Industrial ventilation systems. Ventilation of industrial premises Types of industrial ventilation systems

During operation, indoor air changes its parameters - temperature, humidity and composition under the influence of a variety of factors: changes in the parameters of outdoor air, heat, moisture and carbon dioxide emissions from people, dust and other harmful substances from operating equipment, machines, installations. In this regard, it is necessary to carry out air exchange, i.e. remove polluted indoor air and replace it with purified fresh (outdoor) air. The task of ventilation is to provide air exchange in industrial premises to maintain the calculated air parameters in them.

Air parameters can be:

  • comfortable and they are provided by ventilation systems of residential and administrative facilities;
  • admissible, achieved due to the work of ventilation of industrial buildings.

Other tasks are often set before ventilation systems of industrial premises: removal of smoke (in case of fire), dust and harmful substances (during the operation of machines, assemblies and equipment). Ventilation of industrial premises is a set of devices and measures that provide calculated air exchange. Depending on the processed air flow, a distinction is made between domestic (up to 10,000 m³/h) and industrial ventilation (over 10,000 m³/h). Ventilation of industrial buildings is a mandatory measure in production workshops, hangars and other premises where technological equipment is used, people or mechanisms work.

Ventilation of industrial buildings

Industrial ventilation equipment, due to large amounts of air being transported, is distinguished by its weight and size characteristics, energy consumption and increased requirements for its reliability and safety. The work of any, including industrial ventilation, is provided by several engineering systems called ventilation systems. They consist of devices of various designs, each of which performs its own function:

  • air circulation - fans;
  • air purification - filters of various purification classes;
  • air flow control - air valves and dampers;
  • air heating and cooling - air heaters and air coolers;
  • air distribution throughout the room - diffusers, anemostats and grilles;
  • air supply and removal - air ducts;
  • vibration reduction - flexible connectors and vibration isolators;
  • noise reduction - silencers.

Ventilation of industrial premises

Measures include proper management of industrial ventilation, compliance with standard air velocities in air ducts to reduce the level of aerodynamic noise, compliance with manufacturing technology, installation, and sealing of air ducts to reduce leaks to a minimum. Currently, for the ventilation of industrial premises and the simultaneous organization of supply and exhaust, industrial ventilation units are used, which allow performing most of these functions with the help of one unit - a supply and exhaust unit. The peculiarity of these units is that their design combines supply and exhaust units, which in turn allows you to get a better price, use various recuperation systems and make the process of ventilation of industrial premises more efficient.


According to their purpose, ventilation units are divided into:

  • supply;
  • exhaust;
  • supply and exhaust;
  • recuperative (supply and exhaust with a recuperator).

Modern ventilation systems and accessories for them - this is our profile, and we can offer our customers almost the entire line of moving and moving devices and mechanisms produced in the world today (ventilo in Latin - winnow, wave). They are reliable, convenient and beautiful, allowing you to fit the fans bought from us into the style of any room.

You only need to know which fan required in terms of the tasks that it will solve and the volume of the room where it is planned to be used. And then choose the equipment that suits you best from an extensive list of items.

For simple mixing of air within the same room, so that it does not stagnate, creating the effect of a breath of wind, we have a variety of bladed and bladeless fans desktop, floor, wall and ceiling mounting. All of them have an attractive design, powerful engines that operate as quietly as possible, several speeds of operation and are very inexpensive.

However, real ventilation with ventilation, that is, the injection of fresh air into the room and the removal of contaminated air by such devices is not carried out. For this we need exactly ventilation systems different power. We have them in all three types of their purpose: supply, exhaust, general exchange with a full cycle of all operations: extracting old air, ejecting it and forcing fresh air.

We offer turnkey ventilation systems

We will tell and show you which ventilation systems can offer you "Vent-style" in terms of their functional features.

Forced ventilation designed to provide fresh air into the room. Previously, natural ventilation was mainly used - due to the difference in air temperatures inside and outside, air exchange occurred. But such a ventilation system is too dependent on climatic conditions, and artificial ventilation, carried out with the help of a fan, heater, air ducts, will always work.

Exhaust ventilation removes stale air from the room, allowing clean air to naturally penetrate into it. It is advisable to install exhaust ventilation in kitchens, hallways, bathrooms, that is, not in residential premises, but in domestic premises. When designing industrial premises, exhaust ventilation can be equipped with designing industrial premises, then exhaust ventilation can be equipped with an additional filtration filtration system.

General ventilation today it is used most often, because it provides for the intake of air, its removal and the influx of fresh air masses.

General exchange ventilation it is completed, as a rule, with a set of filters that do not allow polluting the atmosphere and clean the air supplied to the premises from dust particles, as well as devices for its additional heating or cooling.

Here you can choose any ventilation system"turnkey" with its complete set of any elements: filters and air ducts for round and rectangular ducts, transformer and seven-story speed controllers, valves, additional silencers.

We will help you pick up and deliver to your destination any fans And ventilation systems in a set for residential, public and industrial premises, including volumetric exhaust units installed on the roofs of buildings.

In addition, we have a wide range of high-temperature fans that cool electronic devices, installations and equipment used in a wide range of applications - from home computers to factory assembly shops. There are also special channel high-temperature fans for removal of air from fireplaces and other constructions.

Please note that all the motors of our fans for domestic and industrial purposes are mounted in soundproof housings and are equipped with overheating protection with an automatic restart function.
You can be sure that what we offer ventilation systems have certificates of conformity to the quality established by state standards and warranty periods of operation.

Industrial ventilation is installed in manufacturing plants, retail and warehouse premises, sports and concert halls and other large buildings. It ensures the maintenance of optimal climatic conditions for people, removes harmful chemical and explosive compounds and industrial dust from the premises. It can be general or local, exhaust, supply or supply / exhaust. When developing the project, the purpose of the facilities, the composition of the air mixture, the volume of the premises and the requirements of regulations and industry regulations for air quality are taken into account.

Design and installation works are carried out taking into account the requirements of SNiP 3.01.01-85 and SNiP 3.05.01-85, only licensed companies with a full staff of highly qualified employees of various specialties are allowed to perform. The installation of an industrial ventilation system consists of several separate stages, each of which performs certain actions and controls the quality.

General installation scheme

Scheme of installation of ventilation for a circular cross section

Ventilation installation diagram for a rectangular section

The work is carried out on the basis of the PPR, the document provides details on the nomenclature and number of elements and special units, technical conditions for the installation, circuit diagrams engineering solutions of the main units. Industrial ventilation systems must be installed during construction work to avoid alteration of architectural elements and structures. At large facilities, installation is carried out by the zone method as soon as the scope of work is ready. In this case, the following rules must be observed:

  1. To provide heat for buildings under construction, supply chambers should be installed as a matter of priority. This will make it possible to maintain the temperature in the premises at favorable values ​​and guarantee the continuation of work in winter period time.
  2. Passages and fastening of air ducts through the roof are carried out before its final covering with roofing materials. The final coating of the roof is done only after the complete completion of the installation of ventilation systems and quality control. Further modification of the air duct layout is strictly prohibited.
  3. Air ducts passing through load-bearing walls or lintels are recommended to be made before they are erected. This eliminates the need for subsequent chiselling of the walls to pass pipes. If several subcontractors work at the facility, then an agreement between them on the work plan is required. Based on the agreements, a general schedule is drawn up, the document is signed by all parties.

Checking the tightness of the connections is carried out before the completion of construction work to seal the holes. Due to this sequence, work to eliminate the identified problem areas is much easier. After verification, an act is drawn up for hidden work. Installation of embedded parts is carried out simultaneously with the installation of design building structures, it is forbidden to violate the installation technology. If technical errors were found during the installation of industrial ventilation, it is recommended to call the designers and coordinate further actions with them.

Installation of air ducts

They are mounted in the manner provided for in standard technological maps. A specific method takes into account the horizontal or vertical position, spatial placement relative to architectural structures: external or internal, in the intervals between floor trusses, near columns or walls. This takes into account the total usable area and number of storeys of the building.

Installation of vertical ventilation

Installation of horizontal ventilation

For shaped parts of the ventilation system with complex geometry, flexible air ducts are used, made of non-woven polymer materials or aluminum foil. The use of flexible ducts in straight sections is prohibited, their installation causes a noticeable loss in air flow velocity. As a result, an increase in the cost of maintaining the calculated indicators of the frequency of air exchange in the premises, maintenance of the ventilation system is more expensive than the stipulated standards, and the cost of production increases. In order to increase the throughput of flexible sections during installation, a minimum compression ratio is provided.

Shaped parts for circular ventilation

Fittings for rectangular ventilation

Technological stages of work production

Industrial installation of air ducts is carried out in large blocks in the following sequence:

  1. Marking specific places for fixing air ducts, taking into account their diameter and weight. At the same time, a set of measures is taken to reduce the number of bends, ventilation systems should be as straightforward as possible.
  2. Installation of fastening devices, taking into account the dimensions of the pipes and the material of manufacture of the bearing surfaces. If necessary, the places for fixing lifting mechanisms for moving heavy structural units are agreed with the builders.
  3. Delivery of parts, fixtures and assemblies to the place of installation. Their completeness and safety are rechecked. If mechanical damage is detected, the flaws are eliminated before installation begins.
  4. Assembly of individual elements into enlarged blocks. Using the block method for industrial ventilation allows you to reduce time and improve the quality of work.
  5. Installation of blocks in the places provided for by the design documentation, checking the quality of fixation.

Video: Installation of ventilation systems
The linear parameters of the blocks depend on the cross-sectional parameters of the air ducts and the selected type of their connection, the specific conditions for the installation of the air ducts and the technical characteristics of the lifting mechanisms used. The entire installation process is carried out by operational quality control, taking into account the provisions of the map developed by the designers. If possible, industrial ventilation is equipped with a minimum number of bends and bends.
Fan mounting

The calculation of fans for industrial ventilation is carried out on the basis of the customer's specifications and taking into account current standards and regulations. Installation methods and the procedure for performing preparatory operations depend on the type of fan (roof, axial, fan), mounting location and dimensions. Installation of an air duct with a fan is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Checking the readiness of premises for ventilation chambers, delivery of units and its constituent parts to the installation site. Assembling the unit and checking its performance.
  2. Lifting the fan to the place of installation, fastening it to the supporting structures, re-checking the performance. Installation of air ducts to the inlet and outlet technological openings of the fan.

roof fan

Axial fan

Quality assurance activities

The efficiency of industrial ventilation is ensured by quality control at each stage of work in accordance with the requirements of SNiPa 30101-85 and industry standards of the KS UK SMP. The list of activities includes the following steps:

  1. Control of working documentation for the ventilation system. Compliance of the technical indicators of the system with the production task, the features of operation and the characteristics of the building is checked.
  2. Checking the condition of equipment, pipelines for air ducts, control and management units. The actual characteristics are compared with those indicated in the technical passport.
  3. Control of the stages of assembly and installation. The assembly and installation of ventilation systems must comply with design documents and the requirements of building regulations.

Operational control of the installation of industrial ventilation is carried out as each stage of work is completed, ensures timely detection of deviations from the recommended technology and their immediate elimination. The results are recorded in a special journal and certified by the signatures of the responsible persons. Operational control is carried out constantly at all stages of work.

Acceptance control of the ventilation system provides for checking the compliance of the work performed with the working design and the WEP. The system is started and operation in various modes is checked. At the same time, special devices measure the speed of air movement in various areas, the functionality of the installed equipment and units.
How plastic air ducts are made at Plast|Product