Stalker omega option where to get thin cards. "Stalker"

I present to you a complete, and most importantly, a detailed walkthrough of the modification for Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl -. The passage is built on the answers to the most difficult moments of the modification. Plot plugs and bug fixes.

Main character Kaidanovsky or simply Kaidan is a detective of the private agency "Omega". Arrived in the Exclusion Zone to search for the missing person - Alexander Shepetilov.

Where to go from the tunnel? around the dog?
I do not advise touching dogs - they will devour them. It's better to run quietly. You will have to run to the nearest bar, he is alone there. The Chief will meet us, you will receive all the information from him.

Where to go next? After talking to the Chief?
It all depends on how you answer the Chief's question about the time of the nomination. If you break into the Zone immediately, then the Chief will direct you to the Military. If you want to spend the night - then the Chef will advise you to talk to the local bartender - Borman. Bormann also has a fork in the road - either you trust the military or you don't. At the latter, Borman advises you to talk to Morder. Which will have a quest line.

Upon completion of all the quests, the stalkers will have the task to take the disk with the info to the group at the Dead Marsh location, as well as the opportunity to enter the Zone without the help of the military along a secret path. If you follow this path, then hostile military men will appear in the Zone, and you will not get to the location of the reservoir, but to Black Lake.

After the choice, we go to the military checkpoint, ask the privates about the pass - we are sent from Mayora. We agree that you leave 10 k rubles to him now, and on the way back, drag the Joker artifact from an unknown field of artifacts. Therefore, it is better not to spend money ....

What's next? Where to go after the checkpoint?
It's very simple, during the dialogue, the Chief mentioned that the guy we are looking for worked for scientists. Therefore, the road lies to Jupiter - to the portable bunker of scientists. At the exit from the old dump, you will meet a stalker who will tell you about the ambush of bandits on Jupiter. There are a lot of them, so it's better to run through ...

What to do in the scientists' bunker on Jupiter?
In the bunker you will meet Novikov, German and Ozersky. We speak with Herman, Herman agrees to give you information if you do some work for him. He will send you to Skadovsk to meet with their man named Kirill Gront. This character is resting at a table in Skadovsk in such a scientific suit.

Gront will send you to look for a folder with documents in the old laboratory. It is located on the location of the Iron Forest. Just be careful, there are a lot of zombies with a controller - but grenades help.

Where is the folder with Gront's documents?
It lies on the table, which is next to the large gauss gun on the lower floor. I want to note that the door is knocked out there and you can get into that room simply by going down to the lowest floor. You won't have to climb through the ventilation.

We return with a folder to Gront, he sends us back to the scientists with a folder.

Where to go after handing over the documents to Herman?
You need to go to Yantar to Sakharov.

Where is the transition from Jupiter to Black Lake?
The passage is located (as it is written in the dialogue) at the southeast gate of the Jupiter plant.

Where is the container for Ozersky on Black Lake?
The container is located in the underground laboratory, on the table, behind the computer monitor, in the room where the large brain is located, executed by the armature.

How to get to the underground laboratory on the Black Lake?
The easiest way is to go upstairs to the central complex, then go up the stairs to the second floor and approach the elevator shaft - go down the cables, go through a couple of hermetic doors and we are at the goal. The problem is how to get back through the shaft of the same elevator. We need skill - we go all the way up, the camera will be deployed to the stairs, turn sharply to the left and jump to jump out of the shaft.

But you can get there in other ways - with the help of underground communications. But there are a lot of mutants out there. These are large packs of jerboas and snorks. The only thing is that you can get a little confused there, but you will definitely get to the laboratory. Not far from the closed base, when you get to the location there is a hole in communications - we jump there (with proper skill, you can jump out of there). we go down to the lower level. You can go into the tunnel opposite, or reach the end of the tunnel, turn right and into the opening. This is where the butchery begins. But in the end you will reach the laboratory. And there it is up to you to decide - either go back, or exit through the elevator shaft.

Where is the case for the Beard?
After eliminating the Sultan, look into his closet, there is a case with documents on the box.

Where are the Nitrogen tools?
Can't find the tools Azot sent for? And not smart. First you you need to find two sets, only then they can be carried to Azoth . As Azot said, the first set of tools (for fine work) is located in the building opposite the main workshop of the cement plant (the spawn is most likely random). On the second floor next to the cistern.

With the second set (for calibration) it is more difficult. The second set of tools for Nitrogen is on the top shelf of the rack, which is located next to the crashed helicopter in the Jupiter plant complex.

Where is Dodge for Azot located?
Dodge is parked in the village of Kopachi, which is west of the Yanov station and north of the mobile camp of scientists, near the excavator. Drive to the front entrance of Yanov station. And be careful, the cars in this mod have unrealistic physics.

How to get to Eastern Pripyat?
To get to Eastern Pripyat and cross to the other side of the river, you need to learn about the crossing. Azot will tell you about it.
The passage to Eastern Pripyat is located in the elevator at the plant in Jupiter at the entrance to the dungeon. Exactly in the same place where Degtyarev's group made their way to Pripyat for the first time. The main thing is to approach from the side of the slope. You don't need to jump into the mine. There is no transition. After a short walk along the Pripyat subway, you will find yourself in its eastern part.

Where to find Degtyarev in Eastern Pripyat?
Degtyarev hides with his friends in the x-8 laboratory, which is under the Yubileiny household. You can get there only through the elevator, which, upon meeting, activates the Zulus. It is necessary to find the Zulu near this building and help fight off the mutants. Talk to him. He will take you to the elevator and turn it on. Just enter the elevator and the transition to the X-8 laboratory will be activated.

We go into the elevator and go to the laboratory, where Vano will meet us and take us to Degtyarev. Just follow Wano. Or climb up the second shaft and jump down on the penultimate floor.

As a result, Vano will lead you to the room with Degtyarev.

Where to look for Garik?
As Degtyarev said, he does not have a gauss gun. Garik hid it, and only he knows where the gun is. Garik patrols the school. But in reality he is sitting in the basement with 2 stalkers. We go to the school from Yubileiny. To the right of the entrance there will be a doorway and a descent into the basement. It is in that basement that Garik is located.

Where to look for a gauss gun in Eastern Pripyat?
As Garik said - a gauss gun in the basement of a department store, in the southern part of the city, behind one of the columns. Department store - located in the southern part of the city. You can get into the basement either through the central doors and wander around the rooms. Or go down through the sewer manhole from the back of the neighboring high-rise building.

As soon as you go down to the basement (from the department store), you need the extreme column to the right of the stairs.

A backpack with a gauss gun is embedded in the ground, it is very hard to see (especially in static lighting)

How to save the Tramp?
After you find the gauss gun in the basement of the department store, you will receive a message from the Tramp. He asks for help - he was squeezed by the Monoliths in the house of the book. We quickly run there (along the street, south of the department store). We remove the Monoliths as quickly as possible. We save the Tramp and accompany him to the Yubileiny house of life.

How to get to the western Pripyat?
To find the passage to the western Pripyat, you need to help Degtyarev and his squad fight off the Monoliths led by Sauron. After you escort the Tramp and talk to him. Vano and Degtyarev will leave the laboratory. Talk to the last one. After the destruction of the Monoliths, a tip to the transition will appear in the dialogue with someone who survived.
Not everyone has to survive. One living NPC is enough.

The passage to the western Pripyat is located west of Yubileiny, at the fence, behind the yellow trailer.

Where to find cards for the Tramp?
Just like Tramp said, his cards are hidden in the washing machine in the laundry room. This washer is located in the backyard of the laundry room.

Where is Garik to give him the cards?
After you find the cards, there will be a problem of surrendering them. Garik will appear at the entrance of the house of life, opposite the school, only after cleaning up Sauron's detachment and taking the transition to Western Pripyat.

Where to look for the door combination lock for Sych?
This door is on the radar, a small guard house on the tunnel, opposite the descent from Pripyat. You can climb there by stairs, just go through the hole in the fence.

In the room on the shelves you will find a backpack, carefully read its contents.

How to get to Dead Marsh?
When you get to the Army warehouses, talk to Cap. Get inquiries about locations.

He will tell you about the transitions. The transition to the Dead Marsh is located strictly to the east of the Psycho's hut on the lake.

Where to find Lesha Korsak?
Even if you did not take the quest to transfer the disk to Lesha Korsak, in the dialogue with Cap there will be a mention that a friend is waiting for you there. And the quest can be turned in without having the quest and the disk (this is a bug). Lesha Korsak is located in a fishing farm in Dead Marshes, in the northwest, in the corner of the map.

Where is the passage from the Dead Marshes to the Hollow Lands?
Lesha Korsak will tell you about the transition, you can also use the services of a guide who will bring you to the transition. The transition is located in the southwest of the map.

Where can I find the Joker artifact for the Major?
The first tip on the Joker and the field of artifacts will be given by Lesha Korsak, the road will lead to the Empty Lands. On the Empty Lands in an old shack near the western center of the map lives a bloodsucker-stalker Blind. And in exchange for 10 paws of snorks, he will tell you about the field of artifacts and the Joker artifact.

A mark will appear on the map on the field of artifacts - the eastern score of the map. The artifact lies exactly in the center of the field.

Where is the transition from the Empty Lands to the Junkyard?
Follow the path to the southwest corner of the map. And you end up in a landfill.

Where to look for Kruglov in the Dead City?
Kruglov is in a room on the top floor in a ruined five-story building, next to the monument to Lenin.
BUT! Due to the crooked logic of the NPCs in fashion, Kruglov can break loose and run wherever his eyes look and die from the paws of zombies. Therefore, we immediately run and look for him.

Where are the parts of the journalist's diaries in the Dead City?
The first part of the diary lies in the village council - a large building with columns. On the second floor in the left corridor.

The 2nd part of the diary is in the building Glory to the CPSU- which is opposite the monument to Lenin on the central square. On the second floor in one of the rooms.

Where is the helicopter with documents in the Dead City?
The crashed helicopter is in the northwest corner of the location. Just jump over the fence. The documents are at the deceased military man, behind the tree to the right of the helicopter.

Where is the crossing to the Swamps?
As Sidorovich said, the crossing to the Swamps is located next to the checkpoint near the fence.

How to get to the Clear Sky base?
At the fishing farm, find a guide and ask to be taken to the base. There you need to talk with Kholod, Kalancha, Suslov and Mechanic.

Where can I find tools for the Clear Sky Mechanic in the Swamps?
Tools in the machine yard (there is also a base of renegades) in the back of Zil under a canopy.

Attention!!! Be sure to find these tools, otherwise the quest for optics on Vintorez will freeze.

How to get a tactical Vintorez with collimator optics?
You need to complete the Kalanchi task and clear the southern passage from the Renegades (after the sweep, be sure to wait at the points of the CN fighters, then the task will be counted).

Where is the cache with WWII weapons for Sych buried in the swamps?
After you open the door on the radar and read the note about the cache in the swamps, you can run and pick up the captured PPSh and Mosinki. The cache rests in a box buried in the bushes, to the right of the transition to Agroprom from the Swamps in the northern part of the location behind the railway embankment. On a hillock near the fence.

Where can I get optics for tactical Vintorez?
Ask Sidorovich after completing the Clear Sky Mechanic's tools quest. And he will send us to the Bartender and for 15 oblique and work in a day, the sight will become yours.

Where to look for Mityaya's backpack?
Mityai's backpack is buried near a large tree in the southeast of the location.

Where to look for Valerian for Sidorovich?
Sidorovich will send us to the Bartender. The bartender will send to the Blind - a mechanic in the Bar (where the Arena used to be). He will tell you that Valerian is possible on the ATP. At the ATP we go to the ATP itself, in the building to the right of the road and hang out our Valerian (although he did not send us to bring anything).

How to find Chekhov?
Information about Chekhov can be obtained from the Svobodovites at the checkpoint. Then Lukas. Chekov was sent to Radar to help Loki.
Attention!!! Protect Chekhov by any means - his death will entail the end of the main plot.

Where to go after the conversation with Chekhov?
Garbage is mentioned in the dialogue. We go to the dump and start a conversation with Shulga at the Debt checkpoint. Shulga will send us to Semyon, who will tell us about how the bandits kept the Dump. Our road leads to the Dark Valley.

Where is Yogi's magnum?
In the laboratory x-18 on the lower level, there is also a blue box. True, poltergeists will trample on from there unmeasured.

ATTENTION!!! In no case do not go up to the second floor of the factory! Otherwise there will be crash saves.
After the return of the magnum to Yoga, he will direct us to Borov, who will shed light on where the Varyag went and what Scar was doing. A tip on the Bar, or rather General Voronin.

Where did the Varangian go?
Borov will tell you that the military grabbed the Varyag. We saw them at the checkpoint near the southern farm. The Varangian is kept under the barrel in a ruined hut. Behind the bridge. Where Lis used to sleep. Therefore, we immediately take out everyone there, or they will shoot the Varyag. After saving the Varangian, we find Saiga from one of the military and give it back.

Attention!!! This is where the kotovassia with the Varangian begins. We lead the Varyag to the transition to the Landfill - then, as he stops, we speak with him and move on. From the landfill we lead him to the checkpoint Debt. There we again speak with him, he again absents himself on his own business. He doesn't want to talk about them. As you go to the Bar - wait for the Varangian (he teleports from behind), we take him to the Bar, there will be a break.
During this break we go to General Voronin. After the conversation, he will send us to Pripyat to Nesterenko and Nalivaiko. We go to the Bar, pick up the Varangian and Spank to the Army warehouses.

!!!ATTENTION!!! If the Varangian stops at the fork near the transition to the Wild Territory and says that he cannot go with Kaidan to Yantar, then this is a bug.

Bring the Varyag to the transition to the AC. Talk to him and move on.

If the Varyag does not appear in the Army warehouses.

This is a mod plot error that killed half a day. I don’t know how to fix it, but if the Varyag slowed down near the transition to the Wild Territory, then he will not switch to the AC, there will be no dialogues, and there will be no transition to the agricultural industry either.

If everything went well, the Varyag switched to AC - then he again needs to do business, and we go to Pripyat.

Where to look for Nesterenko in Pripyat?
Nesterenko with a detachment live in Pripyat, at the bus station, in the north-west of the city.

Attention!!! Due to the large number of NPCs, the war and Svobodovites, Nesterenko breaks off and runs to fight. For his logic is crooked and he does not ignore the combat scheme. Therefore, in the config, we replace the life simulation distance

switch_distance = 150.0 ;100 ;75.0 change to switch_distance = 10
Then you can talk freely with Nesterenko. Then you return back 150 . Only he will appear on the map after a while, after your arrival at the camp. He will send us to Nalivaiko.

Where to look for Nalivaiko in Pripyat?
Nesterenko will say that Nalivaiko and the fighters in the grocery store are very close. The deli is located north of the bus station. We go to the first door. On the left will be the entrance to the internal entrance. Nalivaiko with the fighters on the top floor in one of the rooms.

Especially for from .

Stalker - Variant "Omega" is a look at the further development of the plot component. Based on the mod Lost World Requital, the authors of which are Irbis and Real Wolf, as it most of all suited my idea. The action takes place about a month after the events of Call of Pripyat. The main character - Kaydanovsky, aka Kaidan, is an employee of the private detective agency "Omega". He was just on vacation when, on the first day of autumn 2012, the head of the agency called him and said that he would be waiting for him at a bar located in a village not far from the Exclusion Zone. And what will happen next, you will learn from the game.

Modification features:
In fashion, there are practically no foreign-made weapons. Imported barrels (mostly pistols) are extremely rare! Some items can be purchased on order. There is a very large shortage of ammunition for this weapon, almost zero!
Stalker "Option Omega" turned out to be quite difficult to pass! So at the worst there is no mini-map, you need to use a map in the PDA, on which you can put the necessary marks, for example, transitions that are not otherwise displayed! There are no enemy marks on the map, the marks of other NPCs are also not always visible. No sound indication! In a word, everything is done in order to complicate the passage!
At the location "Station-2" all teleports were removed, except for the final one. You have to move through pipelines! Only in some places it will be necessary to descend to the ground.
If the GG enters the Zone in an illegitimate way, or, in other words, takes out a checkpoint, then the military starts hunting for him.


  • A fix that fixes a crash when repairing costumes.
    Unpack, install the gamedata folder in the root folder of the game with file replacement. No new game!
  • A fix that removes light in the northern part of the Jupiter Surroundings location. Replaced the artifact that gave exposure to another. We need a new game! Who does not want to start a new game, just pick up this artifact and the light will stop. It lies first in the channel from the side of the Jupiter plant.
  • Small but very necessary editing of dialogues! No new game!
  • Editing the quest with "Joker". No new game!
  • Editing on departure from the modified "Saiga" and modification of AKMS. No new game!
  • With the "Bizon" and with some other trunks, it turned out crap. We need to get the mp_ranks file back! This is for those who have already downloaded and installed the edit "Modified trunks". The old mp_ranks file can be downloaded from the link below. No new game!
  • Editing the dialogue with the Varyag on the tower in the Army Warehouses, after which the transition to Agroprom will open. No new game!

Today we will talk about the modification of the game "Stalker. Option Omega”, the passage of which is discussed below in detail. The add-on is based on a development called Lost World Requital.


So, the events of the game "Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl. Omega Option" takes place a month after everything that happened in "Call of Pripyat". The main character is Kaidanovsky, an employee of a private agency. It's called Omega. Our hero is on vacation. Suddenly, the head of the agency calls him and informs him that he is waiting for him in a bar located in the village, in the area of ​​​​the Exclusion Zone. This is where we come into play. We fall into an unfamiliar old tunnel. Let's go ahead. We meet a dog. We go to the bar.

Neighborhood of Jupiter

Passage of the game "Stalker. Option Omega” continues with a conversation with the Chief. As soon as the conversation is completed, we go to the checkpoint, while running to the lake. We take the disc. He is in the lake. We continue our way to the checkpoint. Once there, we talk with the military. Next, we move on to the main. We communicate with him. During the conversation, we give 10,000 rubles. We take a task related to the search for an artifact. Let's move on to Jupiter's Neighborhood. We defeat the bandits in the hangar. To do this, first of all, we throw a grenade at the target, and then we continue the battle until victory.

black lake

Passage of the game "Stalker. Option Omega ”continues to search the corpses and collect everything you need. Then we go to the Camp of scientists. We communicate with some of them and get a task related to the search for a case on the territory of an abandoned laboratory. We leave for We look for the gate there. We pass to the location "Black Lake". We pass forward, having reached the building with a barrier. Then we go to the elevator on the second floor. After that we go down. We follow forward through the tunnel.


Next, "Option Omega" (part 1) is preparing a surprise for us in the form of snorks and rats. Fight them most effectively with a shotgun. We pick up the case on the table. We get out of the laboratory through the tunnels. Next we move on to the location. We give the case to the scientist. We get a task to detect the stalker Gront. We find equipment at the cement plant. Entrance near the bridge. The box contains an armored suit, an Abakan, and 90 rounds of ammunition. We collect everything. Let's go to Zaton. As soon as we are in place, we go to Skadovsk in order to talk with Gront. There is a bar nearby. We have to find Grif behind the counter. We talk with him. We receive a task that concerns the search for documents on the territory of the laboratory. We go there, having previously purchased cartridges and medicines. Not far from the helicopter, we eliminate the snorks. We're going down. We meet in the laboratory of zombies. We get to the main compartment. We make our way into the room in which the gauss gun is located.


We continue to go through the Omega Option mod. We collect documents. We follow to the Gront. We talk with him. We are heading to the Beard. We speak with him and get the task. We go to Shevchenko. We peacefully negotiate with the bandits. We pick up the case, which is located on the second floor in a special room. We follow to the Beard. Before leaving, we also talk with Cardan and Sych. We receive orders from them. We do several trades. Let's get the equipment in order. Let's go to Jupiter. Let's go to the scientist. We give Zaton documents.


The Omega Option game continues with a hike to Yanov Station. We talk with Azot. We get a task that concerns the search for tools and Dodge. The latter is located on the territory of the village of Kapachi, not far from the house. We look for tools in a special building of the cement plant. The next set is found in the territory of Jupiter, where the Skat helicopter is located. We destroy the rats. They hide in the dungeons of Jupiter. We leave for Pripyat. We visit KBO "Jubilee". We destroy the detachment of the monolith, which controls the laundry, as well as its district.

Underground complex

In the game "Stalker. Omega Option ”the walkthrough continues with the battle with the zombies. After the victory, we talk with the Zulu, who reports that Degtyarev is currently located on the territory of the underground complex. You can get there via an elevator. We're going down. We talk with Vano, who takes us to the room. We communicate with Degtyarev. He sends us to Garik, they say he knows where the gauss gun is. We go to the basement of the school. We find Garik. We ask about Gauss. Garik calls her coordinates, and also asks to find his card, which is in the washing machine.

Further developments

Today we describe the game "Stalker. Omega option "( full version), which has a long storyline, so you should stock up on time. So we need washing machine located behind the Laundry. We get to it and pick up the map. In the game "Option Omega" transitions between locations very often take place underground. Now we should also go down into the tunnel to pick up the gauss. We eliminate zombies and the controller along the way.

There are also rats here. We go through the tunnel into the distance. We take a gauss gun. We get to the surface. There is a message from the Tramp. He is kept on the territory of the bookstore. Let's go there. We eliminate the chimera and the monolith behind the bus. Another enemy in the corridor. He also has to fight. The next 3 enemies occupy the back room. Monoliths are found at every turn. We follow to the second floor and engage in a fight with one of them. Don't forget to search the corpses. We find an artifact that reduces bleeding. Next, we talk with the Tramp. Let's go to KBO. We are not parting with the Tramp yet. We accompany him on the way to the KBO and talk. At the end of the dialogue, Vano and Degtyarev climb up. We talk to them. Suddenly, a detachment of the monolith appears. We enter the battle. We talk to the survivors. We receive information about the transition to Western Pripyat. We go to Garik. We give the card. We go west to the necessary transition. We head to the underground parking. We talk with stalkers.

Next we go to school. We're talking to security. Next, we need to enter into a conversation with the Commander, who is located on the second floor. After that we go to the Radar. There we will be discovered by mutants and monoliths. We are heading to the Army Warehouses. We need a Svobodovets Cap. We talk to him. We leave for the base of Freedom. There we talk with the guards at the entrance. We follow to the Main building. We communicate with his guards. We pass inside. We turn to Skryag. We buy equipment from him. We follow to the second floor. We find the Leader of Freedom. We talk with him. We go to the site. Meet the Screw technician. We communicate with him. We give him vodka. In return, we get the PSO sight. Let's go to the Wild Territory. There we meet with the detachment of Duty. We talk with his head. We follow further. We get to Yantar. Here we need to talk with Sakharov. We get a task that concerns the search for documents on the territory of the Dead City. We head to the hangar. We speak with Chumak. We follow the transition. On the territory of the Dead City we are looking for a set of documents from a helicopter, as well as the scientist Kruglov. We head to the five-story building.

We rise up. We meet Kruglov. We talk to him. We go down. We follow the building opposite. We rise to the second floor. At the table we pick up a fragment of the journalist's diary. We go to the second floor of the CPSU building. We take the missing fragment of the journalist's diary. We give it to Kruglov. We're heading northwest. We reach the corner of the territory. We find a helicopter outside the perimeter, as well as two deceased soldiers. We overcome the fence. Behind a tree not far from the helicopter we are looking for the corpse of a military man. We collect the necessary documents from it. We go to Kruglov. We talk with him. We follow the transition. Again we speak with Kruglov. I'm going to Yantar. After talking with Kruglov, we follow Sakharov. We give him the documents. We do not join the scientists, because there may be problems in the game. We're heading to the bar. We will be sent to Cordon. The task will come from the Bartender, with whom you need to talk. We get to the place and talk with Sidorovich. From him we learn about the transition to the Swamps. We go to the entrance, located at the checkpoint of the military. In the game "Stalker - Omega Option", the passage continues in the swamps. We pass there and meet aggressive Renegades. We get to the Fisherman's Farm. We find the conductor. We talk with him. We go to the Clear Sky base. There we find Cold. We talk with him. I'm going to Calanche. That's all you need to know to overcome all obstacles.


As already mentioned, the modification described above is a continuation of the game "Stalker: Call of Pripyat". Next, we will briefly analyze its passage. In this case, we are presented as an SBU major. Our first task is to search for 5 Skat helicopters that crashed for unknown reasons. The task is greatly facilitated by the map. We start the search, during which we focus on the yellow arrow. Meet the stalker. We talk with him. We get information about the nearest camp where you can relax. We continue the conversation and find out where one of the helicopters fell - in the south side of Zaton. The only person who knows the way to this place is Noah. He is to be found. On the way we will meet enemies - blind dogs. and follow further. It should be remembered that food restores health. On the way we visit Skadovsk - the base of stalkers. We get to the "Ark" of Noah and open the door, hastily jumping to the side. The stalker will fire a shotgun at the door. Then we quietly go inside. We see Noah, as well as a pseudo-dog - his favorite. We talk with a stalker. We get consent to escort to the place where the helicopter crashed. We follow Noah. We reach a plateau. Ahead is the entire field in anomalies. We watch a video in which Noah overcomes them, and then jumps off a cliff. We follow a similar route. We jump off a cliff. We get to the territory of the portal. We move to the required area. Using the map, we find where the creators of the game "Stalker: Call of Pripyat" hid the helicopter we needed nearby. We approach him. We are studying. We get information about the places where the evacuated crew can be. We can check them out later. We go to the place where the helicopter crashed.

We follow to the southwest, we need an anomaly called the Iron Forest. On the way, we will come across a Circus, Zharki fly around it. We run past. We get to the center of the anomaly. One of the advantages of playing the Stalker computer is the huge variety of creatures that we can meet here. Just not far from the circus, we are waiting for a meeting with a poltergeist. Let's destroy it. Using the detector, we find an artifact. We move on. We get to the base of mercenaries. Let's go around her. We are near the helicopter. The local poltergeist throws objects at us from nearby. We run closer. We shoot at point-blank range from a machine gun. Next, we study the insides of the crashed helicopter. We get the necessary data. First of all, a map located in the on-board computer. We find dead soldiers. We search them. We take everything useful. We follow the fallen helicopter. We get to the place. We search the area. We find an artifact not far from the helicopter and pick it up. Let's take a look at the aircraft. We establish that the helicopter fell to the ground, because all the electronics burned out for some unknown reason. There is a new task associated with finding out the causes of the breakdown. We study the data received from the fallen helicopters. We are going to Skadovsk. We speak with Beard, who is a bartender. We learn that the military is not here and never was. Another evacuation point is located at the Yanov location. Let's go there. To do this, we ask the Pilot for help. He is ready to accompany us for a fee. We agree and follow in a new area.


As soon as we find ourselves in the Yanov location, we go to the evacuation point. It is designated as B205. Let's study the map. Let's go ahead. The target is located on the territory of the Volkhov air defense system, southwest of Yanov. At the right place, a company of zombies is waiting for us. We destroy them. We head to the building highlighted by the marker on the map. A real labyrinth awaits us inside. We turn right. We go straight, and then to the left. We find ourselves in a room with a table on which the note is located. We study it. It turns out that it was written by Sokolov, the military man we are looking for. Now it is located on the territory of the bunker of scientists. We have to check this. In addition, in the note we will find a code that opens access to the military warehouse. Everything important should be taken there.

We leave the building. Save. We go down to the underground hangars. At the end we see two doorways. We turn to the right. We reach the iron door, which is equipped with a combination lock. We indicate the data available in Sokolov's note. The door opens. Although the corridor has collapsed, there is a niche in the wall through which you can go past the blockage. We look at our feet very carefully. There are a lot of jerboas here that can deal damage. We are slowly moving forward. Soon we have to meet with the burer. Let's destroy it. Let's go to the warehouse. To this end, we pass forward, climb the stairs leading up. We collect machine guns, a grenade launcher, pistols and other useful things. We go to the bunker of scientists and talk with Sokolov. We return the note to him. We get a first aid kit.

Now let's talk about how to get around the rules of the Omega Option game. Cheats here are presented in a huge variety. You can increase the efficiency of using a knife, for this it is worth managing the process from a third party. To do this, find the file on the PC and edit it. Find the unbindal line and add the code bind cam_1 kF1. Now we can switch the camera with the F1 key. Now consider the cheat that needs to be entered into the console: g_always_run 1. It allows us to continuously use the run.

By the way, there are no solutions that would make the player immortal or give him other supernatural abilities. If you find such cheats, remember that they contain viruses and most likely do not work. There is one major limitation in the Omega Option game. The weight to be carried here is forty kilograms. You can bypass this condition. In the game folder we find the actor.ltx file. Open it in notepad. In the line max_item_mass = 35 ;40.0, change the values ​​to 35 ;100.0. Now you can easily overcome all the difficulties in the game "Stalker. Omega option. The passage described above will help you with this.