I dreamed that I lost my wedding ring and found it. Dream meaning: dream of a lost golden ring

The loss of a ring in a dream most often turns out to be a negative harbinger. Such a plot symbolizes parting, conflicts, financial problems.

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It is important to remember which ring was lost. If engagement, then you can not avoid trouble directly in your personal life. According to Miller's dream book, a vision with the loss of a wedding ring portends an imminent divorce or separation of a couple in love, which will not be easy to avoid.

    Interpretations for a woman

    When interpreting any dream, it is important to try to remember as many of its details and details as possible. This is especially true if you need to determine why you dream of losing a ring.

    Even the material from which the decoration is made can affect the meaning of night dreams. According to Hasse's dream book, the loss of a large silver ring with stones promises disappointment in close friends.

      Positive values

      The most favorable interpretation is for dreams in which the loss of the ring evoked extremely positive emotions in a woman. If the dreamer is happy to discover the loss of jewelry, then in real life she will be able to get rid of the burden of problems and feel relieved. But there are some other stories with a positive interpretation:

      • I had to lose the ring in a dream, which the girl has in reality and was presented to her by her parents - nothing bad should be expected from such a vision. Similar stories are dreamed of when mom and dad miss their daughter very much and do not see her for many months. The dream suggests that the time has come to visit relatives and give them your attention.
      • To lose the ring, under which there was a serious wound on the finger, is to recovery. If a woman does not yet know about the existing disease, she will soon notice its first symptoms. But you shouldn't worry too much. The disease will recede very quickly.
      • If a divorced woman had to lose a ring in a dream that she used to wear on her ring finger, this means that she managed to maintain friendly relations with her ex-husband. It is worth keeping in touch with him, since a man can still be an invaluable help to the dreamer.
      • Finding a lost ring in clean clear water - to the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy.

      It happens that in her dream a girl herself tries with all her might to remove a boring ring from her hand, but suddenly notices its unexpected loss from her finger. In reality, she will be able to independently cope with the problems that have piled up quickly and almost imperceptibly.

      Negative interpretations

      And the negative meanings of dreams with the loss of the ring in modern dream books turned out to be somewhat more:

      • If a stranger rips off a gold ring from a woman’s hand, presented to her by a soulmate or family member, then in the near future we should expect a serious quarrel with the donor in real life. A person will break a promise given to the dreamer, which will greatly offend her and provoke an open conflict.
      • To lose an engagement ring from a previous marriage in a dream and worry a lot about it - to mental suffering. The woman still has feelings for her ex-husband, and she does not know how to destroy love.
      • According to the Eastern Dream Book, the fall of a bright ring from the finger and its loss symbolizes the loss of trust in the dreamer in reality. Some act of a woman will demonstrate her to those around her from the negative side. If in such a dream, as a result, the decoration can still be found, then it will be possible to restore your reputation.
      • I had to lose a wedding ring in a dream, which means that fate has prepared for the girl a serious test in the relationship. A betrayal of a loved one or other problems that may result in the separation of spouses is likely. You will have to make a lot of efforts to save the marriage and a warm relationship in a couple.
      • First to get, and then to lose a chic ring with precious stones - to a conflict with an influential serious person. Previously, an acquaintance provided invaluable help and support to the dreamer, and now, through her fault, communication will cease forever.
      • A broken and discarded discreet cheap ring promises a quarrel with colleagues or superiors. Problems in relationships with them will lead to trouble at work.
      • A curved silver ring lost by a girl portends her a quarrel with a friend whom she has always trusted infinitely. The reason for the breakup of friendships will be betrayal and misbehavior of another person.

      It can be difficult to figure out what the loss of an ordinary iron ring means in a dream. Such an event may be a harbinger of resentment and worries. According to Vanga's dream book, if an ornament is lost that a woman does not really have, then in reality she suffers from her unfulfilled desires in one or another area of ​​​​life.

      Interpretations for a man

      Representatives of the stronger sex dream of rings less often. But if such a symbol was nevertheless seen in a dream and remembered well, then special attention should be paid to it.

      In Tsvetkov's dream book, it is noted that looking for a signet with a stone in any reservoir is a stagnation in business. This is especially true for businessmen. You need to be prepared for the fact that the income that your own business brings will noticeably decrease.

      Positive values

      If a man in a dream loses a ring that sits uncomfortably on his finger and squeezes the skin, this is a good sign. In reality, the sleeper will be able to make his life more comfortable by removing objectionable people from it, changing his job to a more interesting and highly paid one, getting rid of complexes and doubts. But this is not the only positive interpretation of a dream with the loss of jewelry:

      • Drop a simple ring, and instead find and pick up a more expensive one - good luck in everything. A man will suddenly begin to be unspeakably lucky in all areas of life. This applies to love, and work, and finances. You can not miss such a favorable period, you must try to take from it as much as possible.
      • If an expensively and spectacularly dressed stranger returns the lost jewelry to a man, such a dream portends to the dreamer an increase in well-being. For this, a person does not even have to make an effort.
      • To receive a previously lost ring by mail - to unexpected help from unfamiliar people in real life. Relatives will remain indifferent to the problems of the dreamer, and an outsider will suddenly support the man.

      If the dreamer in his nightly dreams feels relief and joy from the loss of the wedding ring, he is probably burdened by family life. A man cannot admit this to himself. There is no need to be afraid to say out loud about lost feelings, otherwise he will not be able to become happy again.

    • The loss of the wedding ring symbolizes the possible betrayal of the second half of the sleeper. Such a life test will tell you how strong his heartfelt attachment turned out to be. If a man cannot forgive his beloved, then he will have to try to forget the woman for a long time and cope with his own feelings.
    • If the sleeper sees in a dream how his spouse loses the wedding ring, then he himself can become the culprit of the separation. A girl will appear in the life of a man who will by all means persuade him to cheat on his wife. In this way, he will test fidelity to his feelings and the ability to make informed decisions without succumbing to emotions.
    • It happens that in his dream a man finds a piece of jewelry that was lost earlier, but puts it on not on his hand, but on a woman he knows. Surely, in reality, the dreamer has strong feelings for this young lady, which he is embarrassed to admit even to himself. If in a dream a person experienced only positive emotions, it is worth trying to build a relationship with a woman he likes. They can be long and happy.
    • A ring stolen by someone in a dream can be considered a symbol of new acquaintances that will bring a lot of trouble to a man's life. New friends will turn out to be unworthy people who can drag him into a risky dangerous business. Having seen such a warning dream, you need to start treating all new acquaintances more carefully and legibly.

    If the ring was lost because it suddenly became a big dreamer, you should expect problems with children. They can touch both their own and other people's babies.

The dream of losing a ring may seem like a disaster, but the dream book considers losing an engagement ring in a dream as a double symbol. It all depends on who presented the engagement ring to you, whether you were upset when you learned about the loss, and also what consequences this incident had in night vision. Having learned what each of the details is dreaming of, you can “put the picture” of your future together.

Separation is not far off

If you happened to lose your wedding ring in a dream, then, according to many dream books, such a vision means separation from your loved one. Had a dream that it was stolen from you? Be prepared for the fact that some cunning lady will try to take your spouse away from you. Moreover, he may not even think about a divorce, considering his flirting on the side of "a cure for boredom."

Why dream that you were happy about the loss? Most likely, you will be the initiator of the break in relations, the Wanderer's dream book suggests.

Remember, think, meditate...

A girl who dreamed that she had lost an engagement ring given by her parents should not worry. According to Pastor Loff's dream book, such a vision suggests that mom and dad miss their daughter and want to see her. This, of course, is only relevant if the dreamer lives with her parents at different addresses.

But not to find a golden rim presented to her beloved in honor of the engagement - a symbol that the girl is not completely sure that she is ready to connect her fate with this person, the Eastern Dream Book assures.

Change awaits you

Changes for the better are prophesied by the Gypsy interpreter, explaining why he dreams of losing a wedding ring that covered a wound on his finger. If in a dream you were relieved that nothing disturbs a sore finger, then in reality, by chance, you will achieve your goals.

The plot in which a woman lost her engagement ring, worn not on her ring finger, but on some other, also speaks of positive changes in life. With a high degree of probability, this means a change in habits and priorities that prevented moving forward.

Don't miss dating

Did you dream that you lost your wedding ring? Dream Interpretation Longo offers his own interpretation of such a dream.

If a married woman dreamed of this trouble, then most likely this is the “first bell” about the approaching coolness in feelings. Remember your candy-bouquet period and invite your spouse to live it again.

But explaining to a divorced or widowed dreamer what it means to lose a wedding ring in a dream, the dream book advises not to refuse offers to go on a date, since such a vision may portend a meeting with a new life partner.

Problems will fade into the background

If you look into the Women's Dream Book, then make sure that the loss of an engagement ring in a dream is not always a negative symbol.

So, for example, losing a ring that was small or large for you is a signal that you will finally get rid of something that caused you inconvenience and problems.

Why dream that the engagement ring, presented in reality by an unloved person, has disappeared? This is also a positive sign: you will be able to solve not only current tasks that complicate your life with troubles, but also complete everything that has been started for a long time, but never finished.

Friendship with an ex is a new step in a relationship

If in real life you are offended by your ex-spouse or parted with him “ugly”, then, having lost your wedding ring in a dream, you can be sure that some event will happen very soon that will bring you closer. It is unlikely that you will become a couple again, but friends - it is quite possible, the oracle of Miss Hasse suggests.

The dream book of the esoteric Tsvetkov broadcasts: if you broke up with your husband because of your own infidelity, then the plot in which you lost your wedding ring symbolizes your husband's forgiveness. You can count on quite normal communication with him.

There will be discord in the family

But Vanga will not please you with deciphering what the picture is dreaming of, where you look for your engagement ring and do not find it: because of your own stubbornness, you can disturb the peace and tranquility in the family.

Gustav Miller will also upset you with explanations of what it means to lose an engagement ring in a dream. In the near future, you will often be offended and cry, and your marriage partner will be to blame. And if in a dream you lost a ring that does not exist in reality, then this is a sign of your unfulfilled goals and desires. You do not consider your marriage a success, the dream book explains.

Take care of your health

Nostradamus, explaining why the loss of the wedding rim is dreamed of, hints at family "failure". Probably, you do not suit your soul mate with something - health, attitude to life, or something else.

Freud's dream book assures: the loss of a wedding ring is a sign of sexual impotence of one of the partners. If you want happiness in marriage, increase your libido, the interpreter categorically declares.

Do not risk credibility and reputation

If it seemed that you "sowed" someone else's wedding ring, then there is a possibility that someone will try to challenge your authority in the team. Especially if the ring in the dream was old.

But if you want to get an answer to the question of why you dream of losing a friend's or girlfriend's engagement ring in front of the altar itself, being a witness at a wedding, in most cases, you will come across the following answer: do not take on a case that causes you inner protest. You will not gain anything but a loss of trust and a tarnished reputation.

A ring, especially an engagement ring, is a symbol of love, strong marriage and reliable relationships. It is not for nothing that if an unmarried girl received an engagement ring as a gift in a dream, in reality she was waiting for an offer to enter into a legal marriage from a loved one.

What if you dream of losing your wedding ring?

In order to find out as accurately as possible why you dream of losing your wedding ring, you need to pay attention to the small details of the dream. A dream in which a legally married person loses a wedding ring promises many trials and problems. The most terrible and widespread is betrayal and leaving the family of a loved one.

If a man sees a dream, then it is advisable for him to pay attention to the behavior of his wife, perhaps she has long met on the side with another. If a woman sees a dream, then such a dream promises her serious disagreements in the family, which can lead to her husband demanding a divorce.

If the dreamer lost the ring in a dream after swimming in the water, then you need to pay attention to the quality of the water. If it is clean and transparent, then this is gossip. If the water in the pond or container is dirty and cloudy, then the dreamer will soon fall ill, and the disease will be long and the treatment will be expensive.

A completely different interpretation has a dream in which a lonely man managed to lose his wedding ring. This dream promises a small monetary loss in real life.

If a man is not married, but he has a lover, then the loss of an engagement ring promises unpleasant discoveries regarding the second half. It is possible that after this dream, the dreamer will be disappointed in the companion or find out about her some unseemly act. If a person sees this dream on the eve of his wedding, then the marriage will be very fleeting.

What portends?

If an unmarried girl lost her engagement ring, then such a dream promises her the betrayal of a friend whom she trusted with all her secrets and secrets.

If a girl intentionally breaks an ornament in a dream and loses it, then in real life she will get rid of a person with whom she is a burden to communicate. If in a dream a person is looking for a lost wedding ring and finds it, then he will achieve all his goals.

Such a dream also promises a monetary reward received for painstaking and long work. If the ring was never found, but the search continued for a long time, then the dreamer will lose the trust of a relative or loved one.

If the lost ring was made of silver or metal, then the dispersed people will still have a chance to return their relationship to the previous level. If the jewelry was gold, then it will be impossible to save the marriage or relationship. If the dreamer's engagement ring was decorated with precious stones, then a fateful meeting awaits him in the future.

Impressive people should not completely trust dream books. It is possible that this is the work of the subconscious, which processes all the information received by a person during the day. But still, if the dream is repeated several times, you should pay attention to what he warns about.

A ring in a dream always symbolizes some kind of relationship, be it friendship, marriage or partnership. In addition, the same product hints at power, strength, integrity, unification. Dream Interpretations will give the image an accurate description and help you understand what it is dreaming of.

Interprets Miller's dream book

If you dreamed of a beautiful and shiny ring, then in reality you are protected from infidelity and deceit. Losing or breaking a ring in a dream is bad. This means significant losses. An already broken ring symbolizes quarrels, conflicts, parting.

Why dream of a wedding ring on the hands of other characters? The dream interpretation is sure: there will be some kind of offer, but you decide that this is a joke. To wear a ring on your hand yourself means that a new undertaking will be surprisingly successful.

It is good for a girl to see that she is being given a ring in a dream. In reality, her suspicions will not come true, and her lover will remain faithful. Rings on other people's hands signify an improvement in well-being and hint at upcoming acquaintances.

Interprets Vanga's dream book

As usual, this dream book offers several global interpretations that can apply both to the dreamer himself and to a whole group of people. Dreamed of an unusual ring? This is a symbol of the cycle of events, a chain of events, as well as a sign of fidelity or fulfillment of a given promise.

Why dream if you personally put a ring on the hand of another character? This means that you should fulfill this oath. If in a dream a stranger puts on a ring for you, then you can solve a long-standing problem only using outside help.

I dreamed that you were choosing a piece of jewelry for yourself, but you couldn’t find the right one? The dream interpretation is sure: you are very selfish and selfish, which prevents you from sincerely becoming attached to others. It is bad to see that the ring itself fell from the hand in a dream. This means literally: you have broken your promise and now you will be tested by fate.

Explains the dream book of the spouses Winter

Why dream of an ordinary ring? In a dream, this is a sign of promises and obligations. Moreover, the cost and value of the product in a dream indicates the significance of obligations.

To get an accurate interpretation, the dream book advises you to remember which finger the ring was on. If it was on the little finger or ring finger, then you have stable friendships. In addition, there will soon be an opportunity to test them.

The decoration on the middle finger is identified with marital fidelity. Why dream of a ring on the thumb or forefinger? In a dream, it symbolizes responsibility to oneself personally. Simply put, these are vows given to oneself beloved.

Had a dream that the ring for a strange reason causes discomfort? What obligations will give you a lot of problems, and the dream book believes that you decide to get rid of them.

Tells a dream book for the whole family

To get a transcript, the dream book recommends taking into account the day the ring was dreamed of. So, seeing a decoration in a Tuesday dream means that children will bring a lot of joy. If on Monday night you were presented with a ring, then relations with your soul mate will finally improve.

A broken ring in a Saturday dream warns of disagreements and quarrels in the family. Why dream of a ring on someone else's hand? A new acquaintance will develop into a strong relationship, but soon it will begin to weigh you down. If a similar plot appeared in a Sunday dream, then beware of gossip.

Why dream of a ring that is put on your finger? Without reference to a specific day, it symbolizes the location of an important person. The loss of jewelry hints at ruin or rupture. If you yourself put on a ring, then the dream book prophesies incredible success with people of the opposite sex.

Note of a children's dream book

In a dream, the ring symbolizes power and marriage bonds. Why does it usually dream? In reality, expect a lasting union, and this applies to all areas of life, not just love.

In addition, if you dreamed of a ring, then the dream book promises respect and recognition by others. Seeing an unfamiliar ring on your own hand literally means in a dream: you have to make some kind of promise or even take an oath.

What is the dream of an engagement ring with a stone

Dreamed of a wedding ring? Can safely prepare for a wedding and a happy family life. At a minimum, a dream image promises a strong relationship and fidelity to the chosen one. But to see an engagement ring on the hand of another character means that you will not take the marriage proposal seriously.

Ever tried on someone else's wedding ring? Go to the wedding of friends or relatives. A ring with a stone most often marks the acquisition of power for men, and for women - an early marriage. but full interpretation sleep can only be obtained by taking into account the value of the stone itself.

What does the ring on the finger mean?

If you dreamed of a ring on the finger of your own hand, then new, but very successful business, relationships and obligations await you. Seeing an engagement ring on someone else's hand means in a dream that you will not appreciate the proposal you have received.

Why dream of rings on other people's hands? Usually this is a sign of dating and wealth growth. But if in a dream you were still unable to pick up an ornament for yourself, then in real life you will be completely free from obligations and relationships.

I dreamed of a ring in a box, as a gift, give

Why dream that the girl was presented with a ring as a gift? Experiences due to the infidelity of the chosen one have no reason, the beloved is sincerely devoted to you and will prove it very soon. In other areas of life, a ring in a box symbolizes satisfaction, calmness, and overall success. If a stranger gives you a product in a dream, then there is a chance that you will meet your soul mate.

What does it mean to find a ring in the night

Why dream if you managed to find a ring? It's time to remember what you were promised. The moment has come when you need help. Be sure to establish exactly where it turned out to find the ring in a dream.

Deciphering the place will allow you to understand what will happen in the near future. To be found on the road in the dust means that they will help you sort things out. Did you dream that you found a missing ring in a dish or on a table? Expect financial improvements. A product found in a dream in furniture symbolizes a profitable job or a new position.

Why lose a ring in a dream, it's broken

Losing a ring in a dream is always bad. This is a sign that in reality you will face a major disappointment or a forced separation from your chosen one. Why dream of a broken ring? The product signals disagreements between lovers, up to a complete break in relations. Did you dream that the ring fell from your hand by itself? Be prepared for serious trials sent by fate itself.

Ring in a dream - approximate transcripts

In order to decipher the dream message, it is necessary to take into account all the most memorable features of the product itself and its main actions in a dream.

  • signet ring - heir, teacher / successor
  • with a stone - respect, glory
  • with a precious stone - ease of communication, power over others
  • with a diamond - success, an important acquaintance
  • with agate - temporary ill health
  • with emerald - healing / dangerous relationship
  • with ruby ​​- strength, leadership, sometimes - fulfillment of desires
  • with pearls - a joyful event, the integrity of the soul
  • with black - fatal passion
  • with topaz - spiritual wisdom, intuition
  • with sapphire - faith, reconciliation, peace
  • with turquoise - an amazing and inexplicable case
  • with glass - deception
  • the stone cracked in the ring - do not overestimate yourself, your possibilities are not unlimited
  • iron ring - sadness, hard work, lack of freedom
  • copper - joy, moderation
  • plastic - flexibility, ability to adapt
  • silver - secret knowledge, secret tears, power
  • gold - well-being, prosperity, a gift of fate
  • from an alloy "under gold" - difficulties, illusion
  • a very expensive ring - a good future, excellent prospects
  • cheap - the desire to splurge
  • engagement - wedding, fidelity of the chosen one, happiness
  • brilliant - deceit, flattery
  • big, beautiful - forbidden pleasures
  • many different - successful undertakings, promising business
  • jewelry - self-deception, a waste of energy
  • gymnastic rings - you have to stand up for yourself
  • hang on them - you need insurance, do not believe the promises
  • lose the ring - the destruction of relationships, a fatal mistake
  • fell from the hand - the loss of a loved one, losses
  • not removed - bondage, pressure
  • a stone fell out of the ring - you have to give up an important matter
  • curved - lies and even betrayal of a friend
  • remove - losses, separation, dispute
  • wear - successful undertakings, a reminder of obligations
  • ring in the box - devotion to one person
  • in the store - the impossibility of achieving the goal
  • treasure with rings - a lot of problems due to insignificant money
  • presented - a new connection, devotion
  • gave - well-being
  • to give yourself - joining the bark, partnership
  • transfer to another - loss
  • many rings - incredible luck
  • in the wrong hands - do not believe the promises
  • choose a ring - search for a partner, occupation, life path
  • buy - community service
  • sell - worsening financial situation
  • inherit - wealth growth
  • look for - chance will save you from big trouble
  • find - good news, return the debt

Had a dream about a ring that you cannot wear because it is small in size? Be prepared for the fact that children will bring big troubles.

Various interpreters agree: the plot of the dream of losing the ring is an unkind sign that promises the dreamer a break in romantic relationships, conflicts, and other losses.

A similar prediction has the loss of jewelry in real life. An unexpected discovery of a loss can cancel a bad omen.

Consider what circumstances of a dream can smooth out a negative interpretation, turn it from a negative prophecy into a useful hint for further actions, actions of reality. Let's analyze the interpretation of various dream books.

A detailed interpretation of the plot of the loss of the golden jewelry is given by Miller, an understanding of the meaning of the sign sent to the dreamer will be given additional circumstances related to the image seen.

  • The loss of a ring in a dream warns a person: it is worth preparing for emotional experiences, insults.
  • A woman has lost her engagement (wedding) ring - a symbol of the approaching struggle for the safety of the family, the appearance of a rival, a conflict of interest between spouses is possible.
  • The loss of a precious ring, seen in a dream, although in reality the dreamer does not have such an ornament, symbolizes the presence of unfulfilled plans, unfulfilled desires.

What shape is the ring

The equivalent plot of the loss of jewelry can have different interpretations depending on its shape, the metal of execution, the presence of precious stones. So the loss can matter:

  • wedding ring - discord in the family, quarrel, conflict that may lead to divorce;
  • a simple copper ring - the discord of friendly relations;
  • dear "marquis" - deprivation of the protection of the patron;
  • a ring that irritates the dreamer - getting rid of accumulated difficulties, resolving questions, problems;
  • a family heirloom ring - the danger of getting into unpleasant circumstances, creating problems;
  • signet - bureaucratic red tape, material problems.

To joy

To be left without gold jewelry is a bad sign, portending a quarrel, conflicts, separation. What circumstances of the dream can change the negative program?

Lost your diamond ring, then found it? The Eastern interpreter warns: Your reputation will soon be in jeopardy. However, the circumstance of the discovery of the loss promises: it will be possible to defend the reputation, to clear it of slander.

Finding the missing ring in clean water is a symbol of the fulfillment of the cherished desire of a woman who dreams of having a child, but who has difficulties in this area.

The process of searching for a golden seal in a reservoir predicts a man to stop the work he has begun, the difficulties that have arisen will become an obstacle to further progress towards the goal.

To rest

The loss of precious jewelry in a dream, which did not cause the dreamer's frustration, is interpreted by the dream book as the emergence of an opportunity to resolve problems, resolve problematic issues.

A divorced person loses a wedding ring in a dream - such a plot suggests that the experiences will go away, after the divorce it will be possible to establish good friendships. However, if the loss greatly upset the dreamer, the interpretation is retroactive - long experiences await about a broken marriage, a lost spouse.

To failure

Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse interprets the plot of losing a ring in a dream based on its appearance:

  • an expensive ring adorned with precious stones - future troubles, problems;
  • a silver ring adorned with a precious stone - friendly troubles, quarrels, worries, disappointment in a friend.

The Dream Interpretation of the White Magician concretizes the picture of the loss of a silver ring inherited from parents: loss is a symbol of a lack of parental attention and care.

Interpretations for a woman

The interpretation of a dream is traditionally based on the circumstances surrounding the image, the feelings and experiences experienced by the dreamer. It will not be possible to remember the details of the dream - it is pointless to interpret an empty dream. The details of a dream can help you find the correct prediction of future events.

The interpretation of a dream about the loss of a ring specifies the material of manufacture, the shape, the presence of precious stones, the purpose of the jewelry is engagement, a family heirloom, a luxury item.

Positive values

The plot of a dream is considered favorable, in which the loss of jewelry did not bring grief to the woman, perhaps she managed to experience joy, a sense of relief, deliverance. To experience the joy of losing the ring predicts the dreamer to soon resolve the accumulated problems of real life.

Other positive interpretations of the dream plot under consideration are possible.

The girl lost the ring given by her parents - such a plot suggests that the dreamer misses her parents, she lacks parental attention, her parents miss her daughter, there has not been a meeting for a long time. The dreamed loss of a ring is a direct sign - the time has come to visit relatives.

Losing a ring that was uncomfortable to wear predicts a speedy recovery. Perhaps the dreamer is unaware of the presence of problems, the first symptoms will soon be noticed, then an early relief from the disease will follow.

Losing a wedding ring to a divorced person predicts the stabilization of friendly relations with a former spouse. You should not completely ignore the former; friendships can benefit a woman.

To find the missing ring in clean running water is the realization of a cherished dream, the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy.

The loss of a ring, which she could not remove on her own, prophesies to the girl an early resolution of the problems that have fallen, overcoming difficulties with the minimum expenditure of the dreamer's efforts.

Negative interpretations

Dream interpretations that predict negative consequences prevail over positive predictions.

A woman became a victim of the theft of a gold ring donated by a partner or relative; in reality, she should expect disagreements with the donor of the jewelry. Perhaps a person will not be able to keep his promises, causing a strong offense to the dreamer.

Experiencing a strong upset due to the loss of a wedding ring from a broken marriage promises a woman anxiety and worries. Former romantic feelings torture the dreamer in reality.

The loss of a ring adorned with precious stones is interpreted by the Eastern dream book as a loss of confidence in a girl. Perhaps the dreamer will commit a rash act that will put her in an awkward position, make others lose their sense of trust in her. Did you find the ring? Trust will be restored, the lost reputation will be restored.

A dream based on the loss of a girl's engagement ring prepares the dreamer for the upcoming test of romantic relationships. You may have to go through the betrayal of your beloved man, make great efforts to save the relationship.

To receive a gift - an expensive ring, then to lose it - predicts the dreamer to break the loss of an influential patron. The careless behavior of a woman will lead to a break in relations with an important person.

Breaking, throwing away a simple ring that is not of particular value means a real quarrel at work, a conflict with the boss. The troubles that have arisen can burden the relationship of a woman at work.

A slightly deformed silver ring lost by a young woman is a symbol of friendly conflict. Betrayal, a dishonest act towards the dreamer will cause a break in a long-standing trusting relationship.

The loss of an ordinary tin ring is interpreted as a harbinger of various experiences.

Vanga says that the loss of jewelry in a dream, which a woman does not have in real life, can tell about the presence of unfulfilled desires, which makes the dreamer worry.

Interpretations for a man

The plot of a dream associated with jewelry comes to men much less often. If a man happened to see a similar image, it is worth correctly interpreting the sign sent to him.

The interpreter of dreams according to Tsvetkov notes: the process of finding a ring with a precious stone in water symbolizes the stop of the work begun. For a businessman, this interpretation is especially relevant, the business he is doing in the near future will face difficulties, a period of crisis, and a decrease in income.

Positive values

The loss of the ring, which causes inconvenience to the owner, symbolizes the stabilization of affairs, the man will be able to resolve the accumulated issues, find a way out of the problem situation. Perhaps there will be a change in the place of work: a transition to a more interesting, highly paid position.

Losing a simple ring, then finding an expensive one - another good sign - fortune will soon smile on a man. Lucky in various areas of life: love, business. It is only necessary to rationally and correctly use the coming period of life.

The lost ring was returned by a respectable stranger - this plot suggests that the dreamer expects an increase in material well-being.

The lost ring was returned by post - receiving valuable help from unfamiliar surrounding people. Perhaps a man is waiting for the help of loved ones, but will receive the support of a stranger.

To experience a sense of relief after losing the wedding ring is a sign of painful relationships in the dreamer's family. A man should take courage, declare faded feelings, otherwise it is impossible to find happiness.

Negative values

A negative interpretation of a dream carries a valuable warning to the dreamer.

The loss of the golden ring is a symbol of lost opportunities. A man will not take advantage of the chance presented to change his life. Trying to use the opportunity will not bring the desired satisfaction.

The lost ring was returned to the dreamer by a tramp, a ragamuffin - it is worth getting ready for financial problems.

The loss of a wedding ring is a symbol of possible betrayal. The feelings of a man are waiting for a serious test. If a man decides to break off relations with his soulmate, he will have a long period of his own separation experiences.

The ring was lost by his wife - perhaps the dreamer himself will be the culprit for the break in relations. A man is waiting for a meeting of another woman who will persuade him to cheat on his wife. Such a test will help the dreamer to sort out feelings, to make the right informed decision.

A man found a loss, suddenly gives his jewelry to a woman - a sign of the existence of strong feelings that exist in reality, it is probably difficult for a man to recognize the presence of feelings even to himself. A dream that brought satisfaction to a man should serve as a direct indication of the development of relations with the woman of interest. Romantic relationships may well develop into serious feelings, bring long-awaited happiness.

A ring stolen in a dream symbolizes the emergence of a new acquaintance, which will bring difficulties and complicate the work begun. A friend can draw the dreamer into a risky business that brings material losses. The dream you see must be considered a direct warning: a man should be more attentive, more legible about new acquaintances, acquaintances.

The loss of the ring is based on the discrepancy between the size of the ring (it has become much freer for the owner) - a symbol of impending problems with children. Children can be their own, or they can just be the children of acquaintances.

List of used literature:

  • Steiner E. S. "Unsteady bridge of sleep": dreams and dreamers in the Japanese tradition // Proceedings of the "Russian Anthropological School": Issue 6 / Ed. coll.: E. M. Boltunova, K. V. Bandurovsky, A. V. Garadzha, I. A. Protopopova, E. V. Pchelov, A. I. Sosland. - M.: RGGU, 2009.
  • Eliade M. Myths, dreams, mysteries. Per. from English. - M.: REFL-book, 1996.
  • Jung KG Memories, dreams, reflections. Per. with him. - Kyiv: AirLand, 1994.