How to prepare for admission to journalism or media communications. Creative Writing Exam Essay Samples for Journalism Applicants Creative Assignment for Admission

|Marina Emelianenko | 10328

Whoever has tasted the pleasure of creativity, for him all other pleasures do not exist.
A.P. Chekhov.


Urban planning;

Air navigation;

medical business;

Customs business;


A television;

media communications;

art history;



circus art;

Acting art;

Vocal art;





Film studies.

Creative competition for admission to the university. What is it and who sells it?

Applicants | Marina Emelianenko | 10328

Many specialties require applicants to pass special tests due to the specifics of the chosen profession. Such exams are called creative exam or creative competition.

A creative exam is an exam that allows you to evaluate the student's creative abilities for any type of activity. Pass such exams in many universities in Russia. There is no single standard for such competitions. All tasks are developed, as a rule, by teachers of the university, where the creative competition will be held. So, future journalists write essays and articles, artists draw, actors demonstrate stage abilities.

Applicants usually have enough time to prepare for the creative exam. Usually, universities announce all the programs of creative competitions approximately four months before the start of the admission campaign. At the same time, the program itself consists of an explanatory note, the task itself and evaluation criteria.

How to prepare to successfully pass a creative competition?

To prepare for the internal competition of the university, you must do the following:

Find and save the programs of creative competitions of past years in advance. Familiarize yourself with them, pay attention to the recommended literature; . Study additionally with a tutor if your funds allow. Preparation is never superfluous, especially in creative tests. In the exact sciences everything is more clear, and creativity is an unpredictable thing;

If the chosen university provides preparatory courses, you must attend them without fail. A creative competition is usually developed by university employees. And you will get the best training from them.

In 2014, the list of specialties for which universities have the right to introduce an internal exam has expanded significantly. An internal exam can be held in the form of a creative competition, interview or exam. However, as a rule, it is the creative competition that is used. It is evaluated on a hundred-point scale, and in some universities you can get a maximum of 100 points for the entire competition, while in others - each intermediate stage is evaluated separately, and the total points can be 200 or 300. In general, the creative competition is quite important in total student scores. It even happens that the results of a creative exam are for admission committee more important than the results of the exam.

What specialties do you need to take a creative exam?

In fact, the number of areas of training that require special knowledge is quite large. Among the main ones, for which additional entrance tests of a professional or creative orientation may be required, the following can be distinguished:


Urban planning;

Air navigation;

medical business;

Customs business;


A television;

media communications;

Teacher Education;

art history;



circus art;

Acting art;

Vocal art;





Film studies.

These are just some of the specialties with additional requirements. In total, according to the list approved by law, there are about seventy such specialties. Some of them have been on this list for a very long time, others, such as pediatrics or pedagogy, have been added over the past few years. An applicant who wants to enter a university, in which one of the main requirements is a creative competition, must approach the preparation for this test with all responsibility. You do not know what exactly will await you on such an exam, so do not neglect any possible way of preparing. Ask, clarify, search, read - do everything to beat your competitors. The creative exam is unpredictable. Perhaps exactly what you considered inimitable will not be appreciated, as you will be evaluated “on the spot” by living people who know a lot about this.

Creative competition - real opportunity impartially assess their capabilities and abilities, listen to criticism and draw productive conclusions based on it.

At St Petersburg University, the creative exam is a mandatory entrance test for admission to full-time and part-time studies in the specialty "journalism". The exam is provided for by the State Educational Standard and is conducted in accordance with a specially developed Regulation.

The creative exam consists of two tasks: written and oral. The first is to write an essay or essay, the second is to interview members of the commission on a specific topic. The list of topics for preparation is provided to applicants in advance - it is posted on the bulletin board of the faculty and in electronic form on the website. Their choice is determined by a random examination ticket.

First, applicants complete a written assignment. Approximate topics for an essay can be the following: “Who would I like to become and why”, “Monologue of things in the first person”, “My unusual acquaintance”, “Once upon a time”, etc. Applicants have 90 minutes to complete the assignment. The essay must be at least 150 words.

The oral task is carried out in the form of a student's monologue with the expression of his point of view on a particular issue and further dialogue with members of the selection committee. Topics for oral discussion are chosen with a social and ethical focus. Examples of topics: “personality and society”, “actual problems of society”, “spiritual life and culture”, “knowledge”, “modernity and moral principles”, “the role of religion in society”, “social relations of interethnic groups”, “ politics as a sphere of public life”, etc.

The purpose of the creative exam and evaluation criteria

The main purpose of the creative exam is to test the applicant for creative abilities to describe and defend their point of view. The final mark for the exam is the sum of 100 points for both parts of the test - a maximum of 60 points for the written task and a maximum of 40 points for the oral interview.

The student's written essay is checked for a journalistic interpretation of the specified topic. The text should be presented logically, the composition of the essay should be easy to read. Particular attention is paid to the ability to correctly state the facts without changing them to reinforce one's vision of the topic. Attention is drawn to the language and style of presentation.

The oral task allows you to determine the communicative, oratorical and debating abilities of the applicant. The original, interesting presentation of their topic, the ability to quickly and easily answer questions are highly appreciated. The applicant must reasonably defend his position and at the same time listen to the opponent and conduct a dialogue with him.

Personally, I did not enter the Faculty of Journalism, but I easily managed to find people who helped prepare the material for this article, for which I thank them very much. According to the guys, passing the creative exam was not a difficult procedure, but still required preparation.

The first thing you need to do is to familiarize yourself with the program of the creative competition on the official website of the desired university, such information may be contained in the sections "Applicant", "Entry" and other similar ones. For example, here are the programs of creative exams at KNUKiI and DNU. Potter. Second, carefully prepare for writing your own statement, which you will encounter while writing the ZNO test in Ukrainian. language and literature. Yes, you heard right, according to Ruslana Prorokova, a journalism student, successfully writing your own statement partially guarantees you passing the creative exam. This is due to the fact that the requirements for the work, although not the same, are very similar, since the ZNO also requires knowledge of spelling, style, analysis and construction of sentences, the ability to draw conclusions and give arguments.

Below is a first-person account by Ruslana Prorokova, a 2nd year student of the Faculty of Journalism of KNUKiI, about how she had to pass a creative competition in 2015:

The delivery process was very transparent: we were taken to the audience, we sat down ourselves in free places. After introductory remarks we were given title pages and lined ones. After everyone signed the titles, the girls walked around - students, university employees and members of the Student Parliament - encrypted the title and the leaflet with letters and numbers. Then the titles were taken out. And only then the screen was opened, where the topic of the material was written: “I am a journalist of the 21st century. Actual nutrition of journalism. Volume - 4 pages A4 (recommended), time was given an hour. Of course, this was not enough, so I immediately had to write in a clean copy. The teachers who observed us explained the criteria by which the assessment would take place. It was impossible to use any technique and literature. As a result, I got 193.5 points, which I was satisfied with. After 3 semesters of study in my group, I can note that the results of the creative were quite fair and were confirmed in the learning process.
As for my preparation, there wasn’t much of it, because. In general, I planned to enter the specialty "announcer and presenter of TV programs." All that helped me was knowledge of grammar, a wide vocabulary, a clear structure of the material, bright examples both from history and from literature - what I learned to pass the UPE. Separately, for the creative test, I only read articles in newspapers every day, studied their structure, word order, placement of accents, and also looked through essays on popular topics such as “The profession of a journalist”, “Ukraine is my Fatherland”, “The importance of Ukrainian language”, “ How to know for yourself”, “The meaning of morality”, “Principles of good”, etc., was looking for quotes for them. So there was nothing difficult for me. Everything was decided by desire and skill.

And here is how they pass the creative competition in journalism at the Kiev University. Boris Grinchenko and Kiev National University. Taras Shevchenko, according to a former applicant, current student of journalism Vladislav Dunaenko:

In KNU them. Shevchenko creative competition consisted of three stages:
1st stage - testing in history and geography;
Stage 2 - they invited some famous person with whom the applicants were to hold a press conference, that is, they listened to what he says, asked questions, and then it was necessary to write an article using everything that they heard at the conference;
Stage 3 - an interview, just a conversation on various topics: politics, economics, journalism, media, etc.

In KU them. Grinchenko, we had only two stages:

Stage 1 - you watch video news, a small news story, and after that you need to write an essay, but not just tell what was said in the video, but do it as a separate journalistic material;
The 2nd stage is a kind of exam, you draw out a ticket, an aphorism comes across there, you prepare for 10-15 minutes and then for 3-5 minutes you need to speak freely on the topic of this aphorism, such a monologue.

Materials for preparing for the creative competition for journalism

For preparation, reference books / textbooks from the Library, as well as some manuals that were sent to me by the teacher of the Department of Journalism of the NU Ostroh Academy Vitaly Golubev, namely:

I express my deep gratitude to Ruslana Prorokova, Alena Vlasyuk, Vladislav Dunaenko and Vitaly Golubev for the information provided, which served as material for the article.

What is a creative contest?

In order to enter the Faculty of Design, in addition to the Unified State Examination, you need to pass a creative competition. It includes an interview and review of your creative project. Depending on the profile you choose, the creative contest may differ in what creative project you are submitting.
The minimum score is 60. If you scored below, you will not be able to participate in the competition.

What is an interview?

An interview is a dialogue between the applicant and the selection committee. You may be asked about the authors, trends, directions of a particular era, such as Antiquity or the Early or High Middle Ages. Applicants come across questions about the trends of the XIV-XX centuries. You will also be asked to describe one of the eras. Be prepared to be asked additional questions.

So, what is a creative project?

A creative project is a series of your work (6-12) that unlocks your potential. Works must correspond to the profile of training. You can choose the topic yourself.

There are specific evaluation criteria:

  • stylistic unity;
  • conceptual completeness of the series;
  • originality of the author's intention;
  • harmonious color and compositional solution;
  • clear presentation of the project.

What are examples of creative projects?

If you choose the "Communication Design" profile, it can be a series of posters or covers, if "Animation" - a series of characters or frames for a cartoon.

How can you prepare for a creative competition?

1) If you decide to enter the design, you probably already have some work or sketches. Use them. Refine and practice.
2) Follow the news of the design world and be sure to try to understand the art.
3) If you are a student in grades 10-11, sign up for preparatory courses. You will receive the necessary knowledge and advice for preparing your own project.
4) Well, if you live somewhere in Novosibirsk and there is no opportunity to come to classes at HSE, then study at an online school.

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In our daily column The Answer, we analyze the important questions that we face almost every day. To the point, short and simple. Your little survival tutorial What is The Tower? This is us! One of the largest student media in Russia. We will tell you about

A creative competition is an exam that allows you to assess the ability of an applicant for creative activity in any field.

Future journalists write essays and articles, artists draw on canvas, actors demonstrate stage speech and acting skills, and vocalists sing loudly.

Unlike ZNO, there is no single standard for the procedure for conducting and evaluation criteria for a creative competition. Programs and tasks are developed by teachers of the same educational institution, they also conduct it, and they themselves consider appeals on the objectivity of evaluating the work of applicants.

The program of the creative competition consists of an explanatory note, which describes in detail the general provisions of the competition, the requirements for the level of preparation of the applicant, the description of the task, the criteria for evaluating the work, the list of recommended literature.

According to the rules, universities announce the programs of creative competitions no later than four months before the start of their holding, there is enough time to prepare.

Preparation for the creative competition

If you prepare on your own, find and download the programs of creative competitions of past years in advance, familiarize yourself with them, read the recommended literature, go through the theoretical stage, so to speak. When the university announces the program of the creative competition for the current year, you have four months for thorough practical preparation for the topics indicated in the program.

You can study with a tutor to prepare for a creative competition, but only if you yourself cannot study the subject and there are no preparatory courses in the chosen educational institution.

If the university has preparatory courses, unequivocally sign up and attend, they will not bring additional points (additional points are awarded for preparatory courses only for natural-mathematical and engineering specialties), but these courses are taught by the same teachers who develop programs and assignments for creative competition, check the work of applicants.

On the one hand, this is an opportunity to “bring up” the level of knowledge to the required level, on the other hand, if you conscientiously attend and complete the course program, you are already “their own” for the teacher (perhaps he will personally check your work!), He is interested in continuing to work with smart students , in this case your talent will not go unnoticed, a high score is guaranteed.

For example, consider:

Creative competition at the faculty of journalism

This may be writing a journalistic work based on the results of a press conference simulated for applicants.

Preliminarily, the program of the creative competition contains a list of press conference topics, usually 15-20 topics. Please note that indicative topics can be written in the program, i.e. leave room for “manoeuvre”, the topic on the exam may differ from those indicated in the program and you will not present any complaints.

Applicants communicate with the participants (or participant) of the conversation for a certain time (the duration must be indicated in the program of the competition), during the process it is possible to record the progress of the conversation, questions and answers on paper, it is prohibited to use recording equipment.

Based on the materials collected, within one and a half to two hours, the applicant writes journalistic work in an arbitrarily chosen genre of a given volume, usually up to two sheets of A4 paper.

Use printed sources of information: textbooks, reference books, etc. when writing a written work is also prohibited.