The story of m bitter chelkash summary. Other retellings and reviews for the reader's diary

Year: 1895 Genre: story

Main characters: Chelkash is a smuggler, drunkard and thief, Gavrila is a peasant guy

"Chelkash" - is the first work of Gorky, which was published in the magazine " Russian wealth» in 1895. The work itself was written in August 1894 in Nizhny Novgorod. The main characters are the complete opposite of each other.

The first is Grishka Chelkash - his author classifies him as a tramp, he is a drunkard and a thief, but at the same time there is something that distinguishes this hero from a crowd like him, the author often compared him with a hawk, his thinness, special gait and predatory look distinguished him from the rest of the people. This hero lives by theft, his main prey is the ships that he cleans and then sells. Apparently, such a life does not bother Chelkash, he enjoys his power, freedom, he likes the risk and the fact that he can do whatever he wants.

The second hero is Gavrila, at first glance it seemed that there would be something similar between them, because they are both from the village and both of the same status, but in fact there is a difference in these two heroes and not small. Gavrila is a young and strong guy who dreams of prosperity in life, but his spirit is weak and pitiful. They, together with Grigory, go to work, and here immediately two different characters appear before us, the weak-willed and cowardly Gavrila and the powerful Chelkash.

The main idea. The main idea of ​​the work is the struggle for freedom and equality, the author tries to convey that tramps have their own values, thoughts and feelings, and to some extent they are even cleaner and more reasonable than people of higher status. The problem of Chelkash as a person is the uselessness of the ideas to which he aspired, and this is what he pays for his freedom.

The story begins in the morning in the port, a description of what is happening around, people are busy with their own business, there is noise, work is in full swing.

All this continues until dinner, as soon as the clock showed twelve, everything calmed down. At this time, the main character, Chelkash, appears in the port, the author describes him as a drunkard, a thief, a thin old man, brave and battered by life, often comparing him with a hawk. He came in order to find his friend and partner Misha, but as it turns out, he ended up in the hospital because of a broken leg. This upsets the hero, because a profitable business was planned for today, for which he needs a partner. Now Chelkash's goal was to find a person who would help him, and he began to look for a suitable person from passers-by. And then his attention was attracted by a guy who looked very naive and simple. Gregory meets guys, pretending to be a fisherman.

The guy's name is Gavrila, he returned from the Kuban with a very small salary, and now he is just looking for a job. Gavrila himself dreams of a free life, but he believes that he will not have one, because he himself was left with one mother, his father died, and a small piece of land remained. Of course, rich people wanted to take him as a son-in-law, but then he would have to work all his life for his father-in-law. In general, Gavrila dreams of at least 150 rubles, believing that this will help him create a successful life, build a house and get married.

Chelkash, in turn, listened to the guy’s story and offered to make money on fishing, but such an offer seemed suspicious to Gavrila, because the very appearance of Grigory did not give him reason to trust him, and therefore Chelkash received a dose of distrust and contempt from the guy. But the thief is outraged by what this young man thought of him, because what right does he have to condemn other people. Ultimately, the love of money in Gavrila's soul and the offer of easy money made him decide in the direction of the thief.

Suspecting nothing and thinking that he is going fishing, the guy goes with Chelkash first to the tavern to "wash" the contract, this tavern is very full strange people. The thief feels complete power over the guy, realizing that life now depends on him, because it is he who will either help the guy or destroy everything in a crash, but still he is full of desire to help the young man.

After nightfall, they went to work. Chelkash appreciated and admired the sea, while Gavrila, on the contrary, was afraid of the dark, everything seemed very scary to him.

The guy asked where the tackle was, because they had come fishing, but instead of an answer, he received screams in his direction. And then he realized that it would not be fishing at all, fear and uncertainty captured the guy, he tried to ask Chelkash to let him go, but he only threatened in response and ordered to row further.

Soon they reached the goal, Chelkash took the oars and the passport and went to get the goods. Gavrila tried to reassure himself that it would end soon, you need to endure and do what the thief says. Then they went through the "cordons", Gavrila tried to call for help, but got scared. Chelkash promised to pay him adequately, and this gave the guy a reason to think about a future luxurious life. At last they reached the shore and went to bed. In the morning, Chelkash was unrecognizable, he had new clothes and a wad of money, from which he allocated a couple of bills to the guy.

All this time, Gavrila was thinking about how to get all the money for himself, as a result, he tried to knock down the thief and take all the money, but nothing came of it, and in the end he still asked for forgiveness for his behavior. After this incident, the paths of the heroes diverged.

A picture or drawing of Chelkash

Other retellings and reviews for the reader's diary

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Morning in the southern port. Huge cars are noisy around and the people who have created this noise are bustling around. Pitiful and fussy human figures, bent under the weight of loads, are "insignificant in comparison with the iron colossi surrounding them." They fill the deep holds of ships with "the products of their slave labor" to buy some bread.

But then the copper bell struck twelve times, and the noise subsided - it was time for dinner.


Grishka Chelkash appeared in the port, "an inveterate drunkard and a clever, brave thief", well known to the people of the port. This barefoot, bony man in tattered clothes, with a thick and long mustache, stood out among the other port bums by his resemblance to a steppe hawk.

Chelkash was looking for his friend and accomplice Mishka. A profitable business was planned for tonight, and the thief needed an assistant. From the customs guard, Chelkash learned that Mishka had been taken to the hospital - his leg was crushed with a cast-iron blank. Then the angry watchman escorted Chelkash to the port gate.

Sitting nearby, Chelkash was thinking about a business that requires "a little work and a lot of dexterity."

Then the thief remembered Mishka and swore to himself - without an assistant, he, perhaps, could not cope with this matter. He looked around the street and noticed not far from him a broad-shouldered, fair-haired guy in peasant clothes and with a scythe wrapped in straw.

Chelkash spoke to the guy, calling himself a fisherman. He said that he was coming from the Kuban, where he worked as a hired mower. It was not possible to earn much - a lot of starving people came to the Kuban, and prices fell.

Chelkash asked the guy if he loves freedom. The guy replied that he loves - "walk know how you like, just remember God." But the guy himself, who called himself Gavrila, will never have freedom. His father had died, leaving his old mother and a patch of depleted land, but he had to live. They call Gavrila as a son-in-law in a rich house, only the father-in-law does not want to separate his daughter, which means that the guy must work for his father-in-law for many years. If only he had 150 rubles! He would build a house, and buy land, and take a girl as his wife, which one he likes. He thought he would get rich in the Kuban, but it did not burn out.

Trusting and good-natured, like a calf, Gavril aroused a feeling of annoyance in Chekash. However, he needed an assistant, and the thief suggested that the guy go “fishing” and earn good money overnight. At first, he was frightened - as if not to get into something, Chelkash seemed to him a very dark personality. The thief was offended by Gavrila's opinion of him, and he immediately hated the guy for his youth and health, for the fact that somewhere they want this calf as a son-in-law, and he dares to love freedom, which he does not need.

Greed in Gavrila's soul, meanwhile, overcame fear, and he agreed, naively thinking that he and Chelkash would go fishing. The agreement was washed in a dim tavern full of strange personalities.

Chelkash understood that now the guy’s life was in his hands, he felt like his master, he thought “that this guy would never drink such a cup as fate gave him to drink,” and from this he envied Gavrila a little. Finally, all the feelings of Chelkash merged into one, "paternal and economic."


At night they went out to sea in a boat. Chelkash loved the sea, which was now black, calm, thick as butter. Gavrila, on the other hand, was frightened by this dark mass of water, which seemed even more terrible because of the heavy lead clouds.

The guy asked Chelkash where the fishing tackle was. It was embarrassing for the thief to lie to this boy, he got angry and shouted fiercely at Gavrila. He realized that they were not going to go fishing at all, he was very frightened and began to ask Chelkash to let him go, not to ruin his soul. The thief again yelled at the guy, and then he rowed silently, only crying and fidgeting with fear on the bench.

Meanwhile, Chelkash brought the boat close to the granite wall of the pier going into the water. Taking the oars and Gavrila's passport so that he would not run away, Chelkash climbed the granite wall and soon lowered bales of stolen goods into the boat. Having survived such a great fear, the guy decided to follow all the orders of the thief in order to quickly part with him.

Now the accomplices had to take the boat through the customs cordons. Hearing the word "cordons", Gavrila decided to call for help and had already opened his mouth, when suddenly a fiery blue sword rose out of the water, "lay on the chest of the sea" and its wide strip illuminated ships invisible in the darkness. From fear, Gavrila fell to the bottom of the boat. Chelkash picked it up and angrily hissed that it was just an electric lantern from a customs cruiser.

The cordons were passed. Relaxing a little, Chelkash said that in one night he “bitched five thousand”. Gavrila dreamed of a household that could be done with this money.

Chelkash also got carried away, remembered his father, a wealthy peasant. Gavrila sincerely took pity on him, who arbitrarily left the earth and "suffered due punishment for this absence." Anger flared up in Chelkash - his "vanity of a reckless daredevil" was hurt by someone who had no value in his eyes.

They sailed on in silence. Chelkash recalled his childhood, his mother and father, his beautiful wife. He recalled how the whole village met him from the army - a handsome and tall guardsman, how proud of him his gray-haired father, hunched from work.

Chelkash felt lonely, forever thrown out of the order of life in which he had grown up.

Soon the boat landed on a low craft. Non-Russian, swarthy people took the goods and put the accomplices to bed.


In the morning, Gavrila did not recognize Chelkash - so different, a little shabby, but still strong clothes changed him. The guy recovered from his fright and was not averse to working for Chelkash again - after all, you can’t ruin your soul, but you will definitely become a rich man.

Getting into the boat, they went to the shore. On the way, Chelkash gave Gavrila his share, while the guy saw how much money he had left.

Gavrila went ashore very excited. He fell at the feet of Chelkash and began to beg to give him all the money. The thief will skip them, and he, Gavrila, will manage the household and become a respected person in the village. Amazed and embittered, Chelkash took out banknotes from his pocket and threw them to Gavrila.

Chelkash felt that he, a thief and a reveler, "will never be so greedy, low, not remembering himself."

Gavrila collected money and admitted that he was ready to hit the thief with an oar, rob and drown in the sea - anyway, no one could miss such a lost person. Hearing this, Chelkash grabbed the guy by the throat, took the money and turned to leave. And then Gavrila strongly launched a large stone at the head of the thief.

Chelkash fell. Mortally frightened, Gavrila rushed away, forgetting about the money, but soon returned and began to bring the thief to his senses. He kissed the hands of Chelkash, asked for forgiveness, but he spat in the guy's eyes, then contemptuously threw him money and left, staggering along the shore. Gavrila sighed, collected the banknotes and with firm steps went in the opposite direction from Chelkash.

Soon the rain and the tide washed away the footprints and the bloodstain on the sand, and there was no longer any reminder of "a little drama that played out between two people."

You read summary Chelkash story. We bring to your attention the Summary section, where you can familiarize yourself with other presentations of popular writers.

Drawing by D. Bogoslovsky

Morning in the southern port. Huge cars are noisy around and the people who have created this noise are bustling around. Pitiful and fussy human figures, bent under the weight of loads, are "insignificant in comparison with the iron colossi surrounding them." They fill the deep holds of ships with "the products of their slave labor" to buy some bread.

But then the copper bell struck twelve times, and the noise subsided - it was time for dinner.


Grishka Chelkash appeared in the port, "an inveterate drunkard and a clever, brave thief", well known to the people of the port. This barefoot, bony man in tattered clothes, with a thick and long mustache, stood out among the other port bums by his resemblance to a steppe hawk.

Chelkash was looking for his friend and accomplice Mishka. A profitable business was planned for tonight, and the thief needed an assistant. From the customs guard, Chelkash learned that Mishka had been taken to the hospital - his leg was crushed with a cast-iron blank. Then the angry watchman escorted Chelkash to the port gate.

Sitting nearby, Chelkash was thinking about a business that requires "a little work and a lot of dexterity."

Then the thief remembered Mishka and swore to himself - without an assistant, he, perhaps, could not cope with this matter. He looked around the street and noticed not far from him a broad-shouldered, fair-haired guy in peasant clothes and with a scythe wrapped in straw.

Chelkash spoke to the guy, calling himself a fisherman. He said that he was coming from the Kuban, where he worked as a hired mower. It was not possible to earn much - a lot of starving people came to the Kuban, and prices fell.

Chelkash asked the guy if he loves freedom. The guy replied that he loves - "walk know how you like, just remember God." But the guy himself, who called himself Gavrila, will never have freedom. His father had died, leaving his old mother and a patch of depleted land, but he had to live. They call Gavrila as a son-in-law in a rich house, only the father-in-law does not want to separate his daughter, which means that the guy must work for his father-in-law for many years. If only he had 150 rubles! He would build a house, and buy land, and take a girl as his wife, which one he likes. He thought he would get rich in the Kuban, but it did not burn out.

Trusting and good-natured, like a calf, Gavril awakened a feeling of annoyance in Chelkash. However, he needed an assistant, and the thief suggested that the guy go “fishing” and earn good money overnight. At first, he was frightened - as if not to get into something, Chelkash seemed to him a very dark personality. The thief was offended by Gavrila's opinion of him, and he immediately hated the guy for his youth and health, for the fact that somewhere they want this calf as a son-in-law, and he dares to love freedom, which he does not need.

Greed in Gavrila's soul, meanwhile, overcame fear, and he agreed, naively thinking that he and Chelkash would go fishing. The agreement was washed in a dim tavern full of strange personalities.

Chelkash understood that now the guy’s life was in his hands, he felt like his master, he thought “that this guy would never drink such a cup as fate gave him to drink,” and from this he envied Gavrila a little. Finally, all the feelings of Chelkash merged into one, "paternal and economic."


At night they went out to sea in a boat. Chelkash loved the sea, which was now black, calm, thick as butter. Gavrila, on the other hand, was frightened by this dark mass of water, which seemed even more terrible because of the heavy lead clouds.

The guy asked Chelkash where the fishing tackle was. It was embarrassing for the thief to lie to this boy, he got angry and shouted fiercely at Gavrila. He realized that they were not going to go fishing at all, he was very frightened and began to ask Chelkash to let him go, not to ruin his soul. The thief again yelled at the guy, and then he rowed silently, only crying and fidgeting with fear on the bench.

Meanwhile, Chelkash brought the boat close to the granite wall of the pier going into the water. Taking the oars and Gavrila's passport so that he would not run away, Chelkash climbed the granite wall and soon lowered bales of stolen goods into the boat. Having survived such a great fear, the guy decided to follow all the orders of the thief in order to quickly part with him.

Now the accomplices had to take the boat through the customs cordons. Hearing the word "cordons", Gavrila decided to call for help and had already opened his mouth, when suddenly a fiery blue sword rose out of the water, "lay on the chest of the sea" and its wide strip illuminated ships invisible in the darkness. From fear, Gavrila fell to the bottom of the boat. Chelkash picked it up and angrily hissed that it was just an electric lantern from a customs cruiser.

The cordons were passed. Relaxing a little, Chelkash said that in one night he “bitched five thousand”. Gavrila dreamed of a household that could be done with this money.

Chelkash also got carried away, remembered his father, a wealthy peasant. Gavrila sincerely took pity on him, who arbitrarily left the earth and "suffered due punishment for this absence." Anger flared up in Chelkash - his "vanity of a reckless daredevil" was hurt by someone who had no value in his eyes.

They sailed on in silence. Chelkash recalled his childhood, his mother and father, his beautiful wife. He recalled how the whole village met him from the army - a handsome and tall guardsman, how proud of him his gray-haired father, hunched from work.

Chelkash felt lonely, forever thrown out of the order of life in which he had grown up.

Soon the boat landed on a low craft. Non-Russian, swarthy people took the goods and put the accomplices to bed.


In the morning, Gavrila did not recognize Chelkash - so different, a little shabby, but still strong clothes changed him. The guy recovered from his fright and was not averse to working for Chelkash again - after all, you can’t ruin your soul, but you will definitely become a rich man.

Getting into the boat, they went to the shore. On the way, Chelkash gave Gavrila his share, while the guy saw how much money he had left.

Gavrila went ashore very excited. He fell at the feet of Chelkash and began to beg to give him all the money. The thief will skip them, and he, Gavrila, will manage the household and become a respected person in the village. Amazed and embittered, Chelkash took out banknotes from his pocket and threw them to Gavrila.

Chelkash felt that he, a thief and a reveler, "will never be so greedy, low, not remembering himself."

Gavrila collected money and admitted that he was ready to hit the thief with an oar, rob and drown in the sea - anyway, no one could miss such a lost person. Hearing this, Chelkash grabbed the guy by the throat, took the money and turned to leave. And then Gavrila strongly launched a large stone at the head of the thief.

Chelkash fell. Mortally frightened, Gavrila rushed away, forgetting about the money, but soon returned and began to bring the thief to his senses. He kissed the hands of Chelkash, asked for forgiveness, but he spat in the guy's eyes, then contemptuously threw him money and left, staggering along the shore. Gavrila sighed, collected the banknotes and with firm steps went in the opposite direction from Chelkash.

Soon the rain and the tide washed away the footprints and the bloodstain on the sand, and there was no longer any reminder of "a little drama that played out between two people."

The story opens with a description of the port. The voices of people barely make their way through the noise of steamship propellers, the ringing of anchor chains, etc.

Grishka Chelkash appears,. . Chelkash is looking for Mishka, with whom he steals together. One of the guards informs him that Mishka's leg was crushed and he was taken to the hospital. In the frantic hustle and bustle of the port, Chelkash feels confident. He is going, regrets that Mishka will not be able to help him. Chelkash meets a young guy, gets to know him, talks heart to heart, enters into his confidence, introduces himself as a fisherman (who, however, does not catch fish). The guy, whose name is Gavrila, says that he needs money, he can’t cope with his household, they don’t give out girls with a dowry for him, he can’t earn. Chelkash offers the guy to earn money, Gavrila agrees. Chelkash invites Gavrila to dine, and takes food on credit, and Gavrila is immediately filled with respect for Chel porridge,. At dinner, Chelkash gets Gavrila drunk, and the guy is completely in his power. Chelkash.

At night, Chelkash and Gavrila set off on a boat. A description of the sea and sky follows (psychological landscape: - about rblaks). CheLkash does not tell Gavrila the true purpose of their journey, although Gavrila, sitting on the oars, already guesses that they did not go out to sea at all to fish. Gavrila gets scared and asks Chelkash to let him go. Chelkash only amuses the guy's fear. Chelkash takes away Gavrila's passport so that he does not run away. They stick to the wall, Chelkash disappears and returns with something. Gavrila turns back, dreaming of one thing: . Gavrila rows very carefully, and they manage to slip past the guards. However, a spotlight fumbles across the water, Gavrila is scared half to death, but they again manage to escape. Gavrila is already refusing the reward, Chelkash is starting a guy: after all, upon returning to his native village, the former dull, hopeless life awaits him, reports that he earned half a thousand in one night. Chelkash says that if Gavrila worked with him, he would be the first rich man in the village. Chelkash even got emotional and started talking about peasant life. He recalls his childhood, his village, his parents, his wife, he recalls how he served in the guards and how his father was proud of him in front of the whole village. Thoughts distract Chelkash, and the boat almost passes by the Greek ship, on which Chelkash is supposed to deliver the goods.

Chelkash and Gavrila spend the night on a Greek ship. Chelkash receives money, persuades Gavrila to work with him again. Shows Gavrila a mountain of papers with which the Greeks paid him. Gavrila, with a trembling hand, grabs the 40 rubles allocated to him by Chelkash. Chelkash notes with displeasure that Gavrila is greedy, but believes that one should not expect anything else from a peasant. Gavrila excitedly talks about how good it is to live in the countryside with money. On the shore, Gavrila pounces on Chelkash, asking him to give him all the money. Chelkash gives him banknotes,. Gavrila thanks him humbly, shudders, and hides the money in his bosom. Chelkash feels. Gavrila mutters that he thought to kill Chelkash, because no one will ask where he disappeared. Chelkash grabs the guy by the throat, takes the money away, then turns with contempt and leaves. Gavrila grabs a heavy stone, throws it at Chelkash's head, and he falls. Gavrila runs away, but then returns and asks to forgive him and remove the sin from his soul. Chelkash sends him away with contempt: Chelkash gives Gavrila almost all the money, except for one piece of paper. Gavrila says that he will take it only if Chelkash forgives him. It starts to rain, Chelkash turns and leaves, leaving the money lying on the sand. His legs buckle, and the bandage on his head is increasingly soaked with blood. Gavrila rakes up the money, hides it, and walks away in the opposite direction with broad, firm steps. Rain and splashing waves wash away the bloodstain and footprints in the sand. .

Good brief retelling- the key to the successful development of the program in literature. It, in turn, will come in handy in passing the most important final exams. Therefore, the authors from the Literaguru team pay special attention to writing abbreviated works, which briefly and accurately describe the main events and plot from the book.

The preface describes the sea, the port, its sounds and smells. And in we explain why this is all described in the preface. And not only.

Chelkash is a thief and a drunkard, externally and internally he stood out among the people in the market he was walking through. The hero talks to the loader, finds out that they are looking for him, but a certain Mishka has not been seen for a long time. Chelkash goes further, he abruptly answers numerous acquaintances he meets. The watchman stopped him, the hero treats him familiarly. Finally, the fate of Mishka (a thief-accomplice) becomes known: he ended up in the hospital. Chelkash accuses the watchman of theft. The hero proceeded to the tavern and thought about who to replace Mishka with.

Then he saw a peasant boy. He speaks with Chelkash. The guy talks about unprofitable mowing, he needs money and freedom. In Chelkash, a peasant awakened some kindred feelings with his stories about the village, and he offers the guy a part-time job: rowing at night while “fishing”. The peasant's name is Gavrila. They went to a tavern, where Chelkash was willingly given a loan. The thief went out somewhere, and Gavrila was frightened by the oppressive atmosphere of the tavern. After the return of Chelkash, they began to drink. The peasant became drunk, drank almost to the point of losing consciousness. The thief looked at him and realized that he could control this young life.

Chapter 2

At night, Chelkash and Gavrilo quietly sailed out to work. The peasant has a hangover, the thief eases it when he gives him a drink. Gavrila is “fearful” at sea, and Chelkash loves him for his freedom and boundlessness. The peasant interrupted his contemplation of the water surface with a logical question, where is the tackle. The thief advises a random accomplice to do his job and not ask too much. Then they called their boat, Gavrilo was barely able to row out to the harbor, having spent all his strength. He realized that the matter was dark and began to beg Chelkash to let him go. He refuses and forces the accomplice to stop "whining". But the hands of the peasant literally drop, he cannot row. To motivate him to take action, Chelkash takes away Gavrila's passport before climbing some wall where they have rowed. The peasant was afraid, he wanted to, but could not run. Gavrilo began to wait impatiently for the thief.

Soon he came with something "cubic and heavy." Half done. Gavrila wanted to quickly deal with this dark matter, if everything went well - he would serve a prayer service to Nicholas the Wonderworker. It remains to pass only one cordon, and then it will all be over. When they drove closer to him, the peasant was about to inform on his accomplice, but he was seized with horror. After one more stress - the customs cruiser - the danger was over. Because of all the excitement of that night, Gavrilo was half dead. Chelkash promises a quadruple ticket for work. He boasts of his craft: you don’t have to “get out of your skin” all your life, for a night - 500 rubles, with the money a peasant would make his farm the first in the village.

The thief was also a peasant, he was inspired by these memories. Gavrilo expresses the idea that without land, nowhere (that is, he puts himself above Chelkash). He got angry, and then began to remember his life: his mother, his father, his young self, his beautiful wife, then the service, after which everything changed. Soon the accomplices sailed to the barge, where they climbed in to get money and stay for the night.

Chapter 3

Chelkash woke up Gavrila, the thief was already dressed decently, and not in rags. He laughs at the peasant's fears. It's time for them to swim back. Chelkash received 540 rubles, this money amaze Gavrila. He is shaking with greed when the thief gives him 40 rubles. The farmer passionately tells what can be done with money. After their arrival, Gavrila's excitement took such forms that even Chelkash felt uneasy. The peasant falls on his knees, humbly begging for money. The thief becomes disgusted that his accomplice is losing human dignity for the sake of a "penny". But he gives money. Gavrilo rejoices and humbly thanks, confessing that he wanted to kill his accomplice because of them.