Useful frequent consumption of legumes especially lentils. Lentils: health benefits and harms

What grains do you use for home cooking? Buckwheat, rice, millet, less often oatmeal? Very few will remember lentils. Its benefits and harms for most of us remain a mystery. So isn't it time to reconsider your attitude to this product?

Lentils look like flat miniature "coins", refers to legumes. Color may vary. It all depends on the variety. Its taste characteristics may differ slightly, but the benefits and harms of any lentil are almost identical. It is a component of dietary, healthy and vegetarian nutrition.

In the past, lentils have replaced many foods, including meat, as they are rich in vegetable protein. Soup was cooked from it, porridge was cooked and bread was baked. It contains complex carbohydrates, which are digested for a long time, so a person does not experience hunger for a long time.

Lentils include fiber, starch, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. It can also contain vitamins - A, E, group B, as well as a complex of minerals - potassium, zinc, manganese, calcium, chromium, phosphorus, boron, copper, selenium and others.

Properties of lentils that are valued in medicine:

  • normalizes the emotional and mental background, calms nervous system(thanks to tryptophan), increases resistance to stress;
  • strengthens the immune system (due to the presence of vitamin C);
  • cleans blood vessels from "bad" cholesterol, because it has reserves nicotinic acid, prevents heart attack, stroke;
  • supports the heart muscle, as it contains potassium and other mineral components;
  • increases hemoglobin, supplies iron to the body, and the molybdenum contained in it ensures its full absorption;
  • improves the condition of blood vessels;
  • normalizes blood sugar levels;
  • quickly absorbed in the body;
  • relieves pain syndrome urolithiasis;
  • has a positive effect on digestion, as it contains a lot of fiber;
  • eliminates constipation;
  • helps in the healing of wounds and burns;
  • increases efficiency;
  • strengthens memory;
  • improves appearance nails, hair;
  • has an antitumor effect, inhibits the growth and spread of cancer cells (this important quality is due to the fact that lentils contain isoflavones);
  • considered a means of preventing colorectal cancer.

How can lentils make you feel worse?

All legumes, including for health. When using such a product, even a healthy person may experience bloating, discomfort in the abdomen. But this effect is observed only with excessive consumption of lentils. To avoid such troubles, it is enough to use a little trick - add a bunch of fresh herbs to dishes prepared from lentils.

Important! The optimal rate of eating lentils is 2-3 times a week.

You won’t get sick from such a product, but it can provoke an exacerbation of existing chronic ailments. It is better to limit the consumption of lentils for rheumatism, dysbacteriosis, gout, hemorrhoids, irritable bowel syndrome. If a person has a tendency to form kidney stones, then you should not get carried away with such beans.

Which variety is more useful?

In addition to these qualities, each variety has its own medicinal characteristics.

Red (called "Egyptian") treats anemia, as it has the highest content of iron and potassium. If you regularly use such a product, then concentration and memory will improve, and “loose” nerves will also come in order. This variety of lentils cooks faster than others.

Green variety (French lentil Puy) improves the condition of ulcers, cholecystitis, pyelonephritis, hypertension, rheumatism. These are beans that have not reached maturity. They have a lot of plant fibers, so they normalize the activity of the intestines. For the same reason, they will take longer to cook. This variety is best used as a base for salads, soups, side dishes, stews.

Yellow is a green bean without a top shell. They have the same qualities as unpolished ones.

Black is the most expensive. Its other name is "beluga". The pigments that give lentils this color show high antioxidant activity. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, slows down aging.

Brown - fully ripe beans. They have therapeutic properties that will be useful to those who are sick with tuberculosis and other respiratory diseases. The use of such lentils has a positive effect on bone strength. This species quickly boils down.

The maximum of "usefulness" is contained in sprouted lentils. They have more fiber and water-soluble antioxidants, the amount of vitamins is almost twice as high. And the content of ascorbic acid increases 16 times!

What is good lentils for women and men?

The smallest representatives of legumes will help you lose weight and stay slim. Although they have a high calorie content - 280-310 Kcal, having a fibrous structure, lentils swell in the stomach and suppress hunger.

It has almost no fat, but a lot of protein. By using it during a diet, you can lose weight, and the skin will not “sag” with ugly folds. Edible "coins" will help timely bowel movements, which will also contribute to weight loss.

The effect of lentils on female body:

  • reduces the risk of developing a malignant tumor in the breast;
  • protects against the development of benign neoplasms in the uterus;
  • relieves symptoms of premenstrual syndrome;
  • reduces the pain of menstruation;
  • helps to survive menopause (reduces the frequency of hot flashes, stabilizes blood pressure, relieves mood swings), as it is rich in phytoestrogens;
  • slows down age-related changes.

Lentils hold the record for folic acid content. Only 200 g of lentil porridge on a plate will replenish the daily requirement of this component. It is indicated for pregnant women (in the amount of 50 g per day), as it contributes to the proper formation and growth of the fetus, strengthens the immune defense of the mother and her baby, eliminates the risk of anemia, and ensures normal hematopoiesis.

This product is also suitable for male nutrition. It will help restore potency, in combination with medicines it will cure prostatitis, reduce the likelihood of developing heart pathologies, and, along with animal protein and dairy products, will contribute to muscle building.

Bean menu: the most popular lentil dishes

The easiest way to cook porridge from lentils. Its benefits and harms are incomparable. This dish will supply the body with many healing substances - vitamins and trace elements. It will help to cope with nervous and heart ailments, “feed” patients with diabetes. But all the contraindications that lentils have apply to porridge.

Dietary and healthy porridge is prepared as follows: for 1 tbsp. beans - 2 tbsp. water. Lentils are washed, poured with water, brought to a boil, salted, boiled for 40-45 minutes. over low heat, stirring occasionally. Oil is added before serving.

No less useful light soup from lentils. Harm from its use is unlikely, if you do not overeat such a dish. Cooking soup does not require culinary skills.

The classic ratio of ingredients: 1 tbsp. seeds to 3 tbsp. liquids (you can take the broth). Beans should be soaked first. Place them in a saucepan, fill with liquid. Wait for the boil, boil the beans until soft, about 30-40 minutes. Add finely chopped garlic. Boil for 2-3 minutes, remove from heat, add a little bit of vinegar and pepper. You can add potatoes and carrots to the soup.

The benefit of lentil soup is that it is easily digestible and perfectly nourishes the body, positively affects the digestive tract. When cooked, it retains the entire mineral reserve of such beans, so it will support the heart and tidy up the metabolism.

For some reason in modern Russia lentils are not very popular. But in the Eastern and Caucasian it is quite often used, and in Russia in the old days, dishes from this culture were preferred to many other dishes.

At one time, our country even occupied one of the first places in the production of lentils. Today it is grown mainly in India, Southern Europe and North Africa.

Edible lentils are legumes and are a small bean with a few seeds inside. These seeds are edible.

The main varieties of lentils:

  • red,
  • green
  • and black.

The benefits of red lentils

It has a mild and delicate taste. Due to the high content of iron, this type of lentil is very useful for anemia and blood diseases. Most often, the skin is removed from the grains, which allows them to quickly boil soft.

Most often, red lentils are used in soup recipes and as an addition to side dishes due to their beneficial properties. It is very popular in Asian cuisine.

Red lentils do not have such a bright taste as, for example, green lentils, but they are ideally absorbed by the body, especially in combination with spices - curry, cumin, red pepper.

Features of green lentils

The benefits of green lentils have been appreciated many centuries ago. This type of lentil is considered the richest source of fiber. In alternative medicine, green lentils are used as a remedy for diabetes and chronic constipation, as well as to reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol.

Useful properties of green lentils increase if they are eaten together with other cereals - rice, buckwheat, sprouted wheat.

Unlike red, it is cooked much longer - about an hour and a half. And before cooking it must be soaked.

But many people prefer green lentils because of their pleasant taste.

Relatively recently, in France, breeders bred another plant variety, called "French green lentils."

Her taste qualities even better than the regular green. Salads, side dishes, casseroles and soups are prepared from it.

The benefits of black lentils

This variety was bred in Canada and outwardly the grains of black lentils are very reminiscent of beluga caviar. She, like red, is cooked very quickly. After 20 minutes, you can get a ready-made dish from black lentils.

The beneficial properties of black lentils are enhanced by the germination of its grains.

The benefits of sprouted lentils are increased as the young sprouts contain more vitamins and nutrients.

The grains should be put in a saucer, pour them with water and leave in a fairly warm dark place. Water should be changed daily.

After a few days, young shoots will appear. Thanks to its beneficial properties and exquisite taste, sprouted lentils are added to salads with pumpkin, bell peppers, other vegetables and spices.

Nutritional value and composition of lentils

Perhaps the main feature of this culture is its environmental friendliness. Lentils do not accumulate toxins, nitrates and other substances harmful to the body.

This is very relevant today, when a huge amount of chemistry is used to produce food products. In this regard, lentils have undeniable advantages over other plants, as they do not pose a health hazard.

What else is good about this representative of legumes?

It is not only safe for humans, but also rich in useful substances, which largely determine the benefits and harms of lentils. Lentil grains contain a huge amount of trace elements:

  • iron
  • zinc,
  • copper,
  • selenium,
  • chromium,
  • manganese,
  • fluorine,
  • molybdenum,
  • silicon and others.

Many in lentils and macronutrients. It contains:

  • calcium,
  • phosphorus,
  • magnesium,
  • potassium,
  • sodium,
  • sulfur and chlorine.

The vitamin composition of lentils is also rich. It has:

  • B vitamins (B1, B2),
  • vitamins A, PP, E,
  • beta carotene.

For 100 g of grains there are:

  • 24 g proteins
  • 46.3 g of carbohydrates,
  • 11.5 g dietary fiber
  • 1.5 g fat
  • 2.9 g of mono- and disaccharides,
  • 43.4 g starch
  • saturated fatty acids and ash.

Lentils have a fairly high calorie content: 295 kcal per 100 g.

Healing properties of lentils

Vegetable protein of lentils is perfectly absorbed by the body. Soluble fiber improves digestion, so lentils are a good prophylactic against rectal cancer.

It provides 90% of the daily requirement for iron and folic acid. Useful properties of lentils are actively used in dietetics. The fact is that the low fat content makes lentils a good dietary product.

The lentil diet helps to get rid of excess fat mass, if you follow the measure, since the calorie content of lentils is still high.

Magnesium and potassium contribute to the normal functioning of the heart muscle and nervous system. Iron fights iron deficiency anemia. For better absorption of iron, lentils are best consumed with fresh vegetables and herbs.

The healing properties of lentils are also used in neurology. The tryptophan contained in this plant serves as the basis for the production of serotonin. Therefore, regular consumption of lentils in food helps to avoid depression and always be in a good mood.

Lentils are recommended for diabetics, as it leads to normal blood sugar levels.

Lentil puree helps with colitis, ulcers duodenum and stomach.

The antioxidant properties of lentils are also known, allowing the plant to be used to slow down the aging process.

And due to the fact that lentils contain B vitamins, they help stabilize blood pressure.

This variety of legumes has another interesting property - it is able to give the body slowly consumed energy. Therefore, a person who regularly consumes lentils is not threatened with chronic fatigue syndrome.

Sprouted grains of the plant are of particular benefit - along with other vitamins, they have a huge content of vitamin C.

Lentil dishes stimulate metabolic processes, strengthen immunity and improve work genitourinary system. With urolithiasis, lentil decoction is used.

Specialists in Chinese medicine consider lentils to be a warming food. Therefore, dishes made from them are ideal for feeding residents of cold countries, especially in winter.

Which variety of lentils is the healthiest?

It is impossible to single out any particular type of lentils - all varieties are useful. However, there are more or less preferred varieties to solve a particular problem. The difference is very insignificant, but it is believed that the content of potassium is slightly higher in red, so it is used as a hematopoietic agent.

Fiber is slightly more in green, which helps to improve the functioning of the digestive tract. And yet, mostly lentil lovers are guided by taste preferences and the duration of cooking when choosing.


Contraindications of lentils, however, like her beneficial features depends on chemical composition bean culture. Like other legumes, lentils can cause excessive gas.

Therefore, it is necessary to be more careful with it in diseases of the stomach and intestines, as well as in dysbacteriosis. To avoid this problem, it is recommended to combine lentils with fresh herbs: cilantro, dill, parsley.

It is undesirable to often use lentils for patients with gout, urolithiasis and biliary dyskinesia.

The benefits of lentils for women

By including various dishes from this culture in your diet, you can prevent such a dangerous and, unfortunately, quite common disease as breast cancer, as well as reduce the risk of benign tumors uterus.

Another useful property of lentils for women is its ability to significantly alleviate the condition of a woman during the difficult period of transition to menopause.

And for women of reproductive age - to help with premenstrual syndrome.

Lentils are also useful during pregnancy - it provides the necessary substances for the normal development of the unborn baby.

Recently, many representatives of the better half of humanity began to use the beneficial properties of lentils for weight loss.

If the diet involves a decrease in the amount of animal fats, then by adding lentil dishes to such a diet, you can “sit” on it without any harm to health.

The benefits of lentils for weight loss also lies in the fact that it saturates the body well. nutrients and creates a feeling of satiety for a long time.

What are the benefits of lentils for men?

Lentils do not divide people by gender, but give all their useful properties to anyone who eats it. Therefore, everything that has been said above about its value applies fully to both women and men.

The beneficial properties of lentils for men are of particular importance if there is a risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, which are more likely to affect representatives of the strong half of humanity. Indeed, this culture contains substances that reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.

Therefore, it is advisable for men to include lentils in their diet as often as possible.

Since the male population is more prone to vascular diseases and heart disease than women's, and lentils are rich in substances that lower cholesterol and normalize myocardial function, then it is advisable for men to include it in their diet as often as possible.

Some healthy lentil recipes

Most dishes from this type of legume are quite easy to prepare and do not require any culinary preparation. And yet, few housewives use it in their kitchen. But it is not only useful, but also very tasty, and the household may like it.

Lentil porridge


Rinse the lentils, pour it with water - for one part of the beans, 2 parts of water. Salt, pepper and put on a fairly strong fire.

As soon as the water boils, reduce the heat to a minimum and cook the porridge for 20-30 minutes. Fry grated carrots and onions in vegetable oil.

Season the finished porridge with butter and sprinkle with fried onions and carrots on top.

Lentil soup


  • brown lentils - 0.400 kg;
  • chicken broth - 2 l;
  • onions - 3 onions;
  • butter or vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • tomatoes - 2 pieces;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • cumin, pepper, salt - to taste.

First you need to sort and wash the lentils and cook the broth. Cut two of the three onions into quarters, and the third into small cubes. Peel the tomatoes and cut into quarters. Cut the garlic.

Put the lentils, onion quarters, tomatoes and garlic into the boiling broth. Cook the soup over low heat until the lentils are soft. Do not close the lid!

While the soup is cooking, brown the diced onion. Ready soup can be rubbed through a sieve, but this is not necessary. Salt and pepper at the end of cooking. When serving, sprinkle with fried onions.

Lentil cutlets


  • red lentils - 0.4 kg;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • red pepper - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • cumin, salt.

Place the lentils in a saucepan and add enough water to cover the lentils. Boil until tender, mash to make a puree. Fry the chopped onion, garlic and pepper, sprinkle with cumin seeds and add to the puree.

Salt the puree and, when it cools down, make cutlets. Fry, rolling each cutlet in flour. Chili sauce or Greek yogurt is suitable for lentil cutlets.

Despite the rather nondescript “appearance” and ease of preparation, lentils are one of the most useful foods. This is confirmed by science - many scientists believe that lentils are significantly superior to most plants in terms of healing and nutritional properties.

In this case, the appearance is very deceptive, because not very attractive to the eye, lentil dishes have an amazing taste. And those who have tried soups or cereals made from lentils become admirers of this wonderful “bean” for life.

Unfortunately, lentil dishes are being prepared less and less. It has a useful property to reduce nervous excitability, blood glucose levels, increase, improve heart function and vascular tone, and help with meteorological dependence. The plant belongs to the legume family. In the pod, which is more correctly called a bean, there are a couple of seeds.

History of a useful plant

Lentil soup was prepared at the court of Ramses II, lentil bread was placed in burial places. Many lentils were consumed in Egypt, and also exported to Rome and Greece as a staple food of the common people.

From the Mediterranean, lentils came to Lithuania, in the fifteenth century - to Russia, which is known from the annals of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.

For a long time, lentil seeds were used in the soldiers' kitchen. Later they were replaced by other grains and legumes.

The herbaceous plant is common in countries with a temperate and hot climate - modern India, Europe, North Africa, Asia. Russia has a favorable climate in the Volga region and in the south of the European part of the country.

Large-seeded variety after processing goes on sale. Small-seeded, together with green mass and straw, is fed to animals.

The crop is harvested when the pods are ripe at the bottom and in the middle. The top ripens in storage.

Unpeeled lentils are the most delicious - a lot of useful properties are concentrated in the shell. Other varieties are distinguished by the ability to completely boil soft.

The composition and calorie content of lentils

Calorie content of 100g of lentil seeds - 295kcal. The share is up to 60%, proteins - 30%, the rest is fats.

Inclusion in the diet 2-3 times a week helps the heart work, normalizes vascular tone, which is useful for the prevention of atherosclerosis and.

The regular inclusion of lentil seed dishes in the menu is useful for the prevention of liver diseases.

With increased sensitivity to weather changes, magnetic storms, the acidity of gastric juice is often lowered. On such days, it is recommended to give up meat, fatty and spicy foods. It is better for them to prefer porridge made from lentils, peas, turnips, rice, buckwheat. These dishes are useful to prepare before an unfavorable change in the weather.

Lentil flour with crushed egg yolk is useful for healing properties, heals wounds. Mixed in equal parts with butter helps to eliminate the effects.

The benefits of germinated seeds

- food for the sprout, a reserve of strength to hatch. A complex biochemical reaction during germination greatly increases the beneficial properties of lentil seeds.

How to sprout lentils:

  1. Rinse the seeds, put on a shallow wide dish. Pour a little warm water so that they are completely submerged.
  2. After a day, carefully rinse, put in the same container, cover with a loose natural cloth (cotton, linen, gauze folded several times). Place in a cool place, but so that diffused light falls (on the windowsill).
  3. Over the next 24 hours, sprinkle germinating lentil seeds with water every few hours, maintaining required level humidity. You can gently rinse 1-3 more times, trying not to damage the delicate sprouts.
  4. If the length is insufficient, germinate for another day, do not forget to moisten and rinse.
  5. Rinse again when finished. .

Store sprouted lentil sprouts in the refrigerator. They are useful as an independent dish, they are added to salads.

Lentils for weight loss

The lentil diet is useful for reducing weight up to three kilograms per week. An indispensable condition is to drink up to 1.5 liters of pure water during the day. To achieve the result, limit the diet.

Menu options for breakfast, lunch, dinner:


  • whole grain bread sandwich with butter and a slice of ham;
  • a couple of toasted slices of bread, low-fat cottage cheese, 100 g of honey;
  • 50g muesli, 150g low-fat yogurt, pear.


  • a bowl of thick lentil soup;
  • lentil cakes 200g;
  • 2-3 lentil cutlets;
  • mixture of boiled lentils with mashed potatoes 300g.


  • vegetable soup;
  • low-fat cottage cheese 250g;
  • persimmon 3-4 pieces;
  • a couple of pieces of low-fat boiled fish;
  • Vegetable Salad;
  • mushroom broth.

Lentil soups

simple soup

  1. Sort out 1 cup of seeds.
  2. Boil in 1 liter of water over low heat until soft.
  3. Add 2-3 slices, sprinkle with herbs.

Soup puree

  1. Sort 0.5 kg of lentils, rinse, pour 1.5 liters of water.
  2. Boil by adding chopped, carrot, root.
  3. When the seeds and vegetables become soft, remove the vegetables, pour a little broth into a separate bowl.
  4. Wipe the lentil seeds with a decoction, if necessary, dilute the puree to the desired density.
  5. Let the soup boil, add 100 g of cream, 2 egg yolks, 50 g of butter.

Lentil cutlets

  1. Boil 250g seeds.
  2. Drain part of the broth into a separate bowl, knead the contents, get a puree of the required density.
  3. When it cools down, add 50 g of flour, spices, mix.
  4. Blind cutlets, fry in vegetable oil.

Useful cakes

  1. Pour 200g of lentils for 1-2 hours with warm water to swell.
  2. Boil until softened, mash into a puree.
  3. Add a chicken egg, 1-2 tbsp. flour, chopped onion.
  4. Form cakes, bake in the oven.

Contraindications and harm of lentils

The plant belongs to the legume family - dishes increase gas formation.

Should not be abused useful product in case of joint diseases, gout, dyskinesia, biliary dysmotility.

Legumes of any variety are prohibited for inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis).

Modified: 06/26/2019


Flat small grains - this is how lentil grains look, which are undeservedly not popular with Russians. This useful culture belongs to legumes along with peas and beans, therefore it contains a lot of protein, is full, suitable for vegetarian and dietary nutrition. Any person should know what is the harm and benefit of this plant.

What is lentil

The most ancient culture of all legumes is food lentils, because it is even mentioned in the Bible. Today, there are several varieties of lentils in the world that differ in color, taste and texture. The benefits of this culture for humans are invaluable, because it is used in various fields - from cooking to traditional medicine. Harm from it is also possible, but insignificant, and with certain diseases.

Types of lentils

The following types of lentils are distinguished by color and other parameters:

  1. The green variety is not the most ripe beans that retain their shape when boiled. Used in the manufacture of salads, side dishes, treatment of hepatitis. The green look is beneficial for ulcers, pyelonephritis, cholecystitis, rheumatism and hypertension.
  2. Red look - has a more piquant taste, is used in the preparation of soups, mashed potatoes, boils quickly. Due to the content of protein and iron, it is beneficial for anemia.
  3. Brown appearance - has a bright nutty taste. Casseroles, soups are prepared from such grains (as in the photo). Its benefits are invaluable in the treatment of tuberculosis, other lung diseases, muscle and bone injuries.
  4. Black look - differs in small grains, similar to black caviar. Good for stomach health.
  5. The French look - or pui, cultivated in the city of the same name in France, is distinguished by a spicy taste and lack of overcooking. It looks beautiful in the photo, it has a similar benefit to the green look.

Which lentil is healthier

After getting acquainted with the species, the question arises which lentils are more useful red or green. It can be answered as follows: this is one type of cereal, which has only differences in color and taste. In red, the nutty taste is more pronounced, while in green it is weaker, and so it is the same lentil - the obvious benefits and harms of which are the same.

What is useful lentils

The nutritional benefits of lentils for the body are invaluable, because it stands out among all plant varieties. This is what lentils are for - the benefits and harms of which will be necessary for any person:

  • support for peace of mind, good mood - due to the content of tryptophan, which calms the nervous system;
  • cleaning vessels from harmful cholesterol, increasing hemoglobin levels, normalizing myocardial function, strengthening the heart muscle - due to the benefits in the form of magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron;
  • ecological purity - does not absorb nitrates, toxins and radionuclides;
  • immune support - sprouted grains are rich in vitamin C;
  • anticarcinogen - inhibits the growth of cancer cells due to isoflavones from the group of phytoestrogens, which do not lose their benefits during heat treatment;
  • normalization of blood sugar levels - benefits diabetics, is quickly absorbed by the body, replaces bread, cereals;
  • heals burns, heals wounds, relieves pain in case of urolithiasis - is actively used in folk medicine to help.

Lentils for weight loss

Lentils are actively used for weight loss, because they are considered a low-calorie dietary product. Its benefits per 100 g of the amount of product are as follows: 25% protein, 14% water, 54% light carbohydrates and 1% fat. By eating beans for food, a person receives the necessary protein, is quickly saturated and maintains a feeling of satiety for a long time. A diet with the use of lentil dishes reduces weight, normalizes the overall functioning of the body, which does not suffer from a lack of vitamins and minerals.

Lentils - benefits for women

Lentils - the important benefits and harms of which are familiar to many, have another important feature. It lies in the special influence of culture on the female body. Here are the benefits of lentils for women:

  • contains a lot of starch, natural sugars, omega-6 and 3, soluble fiber - improves digestion, prevents cancer;
  • a serving of lentils contains almost 100% of the daily value of folic acid, which benefits women during pregnancy for the formation of the fetus;
  • boiled grains help in effective weight loss without harm;
  • contains phytoestrogens that help without harm with menopause, failure of the hormonal system at any age;
  • saturates the body with vitamins and minerals.

How to cook lentils

Easy to cook lentils, if you know some of the nuances. They may be indicated on the packaging with the product, but it is worth voicing them separately. First, the cereal is boiled, and then it is stewed or baked. Before boiling, it must be washed, put in boiling water and boiled over low heat. Constant stirring will prevent the grains from sticking together, so that they will retain their attractive appearance, benefit, and look beautiful (as in the photo). The optimal proportions for cooking are 1.5 cups of water for 1 cup of cereal.

Are lentils soaked

Due to the need to fill the rest of the legumes with water, novice cooks may have a question whether it is necessary to soak the lentils before cooking. This is the advantage of cereals, which are ready for processing immediately. Pre-soaking, pouring cold water for the whole night it is not required to swell the grains - you just need to rinse the grains and pour them into the pan.

Lentil Dishes

Dishes with lentils differ in variety, which can be combined with vegetables, meat, spices and herbs. It is good to cook cereals in the form of cutlets with onions, carrots, garlic, mushrooms and spices. If you add cumin to the snack, then the harm from eating legumes is reduced. How to cook delicious dishes from lentils, prompt step by step recipes from detailed description and reviews.

Lentil porridge

Lentil porridge is considered an old Russian dish, which turns out amazingly tasty when mushrooms are added. You can combine cereals with pickled, salted, fresh or dried porcini mushrooms, but champignons are also suitable. Serve a hearty lentil treat with garlic, onions, sauerkraut and pickles. It will quickly saturate the body, bring benefits without harm.


  • white dried mushrooms - 100 g;
  • lentils - 1.5 cups;
  • onions - 3 pcs.;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • butter - 40 g;
  • cumin -5 g;
  • cheese - 20 g;
  • broth - 3 cups;
  • milk - 2 cups;
  • dried herbs - 10 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Mushrooms pour milk, after 2 hours squeeze, cut into strips.
  2. Cut 1 onion into cubes, the rest into rings.
  3. Melt the butter, fry the mushrooms with onion cubes until transparent, add the lentils. After 2 minutes, pour the broth, simmer until soft. Salt, season with pepper, herbs, crushed garlic.
  4. Cook until soft for about half an hour, sprinkle with grated cheese when serving.

Lentils with meat in a slow cooker

Lentils are cooked very tasty and quickly in a slow cooker, and the cereal will turn out to be of such a consistency that even a child or a child can eat it. old man. It is correct to take green grains for these purposes, which are less boiled than red ones - otherwise there is a risk of turning the dish from a crumbly consistency into a smeared porridge. The appetizer recipe goes well with fresh chopped herbs.


  • lentils - 2 cups;
  • water - 2 glasses;
  • pork - 450 g;
  • champignons - 250 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • yellow bell pepper - 1 pc.;
  • tomato sauce - 30 ml;
  • bitter red pepper - a pinch;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.;
  • cloves - 3 buds;
  • savory - a pinch.

Cooking method:

  1. Set the frying mode, fry the chopped onion, meat slices in oil. After 15 minutes, add the plates of mushrooms, simmer for 10 minutes.
  2. Insert carrot bars, pepper strips, pour tomato sauce. Season with spices. After 5 minutes, add cereal, pour water.
  3. Set the rice or spaghetti mode, cook until the signal is given.
  4. Serve with fresh vegetables, garlic-sour cream sauce, chopped herbs.

Green lentil soup with chicken

Every housewife will need information on how to cook lentil soup. This dish is perfect as a hearty lunch, saturates the body quickly and tasty. All family members will be satisfied with the soup recipe, which will give strength and vigor for a long time. You can use fresh chicken, smoked chicken legs, as well as other types of meat. It is optimal to serve soup with sour cream, the benefits of which are invaluable.


  • chicken - 700 g;
  • water - 2.5 l;
  • lentils - a glass;
  • potatoes - half a kilo;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onion -2 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - 40 ml;
  • tomato paste - 40 ml;
  • garlic - 2 cloves.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the broth on the chicken, cut the potatoes into cubes, send to the pan. After boiling send lentils.
  2. Coarsely grate the carrots, chop the onion, fry in oil until tender, mix with pasta.
  3. 10 minutes after laying the cereal, add the frying, boil, sprinkle with crushed garlic.
  4. Mix the soup with chicken meat, cut into pieces, grind with a blender to a puree state.
  5. Sprinkle with herbs when serving.

Harm of lentils

If the benefits of cereals are obvious, then it is worth finding out whether lentils are harmful or not. Unfortunately, not everyone can take it because of the tendency to increased gas formation. People suffering from dysbacteriosis or other intestinal diseases are not recommended to eat the culture often, but it is better to refuse it completely because of the harm. Contraindications for taking beans also exist in those suffering from gout, constipation, and pancreatitis. It is necessary to carefully introduce cereals into the diet of a woman on breastfeeding, because flatulence can harm the baby.

If a person suffers from gastritis or other diseases of the stomach and liver, then lentils - the benefits and harms of which coexist on an equal footing, are contraindicated. It is digested for a long time, so you should not give the body a load and harm. It can only be eaten boiled, better mashed. Another factor of harm is the content of phytates, which reduce the absorption of nutrients. With prolonged use of lentils, you can lose calcium and iron. To prevent this from happening, it is useful to consult a doctor. He will also recommend how to prepare the culture without harm.

Attention! The information provided in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Many have heard of the mysterious lentils, but not everyone has tried them. The point here is not the negative qualities of these legumes, but the ignorance of people. Even before the revolution, a guest from South Asia appeared in Russia, and the first mention of her was seen in biblical legends.

Now the popularity of lentils is gaining momentum with renewed vigor, which is not surprising given the amount of useful substances in the composition.

There are many varieties of lentils, but only brown and red ones are widely used in cooking. The first, when cooked, gives a delicate smell, reminiscent of a nut.

It goes well with meat and all kinds of salads. Red lentils do not have a shell, so they cook much faster. The spicy aroma will perfectly fit into dishes with mashed potatoes or cream soups.

Beneficial features

Lentils are high in plant protein, making them an ideal food for those who are gaining muscle mass (or maintaining their current levels).

In addition, the protein in lentils is rich in amino acids necessary for a person and is easily absorbed in the body. The composition of the seeds also includes soluble fiber, which has a positive effect on the digestive tract, and lentil porridge significantly improves metabolism throughout the body.

Most of all, lentils differ in the content of folic acid (vitamin B9) - about 90% per 100 grams of the product. daily allowance. This vitamin affects brain activity and the nervous system, so lentil dishes are useful for nervous disorders and irritability. In addition to B vitamins, grains are rich in vitamins A and even C.

Experts believe that the seeds have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the genitourinary system, as well as increasing the body's resistance to harmful bacteria. This is the merit of a huge number of useful trace elements in the composition of lentils: phosphorus, calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, etc.

Lentils contribute to the process of hematopoiesis and the normalization of sugar levels in it - this makes it useful for people with diabetes.

The truly miraculous effect of the product on tumors is due to the isoflavones contained in lentils. These substances can suppress the development of a malignant tumor. The healing abilities are preserved even after the grains are preserved or dried, so buying canned lentils will not disappoint you.

Nutritional value and calories

Lentils can be attributed to one of the most useful dietary products. In 100 grams of grains, there are 25 grams of protein, 47-54 grams of carbohydrates and 1-1.6 grams of fat. A sufficient amount of protein allows you to safely replace meat with lentils without harm to the body, vegetable protein is even better absorbed by the body.

A meager amount of fat will protect you from extra pounds, and carbohydrates in lentils will help satisfy your hunger for a long time, saving you from losing weight.

As for the calorie content, it depends on the variety of lentils and ranges from 280 to 315 Kcal. Ready-made grains are lighter - about 110 kcal per 100 grams.


Like many legumes, lentils have a number of contraindications:

  • Biliary dyskinesia;
  • Dysbacteriosis and other intestinal diseases;
  • Some skin diseases (frequent use may cause dry skin).

Before including lentils in your diet, it is best to consult your doctor.

Application for weight loss

For those who want to lose weight, there is a so-called "lentil diet". There are two options: classic and hard. In the first case, you are invited to replace lunch and dinner with some kind of lentil dish.

The rest of the meals are not affected in any way, but the rejection of starchy foods, sweets (except honey) and fatty foods is mandatory. The diet lasts from 1 to 3 months, stable weight loss without harm to health is guaranteed.

The hard version of the diet resembles the famous "buckwheat", when all meals are replaced with lentils. This approach is less safe for health, but very effective. The duration of the diet is one week, during which on average it takes up to 3 kilograms.

You can also arrange lentil fasting days once a month or only after the holidays with lush feasts.

Recipes with lentils

Plain boiled

Suitable for a strict diet and fasting days.

Rinse the grits and leave to soak for several hours (red lentils can be left unsoaked). Then boil in ordinary water in a ratio of 2 to 1. Cook over low heat for 20-30 minutes. Remove cover.

warm salad

Suitable for classic diet and daily diet.

You will need 2 cups boiled lentils (green ones are especially great), 1 carrot, red pepper, garlic to taste, your favorite herbs (basil, dill, oregano and / or parsley), a little olive oil.

Fry the onion until golden brown, add crushed or finely chopped garlic. Grated carrots, diced peppers and herbs add to the lentils and fry with onions.

Lentil cutlets

Suitable for vegetarians.

Boil the lentils until soft - it is best to take the red variety, it is more likely to be cooked. Fry onion with garlic clove and pepper. Add to lentil porridge, salt/pepper and mash into a puree. Blind cutlets, roll in flour and fry on both sides.

Lentil tortillas

The recipe is similar to the meatball recipe. Mash the boiled lentils into a puree and combine with the egg, flour and finely fried onions. Add salt and spices to taste. Grease a baking sheet with oil, lay out the cakes and bake at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes (depending on size). When serving, you can sprinkle with cheese or in company with vegetables.

Soup with meat and vegetables

Ingredients: 1 onion, carrots, 2 tomatoes, 100 grams of lentils, 2 potatoes, vegetable broth 0.5 l, cream 1 tbsp, chicken fillet 200 grams, vegetable oil, pepper and salt.

Boil the vegetables, add seasonings and use a blender to bring the vegetables to the state of mashed soup. Cut the chicken into pieces convenient for you, lightly fry and stew. Pour into soup and serve.

Summing up

Lentils are good both for losing weight and for a regular diet. It is worth remembering that lentils can be heavy for everyday use, but a couple of times a week is unlikely to hurt (and maybe heal).

Useful properties turn it into a vitamin bomb, and the variety of dishes acquired through centuries of history will undoubtedly delight hostesses of all ages and gastronomic beliefs.