You wake up and see a woman in the window. 'I woke up and saw this' - people share funny and cute photos of their pets

"I woke up and saw my kitten in this cute pose"

"I left my jacket on the floor and woke up to see this"

"I slept on the floor and woke up to see my happy dog"

"Patiently waiting for me to wake up and feed him"

"I woke up in the middle of the night hearing my cat talking to his cat god"

"I woke up and saw this cutest picture"

Since the owner does not feed, you need to get food on your own

"Draw me like one of your French lizards..."

"Looks like they're waiting for breakfast."

"How would you feel if you woke up and saw such a face?"

"Woke up and found feathers in the hallway. Went through the evidence and saw this"

"When I woke up, I didn't understand at first"

"I woke up from a knock on the door. It was my dog"

"The first thing I saw when I woke up. My friend brought her cat"

"This is what I usually see when I wake up in the morning"

"It's actually a dog, not a cat. Well, I guess. I can't say for sure."

"I woke up and saw this. But we don't have a cat"

"I woke up and saw this catastrophe - the cat sniffed catnip and fell into another dimension"

"The first thing I saw when I woke up was this funny face"

"I woke up in the morning and saw my Irish setter on my 1.5 meter closet. I don't know how he got in there and how long he stood there"

In 1978 Rebecca was 6 years old and then she had a frightening meeting with a creature that she calls "The Man in the Hat" and about which she thinks that he is not really a man.

Now Rebecca lives in Florida, but she spent all her childhood in Missouri, including in 1978 in the city of Independence at her grandmother's house.

According to Rebecca, in those years, my grandfather was often sick and was in the hospital, and in those days the whole family (mother, Rebecca and her younger sister) came to live with her grandmother to support her.

On that memorable night, Rebecca, her sister, and her grandmother herself slept on the same bed in her grandmother's bedroom, and her mother slept in the guest room. The house was quiet at night, but it soon became clear that they were not alone in the grandmother's bedroom.

“I was lying very uncomfortable between my sister and my grandmother and my head was at their feet, as we lay “jack”, says Rebecca, “I woke up in the middle of the night due to the fact that I had a strange nightmare. I dreamed that all the drawers of the chest of drawers and the wardrobe in our room opened and things flew out of there by themselves, as if they were being thrown out by an invisible person.

Waking up, Rebecca lay quietly for some time, but fear did not let her go and she tried to wake her grandmother. She didn't succeed. Then the girl decided to get out of bed and go to her mother's room, but the path lay past that chest of drawers and the girl was very afraid to go there.

But when she turned her head to the chest of drawers, she was even more frightened. Between the chest of drawers and the window, right behind the head of their bed, stood a tall dark man in a hat. He appeared to Rebecca to be very tall and dressed in period clothing.

“He was wearing a long dark coat, and on his head was a top hat, in his hand he held a cane. Nothing else was visible in him, but he strangely blocked all the moonlight coming from the window with his figure. And he scared me not so much by the very fact that a stranger entered my grandmother’s bedroom, but by the fact that I immediately understood that this was not a person. ”

The girl and the man in the top hat stared at each other for several seconds, maybe even minutes. Then the man pointed his finger at her and said "This is your last chance". His voice sounded muffled, and Rebecca thought that he most likely comes out right in her head.

After that, the mysterious man in the top hat repeated these incomprehensible words again, lowered his hand and suddenly disappeared. The frightened Rebecca told her mother and grandmother everything the next morning, but no one believed her.

“Little children often tell various “fabulous” stories, and adults listen to all of them with a slight smile, without even listening to the words. But after that incident, for some time I was afraid of my grandmother's room itself. Fortunately, we soon left there and I never returned there.”

But Rebecca told her story to her relatives more than once, and finally there was someone who believed her. Then Rebecca was already an adult and her story suddenly interested her aunt. Rebecca's aunt told her that she had also seen the man at her grandmother's house.

Rebecca's grandmother has long since died and Rebecca herself is no longer young, but she still wonders what that man wanted to tell her and what his words meant.

“I'm still trying to figure out what he meant by saying 'This is your last chance'. My grandfather died shortly after this vision, and maybe it had something to do with him, but he was not even in the house that night, he was in the hospital. Could it be that the Man in the Top Hat was hinting to me that this was my last chance to talk to my grandfather while he was still alive? I don't know and I'm not sure of anything."

It is worth mentioning that the Man in the Hat is often mentioned in various Internet horror stories (creepypastas). Including coming to children. But the story of Rebecca, which was told several years ago in the book of the researcher of anomalous phenomena Jason Offut, according to the writer, is completely real and has nothing to do with horror stories.

1. Feeling of falling. Also known as the hypnagogic jerk, it occurs when you start to fall asleep. Normally, when you sleep, your body is paralyzed, but sometimes your brain has time to fall asleep before the body shuts down. “During this state, you may dream that you fall off a cliff, fell out of the cockpit of an airplane, or simply lost the ground under your feet,” - explains Christopher Winter, MD, Men's Health sleep specialist and director of the sleep center at Martha Jefferson Hospital in Virginia. Why are we falling? Scientists are not yet able to accurately answer this question. “Most likely, this happens when you are overtired, under stress or have not slept for a couple of days,” - explains Dr. Winter. “In this state, your brain falls asleep much faster than your body.”

2. Paralysis. You start waking up in the morning and are horrified to find that you can't move. This state can last from a few seconds to a couple of minutes. In fact, it is the opposite of the hypnagogic jerk, since in this case the brain wakes up before the body “turns on”. “You may feel like you have nothing to breathe. Some say that something literally presses them into the bed and does not allow them to breathe. This is because the muscles that control the diaphragm, like everything else in your body, are still paralyzed., - explains Dr. Winter.

3. Sleepwalking. Most situations that occur during sleep are harmless. But sleepwalking poses a serious danger: you can trip, fall out of a window, raid a refrigerator, leave home, and even drive (it’s good that at least the banks are closed at night, and you won’t get bad loans). “When you sleepwalk, you wake up enough for your body to move, but not enough to activate your brain.” - explains Dr. Winter. That is why you do not remember your nightly adventures. If your somnambulism is not congenital (for example, it is common in epileptics, you would probably notice this disease in yourself), then stress, overwork, and also some sleeping pills can be its cause. So, if you are recently addicted to sleeping pills, then get rid of them, and instead try to follow ours.

4. Dream conversations. About 5 percent of adult men talk in their sleep, according to a study by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. As a rule, such monologues last no more than 30 seconds. " Often this happens the first 2 hours of sleep, when your body has already entered the stage of deep sleep, but it still has enough muscle tone to make sounds or move, obeying the logic of your dreams, ”- reassures Dr. Winter.

5. Recurring dreams."Dreams- it is the way your brain evaluates and processes all the information received in a day before it is stored as memories. Also, recurring dreams can be caused by unresolved psychological problems.” - explains Dr. Winter. Often recurring dreams are based on real events. “If you were robbed in a store, then it can scroll in your dreams again and again until you begin to comprehend what happened and learn to live with it, whereas if you just ran into the store and bought milk, the brain immediately sends this event to junk", - Winter explains.

6. Sex in a dream. If you woke up and suddenly found your girlfriend moaning with satisfaction under you, then do not rush to get scared. In a study conducted by the University of Toronto Health Network, about 8 out of 800 people confirmed that they are prone to sexsomnia, as this disorder has already been dubbed by scientists. . “During my work, I found that the behavior of patients during sleep sex is very different from their actions and speech during normal sex,” - says Dr. Winter. This phenomenon is similar to sleepwalking: your body has already woken up, but the brain has not yet had time to wake up from sleep. “Many people remember very vaguely what happened during their nightly adventures, or do not remember anything at all,”- says Dr. Winter. It is possible that you just dreamed of having sex while falling asleep. In the same Toronto in 2003, they even acquitted a “sexy werewolf” who almost raped a woman while he was in a sleeping state. Fortunately, "sexodrema" is treated with medication.

7. Exploding Head Syndrome. Dr. Winter describes this phenomenon as follows: “A person wakes up from what he heard, as it seems to him, real loud noise like an explosion, saw a flash of light or just felt his head explode". This is a kind of hypnagogic jerk, similar to the feeling of falling in a dream: you are already falling into a deep sleep, but your body is still “on”, as well as the senses.

There are many stories about how people, suddenly waking up at night, saw strange creatures next to them. Most of the cases can be attributed to the fact that these entities simply dreamed of people. But some cases simply defy explanation.

Nina Ivanovna B., who lives in Kaluga, saw a strange lady in her room and, according to her, almost died of horror. The growth of the intruder was about one and a half meters, and the head and skin were completely covered with bristles. Facial features were not visible. There were also no hands or feet to be seen. The outlines of the figure were constantly changing, becoming either thin or thick. In the end, it became like coiled ropes, rose up to the ceiling with a rustling sound and disappeared.

Lydia K. from Krasnodar, waking up at night, saw a male figure of a thin build appear on the wall of the room. The creature had unnaturally long arms, no neck, and a gaping black spot instead of a face. The woman screamed out in fear. Her relatives came running to the cry. The creature was no longer in the room, but the entire floor was splashed with water, and the wallpaper in the place where the creature had materialized swelled with bubbles.

Alexandra H. was awakened by the sound of footsteps. A huge figure with a disproportionately small head entered the room. The creature was dressed in a long cloak with a hood and boots, on which were galoshes made of straw. The entity, numb with fear, informed the woman that today she would not be strangled, but would stand by her all night. The frightened woman did not close her eyes until morning. As soon as the clock began to strike six o'clock, the creature disappeared.

At night, Natalya K. heard someone open the front door with a key. The husband was on duty. The woman heard footsteps approaching, and a man wearing a dark cloak and hat entered the room. He sat down on the bed at the woman's feet and Natalya felt that she could not move her arm or leg. After sitting for a short time, the "man" got up, hid behind the bookshelves and disappeared.

Elena K. from Chelyabinsk was often visited by a strange hairy creature, the appearance of which was accompanied by the smell of burning electrical wiring each time. As soon as the eerie entity appeared, the woman's body became numb. Having stroked Elena's hand with a terrible paw, the creature disappeared.

In one family, the husband suffered from nightmares. And this made my wife very tired. It was painful for her to watch him wake up in the morning broken and sleepy. Deciding to help him at all costs, she read prayers after he fell asleep. But it did not help. As he fell asleep once again, the woman folded her arms across his chest. And, with growing horror, she felt how someone invisible tenaciously grabbed her by the arm and began to push her away. Gathering all her strength and courage, the woman desperately resisted, and the mysterious something receded. In the morning, the husband woke up - not, as always, broken, but vigorous and energetic.

Sometimes nightly visits by strange strangers are associated with the appearance of UFOs. In the early 1980s, a woman who wished to remain anonymous woke up thirsty. And I saw through the window a giant disk-shaped object hanging in the sky. After hanging motionless for about a minute, the UFO disappeared. A few months later, she saw the UFO again. On the same spot.

And about a week later, after waking up, the woman went to the kitchen to drink. As she reached for the glass, she felt hands around her head and someone told her to be quiet. Adding that everything will be fine. The woman's body froze, and then lifted off the floor and went into horizontal position. The hands of a strange creature penetrated right through the skin into the abdomen and began to dig into the insides. No pain was felt. Taking out his hands, the creature said that was all, and disappeared. The woman lay down on the bed and instantly fell asleep. In the morning, looking at her stomach, she did not find any traces.

A few weeks later, over a cup of tea, she told her neighbor about what had happened. And she confessed to her that exactly the same story had happened to her.

In the future, the night visits of the strange guest were repeated several times. And every time an uninvited guest delved into her insides. The change of residence did not help either. The stranger began to visit the woman in the new apartment. She got the impression that someone was deliberately experimenting on her.

In the winter of 1991 - 1992, a woman who was already over fifty lay at night, half asleep. And she saw a strange tunnel looming towards her balcony door. A humanoid descended down the tunnel, no more than a meter and a half tall. His skin had a greyish-green tint, and his head was hairless. The creature was dressed in a grayish-bluish overalls. The woman felt that she could not move. The stranger approached the bed and a beam fell from his palm onto the woman's lower abdomen. After that, he left.

Two weeks later, the woman felt the signs of pregnancy. The gynecologist confirmed the guess. And three months later the humanoid reappeared. This time, his hand plunged right through the skin into the woman's stomach and pulled out something. The alien left, and the signs of pregnancy disappeared after that.

There are, as always, many opinions about strange entities visiting people at night. Most scientists tend to believe that people just see them in a dream. Even in cases where there is material evidence that someone has been in the house. It is always easier to write off something that cannot be explained to a dream. Some scientists are inclined to the hypothesis that, in parallel with us, there are creatures on Earth that feed on the energy of human emotions. In particular, the energy of fear. But whether this is true, we can only guess.

The dream indicates difficulties in communicating with society, friends, perhaps precisely those who were in a dream. Perhaps you are hiding from them something that you consider illegitimate, unacceptable in their company, there is a certain bifurcation in your behavior - you are alone with them, and without them you are real ... It seems to you that they do not trust you and suspect, but on in fact, it is you who distrust them, and it seems to you that if they find out what you are hiding, then this will cause their aggression. The only way to "rescue" and resolve this situation is to unite all parts of your behavior and come out, stop hiding and integrate all your "parts", without splitting.

Dream Interpretation - I saw my double in a dream

The dream reminds you that in real life you should take a closer look at your behavior among the people around you, they cannot understand you, this naturally does not suit your friends. Your secrets are your secrets and you should not reveal them to everyone and everyone, but you will have to change something in your communication style.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - I saw part of a bygone story

The dream shows your commitment to heroism. Life as a challenge, recognition or death. Gateway - awareness of the inevitable: competition, envy and betrayal. Flight stories - fear of defeat: under the yoke of the unconscious (gateway) to find yourself in the world of human fantasies (toy fair). Your dream is existential. It expresses the anxiety of people endowed with talent.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Woke up with fear for his sister

And the dream convincingly tells the Dreamer that the Life paths and interests (of him and his sisters) will soon diverge, but strong related-high feelings must be preserved by the Dreamer at the level of the soul - namely, these feelings will help him and his sister survive and stay among the "sharks with human teeth" (these are "predatory" and aggressive People in reality - aggressive guys and predatory girls, to whose influence we are subject, especially in youth, that we ourselves become the same ...). The dream is symbolic, and the Interpretation is short but capacious ** Good luck!

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - I saw my dead father sleeping in reality

The Dreamer is in a dream in a familiar Room, sees her dead father sleeping on the Sofa and behaves in a dream as if she were awake - it suggests that the Dreamer convinces herself in reality that she is sleeping (after all the events). Awareness will come later, at the right moment, when the psyche is ready.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - In a dream I saw a strange event

Perhaps in the near future you will meet with fate. Not in the sense of a girl, but in the sense of an event. Although the girl is also not excluded. These are the feelings that you experienced in a dream, you have to experience in reality.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - A dream from which I woke up in tears

Hello! Perhaps you already had clearly defined plans for arranging your life, but suddenly everything did not go as planned - unforeseen circumstances interfered (not your lucky break - they didn’t pass the competition or missed the vacancy, etc.). But you won't get upset too much - you will have another way out, better than the previous one, but it was not yours! Something like that. All the best to you!!

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun