How to organize a wedding for two ideas. Wedding for two - ideas for holding

How to hold a wedding without a celebration? A simple registration at the registry office or a romantic dinner, a trip for two instead of a major holiday is good way save money and at the same time emphasize the emotional closeness of the couple.

If the newlyweds refuse a magnificent wedding, instead of it they can afford bold and non-standard decisions - travel, hiking or flying in a hot air balloon. Leaning towards the option without a celebration is most often people with a modern mindset, introverts or people on a limited budget.

The absence of celebration is not the absence of celebration. If the newlyweds refused to use the banquet option, this means that they can spend time in a more interesting way. A small celebration has its advantages:

  1. Budget savings. With the money saved, you can go on a honeymoon trip, buy a car, furniture in the joint housing of young spouses. Savings are also very important for student couples and all those who cannot yet afford a luxurious celebration. Even with a small budget, a closed (without a large number of guests) wedding can be held unforgettably, and to feel a special atmosphere, invite only the closest ones.
  2. Minimum stress. No need to notify guests a year before the celebration, adapt to the guests, worry about the cake, renting the hall, motorcade, outfits. The organization of small weddings implies a minimum of hassle, you don’t even need a hall.
  3. Maximum proximity of partners. At a big celebration, future spouses are constantly separated from each other by guests, huge tables. In the presence of many people, many newlyweds cannot express their feelings well, which are very important on the first day after marriage. And in the intimate atmosphere of a romantic dinner or a trip for two, the couple is not constrained by anything. On the wedding evening, spouses can feel even more affection for each other than before.
  4. A photo session can be unforgettable, carried out abroad. You can even register a marriage in another country, using a beautiful local custom.

There are many interesting ways to make the registration of marriage memorable, but at the same time you can do without a holiday and visiting restaurants.

The most popular option is to go on a honeymoon trip immediately after visiting the registry office. The best countries for a honeymoon vacation are the USA, France, England, as well as southern exotic resorts, Thailand.

However, newlyweds may have more original tastes - then you can go to a country that seems unattractive to others, but has its own special charm and character (Iceland, African countries, etc.).

The main plus is that everything is organized according to the tastes of only the newlyweds.

At the same time, it is not the esoteric aspect that is important, but the emotional one. By doing something for the happiness of their married life, the partners give themselves the moral imperative to always keep the marriage strong. A great way to strengthen the emotional connection without going to restaurants and clubs is to spend an evening of memories.

It is worth preparing in advance memorable videos with your soulmate, photographs, remembering important places for the spouses (the place of the first kiss, engagement, etc.). During the day you can visit memorable places, in the evening you can start Chinese lanterns, making a long life together with a partner, and leave the night for memorable movies and nostalgic conversations.

This option is for sentimental and very congenial partners.

With parents, no guests

A small celebration with parents is a kind of transitional option. Traditions are observed (the marriage is concluded after it has been approved by a relative), but at the same time there are not a large number of guests at the celebration. There are quite a few positive sides to such a discreet remark:

  1. The organization of the holiday takes place without fuss, at minimal cost, but at the same time there are all the attributes of the holiday - gifts and congratulations. Small gifts and kind words from parents are very important, they make the wedding day stand out from the everyday routine. When a loved one from relatives is nearby during an important celebration, the support of the family is felt.
  2. Celebration by families is a symbol of the unity of two genera. Both parties (the family invited by the bride and groom) not only formally confirm their favor to the new couple, but also really communicate with each other and establish contact. To really make friends with your parents, you can even entrust the preparation of a small dinner to them.
  3. Newlyweds may not think about the organization at all. Often, the parents themselves insist on a celebration in which only the family participates. And if this type of holiday was chosen on their initiative, they will gladly organize everything themselves.

Where to go with your parents so that there is no tension between the few guests? The laid-back atmosphere of a coffee shop or, for a more luxurious celebration, a restaurant will do.

After a festive lunch or dinner, you can go for an evening walk, go with your family to a family country house, spend the night in a yacht club.

If you plan to celebrate a wedding with conservative parents, you can go with them to an official wedding in a church (which is rarely done now), and then to a theater or a conservatory.

Before planning a holiday, it is better to ask the parents themselves how they would like to spend their time. In the narrow circle of the family, it is not a shame to ask such questions.

But since the tastes of different families may differ, preference should be given to neutral ways of celebrating - European restaurants, simple but pleasant parks.

If the family members of one of the spouses come from another country, they will appreciate the traditional holiday for their country, including marriage according to special religious rules, visiting restaurants of national cuisine, and using old folk traditions. One thematic competition will be appropriate.

Difficult festivities will help organize the agency.

Wedding for two

A wedding for two is a traditional celebration, but limited to only two people - the bride and groom. After the registry office, the newlyweds can also go to a restaurant, a rented cottage or a yacht club.

The only difference will be that all classes will be divided only for two, which will give the celebration a special romantic atmosphere. This option is suitable for unsociable couples or those who are tired of the bustle of the city - usually they are representatives of media professions, actors, creative people who are forced to constantly communicate with people.

More daring and original newlyweds can try non-standard solutions:

  • parachute flight;
  • tourist trip;
  • horse riding;
  • visiting national festivals;
  • going to a concert
  • renting a luxurious room in a luxury hotel;
  • visiting a ski resort;
  • ostrich riding;
  • water walk;
  • joint diving.

There are no restrictions in the second case. A couple just needs to find an exciting activity that both enjoy - it can be outdoor activities, sports, going to the cinema or theater.

However, it is better to choose something that stands out, which will be new for the newlyweds. You can jump with a parachute, ride a paraglider, try to conquer the tops of the mountains.

If the spouses prefer nature, you can go to the beach or river, lake. During the celebration, you can give preference active species sports, but it is important not to overdo it with extreme sports.

Newlyweds are most often in a light drunk, and extreme sports for them can end in injuries and bad memories.

The advantages of a holiday for two with such non-standard activities: the newlyweds stand out from common crowd newly-married spouses, spend time as they like only, spend only a small budget and at the same time feel as free as possible.

This video will show you how to organize a small wedding:

And how would you celebrate your wedding in a non-standard way? There are as many options for an original celebration as there are for married couples: from outdoor activities to national customs or individual trips. Everyone has something unique and new to offer.

Until recently, a wedding without guests and a banquet was considered something unprecedented. Relatives could be offended, but the bride did not feel like a bride in the full sense of the word. But recently, more and more often, newlyweds prefer to make the wedding a holiday only for themselves and their loved ones. This does not make the event less significant or joyful, and it also allows you to save money.

Wedding without a celebration: pros and cons

Once the marriage proposal is made, the bride and groom start discussing how they want their wedding to be. A small modest wedding has a lot of advantages.

  • Saving. This is the main advantage of a modest ceremony, and it is on it that the young rely. Sometimes you just don’t want to save, take out a loan or spend your accumulated savings on a magnificent banquet and an expensive dress. With the money saved, you can go somewhere and relax the way the couple wants.
  • No fuss. Not only the economy attracts brides, but also the absence of a crowd at such an important event. The groom is also usually pleased. No lengthy preparation, no hassle, no haste, no need to look for a toastmaster, order a video shoot, send out invitations, decorate the hall, choose a menu. All this takes up a huge amount of time that a young couple can spend on each other.
  • Greater choice of ideas. If there are no crowds of guests, it is much easier to arrange something sweet and romantic, for example, getting married in a hot air balloon or on the seashore in silence under the lapping of the waves.
  • No fatigue. On the wedding day, the bride and groom are usually already tired of preparations and worries, and the whole day in dances and competitions will lead to even greater impotence. But a wedding without a celebration and guests will allow you to stay strong and fulfill much more of the planned points of the plan.

There are some disadvantages, which should not be forgotten either. They do not always outweigh the pros, but everything is subjective. Some brides cannot decide to refuse guests a celebration or themselves a magnificent holiday.

  • There will be no gifts. If there are no guests, there will be no gifts. Of course, parents will present something, but no one else will give anything. This is not always bad, because most often they give money that you already save.
  • Guests will be offended. This reason may seem far-fetched to some, but in some families it is not customary not to invite relatives to the wedding, especially if they have been waiting for it for a long time. Close relatives, and sometimes even parents, may be offended by such a decision of the young.
  • There will be no grand celebration. Some girls dream of a magnificent wedding since childhood and are not ready to give it up even for the sake of a romantic ceremony in a Czech castle. I want to surprise guests and show myself.

Wedding without a celebration: how to spend

If you decide not to make a banquet, this does not mean that you yourself will have to be bored. Wedding ideas for two without a celebration can be very different.

  • Honeymoon. There are few couples who are ready to give up a vacation together abroad. Therefore, in order to save money, you can sign in the registry office, and then immediately fly to warmer climes and celebrate the birth there new family.

  • Romantic evening. After the registry office, you can have a romantic dinner, ride horses, go to the place of the first date, in general, spend the day just the two of you, talk about your love and remember how you met. If you wish, you can book a table in a good restaurant for two.

  • Photoshoot. Photos are not overkill, they are memories that will stay with you. Even if the wedding is without a celebration, the photo is quite possible to afford. If young people want to capture the moment of their connection, you should invest in a photographer. There are such ideas for photo shoots that it is quite possible to spend the whole day or only part of the day on them, and then go home to celebrate in a narrow family circle.

  • Tourist wedding. After the registry office, lovers of hiking can immediately go somewhere in the mountains, enjoy the scenery and each other.

  • wedding abroad. You can hold the ceremony together abroad, in Cyprus or the Czech Republic, in Italy or Cuba. It will cost a lot, but no more than a banquet for 150 people. In addition, such a wedding will give a lot of unforgettable impressions, and the photo session will turn out to be original and bright.

Wedding without a celebration in the registry office

Solemn registration of marriage, as you know, differs from non-solemn. During the solemn registration, which you pay in advance, beautiful music sounds, the registry office worker makes beautiful speeches, all the guests are watching, and the action takes place in a beautiful hall.

During normal registration, young people are invited to a separate office, and the whole procedure consists in signatures and a stamp. If you wish, you can invite your own photographer.

The convenience of non-ceremonial registration is that you can get married on any weekday. No one will ask questions like “do you agree” and say poems and congratulations. For some, this is a plus, and for some, a minus. Guests and relatives are usually not present. It is not necessary to put on a magnificent dress and merge with the crowd of brides at the entrance. Clothing can be absolutely anything.

Before the solemn registration, it is necessary to undergo a briefing, when the employee explains in detail the sequence of actions: where to go, when to stand up, from which side to approach the table and where to sign. With regular registration, everything is simpler and explained along the way.

How to celebrate a wedding without a celebration: preparing relatives

For some couples, the real problem is the reaction of relatives to the absence of a banquet and guests at the wedding.

It is good if the family is modern and loyal enough to understand and accept your decision to get married quietly and modestly. But there are also relatives who will openly express their dissatisfaction and spoil your holiday.

Some couples find it a good idea to keep everything a secret and get married in secret. However, this will not completely solve the problem. For the duration of the ceremony, you will be calm, but when everything opens, insults cannot be avoided.

It is still advisable to warn friends and relatives in advance that there will be no banquet. If necessary, listen to all the arguments against your decision, react calmly and confidently. Do not give in to other people's desires. This is your wedding, you have the right to have it the way you see fit. This is exactly what you should say to indignant relatives.

Ask friends and family to give you such a wedding gift: to let you spend this day together. In order not to offend your parents, you can invite them to register, and then go on a trip together, a restaurant, a spa, or wherever you want.

Perhaps guests will be reassured by the fact that some time after the wedding you will invite them to dinner or to a cafe to celebrate this event in a close circle. You can share relatives and friends. Sit at home with relatives, and go to a club or cafe with friends, where they will congratulate you together.

Wedding without a celebration: what to wear for the groom

There are no strict rules on how to go for a non-ceremonial registration. It is no longer possible to surprise the registry office workers. You can come in comfortable, hiking or any other suit.

  • Classic suit. Not all grooms want to wear a suit for a non-ceremonial registration. But if there is a romantic photo session later, it is quite possible to dress up. The main thing is that it is combined with the bride's dress.

  • Shirt and trousers. Calm and comfortable clothes, but in a semi-classical style will be an excellent choice. It's not jeans and a T-shirt, but it's not a tailcoat either. You can choose very interesting options for color and cut, or sew trousers to order.
  • Shirt-vest-tie-pants. Not too classic, but quite elegant set. If you choose the right colors (and they can be not only black and white) and a bow tie, you will get a very stylish groom. This outfit is perfect for a photo shoot.
  • informal option. If the groom wants to get married in jeans and the bride does not mind, then this will not be a problem. The bride may also wish to come to the registry office in jeans and T-shirts. The main thing is that both are satisfied with each other, because there will be no guests and there will be no one to judge.

  • themed costume. This option is rarely used for modest weddings, but why not. You can dress up as dudes, pirates or stalkers. You will get very bright pictures.

Wedding without celebration: bride's dress

The bride also has many options. From classic ball gowns to shorts and sneakers. It is only important to be in harmony with the groom and your inner world.

  • White dress. Many brides still choose to marry in white to identify themselves as a bride. It does not have to be a long puffy dress, you can choose a more modest version, a mini or retro dress.

  • Cocktail Dress. A cocktail dress is a very practical option. Then it can be worn for another celebration or for a friend's wedding, if the dress is not white. With the right hairstyle, the bride will look very elegant.

  • Pantsuit. This option is for strict brides or older brides. A pantsuit can be very smart, but still remain a suit, not a dress. At the same time, the groom must also be dressed strictly, in a classic style, to match the bride.

  • Sundress. A convenient and simple option for a hippie or rustic wedding. The groom will also have a lot of options that will look appropriate. Perfect for a summer outdoor wedding.

  • Casual wear. To come to the registry office in a clean one is no longer nonsense. Sometimes people just show up to register and don't plan any celebrations for it. For this occasion, any dress, suit, trousers or jeans will do.

  • Stylized suit. The bride can dress up as a princess, Alice in Wonderland, or even a cat if she so desires. The main condition is that the groom must be from that fairy tale, otherwise it will look strange.

What your wedding will be like is up to you. No traditions and wishes of relatives should prevent you from spending this day the way you want, so you can choose a wedding without a celebration and have it very fun.

A traditional wedding with a motorcade, many guests and a magnificent celebration has its own negative sides. A holiday for lovers in reality turns into a difficult duty to entertain a whole crowd of relatives, friends and acquaintances, often random, and sometimes not at all familiar people.

Moreover, there are cases when wedding banquets with many guests do not even pay off financially. Not always the money donated by the guests to the newlyweds is enough even to cover the costs of organizing a festive table. And most importantly, the first day for two people who, by their own choice, became the most dear to each other, after a traditional wedding, is remembered only by extreme fatigue.

If, thanks to tradition, the guests, and not the newlyweds, turn out to be the main ones at the holiday, maybe it’s worth coming up with some Alternative option? For example, a wedding for two. You may be surprised, but this format of the celebration is gaining popularity in the world, and this is far from due to a lack of finance. It's just that the newlyweds want pleasant memories from the wedding feast, primarily for themselves, and not for the guests.

Despite the seeming simplicity of organizing a wedding celebration of this format, it has its own characteristics, which should not be forgotten so that nothing distracts from the holiday.

How to organize a wedding for two

Any wedding celebration requires serious step-by-step planning, and it begins with three main components:

  • Location of the ceremony. All subsequent ones depend on this point. It's one thing if you choose the park where you first saw each other for your wedding. The ceremony will go completely differently if you decide to tie your destinies together in some exotic corner that you still need to get to. The place chosen for the ceremony will largely determine the theme of the celebration. Obviously, a wedding in the park should be held differently than in an old castle.
  • Event budget. Different ideas will require different costs for their implementation. A ceremony on the beach of the warm sea will cost more than a relatively modest picnic for two with a painting in your favorite park. However, in the first case, the road to the warm sea and back can be organically included in the honeymoon.
  • Format of the wedding. Here the recipe is simple: plan a celebration first of all for yourself. If you love rock and motorcycle travel, go formalize your union at a biker festival. If sea romance is closer to you, then arrange yourself a long ocean cruise. The captain of the ship will definitely not refuse your request to legitimize your relationship. He has such a right.

Weddings for two are rapidly becoming a new classic. Several of the most common formats of such holidays have already developed.


This option is chosen not only by travel lovers. Europe, as well as the countries of Asia, are full of historical monuments, against which it will be nice to connect their destinies. In addition, a trip to the selected check-in point and back automatically turns into a kind of honeymoon and honeymoon trip all rolled into one. This way you can even save a little.

See also

If you decide to have a wedding outside your home country, be sure to pay attention to the following points:

  • We recommend that you choose warm and sunny places where the changeable climate will definitely not take you by surprise on the appointed date. Under the gentle sun, you can enjoy each other without interference, as well as the world's best wedding day and moonlit night. If your couple prefers a winter fairy tale, no one bothers you to go to the Alps, Tatras or the Himalayas.
  • Plan your trip in advance. So you can significantly reduce overall costs and provide yourself with only positive emotions.
  • The easiest way to plan a route, book tickets, hotels and organize a wedding ceremony is to contact a travel company. Thanks to their experience and well-established connections, they will be able to organize everything much faster than you. And this pleasure will cost relatively inexpensively.
  • Do not forget to order a photographer and cameraman to shoot a wedding celebration. Most often, this can be done at the stage of planning the ceremony with the help of a travel company. You can also use the services of the relevant agencies of the country you are going to visit.

By the sea

Weddings on the shores of the warm ocean have become popular in recent years, thanks in part to beautiful Hollywood films. Such ceremonies can be booked with the help of a travel company both abroad and in your home country. Thanks to a well-established scheme, everything will be ready for your arrival: a picturesque cozy place, photographers and videographers, and, if necessary, clergymen.

The sea ceremony bribes first of all with its freedom and looseness. She can even do without a tight, stuffy suit and a bulky dress. Yes, and you can change the shoes for comfortable moccasins or slippers. And if you wish, you can do without shoes at all, because there is nothing more pleasant for your feet than warm sand and gentle sea waves.

And even better - to do without such formality as a pre-prepared place and hired workers. What do two lovers need for a day that they should remember for a lifetime? Just the right place and time to exchange rings, as well as wedding vows! And modern technology can take care of video filming of the celebration. There are already devices that can turn any smartphone into an automatic tracking camera or camera.

Romantic dinner in a restaurant

For the sake of such an occasion, you can visit both your favorite institution and exotic elite restaurants located on the roofs of high-rise buildings, or on the water surface of lakes, rivers or oceans. A good option is to order VIP service in a separate room decorated with candles and flowers. You can complete the preparation with an invitation to live music or a modern stereo system with your favorite tunes.

Modest wedding at home

After visiting the registry office, it is not necessary to rush to a restaurant. Lovers of home comfort claim that no official institution can compare with it. So it is quite possible to decorate your own house or apartment with candles, balloons and flowers in order to celebrate your wedding romantically. It's good when your parents and closest friends share the holiday with you. Although it is quite possible to retire on this day to enjoy each other without any interference.

Celebration scenario

There are countless options for wedding scenarios, but all of them can be conditionally divided into several parts.

Part of the morning. She is preparatory. Future newlyweds are preparing for the holiday. If you are going to capture the celebration on videotape, then the bride and groom should use the services of a makeup artist. This will make your faces appear brighter in the video.

Then the young man meets his beloved at the porch with a bouquet of flowers and takes her to the place of registration of marriage. To do this, you can use both the usual festively decorated car and some unusual means of transportation: from a roaring motorcycle to a carriage with horses.

Part of the day. She's official. In the process of registering your relationship, use the services of a photographer and videographer invited in advance so that you have something to present to the whole world on social networks.

Having escaped the embrace of the official authorities, treat yourself to a few minutes of relaxation by simply walking around pleasant and memorable places for you. You can take a walk both on foot and in rented vehicles. It's a good idea to opt for something out of the ordinary, like a horseback ride or a limousine ride. Although you can get by with decorated bicycles.

Evening part. She's also romantic. Choose a suitable place for a festive dinner: a restaurant, a house, a forest edge, a seashore, where you will be comfortable together. Enjoy each other's company in silence or invite a DJ armed with modern sound-reproducing equipment to dance to incendiary old and new hits. And you can splurge on a whole orchestra with a toastmaster in addition to organize fun contests and games. Of course, if you have a desire to celebrate in the company.

It would also be very appropriate to retire from the whole world so that nothing distracts you from each other.

Part final. She is also the beginning of the honeymoon journey. Give yourself and your loved one a few days in exotic countries or places dear to your heart. It's time to completely dissolve in each other. Unless, of course, you have thought through everything in advance to the smallest detail, and you have nothing more to worry about.

Video: beautiful wedding for two

A wedding, the only participants of which are two lovers, is a real personal holiday. Just imagine, no turmoil and worries. And all your attention will be directed only towards each other.

Before planning your own celebration, we recommend that you draw a few ideas from this video.

When two lovers want to have a celebration dedicated to their love, they don't need witnesses. Anna Akhmatova called love “the fifth season of the year” not without reason, because if people feel good alone with each other, this is happiness. Complicated preparations for a magnificent wedding, a lot of guests, each of which needs attention, contests and customs that make you feel uncomfortable - these factors simply do not allow you to fully enjoy the holiday and devote yourself to your soul mate.

"Runaway Lovers" is a common thing in Western countries, we are still more traditional. A modest ceremony has its pros and cons, let's dwell on this issue in more detail.

Advantages of a wedding for two:

  • Budget Savings. If there is a choice between a chic celebration for two or a celebration with the company, but in the village restaurant "Birch", you should think about it;
  • The ability to arrange everything at your discretion. Agree, if you invite numerous friends and relatives, you still have to adjust the program and stick to the foundations. Looking for a gothic style wedding? - please. Choose bikes instead of a limousine? - for health. Vegetarian menu? - sure, not a problem. There is no need to reckon with someone and try to please someone. After all, a traditional holiday for family and friends can be arranged later;
  • Saving nerves. No need to choose decorations for the hall, cars, etc., discuss the menu to the smallest detail, look for transport and overnight stays for visiting guests, strain friends and relatives, asking for help. Long preparation is very tiring, so day X will bring nothing but the feeling of “well, it’s finally over”;
  • Meeting point can be changed. Even if you change your mind at the last moment and want to celebrate your wedding not in a restaurant, but in a country house, you are free to dispose of yourself as you wish.


  • Relatives will be offended. Undoubtedly, the situation is serious, but conflicts can be avoided if you swear an oath to arrange a holiday for them, but another time. In the end, during the crisis, couples calmly went to the registry office, signed even without witnesses and quietly and peacefully went home. And no one was indignant and did not throw tantrums;
  • A wedding without attention. Someone likes solitude, someone likes company. If you consider yourself to be the second type of person, you may lack the attention of guests. No one will appreciate your dress or makeup, no one will give you flowers, no one will shout “Bitter!”. If you are ready to do without it - please.

To summarize: a wedding for two is an ideal choice if:

  • You are now somewhat constrained in funds and cannot organize the desired banquet for guests;
  • Do you want to get married soon and without pathos;
  • Don't want to fool around with organizational issues and adapt to guests.
  • Dress code - full dress. Even if no one sees you, except for half, this is no reason to show up at the registry office in old jeans. Later you will regret that you did not choose something more extravagant. It can be a cocktail dress or a stylish suit, but chosen specifically for a gala day;
  • Present. Since you have decided to do without guests, prepare small souvenirs for each other as a keepsake. Make paired mugs with photos, buy medallions and engrave them, start a photo album - this will be a reminder of this day;
  • Symbolism. Do something together, something memorable - plant a tree together, bury a capsule with messages to each other in the future in the country, you will remember even the symbolic lock of the family with tenderness;
  • Pure romance. It is different for everyone: someone prefers a quiet picnic, someone prefers skydiving. The main thing is to find a person who will capture the birth of your family. You are not limited in time, so you can devote the first half of the day to a fun photo session (especially since stylized pictures are now in fashion);
  • Just you and me. Turn off your phones, leave your laptop and tablet at home. Yes, it is difficult to do without means of communication now, but you can try. After all, when, if not now, to devote yourself to your loved one?

The budget for the celebration should be drawn up in advance, it will include the cost of outfits, hairdresser and makeup artist services, photography and, in fact, a gala dinner. We offer you a few ideas on how to organize a wedding for two:

  • Stylization. Retro, shabby chic, Provence, Middle Ages, East, color wedding - hundreds of options! You can play on your common interests, hobbies, even recreate the history of your acquaintance. Visit interesting workshops, make a souvenir for your new family with your own hands;
  • extreme wedding. Do you want to disperse the adrenaline in the blood? - then choose non-standard entertainment. It can be diving, horseback riding, yachting, quad biking, sledding or skiing in winter, paragliding or hot air ballooning, parachute jumping. By the way, such a service as a wedding in the air (that is, on board the aircraft) may also be to the liking of the newlyweds;
  • House in the village. Tired of the bustle of the city? - why not go out of town, where neither the groom nor the bride has not yet been. Have a wedding ceremony in a local church, live a couple of days in a house, enjoy new landscapes and walks at dawn - then the time spent together will be truly honeyed;
  • outdoor ceremony. You can refuse the corridors of stuffy registry office and get married somewhere in a forest clearing, on the lake or in a country house. Bride, groom, master of ceremonies and photographer - a minimum of people and a maximum of positive impressions;
  • Remember native places. Visit your favorite places, go to a concert of your favorite band, to the theater, cinema or opera, and the logical end of the evening will be a romantic walk and dinner in your hotel room;
  • wedding on wheels. Do you like to travel? - then go on a honeymoon trip immediately after marriage registration. There are many beautiful places and sights in Russia. Coordinate the route with your soul mate, stay in the hotels you like, for a change you can take a tent with you and have an evening around the fire a couple of times - if, of course, you like hiking;
  • Holiday abroad. Do not be lazy and learn the customs and culture of the country where you are going to go. If desired, you can even play an unusual wedding. The most favorite options for newlyweds are Italy, Czech Republic, Montenegro, Cyprus, Greece, Dominican Republic, Thailand, Jamaica, Cuba. On the Internet, you can always find information on when, where and how best to organize a wedding, the intricacies of the ceremony, rules, reviews of other couples on the forums and much more.

If you are not bored in each other's company, you value your soul mate and are ready to reject conventions - feel free to choose a wedding for two! It's worth it!

A wedding together will be a highlight if you know how to celebrate it. Attention to detail, study of fashion trends and individual preferences of the couple are the key to a successful wedding ceremony and an unforgettable honeymoon.

How to spend that day

A wedding for two can be held in your native country or somewhere in exotic lands. They are especially popular. It all depends on the wishes of the couple and the budget. It is necessary to calculate the costs in advance, decide on the place and organizational moments.

How to celebrate a wedding together? First of all, you need to decide what the holiday will be like. Lush or humble? Where will the wedding take place? The script is compiled on the basis of key points:

  • preparing the couple for the event;
  • registration;
  • photo session and film;
  • travel.

After you decide where to hold the wedding together, you can start detailed planning and development of the intricacies of organizing a wedding program. For a wedding in your native country, you must submit an application to the registry office, order an exit registration. There are many options after that:

  • travel to warm countries (,) or to a ski resort;
  • hike or picnic in nature;
  • for those who do not leave the city: a photo session, a luxurious dinner, a night in a honeymoon hotel;
  • traveling by car in the country or abroad;
  • vacation on a yacht or a cruise on a steamboat.

Unusual ideas for a wedding for two lie on the surface. To create the perfect celebration, you need to fantasize, plan your wedding day in advance. Then it will be a happy and romantic event in life.

Organization and options

When deciding how to spend your wedding day together, decide in advance on the key points:

  • where will the wedding take place?
  • Event date;
  • whether the trip will take place;
  • what will be the photo session;
  • what entertainment is planned;
  • what is the budget of the event;
  • how many days are left before the celebration;
  • how many days the newlyweds will be able to relax on their honeymoon trip.

The preparation for the event begins with the answers to these questions. Ideas for a wedding for two without guests are endless. It all depends on the budget and wishes of the couple:

  • at home (together);
  • traveling to exotic countries;
  • at the ski resort;
  • outside the city (in nature).

The image of the bride and groom

The appearance of the bride must be selected based on what her image is. Summer is a popular time for stylish and beautiful weddings. In the warm season, the dress should be comfortable and light (made of chiffon, organza, silk, lace, guipure, tulle).

Shoes must be open (sandals, sandals, summer boots). If planned, you need to prepare another pair of shoes in which it will be comfortable to move around.

Hair should be light and natural. Bunches, loose hair, will do. You can decorate them with flowers or ethnic accessories. Makeup must be waterproof and protected from the sun. It is better to focus on healthy skin tone, without bright color combinations. Naturalness is a priority. The emphasis should be on simplicity.

For winter, the image of the bride should be Dress - made of dense materials that will not let you freeze and will not let the cold through. Dress models must be closed, with original decor details.

wedding planner

It is important to complement the look of the bride with outerwear: a fur coat, a coat, a jacket, a fur cape. The best shoes are boots, ankle boots, boots, ugg boots (not visible under the dress, but warm). Hairstyle - curls, loose hair, braids. You can decorate your hair with beads and other interesting accessories. Makeup is persistent, it is better to avoid blue and gray shades.

Elena Sokolova


The priority is functionality, comfort and, of course, the good mood of the bride. The bride is in the center of attention, and the groom complements her.


The bride is charming in autumn. The dress for her can be anything, with a full-length or ¾ sleeve. Capricious autumn encourages to stock up on outerwear and accessories: coats, fur coats, shawls, jackets, shirts, cardigans. Shoes can be anything: ankle boots, closed shoes, sneakers, boots.

Important! The hairstyle should be stable (the wind can break everything): it is important to fix curls, knots, bundles with accessories. Makeup is better to choose in warm golden or peach tones.

The appearance of the groom must be selected according to the general style of the wedding. Men do not like to spend a lot of time on style, fashion and clothing choices. It is also important to look for the groom's outfit under the bride's dress. Appearance must be combined in style and color.

Unusual ideas for a photo shoot

How to hold a wedding for two without guests? Here you can not do without the original photo shoot. Most brides love to pose, flirt in front of the camera, acting as if they were shooting for a portfolio.

Grooms are most often reserved. They watch what is happening in the company of their friends. Only sometimes the photographer invites the groom for key shots.

When the bride is satisfied, you can start implementing interesting ideas for a photo shoot. And there are many of them.

body swap

Classic - the bride is waiting for her beloved, getting ready, talking with her bridesmaids. The new interpretation is to reverse the perception (the groom and his friends play the role of women, and the women play the role of men). The wife puts the ring on her lover's finger. He reacts emotionally with the words: “Wow”, “Wow!”. The photographer, meanwhile, captures moments. The groom gets behind the wheel of the car, and the bride pushes the car, changes the wheel or refuels at a gas station ...

theater stars

It is necessary to prepare props and other theatrical things. The scene will be an open-air stage and city streets. Improvisation, playing on camera, reincarnation, victory over the fear of being funny or ridiculous - this is what will bring pleasure from the holiday.

water magic

A photo session by the pond is an original option for couples who are not afraid of water. Inflatable mattresses, boats, vests, fishing rods and other attributes will decorate the wedding day.

Relevant for a photo shoot: jumping from the pier into the water, wallowing in the sand, fighting with pirates. Dynamics and fun are the key points for a bright wedding celebration. Romance is also appropriate: sand castles, splashing water (for the warm season).

Sport competitions

Family is a daily sport. Ups, downs, applause, silence - the everyday life of family life. To add life to a photo session, you need sports equipment. Thanks to bright photo shoots, the couple will receive a wedding photo album that will capture an important day in the life of a young family. After some time, the husband and wife will be able to take the album and flip through its pages, telling their children and grandchildren about how it all began.

How to meet the budget

When organizing a wedding, be sure to consider the expense items. Should be considered:

  • newlyweds outfits;
  • services of a make-up artist, stylist;
  • bouquets, floristry, boutonniere;
  • videographer and photographer services;
  • gala dinner or lunch;
  • honeymoon room and decor;
  • Rent a Car;
  • additional expenses (entertainment).

You can also add other expenses to the list. But this is the basis. To calculate everything in advance, you need to ask about the cost of services and goods. If the amount is impressive, it is better to start saving money in advance.

How to celebrate a wedding together? To make the celebration bright and unforgettable, it is better to go on a trip to warm countries (to a seaside resort) immediately after registration. A wedding for two abroad is cheaper than a holiday for relatives, acquaintances and friends.

An outdoor ceremony at the resort is a great option for celebrating a wedding together. The best options are Greece, Czech Republic, France, Cyprus, Italy, Montenegro. You can also travel around your home country.

How to celebrate a wedding together in an original way? Resting at home is a great leisure option. It is necessary to prepare food in advance, turn off phones, think over entertainment. Village vacation is an original option for those who want to live in original conditions. Such a tour will give exotic impressions to newlyweds from the city.

Many couples save money for a wedding 1-1.5 years before the event. This allows you to create a bright holiday without compromising your budget and with a good mood. When compiling the program of the event, it is important to dream boldly. Write a script based on the wishes of the couple. Then the holiday will be unforgettable and delightful.


How to spend a wedding together - it's up to you. It will become a romantic celebration of love if the couple prepares for the event in advance, informs loved ones about the reasons for which they do not want or cannot invite relatives and friends to the banquet. Thanks to the preliminary preparation for the celebration, the event will turn into a bright holiday that will be remembered by hearts in love. And the couple will be happy to share their impressions of the event with their children.