Munchkin. Cat breeds with short legs What is the name of the cat breed with short legs


Origin: USA

Class: not recognized by FIFe, but received recognition and a full-fledged breed standard in WCF TICA

Usage: perfect companion, pet

Color: various colors, medallions and buttons are allowed

Dimensions: height at the withers: about 15 centimeters; weight: 2-6 kilograms

Lifespan: 13-16 years old.

Lovely, calm and curious animals, always ready to play and accompany the owner on travels and trips - these are Munchkin cats.

Unusual appearance attracts the attention of others to them: short legs are a hallmark of this breed.

History of the Munchkin breed

The Munchkin is a very young breed, obtained completely by accident, as a result of mutations.

Special work on breeding short-legged cats was not carried out, and the livestock originated from one breeder born to a cat with short legs picked up on the street.

In the genotype of all Munchkins, there is a dominant gene for achondroplasia, which disrupts the normal growth of the long bones of the limbs.

That is why the carrier of this gene gave numerous offspring with short legs.

The breed was recognized in 1991, and acquired the final and refined standard only in 2007.

Character and psychology

Character features of the Munchkins are peculiar:

  • Munchkin cats have a gentle, calm nature that allows them to get along with other animals in a small space. Like and, they are absolutely devoid of aggression, they endure the slandering of loving puppies and dogs, but they can quite stand up for themselves in a fight with other cats.
  • Friendliness and loyalty to children, rare in other breeds of cats, make them excellent nannies: the Munchkin will never scratch or bite a child. All manipulations (putting into a stroller or lulling) the cat endures stoically.
  • Curiosity is a hallmark of all cats, but Munchkins are simply champions of curiosity: as with, they must inspect and sniff everything new. They are not afraid of new people, but strive to get to know each other better, immediately exposing their tummy for scratching.
  • Cats of this breed are well able to adapt to different conditions, they feel great in a carrier while traveling, in a hotel or in a new home.
  • They do not mind walking on a harness, they can accompany their beloved owner on trips and travels.
  • Representatives of this breed love secrets: the Munchkin's favorite trick is to hide some small thing in a secluded corner.
  • Like all cats, they perfectly climb curtains, clinging with their claws, but they cannot make high jumps, and are also not suitable for catching mice.


Munchkins are able to be not only a cute pet, but to play the role of a true friend, just like thai cat, act as an excellent nanny for kids and a calm, unobtrusive listener for an elderly person.

This breed is distinguished by its exceptional ability to adapt to any conditions, subtly feel all changes in a person’s mood and get along with other pets.

The Munchkin cat breed is ideal for beginners, as its representatives have excellent health, are not capricious in food and do not require special conditions of detention.

Unfortunately, these cats cannot catch mice and rats because of their short front legs, and they can also die if they are kept outside, but this also applies to many other breeds of cats.

How to choose a kitten

Munchkin kittens are usually ready to move into a new home when they are two months old, by which time they are self-feeding and able to live without their mother.

Since the Munchkin breed is still very young, there are not very many nurseries specializing in breeding Munchkins.

This means that there is practically no chance to buy a purebred animal. The cost of a kitten is quite high, especially if it is a short-legged pet that is purchased.

The fact is that only half of the kittens with short legs are born in each litter.

Kittens with long paws are no different from their littermates, and also receive documents, can participate in mating with short-legged individuals.

The kitten should not have:

  • Curvature of the paws;
  • Curved or broken tail;
  • Dull, disheveled coat;
  • discharge from the eyes;
  • diarrhea or vomiting;
  • Large, distended abdomen.

The colors of the Munchkin, as well as the length of the coat, are not fundamental, since within the breed there is a huge variety of colors and two types of coat: short and long.

You should not buy a kitten of a very small size, as by standard they should not be dwarfs, with a very small chest volume.

The Munchkin Standard does not allow breeding cats that show any signs of disobedience or aggression, this must be taken into account when choosing a kitten.

Too shy and unsociable kittens should not be taken.

Features of care


Cats of this breed can have long or short hair, so the frequency of care for it depends on the degree of overgrowth of the pet.

Cats with long hair should be brushed every other day to avoid matting and tangles.

Brushing once a week is enough for short-haired pets, as this is good for health and allows you to keep the coat in perfect condition.


Munchkins feel great in apartment maintenance, and do not need walking, but if the pet lives in a private house, then it will be a great pleasure for him to walk on the grass.

Fresh air and a lot of interesting things await the cat in the yard or in the garden, walks are very useful, but the owners must protect the pet from accidental entry of other dogs into its territory.

Munchkins can handle street cats on their own.


Munchkin kittens eat very often, so it is advisable to feed them at least six times a day with high-calorie wet food.


Characteristic diseases

Due to the shortening of long bones and the normal length of the spines, as well as the desire of breeders to produce kittens with an interesting color or appearance, Munchkins can suffer from the following diseases:

  • Lordosis of the spine - occurs when an adult animal is overweight and has low mobility. The spine acquires an overly pronounced bend in the chest area, which is why they begin to suffer internal organs. Lordosis can be prevented by providing a space for the cat to play and walk, and not overfeeding him.
  • Genetic anomalies leading to cardiopathy and death in young animals occur when munchkins are mated with carriers of dominant fold or short tail genes. Ossification or lack of flexibility in the tail may be the only sign of future heart problems in a kitten. In Europe, mating Munchkins with breeds that carry lethal genes is prohibited.


All kittens who have reached the age of two months are given Nobivak Triket, Fellowax or Multifel-4 vaccines.

These vaccines protect the baby from common viral diseases: calcivirosis, panleukopenia and rhinotracheitis.

Re-vaccination is carried out according to the scheme, not earlier than three weeks from the moment of the first vaccination.

After that, the animal is vaccinated at the age of one with a multivalent vaccine containing rabies.

Rabies is considered a quarantine disease, so all domestic cats and dogs should be vaccinated against it annually.

Kittens need to be vaccinated against rabies only if they will be transported within the country or abroad, as well as to attend exhibitions.


Usually the purpose of mating Munchkins is to get standard kittens with short legs.

Particular attention should be paid to and childbirth in this breed.

In each litter, both short-legged babies and kittens with long limbs are born.

Babies with paws of normal length are called non-standard, they do not carry the achondroplasia gene, but when mated with them, standard individuals have a quarter more litters.

This is explained by the fact that when mating two standard individuals, some of the embryos inherit the achondroplasia gene from both parents and dissolve in the womb.

Only those kittens are born that have only one mutational gene, as well as babies with normal paw length.

When mating two non-standard munchkins, there will be no short-legged kittens in the litter.

Munchkin cats: short-legged charming friends

Munchkins are able to be not only a cute pet, but to play the role of a true friend and companion, an excellent nanny for kids and a calm, unobtrusive listener for an elderly person.

Since their debut in 1995, the Munchkin cat has been a source of controversy among experts. It was assumed that due to the short legs and the development of the skeleton, the life expectancy of cats would be shorter than that of other individuals. But time has proven that short legs are not a physical defect, but distinguishing feature. Ironically, the discussions around the new breed favored its growth in popularity.

In the article we will tell you what the Munchkin breed is, whether there are consequences for unusually short legs and where to buy a short-legged kitten.

Origin story

Munchkin cats are not the result of a dubious experiment created by human hands; they owe their original appearance to an autosomal recessive mutation.

Even at the beginning of the 20th century, cats with characteristic short legs were found everywhere on the European continent. However, the breed known now originated in the USA, in the state of Louisiana.

In 1983, Sandra Hotchenedel adopted a short-legged cat who was expecting offspring and named her Blackberry. Kittens born after a certain period inherited the characteristics of their mother. From the offspring of the Blackberry, using ordinary domestic cats, purposeful breeding of the breed began, which was named munchkin in honor of munchkins - a small people from the fairy tale "The Wizard of Oz".

In the early 1990s, a group of breeders applied to the International Cat Association (TICA) for breed registration. In the fall of 1994, after much controversy, the organization accepted the Munchkin into a development program that tracks the pedigrees of animals involved in breed selection and breeding statistics under the control of the Genetics Committee. The CFA still does not accept the Munchkin breed, considering it to be genetically defective due to abnormally short legs.

Description of the Munchkin breed

In addition to shortened limbs, Munchkins are visually no different from ordinary cats, with short or long hair. The outcross program, according to which the breed develops, provides for genetic diversity, for this purpose, as well as to obtain the necessary characteristics in the offspring, other breeds are used in addition to ordinary domestic animals. At the same time, the task of breeders is to ensure that the selection result does not resemble a miniature copy of a thoroughbred pet.


The standard of the Munchkin breed is established by the International Cat Association (TICA). In addition to the characteristic shortened legs and slightly rounded chest, the exterior meets the following criteria:

  • Head: relatively wide, is a modified wedge with slightly rounded contours. The cheekbones are high, the muzzle is moderate with a firm chin, a flat forehead and a nose of medium length, in which a slight arch is acceptable.
  • Ears: triangular, relatively large, vertical, broader at base with rounded tips.
  • Eyes: large, walnut-shaped, set wide apart and at a moderate angle to the base of the ears. The color of the cat does not affect their color, but it should be clean and expressive.
  • Torso: medium length, with pronounced musculature, strong thighs. Due to the more elongated hind limbs, it is noted smooth rise of the body from the withers to the croup animal. The tail is of medium thickness, tapering to a rounded tip, and is held upright when moving.
  • Limbs: short rear ones are slightly larger than the front ones. Forelimbs in length are about 7.5 cm. Four paws are set straight, without curvature inward or outward.
  • average life expectancy Munchkin's is 14-16 years old, which corresponds to the typical age of cats of other breeds.
  • Standard weight adult cats is from 2 to 4 kg.
  • The breed allows both short and long thick and soft coat, with a developed undercoat, no color restrictions.


When the issue of registering a new breed was considered, some experts were against it, as they believed that cats were genetically defective and would have the same health problems as dogs with short legs, like the dachshund. However, studies show that the Munchkin breed is in good health and does not have many specific diseases.

Only occasionally in pets lordosis is diagnosed. The disease consists in the curvature of the spine, bending inside the body due to the shortening of the muscles that support it in the correct position. This puts pressure on the trachea, lungs and heart. Lordosis - relatively rare disease and cats of other breeds are prone to it. In addition, Munchkins are predisposed to pectus excavatum.


These unusual short-legged cats stand out for their cheerful disposition and friendliness, which makes them ideal companions. munchkin social by nature, good with children and pets who live in the house. They need constant communication, which means they cannot be left alone for a long time.

Cats are easily trained, therefore, from early childhood, pets easy to teach tricks. Short legs are not a deterrent to climbing curtains, bookcases or sofas. When needed, they are surprisingly fast and flexible.

Munchkins are observant. It is not uncommon to see a cat standing on its hind legs, trying to see what caught its attention. For this manner they are even called "kangaroo cats".

Photos of colors

Munchkin color, as mentioned earlier, can be absolutely any.

black shorthair white with brown markings sandy white
chinchilla brown tabby tortoiseshell


Cats are easy to keep and do not require complicated actions from the owner. To keep your pet healthy and beautiful, you need to follow these recommendations.


Cats are characterized by high cleanliness, however, the owner must systematically conduct grooming, which includes two mandatory hygiene procedures:

  • Bathing. Cats do not like to take a bath, but they should be bathed at least once every three months. At the same time, using specially designed shampoos without a strong odor.
  • Combing wool. Munchkins need to be combed systematically with a brush to remove dead and tangled hair. For cats with short hair, the procedure is carried out at least once a week, and long-haired pets need daily combing.


It is important to stick to a pre-established feeding schedule, which will help avoid digestive problems. The frequency of feeding directly depends on the age of the pet:

  • up to 3 months - 5 times a day;
  • from 4 months to a year - 3 or 4 times;
  • from 1 year - 2-3 times a day.

The diet must be of high quality and correspond to the age of the animal. The basis of cat nutrition is lean meat, which is combined with vegetables and cereals. Before giving meat, it is boiled or scalded with boiling water. The cat is provided with access to fresh water. Ready-made commercial food is best given to adult munchkins.

pet walking

Munchkin due to its compact size are suitable for keeping in an apartment and in a country house. They, like other cats, in addition to living quarters, are drawn to explore the surrounding nature, walk on green grass and run after birds.

To this end, in order to avoid dangerous situations, the owner walks the pet using a special harness. If the territory of a country house is fenced, then the cat is allowed to explore the yard without a leash.

Munchkin cats easily endure travel, so the owner can not part with his pet, but take him with him on a trip out of town or on vacation.

breed card

Characteristics of a catNotes
General informationA cat of characteristic appearance, an excellent companion
CharacterFriendly, calm cat
AppearanceShort-legged cats are otherwise similar to ordinary domestic cats.Descended from a common street cat
Behavior at homeAffectionate, moderately active, can run fast if necessaryJumping on short legs is quite difficult, so your things lying on the shelves will remain intact
CareJust like any other cat. The long-haired Munchkin has a silky coat that makes it easier to care for than many other long-haired breeds.Shorthaired Munchkins require less grooming.
Health problemsNo specific health problems notedFears that Munchkins, like Dachshunds, may suffer from spinal problems have not been confirmed

How to choose a kitten

It is better to buy a Munchkin kitten from a professional breeder. The age of the future pet is allowed from 3 months. Before buying, the future owner should pay attention to the following points:

  • The behavior and activity of the kitten;
  • Conformity of the exterior to the breed standard;
  • Signs of illness, such as swollen eyes or runny nose.

Important! When buying a kitten in a cattery, the following documents must be submitted to the new owner:

  • The contract of sale, which will stipulate the important terms of the transaction.
  • Pedigree for the Munchkin.
  • A veterinary passport with marks of vaccinations made.
  • Instructions for keeping a kitten.

The cost of a kitten varies from 40 to 50 thousand in the nurseries of Moscow, in other regions of Russia, the price fluctuates from 20 to 30 tr. At the same time, a Munchkin with an excellent pedigree will cost much more, and kittens with minor defects will be sold cheaper.

breed breeding

An unusual fact in the development of the longhair and shorthair forms of the breed is crossbreeding with non-pedigreed cats. As a result monochromatic coloration is less common compared to the tabi color.

When Munchkins mate with each other, all kittens have short legs. But in the first generation, when Munchkins mate with regular cats, there are no results.

Until recently, it was difficult to buy a Munchkin kitten in Russia. Today, you can buy a thoroughbred pet from a breeder in almost every major city in the country.

So, in Moscow there are several nurseries, the largest of them

Energizer on short legs, like a bullet rushing through the house with a shiny earring - that's how you can describe a munchkin.

Dwarf cats delight with their cute appearance and funny habits, but the breed has not yet received recognition.

Country of originUSA 🇺🇸
wool typeshorthair,
Complexity of care
Height at the withersup to 16 cm
Adult pet weightCat 2-4 kg
Cat - 3-5 kg
Lifespan13-15 years old

Origin of the breed

The Munchkins came about by a stroke of luck. In 1983, in Louisiana, a girl found a cat with unusually short legs on the street. The citizen took pity on the poor animal and took it to her home. The cat was given the nickname Blackberry.

Short-legged pet found a cat with normal legs for mating. Unexpectedly for everyone, the couple had kittens with even shorter legs. And so it turned out that Ezhevichka is not an invalid, but a carrier of an interesting short-legged gene.

The breed was named after the little men of Oz, and the Munchkin standard was conditionally recognized in 1991.

Description of Munchkins

A distinctive feature of this breed is short paws. The appearance of a cat may differ slightly from the standard given, but with long legs, a munchkin is not a munchkin.

Such cats come with smooth fur, and with long. In general, Munchkins are described as follows:

  • The head is wedge-shaped, with smooth transitions and a rounded occiput;
  • Large ears with non-sharp tips and fluff inside;
  • The eyes are in the form of walnuts, set wide apart at a slight angle to the nose. Any color is acceptable;
  • Thick movable neck of medium length, pronounced muscles are characteristic;
  • The body is elongated, like a dachshund, with a slight elevation towards the back. Munchkin weight - from 2 to 4 kg;
  • The front legs are shorter than the hind legs. Curvature to the inside is allowed;
  • Wool with a small undercoat protects the cat well from water.

Short-haired Munchkins have a plush coat to the touch and a shiny look. In solid colors, the coat can weigh more than in spotted ones.

Long-haired Munchkins are distinguished by silkiness, and semi-long hairs seem to flow over the cat. The collar is made of wool.

Munchkin cat colors

The breed standard allows for any variety of colors. All possible stains, colors and their combinations are acceptable. Munchkins often have a lighter muzzle, chest and tummy - white or cream.

Particularly interesting are spotted and striped colors - for example, tabby.

Munchkin character


These are friendly and affectionate cats - they love to communicate with people and never choose their favorite, paying attention to all family members equally. They love to be petted and picked up.

With dachshunds, they are related not only by a similar appearance, but also by character - these are devoted and brave cats with high intelligence. A small guard may even be able to protect a dwelling from a proportionate enemy. Representatives of the breed can be trained and taught some tricks.

Munchkins are very energetic cats, ready to run all day and night. Of course, they will not be able to climb onto a tall cabinet or table, but they will easily climb onto the bed and demand attention to their person. Small paws do not prevent him from jumping and chasing the ball, so be prepared for such sports loads.

These cats can be mischievous. Munchkins love to collect different items and toys to hide in a secluded place for their collection. Especially short-legged cats are attracted to shiny little things. If you do not periodically ruin such a nest, it will reach an impressive size!

Another funny habit of these cats is to stand up on their hind legs, like gophers, if they can't see something. At the same time, Munchkins rely on their ass, and can be in this position for hours. Some cats watch TV like this, touching the owners with their occupation.

Compatible with children and other pets

Munchkins are quite friendly creatures, and fighting with short legs is not very convenient. Cats of other breeds perceive them as equals and do not see anything strange in such a length of paws, so they will not spread rot for an unusual look.

The short-legged cats themselves love to play catch-up with friends and fight jokingly. Dogs of medium and large breeds they think that the munchkin is such a kitten, and sometimes they take guardianship over him.

These cats are even compatible with birds and rodents - the Munchkin will not be able to catch them. If you put the cage in a place inaccessible to the cat, he will not turn it over and will not naughty. However, it is better to let the parrot or hamster out of the cage under supervision, and preferably in another room from the munchkin.

Children love short-legged cats for their cute appearance and good-natured character. Representatives of the breed will never scratch and bite, unless they are specifically provoked to do so. Munchkins will tolerate swaddling, rolling on the handles and even pulling the tail, but the violation of personal dignity - for nothing. Explain to the child that the cat is not a toy, and all problems will be solved.

Munchkin Care

These tomboy cats will not require much attention to hygiene. Short-haired Munchkins need to be brushed once every couple of weeks. For longhairs, get a fine-toothed comb and comb out two to three times a week. Both types of Munchkin will benefit from a slicker brush to quickly comb out the thick undercoat during shedding.

Representatives of the breed relate to bathing in different ways: some love it, others hate it. Such a cat often does not need to take a bath - once every 2-3 months is enough. If your Munchkin doesn't like to bathe, you can use cat dry shampoo, or limit yourself to washing only as a last resort.

There is nothing unusual about feeding munchkins: choose a balanced ready-made food or make a menu of natural food. In the latter case, make sure that forbidden foods do not get into the diet: acquaintance with them can end in failure.

Content Features

From the first days of a kitten in your home, you need to properly educate. The pet must know where the scratching post is located, where to go to the toilet and not be afraid of hygiene procedures, including examinations.

Munchkins are curious and bold, so they will definitely enjoy walking. Give the cat a timely vaccination, buy and accustom it to a harness - and go! It is better to walk with a cat in the park so as not to scare him with cars.

At home, a short-legged cat will try to reach out to everything that is possible, so it is worth directing his energy. Munchkins are smart, so they solve puzzles easily - get your pet involved in this activity.

To protect valuables, hide them from the cat higher up: everything that he likes, he will knock over or take to his collection. A good solution would be to buy or build an entertainment complex for a cat. If your cat is especially active, try giving him interesting tasks.

Munchkin health

The main problem of dachshund cats, of course, is the back. Most often, these pets suffer from lordosis - a curvature of the spine. The disease is dangerous because of the risk of displacement of internal organs under the spine and weakening of the hind legs.

It is important to know that in order to give birth to healthy kittens, you cannot cross a Munchkin with a Munchkin - representatives of other breeds are taken for this. The short-legged gene, obtained from both parents, can lead to the death of a kitten even before it is born.

Unfortunately, the rule of gene dominance is often neglected. Some breeders cross Munchkins with lop-eared cats, with exotics and sphinxes. These breeds are not yet recognized, since the viability and health of such cats has not been proven.

The average life expectancy of a Munchkin is 13-15 years. With good care, a short-legged cat can easily live up to 20.

Munchkins are a fairly rare breed of short-legged cats. In the people they are often called cats-dachshunds. However, this definition is not entirely accurate. The body is elongated, but Munchkin cats, according to the constitution, are no different from their counterparts, with the exception of only the length of the paws. These cats do not belong to breeding breeds, they appeared as a result of spontaneous mutation.

These cats are born due to the presence of a dominant achondroplasia gene: when one of the parents has such a gene in the genotype, short-legged cats are likely to appear among the offspring.

History of the breed

Since the 40s of the twentieth century, short-legged cats began to appear. In 1944, a British veterinarian wrote about four generations of such cats that were absolutely healthy and differed from their counterparts only in the length of their limbs. Later, in 1983, in Louisiana, an American woman found a pregnant cat hiding under a truck from a bulldog chasing her. The woman took pity on her and carried her to her home. When the cat gave birth to kittens, half of them. Such a random mistake of nature gave impetus to the beginning of the formation of the Munchkin breed.

This species was introduced to the general public only in 1991 at the exhibition of the International Association of Cat Fanciers in Madison Square Garden. Skeptics of the time argued that breeding short-legged cats threatened deformities and spoiled the health of animals, causing problems with the spine and paws. In protest, one of the judges resigned right at the show, calling the breed "an insult to breeders." But after conducting medical research at the University of Kansas, it turned out that short legs do not limit the mobility of cats in any way and do not affect their livelihoods. Also, no matter how they studied the unfortunate cat, the researchers did not notice any problems with the spine, which are characteristic of short-legged dog breeds - corgis and dachshunds.

Short leg cat video

The Munchkin was officially recognized as a breed by TICA in 1995. However, many world associations still do not consider the Munchkin a separate breed. Therefore, in Europe, kangaroo cats, or as they are also called dachshund cats, are quite rare. There are only a few nurseries that breed Munchkins. But all the controversy surrounding the "professional suitability" of the Munchkins does not prevent them from arousing feelings of deep tenderness in people. This is very good-natured .

Not all associations officially recognize Munchkins

Habits and character

Many owners clearly see dog traits in their pets - Munchkins love to walk on a harness, are peaceful with other animals, and easily adapt to a new environment. These cats are excellent companions, they easily endure travel and trips. They are quite mobile, quite capable of jumping onto high surfaces, but they descend from there in a completely unusual way - like a marten, due to the non-trivial body structure. At the same time, a fall from a height for munchkins threatens with serious damage, and it is undesirable to keep these purrs on the street.

The munchkin (also known as the understated cat) got its name from short characters from the children's book The Wizard of Oz.

The habits of this breed are especially interesting. For example, to look around, cats sit on their hips, and use their tail as a kind of prop to maintain balance. This adds to their resemblance to meerkats. And in such a funny position, tailed ones can stay for quite a long time. Naturally, short legs do not help munchkins to be good hunters, however, these purrs have a funny feature - they, like magpies, like to collect small things and hide them in secluded places.

The spine of cats is not affected by the mutation and is flexible.

Wool and dye

Munchkin cats are divided into semi-longhair and shorthair. Types of colors can be completely different. In short-haired cats, the most common variations of the Siamese color, minks, sepia, color-points and other types of color with a pattern (spots, stripes). At the same time, the same colors will look different on longhairs. On the long coat of the Munchkins, smoky, silvery ones look especially advantageous.

A long bun, short legs - it runs very funny along the path and by nature it’s not a crybaby at all, what kind of breed is this?

Munchkin cat breed (English - Munchkin), friends! Have you thought about something else? However, these cute animals are also called “dachshund cat”, so your guess was close to the truth. So, what are the signs that munchkins have in common with cats, and which with dachshunds?

The history of the origin of the breed

Munchkin cats are native to the USA. It was there in 1983 that it all began with a blackberry. More precisely, from Blackberry, the half-wild, half-starved kitty that lived under an abandoned camper, the kind-hearted resident of Louisiana Sandra so named.

The unfortunate animal, Sandra decided, did not grow legs from the hardships endured. Filled with pity, Sandra took care of her Blackberry in every possible way and was extremely surprised when Blackberry's offspring also turned out to be short-legged. One of the sons of Blackberry was named Toulouse, and, in fact, all taxi cats consider Toulouse and Blackberry to be their great-grandparents.

Officially, the breed was recognized in March 1991 at the TICA show in New York.

Description of the Munchkin breed

The way the Munchkin breed looks always evokes the same range of feelings in those who first met them. First, it is surprise, then pity, and then certainly admiration and joy. After all, short-legged Munchkin cats are a smile in its purest form! The smile is black, white, gray, red - depending on the color of the cat or cat. The breed standard has not yet been finalized, but the main, basic criteria have already been included in the description.

  1. The head is wide, with smooth contours, the silhouette resembles a wedge. The size of the head is average, in general, the dimensions of the body and head are proportional. Adult cats have more developed heads than cats:
  • the nose is medium, a slight deflection is not a disadvantage;
  • the ears are set high and wide. They are well and noticeably pubescent, wide at the base, rounded at the tips;
  • eyes are similar in shape to Walnut. On a big walnut! Set wide apart at a slight angle to the ears. IMPORTANT! The color of the eyes does not depend on the color, the main thing is that the eyes be saturated and even in color;
  • the neck is thick, muscular, of medium length.
  1. Body, according to breed standards, Semi-foreign type. That is, the sizes and proportions are quite average (with one exception, of course). The hind legs are slightly longer than the front, and therefore there is an increase in proportions from the withers to the croup. The frame is not heavy, but not lightweight either. But the muscles of the Munchkins are well developed and this moment is noted in all reviews of the breed. The length of the body corresponds to the length of the tail. When moving, both the Munchkin kitten and adults hold it upright.

Paws are the four main differences between Munchkins and other cat breeds. They are short. But straight! However, a slight curvature of the front paws to the inside is allowed. The hind legs, as noted, are longer than the front ones.

The weight of short-legged cats reaches 3-4 kg, cats - 2-3.6 kg

  1. Wool, according to standards, can be either short (SH) or long (LH). In the first case, the coat is shiny, plush in tactile sensation. Evenly colored "kangaroo" munchkins may have a heavier coat. In the second case, the wool has excellent protective properties, it is dense and silky, the collar is lordly.
  1. Color. Color descriptions can be started now and never finished. After all, any color solutions are allowed. Moreover, it has been noticed that the same color looks different on short-haired and long-haired "kangaroos".


The nature of Munchkin cats has its own characteristics. Due to the fact that short legs have excluded the possibility of hunting, these animals should not be kept on the street. Home Sweet Home! Otherwise, Munchkin kittens begin to delight their owners from the moment they appear in the house.

Small paws do not allow them to climb tables, turn over crystal vases and antique porcelain figurines, but they also do not interfere with being active on the “lower floors” of your apartment - they run well, they just don’t know how to jump. And they also sit well in the kangaroo pose on their hind legs, leaning on their tail - all munchkins are famous for this pose and on the few photos of the breed on the Internet you can see these asanas in detail.

At the same time, their short front legs hang freely on the sides and the picture is really funny. And what fun awaits you when you look for valuables hidden by a taxi cat. Yes, “the hands didn’t steal anything,” but they hid it a little - the Munchkins like to quietly drag small objects into a secluded corner.

In general, the character of these cats is calm and friendly. They easily meet new people, do not suffer from neuroses, are moderately mobile, immoderately curious and very kind. This fact is noted in the reviews by all owners of short-legged cats.

By their nature and exterior, Munchkins are suitable for exotic lovers, connoisseurs of quick wits and large families in which funny cats will level out random aggression and boredom.


The main problem that Munchkin cats and their owners may face lies on the surface - this is the back. More precisely, lordosis (weakening of the spinal muscles) due to which the spine descends into chest. And it's not all about aesthetics. The lowered spine puts pressure on the internal organs and the consequences can be the most unpredictable. Some experts believe that Munchkin lordosis is a genetic failure inherent in the breed. There is no evidence for this yet, it is also found in other breeds.

There are no other diseases associated with the breed. Therefore, the average life expectancy of a Munchkin is the same as that of all cats - 12-16 years. There are exceptions, and the Munchkin cat can celebrate his 20th birthday with you!

Munchkin kittens from young claws are very clean, so it is recommended for them with high sides or completely closed.

Because of their excessive curiosity, you need to remove those items that you have not yet planned to part with to a height inaccessible to the animal.

It is better to remove those items that your pet plays with at night, since the Munchkin night is not a hindrance and he can carry his favorite small things in his teeth even in the dark.

Despite the fact that the munchkin does not climb very high, it should also be in the house! For kittens not accustomed to this device, TIP - rub the scratching post with “catnip”!

The short-haired Munchkin should be brushed weekly, while its long-haired counterpart should be brushed more often (2 or 3 times a week). How to determine the frequency of combing? Exclusively experimentally, according to the rate of formation of tangles. There are no other breeds.


Experts still recommend that they contain all the necessary vitamins and substances. But the final decision is made by the owner of the pet, who must soberly assess his strength - whether they are enough to follow the correct diet of the animal. In any case, the Munchkins are unpretentious in food, they were not noticed in gluttony, they do not know how to steal from the table due to their physiological characteristics (they do not reach).



Munchkin is a cat with short legs like a creature from a fairy tale. At least, they owe their name to a fairy tale story. Munchkins (not cats) first appear in The Wizard of Oz. For some reason, the image of a small fairy-tale folk inspired breeders to give short-legged cats such a name. Why not? From the moment Eli's house landed on the head of the evil ruler of the Munchkins, a golden era began for them - an era of love and universal admiration (this is about cats). Photos of the happy tailed Munchkin people are proof of that!

Where to buy a short-legged munchkin kitten

But buying a good short-legged munchkin cat is still a problem. The breed that was top in Japan and America, in Russia and Ukraine is still a rarity and it is definitely difficult to say how much a Munchkin kitten costs.

Prices - from 5,000 rubles to 20,000 rubles (1500 - 6000 hryvnia). But be careful - unscrupulous people may try to sell culled kittens of other breeds, or even outbred ones, under the guise of Munchkins. Cost, of course, is not quality, but still an adequate price and good recommendations that a Munchkin nursery or breeders of this breed can provide are a guarantee of the right purchase.

But the number of nurseries, alas, is small. Since some of the kittens in the litter are born ordinary, not short-legged, breeders are not very fond of the nuances associated with breeding. The main nurseries are concentrated in Russia. In Kyiv or Minsk, you can try to buy a Munchkin from enthusiastic breeders.

Munchkin Kennel:

  • in Moscow

Munchkins are short-legged cats. Nordic character, smiling figure!