuss it, gossip - after all, it’s not every day that you have to take a walk at a sister’s or girlfriend’s wedding!

But do not rush to tell, first find out why the wedding of a friend or, perhaps, a sister is dreaming. And what to expect from such night vision.

Each interpreter, including Miller's famous dream book, makes it clear that such a dream is significant for you, and not for the "bride". If you had to be a guest at the wedding of your sister, girlfriend, and indeed, you dreamed of someone else's wedding, this means that now you are going through a not very favorable period.

For some reason, all the main, bright, significant events pass by you, all the most interesting and significant things happen to others. And you, perhaps, even try your best to get into the center of events, but for some reason you remain out of work.

As you can see, if someone’s wedding is dreaming, whether it’s a sister, girlfriend, employee or even a neighbor, this is a hint that fate, for some reason, wants to keep you away from big events. Do not worry and do not scold fate!

After all, she gave you such a dream - you had to be a guest at someone's wedding. And this means that the Universe tells you: wait, now is not the time for action.

For example, it may well be related to both work and the personal or social sphere. Now you have such a period when you should rest, stop, not make sudden movements and just watch.

Perhaps, having understood why your sister’s wedding is dreaming, and indeed someone else’s wedding, you can stop for a minute, take a closer look around and understand something incredibly important. You try…

Dreams are a mystery!

If you dreamed of yours or someone else's failed wedding, you should know that you are a prisoner of dreams. You dream and fantasize more than you live your real life, and various problems can arise from this.

Live in reality, but analyze your dreams. After all, they can be extremely helpful in life, suggest, guide, warn.

The wise and caring Universe always gives us hints, leads us by the hand, opens doors and shows us the right path. She will always warn of dangers or wrong steps, and even tell you how to behave correctly so that any life situation is resolved in the best possible way.

The main thing is to trust fate, listen to its whisper, be attentive and listen to your intuition. We are so accustomed to act prudently and correctly, to live only with the mind and logic, that we completely forget how much intuition and listening to the heart can give!

Try it - and you will be surprised how much is hidden inside us, how much a single short dream can show and tell, and how easy it is to lead your life correctly, make the right decisions and avoid failures, if you only know how to listen ... Author: Vasilina Serova

Seeing a sister in a dream can often mean nothing at all and be simply the result of a day lived through. This is if the dreamer really has a sister.

If there is none in reality, then the decoding takes on a completely different turn. Details that are best written down right after sleep will help to deal with the interpretation.

dream older sister

If dream of older sister which means that in the future the dreamer will face troubles and difficulties. Unpleasant changes are possible due to the fault of the person who sees the dream. This can affect the quality of life: demotion, trouble with a partner's job, sudden debts or the need for large expenses. If in a dream the older sister scolds for something, then the dreamer will have to make excuses for failures in life.

sister crying

A dream in which a sister, promises new opportunities for her.

A dream warns that a relative needs careful preparation for and possible meetings. You should count on a positive outcome, and at the same time be fully armed with the best solution in such situations.

If unmarried native, then she expects. Whether the marriage will be happy or unhappy depends on what emotions the dreamer experienced in a dream: if positive, then everything will be fine and vice versa. If a pregnant woman dreams of a married sister, then changes in her marriage related to her husband, good or bad, are coming, it should be judged by emotions after waking up.

In a wedding dress

The dream in which sister in or - to separation from her. If a groom is present in a dream and a celebration takes place, then the separation will be short-lived and planned. If the sister is in a wedding dress without an appropriate entourage, then the separation will be long and will last an indefinite amount of time. Also, such dreams portend a new love affair with one of the sisters.

Sister gave birth

If sister in a dream, then in real life the dreamer or dreamer will face great difficulties and problems. Permission will fall only on the shoulders of the one who saw the dream. The dream warns that you will have to work hard and when the difficult issue is resolved, the person will receive a worthy reward. If sister, this is to amazing pleasant events - small obstacles on the way to the goal.

sick sister

See sick sister in a dream- a sign of imminent losses. Unplanned expenses can lead to debts of a person who had a dream. If in a dream a sister recovers after an illness, then everything is not so sad. If the disease is incurable, then you will have to tighten your belts, the losses will hit the budget hard and lead to tremendous losses not only financially, but also in life in general.


If sister in a dream, then such a dream can only promise peace and prosperity in the family. If he is happy and satisfied with his appearance, then soon the dreamer or dreamer will receive an unscheduled reward at work or an increase in the career ladder. Dissatisfied and sad, but beautiful sister - favorable changes in personal life.

If dream sister, which means that the person who had the dream should expect an easy affair. If a lonely woman sees a dream, then soon diversity will appear in her personal life. For a single man, such a dream speaks of a connection that can develop into a serious relationship. When such dreams come to married people, you should try to control yourself and not succumb to temptations.

got sick

If the dreamer sees the patient's sister, then soon quarrels and troubles await him. To be at the bedside of a sick sister is to take part in solving other people's problems. Coming to your own sister - to problems in the service and in relations with colleagues. Taking care of the patient is an unexpected big expense.

If in a dream a sick sister is on the mend, then the person who saw such a dream will soon receive a gift or make a necessary and pleasant purchase that he has long planned.

To worry in a dream because of the illness of a sister is a sign that on the way to the cherished goal a person will face overwhelming obstacles that he can overcome only by asking for help from loved ones.

See her in a coffin

See native sister in a dream means that in fact she will live a long and happy life. Do not worry after such dreams, they guarantee joy and prosperity. In the near future, the life of a sister will undergo positive changes. They will relate to career, study, personal life, interpersonal relationships.

If in a dream, then in real life she needs support and support from the dreamer. A person who had a similar dream should take an interest in the affairs of a relative and offer help. The more sudden in a dream, the more acute the problem is for the sister in reality. The dreamer needs to think about how to be delicate and not put pressure on his sister when helping.

There are few people who do not dream of a colorful wedding with music, flowers and gifts. Dreams are so strong that it is impossible to think of anything but this. Sometimes falling asleep, the dreamer replays the colorful plot of the wedding again and again, admiring her betrothed. But how to understand the fact that instead of her wedding, she dreams of a sisterly celebration. Why dream of a sister's wedding and how to interpret such a phenomenon - women often ask this question.

Sister's engagement - is it good

You probably have mixed feelings if you nevertheless turned out to be a spectator of this dream. Of course, I want to watch my engagement, but my sister's wedding is no less pleasant sight, even in a dream. If you dreamed about your sister's wedding, then you should first understand how this process took place. There are several options:

  1. Everything went well and you were the witness of the young bride.
  2. The bride ran away from the wedding.
  3. Your sister's ex broke into the wedding.
  4. You were killed right at the wedding.
  5. The groom at the very last moment, standing under the crown, confessed his love to you, and not to his betrothed.
  6. The husband of the young girl in white turned out to be your husband.

The first case promises your sister a favorable future in marriage with her boyfriend. She will be happy, and he, in turn, will support her in everything. Love and understanding will reign in this family.

But there is another interpretation: it was you who turned out to be a witness, which means that deep down you are a little jealous of your young wife. You want to be in her place, and maybe even feel sympathy for her chosen one, but you don’t even admit it to yourself. It is very easy to decide which explanation of night vision suits you best, you just need to look into your soul and not deceive yourself.

The second scenario says that you want to remain a free woman. If you are already married or in a relationship, you want a change. Tired of control, living together. You want to feel independent and not accountable to anyone. The dream interpretation advises to go alone somewhere where there is an opportunity to communicate with other people. It's worth going to a place that looks like a nightclub, a bar or even a bowling alley. After that, the feeling of being locked in a cage will let go of your soul.

The third case means that someone you lost a long time ago will return to your life. Lost connections will be restored, communication will improve. Maybe even with those who later will be able to help you with something or with people whose connection will bring great benefits.

In the fourth case, they wish you evil. Someone plans to spoil your life, deliberately annoy, and maybe even harm you. Or your close friends are turned against you. Someone is taking revenge or wants to get something from you. It is recommended not to trust personal data to strangers or acquaintances whom you cannot trust one hundred percent. You should take a closer look at the people around you. It often happens that the friend from whom you did not expect it betrays.

The fifth situation - unnecessary troubles will suddenly appear in your life. You can't tell if they are good or bad. Perhaps you will be sent on a business trip or an unexpected vacation will be drawn. Maybe you win tickets to the lottery or just decide to go on a trip on your own. And also friends can pull you out into the fresh air, for a picnic. It is possible that a young man confesses his love to you, from whom you least expected this. Such a dream will not bring you negative incidents, but rather, something unforeseen will happen.

The sixth night vision says that your chosen one is not saying something. Take a closer look at his behavior, try to spend more time with him. If he reluctantly agrees to your invitations, constantly looking for excuses or says “I want to be alone” - think about it, something is wrong here. If you do not have a relationship, the dream book does not advise starting them in the near future. Otherwise, you will encounter two-faced behavior of a loved one, betrayal or even betrayal. Quarrels will haunt you. For dating and relationships, you should choose a different time. Just wait a little.

Which sister is getting married

Details are an important factor in the interpretation of any dream. It is not enough to consider only the plot, you need to pay attention to its participants. In these nightly dreams, you can see not only your own sister who is getting married. Some people have huge families with a bunch of distant relatives. For example, you can see such sisters as:

  • older;
  • younger;
  • native;
  • cousin;
  • consolidated;
  • an impostor (in a dream it appears as your sister, although you don’t have one in real life).

older sister is getting married- you will have a patron in the future. He will help in your endeavors and will play the role of "protector".

Either the role of the person who will teach you a certain kind activities. With him, success and pleasure await you from the process.

If the spouse your youngest, then perhaps one of the relatives needs your help. Most likely, this is the person who is lower than you both in social status and in mental development. Try to offer help, talk, or just ask how you are.

Seeing in a dream the wedding of a sister promises you financial gain. It is likely that you will be promoted or, if you are looking for a new job, then you have chosen the most appropriate time for this.

Step sister getting married - bad news will reach you. Someone from distant relatives will get into trouble or suffer. Unexpected illnesses may occur.

Well, what if a girl is going down the aisle who is not your own person at all- soon you will avoid a major deception. They will try to rob you or humiliate you. A blow should be expected from a person who is constantly nearby. This can happen at work or in a circle of unfamiliar people.

In a night dream they saw how the bride and groom began to quarrel right during the wedding- you are threatened with minor troubles. Home vanity will require considerable effort. It will most likely need to be refurbished soon. This is what the wedding of a cousin's sister is dreaming of.

Take note

Different interpreters considered thousands of dreams about the triumph of a close relative, but many plots remained a mystery. For example, you can see in a dream the wedding of your unmarried sister. Such an intrigue promises the dreamers the appearance of children in the family.

For those who already have babies, it is predicted that they will grow up in health and prosperity. Nothing bad will happen to them. The young caretakers of these dreams should expect the birth of a brother or sister.

Attention, only TODAY!

More than half of the world's population has dreamed of a wedding at least once in their lives. And the sister's wedding is an important sign that should not be ignored. Timely actions taken and understanding of what is happening greatly simplify the understanding of the environment and people who are also nearby.

What if you dream of your sister's wedding?

Why dream of a sister's wedding is not at all difficult to remember. The main thing is that for the correct interpretation of sleep, it is necessary to remember exactly all the circumstances of the dream. Even the most inconspicuous at first glance little things are of great importance in such a case. This dream most often means upcoming changes that directly affect the sister herself. If the sister is already married, then such a dream is a very good sign for her. This means that changes will bring positive consequences. If the sister is not married, then most likely she will feel unwell, associated with a drop in immunity. In this case, you should warn your sister about the upcoming illness so that she stocks up on vitamins. If the sister is pregnant, then this dream also portends favorable changes in her life. Such a woman should not worry about the upcoming birth. They will be light, and the upcoming replenishment will be healthy and complete.

We must not forget that the interpretation of dreams is a process that is still vigorously discussed among scientists. Therefore, it should be taken as advice and parting words, rather than mandatory rules. This is a very important point in this case. Without it, you should not start such a perception of dreams.

A sister's wedding is quite common in dreams, especially among women. Also, this dream can promise the imminent appearance of an outsider in your own life. This person will have a great influence, but unfortunately, for the worse. His attention, and just his presence, will greatly strain and make him nervous. In these circumstances, it is not recommended to make new hasty acquaintances without getting to know the person well enough. Otherwise, it will be problematic to get rid of it. A sister's wedding in a dream is an action that can portend both good and unpleasant things. It is not recommended to talk about this dream to the sister herself, but to try to help her quietly. This attitude will help mitigate and improve the upcoming chores. And to make favorable changes even more favorable.

What portends?

Some dream books interpret the sister's wedding in a dream as a very unfavorable sign. Allegedly, a dangerous illness or even death awaits her. It should not be overlooked that absolutely all interpretations, both good and not very good, should be taken into account, since this area has not been fully studied, and relies on the observation of lived generations and predictions. Don't panic and take action right away. To begin with, it is worth remembering all the circumstances of the actions taking place in a dream. Perhaps it is not the wedding that is important at all, but, for example, acquaintance at it, or some other event. Also, you should not rush into all serious after seeing such a dream, because this is just a dream that may not mean anything, but simply be a consequence of experienced events or nervous situations.

It is important to remember that any dream is a very important process that requires attention. All actions that occur in dreams can somehow affect fate. That is why their understanding is so important, or rather their correct understanding.

Sleep is a process of brain activity, which, like ordinary thinking, requires proper attention. When interpreting dreams, you should pay attention only to trusted sources, otherwise you can easily be deceived. And few people like it.

To marry in a dream - for a girl, new changes are coming soon in her life.

For a married woman, such a dream promises great family troubles, additional financial expenses and physical labor.

Marrying a widower is in danger.

Marrying a foreigner is a nuisance.

Marriage with a young man - for widows promises annoyance or a quarrel.

Interpretation of dreams from the 21st century Dream Interpretation

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Dream Interpretation - Sister

The images of brothers and sisters in your dream can be understood in two ways.

Firstly, it is often a simple reflection of kindred feelings and related unrest.

However, in a broad sense, the image of a brother and sister in a dream: this is a reflection of your own "I".

A conflict with a brother or sister in this sense means internal discord, fraught with failures and mistakes in reality.

Seeing your brothers and sisters full of energy and rejoicing in it portends you a successful course of affairs.

Seeing them sad is a sign of impending misfortune.

Cousins, sister - the uncertainty of relations with a person.

Interpretation of dreams from