The meaning of the numbers of the surname, name and patronymic. The secret of your name, patronymic, surname The surname is not in vain called the banner of the family, passed down from generation to generation

The numerical code of our name is one of the main determining factors influencing our abilities and destiny.

Each of us has a name that has its own unique energy, which can be recognized by translating letters into numbers.

In numerology, there are several important numbers, such as, for example, the date of birth, which determines the life path of a person.

Name number in numerology

At the same time, our name can tell about three main aspects:

1. The number of fate is determined by the total number of your first name, last name and patronymic

The number of destiny does not describe what kind of person you are, but rather the potential that is in you. These qualities were given to you by your parents when they chose your name.

To find out the number of fate, you need to write down your last name, first name and patronymic as they are written on the birth certificate. If a woman changed her last name after marriage, the new number will reflect the change in her fate, and her maiden name indicates her fate before she married.

2. The number of the soul - is determined by the number of vowels of your name

The soul number represents your deepest desires and aspirations. It reveals your likes and dislikes, as well as your secrets. The number of the soul moves you every day, this is what you value most in life. The embodiment of what your soul asks for will help you find peace and satisfaction in life.

3. The number of appearance - is determined by the sum of the consonants of your name.

The number of your appearance shows the image that you present to the world, who you want to appear to people when they meet you, and what impression you make.

Each letter in the surname, name and patronymic corresponds to a certain number. The name code can be determined by converting the letters into numbers and adding them up to a single digit.

How to calculate the number of fate by name?

Write your full last name, first name and patronymic and the numbers corresponding to each letter.

Add up all the numbers until you get a single digit.

For example, Ivanova Olga Mikhailovna

Destiny Number


Destiny number - 4

Soul number (vowels)


1+1+7+1+7+1+1+1+2+7+1=30, 3+0=3

Soul number - 3

Appearance number (consonants)


3+6+3+4+3+4+5+5+4+3+6=46, 4+6=10, 1+0=1

Number 1 - Leader

This is the number of action and independence. The One is aggressive and ambitious, and does not allow any obstacles to stand in its way. She is strong, unshakable, able to lead and focused on achieving the goal. When a person with the number 1 has aspirations and ideas, he will work hard to realize his dreams, and nothing will make him deviate from the chosen path.

Such people do not like to be told what to do, and those who try to do it will face unpleasant consequences. One is individuality, and people of one will not keep their mouths shut. However, they remain loyal to their friends for the rest of their lives. This is one of the most stubborn and jealous numbers, but also bold and ready to stand up for the weak when needed.

If your destiny number is 1, you have the potential to become an excellent leader. You can be a person of action who knows how to solve problems. You also have the ability to create, initiate and innovate.

You are hardworking, driven and self-confident, and if you use your potential, you will find great financial success and rapid advancement. Strive for your goal, as an inactive unit will not be happy. Watch your temper and aggressiveness. You don't have to hurt others to get what you want. Be a leader, not a tyrant.

If your soul number is 1, you are one of those people who live for competition. Deep down, you always strive to win.

If your appearance number is 1, then you are someone who likes to give the impression of a person who has everything under control, even if this is not so. You want to be a big boss and you make a lot of people believe that. The fulfillment of your dream depends on you and on the other numbers in your name.

Number 2 - Romantic

The number 2 represents the peacemaker. He is a gentle, kind, patient person. He knows how to forgive, tries to be understanding and has a supernatural understanding of the world.

Although at first glance it may seem that the deuce blends into the crowd, she runs the show behind the scenes. Due to their quiet and calm nature, such people often do not receive recognition for their merits, although this does not bother them. Two people always value ideals above fame, recognition and business. They are excellent intermediaries, sensitive to the needs of other people, who easily win the hearts of others with their charm.

Twos can be overly sensitive and prone to drama, especially when loved ones ignore them or are jealous. In such cases, it is important to be soft and gentle with them until they feel better. Such people are often shy and like to dream more than to do.

If your destiny number is 2, then you have the ability to work and collaborate with others. You have the potential to develop intuition and spiritual growth. You can become popular thanks to your charm, friendliness and ability to inspire other people.

You can be very devoted in love, but you demand the same from your partner. You need to be careful, because sometimes it is difficult for you to separate dreams from reality.

If your soul number is 2, then you are in desperate need of peace and love in your life, and you are trying to avoid stressful situations and conflicts.

If the number of your appearance is 2, then you appear to others as a good-natured and careless person. You often fantasize about how you are surrounded by family and loved ones, and everyone around is happy.

Number 3 - Artist

Number 3 people are witty, charming and creative. They attract others with their charisma, great sense of humor and spectacular appearance. Although nature has rewarded triples with optimism, it can be difficult for them to cope with reality and difficulties in life.

If they can overcome their inherent superficiality and learn to recognize what is really important in life, they will be able to enjoy a peaceful and happy life.

The three can be very jealous, proud, but at the same time suffer from complexes. Without discipline, she loses motivation, focus, and direction. Such people depend on others to solve problems and may give in under pressure. Threes always go after what brings them joy, even if it's temporary and artificial. They are not hard to please. If they learn to appreciate life as it is, they will achieve the highest happiness.

If your destiny number is 3, you have the ability to spread happiness and positivity wherever you go. You can excel in entertainment because you know how to cheer up other people.

You have the potential to become a good writer, actor, musician, artist, singer, teacher, or public speaker. You are friendly, sociable, able to keep up the conversation, and it is pleasant to be with you. Avoid superficiality, laziness and gossip.

If your soul number is 3, then you enjoy creative expression. Showcasing your talents in writing and speaking will help you become more confident and fulfill your life.

If the number of your appearance is 3, then you dream of creating. You enjoy art, music, writing and drawing. In addition to wanting to express yourself through creativity, you crave popularity and recognition.

Number 4 - Builder

Hardworking, reliable breadwinner of the family. Fours are willing to work hard to get things done and don't ask too many questions. These are humble people who always protect their property. They can be stubborn in their views, and when they decide on something, you can hardly convince them.

Fours are not very open to anything that is different from the usual. These are workaholics who are experts in any matter.

They are organized, professional in their field, but it can be difficult for them to cope when things get out of hand. Fours require loyalty, respect, and discipline from others, and are sometimes overly demanding. However, they will do their best to provide for their loved ones.

If your destiny number is 4, then it will bring you order, organization and skill. A 4 gives you a hard work ethic and high expectations of yourself and others. Try not to succumb to negativity, be overbearing, and pressure others. It is also better not to take on more obligations than you can handle, otherwise this will lead to pessimism and resentment.

If your soul number is 4, then you are striving for financial and professional stability. You are proud when others appreciate your hard work and professionalism.

If your appearance number is 4, you like to present yourself as a reliable and accomplished person. You dream of an orderly and predictable life.

Number 5 - Adventurer

A sociable, energetic person who does not like a predictable, routine life.

Five is a person with a free spirit, who finds it difficult to linger somewhere for a long time. They are much more interested in learning a lot until they get bored and find something more exciting. It is difficult for such people to settle down until they try many activities and decide what they like. However, fives can be called devotees in a relationship, and they will not cheat.

They are multifaceted, adaptable, progressive and very tolerant people. They cannot devote themselves to any religious group or ideology, as they rebel against conventions and any categories. Fives are individuals who are able to make decisions on their own and go against social norms.

They can be irresponsible and selfish and often seek immediate pleasure without thinking about the future.

If your destiny number is 5, you have many talents. You easily adapt to circumstances, know how to communicate and work with people. You are smart, tactful, and know how to get what you want from others.

Thanks to these qualities, you can easily succeed in any field where you need to work with diverse people. You need to learn to focus on one thing and see it through to the end.

If your soul number is 5, then you crave freedom of action and movement. The ability to make your own decisions and implement ideas in your own way brings you real happiness.

If your appearance number is 5, it indicates your desire for freedom and adventure. You want to travel and meet people from all over the world.
Numerology - name number

Number 6 - Educator

The number 6 is the mother of all numbers. This is a loving, kind, gentle, caring person, ready to sacrifice himself. The 6 gets along well with the rest of the numbers and most of all strives to spread peace and love.

They are compassionate people with a strong sense of justice who will do whatever it takes to protect others. Such a person will never intentionally offend anyone and is very reliable in all respects.

However, such a person may be too trusting, and others may take advantage of this, since he does not know how to hide his feelings. Despite their caring nature, sixes tend to interfere in other people's affairs, which many may not like. If your loved ones do not reciprocate, you can be sarcastic. You have a tendency to jealousy and self-doubt, but you are still loved.

If your destiny number is 6, you are a responsible, loving and balanced person. You have an innate need to help others, especially those who are in trouble. You are a born parent who knows how to take care of family and loved ones.

You will succeed in a career where others need help, as you have generosity and kindness. Be kind to yourself and don't disturb other people's space. Also try not to be stubborn in your ideas.

If your soul number is 6, then it is very important for you to feel needed and in demand for everything you do. You are proud that others consider you a good example.

If your appearance number is 6, you dream of an ideal home with an ideal partner, children and a happy family life.

Number 7 - Thinker

The Seven are looking for the truth and are well aware that everything may not be the same as it really is. These are introverts, shy people who prefer loneliness and avoid social situations.

Such people can be called intellectuals and thinkers who always strive to know the meaning of life and our existence. This allows them to be above pettiness, prejudice and window dressing.

Sevens have a strong, penetrating eye that clearly brings out the essence of people without drawing attention to their external facade.

At times, they can seem selfish and cold-blooded, as well as concerned only with their own problems. In pursuit of knowledge, they may withdraw from society.

If your destiny number is 7, nature has rewarded you with deep thinking and a talent for critical thinking. You have excellent powers of observation and the ability to work independently. Moreover, you prefer loneliness. You have a great need to find truth, spiritual enlightenment, or become an expert in your field. You deal with things logically and rationally, but sometimes you lack emotions.

If your soul number is 7, you love to think and meditate. You strive for spiritual enlightenment and admire the world around you. You are quite satisfied with the time spent alone, and communication with strangers makes you uncomfortable.

If your appearance number is 7, you dream of a life where you can fully devote yourself to the search for knowledge and not be distracted by everyday affairs.

Number 8 - Chief

Eights perfectly combine business acumen and spirituality. These are practical, intelligent people who are able to accumulate great wealth. They are successful in making money, but they strive to earn a lot not for the sake of money, but for the sake of the opportunities that they give.

Eights can take risks, and often this risk is justified. They don't get discouraged when they fail, but try even harder to succeed. These are ambitious, purposeful, disciplined people who are well versed in other people. They become great leaders.

Eights approach life with the “I can” attitude. They can be very generous, honest and forgiving, but they can be quite straightforward. They have their faults, such as irritability, they often tend to feel dissatisfied and are easily disappointed. If there is a bias in one direction, the figure eight can become greedy, angry and aggressive.

If your destiny number is 8, you have the ability to achieve great financial success and prosperity. You are able to excel in business and management.

Through practical thinking, you can acquire wealth. In addition, you can become spiritually rich, but for this you need to overcome your stubbornness and impatience. Don't let your status and power turn into high conceit and intolerance towards others.

If your soul number is 8, you seek power and influence. You will be satisfied with your life when you achieve high status and financial freedom.

If your appearance number is 8, you dream of success in business and often imagine yourself as a powerful person who is able to cope with great responsibility and pressure.

Number 9 - Universal Watcher

The nine is somewhat similar to the six, being just as caring and empathetic. The difference between them lies in the scale of love for others. While the six is ​​concerned about their friends, family, and society, the nine is concerned about the whole world.

They are very empathetic and receptive to connections between people all over the world. Such people are able to accept the differences of others and are well aware of what binds us all. They are able to change the thinking of others, bring changes, but they will never impose their ideals on others.

They know how to empathize with those who need help, but they will never allow themselves to show vulnerability. They want to look strong, collected, ready for any adversity. Nine is a devoted friend and loved one, always surrounded by an aura of mystery, but not revealing his deep secrets to everyone and everyone.

Losing their balance, they can become completely different: arrogant, selfish and apathetic towards others. If hurt, they can become violent, vengeful, and incapable of forgiveness.

If your destiny number is 9, you are endowed with the gift of unconditional love and compassion. You are well aware of the needs of other people and feel fulfilled only when you satisfy these needs.

You are able to inspire others, have a good imagination and artistry. It is important for you to maintain balance in life, otherwise your negative qualities may appear. Take care to help others so that you don't become selfish and insensitive.

If your soul number is 9, your deepest desire is the desire to work for the good of the world. You are happy when you help others and society. Knowing that you have changed someone's life is a real source of pride for you.

If your appearance number is 9, you want to help others, especially those in need. You want people to see you as a humane person, someone they can rely on for support.

Meaning of proper name

A proper name carries information about personal characteristics: character traits, innate abilities, energy, temperament. Knowing the numerical value of the own name of a particular person, it is possible with a high degree of probability to determine what desires they are driven by, what is possible for him and what is not; which of its manifestations should be encouraged, and which should be avoided. Thus, the first impression can be formed, but not "intuitive", but quite reasonable.

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Surname Meaning

The number of the surname is “this is our everything!” Jokes aside. This number contains a huge amount of data relating to almost every trait of a person’s character, first of all, “family”, his “hereditary” abilities, as well as opportunities that directly depend on what his family is. (Material well-being in this case is by no means the most significant factor.)

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Meaning of Patronymic

The patronymic number is an indicator of "basic potential". It should be considered as the result of the transformation of qualities instilled in the process of education under the influence of a person's personal characteristics. Therefore, just as the number of the patronymic does not necessarily have to coincide with the number of the father's name, so the "inherited" character traits do not have to be an exact copy of the father's.

There is a secret and inexplicable harmony between the name of a person and the events of his life ... The name is the thinnest flesh, through which the spiritual essence is declared. ( P. A. Florensky)

Probably, more than once, having learned the name of a person, you caught yourself thinking that it suits him very well. Or, on the contrary, they were perplexed when they heard that the dark-haired woman was called Svetlana, and the blonde - Tamara. Why does the name seem to “stick” to one person, while the other one wants to be called differently? Perhaps because each name necessarily has some well-known and significant signs for everyone. But the name gives us not only external characteristics. It has been known since ancient times that it predetermines the fate of a person.

In ancient China, they believed: if you delve into the meaning of the name, realize its sacred meaning, you can increase self-esteem, determine your natural inclinations, live in unison with your inner self, bringing your own dreams and ideas to life. Among the Sumerians, the word "fate" comes from the words "to give a name." And the ancient Romans, who owned the secrets of black magic, believed that the fate of a person could be turned upside down by writing his name upside down.

Apparently, fearing spells, the evil eye and damage, people tried to hide their names. This custom existed among almost all peoples of the world. So, the ancient Egyptians had a "small" name used in communication, and a "big" one, which was revealed only to the closest as a sign of special trust and disposition. In some states, newborns were given two names, of which the “main” was kept secret. Somewhere this custom is observed even now.

In ancient Rome, every man had a prenomen - a personal name (there were only 18 of them), a nomen - the name of the genus, inherited, and a cognomen - the name characterizing the branch of the genus.

In pre-Christian Russia, personal names were nothing more than nicknames given for one reason or another. For example, the first child was called Pervak, the second - Vtorak, the third - Tretiak, etc. Nicknames were given according to the color of the hair (Belyak, Chernysh, Red, etc.). Many old Russian names have survived to this day: Gorazd, Dobrynya, Lyubava.

After the introduction of Christianity in Russia, newborns were called the so-called calendar names. It was customary to keep the name of the child secret until baptism. It was believed that in this way it is possible to protect the baby from evil spirits, causing damage "to the name."

Fate calls us the very name that connects two energy flows - maternal and paternal. If you want the name, which for you is a personal universal code, to bring only happiness and good luck, listen carefully and peer into the mysterious symbols and sounds that express something more than its usual meaning.

The name of a person is a magic formula of fate. It certainly defines his life. But, choosing it, one should not forget about the patronymic, which carries a certain generic genetic code.

The patronymic complements the psychological characteristics of a person's name and, as it were, corrects the existing image: it finishes, softens or, on the contrary, sharpens some features, makes them clearer.

So, the owners of hard patronymics with a large number of consonants (Aleksandrovich, Nikolaevich, Rostislavovich, Stanislavovich, Emmanuilovich) have a harder time in life than their namesakes with soft patronymics that sound singsongly (Vladimirovich, Mikhailovich, Sergeevich, Petrovich, Yakovlevich, etc.).

For example, although Nikolaevichi are kind, they are often tactless and very persistent, which makes it difficult to find a common language with them. And the imbalance and stubbornness of the Vladimirovichs soften their giftedness and curiosity.

It's no secret that every resident modern Russia have a surname. But, surprisingly, until the end of the 18th - the middle of the 19th century, many people did not have it. In addition to names, our ancestors had only nicknames and patronymics. The first hereditary names, that is, surnames, arose from landowners and merchants. Most of the noble families pointed to the lands they owned, and for merchants - to their trading interests. This is how the surnames Shuisky, Vyazemsky, Yeletsky, Stroganov, Rybnikov and others arose. The first Russian surnames are found in documents dating back to the 15th century.

After the fall of serfdom, yesterday's serfs were "rewarded" with surnames. Often they were simply recorded under the name of the former owners.

The presence of a surname is now so familiar to us, for granted. Have you ever thought about your last name: is it common or rare, is it unusual or funny, does it help in life or, conversely, interfere? Or maybe she hides some secret? Probably, every person would like to know the history of his surname, to feel the connection of times, to catch that unique moment from which his family began.

The surname is not in vain called the banner of the family, passed down from generation to generation. It symbolizes the belonging of a person to a certain genus. Having revealed the secret of its origin, you can find out on what land the ancestor lived, what he did. The surname is a symbol of everyone's attachment to antiquity.

The name that we now bear is three-part: the first is a proper name, the second is a patronymic, we get from our father, the third is a surname - a name that passes from generation to generation, a kind of accumulating karmic program that you may or may not correspond to. But is there a surname, name and patronymic only for individual characteristics? The pages of our book will reveal these secrets to you. You will learn about the meaning of names, patronymics and surnames, you will be able to choose the right name for a newborn, determine the numbers of your fate ... And do not be discouraged if you find characteristics that are not too personal for yourself. They are not individual, and it is up to you to fix everything. After all, you look in the mirror to look better!

Mystery of the name

There is a section of linguistics - onomastics (from the Greek. onomasticos- the art of giving names), studying proper names, the history of their occurrence, geographical distribution. After all, the names of people are part of the history of peoples. Everything is reflected in them: life, beliefs, desires, hopes, movements ... Any word that a person was called in pagan times could become a worldly name. After all, Christianity did not immediately captivate the minds, and even more so the souls of the Slavs. Old traditions were kept for a long time, the covenants of ancestors were revered sacredly. In each family, they remembered the names of their ancestors up to the seventh generation. Traditions from the history of the family were passed down from generation to generation. About the past deeds of the ancestors were told at night to the young successors of the family. Many worldly names were proper (Gorazd, Loved), others arose as nicknames, but then became names (Fool, Chertan, Evil, Hunger).

In Ancient Russia, it was also customary to call babies protective names, amulets with a negative content. This was done to protect a person, scare away evil forces, or for the reverse action of a name. Perhaps from here to scold those taking the exam or to wish "no fluff, no feather." Our ancestors believed that the Fool would grow up smart, and the Hunger would always be full. Later, security names became nicknames, and then a surname.

After the baptism of Russia, under the influence of the Church, they began to give names borrowed by the Byzantine Church from various peoples of antiquity.

The period of active name-creation is called the time after the Great October Revolution. At that time, many names were formed from revolutionary slogans, names of institutions, etc. For example, Ikki (Executive Committee of the Communist International), Roblen (born to be a Leninist), Remizan (the world revolution has begun), Revdit (revolutionary child). There is no need to talk about such dissonant names as Tsas (central pharmacy warehouse), Glasp (Glavspirt), Raytiya (district printing house) and the like.

In the 1960s-1970s, the influx of foreign names increased: Robert, Romuald, Adolf, Richard, Eric, Zhanna, Josephine, Eduard, etc. Names of two or even several words appeared: White Night, Artillery Academy, SerpiMolot, ZhanPaul Marat, Dognat Peregnat (from the slogan of the 1930s "Catch up and overtake America"). There is also a special kind of names, the so-called "parental" - when the parents of Mikhail and Olga have a son called Miol.

Currently, the tradition is being revived, according to which the names of babies are given according to the Saints, that is, according to the church calendar.

Ancient people believed that, knowing the name, they acquire power over a person, and perceived it as a kind of key to his psyche. They were sure that the name and destiny of a person are inseparable. Therefore, one of the oldest and most important ways to influence fate is to give a person a name.

Every name means something. For convenience, humanity has abandoned the uniqueness of the first names (Hawkeye, Evening Star). However, all names come from words that have their own meaning. Some of them have lost their direct connection with the original meaning. For example, without reading in the reference book that Alexander is a “protector of people”, and Peter is a “stone”, you are unlikely to guess this. Some names, on the contrary, mean exactly what they mean - Vera, Victoria, Sveta.

What are the meanings of masculine and female names What fate do they predict? Who is more suitable for this or that name and what should be the name of your betrothed? What is the day of the angel and christening? Can you change the name if you don't like it? You will find answers to these and many other questions in this chapter.

Let's spell the name

The name is the bearer of some sacred secret. This is the key to the destiny that a person can receive in life as a result of his activity, this is the key that unlocks the door of the lock of his destiny.

The personal names of people are usually nouns. In Russian grammar, nouns have gender, number, and case.

Unlike common nouns, which in Russian belong to one of three genders: masculine, feminine or neuter, proper names of people are only masculine or feminine in accordance with the gender of the person. Therefore, names with endings typical of Russian neuter words are found in Russian outside the corresponding grammatical series.

For example, such names as Rogero, Michele, Antonio, conditionally refer to the masculine gender, remaining indeclinable, and the names Anele, Fire, Maro conditionally refer to the feminine and also do not decline. Because of this conventionality and uncertainty, it also happens that both boys and girls are called by the same name (Suliko, Sappho), and this is not very convenient. If Sappho's surname is indeclinable, then it will be difficult to determine from the documents and in absentia communication what gender the owner of the documents is.

Russian full male names end in a hard consonant (Peter), in a soft consonant (Igor), in - th(Andrey, Vasily) and sometimes on - and I(Sava, Ilya).

Full female names ending in - a (I, - ia)(Anna, Maria) or soft consonant (Love).

Russian abbreviated and affectionate forms of names also correspond to the masculine or feminine grammatical gender. However, names ending in - and I, can be equally masculine and feminine (Sasha, Zhenya).

Now let's talk about the secret meanings of the name. After all, literally everything matters in it, from its first and last letters to the number of letters and syllables.

How do the letters of the name affect its owner? Choose those letters that are in your name or in the names of loved ones, and you can learn a lot about a person.

Surprisingly, such a character trait of a person as purposefulness depends on which letter in the name is stressed and in which syllable it is located.

If the emphasis falls on the first letter of the name (Olga, Alla, Oleg), then such a person strives for the rapid implementation of his ideas. But he can become entangled in his own problems and is often dissatisfied with his position.

If the stressed letter is in the last syllable (Alexander, Ivan, Mikhail, Cyril), then the person does not know for a long time what he needs to do in life.

If the stressed letter in the name is between two consonants (Maxim, Stepan), then such a person calculates not only the moves to achieve the goal, but also the retreat, tenaciously holds on to what he has. He doesn't talk, he does.

If after the shock letter there is the letter “y” (Andrey, Alexey), then such a person is not easy to knock off the chosen path, he will stop at nothing to achieve the goal.

The desire to achieve one's own at any cost is also characteristic of people who have the last shock letter (Ilya).

In a rare case, the stressed letter is in a syllable of four letters (Vladislav, Vakhtang, Friedrich). A person with this name is not initiative, constantly waiting for the support of others. Therefore, as a rule, he realizes their goals, and not his own.

A person who has a stressed letter in a five-letter syllable (Sylvester) in his name can achieve a goal only if it is very large-scale, and he feels like a cog in relation to it.

The strongest influence on the character of a person is exerted by the initial letters of the name and those that occur several times in it. Well, if several letters coincide in the names of children and parents, their relationship will be closer. What do the letters mean?

BUT- symbolizes the beginning, the desire for comfort. She speaks of strength, stamina, brightness, leadership. Many letters "a" in the name characterize the openness of a person. For a person whose name contains the letter “a”, work is a natural need. But only the activity that he himself chooses. What does this field look like? This is dictated by other letters contained in the name.

B - a sign of constancy, stubbornness and perseverance, the ability to make money. Such a person is on his mind. If the name begins with the letter "b", this indicates great independence. This consonant brings into the character of a person the need for thrills. Love, risk in business or travel - that's the flavor of his life.

IN - the letter of a creative person, sociable and open. But he often contradicts himself, is in constant search of the right path. The consonant "in" makes a person first carefully plan his future, and then follow only the intended goal, without turning anywhere.

G- a symbol of knowledge, conscientiousness. A person with this letter in his name longs for change, is prone to adventures, extreme sports. He always chooses non-standard solutions to problems.

D - prudence, willingness to help, attachment to the family. If at work the land was distributed under the plots, the first one to break the beds on it is the one in whose name there is the letter “d”.

E- insight, flexibility and naturalness, as well as the road, travel, movement. The letter "e" in the name gives a person ingenuity, simplicity and charm, but at the same time a desire for power. Maybe that's why his power-hungry thoughts are visible to the naked eye. If “e” is an accented letter, then such a person quickly wins over other people.

F- a symbol of intolerance, assertiveness, rigidity, but at the same time the ability to control oneself. Under external refinement, such a person hides rudeness and his dissatisfaction with others. The desire for aesthetic completeness is a character trait introduced by the consonant "g".

W- subtle intuition, rich imagination, secrecy, passion, vitality. It reveals the desire for leadership through the suppression of others, intolerance, rudeness. A person with the letter “z” in his name is always dissatisfied with something, he is constantly sawing someone. True, he often scolds himself. It all depends on the other letters in the name.

AND- spirituality, kindness, a sense of harmony. The letter "and" helps to overcome temptations. It also testifies to pessimism, bears trials.

Y- indicates inconstancy and inability to contact other people, pettiness. The letter "y" provokes impulsive attacks of fear in a person.

TO- Endurance, the ability to keep a secret, hardness. But "k" also symbolizes the absence of ideals. A person who has the letter "k" in his name is always mysterious. His other half is knocked down while hunting down a rival she believes is the cause of the stealth. And he secretly visits only a numismatic store, because he collects coins and does not want to be known about it.

L- developed sense of beauty, artistry, fidelity in love. In the owner of the consonant "l" in the name, the craving for comfort pushes into the shadows all other types of spiritual impulses.

M- care, shyness. It gives softness, great inner strength, a philosophical attitude, but also characterizes stubbornness. The consonant "m" introduces into the character of a person the desire to go everywhere and try everything on their own experience.

H- inner strength, mind, health, conscientiousness. The letter "n" makes a person strictly selective in matters of the heart, as well as in words and deeds.

ABOUT - sensitivity, ability to handle money, cheerfulness, openness, but at the same time inconstancy. A conservative way of thinking and adherence to principles often fetter the capabilities of a person with the letter “o”.

P- stubbornness, self-admiration. A distinctive feature of a person who has the consonant “p” in his name is the desire to conquer an impregnable peak and immediately set off to storm a new one.

R - the ability to delve into the essence of things, self-confidence, courage. A person with the letter "r" always keeps his word.

FROM- common sense, sometimes imperiousness and capriciousness. A person with the letter “s” in his name shines, conquers and immediately disappears.

T - creative person, truth-seeker, demanding of himself and others.

At- developed imagination, generosity, ability to empathize, but also cunning.

F- the need to be the center of attention, friendliness, the desire to invent. Also, the letter "f" is associated with discontent, obnoxiousness, eternal doubts. Hard nuts are those who have the consonant "f" in their name.

X- desire to succeed, independence. At the same time, the letter carries dryness, a hostile attitude towards others. At worst - gloominess, suspicion.

C- a symbol of leadership, arrogance, fear of loneliness. The letter reveals efficiency in a person, a commercial streak, the ability to adapt to others. The consonant "c" gives a person the following feature: in a difficult situation, personify the hope for the best.

H- special attachment to relatives. This letter is associated with emergency. It gives you the opportunity to gradually but steadily achieve your goal. The letter "h" in the name brings to the character a constant desire to help one's neighbor, and completely disinterestedly.

W- heightened attention, modesty, good sense of humor, informal leadership. In an extreme situation, a person with the letter “sh” in his name never gives in to panic, maintains clarity of thought.

SCH- generosity, generosity. But such a person can also take out his anger on others, and much weaker than him.

b - symbolizes the duality of nature.

S- practical intelligence, earthiness of spirit, cunning, pretentiousness, gloss.

b- analytical mind.

E- insight, oratorical skills, curiosity.

YU- Truthfulness, idealism, self-sacrifice and rigidity. The letter "u" also gives flexibility of thinking, a sense of the new, openness. She gives a great sense of humor.

I - self-esteem, desire to achieve respect and love, organizational skills.

Interestingly, people with names starting with the same letter choose each other as friends, employees or spouses. It turns out that the two-letter name is considered inferior (Iya, Yang) and very vulnerable. Such a person will face many trials in life.

A person who has a name of three letters (Ada, Ali, Zoya, Ida, Leah, Leah, Yana, Kim, Leo) is very stubborn, it is difficult for him to prove anything.

Four-letter names bring more luck to men (Ipat, Oleg, Sava) than to women (Vera, Nina, Anna, Inga, Julia).

A person with a name of five letters (Maria, Olga, Roman, Semyon, Pavel, Ostap) will be monitored all the time: is he doing everything right, has he broken the law? And his misdeeds will not be forgiven.

A person who has a name of six letters (Marina, Tamara, Galina, Sergey, Andrey, Victor, Nikita, Ruslan,) will be self-sufficient and harmonious if he finds a soul mate.

The seven-letter name (Tatiana, Natalya, Lyudmila, Nikolai, Alexei, Eugene) is more suitable for a woman.

A man with a name of eight letters (Gennady, Vladimir) is a revolutionary and inventor. About a woman with names of eight letters (Alevtina, Marianna, Svetlana) gossip is constantly going on.

A person with a name of nine letters (Vladislav, Alexander, Stanislav) is very secretive, prone to alcoholism and drug addiction.

A person with a name of ten letters usually does not know the measure (Konstantin). It gives a person tremendous strength, the ability to influence other people.

A name consisting of eleven letters is a rarity (Appolinarius, Panteleimon). It can make a healer out of a person.

Probably, after such detailed characteristics, it will be easier for you to understand yourself and your loved ones?

Name and birthday

To better understand a person, one must take into account not only his name, but also one more subtlety: a lot also depends on the time of birth of a person. That is why the character traits of people with the same names differ significantly. For example, winter Peter is sharp and stubborn, while summer, on the contrary, is soft, gentle and docile.

Winter people. The harsh winter endowed people born at this time of the year with talents, determination, and great willpower. They are, as a rule, smart and reasonable, but at the same time contradictory, stubborn and proud. They are very hardworking, so they easily make a career. They do not succumb to provocations, as they are sure that they are right. True, in their personal lives they face great difficulties. They have a difficult situation, complex relationships in the family. Perhaps this is due to their intolerance and temper.

Men born in winter are freedom-loving, do not tolerate submission, are unpredictable in their actions, which is why they themselves often suffer.

Winter women can hardly be called the weaker sex, they have a far from feminine character. They are fearless, always go ahead.

spring people, as a rule, they are not distinguished by good health, selfish. Most often they are talented, but do not strive for leadership and prefer to play the role of followers, although they deserve more. They weigh every word, are not indifferent to the opinions of others. They do not like change, they are stubborn, proud, cautious, not indifferent to flattery.

Spring men take care of their appearance, but at the same time they have a strange habit for people who care for themselves - they bite their nails. Among them are many talented mathematicians, physicists, chemists, computer scientists.

Women have difficulty getting married because they are very cautious and afraid of change.

Summer people. These are broad, generous natures, always ready to take risks, but not careerists. And only their great diligence allows them to achieve great success in business. Summer people are very emotional, impressionable, impulsive, quick-tempered and touchy, but not vindictive. They love children and animals. Their kindness helps them find great friends and create a strong family.

Men born in summer are very sensitive, proud, courageous and persistent.

Women are wonderful housewives and faithful wives.

autumn people wise and thorough. They measure a hundred times before they do something, think about everything for a long time, weigh all the pros and cons.

Autumn people are diplomatic and principled, they are diligent and diligent in work, persistent in business, pedantic. They love children and will never hurt animals.

Easy character and clear mind, poise contribute to their strong marriages.

Among them are often actors, writers, philosophers, architects, mathematicians.

Name color

Since ancient times, each color has been given a certain meaning. Probably, there is a language of colors, understandable to peoples at all times. The tones in which the world is colored have not only a purely psychological or emotional influence on us - they deeply affect our character. Names have exactly the same effect on us.

It is known that each of the primary colors of the spectrum corresponds to a certain wavelength: violet - the shortest, red - the longest. For the physicist, therefore, there is an inextricable link between sound and color; the combination of short and long waves is what causes the vibrations, or sounds, that we hear. The name is nothing but a series of deaf and sonorous sounds that make up the original "melody" and at the same time a unique color scheme.

Sounding names correspond to the six main colors: three primary - blue, yellow and red - and three composite - green, purple and orange. We say "Maria" - we represent the sky-blue color, "Mikhail" - red, "Peter" - yellow. Blue color traditionally symbolizes the soul; purple - body; green and yellow - mind; red and orange - passions and feelings.

People with red the color of the name crave fame, success. Their main features are a strong will, the ability to make decisions quickly, and a readiness for action. They are capable of both passionate love and intense hatred.

Orange the color of the name is close to red. It is the color of holiness and health. It symbolizes heat, energy, maturity, joy, warmth. Therefore, people with this name are active, hardworking and emotional. They are often driven by mood, and their behavior is unpredictable. Names are consonant with the orange color: Julia, Angela, Camilla, Stanislav, Svyatoslav, Pavel.

yellow names are optimistic, purposeful people. They are intellectual and idealistic. They are full of hopes, plans, believe in their luck, strive for change, novelty, sensations.

Green The color symbolizes youth, hope and joy. People with this name color are quite self-confident, they strive for prestigious work and power. The following names are harmonious with the green color: Vitaly, Eugene, Grigory, Valentina, Natalia, Seraphim, Mirra.

Blue color means wisdom, fidelity, coldness, impassibility, calmness. People with a blue name are prone to self-sacrifice. They enjoy giving rather than receiving. Names are consonant with the blue color: Andrey, Gennady, Georgy, Roman, Nina, Olga.

People with blue-green name are serious, principled, pedantic, attentive, have great willpower. They are afraid to make a mistake, to compromise themselves, to provoke criticism in their address. The following names belong to this shade: Igor, Alexander, Sergey, Lyudmila, Lydia, Love, Svetlana.

Purple color means night, mystery, mysticism, suggestibility, modesty, restraint, sadness. The purple road is the road of sacraments and self-sacrifice. People with purple names are sensitive, excitable, eager to impress others, very vulnerable and more than others in need of support and encouragement. They have a rich inner life. The following names are painted purple: Alexey, Anatoly, Valery, Maya, Raisa.

Blue color is the cosmic spirit, truth, spirituality, innocence, peacefulness, tranquility, well-being. The blue road is the road of spirituality. This color manifests freedom, carelessness, optionality, friendliness, a tendency to change the situation. The names are painted in blue: Leonid, Vasily, Benjamin, Christina, Irina, Lyubov, Maria, Tamara.

White the color is associated with daylight. In Russia, "white" meant free, independent, noble, righteous. People with "white" names are cheerful, optimistic, they know how to enjoy everything that happens.

The black color - darkness, gloom, heaviness, hopelessness. This color indicates stress, a complex psyche, depression.

Brown- in cold shades expresses stamina, perseverance to the point of stubbornness; in warm - patience, courage, calm strength.

Silver- cold volitional activity, hypnotism, the desire to subjugate. This color speaks of self-confidence.

How to name a newborn?

Since ancient times, people have tried to influence fate, to bring the desired events closer. Our ancestors believed that one of the most important ways to influence fate is to choose the right name for the newborn.

The ancient Slavs, like the Indians, believed in the transmigration of souls. They thought that the souls of dead ancestors were incarnated in the body of their descendants, born again under the same name and partly with the same fate or share. Therefore, there was a custom to name children "in honor" of one of the ancestors. By naming their child by the name of one or another relative (moreover, a relative on the part of the husband), the parents thereby endowed the descendant with the fate of the ancestor and, as it were, gave him new life. It was forbidden to give a newborn the name of a still living relative, as it was believed that this brings misfortune to one or both namesakes: either one will take the second part of the share, or both will receive half and die prematurely. It was also forbidden to give the names of unfortunate relatives or those who died in childhood or youth for fear that the child would suffer the same fate.

Sometimes the child was given the right to choose a name. For this, the names of the deceased family members were listed to the baby and his reaction was watched. If she was not there, or if he began to cry, continued to call names until the child began to smile or otherwise express his "agreement". Sometimes in this way they listed not only the names of ancestors, but also others.

There was another way to choose: to name the child in honor of the first comer, since strangers, oncoming, unfamiliar people were perceived as representatives of another world, messengers of God. From here, by the way, the custom is sure to give alms to poor wanderers and traditional Russian hospitality - you need to appease the intruder, securing his favor. It was believed that a child named after a “foreign” person was destined for a good fate, happiness.

In the Christian era, children began to be called according to the Saints, giving the name of the saint on whose memory day the child was born or brought to be baptized, since the priest not only gives the newborn the name of this or that saint, but also calls him to patronize the baby. On the name day, or the day of the angel, it was customary not to celebrate the anniversary of the birth of a person, but to honor our heavenly patrons.

Now this tradition has been revived. But, as in everything else, the measure should be observed here. The names of Pelageya, Thekla, Agafya, Agrafena sound good and are combined with many middle names, but they will bring many unpleasant moments to girls. Discuss this issue with the family in advance, look at all the options.

How to choose the right name for a newborn? When choosing a name for your child, pay attention to how it sounds. It is very important that the name matches the character of the baby. For example, a calm and gentle name that you gave to an energetic and active baby may not allow him to fully express himself and his character. But at the same time, it can smooth out excessive harshness in behavior.

It is good when the beginning of the child's name is like the mother's name, and the middle and ending are like the father's name, for example: Alena (Anna and Leonid). It is very important that your baby's name has many diminutive options and as few "teasers" as possible. This will make it easier for the child to communicate with peers and prevent possible childhood resentment and psychological trauma.

Think also about the fact that the child will grow up and be called by name and patronymic. The full name must be in harmony with the name of the father. You should not combine the name and patronymic belonging to different language groups, for example, the common and familiar patronymic Petrovich (Petrovna) or Ivanovich (Ivanovna) does not go well with foreign names - Christina, Zhanna, Susanna.

Very often, children are given the same name as one of the parents or another close relative or best friend, which is associated with family affection and pride. Some simply do not want to call the child a “foreign” name. It is possible that some features of the behavior or nature of the older namesake will manifest themselves in the character of the child.

It should be borne in mind that it is very difficult for boys named after their father to overcome the Oedipus complex. It happens that they compete with their father all their lives and try to prove that they are no worse than the person after whom they are named. Girls who bear their mother's name experience fewer difficulties, but the spirit of competition with their mother, especially during adolescence, can cause a lot of trouble for both the girl and her mother.

Remembering old traditions, you should not name a child by the name of a person who died suddenly, died not by his own death, or was seriously ill before the death of a person. And in general, be careful with the names of the dead. It is undesirable to give a child the name of a person with an unfortunate, in your opinion, fate. If the person you are going to name your baby after is still alive, carefully ask if they have any objection to having your baby named after them.

It is believed that each person has his own, “named”, guardian angel, and if two people are named after him in the same house, then he is simply not able to save each of them. In general, it is better when the name and patronymic of a person do not match. Although the merits of the name in this situation are doubled, the disadvantages are also aggravated, often to a dangerous point. In addition, the names Ivan Ivanovich or Pal Palych have something bureaucratic.

It is impossible not to mention the so-called fashion for names. It seems that even the most beautiful names lose their charm if they occur too often. When a child becomes an adult, at school, at a university, at work - everywhere he will be surrounded by people with the same names. If a non-ordinary name distinguishes a person from other people, then the same names erase individuality.

"Like Sasha's name day..."

Interest in canonical names has increased significantly, especially since the rite of baptism is the first sacrament in Orthodox Church- again took an important place in our lives. Today, in many cases, the desire of parents to baptize their children is explained by superstitious reasons (“so as not to jinx it”) and a tribute to traditions, and not by a desire to introduce the child to the church. The rite of baptism has a positive, ennobling function. It is believed that the baptism procedure strongly and immediately affects the condition of the baby: he becomes noticeably calmer, sleeps better and gets sick less.

They say that the fate of a baptized person is distinguished by closeness to God, which means stronger protection from all sorts of misfortunes. If the child is not baptized, without a name, the demon can easily approach him. In Russia, they said that unbaptized children drown more often. Unbaptized children were not even treated by grandmothers - it still won’t help.

They baptized the child and gave him a name according to the Saints, usually on the eighth day, and if the child is weak, then immediately after birth. For any believer, his name was a protection and a talisman, because he received the name of his guardian angel, whom you can turn to in difficult times. Therefore, earlier in Russia, name days were celebrated more magnificently than birthdays, which many people generally forgot about, especially since these events almost coincided in time.

The tradition of celebrating name days has been known in Russia since the 17th century. On the day of the name day, they usually baked pies, brewed beer, and treated neighbors and guests. The birthday man himself with his relatives went to church, where they ordered a prayer service for health. And in the evening they had a festive dinner.

Nowadays, name days are also celebrated, but not as widely as before. All the same, birthdays have become a more popular holiday, and name days are remembered less and less. From childhood, we remember a funny song: “As on Sasha’s (Natasha’s, Katina’s, Vasina’s, Petina’s or someone else’s) name days, we baked a loaf ...” But not everyone knows when to celebrate these same name days.

Name day is the day of remembrance of the saints. The lists of the names of saints systematized according to the days of the year are called Saints. The days of memory of some saints and archangels were celebrated by the church more than once, therefore, in the full calendar, not only the known dates of birth or death of those canonized saints are noted, but also the dates of their feat or other important information for the history of the church. For example, the name Ivan is found in the complete calendar 62 times. In the brief Saints containing canonical names (that is, the names given at baptism), more abbreviated information is given, however, in them, for example, the name Ivan occurs 16 times, Maria - 10 times.

You need to know not only when to celebrate name days, but also in honor of which saint you were named in order to turn to him in difficult times.

January birthdays

1 - Grigory, Ivan, Prov, Timofey, Ilya. 2 - Ignatius, Daniel. 3 - Peter, Ulyana. 4 - Anastasia. 5 - Paul. 6 - Eugenia, Claudia, Nikolai. 7 - There are no birthdays. 8 - Efim, Konstantin. 9 Stefan, Fedor 10 - Agathia, Domna, Ignatius, Peter. 11 - Ivan, Macarius, Mark, Fadey. 12 - Theodora. 13 - Melania. 14 - Vasily, Emilia. 15 - Seraphim, Sylvester, Ulyana. 16 - Proud. 17 - Athanasius, Efim, Zosima, Feoktist. 18 - Apollinaria, Theon, Gregory, Mina, Micah. 19 - There are no birthdays. 20 - Ivan. 21 - Anton, Vasilisa, George, Emelyan, Ilya, Julian, Vasilisa. 22 - Elena, Peter, Philip. 23 - Gregory, Pavel, Makar. 24 - Cleopatra, Lydia, Michael, Fedosey. 25 - Peter, Savva, Tatyana. 26 - Larisa, Peter, Yakov. 27 - Benjamin, Ilya, Mark, Nina, Sergey. 28 - Ivan, Natalya, Pavel. 29 - Maxim, Peter. 30 - Anton, Seraphim. 31 - Athanasius, Cyril, Xenia, Taisia.

The most popular and affordable way to decipher the secret code of fate is to translate your first name, last name and patronymic into the language of numbers.

We are faced with numbers at every step, they accompany us from birth to last days. What role do they play in our life?

Numbers rule the world

One, five, nine... If you look at them as simple numbers, they look pretty dry. But one has only to think, and you will understand that each figure reflects some event, object or living being. It's amazing how much you can learn from ordinary numbers! Pythagoras was right when he said that "the world is ruled by numbers." They reflect the world we live in.

Consciously or not, we are subject to certain numerical rules: sets are designed for 6 or 12 people, there are 7 colors in a rainbow, only 7 metals were recognized in alchemy, certain numbers are often used in fairy tales and myths - 3, 7 and 12 ... It is known that the number 13 is considered unlucky, and in many European countries there are no aircraft with tail number 13, in houses on the 13th floor, and in hotels with the 13th number.

Surely everyone also has a number that in some mystical way affects his life, weaves seemingly unconnected events and destinies into one thread. Analyze your life, and you may notice a certain pattern.
Everything ingenious is simple

For many centuries there has been a science that studies numbers and their influence on the fate of a person. And this science is called numerology. Its essence lies in the fact that any events are reflected in numbers. Knowing certain laws and characteristics of each number, you can calculate the code of your destiny and influence events, determine your own talents, strengths and weaknesses, choose the ideal partner for business or marriage.

Do not think that numerologists know the characteristics of each number from one to a billion. In fact, there are not so many so-called initial numbers (that is, those from which all other numbers can be obtained) - from 1 to 9. Each number is a certain image, concept, properties. Since the alphabet can be written in the form of numbers, each letter also carries a certain vibration and any word can be "expressed" not by letters, but by numbers. It is known that even in ancient alphabets (for example, in Hebrew), each letter was, as it were, numbered, that is, it had a numerical designation. For an experienced numerologist, the digital code of your birthday or full name will tell a lot about you.
good luck sign

It is rather difficult to say at what point a person realized that each number carries information, a secret meaning. In ancient Babylon, India, Egypt, Greece, Rome, arithmomancy was known - the science of predicting by numbers. And the priests of Ancient Memphis claimed that "the science of numbers and the art of will are the two keys of magic that open all the doors of the Universe."

The founder of modern numerology, the philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras (VI century BC), based on the mathematical system of the Arabs, Druids, Phoenicians and Egyptians, developed his own system of calculation. Expounding this system to his students, he said: “Depending on how familiar a person is with magical properties numbers, as far as he knows how to use them, so he dominates his fate. It was Pythagoras and his students who reduced all numbers to numbers from 1 to 9. Various systems were used for reduction. However, the simplest and most accessible method, which is still used today, is the addition of a number. That is, no matter how large the initial number is, it is added up until an elementary number is obtained (for example, 23547 must be decomposed into numbers 2+3+5+4+7=21, then 2+1=3). In some variants of numerological calculations, the two-digit numbers 11 and 22, also called the numbers of the Teacher, are not reduced to single digits.

Great importance attaches to numerology and Kabbalah. Here the science of numbers is called gematria. Kabbalists use numbers in magic squares, amulets. When the nature of light, electricity, magnetism was discovered in the 19th century, the occult meanings of numbers began to be attributed to the vibrations of energy. Followers of Kabbalah believe that the number can enhance the magnetic influence. Written in a certain sequence in a magic square, it begins to mysteriously influence fate, changes events.
In the language of numbers

Each person has their own individual numerical code. Having deciphered it, you can find out what fate has in store for you, what abilities you have from birth. The most popular and affordable way to decipher the secret code of fate is to translate your name into the language of numbers. Write your full name, surname and patronymic. Then, under each letter, put the corresponding number (see table), add up all the numbers. Add the numbers of the result obtained until you get an elementary number.

1 - A, I, C, b

2 - B, Y, T, S

3 - B, K, Y, b

4 - G, L, F, E

5 - D, M, X, Yu

6 - E, N, C, I

People of a certain number have certain character traits. Find your number and find out what nature has given you.

You are a person of action, active and very energetic. Unexpected situations do not unsettle you, you always keep a sober mind, although you are prone to risk. However, you should avoid any adventures, do not do business alone. You are more of a performer than a creator. Look for like-minded people, surround yourself with friends, with them you will achieve success faster and easier.

You are emotional, sometimes unnecessarily restless. You lack self-confidence. You hesitate for a long time before making a decision. Your task is to learn not to worry about trifles, to avoid quarrels and disputes. Loneliness is contraindicated for you. Go out to people more often, communicate, make new acquaintances. Among friends you will find your soul mate, reliable partners, and faithful like-minded people.

You are a talented and versatile person. You are cheerful, able to maintain a relaxed conversation, love sports. Surely you have more than one hobby, because you are a very addicted person. However, you do not always have enough common sense. Listen more often to the advice of those you trust. Do not let things take their course, try to plan your life, then you will definitely achieve success and, possibly, fame.

You have a technical mindset. You are stable, responsible, conscientious. And although you have few friends, they are loyal and reliable. Your best character traits are revealed in unusual, sometimes extreme situations. However, you are gullible and often deceive yourself. Be careful, listen to your intuition! Act thoughtfully and decisively, then you will find extraordinary success in your career and personal life.

You are an independent person and value personal freedom above all else. In your judgments, you rely on personal experience, and not on the advice of others. And life often surprises you. However, you should not rely entirely on luck. What seems like a victory today may turn out to be a defeat tomorrow. And vice versa.

This is the number of celebrities, prominent politicians, high-ranking officials, scientists, philosophers. People of this number are driven by ambitious plans. Therefore, it is very important for them to surround themselves with proven, smart people, as well as take care of followers who will continue their work. Learn to manage your feelings so that you don't do stupid things in a rush.

Your talent will be fully revealed in science, art or religion. However, don't expect quick wins. You should carefully analyze your experience, making specific plans. Only such a balanced approach will lead you to the desired result. Unfortunately, you are not very lucky in commerce and finance. But you are a born teacher with pronounced leadership abilities.

The "eights" have the gift of a magician, a prophet. Purposefulness is the main feature of your character. You carry out almost all your plans. However, details are your weakness, due to inattention, you may not see something important. Therefore, it is necessary that there is someone next to you who will be able to support you and, if necessary, control you.

You are a strong personality with high intelligence. You will be successful in art, in the acting field, in science. However, you may not always know in which direction to move. Because of this, you often have throwing, hesitation. Be more collected. Practicing meditation and yoga will help put your thoughts in order.

There is a secret and inexplicable harmony between the name of a person and the events of his life ... The name is the thinnest flesh, through which the spiritual essence is declared. ( P. A. Florensky)

Probably, more than once, having learned the name of a person, you caught yourself thinking that it suits him very well. Or, on the contrary, they were perplexed when they heard that the dark-haired woman was called Svetlana, and the blonde - Tamara. Why does the name seem to “stick” to one person, while the other one wants to be called differently? Perhaps because each name necessarily has some well-known and significant signs for everyone. But the name gives us not only external characteristics. It has been known since ancient times that it predetermines the fate of a person.

In ancient China, they believed: if you delve into the meaning of the name, realize its sacred meaning, you can increase self-esteem, determine your natural inclinations, live in unison with your inner self, bringing your own dreams and ideas to life. Among the Sumerians, the word "fate" comes from the words "to give a name." And the ancient Romans, who owned the secrets of black magic, believed that the fate of a person could be turned upside down by writing his name upside down.

Apparently, fearing spells, the evil eye and damage, people tried to hide their names. This custom existed among almost all peoples of the world. So, the ancient Egyptians had a "small" name used in communication, and a "big" one, which was revealed only to the closest as a sign of special trust and disposition. In some states, newborns were given two names, of which the “main” was kept secret. Somewhere this custom is observed even now.

In ancient Rome, every man had a prenomen - a personal name (there were only 18 of them), a nomen - the name of the genus, inherited, and a cognomen - the name characterizing the branch of the genus.

In pre-Christian Russia, personal names were nothing more than nicknames given for one reason or another. For example, the first child was called Pervak, the second - Vtorak, the third - Tretiak, etc. Nicknames were given according to the color of the hair (Belyak, Chernysh, Red, etc.). Many old Russian names have survived to this day: Gorazd, Dobrynya, Lyubava.

After the introduction of Christianity in Russia, newborns were called the so-called calendar names. It was customary to keep the name of the child secret until baptism. It was believed that in this way it is possible to protect the baby from evil spirits, causing damage "to the name."

Fate calls us the very name that connects two energy flows - maternal and paternal. If you want the name, which for you is a personal universal code, to bring only happiness and good luck, listen carefully and peer into the mysterious symbols and sounds that express something more than its usual meaning.

The name of a person is a magic formula of fate. It certainly defines his life. But, choosing it, one should not forget about the patronymic, which carries a certain generic genetic code.

The patronymic complements the psychological characteristics of a person's name and, as it were, corrects the existing image: it finishes, softens or, on the contrary, sharpens some features, makes them clearer.

So, the owners of hard patronymics with a large number of consonants (Aleksandrovich, Nikolaevich, Rostislavovich, Stanislavovich, Emmanuilovich) have a harder time in life than their namesakes with soft patronymics that sound singsongly (Vladimirovich, Mikhailovich, Sergeevich, Petrovich, Yakovlevich, etc.).

For example, although Nikolaevichi are kind, they are often tactless and very persistent, which makes it difficult to find a common language with them. And the imbalance and stubbornness of the Vladimirovichs soften their giftedness and curiosity.

It's no secret that every inhabitant of modern Russia has a surname. But, surprisingly, until the end of the 18th - the middle of the 19th century, many people did not have it. In addition to names, our ancestors had only nicknames and patronymics. The first hereditary names, that is, surnames, arose from landowners and merchants. Most of the noble families pointed to the lands they owned, and for merchants - to their trading interests. This is how the surnames Shuisky, Vyazemsky, Yeletsky, Stroganov, Rybnikov and others arose. The first Russian surnames are found in documents dating back to the 15th century.

After the fall of serfdom, yesterday's serfs were "rewarded" with surnames. Often they were simply recorded under the name of the former owners.

The presence of a surname is now so familiar to us, for granted. Have you ever thought about your last name: is it common or rare, is it unusual or funny, does it help in life or, conversely, interfere? Or maybe she hides some secret? Probably, every person would like to know the history of his surname, to feel the connection of times, to catch that unique moment from which his family began.

The surname is not in vain called the banner of the family, passed down from generation to generation. It symbolizes the belonging of a person to a certain genus. Having revealed the secret of its origin, you can find out on what land the ancestor lived, what he did. The surname is a symbol of everyone's attachment to antiquity.

The name that we now bear is three-part: the first is a proper name, the second is a patronymic, we get from our father, the third is a surname - a name that passes from generation to generation, a kind of accumulating karmic program that you may or may not correspond to. But is there a surname, name and patronymic only for individual characteristics? The pages of our book will reveal these secrets to you. You will learn about the meaning of names, patronymics and surnames, you will be able to choose the right name for a newborn, determine the numbers of your fate ... And do not be discouraged if you find characteristics that are not too personal for yourself. They are not individual, and it is up to you to fix everything. After all, you look in the mirror to look better!

Mystery of the name

There is a section of linguistics - onomastics (from the Greek. onomasticos- the art of giving names), studying proper names, the history of their occurrence, geographical distribution. After all, the names of people are part of the history of peoples. Everything is reflected in them: life, beliefs, desires, hopes, movements ... Any word that a person was called in pagan times could become a worldly name. After all, Christianity did not immediately captivate the minds, and even more so the souls of the Slavs. Old traditions were kept for a long time, the covenants of ancestors were revered sacredly. In each family, they remembered the names of their ancestors up to the seventh generation. Traditions from the history of the family were passed down from generation to generation. About the past deeds of the ancestors were told at night to the young successors of the family. Many worldly names were proper (Gorazd, Loved), others arose as nicknames, but then became names (Fool, Chertan, Evil, Hunger).

In Ancient Russia, it was also customary to call babies protective names, amulets with a negative content. This was done to protect a person, scare away evil forces, or for the reverse action of a name. Perhaps from here to scold those taking the exam or to wish "no fluff, no feather." Our ancestors believed that the Fool would grow up smart, and the Hunger would always be full. Later, security names became nicknames, and then a surname.

After the baptism of Russia, under the influence of the Church, they began to give names borrowed by the Byzantine Church from various peoples of antiquity.

The period of active name-creation is called the time after the Great October Revolution. At that time, many names were formed from revolutionary slogans, names of institutions, etc. For example, Ikki (Executive Committee of the Communist International), Roblen (born to be a Leninist), Remizan (the world revolution has begun), Revdit (revolutionary child). There is no need to talk about such dissonant names as Tsas (central pharmacy warehouse), Glasp (Glavspirt), Raytiya (district printing house) and the like.

In the 1960s-1970s, the influx of foreign names increased: Robert, Romuald, Adolf, Richard, Eric, Zhanna, Josephine, Eduard, etc. Names of two or even several words appeared: White Night, Artillery Academy, SerpiMolot, ZhanPaul Marat, Dognat Peregnat (from the slogan of the 1930s "Catch up and overtake America"). There is also a special kind of names, the so-called "parental" - when the parents of Mikhail and Olga have a son called Miol.

Currently, the tradition is being revived, according to which the names of babies are given according to the Saints, that is, according to the church calendar.

Ancient people believed that, knowing the name, they acquire power over a person, and perceived it as a kind of key to his psyche. They were sure that the name and destiny of a person are inseparable. Therefore, one of the oldest and most important ways to influence fate is to give a person a name.

Every name means something. For convenience, humanity has abandoned the uniqueness of the first names (Hawkeye, Evening Star). However, all names come from words that have their own meaning. Some of them have lost their direct connection with the original meaning. For example, without reading in the reference book that Alexander is a “protector of people”, and Peter is a “stone”, you are unlikely to guess this. Some names, on the contrary, mean exactly what they mean - Vera, Victoria, Sveta.

What are the meanings of male and female names, what fate do they predict? Who is more suitable for this or that name and what should be the name of your betrothed? What is the day of the angel and christening? Can you change the name if you don't like it? You will find answers to these and many other questions in this chapter.

Let's spell the name

The name is the bearer of some sacred secret. This is the key to the destiny that a person can receive in life as a result of his activity, this is the key that unlocks the door of the lock of his destiny.

The personal names of people are usually nouns. In Russian grammar, nouns have gender, number, and case.

Unlike common nouns, which in Russian belong to one of three genders: masculine, feminine or neuter, proper names of people are only masculine or feminine in accordance with the gender of the person. Therefore, names with endings typical of Russian neuter words are found in Russian outside the corresponding grammatical series.

For example, such names as Rogero, Michele, Antonio, conditionally refer to the masculine gender, remaining indeclinable, and the names Anele, Fire, Maro conditionally refer to the feminine and also do not decline. Because of this conventionality and uncertainty, it also happens that both boys and girls are called by the same name (Suliko, Sappho), and this is not very convenient. If Sappho's surname is indeclinable, then it will be difficult to determine from the documents and in absentia communication what gender the owner of the documents is.

Russian full male names end in a hard consonant (Peter), in a soft consonant (Igor), in - th(Andrey, Vasily) and sometimes on - and I(Sava, Ilya).

Full female names ending in - a (I, - ia)(Anna, Maria) or soft consonant (Love).

Russian abbreviated and affectionate forms of names also correspond to the masculine or feminine grammatical gender. However, names ending in - and I, can be equally masculine and feminine (Sasha, Zhenya).

Now let's talk about the secret meanings of the name. After all, literally everything matters in it, from its first and last letters to the number of letters and syllables.

How do the letters of the name affect its owner? Choose those letters that are in your name or in the names of loved ones, and you can learn a lot about a person.

Surprisingly, such a character trait of a person as purposefulness depends on which letter in the name is stressed and in which syllable it is located.

If the emphasis falls on the first letter of the name (Olga, Alla, Oleg), then such a person strives for the rapid implementation of his ideas. But he can become entangled in his own problems and is often dissatisfied with his position.

If the stressed letter is in the last syllable (Alexander, Ivan, Mikhail, Cyril), then the person does not know for a long time what he needs to do in life.

If the stressed letter in the name is between two consonants (Maxim, Stepan), then such a person calculates not only the moves to achieve the goal, but also the retreat, tenaciously holds on to what he has. He doesn't talk, he does.

If after the shock letter there is the letter “y” (Andrey, Alexey), then such a person is not easy to knock off the chosen path, he will stop at nothing to achieve the goal.

The desire to achieve one's own at any cost is also characteristic of people who have the last shock letter (Ilya).

In a rare case, the stressed letter is in a syllable of four letters (Vladislav, Vakhtang, Friedrich). A person with this name is not initiative, constantly waiting for the support of others. Therefore, as a rule, he realizes their goals, and not his own.

A person who has a stressed letter in a five-letter syllable (Sylvester) in his name can achieve a goal only if it is very large-scale, and he feels like a cog in relation to it.

The strongest influence on the character of a person is exerted by the initial letters of the name and those that occur several times in it. Well, if several letters coincide in the names of children and parents, their relationship will be closer. What do the letters mean?

BUT- symbolizes the beginning, the desire for comfort. She speaks of strength, stamina, brightness, leadership. Many letters "a" in the name characterize the openness of a person. For a person whose name contains the letter “a”, work is a natural need. But only the activity that he himself chooses. What does this field look like? This is dictated by other letters contained in the name.

B - a sign of constancy, stubbornness and perseverance, the ability to make money. Such a person is on his mind. If the name begins with the letter "b", this indicates great independence. This consonant brings into the character of a person the need for thrills. Love, risk in business or travel - that's the flavor of his life.

IN - the letter of a creative person, sociable and open. But he often contradicts himself, is in constant search of the right path. The consonant "in" makes a person first carefully plan his future, and then follow only the intended goal, without turning anywhere.

G- a symbol of knowledge, conscientiousness. A person with this letter in his name longs for change, is prone to adventures, extreme sports. He always chooses non-standard solutions to problems.

D - prudence, willingness to help, attachment to the family. If at work the land was distributed under the plots, the first one to break the beds on it is the one in whose name there is the letter “d”.

E- insight, flexibility and naturalness, as well as the road, travel, movement. The letter "e" in the name gives a person ingenuity, simplicity and charm, but at the same time a desire for power. Maybe that's why his power-hungry thoughts are visible to the naked eye. If “e” is an accented letter, then such a person quickly wins over other people.

F- a symbol of intolerance, assertiveness, rigidity, but at the same time the ability to control oneself. Under external refinement, such a person hides rudeness and his dissatisfaction with others. The desire for aesthetic completeness is a character trait introduced by the consonant "g".

W- subtle intuition, rich imagination, secrecy, passion, vitality. It reveals the desire for leadership through the suppression of others, intolerance, rudeness. A person with the letter “z” in his name is always dissatisfied with something, he is constantly sawing someone. True, he often scolds himself. It all depends on the other letters in the name.

AND- spirituality, kindness, a sense of harmony. The letter "and" helps to overcome temptations. It also testifies to pessimism, bears trials.

Y- indicates inconstancy and inability to contact other people, pettiness. The letter "y" provokes impulsive attacks of fear in a person.

TO- Endurance, the ability to keep a secret, hardness. But "k" also symbolizes the absence of ideals. A person who has the letter "k" in his name is always mysterious. His other half is knocked down while hunting down a rival she believes is the cause of the stealth. And he secretly visits only a numismatic store, because he collects coins and does not want to be known about it.

L- developed sense of beauty, artistry, fidelity in love. In the owner of the consonant "l" in the name, the craving for comfort pushes into the shadows all other types of spiritual impulses.

M- care, shyness. It gives softness, great inner strength, a philosophical attitude, but also characterizes stubbornness. The consonant "m" introduces into the character of a person the desire to go everywhere and try everything on their own experience.

H- inner strength, mind, health, conscientiousness. The letter "n" makes a person strictly selective in matters of the heart, as well as in words and deeds.

ABOUT - sensitivity, ability to handle money, cheerfulness, openness, but at the same time inconstancy. A conservative way of thinking and adherence to principles often fetter the capabilities of a person with the letter “o”.

P- stubbornness, self-admiration. A distinctive feature of a person who has the consonant “p” in his name is the desire to conquer an impregnable peak and immediately set off to storm a new one.

R - the ability to delve into the essence of things, self-confidence, courage. A person with the letter "r" always keeps his word.

FROM- common sense, sometimes imperiousness and capriciousness. A person with the letter “s” in his name shines, conquers and immediately disappears.

T - creative person, truth-seeker, demanding of himself and others.

At- developed imagination, generosity, ability to empathize, but also cunning.

F- the need to be the center of attention, friendliness, the desire to invent. Also, the letter "f" is associated with discontent, obnoxiousness, eternal doubts. Hard nuts are those who have the consonant "f" in their name.

X- desire to succeed, independence. At the same time, the letter carries dryness, a hostile attitude towards others. At worst - gloominess, suspicion.

C- a symbol of leadership, arrogance, fear of loneliness. The letter reveals efficiency in a person, a commercial streak, the ability to adapt to others. The consonant "c" gives a person the following feature: in a difficult situation, personify the hope for the best.

H- special attachment to relatives. This letter is associated with emergency. It gives you the opportunity to gradually but steadily achieve your goal. The letter "h" in the name brings to the character a constant desire to help one's neighbor, and completely disinterestedly.

W- heightened attention, modesty, good sense of humor, informal leadership. In an extreme situation, a person with the letter “sh” in his name never gives in to panic, maintains clarity of thought.

SCH- generosity, generosity. But such a person can also take out his anger on others, and much weaker than him.

b - symbolizes the duality of nature.

S- practical intelligence, earthiness of spirit, cunning, pretentiousness, gloss.

b- analytical mind.

E- insight, oratorical skills, curiosity.

YU- Truthfulness, idealism, self-sacrifice and rigidity. The letter "u" also gives flexibility of thinking, a sense of the new, openness. She gives a great sense of humor.

I - self-esteem, desire to achieve respect and love, organizational skills.

Interestingly, people with names starting with the same letter choose each other as friends, employees or spouses. It turns out that the two-letter name is considered inferior (Iya, Yang) and very vulnerable. Such a person will face many trials in life.

A person who has a name of three letters (Ada, Ali, Zoya, Ida, Leah, Leah, Yana, Kim, Leo) is very stubborn, it is difficult for him to prove anything.

Four-letter names bring more luck to men (Ipat, Oleg, Sava) than to women (Vera, Nina, Anna, Inga, Julia).

A person with a name of five letters (Maria, Olga, Roman, Semyon, Pavel, Ostap) will be monitored all the time: is he doing everything right, has he broken the law? And his misdeeds will not be forgiven.

A person who has a name of six letters (Marina, Tamara, Galina, Sergey, Andrey, Victor, Nikita, Ruslan,) will be self-sufficient and harmonious if he finds a soul mate.

The seven-letter name (Tatiana, Natalya, Lyudmila, Nikolai, Alexei, Eugene) is more suitable for a woman.

A man with a name of eight letters (Gennady, Vladimir) is a revolutionary and inventor. About a woman with names of eight letters (Alevtina, Marianna, Svetlana) gossip is constantly going on.

A person with a name of nine letters (Vladislav, Alexander, Stanislav) is very secretive, prone to alcoholism and drug addiction.

A person with a name of ten letters usually does not know the measure (Konstantin). It gives a person tremendous strength, the ability to influence other people.

A name consisting of eleven letters is a rarity (Appolinarius, Panteleimon). It can make a healer out of a person.

Probably, after such detailed characteristics, it will be easier for you to understand yourself and your loved ones?

Name and birthday

To better understand a person, one must take into account not only his name, but also one more subtlety: a lot also depends on the time of birth of a person. That is why the character traits of people with the same names differ significantly. For example, winter Peter is sharp and stubborn, while summer, on the contrary, is soft, gentle and docile.

Winter people. The harsh winter endowed people born at this time of the year with talents, determination, and great willpower. They are, as a rule, smart and reasonable, but at the same time contradictory, stubborn and proud. They are very hardworking, so they easily make a career. They do not succumb to provocations, as they are sure that they are right. True, in their personal lives they face great difficulties. They have a difficult situation, complex relationships in the family. Perhaps this is due to their intolerance and temper.

Men born in winter are freedom-loving, do not tolerate submission, are unpredictable in their actions, which is why they themselves often suffer.

Winter women can hardly be called the weaker sex, they have a far from feminine character. They are fearless, always go ahead.

spring people, as a rule, they are not distinguished by good health, selfish. Most often they are talented, but do not strive for leadership and prefer to play the role of followers, although they deserve more. They weigh every word, are not indifferent to the opinions of others. They do not like change, they are stubborn, proud, cautious, not indifferent to flattery.

Spring men take care of their appearance, but at the same time they have a strange habit for people who care for themselves - they bite their nails. Among them are many talented mathematicians, physicists, chemists, computer scientists.

Women have difficulty getting married because they are very cautious and afraid of change.

Summer people. These are broad, generous natures, always ready to take risks, but not careerists. And only their great diligence allows them to achieve great success in business. Summer people are very emotional, impressionable, impulsive, quick-tempered and touchy, but not vindictive. They love children and animals. Their kindness helps them find great friends and create a strong family.

Men born in summer are very sensitive, proud, courageous and persistent.

Women are wonderful housewives and faithful wives.

autumn people wise and thorough. They measure a hundred times before they do something, think about everything for a long time, weigh all the pros and cons.

Autumn people are diplomatic and principled, they are diligent and diligent in work, persistent in business, pedantic. They love children and will never hurt animals.

Easy character and clear mind, poise contribute to their strong marriages.

Among them are often actors, writers, philosophers, architects, mathematicians.

Name color

Since ancient times, each color has been given a certain meaning. Probably, there is a language of colors, understandable to peoples at all times. The tones in which the world is colored have not only a purely psychological or emotional influence on us - they deeply affect our character. Names have exactly the same effect on us.

It is known that each of the primary colors of the spectrum corresponds to a certain wavelength: violet - the shortest, red - the longest. For the physicist, therefore, there is an inextricable link between sound and color; the combination of short and long waves is what causes the vibrations, or sounds, that we hear. The name is nothing but a series of deaf and sonorous sounds that make up the original "melody" and at the same time a unique color scheme.

Sounding names correspond to the six main colors: three primary - blue, yellow and red - and three composite - green, purple and orange. We say "Maria" - we represent the sky-blue color, "Mikhail" - red, "Peter" - yellow. Blue color traditionally symbolizes the soul; purple - body; green and yellow - mind; red and orange - passions and feelings.

People with red the color of the name crave fame, success. Their main features are a strong will, the ability to make decisions quickly, and a readiness for action. They are capable of both passionate love and intense hatred.

Orange the color of the name is close to red. It is the color of holiness and health. It symbolizes heat, energy, maturity, joy, warmth. Therefore, people with this name are active, hardworking and emotional. They are often driven by mood, and their behavior is unpredictable. Names are consonant with the orange color: Julia, Angela, Camilla, Stanislav, Svyatoslav, Pavel.

yellow names are optimistic, purposeful people. They are intellectual and idealistic. They are full of hopes, plans, believe in their luck, strive for change, novelty, sensations.

Green The color symbolizes youth, hope and joy. People with this name color are quite self-confident, they strive for prestigious work and power. The following names are harmonious with the green color: Vitaly, Eugene, Grigory, Valentina, Natalia, Seraphim, Mirra.

Blue color means wisdom, fidelity, coldness, impassibility, calmness. People with a blue name are prone to self-sacrifice. They enjoy giving rather than receiving. Names are consonant with the blue color: Andrey, Gennady, Georgy, Roman, Nina, Olga.

People with blue-green name are serious, principled, pedantic, attentive, have great willpower. They are afraid to make a mistake, to compromise themselves, to provoke criticism in their address. The following names belong to this shade: Igor, Alexander, Sergey, Lyudmila, Lydia, Love, Svetlana.

Purple color means night, mystery, mysticism, suggestibility, modesty, restraint, sadness. The purple road is the road of sacraments and self-sacrifice. People with purple names are sensitive, excitable, eager to impress others, very vulnerable and more than others in need of support and encouragement. They have a rich inner life. The following names are painted purple: Alexey, Anatoly, Valery, Maya, Raisa.

Blue color is the cosmic spirit, truth, spirituality, innocence, peacefulness, tranquility, well-being. The blue road is the road of spirituality. This color manifests freedom, carelessness, optionality, friendliness, a tendency to change the situation. The names are painted in blue: Leonid, Vasily, Benjamin, Christina, Irina, Lyubov, Maria, Tamara.

White the color is associated with daylight. In Russia, "white" meant free, independent, noble, righteous. People with "white" names are cheerful, optimistic, they know how to enjoy everything that happens.

The black color - darkness, gloom, heaviness, hopelessness. This color indicates stress, a complex psyche, depression.

Brown- in cold shades expresses stamina, perseverance to the point of stubbornness; in warm - patience, courage, calm strength.

Silver- cold volitional activity, hypnotism, the desire to subjugate. This color speaks of self-confidence.

How to name a newborn?

Since ancient times, people have tried to influence fate, to bring the desired events closer. Our ancestors believed that one of the most important ways to influence fate is to choose the right name for the newborn.

The ancient Slavs, like the Indians, believed in the transmigration of souls. They thought that the souls of dead ancestors were incarnated in the body of their descendants, born again under the same name and partly with the same fate or share. Therefore, there was a custom to name children "in honor" of one of the ancestors. By naming their child by the name of one or another relative (moreover, a relative from the husband’s side), the parents thereby endowed the descendant with the fate of the ancestor and, as it were, gave him a new life. It was forbidden to give a newborn the name of a still living relative, as it was believed that this brings misfortune to one or both namesakes: either one will take the second part of the share, or both will receive half and die prematurely. It was also forbidden to give the names of unfortunate relatives or those who died in childhood or youth for fear that the child would suffer the same fate.

Sometimes the child was given the right to choose a name. For this, the names of the deceased family members were listed to the baby and his reaction was watched. If she was not there, or if he began to cry, continued to call names until the child began to smile or otherwise express his "agreement". Sometimes in this way they listed not only the names of ancestors, but also others.

There was another way to choose: to name the child in honor of the first comer, since strangers, oncoming, unfamiliar people were perceived as representatives of another world, messengers of God. From here, by the way, the custom is sure to give alms to poor wanderers and traditional Russian hospitality - you need to appease the intruder, securing his favor. It was believed that a child named after a “foreign” person was destined for a good fate, happiness.

In the Christian era, children began to be called according to the Saints, giving the name of the saint on whose memory day the child was born or brought to be baptized, since the priest not only gives the newborn the name of this or that saint, but also calls him to patronize the baby. On the name day, or the day of the angel, it was customary not to celebrate the anniversary of the birth of a person, but to honor our heavenly patrons.

Now this tradition has been revived. But, as in everything else, the measure should be observed here. The names of Pelageya, Thekla, Agafya, Agrafena sound good and are combined with many middle names, but they will bring many unpleasant moments to girls. Discuss this issue with the family in advance, look at all the options.

How to choose the right name for a newborn? When choosing a name for your child, pay attention to how it sounds. It is very important that the name matches the character of the baby. For example, a calm and gentle name that you gave to an energetic and active baby may not allow him to fully express himself and his character. But at the same time, it can smooth out excessive harshness in behavior.

It is good when the beginning of the child's name is like the mother's name, and the middle and ending are like the father's name, for example: Alena (Anna and Leonid). It is very important that your baby's name has many diminutive options and as few "teasers" as possible. This will make it easier for the child to communicate with peers and prevent possible childhood resentment and psychological trauma.

Think also about the fact that the child will grow up and be called by name and patronymic. The full name must be in harmony with the name of the father. You should not combine the name and patronymic belonging to different language groups, for example, the common and familiar patronymic Petrovich (Petrovna) or Ivanovich (Ivanovna) does not go well with foreign names - Christina, Zhanna, Susanna.

Very often, children are given the same name as one of the parents or another close relative or best friend, which is associated with family affection and pride. Some simply do not want to call the child a “foreign” name. It is possible that some features of the behavior or nature of the older namesake will manifest themselves in the character of the child.

It should be borne in mind that it is very difficult for boys named after their father to overcome the Oedipus complex. It happens that they compete with their father all their lives and try to prove that they are no worse than the person after whom they are named. Girls who bear their mother's name experience fewer difficulties, but the spirit of competition with their mother, especially during adolescence, can cause a lot of trouble for both the girl and her mother.

Remembering old traditions, you should not name a child by the name of a person who died suddenly, died not by his own death, or was seriously ill before the death of a person. And in general, be careful with the names of the dead. It is undesirable to give a child the name of a person with an unfortunate, in your opinion, fate. If the person you are going to name your baby after is still alive, carefully ask if they have any objection to having your baby named after them.

It is believed that each person has his own, “named”, guardian angel, and if two people are named after him in the same house, then he is simply not able to save each of them. In general, it is better when the name and patronymic of a person do not match. Although the merits of the name in this situation are doubled, the disadvantages are also aggravated, often to a dangerous point. In addition, the names Ivan Ivanovich or Pal Palych have something bureaucratic.

It is impossible not to mention the so-called fashion for names. It seems that even the most beautiful names lose their charm if they occur too often. When a child becomes an adult, at school, at a university, at work - everywhere he will be surrounded by people with the same names. If a non-ordinary name distinguishes a person from other people, then the same names erase individuality.

"Like Sasha's name day..."

Interest in canonical names has increased significantly, especially since the rite of baptism - the first sacrament in the Orthodox Church - has again taken an important place in our lives. Today, in many cases, the desire of parents to baptize their children is explained by superstitious reasons (“so as not to jinx it”) and a tribute to traditions, and not by a desire to introduce the child to the church. The rite of baptism has a positive, ennobling function. It is believed that the baptism procedure strongly and immediately affects the condition of the baby: he becomes noticeably calmer, sleeps better and gets sick less.

They say that the fate of a baptized person is distinguished by closeness to God, which means stronger protection from all sorts of misfortunes. If the child is not baptized, without a name, the demon can easily approach him. In Russia, they said that unbaptized children drown more often. Unbaptized children were not even treated by grandmothers - it still won’t help.

They baptized the child and gave him a name according to the Saints, usually on the eighth day, and if the child is weak, then immediately after birth. For any believer, his name was a protection and a talisman, because he received the name of his guardian angel, whom you can turn to in difficult times. Therefore, earlier in Russia, name days were celebrated more magnificently than birthdays, which many people generally forgot about, especially since these events almost coincided in time.

The tradition of celebrating name days has been known in Russia since the 17th century. On the day of the name day, they usually baked pies, brewed beer, and treated neighbors and guests. The birthday man himself with his relatives went to church, where they ordered a prayer service for health. And in the evening they had a festive dinner.

Nowadays, name days are also celebrated, but not as widely as before. All the same, birthdays have become a more popular holiday, and name days are remembered less and less. From childhood, we remember a funny song: “As on Sasha’s (Natasha’s, Katina’s, Vasina’s, Petina’s or someone else’s) name days, we baked a loaf ...” But not everyone knows when to celebrate these same name days.

Name day is the day of remembrance of the saints. The lists of the names of saints systematized according to the days of the year are called Saints. The days of memory of some saints and archangels were celebrated by the church more than once, therefore, in the full calendar, not only the known dates of birth or death of those canonized saints are noted, but also the dates of their feat or other important information for the history of the church. For example, the name Ivan is found in the complete calendar 62 times. In the brief Saints containing canonical names (that is, the names given at baptism), more abbreviated information is given, however, in them, for example, the name Ivan occurs 16 times, Maria - 10 times.

You need to know not only when to celebrate name days, but also in honor of which saint you were named in order to turn to him in difficult times.

January birthdays

1 - Grigory, Ivan, Prov, Timofey, Ilya. 2 - Ignatius, Daniel. 3 - Peter, Ulyana. 4 - Anastasia. 5 - Paul. 6 - Eugenia, Claudia, Nikolai. 7 - There are no birthdays. 8 - Efim, Konstantin. 9 Stefan, Fedor 10 - Agathia, Domna, Ignatius, Peter. 11 - Ivan, Macarius, Mark, Fadey. 12 - Theodora. 13 - Melania. 14 - Vasily, Emilia. 15 - Seraphim, Sylvester, Ulyana. 16 - Proud. 17 - Athanasius, Efim, Zosima, Feoktist. 18 - Apollinaria, Theon, Gregory, Mina, Micah. 19 - There are no birthdays. 20 - Ivan. 21 - Anton, Vasilisa, George, Emelyan, Ilya, Julian, Vasilisa. 22 - Elena, Peter, Philip. 23 - Gregory, Pavel, Makar. 24 - Cleopatra, Lydia, Michael, Fedosey. 25 - Peter, Savva, Tatyana. 26 - Larisa, Peter, Yakov. 27 - Benjamin, Ilya, Mark, Nina, Sergey. 28 - Ivan, Natalya, Pavel. 29 - Maxim, Peter. 30 - Anton, Seraphim. 31 - Athanasius, Cyril, Xenia, Taisia.