Stylish dreamcatcher tattoo - Meaning for girls, original examples. Dreamcatcher: body amulet, the ideal location and meaning of a tattoo for women and men Dreamcatcher tattoo meaning for women

If you are tormented by nightmares or you just feel under the influence of dark forces, a dream catcher tattoo will be a great solution to these problems! The Indians have always put their soul into this item, making it from threads, spruce branches. Feathers of birds, various beads served as decorations on it. How does a dreamcatcher tattoo affect a person?

Dreamcatcher - scares away evil forces, drives away nightmares and "filters" our thoughts. The tattoo with this item is quite symbolic and has a striking design. It is believed that the web inside the circle is a net, on which all the negative is caught. A dream catcher tattoo is recommended to be done as close to the face as possible - on the shoulder, arm, chest. So his influence can increase.

Dream catcher tattoo and its meaning

dream catcher wolf tattoo on back

Great picture for both men and women. A dreamcatcher with a strong and fast animal is a double protection for a person who needs it. The two wolves in the sketch are not only protection from mystical forces, but also a talisman of the family, the union.

Dream catcher tattoo with an owl

Protects its owner from dark forces. An owl is a nocturnal predator that can promise its owner reliable night protection.

There are no two identical dream catchers, they all have differences, their own “zest”. Bright, decorated with incredible lines, colors, inscriptions, there are a lot of sketches of dream catchers. Everyone can choose a sketch that they like. It should be understood that you will not be protected by this symbol if you do not have faith in it.

Indian style in modern art drawings on human body extremely popular. All sorts of totems, examples of primitive painting, hieroglyphs of the writing of the Incas, Mayans and Aztecs, mysterious talismans of leaders - all of them add mystery and strength to the image of their bearer. Such a fashionable image as a dream catcher belongs to the same stylistic direction. Tattoo, the meaning of which is diverse, is very thoughtful. What does it symbolize, who is better off doing it, and who should not use this sign?

Let's figure out together what the dream catcher tattoo means. In this symbol, visual beauty, lightness and perfection of forms are combined with a deep sacred meaning. In their culture, this is the most powerful amulet, the protector of the home and family from evil spirits that tend to come to them at night and disturb their peace. The dream catcher looks like a thin filament web stretched over a circle of wood or vines with bird feathers, beads, ribbons suspended from it. The number of feathers in this amulet can vary from one to three, and their various colors also have their own special meaning.

The meanings of the dream catcher tattoo generally coincide with the original purpose of the talisman itself. A person who decides to decorate his body with such a sign can no longer be afraid of the encroachments of evil otherworldly entities. Such an eternal amulet will protect its owner and bring clarity to the mind not only during the day, but also in the dark.

Separately, it should be noted the cobweb in this sign and its meaning. The dream catcher tattoo always has this part of the amulet. Without it, he loses his strength, because it is in the weaving of threads that negative dreams and thought forms fall, which can poison a person's life. But good and positive dreams pass through the cobweb and reach the human mind.

As it turned out, not only North American Indians do and did such a tattoo. Distributed in Siberia. It turns out that the meanings of the dream catcher tattoo are of particular importance to the shamans of many northern tribes. This talisman helped to better understand and remember the visions that the priests perceived in a dream.

Modern young people and girls often use this image in their tattoos for purely aesthetic purposes: bright and colorful Indian motifs in body painting will always attract the attention of others, and first of all, the opposite sex. However, there are those who think about the meaning of this image even now. The modern meanings of the dream catcher tattoo lie, rather, in the field of life experience. Such an image is applied by those who want to succeed in self-knowledge and spiritual practices. The best place for such a tattoo is the shoulder, neck, upper back - in general, the parts of the body as close as possible to the head, because it is through the head that dreams come to us. And while people are thinking about their visions, tattoos in the form of an Indian symbol - a dream catcher - will be relevant and in demand.

The dream catcher is an Indian talisman that symbolizes protection from evil spirits, which, according to legend, can penetrate our consciousness during sleep. The Indians are sure that this talisman protects the sleeper from unfavorable dreams and attracts good spirits. The sacred little thing consists of a circle, through which good dreams allegedly slip, and additional elements such as feathers, ropes and stones, in which bad dreams are entangled.

The dream catcher, according to Indian customs, is hung at the head of the sleeping person, thereby protecting him from evil spirits. Until the middle of the 20th century, little was known about this talisman and a very limited circle of people. In the second half of the last century, the talisman was actively popularized in the civilized world. In the West, it was taken up by New Age supporters who were actively involved in shamanism and other anthropological phenomena characteristic of the indigenous peoples of South America. Today, when Indian culture is eagerly studied by fans of esotericism and psychedelic practices, dream catchers remain an actual symbol, meaning the unity of our world with the world of spirits. Therefore, anyone who wants to bring their life into a harmonious state and find the perfect balance between spiritual and material can fill such a tattoo.

Who suits

The dream catcher is an original tattoo that looks authentic and bright, especially on the female body. The Indian talisman is stuffed on the back and on the hips, on the arms and around the neck. Often, such tattoos are supplemented with inscriptions, although it does not always make sense to decorate the sacred symbolism of the picture with letters.

When stuffing your dream catcher, remember:

  • The meaning of this Indian talisman implies unity with the other world of dreams;
  • The dream catcher can become your personal talisman, which is not always worth showing to everyone around;
  • The tattoo will look more interesting if it is done in one color using thin lines.

tattoo ideas

The dream catcher is a universal guardian angel that looks great in the following variations:

What style to make a tattoo

The dream catcher is a very specific pattern. The initial sketch will not look good in all styles that are now popular among tattoo artists. Among the preferred styles, we note the following:

  • New school, which will make the tattoo bright and noticeable;
  • Neo-traditional is for those who want to experiment with colors and shapes;
  • Ornamental is perhaps the most successful style that perfectly interprets the dream catcher concept;
  • Ethnics will add a little mystery and antiquity to the sacred symbol;
  • Minimalistic graphics are perfect for a small tattoo on the neck or forearm.

Dreamcatcher and celebrity

Singer Miley Cyrus boasts an unusual tattoo depicting an ancient Indian talisman. The scandalous celebrity stuffed herself with a dream catcher on her ribs. The composition looks very authentic, although we do not know if Miley understands the versatility of this symbol.

In addition, the singer Vanessa White from the group The Saturdays was noticed in love with dream catchers. The artist has a colored talisman stuffed on the inside of her forearm. This tattoo can be used as a sketch if you love contrasting body art.

The dream catcher tattoo is an ancient symbol of the culture of the Indians of North America. These Indian symbols are protective amulets. They are designed to protect a person during a night's sleep, when a sleeping person is completely defenseless. The symbol is filled with a deep sacred meaning, requiring awareness, respect, and an irrational attitude. It draws attention to itself with its mysteriousness, colorfulness, originality.

Dream catcher tattoo history

Ancient legends of the Lakota tribe tell of the Spider God, who wove a web to protect his children from nightmares, fears, and diseases. The web caught all unrighteous thoughts regarding children and protected them at night.

The next legend says that one day a heavenly ruler appeared to a local priest and presented a staff. The top of the staff was decorated with a pattern of woven thick web, which was supplemented with bird feathers from below. The heavenly ruler also said that the amulet would protect the sleepers from the influence of evil spirits, the purpose of which is the heart and soul of a sleeping person. Evil spirits become entangled in the web and remain in it until morning. And with the first rays of the sun, all evil dissolves and disappears.

Such legends exist among many peoples, as well as amulets-circles with an openwork network. This can only be explained by the mystical, mysterious origin of the amulet, which speaks of the supernatural nature of its appearance. And since the amulet has existed for thousands of years, the power of the amulet has increased many times over thanks to the faith of its many followers.

The ancestors of the Indians, as well as the Altai shamans, created a protective amulet from willow branches, deer veins or threads. Eagle or owl feathers were used to decorate the talisman and to increase its strength. Sometimes in the center of the circle a paw print of a bear or a wolf was drawn. Some Indian tribes made eight points of contact of the web with a circle according to the number of spider legs.

Additionally, precious stones were added to the amulet. The presence of one stone symbolized the existence of a single life path, which was chosen once and for all life. The presence of four stones symbolized protection from all directions of the world - east, south, west, north. The amulet was attached at the head of a sleeping person. According to ancient legends, he scared away evil that could approach the sleeping person.
For the clergy themselves, the amulet helped to find out the meaning of their own dream. The victory over the spirits gained in a dream gave the shaman the gift of foresight.

Dream Catcher Tattoo Meaning

Today, people practically do not carry amulets with them, but it is possible to have this symbol with them constantly in the form of a tattoo. You don't have to be a North American Indian to have the protection of this image.

It is generally accepted that the modern drawing of a dream catcher is also endowed with the power to protect its owner from the influence of spirits that bring evil and suffering on his life. A web closed in a circle is designed to capture negative, negative thoughts, allowing a person to maintain a positive attitude in any life situation. There is a small gap in the center of the web that lets in good, life-affirming, suggestive, guiding dreams to the sleeping person.

Feathers have their own deep meaning, the essence of which is air and breath, which is the basis of life. Feathers swaying from the air attracted good sleep. In addition, it is believed that, a tattoo with a dream catcher, helps to restore internal strength, contributes to becoming on the path of self-development and active progress in this direction. Thanks to it, a rich experience of spiritual development is acquired.

You can highlight the main motives for which people choose this picture:

  • protection from the effects of the evil eye and damage;
  • the ability to be under all-round protection from the effects of negative energy, which is around every person;
  • have a full restful night's sleep, free from nightmares;
  • join the centuries-old power inherent in this drawing;
  • show your passion for centuries-old culture.

Once applied a tattoo will always be with its owner. It will lead a person along the path that contains the least obstacles, help to overcome the difficulties that have arisen in life, help to weed out evil intentions and strengthen good ones, and make them stronger and more confident.

Position, placement, color scheme of the body tattoo

The symbol has no restrictions on the place of application. It is advised to fill the image closer to the head to protect it. Very often, the back is chosen for this pattern. A large area allows you to unfold an extensive creative picture. Often girls choose a place on the back for applying the selected picture.

The next popular place for a tattoo is the ribs and side. The image here is not so voluminous, but its beauty is preserved. Sometimes girls choose a horseshoe instead of a circle, which is characterized by the fact that it attracts good luck to a person.

A colored dream catcher tattoo can be located on the shoulder, although the drawing can be black and white. A tattoo with scarlet roses looks bright and colorful, but if you are a fan of a more strict version, then the roses can be white.

A small tattoo with a dream catcher will fit compactly on the wrist, ankle, foot or behind the ear. Such a pattern on the stomach looks very feminine. Before applying a tattoo to yourself, ask the master to make you an individual sketch of the future image. Among the celebrities with such a tattoo is Miley Cyrus, who made personal additions to the traditional design.

Female tattoo with a dream catcher, compatibility with other symbols

The beautiful half of humanity is attracted in the symbol by the similarity with beautiful and popular jewelry. Girls choose each element according to its meaning, complement the meaning with their own elements, forming a vivid memorable picture. The female personality dominates the whole image - rosebuds, roses in bloom, a doll, a rowan branch often serve as additional elements. Usually the master inflicts on the girls the image of owl feathers, the meaning of which stands for wisdom. Additional elements are a heart, an owl, bright images in the form of pebbles.

Dreamcatcher tattoo for men and additional symbols

Representatives of the strong half choose a classic image, practically without adding additional elements to it. An additional element can be the paws of a wolf, a bear in a circle, or drawings of these animals. The stuffed feathers of an eagle symbolize pure masculine qualities- bravery and courage.


The choice of dreamcatcher tattoo style is related to the meaning that a person puts into a picture. Guys often fill monophonic tattoos, and girls choose colored ones. To create a work of art, a bright watercolor style is used. Polynesia, ethnicity, tribal - lead to the creation of a picture with national motifs, both ancient and modern. Monochrome tattoos in the form of graphics are a classic style.

Salon masters also use other styles - old school, trash polka, blackwork. The combination of black and white images with bright color splashes looks extraordinary.


Once applied, a tattoo will be permanently with its owner. She will lead a person along the path that contains the least obstacles, help to overcome the difficulties that have arisen in life, with her help evil intentions will be eliminated and good intentions will be strengthened, and will make the owner stronger and more confident.

In the history of tattoos, there were many examples when some traditional symbol, extremely far from the beliefs of Europeans / Americans, suddenly gained unprecedented popularity. Among such examples of success is the dream catcher tattoo.

We have created this review article so that you can understand the meaning and symbolism of this drawing. After all, it has a very interesting and unusual meaning. You can talk for a long time that this is the mainstream. But with the same success it is possible to call so the symbols of any major religion. To say that such tattoos are exclusively for women is also wrong.

Let's try to figure out what the meaning of a dream catcher tattoo is. It is traditionally believed that this unusual thing itself came to us from shamanism. But, if other Indian symbols have not taken root among Europeans, this one competes with many local signs.

People like a riddle, a mystery, a sense of sacred meaning, something incomprehensible and cosmic. The dream catcher tattoo has all this.

Indians is a collective definition of a huge number of peoples inhabiting the American continent. Each group, each ethnic group has its own culture, traditions, beliefs. But dream catchers can be called one of the few common elements. It was used by dozens of tribes.

They believed that this device could protect a person from evil spirits living side by side with humanity. For the manufacture, a frame was used, inside of which a web was woven in a special way. Threads and feathers were tied to the circle, sometimes multi-colored beads and other decorations were used. Some of them carried a separate meaning, others were just decorations.

Multicolored beads and a flag

In the old days, a willow branch and deer veins were used for the base. But it was also allowed to use ordinary threads. Decorations were taken from the plumage of those birds that were important for a tribe, culture, or a particular person.

Initially, it was a talisman installed next to the bed. Over time, the Indians began to use the dream catcher tattoo. If the object itself was intended only to protect the dream from the intrusion of evil entities into it, then the tattoo on the body protected the person in the real world.

Sleep is a state in which not only the human body is vulnerable. He is defenseless against the invasion of his mind. While we are sleeping, we do not distinguish where is reality and where are the worlds that our consciousness builds. In this borderline state, protection from what is perceived as nightmares is necessary.

The web is a kind of sieve through which only good thoughts can penetrate. Any evil, be it a thought-form like a curse or some dark force, will be stopped before it can harm you.

Dream catcher with cobwebs

Symbols associated with mysticism and esotericism, shamanism attract dreamy people who are inclined to search for truth and their own path in this world. According to some experts, the choice of a tattoo is not always random. It means that a person manifests his will into the world. Someone acts through an objective and tangible reality, someone through a dream.

Often you can find drawings that depict a dream catcher with a wolf, with an owl, or with a fox. This combination was not chosen by chance. This is a reference to the traditional beliefs of the North American Indians. Bear, fox, wolf, lynx, elk, other forest animals, these are totem animals. Each of them has its own meaning, and in a certain way affects the life of the person associated with it. Often, an image of a paw print, or the head of an animal with a grinning mouth, is entered into the web. Sometimes a colored feather, or even several, is used for decoration.

dream catcher wolf
Dreamcatcher with an owl
Dream catcher with fox

The Lakota Indians have the most interesting legends. They told the Europeans about the spider god. He decided to protect the people who worshiped him, and handed this tool to the shaman of the tribe, saying that this amulet would protect against evil forces, the evil eye, evil thoughts, and even diseases. All dark forces will fall into a trap from the web, from which they will not be able to get out until the morning. With the dawn, the first rays of the sun will destroy, dispel evil.

Regarding the tattoo, the Lakota had a belief that it should be worn openly, and not under a layer of clothing. Only in this case, she will be able to actively resist any evil.

Interestingly, such amulets are not a local invention of the North American natives. Similar products are used by shamans of the peoples of the north. In Siberia, they were used to correct work with prophetic dreams. Very often we see important things, clues at night, but in the morning we cannot remember what we saw, or we find it difficult to interpret.

Many centuries have passed since the creation of this symbol. However, even now it remains very popular in many countries of the world, including Russia.

They say that with the advent of any image or symbol in a tattoo, its meaning may change somewhat. In part, this is true. There is a separate meaning for girls and boys, and in some cases also prison.

However, the catcher is rarely stuffed in prisons, and there is no separate description for it. This is good news for those who are going to go to the tattoo artist. After all, you do not have to think about how random people on the streets will perceive your choice.

What is the difference between a dream catcher tattoo for men and female counterparts?

  • Minimum decorative and maximum practical;
  • Monochromatic drawings are often used, while girls prefer colored ones;
  • Girls can choose pictures in a fantasy style, men prefer references to real things.
  • The female version uses owl feathers, while the male version uses eagle feathers more often.

Dream catcher tattoo for men with an eagle and feathers, eagle feathers

If a woman is pregnant, then while the child is in her stomach, the symbol has a protective effect not only not on her, but also on the child. This is due to the fact that there is a powerful connection between them at several levels at once.

It is said that such tattoos help the owner maintain a positive attitude, quickly restore spiritual strength, and even gain some kind of mystical experience. It is difficult for us to judge how true this is. See if you can change your life with this symbol.

Styles and sketches

Among the classic options there are a variety of sketches of a dream catcher tattoo. The choice does not depend on some momentary fashion, but on what kind of meaning a person puts into the chosen tattoo. For example, if a dreamcatcher with feathers is depicted, then even what bird they belong to matters. Mystics and esotericists choose in this regard a crow, or an owl. Sometimes a pair of magpie feathers is drawn - black from the tail, and white from the wing. It is believed that they drive away evil spirits.

Dream catcher with crow and raven feathers

Sometimes a flock of birds flies out of the feathers. Such sketches are chosen by people for whom the inner feeling of freedom is most important. It gives the necessary harmony to which each of us aspires.

The directories include:

  • Tattoos in the style of Polynesia, ethnicity, are the most popular. When creating them, national motifs of different world cultures, ancient and modern, are used.
  • Bright and unusual watercolor sketches are a living example of the fact that a tattoo is, first of all, an artistic art, and only then some kind of subcultural phenomenon, etc.
  • Images made in graphic style. Monochrome tattoos, realistic and with good detail. In fact, an imitation of classical works on paper.
  • Good old old school. In this style, not only anchors and sharks are drawn, but also such interesting symbols.
  • Challenge to the canons - trash polka. On the one hand, it's realism. On the other hand, there are details that are not characteristic of this style. Red and black strokes, geometric shapes, shadows, etc. are often used. This is not so much a real reflection of the subject as the artist's view of how this thing should look.
  • Another interesting option is blackwork - an original technique that involves filling individual fragments of a picture with black paint.
  • A white tattoo with contrasting additional details in black or red will look original.

The advantage of such a tattoo is that it can be both black and white and color. If the color does not carry a specific meaning, there is no difference how to implement the idea. The circle with the web itself can be monophonic, but when designing feathers, many artists offer variations, from black - crow, to bright shades of yellow, red, blue, orange.

Dreamcatcher tattoo, black and white and color version

See how tattoo pictures look in different color variations. If you have photoshop skills, you can even try it on virtually. Most The best way using this feature - printing on a transparent film for stickers. Unlike paper, it looks more realistic on the skin.

There are certain canonical rules for creating a catcher. For example, some Indians considered it correct to use exactly eight points of contact with the circle. That is, the cobweb was held on eight threads, symbolizing the paws of a spider.

The correct dream catcher has exactly eight points of contact with the circle

It is believed that this amulet helps a person not only to protect from a nightmare, but also to connect with nature, which many of us consider long lost. In the stone jungle of modern cities, this is very lacking.

Areas for tattooing. Choosing options

Some people have almost no space on their bodies for new tattoos, while others go to the salon for the first time. Therefore, the work of the masters will be different. If you don’t have tattoos, or there aren’t many of them, you don’t have to think too much about choosing a style. However, if you plan to come to the master more than once, you should decide on the general concept. Otherwise, it will turn out that on your skin there will be a lot of drawings made in different techniques.

Girls often order such a tattoo on the wrist or forearm. These two options have long become classics. Although if you depict a dreamcatcher tattoo on your arm, this is not entirely correct in terms of the interaction of the symbol with energy-information flows. If you want the drawing to work, protecting you from nightmares and negative thoughts, it is better to get a tattoo on the shoulder, or on the neck. Remember that not a single sacred symbol works if you do not believe in it and do not understand the principle of its action, interaction with reality.

Dream catcher made on the forearm
dream catcher on hand

Someone believes that any emerging changes, effects, can be explained by self-hypnosis, the placebo effect. Others believe that we are talking about hidden abilities, human capabilities, psychokinesis, which is studied by many specialists. So you can safely, or on your side, without losing any quality.

Looks good on the side

A beautiful colored sketch will look great on the shoulder blade, lower back, or on the girl's back.

dream catcher on shoulder blade

How to implement a dream catcher on the leg? Let's start with the fact that the leg is several zones at once, having different areas, shapes and, so to speak, relief. So on the thigh, the surface is smoother, and the area on which something can be tattooed is much larger than, for example, on the ankle or calf.

In general, there are five to seven zones on the leg that are suitable for this task. For example, the inner side of the thigh and knee. But these areas are very sensitive to pain. 'Cause if you're low pain threshold, it is best to get a tattoo under local anesthesia. Now special gels are used for these purposes. So people who are afraid of injections can relax.

Another option is to get such a tattoo on your stomach. For example, make it around the navel, so that the threads of the web diverge from this point in the direction.

Historically, girls most often choose to apply on the back, neck, ribs and wrist. Fifth place is occupied by the forearm. In men, it usually leads in statistics. The foot is used less often. Still, people prefer to apply an image in the upper body.