Can you go to the gym with a hangover? Drunk fitness: are physical and alcohol activities compatible? Free guide to knowledge


“Alcohol consumption is the biggest problem in the United States today,” I read a note in American. If only they knew, overseas jocks, what a problem we have! We are ready to go to the sports club in any condition, just not to lose paid days and not to feel that life is passing by. We lack elementary knowledge of physiology and a sense of self-preservation.

“Alcoholic intoxication of any severity is intoxication,” says Vyacheslav Filashikhin, head of the department of psychiatry and narcology at the Transfiguration clinic. “Even a meager dose of alcohol poisons the body, loading all the internal organs without exception.”

“Alcohol increases blood pressure and pulse, negatively affects protein synthesis, so the muscles do not receive enough building material,” says Ekaterina Malsagova, a cardiologist and staff doctor at the World Class Presnya club. - It lowers testosterone levels, inhibiting muscle gain. Even more dangerous is that alcohol causes dehydration, which is fraught with rapid fatigue. Of course, it all depends on the dose, but if a person decides to go in for sports, he must understand that alcohol and sports are like a plus and a minus, two completely incompatible things.

According to Dr. Filashikhin, even mild intoxication is characterized by a decrease in concentration and coordination: “Fitness is traumatic in itself, you can stumble on the treadmill, hit the eyebrow with a dumbbell, choke in the pool of water. Now imagine what can happen if you come to the club under a degree.

There is a theory that alcohol perfectly warms up the muscles. Many people note with pleasure that, having come to training after a cocktail party, they do not feel tired. They rejoice in vain. Alcohol does not make stronger, but only increases pain threshold. It seems that you are training with more impact, but in fact you are tearing muscle fibers to shreds. Awareness comes only after a few hours, when the anesthesia ends.

“In my practice, there was not a single client who would come to training drunk,” says the instructor. - And if he came, I would automatically recommend him to go home. But there were cases when they came from a hangover - and this, to be honest, is also not an option. The maximum that a person in this condition is capable of is swimming and walking on a treadmill.

A hangover is the other side of being drunk. How many times I caught myself trying to atone for the sin of alcoholic intemperance with a stubborn one and a half hour workout in the morning. My friend Maxim, an employee of Children's Radio, honestly admitted that he had come to the sports club more than once from a hangover: “The most difficult thing, of course, is to force yourself to go there,” he says. - But half an hour on the treadmill - and it really gets better. It can be seen that everything that poisons my life comes out with sweat.

Doctor-narcologist Vyacheslav Filashikhin agrees with the fact that physical education helps to cope with a hangover, but advises to act gently and carefully: “A hangover is also poisoning, but not with alcohol, but with its decay products - acetone and aldehyde. Of course, moderate physical activity can help you recover, but only if the pressure is normal, about 120 to 80, and there is no arrhythmia, the pulse is even, 60-80 beats per minute. I would recommend not running, but just walking.”

It is believed that a hangover is cured. My acquaintance recalls his youth with rapture: on Mondays, he looked at the lesson before work to get rid of painful withdrawal symptoms. “Alcohol and yoga are incompatible things,” the president of the Yoga Federation comments on the story. - It's very dangerous - you can go straight to the morgue in an ambulance after a lesson. I suspect that your friend was doing some kind of gymnastics, not yoga.

On Internet forums, girls discuss what is the best cure for a hangover. “Khilnula too much - the next morning tin. Then she breathed, and everything seemed to take off!” - “I also noticed this effect, nothing has ever helped, and the bodysuit is just super!” Unfortunately, she could neither refute nor confirm this information: “I really don’t know,” she justifies herself. “But since the girls are talking, it means it helps.”

Personally, I spent the past weekend at an electronic music festival. Monday morning greeted me with a hangover headache. I did not want to go in for sports, but the inevitable morning walk - to the school where my daughter studies, and back - brought me back to life. At the entrance, I almost dived with my nose, catching the toe of my boot on a step. A picture immediately appeared in my head of me falling on a treadmill (you just need to type treadmills accidents in the search bar on YouTube to see how it happens). No, thank you, the fitness club is only sober. A hangover - he has such magical property- passes.

Alcohol inside the body causes poisoning. It is expressed in severe headache, weakness, general weakness and burning sensation in the mouth. In the people, this process is called a hangover syndrome.

It happens that after a party with alcoholic drinks, you need to go to a workout, and you can’t miss it. Or a person who loves to play sports does not want to fall behind in the schedule. How to be?

Can you exercise during a hangover?

Drinks containing alcohol negatively affect protein synthesis. He "rushes to the aid" of the liver, which processes the remnants of alcohol. Muscles do not get this most important building material at all. The set of muscle mass stops, the pulse and blood pressure increase. All of these factors suggest that the benefits of strenuous exercise during a hangover are minimal. Much more damage.

What does it express?

The body has already lost a lot of fluid. Any load is accompanied by sweating. And this even more "sucks" moisture from the body, which can lead to dehydration, which causes fatigue, dizziness.

Another danger when exercising while hungover is poor concentration and coordination. A person is stormed in the truest sense of the word. You can fall off the treadmill, throw a kettlebell on your leg, or hit your opponent with the ball. This sport threatens with serious injuries!

Any load is accompanied by sweating. And this even more "sucks" moisture from the body, which can lead to dehydration, which causes fatigue, dizziness.

Alcohol increases immunity to pain - it's a fact. If there is still a lot of alcohol in the blood, a person often practices with unprecedented dedication, thereby tearing muscles and blood vessels.

In addition, during a workout, you can dislocate or even break your finger during a hangover - and you will notice this only after a few hours, when there is a minimum amount of alcohol in the body. First aid not provided in time can lead to serious consequences.

Is exercise really not good for a hangover?

Doctors are firmly convinced that a heavy sport is prohibited with a hangover. Athletics, exercise equipment, gymnastics, yoga are also prohibited.

But, it is worth noting that moderate and short-term physical activity can really help to quickly cope with the consequences of yesterday's "gatherings". These, first of all, include a walk at a leisurely pace in the fresh air. You can swim a little more in the pool or do light exercises. But you can’t pick up heavy sports equipment!

You can seriously engage in physical activity only 24-30 hours after a heavy alcoholic libation. Indeed, on a hangover, instead of the expected benefits in the process of training, a person can cause serious harm to his body.

Are running and alcohol compatible? Drunkenness existed under socialism, and it remains a significant problem in society today. Therefore, the authorities, the Ministry of Health, sports committees order articles and books that talk about the dangers of alcohol. On this page, we will forget about moralizing and talk frankly.

Drinks by group

Alcohol can be divided into three main groups:

  1. Beer.
  2. Guilt.
  3. Strong drinks (vodka, brandy, rum) and their derivatives.

In the article we will consider only the first and third groups: according to the nature of the effect on the body runner.


In the Spanish city of Granada, scientists conducted a study for combining alcohol with sports training.

For this, two groups of 25 volunteers each were taken. Some of them drank beer after training, others - water.

Experiments led by Professor M. Garson showed that beer helps to restore not only the amount of fluid in the body, but also water-salt balance.

Along with alcohol, beer contains a number of trace elements: potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, silicon. No wonder you can drink beer easier to quench your thirst during the hot season than drinking water.

Distilled water, in general, cannot be drunk, and guess why?

Strong alcohol

More voluminous work in comparison with Garzon was carried out by Dr. Matthew Barnes from the USA. In the second group, he replaced the water with orange juice, and gave whiskey instead of beer.

Athletes consumed drinks after a certain amount of exercise on the trainers.

A positive result was obtained only after the third experiment, when the dose for the next group was reduced to 35 g of whiskey. Athletes performed they quickly recovered and blood pressure, they had no discomfort in the brain and muscles.

Pros and cons of alcohol

If a spoonful of valerian helps a patient stabilize his condition, why doesn't he drink the whole vial at once?
Right! Because you have to call ambulance due to complications from medication. Even poison can be beneficial in small amounts!

But people often forget about the dose when drinking alcoholic beverages.


Ethanol (alcohol in alcoholic beverages) causes a number of negative processes in the runner:

  • Stimulates the production of myostatin, which leads to inhibition of muscle building.
  • Suppresses , carbohydrates and proteins for .
  • Reduces glycogen synthesis and its accumulation in muscles and liver.


Ethanol after absorption by the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) enters mainly into the muscles, providing them with energy.

Alcohol provides 7 kcal per gram. An hour run requires 380 kcal if your weight is 80 kg. If you consumed 50 g of alcohol (125 g of vodka or 3 bottles of beer), then this will cover almost all of your energy requirements for training.

But this is a theory. On practice energy cannot be replenished if you want to have .

The following practice is suggested based on years of research by Dr. Jade Teta from North Carolina USA.

Alcohol before exercise

If you are in your 20s or 30s and have had run after drinking, for example, trying to catch a bus, you can confirm that moving at such a moment was easier than usual.

True, this statement is suitable when the feast was short. It is the snack that makes running heavier.

Approximately the same effect gives running after beer: you will overcome your daily distance with pleasure. But be careful. Dose matters!

But you can drink 350 ml of beer or just 30 ml of vodka an hour before class. This amount of alcohol will not reduce your fitness and will not worsen your health.

Tonic while running

If at a distance you take a sip of a little beer, then you will not feel bad about it. After all, masters of cycling on long races not only drink liquids, but also consume some foods. A glass of beer won't break your running rhythm. But you need to do it listening to your own feelings.

Draining the bottle in one gulp will not work here. Watch how the cat drinks water. She takes a hundred small sips to empty a half-full saucer. Do the same for you: stretch 200 ml of beer 10-20 times or the entire distance.

After classes

You can drink beer (0.5 l) after a run, or dry wine (200 ml), or vodka (50 ml), and also eat, but not earlier than an hour after physical activity.

Video. Alcohol and sports: compatible? Fitness theme

Is it possible to combine sports with drinking alcohol? For example, drink a glass of beer after a workout? Let's figure it out.

Alcohol intake in relation to sports can be considered:

a) Like doping
b) As a restorative drug
c) How to have a good time

Surprisingly, there are still people who consider alcohol as a form of doping. We exclude such a sport as shooting, because there alcohol is really considered as a dope that reduces hand tremors).

In extreme sports, this will help to overcome fear somewhat and play the role of a sedative. However, we will have to pay for this with coordination, with all the consequences. It is completely unclear how alcohol intoxication will help to run or swim, because it is not a stimulant.

Alcohol after sports

As a recovery or isotonic drink, it would seem that drinking the same glass of beer after a workout looks more believable. However, instead of providing us with important minerals: potassium, magnesium, phosphorus And calcium(which any isotonic person should do), beer, on the contrary, will lead to even more of their loss. In any case, beer contains alcohol, and this is extreme toxin for the body and can not contribute to the restoration in principle.

Safe doses of alcohol, contrary to generally accepted standards (such as a glass of beer, 350 ml of wine or 100 grams of spirits), are actually much smaller and are measured in drops from a pipette. In such quantities, no one will use it, because they will not even feel the taste. If such a word can be used in relation to alcohol at all.

If you adhere to the modern views of science, then you need to remember only one thing: in sports medicine, the concept allowable dose of alcohol is simply missing. Any intake of ethanol from the outside in any quantity is called intoxication and is translated as "poison inside."

The microscopic amount of ethanol that the body produces on its own for some chemical reactions is nothing compared to our drinks, shots and pints.

The benefits of beer for an athlete

For example, to replenish daily allowance of the same vaunted B vitamin with the help of beer, you will have to drink not even one liter, but as many as six. This is equivalent to almost three bottles of vodka, translated into ethanol! And after all, we are talking about real beer, and not about that powder surrogate, which is now proudly called beer.

Sports and alcohol compatibility

In general, strictly speaking, alcohol and sports are incompatible things about as much as. Everything from hypoxia to dehydration has nothing to do with training and recovery.

Drinking alcohol for the sake of intoxication for active people is the exception rather than the rule. In general, most recreational athletes do not experience alcohol cravings for the simple reason that pleasure and relaxation are achievable through training. While alcohol only creates the appearance of relaxation, in fact, it contributes to the development of internal tension and often leads to depression.

Relaxation and real rest, accompanied by causeless pleasure from being, come after physical activity. That is how nature intended it.

An artificial similar state caused by ethanol, which consists only in constriction of the vessels of the brain and in a decrease in the supply of oxygen to it due to clumped red blood cells - hypoxia, is presented as a second-rate substitute for the natural feeling of happiness, which does not directly lead to peace of mind and tranquility, but to stupefaction and degradation.

Unfortunately, only a sober independent mind sees all the illusory pleasure of drinking alcohol. The probable hangover syndrome that follows after this, which serves as a clear indicator of the destruction of the body, completely dismisses the desire to sip a glass or two.

In addition to all of the above, ethanol breakdown products extremely detrimental to muscle fibers. Being a staunch enemy of the tendons, alcohol contributes to pro-inflammatory (increasing inflammation) processes and seriously increases the risk.

However, there are athletes who promote, for example, beer as an indispensable elixir for athletes. In this case, there is a common ignorance, a banal craving for alcohol (beer perfectly contributes to this and reinforces cravings) or a commercial background.

This is not to say that a glass of real beer on a day off will do you catastrophic harm. Of course not. But do not assume that it helps you in terms of nutrition and recovery.

Among the runners, cyclists and triathletes who regularly drink beer between training and competitions, there are quite famous names that can definitely sway you to the same. But high results were achieved not at all thanks to the use of beer or wine, but in spite of it.

hangover run

Can you train with a hangover? In short, of course not. Do not exercise after drinking alcohol. And where did the need to run in this state suddenly come from? But if you really need good reasons to stop running with a hangover, then you should know that the heart muscle is most affected by toxic effects.

Benefits of Wine for the Athlete's Heart

It can be noted that supporters of the usefulness of wine for the cardiovascular system listen to anyone, but not scientists who are directly related to chemistry, biology, anatomy and physiology.

Otherwise, they would know that alcohol damage to the heart muscle is based on the direct toxic effect of alcohol on the myocardium, combined with changes in the nervous regulation and microcirculation. Gross disorders of interstitial metabolism that develop at the same time lead to the development of focal and diffuse myocardial dystrophy, manifested by arrhythmias and heart failure.

The contractility of the heart is also seriously reduced by severe violations of mineral metabolism, after the “heart-healthy” drink has entered the bloodstream.

For those who have not yet understood the main thing, let's decipher: any alcoholic drink, even the one in which substances useful for the body of an athlete were suddenly found, continues to remain deadly poison as long as it contains alcohol. But will you drink your very healthy wine if there is no alcohol in it?

Why is this topic relevant at all in a developed civilization?

A chemist or biologist should know such a definition, which eventually disappeared somewhere:

“Alcohol is a narcotic neurotropic protoplasmic poison belonging to drugs of the first group of complexity.”

This definition of alcohol was kept in Soviet times, but later, with someone's light anti-scientific hand, it was supplanted by the expression "food product". This is where it all started.

Even the position World Health Organization that only a substance that is absolutely harmless to humans can be called a food product was bogged down in the wave of illegal legalization of liquid drugs. Rivers of dough flowed into the savvy anti-scientific hands and into the hands of the state, which made it possible to control the desires and choices of the weak-willed drunken crowd even more subtly.

In the first stage of recruiting young people into the circles of future alcoholics, the zombie man was very useful. It clearly demonstrates that the only happiness in the world is to hit a shot and then get drunk. Well, and more, of course. In order for the proteins to continue to spin the wheel, nothing else is required: the very nature of the drug will continue to work. A drunken society will itself generate and grow its own kind and educate them in accordance with its worldview, or rather, with its complete absence.

You don’t have to look far for an example: very often you can find discussions on completely ridiculous topics on the Internet. For example, is it possible to trust a person if he does not drink at all and does not even smoke? And what's wrong with him anyway? Yes, these questions are asked in all seriousness. There are no soft words to describe this "civilization", which calls itself highly developed, 90% of whose representatives are completely devoid of the simplest introspection.

It is also bad that people who are perceived as authorities (most often - actors, singers, etc.) carry from the screens and from the pages of their blogs frankly campaigning to join the guild of drinkers. Not all, of course. Some, on the contrary, ask to change their minds. But mostly alcohol is muse of theater and cinema. No one buys the opinions of these people, there is no such conspiracy and it is not needed. All of them have been on the hook for a long time and are simply banal alcoholics defending "their" point of view, but in fact - their own swill, which has long been hated, but without which they cannot.

The only problem is the younger generation, like a sponge absorbing "recipes for happiness" from a celebrity, but not seeing what is really going on behind the scenes.

These same drinking actors and others also actively like to participate in the discussion of non-drinkers. Moreover, most often you can hear that people who do not drink according to their convictions repel them and are rather unpleasant. But they immediately notice that this does not at all apply to teetotalers, who were forbidden to drink by the doctor due to illness. Looks like nonsense? Absolutely.

The point is that this psychological trick. The main feelings that are present here are envy and fear. Envy of someone who can not drink and does not experience deprivation in this, but on the contrary, feels that level of happiness that is not available to an alcoholic. This envy and the inability to be the same gives rise to anger, which is fueled by permanent fear, which is the norm of the life of an addicted person.

Here it is necessary long-term treatment including psychological. Keep this in mind the next time you hear such conversations, interviews, and broadcasts, and be indulgent towards them.

Talk about “reasonable” doses of alcohol, designed to protect the “moderately drinking” connoisseur of wine or beer from the humiliating title of drunk, should not be taken seriously either. As a rule, they are all far from the truth.

Scientists, "concerned" with the health of mankind and understanding the psychology of people, have repeatedly tried to fight the term "abuse", pointing out its incorrectness. After all, as opposed to abuse, there should always be useful doses. However, this has nothing to do with alcohol: any dose is evil.

In modern world practice, not a single sports doctor will advise an athlete to take a dose of alcohol on his chest for any purpose. In their right mind, of course. And real scientists and doctors have nothing to do with the next myths about the miraculous benefits of alcohol for athletes or, more often, for ordinary people.

Being drunk. This time FURFUR decided to go even further and find out if it is possible to combine business with pleasure, namely alcohol and physical activity. Will alcoholic beverages help you break sports records, increase endurance and reduce fatigue? FURFUR decided to ask these and other questions to experts from the field of medicine and sports and give some useful advice to especially desperate drinkers.

Alcohol, along with other psychotropic substances, has been and remains the main taboo for professional athletes. Why? The fact is that the mechanism of action of alcohol inevitably leads to such unpleasant symptoms as dehydration, a decrease in the reaction rate and a deterioration in coordination. Ethanol, or ethyl alcohol, contained in alcoholic beverages, is a potent substance that enters the blood within a minute after consumption. Red blood cells begin to stick together and, getting into the brain, cause hypoxia, that is, oxygen starvation. It is the lack of oxygen in the brain that we perceive as a state of intoxication. However, after a few hours, euphoria is replaced by extremely unpleasant symptoms, which, as practice shows, do not stop many desperate lovers of physical culture.

Nevertheless, alcohol still found a place in the field of professional sports. In the Shooting Federation, alcohol is a mandatory component of doping control. In small quantities, it reduces hand tremor and is therefore sometimes used to improve shooting accuracy. In addition, there has long been a debate about recovery after running with the help of beer. But much more often you have to combine alcohol and sports activities in everyday life. Each of us at least once in a drunken stupor came up with the idea to pull up on the horizontal bar, sit on a bicycle or just run through the forest. It is understandable: alcohol will make even the most frail alcoholic feel like an omnipotent Hercules.

Igor Konstantinovich Nezhdanov

psychiatrist-narcologist, director
Marketing of Dr. Isaev's Clinic

Theoretically, alcohol can be used as doping in extreme sports where the athlete is under extreme stress, such as skydiving. Alcohol acts as a tranquilizer, or, more simply, a sedative, and also increases the pain threshold. That is, a drunk person experiences less pain than a sober one. However, it is worth remembering that alcohol is not a stimulant, it does not increase endurance, and also acts depressingly on the central nervous system.

In my opinion, it makes no sense to use alcohol in the field of sports. There are other, more effective dopings. Alcohol in sports is rather an anti-doping, it does more harm than good. If a person decides to drink before training, then he must be prepared for the fact that during training he will be uncoordinated, overly relaxed, and the clarity of the reaction will decrease. Alcohol is a disorganizing agent that no athlete in their right mind would use to improve their athletic performance.

For an athlete, the use of any psychotropic substance means relaxation only for a certain period of time, however, I repeat, this will entail the exhaustion of the central nervous system. Athletes derive satisfaction from the release of endorphins when sober. They do not need alcohol or other psychoactive substance to relax. Speaking about drunkenness in sports, one can only mention those professional athletes who have already reached the peak of their career and, having become unclaimed, begin to drink alcohol regularly.

Dmitry Vladimirovich Vashkin

psychiatrist-narcologist, organizer
health care, chief physician of the Marshak Clinic

The fact that alcohol can be doping is a myth. It is believed that a glass of cognac increases the body's capabilities, muscle tone. Even if alcohol does positive impact on the body, it is very short-lived. Alcohol briefly gives the feeling that you can do anything. However, in reality this is just self-deception, and a person has to pay with a sharp decline in strength.

Alcohol, even in small amounts, depresses the central nervous system, since ethanol in its structure is a toxic substance for the body. Its splitting entails a violation of coordination, attention, a decrease in the activity of the muscular system. Muscle tone decreases - for example, when drunk, a person raises his hand more slowly than when sober.

If we talk about extreme sports, then all professional climbers, without exception, strictly observe dry law. A change in altitude causes a decrease in pressure, there is a lack of oxygen in the brain. So alcohol is out of the question. Nothing except high blood pressure, disturbances in perception and artificially induced hypoxia of brain cells will not give alcohol.

Alcohol really raises the pain threshold. However, sports such as boxing or any other types of wrestling that involve some kind of pain disorders also imply clarity of movement and coordination. Therefore, alcohol simply does not make sense. The fact that the athlete does not feel pain does not make him the winner of the competition.

Mikhail Valerievich Gulyaev

psychiatrist-narcologist at the clinic of Professor Gorbakov

Ethyl alcohol is involved in the metabolic process in the norm in every person. Previously, alcohol in small quantities was used for pain relief, disinfection, and restoration of the body. This approach is still found among doctors. In their opinion, 50 grams of strong alcohol are considered useful for the prevention of atherosclerosis, maintaining vascular tone, and affecting cholesterol levels in the body. However, this opinion, in my opinion, is not entirely correct. IN modern medicine There are many other drugs of natural origin that are more effective and do not have unpleasant consequences in the form of alcohol intoxication.

Exceeding a certain dose of alcohol will inevitably lead to harm to the body. And no dose is allowed in sports medicine. If a person starts exercising after drinking alcoholic beverages, the effect of alcohol as a stimulant will immediately end. And the decay products of ethanol in the form of very bad substances will enter the muscles, which will cause their weakness. The effect of alcohol will disappear in seconds, so its use is simply pointless during physical exertion. Alcohol will give the illusion of an increase in strength and vigor, but as soon as a person begins to move, the decay products of ethyl alcohol will adversely affect the body.

The sedative effect of a small acceptable dose of alcohol for a healthy middle-aged person will last in the region of four to five hours. The poisonous dose of alcohol is more than 40 grams of pure ethyl alcohol. That is, more than 100 milliliters of strong alcohol, 300 milliliters of wine drinks, 660 milliliters of beer. With beer, the situation is more complicated, since it contains additives that are more addictive than traditional spirits like cognac or vodka.

Svetlana Belova

fitness instructor of the sports club "Don-sport"

In the life of any professional athlete, sooner or later there is a stage during which he prepares for important competitions. And I believe that during this period of time, in no case should you drink alcohol. However, I allow its small use after the preparatory period for the purpose of relaxation.

Alcohol is definitely not doping. Doping is a substance that improves athletic performance, while alcohol, on the contrary, slows down many processes and negatively affects muscle strength. In addition, the use of alcoholic beverages before physical activity can be simply traumatic, as it leads to impaired coordination. A person, even when sober, can harm himself in the gym or in the pool - accidentally drop dumbbells on his leg, tear ligaments, choke on water. Imagine what could happen if he decides to work out drunk.

Speaking of physical activity during a hangover, I recommend in such cases to abandon cardio training in order to avoid stress on the heart. The type and intensity of physical activity must be selected depending on the condition, and a fitness instructor will always help in this matter. Therefore, you should always notify your coach about what you have drunk the day before. But it is better, of course, to come to the gym alert and sober.

So, to break sports records while drunk,
And while not screwing up, you should follow very simple rules:

Alcohol acts as a sedative. Therefore, if you decide to skydive, you can afford a small dose of alcohol. However, this does not guarantee that your landing will be soft. Here, another property of ethanol will come in handy - an increase in the pain threshold. The sedative effect of a small dose will last about four to five hours.

In order to still run to the finish line and not fall asleep in a puddle of your own vomit, poisonous doses of alcohol should be avoided. The poisonous dose is more than 40 grams of pure ethyl alcohol, which is equivalent to 100 milliliters of strong alcohol, 300 milliliters of wine drinks, 660 milliliters of beer for an average middle-aged man.

The first and most important rule - do not try to play sports under a degree. It is dangerous to health and life. After drinking 50 milliliters of strong alcohol, it will take about four hours for you to be ready for physical activity again.

With a hangover, it is necessary to abandon cardio training in the first place in order to avoid stress on the heart. The type and intensity of physical activity must be selected together with a fitness instructor.

Climbers and climbers in general should refrain from alcohol. A change in altitude causes a decrease in pressure, due to which there is a lack of oxygen in the brain. Alcohol causes impaired perception and even greater hypoxia of brain cells.

Since alcohol raises the pain threshold, it is better to consume it after wrestling rather than during. This will help dull the pain from injuries and injuries, if any.