Summary: Rationale for the choice of topic. Substantiation of the theme of the dissertation research Substantiation of the choice example

After the introduction of second-generation standards into the domestic education system, project activities have become an indispensable element in any academic discipline. Let's consider its features on the example of technology.


It involves the substantiation of the theme of the project on technology. The problem considered by the child should be useful not only to the author himself, but also to other people.

Substantiation of the topic of the project on technology significantly increases its significance, allows you to apply the results in practice.

An example of the project "Sunflowers outside the window"

We often hear that those items that are made by hand bring warmth and harmony to the house. In order to achieve such a result, it is not necessary to spend material resources. Want to freshen up your room? We offer to create a panel of sunflowers, which will give the space a special touch. That is why such a topic for collective work was chosen.

Project "Breath of Flowers"

The choice and justification of the topic of the project on technology can be formalized as follows. We live in a unique country that is proud of its historical roots, natural resources. The unique plant world amazed with its versatility the greatest writers, poets, artists. We admire the flowers in the summer, we watch with interest how the leaves of the trees turn yellow in autumn. I want to enjoy the beauty and warmth of nature and cold winters. That is why the theme “Breath of Flowers” ​​was chosen for the work. Such an ecological substantiation of the project in terms of technology indicates the meta-subjectivity of this work.

Work "Swan-transformer"

How to justify the project on technology? A vase-transformer is a wonderful gift for friends and family. The finished product can be used to arrange fruit, as a hot stand and even as a cutting board. A vase can also be considered as an independent element of decor in a city apartment. The product is compact, it can be stored assembled, and if necessary, give it "combat readiness".

Environmental justification of the project by technology:

  • safety;
  • availability of materials;
  • originality of forms;
  • minimum labor intensity;
  • strength;
  • manufacturability;
  • reproducibility.

Such a substantiation of the problem of the project on technology confirms the relevance of the work. The finished product will decorate any interior.

Work from batik

How to make a choice and justification of a technology project? Masters call batik a unique and inimitable material used in artistic creation. Why is there a growing interest in working with him in our time? The reason is that the materials and tools needed to work with batik have become available to the general public.

People are increasingly turning to postmodernism associated with the era, trying to create unusual products and compositions with their own hands. Such justification of a creative project on technology fully confirms its relevance.
Given that working with batik does not involve complex technological operations, the project is available to everyone who wants to touch this kind of artistic creativity. We were attracted by the combination in the batik technique of the practicality of the resulting products with artistic significance.

Such a substantiation of the project in terms of technology will become the main idea of ​​the creative work.

DIY gift

Ahead of the New Year holidays, during which it is customary to give gifts. Of course, you can buy a finished product in the store, but it will not convey the feelings that you have for the one for whom the gift is intended. If you arm yourself with creative imagination, pick up materials, you can create a unique picture. Such a substantiation of the technology project associated with the use of batik painting on fabrics fully explains the choice of the author.

Targets and goals

In the age of computer technology, the demand for hand-made products is increasing. The choice and justification of the technology project is complemented by the purpose of the work. It can be formulated as follows: to create a gift for the New Year holidays using the batik technique.

  • to study the literature on the chosen topic;
  • develop an algorithm of actions;
  • create a gift with your own hands;
  • analyze the finished product.

The justification of the project according to the technology is done, you can start thinking through the stages of work. First you need to conduct a survey, the purpose of which will be to identify the attitude of classmates to gifts made by themselves. Respondents are asked to answer the following questions:

  • do you give gifts;
  • do you make them with your own hands;
  • What is the best gift to receive?

The finished product should be beautiful, bright, practical, inexpensive, safe. What gift to give to friends on New Year? For example, you can create an original potholder, an original toy or a three-dimensional decoration for the interior, or make a New Year's card.

In order for the finished product to please the one to whom it is intended, it is important to think through all the details of the work.

Gzhel project

The birthplace of this painting is the Moscow region. The first mention of Gzhel appeared in 1320, they were made in the message of Prince Ivan Kalita to his eldest son. These porcelain items have a characteristic blue-white color. In the eighteenth century, such dishes were created from clay, then covered with white enamel, and multi-color painting was applied to it. In the 19th century, Gzhel craftsmen created new material, improved technologies, and began producing semi-faience and porcelain.

At the beginning of the last century, this unique painting was practically lost. And only in 1972 this folk craft began to revive. On the basis of six small industries, the Gzhel association was created, and the lost folk traditions began to be restored. The Russian land is rich in talents.

Gzhel painting is done with cobalt. A double firing of high-quality white clay, previously placed in certain molds, is carried out. Roasting is carried out in furnaces at temperatures above 1350 degrees.

During the review of the literature on the project, we managed to find out that the painting is carried out with cobalt. This mineral at elevated temperature acquires an unusual blue color of different shades. They appear just after the firing is completed; in its original form, the pattern has an unsightly black-gray color. The theme was chosen for work precisely because the products created in this technique are distinguished by unique aesthetic characteristics.


Currently, special attention is paid to project activities in the Russian education system. There are special requirements that apply to the work of schoolchildren. In each academic discipline, a certain time is allocated for the intellectual and creative development of the younger generation.

In order for the project to meet the requirements, it must be interesting and relevant not only for the author himself, but also for other people. A project is considered realistic when it can be replicated.

Before proceeding to the practical part, the author thinks through the purpose of his activity, sets himself specific research tasks.

The next stage is the development of an action plan, the result of which will be a review of the scientific literature on the research problem, the selection of methods and means of carrying out the work. At the main stage in technology, the main activities are carried out.

For example, material is selected, details are determined, direct actions are performed. The final stage of the work is summing up the results of the project, its submission to the competition.

Essay writing technique

compiled by A.V. Smetanin (Perm. GNIU, 2011)


at the time of writing the essay

it is already 50-70% ready"

Formal criteria (from the introductory part of the task) 1

Little tricks. eight

Common problems.. 9

Template essay structure. 9

Essay features. 9

Technical questions.. 10

Application. eleven

Formal criteria (from the introductory part of the task)

The validity of the choice of topic (an explanation of the choice of topic and the tasks that the participant sets for himself in his work).

a) the rationale for the choice of topic is a difficult part of the essay, it must be thought out in advance so that the work does not stop at the very first sentence. There are two main justification options:

The relevance of this topic for today,

Until now, the discussion about the benefits and harms of Peter's reforms for Russia has not stopped. In this era, they try to look for the beginning of the entire subsequent history of the state. Some accuse Peter of the barbaric methods of renewing the country, others regret the lost identity, others speak of the importance and timeliness of the breakthrough made. In the context of this discussion, I would like to express my own opinion about the role of this era. … One of the pressing issues for modern Russia is the search for a national idea, some element of self-consciousness that can unite the citizens of our country. Perhaps the first example of the search for such an idea can be considered the history of the baptism of Russia, which contributed not only to the strengthening of state power, but also to the ethnic unity of the Eastern Slavs.

My personal interest in this topic. As a last resort, ascribe to yourself what you really do not care about.

Any other interesting twist in the rationale is not forbidden, the main thing is not to try to break through the conservative jury with something crazy.

b) essay task setting

Here it is necessary to state why you are writing this essay, what the reader should expect from the essay in the future

First of all, you must agree or disagree with the quote, while not retelling it.

Secondly, clearly define your position on the problem that you are going to prove now.

2. The creative nature of the perception of the topic, its comprehension.

a) Your essay should not copy the text of the textbook. The essay should contain your thoughts, your living language. It is best to write in the first person.

b) do not go to the other extreme and do not try to be too original or informal, do not replace arguments with emotions.


2. Petersburg in the works of N.V. Gogol………………………………………………..7

2.1. First impressions of N.V. Gogol about St. Petersburg and their reflection in “The Night Before Christmas”……………………………………………………… .........7

2.2. Petersburg in the St. Petersburg stories of N.V. Gogol……………………….9

2.2.1.Petersburg in N.V. Gogol's story "Nevsky Prospekt" ………...10

2.2.2. Petersburg in the stories of N.V. Gogol "The Nose", "Portrait", "Overcoat" and "Notes of a Madman"…………………………………......... ........fourteen

2.3.Petersburg "Inspector"……………………………………………………………………………. ......19

2.4.Petersburg "Dead Souls"……………………………………………...20


4. Bibliography………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


In Russia, there are many places depicted in literary works and associated with the life of writers. And, of course, one of the central roles belongs to St. Petersburg. The point here is not in some kind of superiority, not in the special importance of this city, but in a special attitude towards it. In those works that, one way or another, are connected with St. Petersburg, we will find the widest range of feelings and moods. Love and hate, delight and curse are intertwined here, but only one thing is missing - indifference. No matter how Petersburg is depicted, the writer's fascination with this city was always felt. That is probably why it has so many faces in literature. Creating his image, the writer puts his soul into it, all his ideals and thoughts. Literature gradually revealed this majestic city to readers through the eyes of the masters of the pen. And here the role of Russian literature is simply invaluable precisely because it depicts the city alive and integral in its eternal variability and inconsistency. Writers always find something new and unknown in it, no matter how well-traveled and explored the city may seem. This question can be approached in different ways, depending on which main idea is chosen as a guide.

Very interesting are the studies of the writer-historian N.P. Antsiferov in his book “The Soul of St. Petersburg”, where a connoisseur of the city and literature about it reveals St. Petersburg to the reader as a city of “tragic imperialism and the great struggle”. Of course, being the capital for two centuries, St. Petersburg is the center of political intrigues. But there is also another side to it. This amazing city is the result of the commonwealth of Russian and European talents, the concentration of cooperation in science, education, and industry. All its contradictory features are reflected in the works of Russian writers. But each of them represented St. Petersburg in his own way and lived in it only with his own life.

Petersburg is a special city. I would like to present it to you in all colors, since it is their simultaneous combination and inconsistency that create that inimitable atmosphere that is peculiar only to him and which was directly reflected in Gogol's Petersburg.

This is a very colorful city. The Baltic changeable sky now hangs heavily overhead, then easily rises. Its color contrasts from black to white, sometimes creating smooth transitions of orange, lilac or blue tones. Changes are added by capricious weather with a wet snowfall in May and a cold downpour in December, with June starry nights, January thaws, March sunny frosts.

It was impossible for literature not to notice and capture such an original face of the city. But the reflection of all this beauty, unfortunately, cannot be found in the works of N.V. Gogol. N.P. Antsiferov wrote: “Before us is a city of great struggle. The mighty strength of the people who created it, but the enormously grandiose tasks that lie before it, one can feel the struggle with anguish. A great catastrophe wafts over him like the spirit of inexorable fate. The judgments of this historian are original and profound. But it is not necessary to blindly agree with him. And it is not required to take this or that point of view on faith. Everyone is able to develop their own position, but for this it is necessary to analyze the literature that expresses the attitude towards St. Petersburg.

Many poets and writers addressed the topic of St. Petersburg. In Russian literature, from the moment of its inception, this city was perceived not only as a new capital, but also as a symbol of the new Russia. The theme of St. Petersburg, as a particularly important philosophical and social theme, was first put forward in Russian literature just in the 30s by A.S. Pushkin. In "The House in Kolomna", "The Queen of Spades", "The Bronze Horseman" A.S. Pushkin highlighted various aspects of the St. Petersburg theme, while already touching on some of those aspects that were in the focus of N.V. Gogol's attention in his works . In Pushkin's perception of St. Petersburg, the feeling of its unique beauty and splendor was closely connected with the analysis of Russia's historical and social contradictions. The images outlined by the poet of heroes new to Russian literature - an official, a city poor - all this largely prepared and determined the paths further development themes of the big city in the stories of N.V. Gogol.

aim my abstract is the study of the image of St. Petersburg in the works of N.V. Gogol.

Tasks: find out how N.V. Gogol saw this city, and what contributed to the formation of just such a point of view of the great writer; to determine what worried him, and what Petersburg was for N.V. Gogol.

Justification for the choice of the topic of the essay.

At one time I read the works of N.V. Gogol, and I was interested in the vision of St. Petersburg through the eyes of N.V. Gogol. I live in St. Petersburg relatively recently, the beauty and originality of the city struck me, I had a desire to compare the perception of this city by me and a writer of the 19th century. I can do this by studying the image of St. Petersburg in the works of N.V. Gogol.

Re-reading them, I realized that I had not noticed much in the works of this writer before. For him, the world of things is of great importance in the development of the plot. They are, one might say, personified. The most incredible events are connected with things. If N.V. Gogol gives them a soul in order to mock them, then he takes away the soul from people for the same purpose.

Throughout his life in St. Petersburg, N.V. Gogol felt lonely. It seemed to him that his contemporaries did not understand him. The writer was pursued by continuous life failures. In the circle of aristocrats, N.V. Gogol was not his own, his service career did not work out, his efforts to become an actor or artist ended in failure, and the professorship did not work out.

Petersburg in the life and work of N.V. Gogol was a turning point. He left this city twice, leaving for Hamburg and Rome, fleeing from an incomprehensible longing. Petersburg broke the writer's heart, and irony in his works is perceived as a means of self-defense. It is not laughter that dominates, but fear. The work of N.V. Gogol strikes and surprises: the funny is intertwined with the tragic, the fantastic with the real. It is worth paying attention to the artistic techniques that the writer uses to enhance his images.

It is interesting to note that the world of things is of great importance in the development of the plot of N.V. Gogol's stories. They can be said to be personified, personified. The most incredible events are connected with things.

Therefore, it is necessary to carefully study the works of N.V. Gogol and get acquainted with the statements of writers and critics of that time about him and his work. The correspondence between N.V. Gogol and his mother is interesting. Reading it, we easily discover the mood of the writer, we also see where he took the images of many of his St. Petersburg heroes and various situations that happen to them and are taken from personal life experience. He experienced a lot in a big northern city.

Work on any dissertation begins with the definition of topics. The task is not difficult.

It is necessary to determine the scope of one's own scientific interests, compare it with the already available abstracts of scientists and find some unique subject of research, or give a new sound to the problems already disclosed by other authors.

The chosen topic should be discussed with the supervisor, and the importance and necessity of the issue under study should be justified at a meeting of the leading department.

What is the substantiation of the dissertation topic

Substantiation of the subject of the candidate's thesis is a document that is the basic basis for the entire qualifying work. It is from this moment that work on the study begins. A formal approach to justification will not lead to the desired result.

But careful preparation of the substantiation of the topic will allow the researcher to better understand the issue under study, as well as predict the results of his work.

This document is mandatory for admission to graduate school. The topic of the scientific work of an already enrolled graduate student must be approved by the leading department, and then by the Academic Council of the university. The corresponding mark of the Academic Council will appear in the individual curriculum of the postgraduate student.

How to substantiate the topic of the dissertation

It is worth working on the main issue of the candidate only together with the head. It is he who will tell you which issues will sound more advantageous in defense, from what angle it is worth considering this or that scientific issue.

Before meeting with the curator, try to study existing scientific research.

Pay attention not only to Russian sources, but also foreign ones. Find weaknesses in the study of the selected issue, think of something new you can say on this topic. All these points should be reflected in the substantiation of the dissertation work.

Stages of substantiation of the dissertation topic

The subject of scientific work should be substantiated according to a certain template. This document should contain the following parameters: wording of the topic,

  • its relevance,
  • goals and objectives of the study,
  • alleged novelty
  • and practical significance.

Theme wording

The success of future qualifying work depends on a competent formulation. It cannot be expressed in a free form, it must meet the requirements of the Passport of specialties of the Higher Attestation Commission and clearly display the perspective content of the candidate's thesis. The initial wording of the topic may be changed during the research process.

Relevance of the topic

The topic should be not only clearly formulated, but also relevant, meeting the needs of the time. In other words, the applicant must clearly understand whether the scientific study of the problems proposed by him is in demand. Thus, it is imperative to emphasize the relevance of the issue under study.

An example of topic relevance

Definition of the purpose and objectives of the study

The document should also reflect the purpose and objectives of the study. There can be only one goal, and it must follow from the subject and relevance. The definition of the goal contains an answer to the question: how exactly will the problem of qualifying research be solved? Objectives are specific steps that will help you achieve a specified goal.

An example of goals and objectives in a PhD thesis

Suggested novelty of the study

Another important parameter is scientific novelty. At this stage, you need to state what unique results the author plans to achieve and with the help of what non-standard methods.

An example of novelty in the Ph.D.

Assumed practical significance

In practical terms, it is necessary to justify what applied problems this research can solve, how it can be useful in the real activities of enterprises and institutions. This block in the document should show that the Ph.D. is not exclusively theorized.

An example of practical significance in a dissertation

Sample substantiation of the topic of a Ph.D. thesis

There are several examples of justification qualifying works. Most of them will be built according to the standard template.
The sample is filled in by the applicant, signed by him and the curator. Then main question research is submitted to the meeting of the department, to which the future candidate of science is attached.

After discussion in the teaching staff, the topic may be subject to adjustment and changes are made to the rationale.

The finished document is submitted for approval to the rector of the educational institution. The given example is not universal, it is best to prepare a document according to the template that exists at the applicant's department.

Sample “Substantiation of the topic of a Ph.D. thesis” SibGUFK

Substantiation of the topic of the Ph.D. thesis "_____________________________________"

topic title

Speciality: __.__.__ - ___________________________________________. (example: 13.00.

08 "Theory and Methods of Vocational Education") Performed by: postgraduate student/applicant __ year of full-time/correspondence education __________________________________________________________________. (FULL NAME.

(in full) Supervisor: _____________________________________________.

(academic degree, title, full name)

The relevance of research:

Research problem:

Object of study:

Subject of study:

Research hypothesis:

Purpose of the study:

Research objectives:

Methodological basis of the study:

Research methods:

Organization of the study:

Scientific novelty of the research:

Theoretical significance of the study:

Practical significance of the study:

Artist's signature:

Supervisor's signature:

An example of substantiating the topic of a doctoral dissertation

For a doctoral thesis, the subject is substantiated according to a similar example, as for a candidate's thesis. The template can also include such parameters as the object and subject of research, methods and stages of work, as well as planned publications.

Doctoral Dissertation Topic Justification Template


Rationale for the choice of the topic of the dissertation

Lecture Search


General Postgraduate Curriculum


Scientific adviser ___________________________

Head of Department ____________________________________

Date of completion of the plan ______________________ 20___

Work plan for the 1st year of preparation

Training period from ______ to _________

PhD student: ___________________________

Scientific adviser ___________________________

Date of completion of the plan ______________________ 20

Head department _______________“ ___ ” ____________ 20 ___

Work plan for the 2nd year of preparation

(to be filled in and agreed with the supervisor after positive attestation for the first academic year)

Preparation period from ________ to ___________

PhD student: ___________________________

Scientific adviser ___________________________

Feedback from the supervisor on the work of a graduate student


Supervisor: _______________“ ___ ” ____________ 20 ___

The attestation was approved by the Academic Council of the faculty ________________ Protocol No. _______________

From “___” ________________ 20 ___

APPROVED: Dean of the Faculty ____________________________________

Work plan for the 3rd year of preparation

(to be completed at the end of the second year of training)

Preparation period from ________ to ________

PhD student: ___________________________

Scientific adviser ___________________________

Date of completion of the plan ______________________ 20___

Feedback from the supervisor on the work of a graduate student


Supervisor: _______________“ ___ ” ____________ 20 ___

Head of Department _______________“ ___ ” ____________ 20 ___

The attestation was approved by the Academic Council of the faculty ________________ Protocol No. _______________

From “___” ________________ 20 ___

APPROVED: Dean of the Faculty ____________________________________

Work plan of the 4th year of preparation (for part-time students)

(to be completed at the end of the third year of training)

Preparation period from __________ to ______________20____year

PhD student: ___________________________

Scientific adviser ___________________________

Date of completion of the plan ______________________ 20___

Feedback from the supervisor on the work of a graduate student


Supervisor: _______________“ ___ ” ____________ 20 ___

Head of Department _______________“ ___ ” ____________ 20 ___

The attestation was approved by the Academic Council of the faculty ________________ Protocol No. _______________

From “___” ________________ 20 ___

APPROVED: Dean of the Faculty ____________________________________

Justification of the topic of scientific research, whether it is a master's, candidate, or doctoral dissertation, includes the following sections:

1. Relevance of the topic– in this section, you must justify why the topic you have chosen is relevant and worthy of consideration. First of all, the chosen topic should solve some important scientific or national economic problem that is relevant today.

2. The degree of scientific development- in this section, you need to group, analyze and critically comprehend the works of other scientists whose scientific research, one way or another, intersects with the topic of your research.

3. Object and subject of research- in this section, it is necessary to consecrate how the chosen object and the subject of scientific research correlate. If you want to know what is the object and subject of scientific research, you can find such a section on our website.

4. Goals and objectives of the study– the research should clearly define the goal to which you will strive in the process of performing the dissertation research. The tasks set should reveal the goal. Tasks are a kind of movement plan towards the disclosure of the general goal of the dissertation research.

5. Research methods– when writing a dissertation, as well as substantiating its topic, it is very important that you choose the right methods of scientific research. Since there are general scientific methods that can be used in any science. And private methods that correspond to a highly specialized scientific direction, for example: economics, pedagogy or psychology.

6. Research hypothesis Quite often, scientific supervisors, when preparing the rationale for a dissertation topic, require that a hypothesis be included in the justification. This is a general idea of ​​the work. The hypothesis states that if we do some action in scientific work, it will lead to such and such results. In the course of work, the hypothesis put forward must be confirmed or refuted.

If you do not have enough time to write a dissertation, or you simply do not want to deal with this issue, we advise you to entrust this work to professional authors!