First appearance of the UFO. The appearance of a UFO in the mountains

Exactly forty years ago on September 20, 1977 at four o'clock in the morning a UFO appeared over Petrozavodsk. This was the first time in the history of the USSR when an unidentified flying object was observed by residents of a large city. This episode marked the beginning of the development of ufology in our country. Let's talk about the most high-profile cases of the appearance of UFOs in the sky of Russia.

"Medusa" over Karelia

In the first minutes of the appearance of a UFO over the city, one might have thought that a new bright star had lit up in the sky. Gradually, it began to gradually increase in size, slowly approaching the observers shocked by the incredible spectacle. A few minutes later, a huge purple "jellyfish" hung over Petrozavodsk. Hundreds of light jets hit the city from her body. From the side, one might think that it was raining, consisting of rays of light that came from a huge purple cloud hanging over the city. Having descended to a height of 300-500 meters, the UFO, according to the recollections of eyewitnesses, took the form of a clearly defined octahedron. Along its perimeter, luminous yellow spots were clearly visible, reminiscent of aircraft windows. The length of the unknown body was about 100 meters. According to numerous witnesses of the incredible phenomenon, people were seized by a feeling of panic and anxiety, as is usually the case when observing UFOs. At the same time, in the city itself and its environs, there were recorded interruptions in the operation of electrical equipment, which is also hallmark the presence of an unidentified flying object in the sky. Meanwhile, the show continued. A bright fiery semicircle appeared around the UFO, and the object itself swam towards Lake Onega. A hole appeared in the center of the object, framed by a bright red rim. A white fireball separated from the UFO, which rapidly descended, went towards the forest and landed. A bright glow was visible, but no explosion or fire followed. According to eyewitnesses, the UFO could be observed for forty minutes, after which it slowly began to move away until it completely disappeared in the morning sky. This was the first time that the country's authorities were forced not only to acknowledge, but also to comment on the incredible incident. The director of the Petrozavodsk Hydrometeorological Observatory, Yu. Gromov, then stated that nothing like this had ever been observed in the sky of Karelia. In his opinion, the nature of this phenomenon is a mystery and has nothing to do with atmospheric phenomena, which were normal on September 20, 1977, and no technical tests were carried out that day either. Both local and central newspapers reported on the observation of a UFO at Petrozavodsk, but no one could explain this phenomenon.

Interest in ufology around the world arose after the alleged fall in 1947 in Roswell in the USA of two UFOs. This case became widely known, while the UFO crashes on the territory of the USSR remained shrouded in a veil of secrecy. However, they also took place. The most famous of them is described in one of her books by the doctor of technical sciences, test pilot Marina Popovich. In her opinion, at the disposal of the Soviet military there were at least five fragments that crashed over the territory of the USSR UFO. The loudest of them took place in 1986 in the city of Dalnogorsk, Primorsky Krai. On January 29, 1986, several dozen people were surprised to find a spherical object moving parallel to the Earth. After a few minutes of observation, the UFO abruptly changed its course and literally crashed at an angle of about 70 degrees onto Limestone Mountain, located within the city. Given the rather high speed of 15 m / s, the device exploded and caught fire. A strong flame was visible for an hour. When, a few days later, an expedition of the Far Eastern Branch of the Research Committee on Anomalous Air Phenomena at the Academy of Sciences, headed by Doctor of Sciences Valery Dvuzhilny, arrived in the city to study the incident, scientists discovered many fragments of an unknown artificial body. These were: fragments of an aircraft, lead and iron balls, pieces of unusual steel alloys and glass. Most surprisingly, the alloy from which the metal balls were created could only be cut with a diamond saw. To obtain this alloy on Earth, according to scientists, it was not possible. Studies of the crash site showed that the crash site was exposed to prohibitively high temperatures from 4,000 to 25,000 degrees Celsius. The most surprising thing is that two years later, on November 28, 1987, the appearance of 33 UFOs of a cylindrical, cigar-shaped and spherical shape at once was witnessed over Dalnogorsk. The doomsday was observed by more than 100 people, among whom were many policemen and military men, who then compiled official reports. Many ufologists considered that it was a rescue action. It continued in January 1989 when a large UFO landed 200 meters from the UFO crash in the winter of 1986. Apparently, the aliens were also conducting their own investigation into the disaster.

This year marks seventy years since an alien spacecraft crashed in Roswell, sparking UFO research around the world. The USSR was no exception. In our country, any military and civilian organizations in the event of UFO sightings were required to report this to the relevant authorities. Here are the most interesting cases of UFO sightings in the sky of the Soviet Union.

Gorbachev ordered to meet the aliens

Speaking about cases of contact between aliens and representatives of humanity, it is curious to recall the case told by Lieutenant General of the General Staff of the RF Ministry of Defense, retired A.Yu. Savin. According to Alexei Yuryevich, in the spring of 1991 he personally had the opportunity to participate in the official meeting of the alien ship. The most incredible thing is that the operation was carried out by order of M.S. Gorbachev. In 1991, a group of ufologists turned to the country's leadership with a statement about receiving information from contactees about the imminent arrival of an alien spacecraft. Ufologists assured that aliens certainly want to establish contact with the military and political leadership of the USSR. The landing of the alien ship was to take place near the city of Zarafshan in Uzbekistan. True, the aliens asked to turn off the country's air defense so that their ship would not be mistakenly shot down by air defense systems. A letter from ufologists came to M.S. Gorbachev, who sent him to the work of the Minister of Defense of the USSR D. Yazov. He, in turn, put a resolution "I. Tretyak (Commander-in-Chief of the Air Defense Forces), A. Savin - accept!". On the appointed day, the military, together with ufologists, flew by helicopter to the meeting place. However, the aliens did not appear at the appointed time. The frustrated pilot of the helicopter tried to tease the ufologist who accompanied the military. In response, the researcher suggested that the pilot put him into hypnosis so that he could personally communicate with aliens. During the experiment, the pilot began to suddenly give out information that he simply could not know. Those present had no choice but to believe in the reality of mental contact with aliens.

Vedlozero: where the UFO drowned

One of the places in Russia where UFOs are most often observed is Karelia. Local ethnographer Alexei Popov, who has been collecting cases of UFO flights for several decades, has repeatedly told reporters about where, according to his information, an alien ship crashed. This story happened on November 15, 1928 over the village of Shchuknavolok, located on the banks of the Vedlozero. One late evening, the inhabitants of the village heard a strange growing rumble and poured out into the street. A strange cylindrical object appeared before their eyes, which, having appeared from behind the forest, headed towards the lake. His flight was surprisingly slow and silent. However, at the moment when the metal cylinder was crossing the lake, it suddenly began to fall, broke through the ice and sank. The most interesting thing is that the upper part of the massive metal cylinder remained sticking out above the water. Subsequently, for several years, the surrounding boys fished from him, and a strange creature appeared in the vicinity of the village. It was a humanoid, meter tall, thin and big-headed. His torso and arms were disproportionately long, while his legs, on the contrary, were too short. The creature's clothing resembled a tight jumpsuit. Frightened boys, seeing him, threw stones at him and the creature soon disappeared. When this case became known to the NKVD, people in uniform arrived, lifted the metal cylinder out of the water, and then took it away in an unknown direction.

petrified soldiers

In the nineties, a number of publications appeared in the domestic press, which talked about the sale abroad of certain KGB archives describing incidents with UFOs in the sky of the USSR. Soon one of the cases described in this archive became public. This episode was first published by a Canadian edition, after which a reprint of the article appeared in Russia. The material of the Western press talked about how in Soviet times a UFO appeared over one of the military bases in Siberia. Following instructions, the military attacked him with a surface-to-air missile. Got it. The object tilted and began to fall. As it crashed into the ground, five short humanoid aliens with large black eyes emerged from the spacecraft. As soon as the five aliens left the UFO, they gathered in a kind of round dance, hugged their shoulders and merged into a single being. It began to rotate, turned into a sphere, buzzed and exploded. Those soldiers who watched the bright flash and explosion with their own eyes immediately turned to stone, turning into limestone statues. Only two servicemen survived, who guessed to hide behind an outbuilding. When scientists tried to study the "petrified" soldiers, they could only state that due to unknown radiation, the structure of their cells changed, turning the soldiers into stone idols.

UFO fight over Perm

As a rule, during the observation of a UFO, eyewitnesses see either the flight of an unidentified object in the sky, or its fall to the ground from a rocket hit. It is assumed that the aliens are generally friendly and not aggressive towards people. No matter how, it's not. In the late USSR, the case of air combat of several UFOs over the outskirts of Perm became widely known. The incident occurred on September 16, 1989 in the sky over the port of Zaostrovka on the banks of the Kama. Residents of the city watched in amazement as six silver UFOs in the form of flying discs rushed at wild speed after the seventh, which tried to hide from them. Each of the UFOs was disc-shaped up to 20 meters in diameter. From the side, the spectacle was reminiscent of an episode of a Star Wars movie. Periodically, “fiery lightnings” resembling laser beams flew out of the disks towards the enemy. Fortunately, the pursuers failed to knock out the seventh UFO, after which he safely left for the forest. His pursuers went there at great speed, and electricity was cut off throughout the port. Later, this case, according to eyewitnesses of the event, was repeatedly described in the local press.

Gerald Heard) "The riddle of the flying saucers", in which the author, taking into account the opinion of some scientists of his time that Mars may be the only habitable planet in the solar system on which insects can live, states that UFOs arrive from Mars, piloted in appearance and in a way of life similar to bees beings.

The extraterrestrial version was also expressed in the book by Jessup Morris (Eng. Jessup Morris) "The case for the UFO"(1955), where the author claimed that there is an alien base near the Earth, and UFOs come to Earth from somewhere in the solar system. Morris wrote that alien technology is superior to Earth technology in many ways.

Evidence for the hypothesis

In some cases, it was said that during contacts, the enlonauts declared themselves representatives of an extraterrestrial civilization: J. Adamski allegedly made contact with a resident of Venus, Eduard Meier (English Eduard Meier) from Switzerland claimed that in 1975 he saw a UFO descending to earth and communicated with humanoid creatures, supposedly calling themselves aliens from the Pleiades.

An example is the case first described in the journal "Flying Saucer Review" for October 1969, also mentioned by ufologist Jacques Vallet in the book "Great Mysteries of the Earth". On April 24, 1964, farmer Harry Wilcox was reportedly fertilizing his field near Tioga, New York. At about 10 o'clock in the morning, he broke off and went to another field surrounded by forest to check it out. At the edge, he noticed a silvery object, which he first took for a discarded refrigerator, and then for some part of the aircraft. In fact, it turned out that an egg-shaped object of a metallic color about 5 by 6 m was standing on the ground.

The next moment, he allegedly noticed near him humanoid figures about 1 meter and 20 centimeters high, dressed in some kind of overalls and with hoods that completely covered their faces. Each of them held a "tray" with earth on it. The creatures turned to Wilcox for English language, the words seemed to come not from the “head”, but from the whole body: “Don’t be scared, we have already communicated with people before. We come from a celestial body that you humans call the planet Mars.".

The creatures began to question Wilcox about the fertilizer he was pouring, and he tried to explain to them that they made the crops grow better. The creatures told him that food was also grown on Mars and that, allegedly due to changes in the "environment", these creatures were forced to master the agricultural methods of people. Harry Wilcox: “When they talked about space or about their ship, it was difficult for me to understand their explanations. They said they could only fly in from their planet once every two years and are currently exploring the Western Hemisphere.". The creatures were allegedly surprised that the farmer saw an ovoid object, "because their ship is harder to spot during the day", they also talked about interplanetary flights, Wilcox was informed that a person is unlikely to be able to successfully perform them due to the unsuitability of his body for this.

It was decided to give these creatures a bag of fertilizer, but while Wilcox went after him, the creatures and the egg-shaped object disappeared. The farmer left the sack in the field, and the next day found that the sack was gone.

Most intriguing are the testimony of Betty Hill about the alleged abduction by her inhabitants of the star Zeta Reticuli (Eng. Zeta Reticuli). Betty Hill, under hypnosis, drew a "star map" that was allegedly shown to her during the abduction, and later an amateur astronomer found and identified the stars depicted on it.

Arguments against this hypothesis

  1. No signs of intelligent life have been found on any planet known to science. The lunar forests reported by Adamski have not been found.
  2. Interstellar distances. Opponents of the versions about the involvement of extraterrestrial civilizations in UFOs pay attention to the gigantic distances between the stars, which, at a speed less than the speed of light (the theory of relativity), require many years to overcome. However, many enthusiasts of the extraterrestrial hypothesis and science fiction writers still develop methods for interstellar communications, but such reasoning does not affect unidentified flying objects themselves.
  3. Properties of UFOs that contradict our ideas about extraterrestrial intelligence. In some cases, it was told about UFOs that moved very quickly, abruptly changed the direction of flight, also about the disappearances and sudden appearances of UFOs in front of eyewitnesses - these objects do not always behave like solid bodies, like objects consisting of matter.
  4. The absurd behavior of enlonauts. One of the most ardent opponents of the extraterrestrial hypothesis was ufologist Jacques Vallee, who in his writings emphasized the discrepancy between the behavior of Enlonauts and the behavior attributed to aliens by modern culture. He tried to draw attention to the obviously illogical behavior of the enlonauts - the alleged carriers of a higher mind, only capable of interstellar flights. For example, stories about UFOs from the time of "airships" report obvious UFO "breakdowns" for eyewitnesses, about the actions of enlonauts, regarded by witnesses as "repairing" UFOs. If we postulate that UFOs make space flights, then it seems strange that they are imperfect and prone to frequent malfunctions.

Jacques Vallee, "Five arguments against the extraterrestrial origin of unidentified flying objects" :

The opinions of scientists have usually followed public opinion in their belief that unidentified flying objects do not exist (the version of the natural origin of UFOs), or if they exist, they must be proof that some super-advanced race of space travelers has visited us (the version of extraterrestrial origin of UFOs) . Here the author takes the liberty of expressing the opinion that research in the field of UFOs should not be limited to these two alternative points of view. On the contrary, bit by bit, evidence shows that some models tend to indicate that UFOs exist, that they represent a previously unrecognized phenomenon, and that these facts do not support the conventional concept of "space aliens." The following are five specific arguments that conflict with the extraterrestrial origin of UFOs:

  1. inexplicable close contacts in their numbers, they far exceed the number of them necessary for the physical examination of the Earth;
  2. the human-like structure of the body of the so-called “aliens” is hardly due to origin on another planet and is not biologically adapted to space flights;
  3. the behavior reported in the abduction reports numbering in the thousands contradicts the hypotheses of genetic or scientific experiments on humans by the advanced races;
  4. the prevalence of phenomena throughout recorded human history shows that UFOs are a phenomenon not peculiar only to our time and
  5. the apparent ability of UFOs to manipulate space and time leads to radically more diverse and deeper alternative ideas, and three of them are offered in general terms to the attention of the reader, as it were, at the conclusion of this document.

Version of the natural origin of the UFO

Hypotheses about the natural origin of UFOs(English) The Natural Explanation Hypothesis or Null hypothesis) are based on the belief that all unexplained cases, reports of UFOs, if not hoaxes, then arise from the observation of phenomena already known, described and studied by modern science: meteors, flying birds, burning swamp gas. Ufologists who hold this view are sometimes referred to as "skeptics". The most famous "skeptical" ufologists are Edward Condon, Philip Klass and Donald Menzel.

There is also an assumption by some scientists that many UFOs are fireballs.

A similar approach to the problem of UFOs still allows us to explain many cases. But sometimes "skeptics" deliberately ignore certain facts, details of eyewitness reports that contradict their conclusions (see ""Pseudo-identified" objects"). Further, not all cases of UFO sightings, in particular the so-called close contacts(Look classification contacts with UFO), even remotely reminiscent of atmospheric phenomena or meteors known to science.

Psychosocial hypotheses of the origin of UFOs

Opinions were expressed that the huge number of reports about UFOs and the increased interest in them can be explained by some kind of crisis experienced by the population of a particular state. For example, in the late 1940s in the United States and during perestroika in the USSR, there was a great interest in the problem of UFOs, at which time their observation was reported. This version can be interpreted in two ways: on the one hand, the flow of eyewitness reports about UFOs and the mass interest in them is interpreted as a manifestation of the neuroticization of society (an increase in the number of people with mental disorders, the development of doubts in traditional religious or materialistic pictures of the world, a massive craving for the miraculous or fear of the unknown); on the other hand, interest in UFOs can be fueled by special services seeking to divert public attention from crisis phenomena. Some link the rise of the UFO craze to the rise of the movement. "New Age".

Version of the anthropogenic origin of UFOs

Versions of the anthropogenic origin of UFOs

  1. Disc-shaped aircraft of the Third Reich. In 1995, V. A. Harbinson wrote a book "Project UFO", where he reported that in the spring of 1941, Rudolf Schriever designed a small jet remote-controlled disk, which was first tested in June 1942. Also, Schriver built a round plane about a foot in diameter in the Harz Mountains in 1944. According to Harbinson, one of these aircraft was secretly launched on February 14, 1945, Schriver claimed that his aircraft could reach speeds of up to 4,200 km / h, and could fly up to six thousand km, according to him, the plans were stolen by the Allies before the end of World War II. He was convinced until his death in the late 1950s. that the abundance of reports of "flying saucers" after the war indicates that his ideas were developed.
    Similar aircraft, 39- and -meter «disks Belontse», tried to build the Austrian inventor Viktor Schauberger. His apparatus allegedly lifted into the air "smokeless and flameless" engine which “consumed only water and air”. According to reports, when testing one of them, the disk reached a -kilometer height in minutes, reaching a speed of 2,200 km / h.
    As soon as after the Second World War in America they began to look for an explanation for the UFO phenomenon, hypotheses were put forward that they were launched from secret bases in the Amazonian selva or in Antarctica by surviving Nazis.
  2. Reconnaissance aircraft of the Soviet Union. From the very beginning of the study by the US Air Force, which took place in the late 1940s, UFOs were considered as a possible newest Soviet technology. The hypothesis was not confirmed.
  3. US aircraft.

    There have also been suggestions that unknown celestial objects observed in the United States are American aircraft, possibly created on the basis of Nazi experimental samples obtained or on the basis of captured alien technology. In the United States and Canada, indeed, attempts were made to build disc-shaped aircraft, but most often they were unsuccessful: the disc-shaped form does not contribute to the required aerodynamic effect. All attempts at the invention of flying discs known today at that time cannot be compared in terms of maneuverability with the UFOs described at the same time.

  4. Space junk. There are also suggestions that unknown objects observed in near-Earth space are space debris. Today, about 10,000 different objects fly in near-Earth space, the diameter of which exceeds 10 centimeters, and all of them are products of human life. In space, in addition to small parts from failed devices, there are also large objects: out of approximately 3100 near-Earth satellites, 2/3 are inactive and uncontrollable. Also in orbit burial there are dozens of spent nuclear reactors from space devices. All these objects can cause a glow in the night sky and false suspicions in the observer.
  5. Activities of secret societies. It has been suggested that reports of UFOs are caused and stimulated by secret orders, like Freemasonic lodges, hatching plans for world domination. Enthusiasts of these hypotheses are convinced that UFO sightings, abductions are the result of an impact on the human psyche, the use of new technologies, coupled with the secret knowledge of the ancients. Such ideas were considered in the book by Jacques Vallee "Heralds of Deception" .
  6. Atlanta. Also, among the exotic hypotheses of the origin of UFOs, there is an assumption that UFOs are launched by the Atlanteans from the ocean floor - the hypothesis dates back to the end of the 1940s.
  7. Evidence of hypotheses about the anthropogenic origin of UFOs

    1. In different periods of the New Time, UFOs looked according to the then level of technological development., although superior to it. For example, during the early days of airship building, stories about cigar-shaped airships; when aviation developed, it was told about ghost planes; when it became known about rocket science in Nazi Germany, in the Scandinavian countries they talked about ghost rockets.
    2. Creatures indistinguishable from humans spotted near UFOs, in rare cases, even, according to eyewitnesses, in "military" uniform. Another eyewitness of the airship spoke about "people" near the UFO in "military" uniform.
    3. Black helicopters unmarked were often seen in the United States in places where UFO sightings were often reported or cases of mutilation of livestock were noted. Sometimes they even sat down, and people in “military” uniforms came out of them.

    Arguments against hypotheses about the anthropogenic origin of UFOs

    1. UFOs have in some cases exhibited properties that cast doubt on their solidity.
    2. Some UFO maneuvers, such as turning at a right angle at high speed, are detrimental to any living being, including a person, if one is inside the object at that moment.
    3. UFOs were observed long before the scientific and technological revolution came - the most compelling argument.

    Ultraterrestrial hypotheses of the origin of UFOs

    Living UFOs

    More Kenneth Arnold (see "A Case in the Cascade Mountains") assumed that the "flying saucers" he observed in 1947 were unknown to science creatures living in the earth's atmosphere, "something like air jellyfish". Ideas about such creatures were expressed even in the work of Eric Frank Russell (Eng. Eric Frank Russell) "Sinister Barrier"() and in the story of A. K. Doyle "Horror of the Heights".

    Hypotheses of the emergence of UFOs in parallel worlds

    There are hypotheses according to which contacts with UFOs are linked with ideas about the existence of so-called parallel worlds. These hypotheses are trying to explain the observed ability of unidentified flying objects to disappear or appear, as well as the ability of creatures whose appearance is associated with UFOs (enlonauts) to pass through walls, walk along walls in a horizontal position. Book authors Life Beyond Planet Earth? Janet and Colin Bord (eng. Bord) believe that the enlonauts, calling themselves aliens and warning about possible man-made disasters on Earth, want to prevent disasters in their world and prevent humanity from learning about their existence.

    The founder of the hypothesis is Mid Lane, who in the book "The Ethereal Ship and Its Explanation" wrote that UFOs are from some ether- matter that fills the interplanetary space, that they consist of "jelly-like" matter that can change shape and size. According to him, UFOs are piloted ethereals- imperceptible beings from another world, living on a different than people, "vibration frequency"(an analogy is given: fan blades also become visible only when the "vibration frequency" is lowered).

    Hypotheses about travel UFO in time

    According to this hypothesis, UFOs are time machines, controlled by people of the future (according to the forecasts of some scientists, a person in the future will evolve into a squat creature with a huge head and small jaws - a creature noted when UFOs appear) or the past (hypothetical ancient civilizations, like the Atlanteans, able to travel in time). This hypothesis can explain the behavior of UFOs, which, if desired, can be interpreted as a fear of making contact with people, cases of sudden appearance and disappearance of objects in front of eyewitnesses.

    From the book of V. A. Chernobrov "Encyclopedia of Ufology":

    Supernatural hypotheses of the origin of UFOs

    These hypotheses have been in demand throughout the history of mankind, but in the 20th century they were much less popular than, for example, versions of the extraterrestrial origin of UFOs; true since the 1970s. there is some flowering.


    In 1828, the book Kokon Yomiko was published. "Studies in Magical Creatures, Ancient and Modern", which told about a Japanese boy, Torakiti, who claimed to have seen a tengu - a long-haired mountain spirit. The doctor Hirata Atsutane allegedly heard about this story in 1820 and found Torakiti, who told him that at the age of seven, in 1812, he met a long-haired "man" with a vessel. The man climbed into this vessel, which then rose into the air and flew away. The next day, Torakiti met again with this "man", who invited him to fly together in this vessel. When he agreed, they were transported in it to the top of the mountain, where, according to Torakiti, tengu often gather.

Skeptics tend to perceive the story of the unidentified as fiction, and realists as a topic for reflection.
The incident began with the mystical locality of Jrduz in Artsakh (Karabakh). This area, like a magnet, attracts everything that is unreal for a real measurement of time.
It was the summer of the distant ninetieth year. We were visiting my grandparents in the village of Ternavazd, Askeran region of Artsakh, where my parents are from. I liked spending my holidays there. The ancestral house was located in the upper part of the village, from where much could be seen at a glance, including the city of Shushi with its fortress and churches. At that time, we had already moved from Russia to our homeland and lived in Stepanakert.
There was a summer evening silence in the village. Cattle that returned from pastures were herded into a barn, and poultry into a chicken coop. At home, our whole large family was preparing for dinner together and at the same time listening to the TV on loudly. I helped the elders set the table, after which I went out onto the veranda to wash my hands from the washbasin hanging on the wall, where water is constantly added. Despite the evening, it was hot at home and I wanted to stand on the veranda for a while. Leaning my elbows on the railing of the balcony, I simply began to look into the distance, where the blue mountains merged with the blue sky ... For some reason, not a single bird flew in the sky, it was somehow unrealistically quiet. Not a single bark of a dog, not a single sound of domestic animals was heard in the whole village. In nature it was unusually quiet.
For several seconds I just stood and looked into the distance... Far away, somewhere above Dzhrdyuz, almost parallel to my gaze, a luminous red dot appeared in the sky from somewhere. This point, as it approached the direction of the village, increased in size. In the blue cloudless sky, I saw a disc-shaped object of gray color that I had never seen before, which seemed to be metallic.
I did not understand what it was and why it glided so silently across the sky. If it's an airplane, why is it flying very low to the ground and without the aircraft sound of an airplane? If it's a helicopter, why is there no fan noise? And in general, where did all the living earthly noise go? It was as if everything was frozen around, there was only me and this strange object in the sky, and also the voices of my relatives and the TV in the back of the house ...
The object floated smoothly, silently across the sky in my direction, as if there, inside it, one of their optical instruments was examining me point-blank. I really felt uneasy... I hid behind the wall, where slippers were stored on the shelves behind a colored chintz curtain, and cautiously glanced in the direction of the UFO. I began to call my mother so that she would come to look at this unidentified object, which we had heard so much about from television programs, but did not take seriously. It was useless to call, in the back room in the bustle no one heard me anyway. I stepped out from behind the wall and continued to secretly observe the object. Apparently, having lost sight of me, he smoothly turned towards the neighboring village of Khachmach and silently disappeared behind a large mountain ...
After seeing the object, I immediately went and told my mother what had happened. Of course, she did not believe me, and everything that I experienced during that minute, she considered the fruit of my romantic imagination. My mother is a convinced skeptic, until she sees it with her own eyes, she will never believe it.
A few years later, just like that, between conversations, I told this story to my friend Angelica. To my surprise and joy, she believed me and told me: “My father-in-law, the former chairman of the village of Khachmach, said that one summer evening from the stairs of his house he also watched some unidentified object. You were not the only one who saw a UFO, so I believe you. "
My only brother also believed. He said that while working as a commander of a sapper brigade in "Hello trass", often traveling to the regions to clear mines, he and the guys from their brigade often had to observe similar appearances of UFOs in the sky over the mountains of Artsakh.
An unidentified flying object (UFO) is an observed object resembling an aircraft, the identity of which is not determined by earthly observers.
The most complete definition of a UFO was given by the researcher of the unknown Joseph Allen Hynek: “The perception of an object or light visible in the sky or space, or above the earth's surface; phenomenon, ghost, trajectory, the general dynamics and nature of the glow of which does not find a logical, generally accepted explanation, is a mystery not only for eyewitnesses, but also remains unexplained even after a close study of all available evidence by specialists who are able, if possible, to identify the phenomenon from the point of view common sense."
Since some of the documented cases of sightings of flying objects could not be identified, the greatest skepticism is usually caused not by reports of the observation of something unidentified, but by statements about the alien origin of objects. From a scientific point of view, there is still no confirmed evidence that UFOs are in any way connected with alien life.

* Slightly similar photo taken from the Internet.

Our humanity inclined to believe that it is not alone in the universe. Facts about aliens are increasingly found in our daily lives.

But is the person ready? let go of self-confidence and chosenness, as a reasonable creation of God, even if aliens suddenly knock on the door, landing on his porch?

Do aliens exist?

Military admitted openly the facts of discovery flying saucer, but the locals were forbidden on pain of death to talk about what they witnessed.

The daughter of the sheriff and the son of Braziel, recalling this crash, said that their parents, in addition to the wreckage of a UFO, saw an almost intact flying saucer, as well as four aliens with huge heads - one of them was allegedly still alive.

The military later retracted their press release about the UFO find and told reporters weather balloon misinformation.

The 1970s saw a new wave of interest in the Roswell UFO crash. The eyewitnesses of those events, the military, spoke up.

So, Philip Korsa, a former US military man, published the book "The Day After Roswell", which described the contents of the boxes brought to the base in Kansas from the crash site. The boxes looked like small coffins. When one of them was opened, it was discovered alien corpse.

Aliens abduct people?

The second place among the evidence of UFO visits to our planet is occupied by alien abductions.

Quite a few people claim to have been abducted by aliens. Such statements were especially massively made in the 80s of the last century.

Some abduction victims reported being subjected to research during abductions; some of them claimed that experiments were performed on them, that they were raped, implanted.

Other victims are nothing after returning they do not remember, they simply do not have long periods in their memory.

By the way, there is a video posted on YouTube that shows instructions on how to behave when abducted by aliens. A guide to action is set out by the author of the book, Galina Zheleznyak, in the Anomalous Zone series.

Do aliens really abduct people?

alien implants

In some bodies of people who have been victims of alien abductions, from time to time find foreign elements implants that are made from materials unknown on Earth.

Implants are considered the third most important fact of the presence of aliens on earth. So, since 1994, from the bodies of abducted people by aliens have been removed:

  • very strong threads
  • thin needles with balls at the end and thread-fibers sticking out in different directions. Such implants are usually removed from the ears, nostrils and depressions under the eyes.
  • implants that arbitrarily change the physical state or change into a jelly-like state from a solid
  • implants create an electromagnetic field, being only in the human body. Field disappeared after extraction
  • implants with a shell of keratin and protein and with a metal core inside
  • other items in which they were found chemical elements, unknown on Earth.

Unfortunately, most often foreign bodies are found in people who have been abducted. in the area of ​​the brain and correspondingly, modern medicine our planet cannot explore them, much less remove them.

Ufologists believe that such implants correct human behavior and, perhaps, even control it.

Implants that aliens implant in humans

The appearance of a UFO

Evidence of unidentified flying objects is in 4th place in the top 10 evidence of aliens visiting the Earth.

The first facts of UFO evidence were recorded on 06/24/1947, when pilot Kenneth Arnold at about 3 o'clock in the afternoon discovered nine unknown flying objects, randomly moving at incredible speed in Washington State, in the Cascade Mountains.

Soon other eyewitnesses began to report about the UFO. Arnold later clarified that the UFOs were shaped like crescents, and their movement was like diving saucers in the water. Since then, the term "flying saucer" has become entrenched in the everyday life of earthlings.

UFOs have been repeatedly seen on Earth

alien corpse

The fifth piece of evidence in the top 10 alien visits to Earth is the film Autopsy.

In 1995 was presented to the public a black-and-white film of poor quality, in which showing an autopsy an alien found on a crashed craft in Roswell.

The film became an instant sensation as it showed classified information about the Roswell case and confirmed the hypothesis of the appearance of aliens on Earth, as well as the fact that the US government does not want to share information about aliens and UFOs with the public.

Later there was a statement that this film is a falsification.

Let's hope and believe that they come to us with good intentions and, in the end, they will teach us to overcome outer space to explore new planets.

The universe is huge, and we can be sure that we are not alone in it. There is little doubt that alien life is out there somewhere. It is even possible that the little gray men have already visited us. Just like David Duchovny in the 90s, many of us want to believe. However, blind faith can lead us down, let's say, not very scientific ways. And while you think those strange lights over your house that you saw last night are UFOs, in fact, everything can be much simpler.

1. Apollo 16, UFO, and part of the lunar module

The six-second video footage delivered by Apollo 16 seemed to be real proof that UFOs had visited the Moon. The recording was made with a portable camcorder, filmed directly from the hands, so the camera was constantly shaking. The recording shows a frightening flying saucer hovering over the lunar module, almost like in Hollywood films. Today, various communities involved in the study of the UFO phenomenon unanimously say that this record can be considered proof of the existence of aliens, but NASA debunked this myth many years ago.

When the experts analyzed the astronauts' footage, they realized that what appeared to be a UFO in the footage was an ordinary piece of metal sticking out of the lunar module. When the recording was viewed at normal speed, this part of the module was hidden in shadow. However, on still frames, it was visible very well. What at first looked like a UFO turned out to be just the external searchlight of the lunar module. And the only aliens on the moon at that moment were people.

2. UFOs, the Taliban, and computer graphics

In early 2014, a video appeared on YouTube filmed in one of the regions of Afghanistan by US Marines. The video showed a triangular-shaped object floating through the air and shelling the Taliban camp with a strange weapon that caused massive destruction. These shots made a lot of people around the world nervous. The Daily Mail even conducted a serious scientific analysis of this video, arguing that the triangular object may indeed be of extraterrestrial origin. And The Huffington Post could not decide for a long time whether it was a UFO, or just some kind of the latest military drone.

You have probably already guessed the correct answer to this question. It was not a UFO, and not a military drone. It was computer graphics created by some YouTuber. At some point, he discovered a very real video on the network, which recorded the destruction of a very real ammunition factory in the Middle East. I found it, decided that there were not enough aliens in this video, and quickly corrected this misunderstanding.

3. Lovecraft's theory of ancient astronauts

You have probably heard the theory that aliens visiting Earth in the distant past could well be mistaken for gods by people. This theory has been very popular. In 1968, Erich von Däniken published his book entitled "The Chariots of the Gods", using the above theory in it. He captured and excited the imagination of readers because he was an excellent storyteller.

And what do you think? According to a 2004 report published in Skeptic magazine, all of the major elements of Daniken's book were invented by Howard Lovecraft.

Back in 1921, Lovecraft wrote his most famous story, The Call of Cthulhu. It describes a nightmarish monster that is waiting for its arrival on Earth, and which everyone worships as a new god. This story was popular not only with readers, but also with writers who often inserted images invented by Lovecraft into their books. Basically, writers feature a creature very similar to Cthulhu as alien gods. The brainchild of Lovecraft was very popular in France, where it was used as the main character in the book The Morning of the Magicians. Daniken used this book as a "source of inspiration", and based on it he created his bestseller.

4 Kentucky Goblins

The Kentucky incident is perhaps the saddest example of paranormal misconceptions. One night in 1955, a farmhouse in the middle of nowhere in Kentucky was besieged by evil goblins. The creatures were about one meter tall, had gigantic heads, pointed ears, and scary, burning eyes. The goblins surrounded the house, and the farmers who lived there, in horror, began to shoot at them with everything that came to hand. In the end, the owners of the farm decided to get out of there, firmly believing that they had witnessed a real alien invasion.

In 2006, an article was published in the Skeptical Inquirer, the authors of which tried to clarify the situation. The article noted that the farmers were most likely drunk at the time of the event, and that at least one of them was familiar with local stories about goblins that allegedly live in these places. Goblins in such stories are usually described as having pointed ears, large heads, and eyes that can glow in the dark. This is what a creature known to science as a giant horned owl can look like in the dark.

5. UFO and a broken windmill

In 2009, the British tabloid The Sun published an incredible story that captured the attention of the whole world. After a night of strange lights visible in the sky, Lincolnshire residents woke up to find a 300-foot wind turbine smashed to smithereens. Moreover, he looked as if some flying object crashed into him at great speed. For several days, the topic of UFOs did not leave the front pages of Lincolnshire newspapers, but then a simpler explanation was found for what happened to the windmill.

The Guardian published an article saying that the lights in the sky were just fireworks. And the company that produces wind turbines, conducted its own analysis, and found out that the windmill collapsed due to a single bolt, which, due to the high speed of the windmill, simply unscrewed and flew out. It's just that a headline like "A bolt flew out of a windmill" is nowhere near as attractive to tabloid newspapers as a headline like "UFO knocks down windmills."

6. "Mystery lights" that had nothing mysterious

Since the very first space flights, NASA has had a firm rule: give astronauts video cameras. Several thousand hours of amazing footage have been accumulated over the decades, and some fragments of these footage appear to have captured UFOs. There is a video known as "NASA Mystery Lights" that shows strange flashes appearing around a wide variety of NASA vehicles in low Earth orbit. And as if trying to add surrealism to this situation, the astronauts always talked about these lights as if there was nothing strange about them. For many, this behavior was additional evidence that the US government has long been in direct contact with the aliens, so that the aliens have ceased to be something unusual for astronauts. At least one such theory exists. There is a known case when ufologists got very excited and mistook reflections from one military satellite for UFO lights, which captured and reflected sunlight at a very strange angle. The other lights were just ice crystals that had accumulated in orbit. And sometimes they were just distant stars.

7. Gray aliens from an old TV show

Thanks to television series such as The X-Files, the most famous type of alien has become the "gray men". The first mention of these creatures appears in 1964. They were mentioned by someone called Barney Hill, who was supposed to have been kidnapped by them. While under hypnosis, Hill spoke of meeting a group of "gray men" during his travels in 1961, long before gray aliens became part of pop culture. Since then, ufologists believe that Hill's abduction is the first authentic evidence of a human encounter with aliens.

Although he was abducted in 1961, Hill could not describe his captors well until he was hypnotized on February 22, 1964. Thirty years later, a writer from the Skeptical Inquirer noted that Hill started talking about the gray men 12 days after an episode of The Outer Limits called "Bellero's Shield" aired on television. The details of this episode largely coincided with what Hill recounted. More interestingly, Hill, under hypnosis, said that the aliens communicated with him using their eyes, which is almost exactly the same as one of the dialogues in Bellero's Shield. It seems that instead of encountering aliens, Hill's subconscious was confidently reenacting elements of the television series he had watched in the weeks before he was hypnotized.

8. "Battle of Nuremberg"

In 1561, the people of Nuremberg woke up and witnessed a very unusual sight. Strange balls and blood-colored rods appeared in the sky above the city, which seemed to be fighting, shooting at each other. This strange event was recorded by Hans Glaser in one infamous engraving. Undoubtedly, it could be proof of an alien visitation, right?

No not like this. Wood engraving is not a photograph. Instead of impartially conveying events as they were, engravings tend to be overflowing with many elements with religious overtones, or references to the supernatural.

In another of his engravings, dedicated to the above event, Glazer depicted medieval knights meeting in the sky. And this event was also depicted on engravings in the form of many luminous crosses, in the form of angry gods, or in the form of celestial bodies with grinning faces. If we forget about the engravings and focus on their description, then this whole “battle” will resemble one strange light effect that occurs due to ice crystals reflecting sunlight in the upper atmosphere. Glaser simply added a little more action to this natural phenomenon, apparently hoping to sell a few more of his engravings in this way.

9. World War II, "fu-fighters" and fireballs

During the dark days of World War II, pilots flying over Europe to the bombing sites reported seeing many strange glowing balls in the sky. They dubbed them "foo fighters" and were initially thought to be some new type of weapon developed by the Nazis. Even today, this story is considered one of the largest cases of mass UFO sightings.

On the other hand, the explanation for this phenomenon may turn out to be quite mundane. Lightning, as you know, can take various forms, including the form of a small luminous ball. There are records showing that such balloons can move in the sky at speeds up to 400 km/h, and that they can perform the most unexpected maneuvers at great heights. This almost perfectly matches what the pilots described during the Second World War.

10. "Washington invasion" and drops of moisture

In 1952, Washington DC became the only American city in history to be invaded by an alien fleet. On July 19, city air traffic controllers noticed a whole cluster of strange flashes on their radar screens. They contacted aircraft close to the phenomenon and asked the pilots if they saw anything unusual. One of the pilots replied that he saw six bright lights crossing the sky. However, this was only the beginning.

When the strange outbreaks returned a week later, interceptors were raised into the sky. Their pilots have reported glowing lights that are quickly flying away from them. This meeting was in all the newspapers. After all, what could be reflected on the screens of real radars, and easily get away from real interceptors, except for real UFOs?

What about temperature inversions? A layer of cold air surrounded on all sides by layers of warm air can do very strange things. Including it can be reflected on the radar screens. Also, all kinds of optical illusions can occur due to temperature inversions, especially if the cold air trapped in the “heat trap” contains moisture droplets that can reflect the light of ground lights right in front of unsuspecting pilots. And by the way, the weather conditions in Washington in those summer days were just perfect for the occurrence of temperature inversions.

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