To make the morning good, or How not to be late for school? Being late for school, how to deal with it? What to do if you are late for school.

For what reasons can a child be constantly late for school ...

Many are annoyed by the habit of acquaintances being late. Indeed, it is much more pleasant to do business with punctual people. But punctuality must be taught from childhood.

However, they note that if a student is already systematically late for school, then there may be several reasons, including:

  1. Children have no sense of time. They are very easily distracted, stare at cartoons or programs, flirt in the process of getting ready, they can even oversleep the lessons. Only a small number of children are well oriented in time and do not need adult supervision.
  2. Habit. If in early childhood a child was late with mom or dad to kindergarten for breakfast, then as a schoolboy it is difficult for him to unlearn this.
  3. Psychological problems. In the case when a student is late for a specific subject to the same teacher, then it is worth talking with the child, finding out how his relationship with the teacher develops, if there are any problems. There are situations when there is no obvious conflict, but the situation in the lesson for the child is uncomfortable and he in every possible way pushes back the moment of the meeting.
  4. Difficult to get to destination. If the road to school or a sports section involves transfers by bus or other transport, then the student can postpone the moment of leaving the house.
  5. Parent example. If one of the parents in the family has a habit of being late, then this style of behavior can pass on to the child, and if at first the child can worry about being late, then after a while he gets used to it and does not see any problem in it.
  6. Internal discomfort due to punctuality. This is most characteristic of adolescents due to the age-related feeling of loneliness. They feel more confident when they receive a call asking where they are. Thus, they compensate for the lack of attention that they received less in childhood.

Daily regime. It is important for the child to know at what time he goes to bed, and at what time to wake up. At the same time, the child needs to sleep for about nine hours. If he gets enough sleep, then he can wake up without an alarm clock. He will be energetic and active all day. In order for the student to go to bed at the same time, you can introduce certain rituals before bedtime (or rather, a routine): before dinner, he puts things in order in the room and packs a backpack for school, then dinner with the whole family, after - time to communicate with parents, and then the child takes a shower, wishes his parents good night and goes to bed. With the regular repetition of this tradition, there will be no problems falling asleep at a certain time.

Teaching time orientation. If a schoolboy flirts with computer games and sits out the allowed time, then you can make a concession to him and give him an additional 10 minutes. It will not hurt if the child has a clock on the table, and he himself will keep track of the time. If the time is up, and the child has forgotten again, then you can tactfully remind him that it's time to turn off the computer and do other things. Thus, the child will learn to feel the time, and will also be responsible and collected.

Planning for tomorrow. It is good to maintain discipline by understanding what needs to be done in a day. At the same time, it is important to allocate separate time for the road. For example, the exit to school is 7.45, and the time at school is from 8.00-14.00. Thanks to such a simple procedure, the child will be calm and confident.

If parents can 40 days follow all the recommendations, then the student will begin to get used to punctuality. And if they survive a year, then their child will become the embodiment of punctuality.

Denis Razumovsky

The material was prepared by: teacher L.T. Agafonov, St. Petersburg, Primorsky district, GBDOU No. 75.

How not to be late for school Kindergarten: 11 tips for parents

Responsibility for the delay of the child lies entirely on the shoulders of the parents. If it's only a one-time thing, it could be the alarm mechanism that suddenly went out of order, or the neighbors who kept you and your baby up all night. But if lateness has become systematic or, worse, daily, if every day you make a promise to yourself to get up early and get ready quickly, eat well in the morning, but the baby boycotts the preparations, stays without breakfast and dresses on the run, then the problem is much more serious. If you want to escape from the “morning force majeure”: a series of feverish gatherings, rush and shame from being late for the first lesson or for exercises in the kindergarten, the advice of psychologists will come in handy.

Being late is a violation of discipline

Develop self-discipline in yourself and your child. Self-discipline consists in the ability to act independently of desires and emotions. To strengthen this quality, follow a few rules:

  • keep order in the house,
  • look after yourself
  • try to keep promises
  • follow the plan that you have outlined for yourself for the day, week, month,
  • find yourself a role model (a loved one or a famous person who, in your opinion, demonstrates iron control over himself),
  • convince yourself that you are a disciplined person, find numerous confirmations of this in your actions.

If you manage to follow this plan, your baby is sure to adopt your ability to self-discipline and will soon pleasantly surprise you.

Follow the routine of the day with the whole family

The child and adults should work and rest in the same rhythm, go to bed and eat at the same time every day. Violation of the daily routine for more than an hour is fraught with the fact that our internal clock goes astray, we begin to experience stress and lose efficiency. To get started, make a schedule for weekdays and weekends that you consider optimal for yourself and your baby. It must take into account physiological needs: 9-10 hours of sleep for a child, 7-8 hours of sleep for yourself, 3-4 meals a day, hygiene procedures, study or games. Discuss the schedule with the child, take into account his wishes: set aside time for games, creativity and activities, walks, circles and sections.

Mood in the morning is programmed in the evening

Early in the morning set yourself and the child in a positive way. Caress, hugs and tenderness are the best things you can use when you wake up your baby. Pay attention to communicating with the baby, and do not turn on the TV. Try to avoid conflict as much as possible and avoid tension. Stress in the morning can cause distracted attention and irritability throughout the day. In order not to fuss in the morning, but to devote time to more pleasant things, wake up in advance, gather as much as possible in the evening.

Mandatory morning rituals

Until the age of 7-10, the child still cannot organize himself, and the refusal of morning rituals (washing, making the bed, and so on) can form unhealthy habits in the child. In the morning, parents need not only to get together themselves, but also to collect and coordinate the actions of the baby, who can daydream, play and forget about everything at any moment. Do not forget that the child will then do everything in order and willingly, when you yourself do the same procedures with him every day: do exercises, brush your teeth, take a shower, have healthy breakfast, comb your hair carefully, put on neat clothes, take care of shoes and so on.

The child needs attention and help

A great way not to confuse anything and not to forget in the morning is a plate with morning routines. If the child is not yet reading, you can draw all the actions in the form of understandable pictures or symbols (toothbrush, comb). You should not expect that the baby will do all this on his own, without your help and control. At the time of the awakening of the child, you should already complete most of your affairs, due to this it will be possible to pay attention to him. For successful and quick morning preparation, be sure to praise the child and encourage him.

Get up earlier, go to bed earlier

Even the most careful organization of the process will not help if you or your child do not get enough sleep. In the morning, distracted attention and poor health can play a cruel joke on you. And the alarm clock itself after 3-4 hours of sleep can be unwittingly ignored by you. It has been proven that chronic lack of sleep has a detrimental effect on the human body, and it is especially harmful to a growing organism. The child needs 1-3 extra hours of sleep, so he cannot lie down at the same time as adults and get up with them. Set the alarm clock as early as necessary so that you can do everything without haste. Usually 30-60 minutes is enough to get ready for school or kindergarten, if most of the work has been redone, and things have been collected since the evening.

Alarm clock can be used as a timer

An alarm clock can also be useful when planning. Set it, for example, at the time of leaving the house (or 5 minutes before), set an alarm to know exactly when you need to go to breakfast. For these purposes, you can use a kitchen mechanical or electronic timer.

Time accurately

Calculate the time without exaggeration. The time for exercise, breakfast, the way to school should be true. Do not expect that you will have time to run in 3 minutes if you usually spend about 10. In addition, it is always better to add 10-15 minutes to the total time for force majeure (milk spilled on a school uniform, glasses that disappeared somewhere, and so on).

Gather first, then have fun

Drinking warm cocoa and watching your favorite cartoon is a great plan for the morning, but only after you and the baby are completely ready to go out (all that remains is to get dressed, put on shoes and take a briefcase or favorite toy). If you suddenly forget and come to your senses five minutes before the exit, you most likely will not be late. Get dressed before breakfast and teach your child to do this.

Get ready for the evening

You need to complete the maximum of cases in the evening and prepare yourself everything you need for the morning preparations. Clothes should be picked up and neatly hung out on a chair or hanger, accessories, hairpins and all the necessary things should be in plain sight, also think over the breakfast menu in the evening and prepare the products that are necessary for this. Collect the portfolio in the evening, iron the school uniform in advance. In the evening, prepare a lunch box for your child with useful and delicious products for an afternoon snack.

Stubbornness - fight

Morning stubbornness in children is the scourge of many parents. For some reason, it is in a hurry and after waking up that the baby most of all likes to be capricious and lazy. Punishing and quarreling in the morning is not the best way out. It is best to translate whims into a joke. Try to distract the baby, joke, involve him in competitions and surprise the baby with non-standard offers (“Your jacket will miss you if you don’t wear it, maybe it can go to school in your briefcase?”). If stubbornness cannot be defeated in any way , confidently and calmly, even if against his will, wash, dress and shoe the child and seat him for breakfast. Warn your little one that tomorrow he can do all this on his own if he is in a good mood and you will be happy to reward his help and good behavior, for example, by visiting the zoo on the weekend (but the promise must be kept if the baby becomes accommodating).

It happens that the child is constantly late for school. What is behind this? How to deal with it? The student may not be able to cope with his problem on his own. The school and parents can help him.

Every student can be late for school sometimes. But what if this happens systematically? One of the students in the class is late almost every day. He disrupts the lessons, as he suddenly appears when the learning process is in full swing. The whole class is forced to be distracted and spend time on it. After the latecomer sits down, time is still wasted until the children and the teacher calm down. Is the student to blame? What can be done to wean a student from being late?

Reasons for student being late

There is such a thing as "pathological delays." This phenomenon must be dealt with from childhood. Otherwise, a bad habit will be well established in a person and will impose typos for life. A late child at school will subsequently be late for work, dates, an important meeting. What makes him late? A schoolboy in the morning before the first lesson, until he left the house, suddenly has important things to do that need to be redone. This happens often, so he is late. Most likely, such a child is an owl and it is difficult for him to get up early. The sooner he wakes up and goes about his business, the more likely he is to arrive on time. Getting up as early as possible for a student can be stimulated by both the school and parents. The issue of lateness needs to be addressed. If lateness occurs frequently, then it is advisable to contact a school psychologist.

A few reasons

There are several reasons why a child may be late:

  • he is not sociable, it is difficult for him to be among classmates for a period of time before the start of the lesson;
  • there is no penalty for being late;
  • the student began to have mental problems;
  • the child gets up late and therefore does not have time to get ready for school.

School help

To wean a student from being late, the administration of an educational institution can motivate children to come on time. For example, interesting games, competitions held before the start of classes, which children will rush to visit, will be very useful. You can hang a huge LCD screen in the hall of the school, on which cartoons are broadcast. If the student has no one to communicate with in the classroom, then he can pass the time before the lesson watching cartoons and thanks to this he will no longer be late for the first lesson. The system of penalties for being late is radical, not always effective method, but you can also use it. If the child is late, the teacher can not let him go to class at all, that is, the adult acts according to the principle “the train has left”. There are other punishments:

  • the student should not sit, but stand the whole lesson, since he was late;
  • the student goes to answer first to the board due to being late;
  • the student stays after school and cleans the classroom;
  • after three delays, the teacher calls the parents to school, and so on.

How can parents help a late student?

If a student is often late, then this is a problem that requires close attention. Adults should not be dismissive of this. After all, the problem can hide in the behavior of the student. Perhaps the child needs help, the task of adults is to provide it in a timely manner. It is necessary to unobtrusively accustom the child to discipline from childhood. This will be useful to him in later life. As for the help of parents in this matter, it is good if one of the adults gets up at the same time as the child, do all the work together, leave the house. Thanks to this, the student’s lateness will stop and he will get used to a certain schedule.

Hello Olga!

Most often, when we, people, do not do something, we simply do not see the need for it, the need for us! So in your case, your son does not consider it necessary. because, no matter how strange it sounds, only you need it!) There are no negative feelings, emotions, consequences, due to his habit, why try!?
In addition, it is important to take into account the peculiarities of the pubertal period of your son's development - for him, the leading activity is communication with peers, and then study! This is the way of all people, there is no escape from it!)
In such situations, motivation is very important for the formation of one's own responsibility. Many parents have been helped by the following - having previously talked with the class teacher (they asked for help!), They discussed possible "punishments", for a couple of weeks, for example, additional duty, suspension from participating in some class event, etc., it depends from the specifics of school and class life and their importance for a teenager. That is, by what is very significant for him in the life of the class and school team (remember, communication is the most significant).
What about parents. for their part, having determined the most significant thing for the child in the house (that which he cannot do without at all!), they punished the child by depriving him of this for one, maximum three days (no more)!
And, when everything was agreed, everything was necessarily and strictly performed! No unreasonable pity!
One important note, before “turning” all this, be sure to first talk with your son (but with the teacher in advance), exposing him to a logical and reasonable requirement. For example: “Recently, we began to notice that your actions. in relation to your main activity, not quite responsible! You are an old enough guy and we will no longer push you! It is your responsibility to be punctual! So, for some time (not to say for sure!), if you are late for school, then we will be forced to deprive you of (...), etc.!”
Ask the class teacher to conduct the same conversation, for his part, on the same day.
And, remember - no reminders, "accelerations", moralizing during this period! It is important to be patient and not react, as you are used to, in moments of "slowness", otherwise there is no point!
As soon as the parents noticed the first successes (for several days he did everything himself, got up on time, was not late, etc.), they always praised him: “Listen, we are so proud of you, a few days ago you were irresponsible about an important part of your life, and these days - you do not know! That's your willpower!"
But you can’t overdo it with praise either - dosed and in a timely manner!
Hope this option helps you. Good luck! I will be glad to know the result.

Sincerely, Marina Alexandrovna)

Good afternoon. I was interested in your answer "Hello, Olga! Most often, when we - people, do not do something, we simply do not see it as not ..." to the question http://www.. Can we discuss this answer with you?

Discuss with an expert

Punctuality in the broadest sense of the word is not only the ability to come to a meeting on time. It is also the ability to plan your time - and the efforts that will be required on the road and achieve the goal.

The child initially gets used to being led by the hand by parents or caregivers and controlling the implementation of daily tasks - but sooner or later this changes, because none of the normal, sane parents wants to raise an infantile person who is not able to plan his own time - therefore, and respect others.

How to teach a child to understand and accept the passage of time - and at least not to be late for a start, so that later he can perform more complex actions with this capricious, elusive - and inexorable - substance?

Get to grips with time frames

Many children find it very difficult to understand how to practically apply the numbers from the clock to real life. How to understand what is "in an hour"? Five minutes - is it a lot or a little? What about five seconds? For a preschooler, these categories become familiar gradually: for example, an hour is as much as we go to the country or watch a particular movie. And fifteen minutes is as long as it takes to get to the supermarket on foot.

As soon as the child begins to show at least some interest in hours, days, calendars, it's time to initiate conversations about time. This can happen at different ages - it all depends on the degree of independence of the child and on the relationship with the time accepted in the family in principle. For some, this happens at 5 years old, while others may not be interested until 9.

Make the study of time visual

Tried and tested by generations of moms around the world, the easy way is to make or buy a model watch that you can turn the hands on and teach your child to do it. Of course, there are electronic watches - and some of them are even able to voice the current time, but it is important for us to explain the principle of time itself, right? It is on watches with a round dial and hands that it is easiest to study and understand the cyclical nature of time.

You will also need a calendar in a language familiar to the child - one in which the weeks are indicated with the designation of days off in a separate color, month and year. It is important to draw the baby’s attention to the difference between the young and old month in the sky, to teach them to recognize the length of the month by the knuckles of their fingers, to understand what the word “leap year” means - and where this word came from. Watching the sunset and sunrise, counting the days before an important event - a birthday or New Year, a trip to the sea or to your beloved grandmother in the village - all this helps to gradually begin to get used to time and navigate it in generally accepted categories.

Become aware of your own characteristics

In principle, they are almost never late and people who are a little anxious love to keep everything under control - more often they arrive 10-15 minutes in advance, and this quality has been manifested since childhood.

Being late from time to time is typical of almost everyone: among them are very anxious people - these rush about too much, fuss and as a result forget to take something, then they have to go back - and those who are completely careless by nature - they, on the contrary , does not matter. Just think, the meeting was scheduled an hour ago, and I'm still at home with a freshly washed head.

Anyone can learn not to be late if you set yourself such a goal - it is important to first realize what problems on this topic are characteristic of you personally or your child? It is worth asking yourself the question: how exactly am I late and why exactly? I can’t quickly get ready in the morning - maybe it needs to be done in the evening? I don’t notice that I’m sitting on social networks after midnight and I don’t get enough sleep - perhaps I need to set an alarm not only for waking up, but also for going to bed?

There can be many reasons - you need to consider each of them separately, making a detailed list if necessary. Simply putting pressure on the child - or blaming yourself - will not work: you need to understand the roots of the problem, and for this all causal relationships must be viewed.

Assess your child's ability to plan

How to understand that the child is ready to independently plan his own school day and stay within the given limits? There are several direct and indirect signs.

The child spends part of his life separately

He moves from school to the section, goes to visit his grandmother on his own, attends various events, and so on - it makes no sense to offer the child to plan his morning on his own if you live outside the city and go to the city all together in a family car.

In cases where a child does not do his homework and does not walk on his own, he does not make any key decisions regarding time and trying to force him to do this is rather stupid.

The child understands cause-and-effect event relationships

It is very important that an understanding matures in the child on the principle of "if - then ...". While this is not the case, he will live in one moment, not realizing that if he does not finish playing at a certain time, he will not have time to complete his homework, then he will be late for class in the section, and so on. Making noise at him “faster and faster” means turning on White noise, it's just useless.

The child loves what he does

If he goes to school through force, because there are unloved teachers and classmates who bully him, maybe you should first think about transferring him to more comfortable conditions or consider alternative forms of education, and then work on his punctuality? Learning to plan - at least in childhood - you need something that causes at least neutral emotions.

Take it step by step

First you plan the life of the whole family - and the child too, then you plan together with the child, then he does it himself and you periodically control him, and only then he is able to fully plan everything himself.

Set an alarm for key steps

Yes, for kopush this is a very real way out. Pay attention to the child that five bells go from getting up to the state of “standing ready at the door”, for example. The first call is a signal to get up, get up. The second is time to get out of the bathroom. Third, we sit down to have breakfast. Fourth - they put the dirty dishes in the sink and went to get dressed. Fifth - with things on the way out.

This strategy works much more effectively than if you just run around the house and constantly rush everyone. Over time, the child can pick up his favorite music in given time intervals and in the end will know exactly how long a certain action takes.

Turn on the countdown

Learn to count time with your child, starting from the end. For example: the cartoon you want to watch starts at eight. By this time, all household chores should be completed. Now it's half past five. It usually takes you two hours to study, and you still wanted to have time to take a walk. So you have to sit down for your homework at five, then you will have 50 minutes to take a walk and have time to return from a walk.

Sometimes the child may start to rebel: “No, I can do it in half an hour.” Even if you clearly understand that this is not the case, give him the opportunity to make a mistake: set a timer or time the start of the action. A few mistakes of this kind - and he will learn to calculate his time more realistically.

According to this principle, you can calculate the time that you need to lay down for any action - the road, lessons, a visit to a friend.

Hang a whiteboard with a marker or chalk

Such a tool is needed for children who are learning to plan the number of tasks for the whole day. It can be a removable sheet of paper pinned in a visible place - for example, on a refrigerator - a board with a marker or chalk. It is important that the child can write independently and clearly see the list.

You can mark with pluses and minuses what has already been done or postponed, you can also put down the time for which the action is planned. Most often, even the most carefree children become much older and more responsible about their plans, however, at first they tend to make long lists of 100 items. Over time, they learn to more calmly assess their capabilities and needs.

Teach your child to use the phone

We are talking about the simplest reminders - it is not so easy to carry an alarm clock with you anywhere except at home, and even at home it can be difficult, but we almost never part with the phone. Teach your child to set reminders for the key events of the day: among them there may very well be a place for such an important item as “call your mother that you have arrived”, for example, such a developed habit will save a lot of nerves for all family members.

Teach your child to use a paper diary

The same board with a marker, only in miniature: many adults admit that they never learn how to keep a diary. They forget to enter important things there, they are too lazy to mark the right time, and as a result, they suffer. professional activity. A beautiful and convenient diary, selected taking into account the interests and age of the child, will help you learn how to plan your day on your own from the earliest times - and in adulthood, a real problem can be avoided.