Ampel nasturtium planting and care. Climbing nasturtium: growing from seeds, when to plant it and how to tie climbing nasturtium

Nasturtium is a wonderful garden decoration, a bright ornamental plant, a guest from southern countries. In our gardens, we grow mainly climbing nasturtium. This type of plant is a kind of liana, which, under favorable circumstances, can reach a length of four meters.

Curly nasturtium can be used in landscape design very widely: in borders, and in flower beds, and in hanging planters, and as a camouflage tool for unsightly outbuildings. In the article, we will consider the features of growing climbing nasturtium from seeds: we will find out how to plant and how to care for the plant.


Curly nasturtium is one of the most popular and beloved ornamental plants by gardeners. This is not surprising - for all its external showiness, the liana is completely unpretentious, does not require excessive worries and troubles.

In the photo - curly nasturtium:

curly nasturtium

The plant comes from regions of South and Central America, where it grows in natural conditions as a perennial. But in our climate, nasturtium is grown only as an annual plant, since the tender southern beauty cannot survive the harsh frosty winter.

Curly nasturtium is a decorative vine, decorated with many yellow, red or orange flowers during flowering. There are two-color and even three-color varieties, characterized by increased decorativeness and picturesqueness. The leaves of the plant are also beautiful: bright green, shiny, dense.

Flowers, depending on the variety, can be simple, double and semi-double. In the last two cases, the flowering of nasturtium is especially lush and majestic due to larger and more voluminous flowers.

Coloring of petals in warm colors: various varieties nasturtiums can offer almost the entire gamut of red, yellow shades, orange is also often found, sometimes cherry, pink. Breeders also bred spotted specimens, in which the petals are dotted with many bizarre spots, dots, squiggles.

On the video - curly Nasturtium:

The flowering of the plant begins in June-July and lasts until frost in the fall. Therefore, for quite a long time there is an opportunity to admire decorative flowers, and enjoy the pleasant aroma of the plant. Interestingly, nasturtium can be used as a medicinal plant, and even used in cooking, where it is quite capable of replacing capers.

Growing conditions and care

We will find out what requirements the curly nasturtium makes to the conditions of its content.

A place

The plant needs a sunny, well-lit garden area. She does not like shadows: in this case, the flowering of the plant may not be seen. Nasturtium withstands well even direct midday sunlight, so you can decide even on the most open area.

soil, top dressing

The plant needs fertile soil with good drainage. At the same time, it is advisable to avoid excess fertilizer, otherwise the nasturtium will begin to build up a green leafy mass, forgetting about flowering.

It is forbidden to fertilize nasturtium with fresh manure: this can rot its roots. But with compost - it's quite possible. From mineral fertilizers, the plant needs potash and phosphorus supplements, but nitrogen fertilizers are not required.

The plant needs light, loose soil: it is better not to plant nasturtium in heavy, clay soil. The soil with a slightly acidic reaction is best suited for nasturtium, not too scarce, but not overly stuffed with organic and mineral fertilizers.


Liana needs watering, but moderate: the roots of the plant do not tolerate stagnant moisture and waterlogging, they can rot. It is especially important to regularly water the nasturtium during its active growth period. But after the start of flowering, it is worth minimizing moisture, and watering only when the earth ball is already completely dry. How to use it in this case, you can find out by reading the contents of this article.


Having planted nasturtium in a certain place, it is no longer recommended to touch it. The plant does not tolerate transplantation because of its delicate root system.

Seedlings are best grown in plastic cups with a retractable bottom - in this case, transplanting the plant into open ground will be most painless. Peat cups for germinating nasturtium seedlings are also suitable: they can be placed in the ground without having to get the plant. But how it happens will help to understand the video from the article.

Diseases and pests

The plant, due to its aroma, can serve as a protection of neighboring flowers from insects such as aphids, whiteflies, Colorado potato beetles, cabbage caterpillars. For this invaluable advantage, nasturtium is especially loved by gardeners. However, the plant itself is also susceptible to some diseases. We list the most common of them.

Withering of a bacterial nature is manifested in nasturtium in the gradual drying of the leaves. This process begins from below, and if it is not stopped, it will gradually destroy the entire plant.

A disease such as spotting is also common in nasturtium. The disease manifests itself in the form of small brownish-red dots that grow and increase in diameter, gradually capturing the entire leaf.

Gray rot also affects climbing nasturtium, and manifests itself as a characteristic white-gray coating on the leaves.

All these diseases must be dealt with as soon as they are detected. It is imperative to remove the affected leaves, and spray the plant itself with suitable fungicides. If the nasturtium is significantly affected, then it is better to dig up the plant altogether and burn it.

How to grow nasturtium from seeds

We will learn what wisdom you need to keep in mind when growing a plant from seeds.

Firstly, you should know that the seeds of climbing nasturtium can be planted either immediately in the ground, or you can first germinate seedlings at home, and only then place them under the open sky. The first method is more suitable for the southern regions: in the northern latitudes and even in the middle lane, in any case, you will have to grow a vine using seedlings. Let's consider both methods.

On the video - how to grow Nasturtium from seeds:

seedling method

This method is more troublesome, however, it gives an almost guaranteed positive result. And at the same time, the vine blooms earlier. So that the seedlings are sufficiently strong by the time they are planted in the ground, it is recommended to plant seeds for seedlings in April-early May.

In order to grow a strong and healthy "young growth" of nasturtium, it is recommended to prepare special cups: peat or with a retractable bottom. Ordinary disposable cups are also suitable, however, subsequently, difficulties may arise when transplanting seedlings into open ground. Several seeds are placed in one cup at once, and in a couple of weeks-10 days it will already be possible to see the first sprouts.

After the seedlings appear, the seedling boxes must be moved to a cooler place (+18 degrees), while the place must be well lit. If the lighting is not enough, the shoots will be very long, but at the same time they will be weak, frail. It will also be useful to understand how

Before planting seedlings in open ground, two weeks before this event, the sprouts must begin to harden. To do this, you need to take boxes with seedlings outside under the sun every day for several hours during the day. Thus, the plant by the time of transplantation is already sufficiently accustomed to external conditions.

When transplanting seedlings into the ground, do it carefully so as not to damage the delicate roots of the plant. Seedlings are planted in the ground when there is already stable heat outside: in most regions this is the end of May-June.

seedless way

If you are lucky enough to live in a warm climate, you can plant nasturtium seeds immediately in open ground. It is better to do this in late May-early June, when the time for night cooling has already passed. Before planting, the seeds must be soaked for a day in water so that they swell.

Two or three seeds must be placed in each hole at once, so that at least one of them will definitely sprout. Leave a distance of about 20 cm between the holes so that each plant has its own "personal space". After two weeks, on average, the first shoots appear. And curly nasturtium begins to bloom 45 days after the appearance of the first sprouts.

You should know that nasturtium seedlings will not withstand frosts, and will die when the temperature drops even to zero. To protect tender shoots, it is recommended to cover the bed with a film or non-woven material for some time after sowing.

Features of seed cultivation

Some points that are characteristic of both seedling and non-seedling methods of growing vines.

You should know that nasturtium seeds have a shelf life of 3-4 years. After this period, it is better to get rid of the seed, since its germination becomes minimal.

If you want to collect seed material in your garden, then know that nasturtium seeds change color from green to white when ripe - and only then are they recommended to be collected. If you collect green seeds, then they may not sprout in the future, as they are not fully ripe.

Before sowing, nasturtium seeds should be soaked in water for a day to make it easier for the sprouts to emerge from a dense shell. And beforehand, before daily soaking, it is recommended to place the seeds for a short time in water heated to 40 degrees.

Application in landscape design

Curly nasturtium is a real find for those who want to decorate and ennoble the look of their garden plot. In addition, a variety of plant varieties, its various colors make it possible to grow nasturtium, the most suitable for single and group plantings in each individual case. You can dream up a little and plant the plant in hanging ones.

With the help of this plant, you can decorate the terrace: in this case, it is better to plant nasturtium in hanging pots around the perimeter.

We examined the features of growing from seeds of climbing nasturtium. As you can see, growing this exotic vine in our conditions is not so difficult - the main thing is to follow the recommendations of experienced professionals, and everything will be in order. With the help of the tips from the article, you can independently, even without experience, grow a beautiful nasturtium in your backyard, decorate it with decorative flowering for most of your summer and even autumn.

Nasturtium in summer cottages is most often grown to decorate the local area. In matters of cultivation, it is important to know how to grow nasturtium from seeds, when to plant? This plant is not whimsical in care, blooms for a long time; does not require a lot of space, which allows you to get bright, decorative corners of wildlife in small areas. You can grow nasturtium not only on the site, but also on the balcony, loggia, terrace.

Description, varieties and types

Nasturtium is a herbaceous plant of the Nasturtium family. Latin name- Tropaeolum or capuchin, which is associated with a hood-like flower shape. The family includes more than 90 plant species. Nasturtium is native to South and Central America. The plant was brought to Russia a long time ago, from Holland, and firmly settled in our territories.

Nasturtium is an annual unpretentious plant that is known for its healing and gustatory properties. The shape of the plant is - shrubs or creepers. The root is taproot, lateral shoots are few, located at a depth of 10-12 cm. Nasturtium flowers are very bright - yellow, orange, red. Simple, double or semi-double, fragrant, consisting of five petals and sepals in the form of a funnel. The fruit consists of kidney-shaped lobes, each of which contains seeds.

All varieties and species belong to two garden forms:

  • Bush - forms compact bushes, up to 30 cm high, keeps its shape perfectly, is used to decorate flower beds and garden paths;
  • Climbing - forms long stems up to 1 m or more, grown as a ground cover and ampelous plant. Creeping nasturtium covers the ground with a carpet. Ampelnaya forms a cascade of flowering shoots. Can be grown on a vertical support.

Breeders are constantly working on breeding new varieties of nasturtium, which differ in shape, height of bushes, structure and color of flowers.

Here are some famous varieties:

  • Pich Melba - a variety 30-50 cm high with flowers of exquisite, delicate color on whip-like stems, blooms until frost;

  • Bright flowerbed - a variety 40 cm high, from a mixture of five shades of bright, large flowers;

  • Ladybug is the only variety with apricot flowers that have attractive spots on the petals. The plant is compact, up to 25 cm high, blooms all season.

Growing conditions

When growing, it must be remembered that nasturtium is a heat and light-loving plant. She doesn't take the transplant well. The key to successful cultivation is the presence of fertile soil. The flower prefers well-fertilized, especially phosphorus, soils, without freshly applied organic fertilizers, excess nitrogen and moisture. Excess nitrogen and moisture cause a powerful development of the vegetative mass to the detriment of flowering, while the flowers are hidden under the leaves.


Nasturtium is grown by sowing seeds.

In advance, before sowing, the seeds should be placed in hot water at + 40 - 50 ° C for 20 minutes, and then soaked in water for a day. Otherwise, they will germinate only after two weeks.

When growing from seeds, 2 methods are used:

  • seedling;
  • Without seedlings.

With the seedling method, the plant blooms much earlier. Sowing is done in late April or early May in special cups with a retractable bottom. 2-3 seeds are laid in the soil of the glass to a depth of 2 cm.

Crops are kept indoors with a temperature of at least 20 degrees, preferably on the sunny side. Seedlings appear on the 10-14th day. Since the root system of the plant is very weak, the seedlings are not dived, but transplanted into open ground with an earthen clod right in the cups, maintaining a distance of 20-25 cm from each other.

With no seedling method, sowing is carried out directly in open ground, in a permanent place, at the end of May. The seeds are laid out 2-3 per hole to a depth of 2 cm. The distance between the holes should be at least 20-25 cm. The area with crops is covered with a film. As a rule, the first shoots appear after 2 weeks. Flowering occurs in 40-50 days.


This plant does not like drafts, so the place for it should be sunny and protected from the wind. By itself, nasturtium is not whimsical to care for. It only needs regular watering and regular weeding.

Seedlings require abundant watering for fast and good growth. With the onset of flowering, reduce it and moisten the soil as needed. Wilted flowers are removed periodically. If your goal is to collect seeds, then remember that the ovaries need time to ripen. Regularly you need to weed and loosen the earth around the plant. The soil can be mulched. This will greatly help in the fight against weeds, and also will not allow overheating of the topsoil.

After the flower has faded, watering should be reduced, and then completely stopped. Remember that nasturtium is an annual plant, so as soon as autumn comes, the areas where it was planted must be dug up and the remains of the plants burned.


Most types of nasturtium are propagated by seeds. Seeds remain viable for 4 years.

Terry and new varieties are propagated by cuttings.

Cuttings are a vegetative way of propagating nasturtium. For rooting cuttings use water or wet sand.

Pests and diseases

Nasturtium repels various kinds of pests, such as the Colorado potato beetle. But she herself also suffers from certain diseases and insects.

Nasturtium diseases include:

  1. Gray rot. It is characterized by the appearance of light brown spots on the leaves.
  2. Bacterial wilt. First, the leaves weaken, and then the plant itself fades completely.
  3. Rust. A fairly common and dangerous disease. The leaves are affected first. Red oval spots appear on them in the form of swellings.
  4. Mosaic. Leaves are being damaged. The spots on the leaves are white or green.

All diseases can very quickly destroy the plant, so measures must be taken immediately. It is recommended to remove and burn the damaged parts of the plant, then treat the plant with special preparations.

Of the pests, nasturtium is affected by:

  1. cabbage moth;
  2. Spider mite;
  3. Medvedka;
  4. Belyanka;
  5. Cruciferous flea.

Against aphids, cabbage moths, cruciferous fleas, ash is excellent, which is scattered or sifted over the plant and soil. Spider mites cannot tolerate drinking alcohol. Plants and soil are sprayed with 96% alcohol. You can use biologically active drugs.

Seed collection

If you have a desire to engage in selection, then you may well collect the seeds yourself. As soon as the flower begins to fade, you can collect seeds. When ripe, the seeds crumble quickly, so they need to be collected systematically.

Store ripe seeds in cardboard boxes.

Useful properties of nasturtium

Nasturtium has been used in folk medicine for the treatment of heart and hypertension.

In addition, it is also used as:

  • Cough remedy;
  • Antiseptic for diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • Choleretic agent;
  • A tonic that helps with scurvy;
  • A tool that normalizes metabolic processes.

Nasturtium is also the richest source of vitamins. It contains a large amount of sulfur and carotene, which is simply necessary for older people to prevent sclerosis.

Nasturtium treats the soil from fungal diseases, after which other plants and crops grow better.

Nasturtium has long been used in food as a spicy-flavoring additive. It tastes like watercress. Leaves and tops of shoots, with a sharp mustard flavor, are used in salads. The most delicious are the flowers. Green seeds are pickled like capers.

Decorative, use in landscape gardening

Growing nasturtium is a unique opportunity to create beautiful flower arrangements.

As a decoration for balconies or loggias, this flower is suspended and attached to the ceiling. On plots, it goes well with other plants: marigolds and delphiniums, ageratums and bluebells, asters and lilies. If each flower is planted close enough to each other, you get an original green rug.

Nasturtium helps to disguise any unsightly area or building, decorate the arch, create comfort in gazebos, on verandas, terraces.

If you want to decorate an unsightly fence or walls, a porch or a gazebo in your summer cottage, then nasturtium will definitely suit you. A plant with a sea of ​​bright colors and a whole bunch of leaves looks very beautiful and impressive.

The rapid growth of nasturtium and abundant flowering, its unpretentiousness and easy cultivation made the flower popular not only among gardeners. Nasturtium can grow and bloom beautifully at home, decorating a loggia or balcony.

Description and varieties of nasturtium

Nasturtium in the form of a liana or semi-shrub is distinguished by a juicy stem, lobed thyroid, palmate or entire leaves and irregularly shaped flowers.

Yellow or red flowers may be terry, semi-double or simple. They consist of a funnel-shaped tube, five or more sepals, and petals. The fruit formed after flowering of nasturtium consists of three kidney-shaped wrinkled lobes with rounded kidney-shaped seeds.

A distinctive feature of nasturtium is that its stems and flowers are of interest to cooks and have healing properties.

Tropical beauty in her homeland grows as a perennial plant. But nasturtium does not tolerate sub-zero temperatures, so it is grown in our gardens as an annual. Among flower growers, five types of plants are most popular.

Nasturtium small

A branched plant 35 cm high with thin stems, very long petioles and rounded leaves strewn with small flowers, the diameter of which is about 3 cm.

Yellow flowers with dark spots curved cylindrical spurs and velvety petals pointed to the edge. Small nasturtium blooms from June to October. The most common varieties:

  1. "Black Velvet" is a plant variety with simple flowers, the diameter of which is not more than 6 cm. Their dark burgundy color can seem almost black.
  2. "Cherry Rose" is distinguished by double flowers of bright red color.

Nasturtium cultural

This type of plant combines hybrids of nasturtium large and shield-bearing. They vary in height and shape. These can be dwarf varieties that grow up to only 15-20 cm, or high compact bushes up to 50 cm in height.

Some varieties of cultural nasturtium are creeping plants, the length of the stems of which can be up to 4 meters. The most popular varieties:

  • "Moonlight" - grows up to two meters in length and blooms with pale yellow flowers.
  • "Golden Globe" is a bush in the shape of a ball, the height of which reaches only 25 cm. The plant is strewn with light green, large, round leaves, reaching 6.5 cm in diameter. Double flowers of this variety have a golden yellow color.
  • "Gleming Mahagani" is characterized by double red flowers and grows up to 37 cm.

Nasturtium big

This is a very branchy creeping plant that can grow up to 250 cm. Upright varieties of this type of nasturtium grow up to 70 cm. Asymmetrical, branched stems are located on fragile, branched stems. light green, rounded, large leaves.

The underside of the sheets is gray. It reproduces well by self-sowing and blooms from early summer until frost. Large nasturtium is represented by dozens of varieties, among which bush forms can be distinguished:

  1. "Ladybug" is distinguished by apricot flowers, the middle of which has burgundy spots.
  2. "Salmon Baby" - a plant with semi-double flowers.
  3. "Peach Melba" - a plant variety with cream flowers, in the center of which there are red spots.
  4. "King Theodore" is distinguished by bright red flowers.

Shield nasturtium

The plant is a creeping semi-shrub, fragile, juicy, dark green shoots of which grow up to four meters. They have dark green thyroid leaves and succulent dark red flowers.

Shield nasturtium blooms from June to October. The most popular species among gardeners: "Lucifer" - the plant is an upright bush and grows up to 25 cm.

Its dark green large leaves have a dark red tint. Simple red-orange flowers bloom on light green shoots, the diameter of which is 6 cm.

Nasturtium foreign or Canarian. A climber growing up to 350 cm is able to quickly braid trellises and arbors. It is distinguished by five - or seven-separate medium-sized leaves and bright yellow small flowers.

The flowers of the Canarian nasturtium consist of green spurs and corrugated petals. Blooms from mid-summer until frost.

When to plant nasturtium outdoors

The seeds of the plant remain viable for 4-5 years, so they can be collected and stored for a long time.

Seeds can be sown in open ground at the end of May. To do this, they are pre-soaked in water with a temperature of 50-60 degrees. Due to this, the shell of the seeds softens and they hatch faster.

The distance between the holes should be from 25 to 30 cm. two or three seeds, which are deepened by 2-3 cm.

The first seedlings should appear in two weeks. Nasturtium sown in open ground will bloom in 40-50 days.

Growing nasturtium from seeds at home

The plant is propagated by seeds in two ways: by sowing seeds immediately in open ground; growing seedlings at home.

Three seeds are buried in each pot filled with soil. Seedling containers are covered with glass or cellophane and placed in a warm place.

When the first seedlings appear, the glass is removed and the pots moving to a bright place. Care of seedlings consists in their timely watering. Dive nasturtium is not recommended, because the delicate root system of the plant does not tolerate transplantation.

Seedlings are planted in open ground after frost has ended. This should be done carefully, with a large clod of earth. Two to three days before planting, young plants during the day in warm weather take out to the street to temper.

Seedlings are planted in holes, the distance between which should be 20–25 cm for compact varieties, and at least 40 cm for climbing plants. Next to the tall varieties of nasturtium, supports are installed immediately upon planting.

Growing seedlings is troublesome, but as a result, you can get an early flowering plant that will quickly grow and decorate the site.

Nasturtium: planting and care in the open field

The plant is recommended to be planted in well-lit areas protected from the wind, since it will not bloom well in the shade of nasturtium. The soil for planting should be fertile and light, well-drained and slightly acidic.

It is not recommended to plant nasturtium on soils rich in organic matter. In this case, the plant will be lush green and bloom little.

Nasturtium care consists in regular watering of the plant, weeding and loosening land around the bush. When planting seedlings, the bed can be mulched and then weeds will not have to be fought.

When caring for seedlings is very important abundant, regular watering. Blooming nasturtium should be watered as needed. The soil must dry out.

Dried and faded flowers should be removed in a timely manner. This will help prolong the flowering of the plant. If you need seeds, you can leave a few ovaries to ripen.

As they mature, the seeds are separated from the pedicel and laid out at room temperature to dry and ripen. Ripe seeds should be whitish in color.

Disease and pest control

The plant has a specific smell that repels many pests. But sometimes it can be affected by a cabbage white, a mining fly, spider mites, aphids.

The fight against these pests is in the treatment of bushes with insecticides systemic action. Sometimes the plant is affected by diseases. Most often this can be:

  • gray rot, in which dry brown spots appear on the leaves;
  • bacterial wilt, which at the first stage is manifested by the weakening of the lower leaves, and then by the withering of the entire bush;
  • rust and variegated mosaic - diseases in which black and brown spots appear on the leaves.

The fight against these diseases is in plant processing special chemical and bacteriological preparations. Damaged leaves are collected and burned.

In order to prevent the spread of pests on nasturtium bushes and not to start the disease, the leaves of the plant should be regularly inspected. Affected leaves are immediately removed, and the bush for preventive purposes sprayed with alcohol with liquid soap.

Grown from seeds and planted in open ground, nasturtium, with proper care, will delight with its beautiful flowering and shock of leaves until the very frost.

Its undersized varieties can be planted along paths or used as a border plant. Fences, building walls, balconies, terraces are decorated with tall bushes.

In the warm climate of South America, where nasturtium comes from, these plants are often grown as perennials, producing lush flower caps almost all year round. But neither powerful stems nor fleshy roots can survive Russian winters.

Therefore, the culture is well known to domestic gardeners as a spectacular annual, pleasing with flowering almost throughout the summer. The first buds, planting which with seeds or seedlings is not so difficult even for a beginner grower, appear in mid-June or July, and the last flowers under a wave of autumn frosts.

In order for the plant to give green mass earlier and enter the flowering time, it is necessary:

  • correctly select a landing site for nasturtium;
  • provide seedlings with proper care, including watering and fertilizing;
  • protect stems, flowers and leaves from pests and diseases.

Much depends on the planting material.

Common types of nasturtiums are propagated by seeds that mature in temperate climates and can be used for sowing in the next season.

Place for planting nasturtium in the garden

Both bush and climbing forms of nasturtium prefer light, well-aerated soils with a moderate content of nutrients and slight acidity. Nasturtium in the garden, planted on depleted soils, is easy to distinguish by elongated internodes, small leaves and corollas of flowers.

The high density of organic-rich soil can play a trick on the grower. Not only will the seeds experience serious difficulties with germination, but the young plant will begin to "fatten", giving a lot of foliage, not flowers. If the soil with a high content of clay or black earth is also excessively moistened, the roots of the nasturtium quickly rot and the plant dies.

The best choice of site for planting nasturtium is sandy loam or loam with good drainage, regular watering and top dressing, if necessary.

There is a famous saying about "warm feet and cold head". Nasturtium is the opposite. With all the love of this culture for warmth and light, it is important to choose a place so that the roots of the plant are shaded. But the foliage and flowers that are in the sun will be able to express themselves in full force, especially if they are protected from the wind and possible frosts.

With the role of a support for climbing and climbing species of nasturtium, a trellis, a garden fence or a backyard wall will do just fine. Bush forms are good in flowerbeds, and ampelous ones - in hanging planters or decorative flowerpots.

Ways to plant nasturtium

There are three main ways to plant and grow nasturtiums:

  • Obtaining nasturtium from seeds simplifies the process of plant acclimatization, seedlings take root in warm soil without problems and grow actively.
  • The seedling method of planting a crop allows you to bring flowering closer and make it longer, but there is a risk of losing seedlings after being transferred to the soil.
  • With the help of cuttings that quickly take root in wet sand or water and are ready for planting in a permanent place in the garden. This method is indispensable when it is not possible to obtain seeds of an exotic species or a new variety.

In addition, some types of nasturtium form tubers suitable for winter storage at temperatures close to zero and spring planting in the ground.

Growing nasturtium from seeds

Most types of cultivated nasturtium can be grown from seed, bypassing the seedling stage. This method saves a lot of time and effort. Nasturtium, the cultivation and care of which begins with seeds, initially develops in open ground and does not get sick. The only negative is that it will be possible to see blooming nasturtium in the garden only by the middle of summer.

And sometimes gardeners complain that the seeds do not want to hatch at all. This may happen due to:

  • low quality or immaturity of the seeds themselves;
  • too cold soil at the time of planting nasturtium;
  • excess moisture in the soil;
  • strong deepening of seeds;
  • high soil density in the place chosen for nasturtium.

In order not to encounter these troubles, before sowing, the seeds are dipped in water from 40 to 50 ° C for a quarter of an hour and then soaked for another day. This activates the sprout and softens the dense surface peel.

Nasturtium planting is carried out in May, only in sufficiently warm soil. In holes located at a distance of 20–30 cm, two or three seeds are lowered to a depth of 2 cm.

Nasturtium seedlings do not tolerate cold snaps and need to be protected during frosts with shelters made of film or non-woven material. The same technique, as well as watering with warm water, will make the plants develop faster.

Planting nasturtium seedlings for early flowering

The main danger of the seedling method of growing nasturtium is the risk of damage to the rather juicy and brittle roots of the plant, so the seeds are sown in separate containers to avoid picking and transfer to the ground along with an earthy clod.

Even better if for planting nasturtiums or pots.

  • Sowing in April or early May is carried out to a depth of not only 2 cm, 2–3 seeds per hole.
  • Landings need to provide an air temperature of about +22 ° C.
  • When shoots appear in two weeks, the temperature is slightly lowered to +18 ° C and good lighting is organized for the sprouts.

You can move the plants to the garden if the threat of frost has passed. Most often this happens by mid-May, less often - in June. If, after planting, bad weather or cool nights await the nasturtium, it is better to protect the plantation with covering material.

And the gardener will be able to take the first photos of nasturtium flowers a month or a half after planting the seedlings in the ground. The flowering will end only with the onset of stable cold weather.

Growing and caring for nasturtium during the summer

Caring for nasturtiums during the summer months is not difficult at all. The plant requires only regular but moderate watering and removal of weeds in the root zone. If you take care of the mulching of the loosened soil in advance, then both mandatory measures are greatly simplified and are required less often.

The mode and method of watering for nasturtiums is chosen so that the moisture does not stagnate and does not remain on the green during the hot time of the day. Otherwise, instead of being useful, watering can lead to root rot and sunburn of foliage and flowers.

The lack of water during cultivation and care of nasturtium causes a disproportionate elongation and weakening of the stems, crushing and yellowing of the leaves, mass shedding of flowers and buds. You can support a weakened plant with mineral top dressing, as well as regular pruning of old and dry stems, removing wilted leaves and corollas.

If signs of diseases or traces of pests are found on the nasturtium, the damaged parts of the plant are removed and destroyed, and the crown is treated with insecticides or other drugs.

Collection of nasturtium seeds in the garden

Many types of nasturtium common in Russia, in addition to foreign ones, produce seeds suitable for planting. It is not difficult to collect the fruits formed in place of the calyx with three seeds under a thick folded peel.

If you look at the nasturtium and photos of flowers, you can see how, increasing in size, the fruits change color from bright green to pale. This is the process of maturation, and then the seeds with dried skin, ready for germination, fall off and remain viable for at least four years.

When to collect nasturtium seeds in order to prevent their unauthorized dispersal? Indeed, unlike stems and leaves, nasturtium seeds are not afraid of frost and will certainly start growing even in autumn, but the sprouts will not be able to overwinter.

The average period of fruit ripening on cultivated species is 40 days after the appearance of the flower. When collecting, they are guided by this period. If the coming frosts force to pick off still green seeds, they can be made to ripen by drying and stirring at room temperature for 1-2 months.

Amazing nasturtium flower - video

Nasturtium is a plant loved by many gardeners. Its homeland is Central and South America. In these regions, about 90 species of flower grow under natural conditions, and among them there are both annual and perennial. But in the garden, nasturtium is usually grown as an annual.

The plant is widely used in landscape design. The dwarf variety is suitable for creating borders, borders, and various flower beds. Long shoot nasturtiums are best grown in tall containers or hanging baskets. Curly varieties are used in vertical gardening. They decorate arches and arbors, fences and decorative garden elements. And some experts advise even masking unpresentable compost heaps with them.

Types and use in landscape design

Exist different types nasturtiums. Among the most common are the following:

  1. 1. Large (high). She has two varieties - with erect stems up to 70 cm high and with creeping ones - they reach a length of 250 cm. The flowers are large, brightly colored. This species has become the basis for the development of many garden hybrids.
  2. 2. Bush. Compact plants that are often used to decorate flower beds or planted along garden paths. The variety differs in that such bushes keep the given shape well.
  3. 3. Climbing. It has long creeping stems and can be grown as a groundcover or on a vertical support. It turns out a lively floral carpet that looks spectacular throughout the summer. But this species also has an ampelous form, which, when grown in a container, forms a whole cascade of flowering shoots.
  4. 4. Dwarf - a plant with thin stems up to 35 cm long. Its differences are small leaves and flowers up to 3 cm in diameter, usually yellow with dark spots.
  5. 5. Terry - an ampelous variety that blooms spectacularly due to the unusual shape of the petals.
  6. 6. Low-growing - a compact plant with erect stems that reach 25-30 cm in height. It can also be grown at home.

Curly nasturtium is valued for its decorative effect and unpretentiousness. This term refers to several types at once, which include:

  • Foreign (or Canarian). The length of the shoots reaches 3 meters, the flowers are relatively small, 2 cm in diameter, they are distinguished by an unusual shape and a pleasant yellow color. The flower is extremely demanding on heat and moisture - more than other varieties. The stems quickly wrap around the support, so this species is recommended to be planted near the gazebo or fence.
  • Tricolor. This variety has elongated flowers and a bright yellow color. They are small, but there are many of them. Shoots reach a length of 100 cm.
  • Outstanding (or Beautiful) - a plant with creeping shoots and dark red flowers.
  • Multi-leaved - shoots reach a length of 120 cm, under favorable conditions it can form dense thickets. The plant produces numerous yellow flowers. But this nasturtium loses its decorative effect almost immediately after the end of the flowering period.
  • Five leaf. A plant with long shoots that reach a length of 300 cm. The flowers are small, greenish-red.
  • Azure. Quite a rare variety, the flowers are distinguished by a lavender color.

Despite the differences in species, the rules for caring for all plants are almost the same.


Since the plant almost never goes out of fashion (and landscape design has its own trends that change quite often), breeders almost every year present new varieties and hybrids of nasturtium. The most popular are:

  1. 1. Vesuvius - a variety that grows in small compact bushes. Its strong erect stems with large leaves reach a height of 25-30 cm. As they grow, they become semi-creeping, and they can be used as an ampelous form. The flowers have an original color - their petals are not orange, but salmon-pink with orange impurities and dark red spots on the top of the petals.
  2. 2. Cherry rose - a double variety with stems reaching a height of about 30 cm. Its flowers have an unusual crimson-pink color.
  3. 3. Salmon - high terry variety. The plant is unpretentious, looks impressive thanks to the beautiful leaves and flowers of a pink hue. Blooms from June to August.
  4. 4. Day and night - compact bushes up to 30 cm high. The plant is distinguished by erect shoots with light green leaves. The name of the variety is a reflection of its unique coloration, a mixture of red and cream flowers.
  5. 5. Canarian liana - a variety of nasturtium Foreign. The long curly shoots of the plant reach a length of 3.5 m. The leaves of the representatives of the variety are small, light in color, but in shape they are completely different from the leaves of other varieties. These 5-7-segmented leaves and small flowers with a fringed edge are what made this strain popular.
  6. 6. A terry fairy tale is a variety mixture, because it contains flowers of different shades. The height of the stems is 40 cm. The leaves are bright green, preserving the decorative effect of the plant even after the end of the flowering season.
  7. 7. Alaska is another mix. These are low compact bushes with rather dense foliage of marbled white-and-white color. The flowers are large and can be of different shades.
  8. 8. Yeti - a variety of climbing nasturtium with a shoot length of up to 2 m. The color of the plant is noteworthy - white and cream, with yellow spots in the center.

Not all varieties tolerate frost equally well. Therefore, they need to be chosen taking into account not only the color and length of the shoots, but also climatic conditions. For example, in Siberia, planting dates are later, and not all species will take root there (for example, Foreign nasturtium is extremely demanding on temperature).

Beneficial features

In addition to the purely decorative properties of nasturtium in the garden, it also has practical significance. In addition to Foreign, all other types of plants are useful for the garden. The fact is that the smell of their leaves repels most insect pests.

Nasturtium bushes protect vegetable beds from cabbage whiteflies and whiteflies. But, unfortunately, the plant is very fond of aphids. For nasturtium, this is fatal, but for other inhabitants of the garden it will be a plus. Therefore, sometimes experts advise specially growing several bushes in the vicinity of those vegetable and ornamental crops that are particularly affected by aphids.

In addition, many gardeners try to plant nasturtium between tomato beds, next to potatoes, cabbage, pumpkin, cucumbers or beans. Nasturtium nectar is a bait for beneficial insects, which are necessary for plant pollination. In addition, just like marigolds, nasturtium is a nematocidal plant, that is, it expels nematodes from the soil.

Growing and care rules

For most types of nasturtium, the seed method of reproduction is used. But not for everyone it will be the most effective. For new varieties and hybrids, as well as for terry varieties, the vegetative method is used, that is, cuttings.

Sowing seeds is required to be carried out according to all the rules. Yes, you need to soak them first. To do this, the seeds are placed in hot water for 15-20 minutes, and then soaked in the usual way for a day.

Many novice gardeners are interested in how to properly plant nasturtium - seedling or seedless method. In fact, both options are correct. If a method without seedlings is chosen, then holes are prepared in open ground, 2-3 seeds are placed in each to a depth of just a couple of centimeters. The distance between the holes is about 20-30 cm.

In central Russia, the sowing time is the end of May, when there are no more frosts. In more northern areas, this should be done later, depending on weather conditions. But there are ways to help protect seedlings when they are at their most vulnerable. Where return frosts are possible, the germination process is accelerated artificially - before sowing the seeds, the soil is shed with hot water. Then the already sown area is covered with a special non-woven material, and at night - also with a plastic wrap. Watering should be moderate, water - warm. In such regions, young plants open only in early June.

Growing without seedlings has its advantages. Such plants are most often more resistant to disease, although they bloom later.

It is necessary to sow seeds for seedlings in April - May. For this, it is recommended to use peat pots. They are planted on seedlings in the same way as in open ground - 2-3 pieces to a depth of 2 cm. On average, at room temperature, they germinate in two weeks. But in order to obtain high-quality seedlings, it is also important to ensure the correct light regime. Due to the lack of sun, the seedlings will be very stretched, and after planting in a flower bed, they can get sick for a long time.

Planting seedlings is carried out in June, and a month later the plant begins to bloom.

Nasturtium care consists mainly of moderate watering and weeding. When mulching, weeding is not needed. Watering is important after the planted nasturtium begins to actively develop. During the flowering period, its volume should decrease, since with excess moisture there will be many leaves, and few flowers. You need to make sure that the soil does not dry out.

To keep the plant looking well-groomed, it is important to regularly remove dried flowers and shoots, but only if the seeds are purchased separately. If the owner of the site wants to collect them on his own, you need to wait until the fruit forms in place of the flower. In this case, you need to immediately start collecting, since fully ripened seeds quickly fall off, and self-seeding occurs.