How to make a man act first. How to make a man want you madly: follow this guide

We all dreamed of being in a fairy tale once. A handsome prince on a white horse, a huge castle and love to the grave. Are you familiar? Yes, not only girls want this, but also young ladies. We grow up and understand that there are not enough princes for everyone, and you will not meet a real millionaire around every corner. We marry someone who is nearby, especially for a fairy tale and not hoping.

And then, when feelings weaken a little, we look at our choice, spending the whole evening in front of the TV, and we think: “Is this the same person whom I once married?” Cheer up, women should be smarter. We are quite capable of turning everything around so that the man himself wants to make the family more prosperous, to push him to act.

The main thing is the belief that you will succeed. Use our advice, and the atmosphere in the family will become better, and with it everything else.

Work on yourself

Men are the stronger sex, but most often in the family it is the woman who reserves the last word. And so the wife thinks that her husband is lazy. And then constant reproaches and attempts to re-educate a loved one. Is it efficient?

The opinion of psychologists and our own: not always. Rather, on the contrary - a man becomes withdrawn, his self-esteem decreases, the result is the opposite of what is desired. Therefore, in order to get your way, first of all, change your attitude to the problem. To give an incentive to a person to change something is more real than to change him.

Change tactics

There is an erroneous tactic of behavior, although many women consider it correct ... You can’t constantly cut your husband:
- "You always let me down"
- "You can't do anything without me"
- "Are you capable of anything?"

You are programming your husband in advance that he will not succeed. A distinctive feature of successful men is self-confidence and self-confidence. But he will not have the desire to do anything if you do not initially believe in him! So, if your goal is a self-sufficient spouse in all respects, forget about such conversations.

What goes around comes around

Praise your spouse for any reason. Yes, sometimes it seems to us that a screwed-in bolt or a fixed socket is a man's work, because we are not praised for things that we have washed and carefully ironed. Remember: male psychology is different from female. If you praise him, he will continue to want to prove to you that he is capable of more.

For this to work, you need to praise him sincerely, without pretense. It is not easy, because before that you only criticized. At first, it may be difficult to find a reason to praise. But do you know your purpose? Believe in him and you will see everything starts to change!

Cultivate Responsibility

How were the problems of dangling shelves and similar trifles in everyday life solved before? Or you constantly remind him: “Shameless, the socket has been sparking for the second week, you can’t subdue ...”, etc., and then called an electrician who solved this problem. Change tactics. Regularly, in a very calm voice, remind your husband that it would be nice to screw the shelf. After all, he is used to what - you yourself decide everything, why should he strain? And if you do not pay attention and do nothing about it, today or tomorrow he will finally understand that it is time for him to take part. Without it, the problem cannot be solved.

In the future, your other half is still aware of his responsibility, and over and over again will independently take the initiative.

Call for initiative

Do not press on him and do not complain, allegedly, “Katya’s husband, what a fine fellow, he bought her the third, in a row, fur coat, and I don’t even have a fur hat. You are useless, you can’t even earn money.”

And try to tell him: “Listen, darling, I know that you work from morning to evening, you are a great fellow. I really want new gloves, last year's are all worn out. But, probably, we cannot afford such purchases now, ”and be sure that with this approach you will receive brand new gloves, a new hat, and a mink coat. It will work! And not because you demanded, but to please you.

Support and support

You know your husband better than anyone else, don't you? He certainly has strengths, special skills, abilities? Guide, support your spouse in all endeavors, and he will definitely know that you are his rear and support nearby.

Yes, perhaps not everything is so simple, but for the sake of your goal it is worth working hard!

You are young, beautiful, smart and charming. But for some reason, men are in no hurry to get to know you. At the same time, you notice that there are women whom you would consider not the prettiest and most attractive. But they are very popular with the representatives of the stronger sex. Men hover around them, trying to please them in everything, as if they were queens. So what's the deal? What is there in these women that you do not have? And why are they married and you are still single? Don't guess, sweet girl. I will tell you some simple secrets on how to make a man think about you and how to make him fall in love with you.

What men value in women

Do you notice that the most handsome, smart and wealthy men go to windy, frivolous and fickle girls? And girls like you, whose love is selfless and true, remain out of work? If you look at love like that, then you are close to the truth. After all, windy women do not get hung up on men, they make them achieve themselves again and again. Such women excite men, make them consider themselves women of the “upper class”, which every man dreams of possessing. Still talking about how to make a man think about you? Don't waste precious time. It's time to act!

How to help him fall in love with you

As a starting point, you must understand for yourself that you yourself are worth something. And you don't need anyone to feel your worth. Therefore, with the object of your desire, always be self-sufficient and independent, at least until the closest relationship is established between you. The second condition is to be interested in them. Become a sensitive listener, become his "vest", his closest friend. Let him tell you about himself as much as possible. Soon he himself will notice that no matter what situation he finds himself in, he constantly thinks about you. And that's exactly what you wanted to achieve. Therefore, the question of how to make a man think about you will no longer worry you.

Let's take decisive action

When close communication is established, it is time to move on to more open actions. Flirt with him, arrange cute surprises, give small presents that will later remind him of you. It can be a T-shirt with your photo, and a good cologne, and, if funds permit, a gold medallion with a chain. He will think of you using these gifts. When we flirt with a man, we use seduction techniques. Fixing your hair, casually running your hand along your neck, smiling at him - all this has an exciting effect on a man. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that very soon he will offer you to establish closer contact. It is, of course, about sex. Sexual strategy is a whole science of how to captivate a man so that he does not lose interest in a woman after the first contact. More on this in our next chapter.

The role of the sexual factor in your relationship

Do not try to start sexual relations with a partner too early. They should begin when he has some feelings for you, an interest in you. Otherwise, the man will quickly cool off, and your relationship will come to naught, without being settled. But you should not keep the object of your love at a distance for too long either. He can what is called "burn out" and find himself a more accommodating woman. Therefore, if a girl wants a man, she must first interest him and only then move on to a closer relationship. And remember that for any man it is very important what a girlfriend thinks about his sexual potential. Praise him for making you happy. The words "You drive me crazy!" can radically change your relationship for the better.

Summing up

Thus, we learned how to make a man think about you, how to win his heart and become the one and only for him. Put these recommendations into practice - and soon, perhaps, your relationship will be crowned with a happy marriage.

Every woman dreams of gradually controlling a man: directing his energy in the right direction, convincing him to do what she needs. To be honest, a woman learns all these wisdoms almost her entire conscious life.!

Needless to say, women begin to learn the art of manipulating men from childhood: theoretical studies alternate with practical ones, first the father acts as guinea pigs (as a rule, it is on him that the first combat experience and much-needed self-confidence are acquired), then neighbors, classmates, male school teachers, lovers, a husband (God himself ordered them to be manipulated), colleagues (including the boss) and other males who fall into the sphere of vital interests.

As mentioned above, the learning process is continuous. Some ladies become real aces in this business, masters of manipulation.

Giving the last instructions to the daughter before marriage, a loving mother, as a rule, says: "The husband is the head of the family, and the wife is the neck, which turns this very head as it pleases." To control a man so that he not only does not notice it, but also believes that he controls a woman himself is a brilliant formula, isn't it?

Of course, the women themselves will never admit this, but if a woman takes on a man, he has practically no chance, like a Zaporozhets in a collision with a KAMAZ. When a man and a woman argue, the woman is always or almost always right. The man, at best, was wrong, at worst, he behaved like the last scoundrel.

Why it happens? Because women have a powerful weapon called public morality. This very public morality is always on the side of women, since they are her creators. Excuse me - some reader will ask - but what about Tolstoy, Chekhov, Dostoevsky, Thomas More, Martin Luther King?

I answer - no way. The above-mentioned comrades hovered somewhere high in the clouds, descending to earth only occasionally to eat, have sex, drink vodka and drop by the editorial office. They have about the same relation to the creation of the social morality discussed in this article as the Chukchi to the construction of the ancient Egyptian pyramids.

Let's get back to morality. The first rule says: "A woman is always right," or, as the French say, "What a woman wants, God wants." Try to get around this rule - all the women of the world will immediately stand up to protect public morality.

Therefore, first of all, you should actively use your own moral superiority.

1. You are guilty and must atone for your guilt!

How to control a man

Periodically remind the man of those moments from your life together, for which he should be ashamed. For example, about how three years ago he promised to buy you a new blouse, but, having entered the slot machine salon, he lost to the nines. In the meantime, the blouses were sold out, and it was this style that suited you the most ...

Now my husband is getting paid. Your task is to find funds to buy new shoes. Remind me of the case with the blouse. Modestly so, unobtrusively. Or about something else. For example, how he molested your girlfriend while you were vacationing in the south. Remorse will do its job.

When you receive the amount you need, don't forget to say thank you. "Thank you dear, I always knew you loved me."

2. You are bad! Get better. Oh please...

You can follow the example of Soviet propaganda create images of "bad" and "good" guys and actively use them for their own purposes. Images, not guys.

Here is the husband of your employee Vasya - he regularly gives his wife flowers (his own, not someone else's - he doesn’t even look in the direction of strangers!), Buys clothes, helps with the housework, performs all sorts of petty whims (a woman without whims is about the same as a stray a dog without fleas) and never groans, does not complain that he is tired or cannot do something. In a word, he behaves like an exemplary soldier - or rather, like an ideal man.

And here is another young man, Petya, ex-husband Sveta, who now lives with Vasya, missed the girl. Missed mediocre, as some domestic forwards miss scoring chances. And all why? Because he misbehaved. He came home when he felt like it - freedom, you see, is more important to him.

He denied his wife the bare necessities, including panties for 15,000 rubles, a diamond necklace, a separate apartment for her mother-in-law and a new fur coat for Sveta in addition to the two already available. In the end, even such a modest girl as Sveta got tired of enduring this tyrant and she ran away in her underwear to Misha, that is, to Vasya (Misha is so, it doesn’t count, just an episode from life and no more).

Sveta is happy, Vasya is too (just like the characters in Indian cinema!). But Petya drank himself, girls don’t like him, so now he lives like a psycho-loner, walks in the same socks for weeks, doesn’t shave, doesn’t wash, he has no one to have sex with, all that remains is to masturbate. In a word, he degraded as a person.

3. If you don't do what I want, I will cry...

How to control a man

Another simple but terrible effective method: tears. The fact is that due to some physiological characteristics, men cannot stand it when a woman cries. Even people like Bluebeard, the famous maniac and pervert of all times and peoples. A man is not able to endure such discomfort for a long time, so he will do everything possible if only the flow of tears stops.

Dad trotted to the store and buys the required toy for his daughter, the guy who slept with the girl a couple of times takes her by the hand and, with the determination of a man sentenced to death, pulls her to the registry office to apply, the husband climbs into the stash, the boss tears the dismissal order to shreds and signs another, about the bonus.

The lover packs up and finally moves in with her (and so that his current wife, using the same technique, does not seize the initiative, he does it at lunchtime, while the unsuspecting wife plays solitaire on her computer and flirts with the boss).

4. Do you want sex? It still needs to be earned!

In addition to public morality, a woman has another powerful weapon in her arsenal. The basic Instinct. More than anything, men think about the thing that is located between their legs. And, I must say, this apparatus largely determines their behavior.

By the way, not one old man Freud thought so. (It was only in the USSR that there was no sex, and in order to become a man, it was necessary not to sleep with a woman, but to serve in the army. Well, what about the girls? And the girls - later.) For the sake of the opportunity to have sex with a lady of interest to him (optional familiar - by the way, with an unfamiliar sometimes even more interesting), a man is ready for a lot. On which, of course, they catch him.

Often a guy understands that he is simply being used - maybe there will not even be sex - but with manic persistence he steps on the same rake. Physiology again! You can't go against nature. We men are not inclined to appreciate what goes into our own hands. If a girl is too available, she is enough for one - a maximum of several - times, after which she is no longer interesting.

It is another matter if, in order to to achieve female favor, you have to sweat. And then the woman begins to play her game. In an effort to win the heart of a lady, as well as gain access to some other organs, a man fulfills all or almost all of her whims. Feeds, waters, clothes, entertains - depending on their financial capabilities and her requests.

Sometimes the process of courtship lasts for years, and its participants do not come close to the cherished goal - the bed."I am strong, I will achieve my goal!" he encourages himself. But what is she? Having held out for a year or two, she may not give him a purely sporting interest and build an impregnable fortress out of herself. (And in parallel to sleep with another guy, as they say, for health.)

Interestingly, a man who is ready for anything, who has become completely emotionally dependent on a woman, is no longer interested in her, Like a toy that has been taken apart for parts. Another thing is a guy who is "not being conducted." Here the woman herself will try to wrap him up.

By the way, among men there are also good manipulators. Such women are called scoundrels and other abusive words. However, these are extremes and exceptions to the rule. Basically, a woman periodically gives a green light to a man so that he knows what he is fighting for, and he fulfills some of her requirements.

5. You can do everything!

How to control a man

In addition to the basic instinct, men have another weak point, and his name is male vanity. Men are very dependent on the assessments of others. Some even think only about the impression they make. Women understood this and began to actively use it to their advantage.

Asking a man to do anything from fixing an iron to a European-style renovation, while adding that no one will do it best, means making him an offer that is hard to refuse. BUT if at the same time hint at possible sex, then he will work with the enthusiasm of Alexei Stakhanov, who is going to the record.

As an option - to hold a kind of tender. Like, there is a certain young man who is able to do what I need quickly and efficiently, I think, can I ask him? (If there is no such guy, again, you can invent him.) Remember how Tom Sawyer painted the fence? What's worse than girls?

6. You promised!.. Can't you keep your word?

By the way, about vanity. A wonderful way to get something from a man is to make him promise. The fact is that all serious guys keep their promises. Regardless of where these serious guys live, drive Maybachs or sit in the zone. "The boy said - the boy did!" (As opposed to "radishes", throwing words into the wind, like husks from seeds). But for some reason no one wants to be a radish.

Need to say, the above methods are much more effective when used in combination and in the presence of sexual interest. What do you think, whom a man will comfort more willingly - a sobbing old woman or a crying young beauty?

In addition, some of them are emotionally straining, and therefore need to be dosed. It's one thing to shed a tear about once every two or three weeks, and it's quite another to do it every day and every time you threaten to go to your mother. One wonderful day you can hear "Well, go, got it."

And you can't keep a man on a short leash all the time. The carrot-and-stick method, invented back in the time of the pharaohs, works much better than the no-carrot-only-stick method.


All men love to emerge victorious from an argument. It is incredibly important to them who will have the last word. Be wiser. That's why do not try to argue with him, especially in public, showing your mind and erudition: this can be very annoying. Argue only in private and only on important issues: fuss over trifles kills a lot of energy and time.

Men are like children. They love praise. Criticism of their actions, interests is meaningless. You need to make sure that your beloved decides to change something in himself. I considered this decision to be my merit.

When a girl is seriously interested in a man, she wants to do everything to win him over, arouse his keen interest and desire to develop and deepen relations. But this is not always easy, so many girls are worried about how to make a man think about himself and captivate his thoughts once and for all. There are different ways, so in search of your happiness, you should try them - at least one will surely work and the man will start thinking about you all the time. And regular thoughts about a girl are the first step towards a serious development of relationships and a close rapprochement of a couple.

What should a girl be like so that a man thinks only of her

A real girl in the eyes of different men can be very different in their ideas. Some like strong-willed and strong girls who are able to stand up for themselves and do extraordinary things, but other men are attracted to gentle and timid representatives of the beautiful half of humanity who need constant care and guardianship. It all depends on the nature of the man himself, his vital needs and even past relationships, because a man can subconsciously compare his object of adoration with the girl who was before. But still, there are several character traits and behavior of a girl that will make a man think only about her alone:

Mysteriousness. Men are drawn to girls, in whom there is always something mysterious and unattainable, even after many years of relationship. They need to regularly feel like earners and conquerors, constantly conquer the girl and discover something new in her. Therefore, never open all the cards to your man, leave him the opportunity to think about what is hidden in your soul this time. You can leave hidden your habits, character traits, some of your dreams - let the man try to unravel them on his own.

Optimism. Of course, men are always ready to help and support their girlfriend when she feels bad and she does not believe in good things. But the constant feeling of despondency from the girl will quickly tire the young man, because it will not be pleasant to spend days and nights with such a girl, she will always be in a bad mood. A man wants to see his soul mate radiant with happiness, cheerful and optimistic. In addition, such a girl, if necessary, will be able to support her man, which is also important.

Care. Any man needs a caring girl nearby, in whom he can see a potential spouse and mother of his future children. Therefore, expressing sincere concern for a young man, you can make him think about you very often, because without your manifestation of feelings, he will very quickly begin to feel lonely. At the same time, care is well expressed even in small things: fixing his scarf, listening to problems at work, showing attention to his family or pet. And a prerequisite is that care must be natural and sincere, since men very well distinguish it from a false manifestation of care.

Appearance. Of course, the appearance of the girl is also important. Pretty haircut, neat clothes, proud posture and confident gait - all this attracts men with a magnet, they really like ladies who are confident in their attractiveness. So don't forget to take care of your appearance to please not only yourself, but also a man who cares about you. This does not mean that you need to buy expensive clothes and jewelry - a man will appreciate simple but beautiful clothes that fit well on your figure and emphasize all the advantages.

Ways to make you think

To charm a man and captivate his thoughts - such an idea at least once occurred to every girl who is not indifferent to a young man. There are different ways to captivate the thoughts of a man, they will differ depending on whether you met recently, or have known each other for a long time and communicate as friends. The differences are listed below, you should definitely familiarize yourself with them.

Conquer a young man if you just met

If you know each other recently, but this man has already definitely attracted your attention, you can conquer his thoughts with the three points listed above - mystery, care and optimism. In addition, do not forget that men love with their eyes, so you should always look well-groomed and beautiful. You should not resort to an open neckline and too short skirts, they rather awaken in a man thoughts about intimacy, but not about developing your relationship and the desire to get you as a girlfriend. A feeling of mild jealousy is also good as a way of charm - flirting with others or leaving a date for some reason will surely make a man worry if you have some other man who claims your hand and heart. This will spur the man to constantly think about you and take action in your regard.

Charm a guy if you've known each other for a long time, but communicate in a friendly way

But if you have been talking for a long time and everyone around you considers you friends, here it will be more difficult to captivate the thoughts of a man. First you need to get rid of the status of friends - for this you can slightly limit your time together, let the man know that you are simply not interested in friendly evenings. You can often start conversations with him that you dream of a strong relationship and a reliable man nearby. Then you need to gradually use methods that will help make a man think about you and miss you, while showing him that this man is interesting to you precisely as a second half, and not as a friend. It is worth making clear hints that you would like more in your communication, you can even try to invite him on a date with a hint. If you are not from a timid dozen, then you should talk frankly with a man and tell him about your warm feelings, which cannot be called friendship. It is worth asking a man to decide: does he want to continue your relationship as a love one, or is it better for you to stop communicating altogether, because it will be difficult to remain friends.

What you need to do to make a guy or a man miss you

In order for a young man to start missing a girl, you first need to interest him well in his own person, to hook him with something. You can also use cunning tricks that operate on a subconscious level. It is enough to train them for some time in a row so that in the future these ideas will work without your direct participation.

Options for women's tricks

  • Men remember scents very well, associating them with something or someone specific. Therefore, when meeting a man, always at first use the same perfume, with a well-defined aroma. The main thing is that a man likes this smell - then, left alone, a man will think about a girl every time he feels a similar aroma somewhere. You can also leave your item scented with your scent at his house so that he smells you much more often. By the way, your things, forgotten “accidentally” at his house, in any case, will be a great reminder of you.
  • Find a common hobby with your man, it can be watching every movie released in the cinema, collecting or even fishing. Any joint hobby perfectly brings together, and in the future a man will think about you every time he encounters this activity.
  • Pleasant little things always delight a man and evoke the most tender feelings, even if he doesn’t look like a romantic at all. Leave pleasant notes with kind words in the pockets of his jacket, write him an SMS before going to bed or with wishes good morning. It will take just a couple of minutes, and a man will immediately have your image in front of his eyes and pleasant thoughts about you will warm his soul.

If you want a guy to think about you constantly and miss you, then a few simple psychological tips will come to the rescue. First of all, you need to create for the guy the image of an interesting interlocutor - men love it when a girl knows how to listen to them and support even those topics that, in principle, are not of interest to the female sex. Communicate with him on various topics and do not refuse categorically: if the topic is completely uninteresting, you can listen to the man, show your interest in at least a couple of sentences and then carefully translate the topic. In the future, when a man remains at least a day without such interesting and productive communication, he will involuntarily begin to miss you as an interesting companion with whom you can share any moments.

Another great way to get bored is to be unavailable to a guy. Men love to be conquerors, they don't want easy prey. Therefore, sometimes slip away from him, make him worry. You can sometimes refuse a meeting, citing business, or sneak out of a party in its midst. Then the man will puzzle over why you left, will look for new reasons to meet - and the more effort he spends on conquering the girl, the more he will eventually love and appreciate her, missing her every day.

Do not forget about such a small trick as a feeling of jealousy. Do not show a man that you are entirely in his power, give him reasons to be jealous of those around you. You should not openly flirt with another or openly correspond with an ex-boyfriend, this can cause too negative a reaction. But it’s quite possible to joke nicely in response to flirting from another man and behave a little secretly. Jealous, a man will constantly think and miss you, because he will be haunted by a sense of anxiety for your relationship. In addition, jealousy allows him to feel like a getter and conqueror - after all, he enters into a real fight for your heart, fighting with other rivals.

Magical conspiracies that will make you miss and yearn when you are not around

When simple female tricks give a weak or inconsistent effect, but you want to make a young man really miss and miss you a lot while you are not around, you can resort to the power of magical conspiracies. It is important to use only white magic, harmless - black conspiracies can harm a person, and if they are carried out by a person who is poorly versed in this, then you can completely harm yourself by mistake. White magic is based on the connection of a person with some object that has energy. As a rule, love conspiracies are carried out on the personal belongings of a loved one, or on common objects with strong energy - a mirror, scissors, etc.

It's good if you have a photograph of a loved one or some object belonging to him (a book, a watch, a handkerchief - whatever). In this case, you can go out with this object in your hands on the street at exactly noon.

“He would think about me, do not forget, do not drink in food and drink. He missed me, yearned, wept and grieved for me, God's Servant (name), lamented with bitter weeping, but as he would see, so that he would not let go of himself.

In this case, the object should be firmly pressed to the heart.

If there is no object from a young man, then a conspiracy with an ordinary mirror is well suited. To do this, you need to take a mirror and write the name of the guy on it with lipstick or a marker.

Then before going to bed you need to repeat three times:

“I am reflected in the mirror surface, I appear to my beloved in a dream. (name of the man) sleep and rest, and see me in a dream.

The mirror must then be placed face down under the pillow in order for the magical effect to work in full. After one of these conspiracies, a man will soon begin to think about you every time you are not around. He will be drawn to see each other for no reason and spend time together, because without this he will feel bad and he will begin to suffer.

It is better to resort to magical conspiracies in extreme cases, when no other methods work anymore. Although if a man is indifferent to your beauty, care, optimism and, in principle, does not strive to be close, it is worth considering whether it would be better to turn your attention to other men who stealthily dream of you and try to win your heart.

Dear girls, we all know from childhood how to persuade a man. But sometimes, though, it doesn't work. And if in childhood the only way to force a boy to give us his toy was a piercing cry, then with age our methods improve and become more sophisticated ...

One more thing! Guys, if you're still reading this...keep it up. So you will know why we women are so meaningfully silent and sigh so heavily.

1. Flattery. Many, often, with or without reason

Let's start with the most effective and simple. Many girls know about this, but only a few know how to use it. This method works on the most banal system. Let's say your companion decided to do repairs / cooking / cleaning, but since this happens extremely rarely, it turns out, to put it mildly, not very well. Do not rush to point out mistakes and take matters into your own hands. After the first, second, tenth failure, do not cut your strong soul mate, but just ... praise him. Yes, yes, it is the praise for the action, for the golden hands and for the fact that you have the best on earth in general, that will make him try again and make more efforts to do everything perfectly.

BEWARE: don't overdo it with praise, and still cover flattery, otherwise you risk getting caught.

2. Buy at any cost

Now that your man is helping (or trying to help) you around the house, it's time to go get a new pair of shoes. Here I will not invent anything new and will use the elementary rules of the sale called "buy at any price." There are only 3 tricks:
  1. This is ... (substitute what you want to buy) - my dream. That is what will make me happy. And when I have it, then ... (indicate how many advantages this particular pair of shoes or dress has and how you will thank your companion for making you happy with such a gift).
  2. And it costs only “1490 hryvnias” (substitute your price, but do not voice the round sums - 1500, for example. It is better to indicate the amount of 10 hryvnias less, and it will sound much more pleasant. Many do not believe, but it works).
  3. And finally, the MOST IMPORTANT thing is what will make any price in the eyes of your man really negligible LOW! Immediately after you have named the price, you need to back it up. You need to name the factors that will be useful to your strong half, for example, “Have you seen what discounts are there now” or “Buy them for me and ask for whatever you want, although not! Stay at home, rest, what do you want to run around the shops. Give me money, I’ll buy everything myself, and I’ll cook your favorite for dinner ... ”.

3. Stop sex

The most barbaric and controversial way to get something out of your man is to deprive him of sex. But this only works if the reason is really worth such radical action. During these emergency measures, don't act like a bag of potatoes wearing a dressing gown with a bun on your head. Do not miss the opportunity to “accidentally” parade around the apartment in new underwear or without it at all, the main thing is to keep the fortress until the goal is reached.

CAUTION: do not resort to this method very often, a man can get used to it, and there are many smart young ladies around. And before declaring a “hunger strike”, make sure that you can stand it yourself.

4. More air

Your chosen one for fishing - you are with him, football in a sports bar - you are nearby, you are with your girlfriends shopping - drag him with you? It may seem idyllic - a constant desire to be around, but a man needs space WITHOUT you. And his hobbies can be used as another way to achieve what you want. For example, “You are going fishing - I am going shopping, be a sponsor”, “You are with friends in the bathhouse - I have a bachelorette party today” and so on. Even buying a new car part can be used as an excuse to buy a new lipstick.

5. Tears

It's natural, we all know how, and it WORKS! Here you don’t even have to do anything, nature will do everything for you. Men, by virtue of their physiology, perceive women's tears very poorly, and women skillfully use this. At the first tear, the father runs to buy a new doll for his daughter, the guy takes the girl to the registry office, and the husband himself will go to meet his mother-in-law at the station, and he will also buy flowers.

CAUTION: tears decide a lot, but do not use it often - you risk that a man will stop paying attention to your weakness. And the main thing in this method: if you have already cried, accept help, and then sincerely thank you.

6. Don't compare

Many are mistaken about the fact that if you tell your husband that Lariska's husband bought her a new phone from work, and you don’t love me so bad at all, then your missus will rush to the store for you for the phone. Believe me, except for irritation and a blow to your own dignity, your man will not feel anything, and you can forget about the desire to buy a new phone. Of course, you can tell your man about Larisa, about her new phone and even about her husband, but in no case do you compare. It will be enough to say “My husband bought such a phone for a work colleague, I would also like one,” and at this point add a meaningful sigh. It doesn’t hurt to casually look for phones in online stores with her husband a couple of times and, of course, sigh quietly each time. And for the next holiday you will have what you want.

7. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach.

This rule is known to every woman and believe me, a skilled housewife is really quite easy to get through to a man's heart. Arrange comfort in the house, in fact, it is not so difficult and expensive. Bring some small traditions into your life together. A well-fed and contented man can be asked for anything, I doubt that he will refuse you.

8. Reciprocity

Nothing happens “just like that”, so even if a man loves you immensely, sometimes you should also please him. A man also sometimes needs your help. But it should not look like a “quid pro quo”, do everything from the bottom of your heart and, believe me, he will appreciate it.

In general, no matter how we argue that all men are the same, in fact we know that this is not so and everyone needs to find their own approach. In what I wish you good luck, and do not forget: A man is the head of the family, and a woman is a neck that turns this very head as it pleases. To control a man so that he not only does not notice it, but also believes that he controls a woman himself is a brilliant formula, isn't it?