The taste of life can be felt when you are happy. Simple exercises to help bring back the taste of life

A snail crawling along a mountainside tends to the very top, but why?

What drives it, what forces pull it steadily upward, where is the sky clearer and the sun brighter?

This is a taste for life.

A person feels it only in those pores when he climbs up the mountainside.

He overcomes the resistance of the environment and paves the way, directing his movement, taking into account obstacles and his goals. The captain, navigator and rower are a triune personification, tasting Life with a full bowl.

Let's stop a little and try to imagine life in certain circumstances. Anyone can say that the character of a person who has grown up among the forests will be formed in such a way that it will be clearly different from the character of another person born by the sea. And if someone who has spent his whole life in the forest never meets the ocean or even the sea, his taste for Life will be poorer than his brother, who sailed the entire globe across the sea.

Therefore, a person with a richer taste for Life is able to decide to allow himself to have it. And it all depends...

So from what, you ask?

One of the wise men once said that there are three monkeys, each of which personifies one of the principles of attitude to life. You can pretend that you don’t see anything, you don’t notice anything, you live with your eyes downcast. Or closing them, narrowing them down to slits. This results in nearsightedness.

You can pretend that you do not hear what they say to you. Ears become closed and the person becomes deaf.

And you can constantly shut your mouth, hush up your feelings. A jaw clamp is formed, teeth deteriorate.

Try not to think about those monkeys. Think about your priorities. What to prioritize? How is a person alive? Breathe in and out, please. How many breaths will you take in the next minute? The taste for life depends on your ability to fill yourself with air. How difficult it is to feel this taste for one whose lungs are affected by the decay of the disease.

Think about water too. How much would you give for a bottle of water after a week of dry wandering in the desert? Try to understand the taste of water one day without it. And also no food. Such a fast is called Ekadashi and it can also give you an idea of ​​the taste of life.

Are you saying that you are living a boring life and have long lost the meaning of the ongoing alternation of vain days and sleepless nights? And what do you fill your life with, good man?

What actions and why do you perform in the waking state? In answering these and other vital questions, how sincere are you with yourself?

Who is looking at you in the reflection of the morning mirror? A tired, shabby loser or a calm, self-confident citizen? When was the last time you felt love for yourself? These are very important things.

Think about money and its value. How do they come to you? And how do you part with them? Do you have debts? To whom and how much do you owe? What was the borrowed money spent on?

We can say that both a wealthy person and a low-income person are capable of losing their taste for life. And what is the difference between them?

It's just that the rich have more opportunities to return it, don't they? If you believe this, you are delusional about yourself and your worth in this life.

Often, confused relationships with parents, accumulated fatigue from everyday stress and overload, inability to take care of your own harmony and integrity inside prevent you from returning the lost taste and joy of life.

Stop thinking that "it will resolve itself somehow" - this is a very dangerous delusion that has led to the other world more than tens of thousands of "ordinary" people.

As for your uniqueness, it lies in the extent to which you managed to discover your path and walk firmly along it, overcoming natural blockages and hardships.

It is known that joy does not bring the achievement of the goal, but the movement towards it. Movement itself, which is Life.

At the same time, speaking about the taste for life, it is important for us to remember that life attracts some, and drags others. Both are movement. But look carefully: one has tears in his eyes and his mouth is clogged with dust, while he moans plaintively and curses fate. Let's shift our gaze - the other enjoys contemplating the picturesque surroundings along the way, sometimes stopping to take a closer look at the features of the landscape, meditate in the shade of a sprawling tree, help the needy or ask for it if necessary.

The taste of Life, therefore, can be different, but it depends on how much you are in agreement with yourself and are able to distinguish the real from the fake, yours from someone else's, imposed goals from your own desires.

How exactly is discrimination developed? Only through repeated trials, through the alternation of falls and rises, and each new rise, taking into account the experience gained.

Taste for life is able to develop. That is if you do it. To understand what you are capable of, you should leave the usual circle of comfortable existence and find yourself in difficult conditions in order to test yourself. Everyone who once tasted this Life calls for this. They are ready to help those who are in trouble. Some do it for the usual fee - money.

Some have achieved the ability to bestow while receiving other blessings from Life. They are benefactors. Their recipes for improving and developing a taste for Life can diversify your diet. Sometimes the cost of clearing your ability to discern a taste for Life is necessary - good luck if you can solve it with money. In neglected cases, people pay something more for the return of a taste for Life.

Don't delay asking for help. Life has many ways to help you regain your taste for it. And of course, there is always a choice, and this is the most important thing in matters of taste.

When someone gives you advice like this, they usually recommend something along the lines of, "Call a friend and take them out for coffee." No. Start even smaller. Get dressed first.

Set a goal of stretching for five minutes. Now just get up and do it. Done? You can already be proud of yourself.

You are facing what all of us have experienced at some point. You have lost faith in your ability to do what you want. Don't panic, this happens all the time. Choose a case, the outcome of which will depend only on you, set a deadline and complete it. Repeat these steps until you feel ready for more challenging tasks.

The principle of "fake it until you believe it's true" doesn't always work. The problem is that you will always be aware of your pretense. And you will remind yourself of this. Pretense destroys self-confidence. Your spark will burn out at the first difficulty.

Try your best and don't give up. Don't strive for perfection.

You will see that the fire inside you has not gone out yet, you just need to throw firewood.

2. Stop agreeing

Many of us take jobs we hate, buy useless things, and put up with bad treatment. And life stops being fun.

We worry about the little things imposed on us by someone from the outside. We are convinced that absolutely everything can be obtained at the click of a finger. Have you met at least one person who really succeeded?

Arrange. Decide what is most important to you at the moment.

Let go of the shackles and focus on what matters most.

What you agree to will take your free time, attention and money. It's up to you to decide what it will be. Make no mistake with the choice.

3. Combine your strengths

Gary Vaynerchuk understands wines, videos and business. He launched Wine Library TV, a webcast dedicated to wine. Steve Jobs understood design and technology. He created the Mac. P Diddy (Sean Combs) is an American rapper and record producer who understands music, people and has good taste. He created his clothing brand Sean John.

Many of us make a list of our skills and then think about how to apply them correctly. Try a different approach. Consider all your talents as a whole. Try to combine them. You will have a unique set of skills and interests.

Find out what sets you apart from the rest and will help you succeed in your desired field. Then make a plan of action. You will understand how great it is to be yourself.

4. Plan your budget

Starting to think positively, we rely on some kind of magical help from outside. Winning the lottery, an inheritance from relatives, a great love, another job ... Stop. Don't go crazy.

The ability to create something important in spite of obvious obstacles is one of the best qualities of a person. We must develop this character trait in ourselves. But you can’t rely on someone or something to do everything for you. . Even if it is difficult, it is terribly boring, and there is not much to plan.

If you want to stand firmly on your feet and be financially independent, take responsibility for your life. Then you will act, not dream.

5. Get rid of the haters

Allowing a crowd of haters into your life, you spend a lot of energy to keep your cool. It's pointless.

Just don't fall for provocations. Don't pay attention to the haters, even if it's someone close to you. Stick to your position. Then no one can break your faith in yourself.

Surround yourself with people who won't drag you down. Someone who will support your goals and aspirations. So you realize that many doubts were just an echo of what you heard about yourself.

Food, especially sweet, gives a feeling of calm and comfort. That is why, in a state of stress, as a rule, you do not want healthy fruits and vegetables, but harmful cakes. But there are little tricks that will help you beat your sugar cravings.

Drink when you want to eat

This is the most effective method not get better, but, alas, it is the most difficult to follow. Convince yourself that you do not want to chew, but drink, and use a sugar-free drink - water, green or other tea, black coffee, milk, kefir. You will have to inspire yourself constantly, if you loosen control - all efforts will go down the drain. Therefore, this method is suitable only for people with a strong will.

Make friends with cinnamon

Large mug, cinnamon stick, boiling water - and no sugar! Dilute a teaspoon of honey in this mug. You can drink hot or at room temperature every time you want to pull a candy or cake into your mouth. The sugary taste of honey will satisfy the need for sweets. Cinnamon also helps to avoid spikes in insulin, which appear as a reaction to the intake of sugars and cause a feeling of hunger. In addition, the aroma of cinnamon creates a feeling of comfort and calmness, which means it fights stress.

take a walk

Don't force yourself to go hungry. Just say that you can eat when you spend 10-15 minutes walking. A walk in the fresh air in 5 minutes triggers the production of endorphins, which reduce stress levels. After a walk, cravings for chocolate and cake will decrease - and it will be easier for you to talk yourself into unsweetened tea instead of food.

Peel an orange or grapefruit

You can, of course, and tangerine, but the secret is that the longer you delve into the skins, the better you will be distracted from the desire to eat something sweet. Citrus peeling is a kind of aromatherapy with elements of meditation. The smell of these fruits has been proven to soothe and reduce sugar cravings. Well, the pulp will supply the body with vitamins and give a feeling of satiety.

Just try

If you still cannot do without sweets, do not buy large packages! -De---r--live with you one bar, one candy, choose the smallest bun or pack of cookies. Remember: it is impossible to eat sweets! You eat them not because of hunger, but to relieve stress. And for this purpose, it doesn’t matter whether you eat the whole cake or just try it, the main thing is that it is sweet in your mouth. But, since it can be difficult to stop when you have a whole cake in front of you, give preference to small portions. Remember, you want taste, not volume.

Take your hands

It is impossible to eat if both hands are full! So start knitting, embroidering or drawing. If you work at a computer, keep both hands on the keyboard, otherwise there will be a chocolate roll in your free hand.

Prepare snacks ahead of time

Apples, citrus fruits, carrots, celery - all juicy vegetables and fruits satisfy the body's needs well under stress. And another useful trick: combine sweets and proteins. If you add honey or jam to cottage cheese, yogurt or kefir, you will experience a sweet taste, but do not overdo it with calories, and protein will quickly make you feel full. All these snacks can be prepared in advance and kept at home and at work.

To the point

Mikhail Tserishenko, actor, director:

I do not eat stress, although I have them, like everyone else normal people. To cope with my condition, I simply choose an activity that I like at the moment. Basically it's something that you can do with your hands, and the stress goes away.

“I don’t know how to listen to my body”, “it’s hard for me to understand what I really need now”, “something always unsettles me, I want to be more stable.” In my practice, I often encounter such requests. Why is this happening? In times of turbulence, we are accustomed to multi-tasking and living at breakneck speeds, afraid to miss out on something important. “Sleep is for the weak,” we reassure ourselves. “We’ll still have time to rest,” and, without slowing down, we run on about our business. But, as one friend of mine says, "Some people just think they're actively living - in fact, they are actively fussing." Just pause to take a breath and look around - is everything in its place? Or is something missing?

In the five years that I have been doing life coaching, I have repeatedly seen how mindfulness helps you quickly learn to put everything on the shelves and answer such difficult questions as “who am I”, “where am I going” and “why”?

False goals lead to "burnout" and depression, so the sooner you start working on "problem areas", the better.

Conscious eating and consumption, slow life as an alternative to being on the run, mindfulness practices that allow you to catch the very state of "here and now" - all this draws our attention to life as a process. It doesn't matter what you are doing and what our plans and goals are. Life is what happens to us at the moment, and the body is an obvious indicator of whether we manage to “be present” in it 100%. Are we not entitled to all the pleasures of this world? But in tension, one can hardly feel all the opportunities that are given to us in order to live beautifully and correctly.

Destructive reactions: hit, run, freeze, collapse

Let's remember: in general, what is stress? This is an adaptive reaction of the body to loads that exceed its usual capabilities. That is, faced with a difficult situation, the body uses additional resources. This is our natural response, and what's more, stress helps us to constantly learn and grow. To do something different, to adapt, to do something even more unusual and to adapt again, coping with what we previously thought was impossible.

However, stress is different. Imagine yourself in a sports workout. Loading the muscles a little more than usual, thereby we make them stronger. Gradually. And also - after we do stretching and give ourselves days of rest. Such stress is stimulating. But here you, conditionally, decided to raise the refrigerator. Even if you succeeded, then most likely you broke your back. Because even for a girl hardened by yoga and the gym, such a load is too much.

Now ask yourself the question: how do I measure my capabilities and understand how much “weight” I can lift? What tells me about it?

The fact that the physical state is connected with our emotions and the train of thought does not need additional evidence. And an extremely useful quality for building internal support is the ability to be aware of yourself bodily, that is, to notice and feel your posture, breathing, tension in the body. So, you can choose: to remain in the same state or change it to a more suitable one - for the moment, circumstances and tasks. In other words, you will learn to harmonize the brain and reflexes.

So, we can distinguish four main reactions to stress - fight, flight, freeze and collapse ( read also: "From stress and chaos to harmony and efficiency: what is mindfulness"). Most likely, you have noticed that one of these defensive reactions manifests itself more often in you: it happened historically - something else worked more efficiently in childhood, and the brain remembered it. In fact, our reptilian brain (responsible for our reactions and survival instinct) does not care whether it is a tsunami, a broken heel or an impartial comment addressed to us: the reaction will be the same.

If you tend to "fight", then, as a rule, you react quickly and sharply to any threat, sometimes even aggressively. You may have watched yourself clench your fists, wave your arms, or tense your shoulders. If you are used to resorting to the "run away" strategy, then it is much more important for you to keep the peace - a bad peace is better than a good quarrel. By mentally switching to your plans or dreams, you can often look away or physically distance yourself from a person or situation. Therefore, more often than not, you quickly give up what you started when you encounter an obstacle that causes too much discomfort.

Freezing is a natural defense mechanism that makes us invisible to the "predator". Muscles spasm, and you seem to fall into suspended animation, forgetting to breathe. You can find yourself in the mind of a "blank slate" - all thoughts have disappeared somewhere, your mouth goes numb and you cannot connect two words. The collapse is expressed in "softness", the legs become wadded, the attention floats away, you do not understand anything. As an extreme reaction, fainting may occur.

What are the consequences of destructive reactions to circumstances? First, we cannot "return to the body", stress anesthetizes us - we shrink and become less sensitive to our needs and emotions. Many people know the feeling when you seem to be looking at everything from the outside, feeling nothing. Nothing pleases you. As a consequence, this can lead to depression, psychosomatic illnesses, chronic muscle tension, etc. Secondly, stress really makes us dumber. When we cannot perceive a situation objectively, it is difficult for us to make informed decisions and decisions in general. Attention is narrowed down to the problem, and the first priority is to fix it. And finally, prolonged stress, accompanied by constant contraction and freezing reactions, is an extremely exhausting process.

Body diagnostics: calculating stress markers

So, we are talking about the fact that bodily practices teach us to track our reaction to stress factors, so that later we can replace bodily reactions of contraction and fading with movement and relaxation. How it's done? Start with a simple diagnosis. Find a quiet place where no one will distract you. Sit or stand as you please. Imagine a situation that made you feel stressed recently. Perhaps it was an unpleasant conversation with colleagues or a broken date. Or you don't like to speak in front of a large audience, and you just needed to present an important project. Visualize the situation as if it is happening right now, or you are telling it to someone, trying not to miss a single detail. Get used to this image, and pay attention to your body. Where is your attention now? In what part of the body is it especially abundant? When you collect information, this will be your response to stress. To do this, focus on six main focuses of attention: breathing, head, shoulders, diaphragm, stomach, feet.

Breath: What happens to your breath when you think about a situation? Maybe it has become a little faster or superficial? Stress always takes your breath away. Therefore, in any incomprehensible situation, take a deep breath and exhale, use your stomach when breathing, and breathe like this for several cycles. This is the simplest and most effective practice. Relax your jaw – we often clench our jaws when angry or hold ourselves back, which can be a sign of fight/flight or freeze reactions;

Head and shoulders: What's going on with your shoulders and head? Maybe you want to hide by pulling it in? Try to do a few rotations to relieve tension;

Diaphragm and belly: Go down to the area of ​​the diaphragm and abdomen - what is there? Probably, the stomach involuntarily contracted. Or is there tension in the diaphragm? What does it feel like - heat, tingling, pressure? If you find a clamp in this area, roll your stomach forward as far as possible. Breathe into your belly, fully relaxing it as you exhale;

Feet: Go down - can you feel your feet? Do you remember that they even exist? Or are you out of your body altogether? If you tend to "freeze" or "collapse", then most likely you have little feeling in your legs. By the way, you can also “run away” without feeling the soil under you. However, the ability to quickly return to the ground helps to more effectively cope with difficult situations. Try walking for a few minutes without a goal, focusing on your feet. Walk on different surfaces, preferably barefoot, including the senses as much as possible in the process. Feel how the weight of your body goes down, as if you are taking root, sprout into the ground. This exercise gives a feeling of stability and support.

In a week you will notice the difference - internal anxiety gradually disappears, breathing deepens, the taste and smell of what is happening returns

Body Scan Meditation

For those who are just starting to practice body awareness, it can be difficult to “hear” yourself and your body right away. Train your body connection with a five-minute meditation once a day. Best time- before going to bed, as this meditation helps to relax - sometimes so much that some fall asleep already in the middle of the journey (

Another minus of coffee for a stressed person: coffee interferes with sleep. I already wrote that real coffee addicts can drink coffee before going to bed, and then "wonderfully" sleep. But during such sleep, we do not fall into the deep sleep phase. And even if a person went to bed at ten in the evening, it is very difficult for him to tear himself away from the pillow even at eight in the morning. After all, it's not just about the amount of sleep, but also about its QUALITY. And coffee affects our sleep very, very badly.

If you can't imagine life without coffee, then at least start cutting down on it. Better yet, don't drink it every day. AND! I will not tire of repeating: there is no need to argue whether coffee is good or bad. Just TRY to live without it for at least 6 weeks. At all. And then have a cup. Have a drink and find out how it works for you. And then the decision is already yours - to abandon it completely, reduce it or return it in the same volume. My job is to tell you the FACTS, and it's up to you to decide what to do with this information.

The next product to cut out of your life if you're having a stressful period

2. Sugar and sweets (here sugar means EVERYTHING sweet: ordinary sugar, honey, dried fruits without measure, pastries, fruits in large quantities, syrups ...)

Yes. I'm sorry, but sugar is your number two enemy when you're stressed. And in general, sugar in itself is stressful for the body. Yes, we need glucose to exist. But not in its purest form! Nature does not provide that we will consume sweets in the form in which it is in the modern world.

Why is sugar a slow poison? Why is it especially harmful if you are stressed? The fact is that sweet excessively raises the level of sugar in the blood. If our cells are designed for glucose to enter them slowly and drop by drop, then we, having eaten something really sweet, pour glucose onto the cells in BUCKETS! They are not designed for this. In general, our body is not yet able to cope with such an amount of glucose. In order to somehow cope with buckets of glucose, the body produces insulin in huge quantities. Why is this especially dangerous under stress?

The consequence of increased insulin is an increase in cortisol. This is another stress hormone that a stressed person already has an overabundance of. The consequences of elevated cortisol I described in detail in a previous article. In short: poor sleep (again!), hormonal imbalance, infertility, weight gain for unknown (?) reasons, fatigue, irritability, PMS ... Should I continue?

That is, it turns out that we ourselves, with our own hands, strengthen those stress mechanisms that are already present in the body even without coffee with sugar. Well, isn't it crazy? But it's easy to explain. Of course, we don't do it on purpose. As I already said, sugar and coffee prevent us from sleeping, make us tired. And if we are tired, and no one will do things for us, then we need doping in the form of ... right! - coffee and sugar. They give energy, albeit for a short time. That is why it is so unbearable to exist without a cup of coffee and without sweets. ESPECIALLY when your life is structured in such a way that you have to rush through it at a frantic pace. I understand all this and in no way condemn those who cannot deny themselves either sweets or coffee. This is not only a physiological dependence, but also a psychological one. For many people, coffee and sweets are the only way to get through another crazy day. And to get out of the vicious circle, you need to consciously start changes in other areas of life, while simultaneously reducing the dosage of your doping. How exactly to do this - I already wrote about this

So, it turns out that all day long we run around on doping at a crazy speed, and when we come home, we really, really want to relax. But we are not good at it. The excited state does not want to let us go (Of course! With such an amount of glucose and caffeine in the blood that have accumulated there during the day). And what does modern man do? Drinking a glass good wine. Guessed?

Smoothly moving on to the third factor that increases stress in your life:

Yes, my dears. Forgive me for trying to take away the last joy of life from you. But knowing what effect alcohol has and how it contributes to stress, I cannot remain silent. I'm a professional, and so here's the truth: the fact that alcohol relaxes you is just an illusion. Have you noticed for yourself that after a glass of Cabernet Sauvignon, children and husband become especially annoying, and you just want everyone to go to bed or watch TV as soon as possible? So that they understand HOW you are tired, and how much you want to relax. I'm not talking about the fact that when you drink wine, you steal a lot of energy from yourself that you could spend on business, reducing the stress factor.

Photo source:

You are stressed because you have an eternal mess in your house and that you have absolutely no time for yourself, but! You yourself, drinking a glass of wine, deprive yourself of the opportunity to spend the evening on things that have long been postponed. In the end, nothing gets done, and guilt adds stress to your life. And so from day to day. But I understand you. When you come home on adrenaline and cortisol (the aftermath of a day's race combined with coffee and sweets), you really need to relax. And alcohol gives that feeling of relaxation, allows you to slow down for at least 10 minutes. But maybe there are other ways to do it?

Here all means are good, if only you wean yourself from this very bad habit. Even if you just get down on social networks, scrolling through pictures from someone else's "ideal" life, it will certainly be better than a glass of wine. When I come home from the office, with a clear conscience, I set aside 15 minutes for myself to “stupidly use the phone.” True, having decided to become more productive, I now don’t “stupidly” aimlessly, but post photos in Instagram- so I'm kind of stupid for the benefit of my blog :-) But this disconnection from reality helps me a lot. The main thing here is not to reproach yourself for the fact that "I'm sitting here like a fool, and dinner is not cooked." Decided to "down your phone" for 15 minutes, do it with a clear conscience. If you think about the fact that in this way you protect your body from alcohol, then it will be easier for you not to reproach yourself.

By the way, it would be nice to analyze: how many times a day do you get distracted by messages and the Internet? This is also a thief of your time! And the less time you have, the more you can't keep up with the schedule, which means the more stress you have... A reason to change something, isn't it?

Other options for replacing alcohol:

  • A cup of aromatic tea with a piece of dark chocolate (it contains a minimum of sugar)
  • A glass (just a glass, not a glass) of carbonated water with lemon (the gas in the water will not let you drink it in one gulp, and you will get aesthetic pleasure)
  • Walking for 10-15 minutes (Yes, it’s trite. But how much energy then appears! I sometimes go a couple of kilometers to the nearest supermarket to buy some nonsense like bread, at the same time I support the local village store. After all, if it closes for lack of customers, then I will have to constantly go to the city for every little thing... Another option is to drive home after the office, leave the car there and follow my son to the kindergarten a couple of kilometers on foot, taking his bike.)
  • Meditation. There are a million different meditations on youtube. For example, this one to harmonize the internal state
  • Sleep for 20 minutes. It sounds strange, but if you can’t relax in any way, then just lie down for 20 minutes in silence with your eyes closed. Sleep - good. No, that's fine too. For example, I taught my children that I can sometimes go to sleep in broad daylight for literally 20-30 minutes. And they now know that I can only be disturbed at this time in special cases. If your children are very young, then try turning on cartoons for them. In the end - no one will definitely die from watching cartoons in an extra half hour. The main thing is not to sleep for more than an hour, otherwise it will be difficult for you to wake up and move away from sleep, and in the evening you will not be able to fall asleep.

Why else give up alcohol? Why is it so harmful in stressful conditions?

The fact is that alcohol is sugar in liquid form. This implies all the same consequences that I have already described in the paragraph about sugar. Therefore, you seem to fall asleep after a glass of wine, but the quality of your sleep leaves much to be desired. As a result, in the morning you are again broken and without coffee the continuation of life is unthinkable ... And you again run along vicious circle"coffee-sweets-coffee-sweets-alcohol-bad sleep-coffee-sweets...."

As you can see, all three of these products have a common drawback: coffee, sweets, and alcohol prevent us from sleeping properly. Sleep is the only time in a person's life under stress when he can recuperate and give the body a break. But if we eat foods that disrupt our hormonal balance and sleep every day, then it will be MUCH more difficult to recover.

This is about what needs to be completely removed from your life, or at least minimized.

But what to add?

Everything is quite simple here: proper nutrition according to all the canons. There are already a lot of articles on the blog on this topic. Here are the main recommendations (briefly):

  • Eat as many colorful and especially green vegetables as possible. Ideally, your diet should consist of half of them.
  • Fruits - in moderation (it is better to limit yourself to 2-3 fruits a day so as not to knock down the balance of blood sugar)
  • Do not get carried away with dried fruits either - for the same reason. Reasonable volume: about 5 pcs. dried apricots a day. At the same time, it is desirable that you eat them not separately, but together with fats. For example, with nuts and/or coconut chips
  • Replace all white flour products with whole grain alternatives
  • Definitely healthy fats vegetable oils cold pressed, nuts and seeds, oily fish, coconut chips. Fats should be present in every meal. They don't let blood sugar drop.
  • Try to eat proteins in the morning, and leave carbohydrates in the evening. So you will help yourself to be cheerful during the day, and you will sleep well at night
  • Drink as much water as possible. How not to forget about her during the day - I already wrote.

Now about the fastest "quick fix" - vitamins and nutritional supplements necessary for stress

If we are stressed, then there is a colossal consumption of vitamins and minerals. It is especially necessary to fill the lack of the most popular trace elements in stress:

  • B vitamins(it is better to take a complex) - are necessary for the production of the hormone of happiness and vigor - serotonin, and are also needed for the production of energy by cells.
  • Chromium Helps balance blood sugar and reduces sugar cravings
  • Magnesium- it is recommended to drink it before going to bed so that it helps us sleep well and also helps in energy production
  • Vitamin C- the most important element for the proper functioning of the adrenal glands. It is they who work hard, producing cortisol. And if all vitamin C goes to maintain the adrenal glands, then other equally important functions, it is no longer enough.
  • Probiotics - help strengthen immunity, and it often decreases during stress, and frequent colds are one of its signs.
  • Multivitamin good quality - a kind of mini-insurance for your health. I like these complex preparations, because they have enough B vitamins and chromium, so in the morning you don’t have to eat a whole first-aid kit.
  • Chlorella and spirulina- superfoods that help detoxify the body. Choose one, because they are almost identical.

Yes, an impressive list of recommendations turned out ... But on the other hand, our health and well-being, the quality of our life, are at stake. I understand that a person under stress is clearly not up to radical changes in lifestyle and / or nutrition. But! Now you all know: about the consequences, and about the causes, and about the measures to get out of stress. Nobody but you will help you. I understand that you have a lot of things to do, but if you don’t start acting now, then later you will simply be thrown out of life, because the body will refuse to continue playing by your crazy rules. Not in the sense that you will die. No. But you really won't even have the strength to get out of bed in the morning... So start doing at least something today. For example, drink a cup of coffee less than usual, listen to 15 minutes of meditation before going to bed, start planning time for your pleasures - the choice is yours!

Good luck to you!

If you haven't read it yet, here it is first And second part of this trilogy about stress.

Source - author's blog (Dietitian-nutritionist and certified specialist in functional medicine, Denmark)