Treatment of uterine fibroids is a benign tumor. Myoma is a benign tumor with bad intentions

Myoma or uterine myoma is benign tumor, which is formed only in women of childbearing age from thirty to forty-five years.

The muscles of the uterus begin to randomly increase; and a knot appears, densely braided with vessels, which also change.

A distinctive feature of such a neoplasm is that its growth directly depends on the concentration of sex hormones in the female body.

Currently, uterine fibroids are among the most common gynecological diseases, which affect approximately twenty-five percent of women of childbearing age, with three percent of neoplasms diagnosed during preventive examinations.

However, this tumor also occurs in older women; after childbirth or gynecological operations; in nulliparous girls; during pregnancy and even menopause.

Most often, negative factors that can lead to the development of the disease include:

  • Hormonal disorders - increased levels of estrogen or progesterone;
  • Irregular sexual life, especially in women over the age of 25 - sexual dissatisfaction leads to changes in blood flow in the small pelvis, as well as to stagnation;
  • Inflammation of the genital organs;
  • Damage caused by mechanical factors - artificial abortions, traumatic childbirth, the consequences of diagnostic curettage and gynecological operations;
  • Hereditary predisposition - the risk of developing fibroids is increased in those women whose mothers and grandmothers also suffered from such neoplasms;
  • Sedentary lifestyle;
  • late birth;
  • Arterial hypertension;
  • Endocrine diseases.

Uterine fibroids can proceed in different ways: there are several options: depending on the location, location, size and nature of growth, as well as morphological and histochemical features.

Neoplasm symptoms

Usually on initial stages the disease is asymptomatic. However, further signs appear and are expressed, first of all, by menorrhagia - an increase in menstrual flow. Such heavy bleeding is dangerous because it can lead to anemia. In general, serious bleeding indicates that the muscles of the uterus began to contract worse, which means that you need to urgently consult a doctor.

Another symptom may be metrorrhagia, which is characterized by acyclic uterine bleeding. In this case, of course, not the neoplasm itself bleeds, but the mucous membrane of the uterus irritated by the tumor.

In this case, there may be a different nature of pain syndrome. Usually, discomfort appears in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region. And if the blood circulation is also disturbed in the myoma node, then the attacks of pain can be sudden.

Drawing pains during menstruation, as a rule, indicate the large size of the fibroids and its slow increase. If the pain is spasmodic, then this is a sign that the fibroid is growing in the uterine mucosa.

On the early stages disease, pain syndrome rarely manifests itself, and therefore most often pain indicates that a significant time has passed since the onset of the disease.

In addition, with fibroids, a violation of the function of organs located nearby, for example, the bladder and rectum, can also develop. So, if the tumor grows in their direction, then in this area there is a feeling of constriction.

Even worse: it leads to urinary disorders and constipation.

If such problems arise, then a woman should immediately think about contacting not only a urologist and gastroenterologist, but also a gynecologist to confirm or exclude the diagnosis of uterine fibroids.

Due to heavy bleeding, anemia is also possible - a condition caused by a lack of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood. Usually it is accompanied by headaches, dizziness, pallor of the skin and weakness.

IMPORTANT: If the tumor increases in size, then this negatively affects the tone of the myocardium, which means that pain in the region of the heart can also be a symptom.

If there are such signs, it is necessary to urgently contact a cardiologist, since in severe cases venous pressure increases.

The submucosal location of the tumor can also lead to infertility: the patency of the fallopian tube is impaired, and spermatozoa cannot pass further.

Troubles also arise during childbirth - for example, every third woman with multiple neoplasms in the uterus has complications. Note that the symptoms of the disease, depending on the size of the myoma node, its localization, may vary.

Recent studies have shown that the onset of menopause often leads to a decrease in uterine fibroids, and hence to the elimination of its symptoms.

Pregnancy and uterine fibroids

It is believed that in most cases this neoplasm does not complicate the course of pregnancy, but this is true only for the early stages.

Problems arise when the fibroid is located close to the placenta. The fact is that this tumor also releases substances that reduce the number of muscle fibers, and this can lead to termination of pregnancy.

If neoplasms actively develop in the second and third trimesters, then there is a high risk of premature birth, because due to the nodes in the uterus there is less and less space. And this negatively affects the growth and development of the fetus.

Moreover, if the tumor is large, then the fetus may develop torticollis or deformity of the skull bones; and since myoma also affects the placental circulation, the fetus suffers from a lack of oxygen and nutrients.

But even if the neoplasm did not interfere with the development of the fetus all the time during the course of pregnancy, it can still negatively affect childbirth - due to the incorrect presentation of the fetus. In this case, doctors recommend doing C-section, in which you can immediately remove the fibroids.

If the tumor small size, and it is located subserously or in the thickness of the uterus, there is no rapid growth, then doctors recommend conservative treatment. At the same time, androgen derivatives, agonists, gestanes are prescribed.

Surgical treatment is indicated only for a large tumor that has been developing for more than twelve weeks, severe pain, heavy bleeding, miscarriage or infertility.

Surgical intervention can be of the following types:

  • Laparoscopic myomectomy - a small incision is made in the abdominal wall;
  • Embolization of the uterine arteries - the vessels that feed the myoma are blocked with the help of an embolus;
  • Hysteroscopic myomectomy is possible if the tumor is located under the mucosa, in which case the internal nodes are removed;
  • The use of focused ultrasound waves or FUS ablation, which leads to a decrease in the size of the nodes;
  • Complete removal of the uterus - hystrectomy. It is prescribed if the tumor is large, located in the ovaries, or the woman does not want to have more children in the future.

The specific method of treatment is chosen taking into account the size and location of the fibroids, the rate of their growth, the age of the woman and her desire to have children in the future.

More than 25% of women worldwide suffer from a disease such as uterine fibroids. Most often, a similar ailment is observed in women aged 30-45 years, but there are cases of an earlier appearance of a tumor.

The main danger of the disease is that it proceeds for a long time without pronounced symptoms.

Despite the fact that this is a benign neoplasm, many patients are concerned about the question: can uterine fibroids become malignant and develop into cancer?

What is this disease

Myoma is a benign neoplasm consisting of muscle and fibrous fibers that make up the tissue of the walls of the uterus. With a small size, it usually does not cause discomfort and health hazards, so it is not at all easy to determine the pathology at an early stage.

The neoplasm itself may not pose a danger, but there are cases when, with rapid growth, complications are possible that require an operation.

There are also cases of the formation of not only isolated, but also multiple tumors, the occurrence of which necessarily requires early treatment.

Types of neoplasms:

  • cervical (formed on the cervix);
  • subserous (located on the outer part of the organ);
  • submucous (grow deep inside the cavity);
  • intramural (appear in the muscle layer and grow into the depth of fibrous fibers).

Interstitial (intramural) tumors are the most common, while submucosal tumors are much rarer. Some of them can grow on a "leg" from connective tissue.

They are characterized by unpredictable development - they can grow rapidly or disappear on their own. But hope for miraculous healing is not worth it. It is better to consult a doctor for treatment.

What size do neoplasms reach?

The sizes of neoplasms vary from 2-4 cm to 30-40 cm, but generally do not exceed 15 cm.

How fast can fibroids grow, read.

The proliferation of connective tissues leads to an increase in the entire organ, so it is customary to calculate the size of the uterus, as during pregnancy.

There are three groups of sizes:

  • normal small fibroids, corresponding to 6-8 weeks of pregnancy, reaches within a radius of no more than 2 cm. The disease is asymptomatic and does not cause any discomfort. Pathology can only be detected by chance with the help of ultrasound, and treatment does not require surgery and consists in prescribing a course of hormones;
  • the average size is about 9-12 weeks (7cm). Pathology differs not only in severe pain, but also in the presence of bleeding. It is very easy to diagnose education, but serious treatment is required;
  • large growth - 14-16 weeks. The condition is not treatable, a benign formation is removed by surgery and poses a danger not only to health, but also to the life of a woman.


Both small and medium uterine fibroids, even with properly prescribed treatment, cause serious and often irreversible complications.

If the formation grows on a stalk and has very small parameters, an operation to remove it may still be necessary. This happens in the case of twisting of the connective tissue, causing necrosis of the neoplasm.

What sizes are considered dangerous

Growth up to 60 mm endangers the life of a woman and requires emergency removal.

Sometimes diagnosed multiple nodes smaller diameter, which are also direct indications for surgery.

Education in 4 cm can often cause infertility and abortion. During the period of bearing a child, the hormonal status changes, which leads to a rapid increase in fibroids.

Large growths put pressure on bladder causing urinary incontinence and severe pain. This serves as a signal for the need for surgery.

There are times when the pathology develops too rapidly. This is fraught with the fact that a malignant tumor or even oncology may occur. In this condition, a complete removal of the uterus may be required.

Can a tumor become malignant?

A benign neoplasm very rarely develops into a malignant sarcoma, but this is not excluded. This phenomenon occurs with a low immune status of a woman and an unhealthy lifestyle.

Possible causes of oncology:

  • the use of tobacco and alcohol, leading to intoxication of the body;
  • obesity (impaired lipid metabolism);
  • malnutrition (a large amount of harmful carbohydrates and fat);
  • lack of vitamin E;
  • excessive physical exercise, overvoltage;
  • warming up the abdomen;
  • depression, stress;
  • abdominal trauma.

The reason for concern will be the sudden appearance of brown discharge, pain, heavy bleeding, a sharp increase in the tumor.

Oncology symptoms

There are several types of fibroids depending on the degree of growth.

The safest is considered simple, not prone to growth. There is another type of pathology in which the progression of pathology occurs without active cell division.

The proliferating type of the disease is recognized as the most dangerous in terms of oncology. It is characterized by continuous cell growth (mitosis), often with the pathological changes inherent in sarcoma.

The first symptom of degeneration into sarcoma is anemia.

It has the following features:

  • weakness;
  • headaches;
  • severe pallor;
  • lack of concentration;
  • dizziness;
  • dyspnea;
  • loss of consciousness.

A routine blood test will help determine the presence of dangerous anemia in a woman.

In addition, a sign of oncology is tumor tissue necrosis, in which a woman experiences severe pain, accompanied by swelling, nausea, and fever. This condition without complications is removed only during surgery.

A rapid increase in education leads to a strong compression of neighboring organs and areas (intestines, bladder). A signal of this is the presence of frequent and painful urination, severe and frequent constipation, the appearance of hemorrhoids.

In the early stages of development, sarcoma does not manifest itself in any way. The first symptoms appear only at 3-4 stages of cancer.

In addition to the above symptoms, other symptoms also include:

  • leucorrhea and purulent discharge from the vagina;
  • changes in the biochemical composition of the blood;
  • dangerous breakdown;
  • anorexia;
  • failure in the menstrual cycle;
  • constant pulling pain in the lower abdomen;
  • yellowing of the skin.

Determine early oncological disease possible only with histological examination, by biopsy and ultrasound.

The most dangerous thing is if the fibroid begins to grow after the onset of menopause.

Treatment Methods

When a dangerous oncological diagnosis is confirmed, do not panic. In most cases, the prognosis is favorable, but it will not be possible to do without surgery.

Sometimes it is enough to remove the myosarcoma tissue with part of the uterus or the entire organ (hysterectomy), and sometimes the ovaries, appendages and uterus are removed (extirpation). After that, treatment is prescribed - a course of radiation or chemotherapy, drugs.

This is done in order to help avoid the risk of relapse, to prevent the growth of metastases to neighboring organs. A timely operation guarantees a complete cure for the pathology.


To reduce the risk of fibroids, it is important regularly (every six months) visit a gynecologist, take blood tests, do a colposcopy.

The earlier the formation is detected, the greater the chance of recovery without complications.

Timely treatment of the disease will allow in the future to easily endure and give birth to a healthy child.

Myoma is not cancer. Tissue rarely develops into oncology. The causes of cancer are not fully understood, but you should not neglect your health.

A proper lifestyle, a healthy diet, giving up addictions, taking care of the body - all this almost completely eliminates the possibility of the growth of benign and malignant neoplasms.

Useful video

The video tells whether fibroids can turn into cancer:

In contact with

Every time a gynecologist informs a patient of her diagnosis: a benign tumor of the uterus, he is forced to observe the same picture: panic, tears, confusion and a frozen question in his eyes: “How long to live, because this is oncology!” I hasten to calm down; “No, not oncology, but a very common benign tumor of the uterus.

Mysterious uterine nodes

Literally, the word "myoma" is translated as "a tumor from the muscle." It is a benign tumor of the body of the uterus and refers to hormone-dependent formations.

Another symptom of the disease is paroxysmal, including during menstruation. They arise due to the fact that the ligaments of the enlarged uterus are stretched. Pain can also be associated with torsion of the node, which is distinguished by its peculiarity - “on the leg”, tumor growth, and inflammatory processes that have joined.

Increasing in size, the uterus puts pressure on neighboring organs - the bladder, rectum, in connection with which new problems may arise:, partial, violation of its outflow with the subsequent development of kidney diseases,. With pressure on the lower spine, severe pain is not excluded, as in an acute attack of sciatica.

But, perhaps, the most unpleasant manifestations of fibroids are complications during pregnancy, including not bearing a child.

Are there any age-related features of the course of a benign tumor of the uterus? Yes, I have. The disease is not observed in girls before the onset of menstruation. As for young women under the age of 30, the number of cases increases exponentially from year to year.

However, the most common age of detection of uterine fibroids is 33-35 years. In half of these patients, there is a rapid growth of nodes, as a rule, against the background of overweight, diseases of the liver, intestines, prolonged inflammatory processes of the female organs, heavy and painful menstruation ...

For the development of fibroids (tumors) of the uterus, age and premenopause are dangerous, that is, approximately 5 years before menopause. At this time, there is a gradual cessation of the hormonal function of the ovaries and a new wave of hormonal metabolism disorders occurs, which sometimes leads to severe uterine bleeding, growth of nodes, chronic anemia, and severe menopausal syndrome.

And only with the onset of persistent menopause, when the ovaries finally calm down, the size of the fibroids decreases. If the fibroid does not become smaller in the first two years of the complete absence of menstruation, it requires special monitoring in order not to miss the degeneration into an oncological process.

How is a uterine tumor diagnosed? With an uncomplicated course and a typical location of the nodes, the diagnosis is not difficult. The gynecologist will ask what worries you, whether there were childbirth, abortions, operations, inflammations, infections of the genital organs, how menstruation proceeds ...

Then the doctor examines the mammary glands, cervix, uterus, ovaries, takes a smear for infections, an oncocytological smear. Prescribe a pelvic ultrasound.

In a complicated course - an atypical location of the nodes, a combination of uterine fibroids with other diseases of the genital organs, an in-depth examination is recommended to establish a diagnosis. Firstly, it is a 3D-4D ultrasound, which allows you to get additional information about the presence and location of the tumor.

Secondly, echohysterography, when, during anesthesia, a sterile solution is introduced into the uterine cavity to stretch it and the cavity is examined using an ultrasound sensor. Thirdly, CT scan and spiral computed tomography (with the introduction of a contrast agent), which allows you to accurately determine the condition of the uterus, blood vessels and pelvic bones.

Fourth, magnetic resonance tomography, in which the nodes and their location are determined with high accuracy. Fifthly, diagnostic laparoscopy is the introduction of a complex optical system into the pelvic cavity under anesthesia, which allows you to directly assess the condition, number and location of the nodes directly with the “eye”.

Treatment of uterine fibroids is very individual and depends on which tumor is located where, whether it worsens the quality of life. If the uterine tumor proceeds according to an uncomplicated scenario (and this happens in half of the patients), only regular monitoring is required: twice a year, an examination by a gynecologist and once a year - an ultrasound of the small pelvis.

In addition, some restrictions must be observed. Under the ban are thermal and physiotherapy, therapeutic mud on the lower abdomen and lower back, massage of the lumbosacral spine, excessive exposure to the sun. All this can provoke the growth of nodes.

Another thing is if the patient complains of severe uterine bleeding, anemia, pain in the lower abdomen, lower back. Here, serious treatment, whether medical or surgical, is indispensable.

The sole purpose of drug treatment is to relieve the symptoms associated with uterine fibroids, as well as reduce the size of the nodes. Most commonly used hormonal preparationslyucrin depot, zoladex, diferelin, buserelin-depot that suppress the production of hormones in the brain, as a result of which the body enters a state of menopause (menopause).

At the same time, bleeding stops and the size of the nodes decreases. Due to the many complex side effects, such treatment can be continued under the strict supervision of a doctor for no more than 6 months.

For tumors of benign etiology of small size, combined contraceptive hormonal preparations are effective - janine, silhouette, bonade. They relieve pain, reduce blood loss, stop the growth of nodes. Assigned individually.

From new means I will recommend the drug esmya. Ulipristap acetate, which is part of it, has a direct effect on myomatous nodes, endometrium, and also the brain. With daily intake of the drug at a dosage of 5 mg during the menstrual cycle in women, the next menstrual bleeding ends, and the next does not occur.

When the drug is finished menstrual cycle recovered within 4 weeks. During this time, anemia disappears, the size of the nodes is significantly reduced, and, consequently, the size of the uterus itself.

Can be used to relieve pain indomethacin, ibuprofen, meloxicam, celecoxib- 1 tablet 1-2 times a day (contraindicated in case of bronchial asthma, ulcerative lesions of the stomach and intestines). Tranexam and dicynone in tablets or ampoules for intramuscular injection will help reduce bleeding.

A new direction in the treatment of uterine tumors without surgery is FUS ablation of fibroids. The principle is to pulse heating the node with an ultrasonic beam. An increase in temperature in the node leads to the gradual disintegration of the cells of the nodes.

And, of course, the main method of treating uterine fibroids is still surgical. The most radical operation hysterectomy, in which the uterus is removed completely along with the tumor. Of course, both pain and bleeding immediately disappear. But at the same time, a woman completely loses her ability to bear children, which not all patients agree to.

More gentle operation myomectomy. Here only the node is removed, and the body of the uterus remains. Its disadvantages: it is not possible with all types of fibroids, moreover, it does not give a complete guarantee that after some time a new node will not appear in the body of the uterus.

With a benign tumor of the uterus, it can partially help and ethnoscience. But only when combined with traditional means of treatment.

Mother Nature has a whole list of medicinal plants that will help pacify pain, relieve inflammation, reduce bleeding, slow down tumor growth, increase immunity ... Among them are yarrow, motherwort, celandine, plantain and the so-called female herbs - nettle, calendula, wild strawberry , milk thistle, chamomile ... Here are some recipes.

Take 1 tbsp. teaspoon dry crushed leaves stinging nettle, pour 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour. Take as a hemostatic agent a quarter cup 3 times a day. The course is 2-3 weeks.

For a long time, it has been used in the fight against tumors - a folk healer that does not hide from human eyes, but grows in plain sight - in gardens, front gardens, near the house ... The plant is poisonous, so it requires caution, but the recipe for making tincture from it is simple.

Take a half-liter glass jar, fill it halfway with fresh celandine grass (preferably with yellow flowers), fill it with vodka to the top. Insist in a dark place for 10-12 days, then strain the tincture. After draining the dark brown liquid into a dark glass bottle, take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day thirty minutes before meals.

The course is 2 weeks, then take a 10-day break and repeat the course of treatment.


As for physical activity, it is especially justified in the light of the fact that the dependence of the appearance of a uterine tumor on the background of obesity has been proven. Therefore, sports are not prohibited! Another thing is which physical exercises can be used and which cannot.

To avoid complications, an exercise therapy doctor should be engaged in an individual selection of a set of exercises, taking into account the conclusion of a gynecologist. But here's what I can say for sure - swimming, Nordic walking are safe. But strength exercises - push-ups, squats, pull-ups on the crossbar, swinging the press, lifting weights - are contraindicated.

Myoma or leiomyoma, uterine fibromyoma is the most common benign tumor in women of late reproductive or premenopausal age, arising from the cells of the myometrium - the muscular layer of the uterus.

The tumor is a tangle of randomly intertwined fibers smooth muscle myometrium, usually found as a rounded nodule or nodules.

Myoma is a hormone-dependent disease, often developing against the background of various conditions that cause an imbalance of hormones, such as polyps, anovulation, endometrial hyperplasia. The most common ground for the appearance of fibroids is an increase in the level of the female sex hormone estrogen, which is produced by the ovaries in women of reproductive age.

That is why fibroids rarely occur in girls before puberty and postmenopausal women, when estrogen production is significantly reduced. An increase in the level of hormones in the blood of a pregnant woman often stimulates and accelerates the growth of the tumor, while in postmenopause, small nodes decrease until they disappear completely.

Characteristic features of the tumor

As a benign tumor, leiomyoma has a number of features:

Myoma is the most common tumor in the uterus of women 35-55 years old. Tumors of small sizes, corresponding to pregnancy up to 10 weeks, are able to maintain a stable state for a long time and not increase in size, however, in the presence of provocateurs (inflammation of the appendages and uterus, curettage, prolonged plethora of the pelvic organs) begins to grow rapidly.

Fibroids are capable of not only growth, but also regression, even complete disappearance after menopause. However, in one in ten cases, the tumor continues to grow during several years of the menopausal period, mainly during the course of the disease along with endometrial hyperplasia or proliferative ovarian diseases.

Although fibroids are considered benign, cases of malignancy have been observed. This occurs extremely rarely, in approximately 1-1.5% of patients who have been found to have large nodular fibroids.

Uterine fibroids are characterized by diversity clinical manifestations. It may be asymptomatic or may be severe. pronounced signs. All this depends on a lot of factors, including the localization of the tumor (submucosal, subperitoneal, intermuscular and intermediate variants), its size (small, medium, large), as well as the nature of growth.

Classification of fibroids into types

In 95% of cases, fibroids are located in the body of the uterus, in its muscular wall, on the inner mucous membrane or on the outside of the uterus (in the abdominal cavity). And only 1 out of 20 tumors develops on the neck.

Subserous view

Single subserous nodes of small size in most cases do not manifest themselves for a long time. However, as they increase, signs of malnutrition of the tumor may appear, as a result of which the risk of pedicle torsion increases.

In this case, the patient may experience discomfort, periodic sharp or pulling pains in the lower abdomen. Pain may radiate to lumbar region, crotch and leg. Torsion of the leg of the myomatous node or the development of necrosis is often accompanied by sharp pain, worsening general condition patient, irritation of the peritoneum and general clinical signs of the so-called "acute abdomen".

Interstitial-subserous appearance

Intermediate nodes of this type are less susceptible to destructive processes resulting from malnutrition of the tumor. They do not show themselves for a long time, so they can reach huge sizes. The rapid growth of the node is usually accompanied by a feeling of discomfort and heaviness in the lower part, an increase in the abdomen.

The pain is associated with stretching of the uterine wall, as well as the pressure of a large node on the nerve endings of the pelvic organs. Malnutrition of the node is almost always accompanied by acute pain. If a large node is reached, pressure on neighboring organs is possible, up to a violation of their functions.

The pressure of the node on the bladder may be accompanied by frequent urge to urinate, incomplete emptying of the bladder and, as a result, the development of infections in the urinary tract. The node located on the back wall puts pressure on the rectum, disrupts defecation.

Large lateral nodes can compress the ureters, obstruct the outflow of urine on one side and contribute to the occurrence of hydroureter and hydronephrosis. Myoma nodes of the subserous type rarely disrupt menstrual function, but multiple nodes can lead to impaired contractility of the myometrium.

Nodular view of uterine fibroids

Nodes that develop in the muscular wall of the uterus lead to its increase, and also often affect the contractility of the myometrium.

At the same time, the duration and abundance of menstruation increases in patients, less often bloody issues between menstruation, while there is no direct relationship between the size of the node and uterine bleeding.

In patients with uterine fibroids, against the background of blood loss, anemia may develop, which can also be the result of the accumulation of large volumes of blood in an enlarged uterus.

With the growth of the interstitial myomatous node to a large size (more than 20 weeks of pregnancy), inferior vena cava syndrome may occur, manifested in the observation of shortness of breath and increased heart rate when taking horizontal position body.

In addition, the growth of nodular fibroids may be accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, heaviness and enlargement of the abdomen, acute urinary retention and the development of hydronephrosis.

submucosal appearance

In this disease, the tumor is localized on the inner lining of the uterus. It can be located on the leg, and also have a wide muscular base. With the development of the node, the patient has abundant and prolonged menstrual and intermenstrual bleeding with clots, often leading to anemia, as well as severe cramping pain in the lower abdomen. During uterine contractions, pedunculated nodes may protrude into the cervical canal and vagina. Submucosal fibroids are often accompanied by miscarriage and infertility.

Juvenile fibroids

The disease often occurs in young nulliparous women. The beginning of the development of nodes of this type often coincides with the period of puberty in girls, the restructuring of the hormonal background and the first menstruation. Precursor cells of a future tumor are born even during the intrauterine development of the fetus and, when the necessary hormonal stimulus appears, they begin to develop.

How big is the tumor

The size of myoma nodes can vary from a few millimeters to tens of centimeters in diameter. This parameter, as well as the localization of the tumor, is always taken into account when making a diagnosis and choosing a method of treatment. In addition, control of the size of the node makes it possible to apply conservative methods of treatment, while maintaining the childbearing function of the patient.

When ultrasound was not available, the size of the fibroids was measured in weeks of pregnancy. With the growth of the node, the size of the uterus also increases, which is quite possible to observe even when viewed on a chair. These convenient "measures" are used to this day, although modern diagnostic methods make it possible to determine the size of myomatous nodes with an accuracy of up to a millimeter.

Small uterine fibroids

The size of the myomatous node is less than 6 weeks of pregnancy. A tumor of this size with an asymptomatic course is subject to conservative treatment. It is removed only in cases of submucosal location, subserous at risk of torsion of the leg, as well as in case of infertility or anemia. Small fibroids may shrink and disappear completely in postmenopausal women.

Medium fibroids

The size of the myomatous node is comparable to the uterus at 6-12 weeks of pregnancy. In this case, conservative treatment is also possible to stop the growth of the tumor, but only in the case of asymptomatic development of the disease and the absence of signs of rapid growth. With fibroids of this size, there is a high risk of infertility and miscarriage. In the case of an external location, the node may disrupt the functions of neighboring organs.

Large fibroid

The term applies to a tumor larger than 12 weeks of gestation. Regardless of the location and type of node, it must be deleted. Among the large knots, there were specimens that reached the size of a mature pregnancy and weighed 3 kg.

Causes of the disease

The tumor begins to develop from a single cell, so it is impossible to detect it in the early stages. The process of growing a microscopic node to a noticeable size takes about five years.

The onset of microscopic fibroid nodes most often occurs at the age of 30: by that time, women already have time to face gynecological, somatic diseases and neuroendocrine disorders.

All this can cause somatic mutation of individual cells of the reproductive system, which becomes the start of tumor development. The subsequent development of the node requires favorable soil for tumor progression.

It can be created by the following factors:

  • prolonged improper contraception;
  • abortions;
  • inflammation of the appendages and uterus;
  • endometriosis;
  • lack of childbirth and lactation;
  • ultraviolet irradiation;
  • stress;
  • formation of cysts and ovarian cysts.

By the age of 35-40, the functional activity of the ovaries begins to decline, the hormonal background changes and the fibroids begin to grow more intensively. Thus, by the age of 40-45, the myomatous node on the uterus just reaches a large size, which becomes the reason for the most frequent operations to remove fibroids in patients of this particular age.

According to modern gynecologists, the cause of fibroids lies in late motherhood and low fertility. The body of a woman is initially set up to bear several pregnancies with short breaks between them.

If pregnancy does not occur for a long time, the body begins to “grow” its own “pregnancy” in the form of fibroids. And the further growth of the node is supported by injuries and diseases of the woman, weak immunity.

The reason for the appearance of myomatous nodes in young women lies in the peculiarities of the biology of their reproductive organs: uterine cells may initially develop incorrectly and the girl is born with cells already prepared for the formation of fibroids.

What are the symptoms of patients

It is known that in the early stages the disease can be asymptomatic, and subserous myoma makes itself felt only when it reaches a significant size. Therefore, the best option for every woman would be a regular visit to the gynecologist and an annual ultrasound examination.

In some cases, the disease manifests itself. At the same time, menstrual flow may become more abundant, clots may appear in the blood, the duration of menstruation may increase, slight uterine bleeding may begin in the middle of the menstrual cycle.

Sometimes there is heaviness in the abdomen, a feeling of pressure on the bladder or intestines. Upon reaching the fibroids of medium and large sizes, the abdomen increases, periodic pulling pains pursue. There are problems with carrying a pregnancy or its onset.

With heavy bleeding severe pain radiating to the leg, groin or lower back, weakness, sweating, urge to vomit should be immediately sent to the doctor, as these symptoms may indicate torsion of the fibroid leg, its prolapse, death, rupture, as well as a host of other life-threatening diseases.

Impact of uterine fibroids on current pregnancy

During pregnancy occurs a rapid change in the hormonal background in the body, due to which the myomatous nodes soften and begin to grow.

Not always a favorable start of pregnancy is compatible with the development of fibroids: the presence of a node in the uterus increases the risk of spontaneous abortion.

In addition, during pregnancy there is a high probability of pinched fibroids, torsion of the legs and disruption of the pelvic organs.

The highest risk of miscarriage is in the presence of a submucosal node and fixation of the placenta on the surface of the fibroid. Subserous myoma of small or medium size has little effect on the course of pregnancy and makes it possible to endure and give birth to a healthy child.

However, whatever the tumor, a pregnant woman should be seen by a doctor at least once every two weeks.

In some cases, when fibroids are detected, the doctor may advise you to terminate the pregnancy. Most often, this question arises due to the diagnosis of a large fibroid, a node in the cervix, as well as accelerated tumor growth.

In nulliparous women after 35, the risk of complications is much higher, especially if the node is located in the wall of the uterus or in its cavity, blood circulation is disturbed

Modern types of disease diagnosis

One of the most informative modern methods diagnosis of leiomyoma is echography. Ultrasound procedure in this case, it is only 92-95% effective. To clarify the location of the nodes, differential diagnosis tumors of the abdominal space and subserous myomatous nodes use magnetic resonance imaging, which gives a three-dimensional image, allows you to more accurately determine the size and localization of the nodes compared to ultrasound.

Hydrosonography makes it possible to distinguish a submucosal node from an endometrial polyp, more accurately determine its location and characterize the degree of destruction of the uterus. Hysteroscopy is performed to diagnose the presence of small nodes.

For the purpose of excluding pathological changes mucous membrane of the cervical canal and the endometrium of the uterus in patients with myomatous nodes of any size, a separate diagnostic curettage of the inner lining of the uterus is performed with the obligatory histological examination taken materials.

If it is impossible to differentiate between tumors of the abdominal cavity and subserous uterine fibroids by non-invasive methods, laparoscopy is indicated.

What treatments are relevant today

The detection of any myoma node requires immediate treatment, which, depending on the location of the tumor, the stage of its development, the presence or absence of symptoms, can be either surgical or conservative.

Surgery to remove a tumor

Surgical treatment of uterine fibroids is the leading and most effective. Indications for it can be large blood loss during menstruation, detection of a tumor big size(more than 12 weeks of pregnancy), as well as its rapid growth, malnutrition of the node, the presence of other tumors of the reproductive organs, endometriosis, infertility.

Urgently, the operation is performed in case of severe uterine bleeding, torsion of the legs of the subserous myomatous node, the presence of submucosal nodes. Surgical treatment can be conservative and radical.

Conservative surgical interventions include:

Laparoscopic myomectomy.

Indications for its implementation are small nodes on the leg, subserous, intramural or intermediate tumors no larger than 20 mm in diameter. During the operation, a camera and surgical instruments are inserted into the abdominal cavity through small punctures, tumors are excised and sutures are applied.

The recovery period lasts up to 3 days, there is no noticeable cosmetic effect, adhesions are not formed in the small pelvis. Contraindications for this type of intervention is the presence of more than three myomatous nodes.

Hysteroscopic myomectomy.

It is indicated if it is necessary to remove submucosal nodes. It is carried out vaginally, the least traumatic compared to other methods. Contraindications to its implementation are infectious diseases of the genital tract, suspicion of hyperplasia and adenocarcinoma of the endometrium.

Laparotomy with myectomy.

It is prescribed in cases where access to myomatous nodes is difficult by hysteroscopy or laparoscopy. In some cases, during the operation, the expediency of preserving the uterus is decided.

After any conservative treatment, relapses are possible. The only way to permanently get rid of fibroids is to perform a hysterectomy or complete removal of the nodes along with the uterus and appendages. A radical solution to the problem is offered to women of postmenopausal age, as well as in cases where the above methods have not yielded results.

Treatment of uterine fibroids without surgery

Conservative therapy of fibroids is carried out in order to stop the development and reduce the size of the tumor. In this case, steroid drugs are prescribed that suppress the production of hormones, inhibit the growth of tumors and contribute to their speedy disappearance.

but drug treatment does not always give the expected effect, therefore, in the absence of the need for surgical treatment, it is possible to supplement the medical treatment, for example, folk, or replace it with more modern procedures, such as uterine artery embolization or FUS-ablation of fibroids.


The essence of the method is to prevent the transport of nutrients to the tumor in order to reduce it and possibly disappear. The procedure is painless and does not require anesthesia, tissue damage.

Through femoral artery The surgeon inserts the catheter into uterine artery and launches a special substance that blocks the access of blood to the myomatous node.

At the same time, the remaining parts of the myometrium continue to function. During the first three months, there is a decrease in the node by approximately 40%, six months - up to 65%. This method allows you to save the body and prepare the body for the onset and normal pregnancy.

FUS ablation of fibroids

This method involves the impact on the tumor with focused ultrasound, its heating in order to cause necrosis of the node. The procedure does not require the penetration of instruments into the body cavity and direct contact with the myoma: the impact occurs through the abdominal wall. It is performed on an outpatient basis, does not require anesthesia. The effectiveness of the method is questioned, because most patients experience relapses.

Methods of treatment from traditional medicine

Efficiency folk treatment fibroids have not been proven. However, why not try some of the remedies for yourself, especially since the method involves eating plant materials.

When bleeding, brew 2 handfuls carrot tops 1 liter of boiling water and insist 50-60 minutes. Take half a glass before meals until the bleeding stops.

Prepare a mixture of strawberry leaves, St. 2 tbsp. l. the mixture is poured with a liter of boiling water and insisted overnight. Take twice a day before meals for 0.5 tbsp. for a long time with breaks of 10 days every 2 months.

Prepare an infusion of 2 tbsp. l. series, 1 tbsp. l. tops of flowering yarrow, 1 tbsp. l. motherwort herbs and 0.5 liters of boiling water. Leave for exactly one hour and strain. Take twice a day before meals for ½ tbsp.

Consequences after removal of uterine fibroids

Uterine fibroids are classified as benign tumors. The malignancy of the nodes occurs with the same probability as the appearance of oncological foci on the body of a healthy uterus. After removal of fibroids, the prognosis for life is favorable, moreover, most women in the future can become pregnant and give birth to healthy children. However, in the case of conservative treatment with preservation of the body of the uterus, relapses are possible.

In some cases, increased tumor growth, its spread, as well as numerous nodes may require radical treatment with the removal of the uterine body and the exclusion of reproductive function. Even the smallest nodes, the treatment of which was not started on time, can lead to similar consequences (primary and secondary infertility).

Therefore, the main prevention of the development of large fibroids and loss of reproductive function is a regular visit to the gynecologist, an annual gynecological ultrasound, as well as timely and urgent treatment of even the smallest detected myomatous node.

How did I become a doctor? Quite a difficult question ... If you think about it - there was no choice. I was born in the family of a resuscitator, and every day at dinner I heard my father's story about how his day went. As a child, it all seemed fantastic, beyond reality.

Article last updated 07.12.2019

Uterine fibroids can appear in a woman at any age. The exception is the period before puberty and menopause. This is a benign formation consisting of muscle and fibrous tissue. It may be one or more. Sizes often range from 2-3 cm to 10-15 cm. Sometimes they can reach 25 cm.

About 25% of women over the age of 35 are diagnosed with uterine fibroids. Despite the fact that the tumor itself is benign, many are concerned about the question: can uterine fibroids develop into cancer, and how to avoid this disease? With timely diagnosis, treatment and prevention of negative consequences can be avoided.

Not every woman who has this disease can immediately understand this. According to statistics, about 30% of patients learn about the diagnosis by chance during an ultrasound scan. Small formations are usually not disturbing, so they can only be recognized with regular examinations.

Symptoms appear when the fibroids increase in size. The following signs will signal the presence of a problem:

  • aching pain in the abdomen and lower back outside of menstruation;
  • violation of the cycle: increase or decrease;
  • gain pain during menstruation;
  • problems with reproductive function;
  • heavy periods, heavy bleeding, and, conversely, too little discharge;
  • abnormal enlargement of the abdomen;
  • violation of urination and defecation.

The consequences of the disease can be severe female body- lead to infertility, inability to bear a child, anemia, depression, and even the need to remove the uterus.

The exact reasons for the active division of cells in the wall of the organ and the occurrence of neoplasms have not been fully determined by science. So, the disease can occur due to a genetic predisposition - if it has already been in the family, among close relatives. The second reason is hormonal changes. In particular, estrogen and progesterone affect the development of fibroids. Therefore, during pregnancy, when the level of hormones is much higher, the formation grows faster. During menopause, it stops growing and decreases over time.

In addition, inflammation of the ovaries, the presence of cysts, and previous abortions contribute to the formation of nodes.

When can fibroids turn into cancer?

A characteristic feature of the disease is unpredictability. A neoplasm can remain in the same size for a long time, increase or, conversely, shrink and even disappear. However, this is not a reason to just wait and hope for a positive outcome.

As statistics show, in 1.5% of cases, the pathology turns into an oncological disease. early diagnosis, proper treatment, compliance with certain rules for uterine fibroids will avoid the occurrence of cancer.

You should know that the following factors contribute to its development:

  • bad habits. Drinking alcohol and smoking lead to intoxication of the body. Therefore, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, have a good sleep;

  • excess weight. Because of it, the metabolism is disturbed. In addition, adipose tissue puts pressure on the uterus. Therefore, overweight women are recommended to lead a moderately active lifestyle;
  • improper nutrition. Excessive consumption of animal fats and carbohydrates is fraught with negative consequences. To combat the disease, you need food rich in fiber, trace elements, vitamins. The latter can be used separately as prescribed by a doctor. It is important that the body gets enough vitamin E;
  • physical exercise. Intensive training can lead to increased blood flow in the pelvic organs. This is a kind of nutrition that promotes cell growth. The more education, the greater the risk of cancer;
  • injury. They have a positive effect on the reproduction of pathological cells;
  • stress. It is a well-known fact that most diseases appear and develop when a person is depressed or stressed. Cancer is no exception. Therefore, you need to try to be less nervous. Stable emotional state - for the benefit of the body;
  • warming up. If heat is applied close to the uterus, blood circulation increases, which again contributes to unnecessary nutrition of the cells.

As mentioned earlier, in general, fibroids do not bother, and can remain in the same size for a long time.

sudden change clinical picture- this is an alarming signal that speaks of changes in the uterus. So, bright red discharge, the appearance of pain of varying intensity, a sharp increase in the node, may indicate the degeneration of the tumor into a cancerous one. This is especially dangerous for women who have gone through menopause.

But do not rush to draw conclusions without a doctor's opinion. To determine a malignant node or not, a thorough examination is necessary:

  • Ultrasound determines the localization of the node, size, degree of damage;
  • hysteroscopy and lateroscopy are tests that detect the presence of cancer cells.

However, there is no need to panic prematurely, because in the vast majority of cases, fibroids do not degenerate into cancer. To prevent the disease, you need to be regularly examined, treated on time, lead a healthy lifestyle, and most importantly, think positively.

Oncology treatment

If the examination showed the presence of cancer cells, then it is necessary to contact an oncologist. The method of treatment depends on the degree of the disease, the area and nature of the affected tissue. Some types of cells can grow very quickly, while others, on the contrary, develop slowly and almost never metastasize. In both cases, surgery is inevitable.

The tumor must be removed. Unfortunately, in most cases, together with other organs - the uterus, and sometimes the ovaries, regional lymph nodes. This is a kind of prevention of metastases, since in the future any cyst can cause a relapse.

In addition, before or after surgery, radiation or chemotherapy is performed. These procedures help stop the development of the node and prevent metastases. As with ordinary fibroids, vitamins, trace elements, and antioxidants help to get better faster.