Sneezing during a cold is good or. Sneezing with a cold

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Runny nose and sneezing are closely related to each other. We can say that sneezing is an integral companion of ENT diseases. Depending on their nature, sneezing manifests itself in the early stages of a cold, is observed throughout the disease or its exacerbation.

To get rid of discomfort you need to know what causes a runny nose and sneezing. treatment, respectively, will be carried out using appropriate drugs. For example, symptoms such as fever, cough, runny nose - a cold, so treatment should begin with the elimination of pathogenic microbes from the body, including by washing the nose.

Sneezing is a symptom of allergic rhinitis and ENT diseases

When diagnosed with a runny nose, sneezing does not appear by chance. This is a natural, reflex reaction of the body, trying to get rid of foreign particles. Sneezing is intended to protect the respiratory organs from irritants.

Under pressure, a jet of air is ejected from the nasal cavity, due to which it is released from foreign particles and excess mucus. It is enough to remember your reaction to a dusty room. Even in the absence of allergies, a person begins to sneeze intensely. During a runny nose, this reflex process intensifies, since an “emergency” removal of foreign substances is necessary, which not only interfere with breathing, but also provoke inflammation.

If there is frequent sneezing and a runny nose in the summer, then most likely it is an allergy. As a rule, pollen from various plants causes sneezing at this time of the year.

But even during the year, people are not immune from it. Mold and epidermal cells (human, animal) also often cause allergic rhinitis.

With a cold, sneezing usually indicates the beginning of a runny nose. Also, the eyes are watery with allergic reactions. A man with red, swollen eyes, with a handkerchief in his hands - this is a classic portrait of an allergic person.

A cold often begins with inflammation of the nasal mucosa; at the beginning of the disease, sneezing accompanies a runny nose - a cough appears later, when pathogenic microbes enter the larynx. It happens that a runny nose provokes a cough: a cold goes to the oropharynx. By the way, such a downward movement of pathogenic flora can even lead to bronchitis.

Sometimes you can notice, in the absence of allergies or a cold, that a runny nose and sneezing get worse in the morning. The reason for this may be:

  • vasomotor (non-allergic) rhinitis;
  • violation of breathing and self-cleaning of the nose as a result of the curvature of the nose;
  • polyps;
  • drying of the nasal mucosa.

Sneezing is much more common with respiratory infections. At the beginning of a cold, you can often hear complaints: "Stuffy nose, runny nose and sneezing." The task of the reflex reaction in this case is to get rid of the pathogenic flora.

What can sneezing lead to?

Sneezing is a protective mechanism of the body, provided for the preservation of its vital activity by nature itself. Accordingly, do not be afraid of this reaction. On the other hand, for a person, this is an indicator that something is wrong in the body: you need to listen to your feelings and, if necessary, seek qualified medical help.

For allergic rhinitis caused by inhaled particles, sneezing helps to remove them from the nasal cavity. Perhaps, this process does not cause anything other than inconvenience for the allergy sufferer himself. If a cold caused a runny nose, then such sneezing is not entirely harmless: both for the sick person and for others.

As uncomfortable as it may be, it is undesirable to hold back the urge to sneeze. The speed with which the reflex air ejection occurs can exceed 100 meters per second, and the pressure is 100 millimeters of mercury. When contained, pathogens can enter the sinuses or middle ear and cause sinusitis or otitis media.

On the other hand, with the same speed, pathogenic microorganisms find themselves in the environment. Which, accordingly, leads to infection of others and the spread of respiratory infections. This is the mechanism of seasonal epidemics of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections.

Disposable paper handkerchiefs will help to protect a runny nose during a cold - fabric ones only contribute to the spread of infection.

How to stop sneezing

No matter how wisely nature disposes, sneezing is still not the most pleasant reaction of the body, especially if it is repeated many times. If it is necessary to be in society, it causes a lot of inconvenience, interferes with communication and is perceived as disrespect for those present.

The way to eliminate this symptom should be chosen, of course, taking into account the nature of the disease. A universal option is washing, but with allergies, you may need to take special medications.

Nasal lavage

How to treat a runny nose with a cold depends on the stage of the disease. Treatment of a runny nose and colds at the first symptoms is better to start with washing the nose. Drainage leads to the removal of edema, but, most importantly, allows you to remove pathogens. Thus, the body gets rid of the need to sneeze.

There are various means for washing:

  • pharmaceutical solutions based on sea salt;
  • infusions of medicinal herbs;
  • juices of plants, berries, vegetables;
  • solutions of iodine, potassium permanganate, furacilin;
  • ordinary water.

beautiful healing effect has sea salt. containing a complex of mineral salts and trace elements. Thanks to their action, the work of the cilia of the mucous membrane is activated and the removal of mucus occurs much faster in a natural way.

Most rinses have a drying effect on the mucosa. This effect is also favorable for allergic rhinitis, but in this case, ordinary water is used for drainage. It is quite enough to remove allergens from the nasal cavity: dust, pollen, etc.

Runny nose and colds will recede if preventive washing is done, for example, with solutions of Dolphin, Aqualor, Salin, Aquamaris, Otrivin, etc.

Antiallergic drugs

For allergies, depending on the stage of the disease, the following is prescribed:

  • antihistamines;
  • vasoconstrictor drops and aerosols;
  • hormonal ointments and aerosols.

Because sneezing is usually present at the onset of an allergy flare-up. then antihistamines help get rid of it: Teridin, Zirtek, Claritin, Telfast, etc. Their action is based on blocking the activity of histamine, which, in fact, provokes the expansion of small vessels, muscle contraction, causes itching and, as a result, sneezing.

At the beginning of an exacerbation, sneezing accompanies allergic rhinitis - tears are also a common symptom. Antihistamines also block eye swelling.

In addition to medicines in the fight against allergic rhinitis, it is recommended:

  • take a shower and change clothes after walking outside;
  • regularly carry out wet cleaning at home during an allergenic season;
  • install a room humidifier;
  • Do not dry washed laundry outside.

In any case, it should be remembered that seemingly harmless sneezing, which began to cause discomfort, is a signal from the body about a violation of vital activity.


Your mother didn’t just say all her childhood that you need to chew and sneeze with your mouth closed. If the first is a matter of decency, then the second is much more important: you can really infect others. Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have concluded that the suspension that remains in the air after a sneeze, consisting of bacteria and microorganisms, stays in the air much longer than previously thought. If someone passes by or is in the same place where you sneezed, he can become infected even 15-20 minutes after your sneeze.

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Sneezing is a symptom of a cold

In medicine, this is considered absolutely normal.

Therefore, if the process is accompanied by elevated body temperature, sore throat and runny nose, then they say for sure. Does sneezing cause pain? This is clearly an infection.

Do not delay the trip to the doctor, otherwise self-treatment will lead to irreversible consequences.

Many are interested in the question: "Sneezing with a cold - good or bad?". The answer in this case is obvious: "Good!". The body reflexively responds to the penetration and spread of infections in the nasopharynx. With the help of sneezing, all pathogenic microorganisms are rejected.

Never stop sneezing when you have a cold. Doctors explain this by the fact that microbes can penetrate the middle ear, which will lead to the appearance of otitis media, sinusitis and other dangerous diseases.

Often people come to doctors who complain: “When I sneeze, whitish lumps fly out of my mouth.” In this case, they talk about the presence of tonsillitis in the chronic stage. Lumps arise due to the death of epithelial tissues in the region of the tonsils of the sky, as well as the release of pus from them, which accumulates during inflammation.

Mechanism of sneezing

Mechanism of sneezing

In addition to humans, animals can also sneeze - most mammals implement this mechanism in exactly the same way as humans. With irritation of the nasopharynx, its sensitive mucosa, abundantly supplied with hairs, a person begins to feel itching, discomfort in the nose. The body works without volitional effort on the part of the person, at the reflex level, focusing on this stimulus, provoking a sharp exhalation, usually through the nose, and then a deep breath. The palatine tonsils are tense, the vocal cords contract, the tongue is pressed against the palate, and then a sharp short exhalation follows. In some cases, everything is repeated repeatedly - until the irritant is eliminated, which could indicate a complete cleaning of the respiratory tract.

The nerve center responsible for sneezing is located in the lower part of the brain stem. It is there that signals about the presence of an irritant arrive, and from there the command follows to carry out the act of sneezing, which is transmitted to the human body from the diaphragm to the neck, and even to the eyes.

An interesting fact: the muscles of the eyelid receive a command that a sneeze is happening - at this moment the eyes close. You can't sneeze with your eyes open.

It turns out that attacks of sneezing in a person can be very long - for example, Trisha Rae could not stop doing it for 153 days, while June Clark did not stop for 167 days. And Donna Griffiths, at the age of 12, completely broke all records, sneezing for 977 days. At first, the girl sneezed every minute, then every 5 minutes. It is still not known what factors can provoke such attacks, stretching for days, months.

It is also worth mentioning the following:

  • No person can sneeze in their sleep;
  • Most often, the iguana sneezes, which gets rid of excess salt in the body in this way;
  • It is believed that when you sneeze, the heart stops for a moment. In fact, at such moments, the pressure in chest changes, which changes the rhythm of the heartbeat;
  • Sneezing, a person releases up to 40,000 liquid microparticles, which spread over a distance of 2-3 meters;
  • In the Middle Ages, it was believed that if you sneeze for a long time, you can die.

Sneezing in babies

Frequent sneezing in newborns is not necessarily accompanied by a cold. During the period of being in the womb, the child is constantly in the water. There is also fluid in his throat and nasal passages. After the birth, the baby's respiratory system begins to work actively, getting rid of excess water, thereby leading to drying of the mucous membranes and the formation of crusts.

This is how doctors answer mommy's question about why her immediately after birth.

"Why am I sneezing?" The answer to this question is not necessarily the statement: "It's a cold!". The reason may be something else. Therefore, if this process occurs for a long time, it is better not to self-medicate, but to urgently consult a doctor.

Sneezing is an unconditioned reflex aimed at clearing the airways of various irritants.

If such a process occurs extremely rarely, and is not accompanied by other symptoms, this should not be given special attention, but in the case of frequent sneezing, it is necessary to find out its causes.
It is important to know that sneezing can have a variety of causes, but in any case, you should consult a doctor.

Certain receptors are involved in this process, therefore, if a sneeze has begun, it is already impossible to stop it. Probably, many have noticed that if during the daytime this symptom manifests itself regularly, then during sleep it does not occur, since the receptors are asleep.

Why a person sneezes may be due to the inhalation of cold, humid or too dry air, hypothermia, or as a result of a viral infection entering the body.

Traditionally, there are such main reasons why we sneeze:

  • colds;
  • allergic manifestations;
  • dry or cold air;
  • hypothermia;
  • hormonal changes in female body;
  • sharp temperature fluctuations.

Sneezing can be caused by stressful situations and bright lights.

Sneezing does not always occur when the nasopharynx is irritated; it has been scientifically proven that such a process in a small part of the population is observed when the body is exposed to bright light.
The presence of stressful situations and experiences, such as longing, fear, excitement, is another reason why we sneeze. In such a situation, sneezing occurs due to the fact that the body is thus trying to restore balance in the nose. As you know, the nasal membranes are very sensitive to the emotional state of the human body. With a sharp and frequent change of emotions, the blood vessels constantly narrow and expand, it is the process of sneezing that returns the vessels to normal.

Despite the frequent occurrence of this process, not all people know what happens when you sneeze. First, a person takes a deep breath, filling the lungs with air, then the glottis closes, the diaphragm contracts, after which the glottis opens and the air leaves the lungs. In the absence of pathological processes, this phenomenon does not pose a danger to human health.

It is known that during pregnancy the level of sex hormones in the female body increases dramatically, which can manifest itself in the form of sneezing, runny nose or nasal congestion, but these symptoms do not indicate a cold. According to doctors, due to hormonal changes, girls can sneeze and every time with the onset menstrual cycle. Considering the fact that all muscles contract when sneezing, the uterus is no exception, therefore, in the case when sneezing during menstruation, pain in the abdomen may increase.

How to be treated

If sneezing occurs without other signs of a cold, then we can say that this phenomenon is provoked by allergens. If there is a desire to sneeze, you should not suppress it, perhaps due to this the body is trying to get rid of pathogenic microorganisms in the nasopharynx. It can be said that people do not get sick very often with colds, not only because of good immunity, but also due to the periodic cleansing of the respiratory tract with the help of sneezing.

If persistent sneezing provoked by allergies, it is recommended to avoid allergens and take antihistamines in a timely manner. Most often, people prone to allergies begin to take anti-allergic drugs in advance, before the mass flowering of vegetation. The drugs Cetrin, Claritin and Loratadin have proven themselves well. They have a prolonged action, so they can be taken only once a day.

If the sneeze reflex is caused by a respiratory disease, then at the same time the following symptoms occur:

  • High fever and chills.
  • Headache, weakness.
  • Sore throat and cough.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Drowsiness.

Treatment of colds should be comprehensive. The main task is to eliminate unpleasant symptoms and prevent various complications. To eliminate frequent sneezing, the doctor may give the following recommendations:

  • Rinse your nose often with saline or anti-inflammatory herbal decoction.
  • Blow your nose in a timely manner, while the handkerchief should be changed every couple of hours.
  • Accept medications for a cold prescribed by a doctor.
  • Rest a lot in the first days of illness.

Frequent sneezing is observed with a cold only in the first two days, then the irritation of the mucous membrane is no longer so strong, so the sneezing reflex almost does not occur. Folk recipes should be included in the treatment regimen for a cold, many of them give good results.

Causes of sneezing

This process most often occurs when irritation of the nasal mucosa occurs due to dust agents (dust, fluff, wool, and so on) or allergens, which can be mold, pollen, pet skin flakes, and so on. Also, sneezing can be caused by various irritants, among which tobacco smoke and perfumes stand apart. The phenomenon can occur with a disease of the upper respiratory tract or infectious diseases.

When else? For example, when the ambient temperature changes rapidly (for example, when you enter a warm house from the street, where the air temperature is below 0 degrees), when you look at a bright light, when your nose is bruised, when hormonal changes in the body (relevant for pregnant girls).

By the way, you can't stop sneezing. Why? But because in this way you hold back the process of your own recovery. In addition, restraining this process can be simply dangerous for the eardrums, therefore, when sneezing, it is never and under no circumstances recommended to pinch the wings of the nose. Otherwise, the mucus that is secreted by the nasal cavity can get into the openings of the auditory tubes, which can lead to a number of diseases, including sinusitis and otitis media.

But do not forget that this process is at least not very pleasant for others, so if you want to sneeze in the office where your colleagues are, it is better to leave the room - this will prevent the spread of infection.

By the way, fun fact. A girl from Britain at the age of 12 unexpectedly began to sneeze every minute! Even the doctors couldn't stop her. True, getting used to this a little, the body gave the girl a little rest - she began to sneeze every five minutes. Three years later, the disease suddenly disappeared, just as it appeared.

Allergy process.

The tendency to allergic reactions helps to understand why people sneeze many times in a row without obvious signs of a cold. An allergen that causes such a protective reaction can enter the body of both an adult and a child. The result is a runny nose. Often the eyes begin to water, a cough appears, a rash on the skin, swelling. The presence of an allergy is distinguished by a characteristic paroxysmal process of sneezing. This one can last longer than 10 times. In adults, most often the release of mucus occurs in the morning, while there is no feverish state. For some people, alcohol is an allergen. This is a fairly common phenomenon when, after a few glasses, a frequent sneeze attacks a person. Knowing about this feature, you must always have antihistamines with you, which will stop the involuntary reaction to irritation of the nasal receptors.

How is the treatment carried out


The therapy of sneezing attacks requires only individual approach, and depends on the staging of the pathology. If the disease is in the first stage of development, treatment can be carried out using conventional washing.

In rare cases, experts use drainage, this method helps to quickly relieve inflammation in the nose and suppress pathogenic bacteria. For washing at home, products based on sea salt are suitable. Particular attention is directed to the following drugs:

  • Salin;
  • Aqualor;
  • Physiomer;
  • Aqua Maris.

These funds quickly cope with swelling of the mucous membranes and inflammatory processes. It is enough to carry out two washings per day. Each of the above medicines has a similar composition and effect, but it is necessary to use all these medicines only as prescribed and dosage by a doctor.

For the purpose of treatment, you can use various medicinal juices of plants, different berries, solutions with potassium permanganate and iodine. Them beneficial effect well helps to remove mucus from the walls of the nose, relieve irritation resulting from sneezing

It is important to remember about the healing properties of sea salt. In its composition, it has a large number of vitamins and microelements useful for humans.

If the symptom is caused by an allergic reaction, it is necessary to start a course of taking antihistamines. In such a situation, the following remedies are well suited: Zirtek, Teridin, Telfast, Claritin.

Folk remedies

Treatment with folk recipes considered pretty effective way, if it is an addition to medical treatment and agreed with the doctor.

If the symptom in the form of a persistent sneeze is caused by an infection, you can start washing the nasal cavity with a solution based on the juice of one head of onion with the addition of a tablespoon vegetable oil. The following are also considered effective:

  1. It is necessary to take menthol and camphor oil, mix with each other in equal proportions. This method helps in a short time to eliminate nasal congestion and relieve bouts of sneezing. Drip two drops into each nostril twice a day.
  2. Ledum based solution. For cooking, you should take one tablespoon of dried herbs and two of the same tablespoons of olive oil, mix everything and insist in a dark place for a day. Then you can instill one drop in each nostril three times a day.

Reaction to external conditions

Why do people sneeze in the sun? Sometimes a person tends to sneeze at the moment when he sharply looks at the sunlight. Also, an ordinary lamp can act as an irritant. Sneezing begins when a person enters a light room from a dark room. Why does it happen?

When looking at the light or the sun, irritation of the membranes of the eyes begins. Often this leads to tearing. It is worth noting that it is not always possible to notice. However, the lacrimal glands are strongly associated with the functioning of the sinuses. When the eyes are irritated, a similar reaction of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract occurs. Because of this, the person feels the urge to sneeze and does so.

A similar reflex also appears when a person enters a cold room from a warm room and vice versa. In this case, the change in temperature is to blame.

Other signs about sneezing

There are a lot of signs about sneezing. All of them have come down to our time from distant ancestors. Some of them will help you achieve your plan, some of them are warning signs, there are bad and good beliefs about sneezing.

If you want to get pregnant, but nothing works out for you, there is an old one. You need to ask a pregnant friend or relative to sneeze on you. Most likely, you will soon become a mother too.

If the bride sneezes in the morning, even before the ceremony, then her family life will be happy. There is one more thing - if a black cat sneezes near the young, they will be happy together.

Sneeze in the bath - to receive money.

Sneeze before leaving the house an odd number of times - the road will be unsuccessful, and even - to good luck on the way.

When we sneeze, our nose is cleared of mucus, of unnecessary and harmful substances, and the cells of the body are enriched with oxygen.

How does sneezing happen?
At first, a person feels a tickling in the nose, which is caused by some kind of irritant (plant pollen, mold, grass, dust, perfume, etc.) getting into the nose. Then the brain receives a signal that this stimulus should be eliminated and the person begins to inhale the air deeply, and then there is a sharp and powerful exhalation through the nose. The speed of air escape from the nose reaches 120-130 m/s and the air flies out to a distance of up to three meters. At the moment of sneezing, the body is very tense. This tension can be felt in the eyeballs, which is why we close our eyes when we sneeze. No wonder they say that you can not sneeze with your eyes open.

After one or more sneezes (sometimes sneezing once is not enough - most people sneeze twice in a row) Airways are cleansed of irritants and microbes, and the person is able to breathe calmly again.

That is, sneezing is a useful process.

There is one secret that allows you to make sure that you do not sneeze, although you would very much like to. At the moment when your nose itches and you want to sneeze, you just need to scratch the bridge of your nose with your fingers and you won’t want to sneeze. But it’s better to sneeze and free the airways, nasopharynx from the allergen, irritant, microbes.

If you often sneeze at home or at work, then this is most likely due to the fact that the room is poorly ventilated, or you clean so infrequently that a lot of dust has accumulated there. Therefore, do the cleaning and ventilate the room more often. You also often feel like sneezing if there is some kind of allergen or irritant near you. For example, some flower to which you have an allergic reaction.

Why else is a person sneezing? - other reasons.

More than 50% of people are able to sneeze from bright sunlight. Scientists explain this as follows: the ultraviolet rays of the sun irritate the olfactory receptors, which leads to sneezing. It is enough for such people to look at the bright sun and they immediately want to sneeze.

Perfume products and tobacco smoke often provoke sneezing. Sneezing can occur with colds and infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Rapid changes in ambient temperature can lead to sneezing, such as when we move into a cool, air-conditioned room after being in hot weather. Women shortly before childbirth often complain of swelling of the nasal mucosa and sneezing. Such disorders are called rhinitis of pregnant women, which are associated with hormonal changes occurring in the body of women.

To understand the reason frequent sneezing, you need to check the nasal cavity and measure the body temperature. If there is an itchy nose, but no runny nose, you have an allergy. If you have an itchy nose and an increase in body temperature, then you most likely have a cold or some kind of upper respiratory tract infection.

  1. Englishwoman Donna Griffiths (she was 12 years old) constantly sneezed for a long time - constantly for 977 days (from January 1981 to September 1983). At first, she sneezed every minute, and then, she began to sneeze less often - once every 5 minutes. Well, how - beat her record?
  2. The average speed of exhaled air during a sneeze is 150 km/h. When sneezing, the muscles of the chest, throat and face are involved.
  3. During a sneeze, the heart does not stop. Although many argue that during a sneeze, the heart stops beating. To some extent, this is true, but you still will not feel that the rhythm of the heartbeat has changed. When you sneeze or cough, positive pressure builds up in your chest. It is thanks to this pressure that there is a myth that when you sneeze, the heart stops.

Sneeze to your health!


It is difficult to give a description of the symptoms of sneezing, since such a defense mechanism itself is one of the common signs of various diseases. With allergies or the development of respiratory diseases due to swelling of the mucous membranes, it can very quickly stuff up the nose with disruption of the normal functioning of all respiratory organs. The beginning of this state is marked by a watery coryza, when the discharge from the nose flows in a stream. Gradually, they stop flowing as they turn into thick mucus. Sneezing in the morning after sleep is the most pronounced symptom of allergic rhinitis. There is a group of diseases that include atrophic and vasomotor rhinitis, as well as a curvature of the septum, when a person sneezes a lot during the day without signs of a runny nose. The same phenomenon with a genetic predisposition can be observed after a hearty meal, when heaviness is felt in a full stomach.

Sneezing - signs and a sneezer by time

Regarding sneezing, there are signs of the time that can shed light on your future. But for this you need to look at the clock to know what time you sneezed. Of course, these signs do not work for people who have a cold or suffer from allergies.
Sneezing should be random, involuntary.

There is a simple and convenient timed sneezer that is very easy to use. You should remember the day of the week and the time at which you sneezed, and then read the interpretation. They should not be underestimated, because even Cicero believed that sneezing in the morning on an empty stomach promises a gift or material wealth.

  • 5
    - disease.
  • 6
    - date.
  • 7
    - a declaration of love.
  • 8
    - happiness in personal life.
  • 9
    - a fair-haired man (or a woman, if you are a male) is interested.
  • 10
    - an interesting meeting or a date with a nice person.
  • 11
    - date.
  • 12
    - someone's confession of feelings.
  • 13
    - quarrels and conflicts, most likely with a guy or a girl.
  • 14
    - the need to choose between several representatives of the opposite sex.
  • 15
    - betrayal or the end of a love relationship.
  • 16
    - relationship difficulties.
  • 17
    - troubles, minor problems.
  • 18
    - the lack of a loved one cannot be corrected.
  • 19
    - you are threatened by an opponent or opponent.
  • 20
    - nice talking.
  • 21
    - among your acquaintances there is a person who likes you.
  • 22
    - lack of attention in relationships.
  • 23
    - abrupt changes, a possible wedding.

If you woke up at night from sneezing, this is a disease, and after dinner it predicts a long journey.

Sneezing for allergies

It is important to know that the reason why a person often sneezes can be not only an allergic reaction of the body to certain irritants, but also indicate the development of certain diseases. Runny nose and sneezing can talk about allergies, which usually occur when exposed to such allergens:

Runny nose and sneezing can talk about allergies, which usually occur when exposed to such allergens:

  • dust;
  • pollen;
  • particles of wool;
  • strong odors;
  • bright light.

With an allergic rhinitis, sneezing and itching in the nose are considered the main symptoms of the development of such a process in the body. As a rule, these unpleasant changes in the human body occur in the autumn-spring period, which is the time of flowering of many plants. At this time, visits to the allergist are becoming more frequent, to which patients come with the words: “I sneeze and my nose itches,” and the main task of the specialist is to determine the cause of this state of human health and prescribe the correct treatment.

Sneezing, or as it is often called sneezing, is a physiological act that performs the protective function of the body to remove foreign substances, microorganisms and other factors that irritate the nasopharyngeal mucosa from the upper respiratory tract.

In fact, this is the body's response to an irritant, which in most cases are infections, allergens, dust, pollen.

At the moment of sneezing, a person feels a certain itching in the nasal passages, after which a short sigh is taken, the tongue is pressed against the palate and the body reflexively releases an irritating “factor” through the nasopharynx into the environment with the help of forced exhalation. Almost always, along with the process of sneezing, a copious amount of fluid is released from the nasopharynx.

It is worth noting that sneezing and coughing are very similar in purpose to each other, and the differences are only the localization of this process.

In addition, sneezing, as well as coughing, are very often symptoms of various diseases, mainly of an infectious nature, of the ENT organs (chickenpox, sinusitis, influenza, SARS and other acute respiratory infections).

How it works?

The whole process of sneezing is coordinated in the medulla oblongata with the help of the trigeminal, hypoglossal, vagus and other nerves - it is carried out according to the following chain:

  • Feeling of itching or tickling in the nasal cavity;
  • Inhalation fills the lungs with more air;
  • The soft palate rises reflexively, the back of the tongue is adjacent to the hard palate, due to which a barrier forms between the nasopharynx and the mouth, the anterior arches of the pharynx contract, the eyes close on their own;
  • At the same moment, there is a contraction of the muscles of the larynx, diaphragm, intercostal and rectus abdominis muscles, due to which a high pressure;
  • The body rapidly, at a speed of up to 120 m / s, pushes out an air flow of up to 12 l / s, while microdroplets of saliva and mucus are released with air at a distance of up to 3-5 m!

Please note that it is undesirable to restrain this flow, since there have been cases when the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx were injured in people with a strong sneezing act.

Now you understand why the airborne route is the main method of infecting people around you and why it is not recommended to be in crowded places during acute respiratory infections? One sneeze can be enough to infect several people at once who travel with a carrier of microbes, for example, in the subway or bus.

As a prevention of sneezing, the following main points can be distinguished:

  • Do wet cleaning in the premises at least 2-3 times a day, and do not forget to ventilate them well;
  • Change bed linen in a timely manner;
  • Observe personal hygiene rules;
  • And do not use one dish in the form of a cup and other items for 2 or more people at work.

Is sneezing with a cold good or bad?

The virus enters the body through the nasal passage and irritates the epithelial cilia of the nasal mucosa. There is a feeling of itching in the nose. This, in turn, sends a signal to the brain and a reflex act of contraction of the muscles of the nasopharynx and respiratory muscles occurs, as a result of which, under pressure, the pathogen and excess mucus exit the nasal cavity.

On the one hand, sneezing in itself is a protective mechanism that prevents further penetration of the causative agent of influenza or SARS into the body, mechanically removes the allergen and infectious mucus. Therefore, sneezing benefits the body and promotes a speedy recovery.

On the other hand, if it is wrong to sneeze, that is, to cover your nose with your fingers during a sneeze, then the infection does not go out, but gets into paranasal sinuses nose and ears. So you can get sick with sinusitis and otitis media.

In addition, when sneezing, a viral or bacterial agent, along with saliva, flies in the air for a distance of a couple of meters. Cover your mouth with a tissue when you sneeze to avoid infecting others.

It must be remembered that sneezing is a symptom of the disease that caused it. Therefore, it is necessary to treat the disease itself first of all.

Frequent sneezing during a cold indicates a high viral load on the human body and greatly reduces the quality of life. In parallel with sneezing, as a rule, other symptoms are also present, such as:

  • an increase in body temperature (if there is no temperature, then this often indicates either good immunity or, on the contrary, about very weak due to HIV infection, tuberculosis, diabetes And so on.
  • sneezing must be accompanied by a runny nose
  • weakness, lethargy, headache
  • cough
  • sore throat
  • body and muscle aches
  • nasal congestion
  • loss of appetite
  • tearing, itchy eyes

Treatment will be symptomatic. Appointed:

  • Antiviral agents (groprinosin, anaferon, arbidol). They help to raise general and local immunity. Stop the reproduction of the virus in the human body.
  • With an increase in body temperature, antipyretic drugs (paracetamol, ibuprofen, aspirin) are prescribed.
  • From cough and sore throat lozenges with anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties (Dr. Mom, Lazolvan lozenges, lollipops with sage extract, strepsils, grammidin).
  • Vasoconstrictor drops (Nazivin, Afrin, Naphthyzinum) are prescribed in the nose. They reduce swelling of the nasal mucosa and make breathing easier. Pregnant women and children such nose drops are contraindicated. You can use them for no more than 7 days. Otherwise, addiction will develop.
  • Salt solutions (Aquamaris, aqualor, marimer). Dont Have side effects. Well remove crusts and excess mucus from the nose, remove accumulations of viruses and allergens.
  • If severe runny nose and sneezing with a cold does not go away against the background of the above treatment, then antiallergic drugs (citrine, loratadine, zirtek) can be added to the treatment. They will relieve itching and swelling of the nasal mucosa.
  • Drops that stimulate the immune system. For example, Derinat and IRS-19. They have a local immunostimulating effect.
  • Vitamins have a general strengthening effect.
  • Antibacterial agents local action. They are available in the form of a spray Bioparox and Isofra. They are often prescribed to pregnant and lactating women. Since they act exclusively at the local level and do not penetrate into the systemic circulation.
  • homeopathic remedies. Widely used as an aid in colds. For example, such as tonsilgon, aflubin. They can also be given to pregnant and lactating women.
  • Lubrication of the wings of the nose with an asterisk also helps a lot. Its smell relieves itching and facilitates nasal breathing.

Stop sneezing with a cold can help and folk remedies. The most effective are carrot and beet juices, Kalanchoe juice and menthol oil. They are used in the form of drops two to three times a day.

Onion juice also helps a lot. It is also used finely chopped. The bow is kept in the room where the sick person is. It has disinfecting properties due to phytoncides in the air. You can rinse the nasal cavity with saline solution with the addition of tincture of calendula or eucalyptus.

Sometimes there are situations when it is inconvenient to sneeze. In such cases, the reflex reaction can be interrupted. To do this, rub the nasal septum by pressing the wings of the nose to it. Such manipulation should not be resorted to often, since sneezing is aimed at cleansing the body.

Help to quickly get rid of sneezing and runny nose will help regular wet cleaning of the room, walks in the fresh air.

It is always easier to prevent than to cure later. Therefore, it is best to engage in prevention in the form of hardening, dress according to the weather, get vaccinated against the influenza virus and lubricate the nasal cavity with oxolin ointment. Avoid crowded places during the epidemic.

If a runny nose and sneezing have not gone away within a week, then you should seek help from an ENT doctor.

Causes of sneezing

I constantly sneeze and runny nose, what is the reason for such symptoms? Most often, such disorders as congestion and sneezing are observed in the event of a viral infection entering the body.

If a constant runny nose and sneezing are not accompanied by other signs of the disease (weakness, lack of appetite, muscle pain), then this may indicate a gradual development of the pathological process.

As a rule, after entering the human body, a pathogenic virus needs 1-3 days to manifest itself. Duration incubation period may vary depending on the type of virus itself and the individual characteristics of the person.

In addition to nasal congestion and sneezing, other symptoms appear, thanks to which a complete clinical picture of the disease can be drawn up.

If a person has strong immunity, the symptoms of a respiratory viral disease may be mild. Therefore, constant sneezing and rhinitis against the background of normal health is a fairly common phenomenon.

Why is the patient constantly sneezing? The causes of such a pathological phenomenon may also be associated with the development of an allergic reaction. Most often, this violation occurs in the spring-summer period of the year, during the flowering of plants.

Also, a person can constantly sneeze under the influence of other allergens. For example, dust, mold, household chemicals, animal hair, and so on often act as an irritant. An allergic reaction, in addition to sneezing and rhinitis, is often accompanied by such a symptom as red, swollen, watery eyes.

In addition, the causes of constant sneezing and runny nose may be the following:

  • excessive dryness of the mucosa, resulting from the uncontrolled use of vasoconstrictor nasal drops, dry air in the room, impaired capillary function;
  • mechanical damage to the nasal cavity, the presence of a foreign body in the nose;
  • polyps in the nose - a neoplasm small size disturbing breathing;
  • hormonal imbalance. I constantly sneeze and run out of my nose - pregnant women often turn to a specialist with such a problem, this violation is explained hormonal failure and, as a result, constant inflammation of the mucosa. A similar phenomenon can be observed in women during menopause.

So why is it that a person can constantly sneeze? And what are the main causes of everyday nasal congestion? And it turns out that there can be many reasons.

  1. Hypothermia of the body. Quite often, a person sleeps all night with the windows wide open, not at all thinking that the result of such a negligent attitude towards oneself and one's health may be morning nasal congestion. Yes, at night, a person’s immunity works with all its might, doing everything so that he does not get sick. However, some cold symptoms still appear.
  2. Runny nose and sneezing as a reaction of the human body to the dust present in the house. IN modern world it is impossible to live in complete isolation from dust: it haunts a person everywhere. But if you carry out wet cleaning in the room at least every other day, then you can to some extent reduce the amount of inhaled dust. Especially it is necessary to focus on bed linen, where its largest accumulation actually occurs. In addition, bedding is a “cozy place” for the habitat and life of microscopic mites, the waste of which can cause a runny nose and sneezing in people.
  3. Animals and their fur. Often, people who have pets in their house or apartment (especially dogs and cats) may not even suspect that there are real allergens next to them, because cat or dog hair can actually provoke the occurrence constant runny nose and sneezing.
  4. Very often, the cause of continuous sneezing and a runny nose without fever can be an allergy to pollen. This happens during the summer period of the year, when all the plants are actively blooming, and most people sleep with their windows open. This is where the allergen "attacks" its victim.
  5. Chronic runny nose. Symptoms of this disease usually occur in the morning. At times, a runny nose may not bother the patient, but the opinion that it will pass by itself, visiting many people, is erroneous. Such symptoms indicate that something is wrong with the body, and if not taken in a timely manner necessary measures for its treatment and elimination, then in the future it can lead to various inflammations. This disease should be approached with all seriousness, and it is not at all recommended to delay the visit to the doctor.
  6. Violation of the respiratory process. This phenomenon can be observed due to the curvature of the nose, which disrupts the process of natural cleansing of the nasal cavity. The result is a runny nose.
  7. Polyps in the nose. Very often, a chronic disease such as nasal polyposis can lead to the formation of polyps on the nasal mucosa, as a result of which a constant runny nose appears. This phenomenon occurs in both adults and children.
  8. Elementary drying of the nasal mucosa can cause a runny nose and sneezing.

Often, symptoms such as runny nose and sneezing can accompany pregnant women. This is understandable, because during pregnancy the body undergoes many changes, including a decrease in the immune defense of the entire body. Some experts unanimously declare that a runny nose and sneezing may indicate the presence and development in the human body of such infectious diseases as :

  • scarlet fever;
  • measles;
  • chickenpox;
  • flu.

Now let's find out what it can tickle in the nose so that sneezing appears.

The most common reasons are:

  • Infections - viruses (influenza, parainfluenza, measles, chickenpox), bacteria (staphylococci, pneumococci and other streptococci, Haemophilus influenzae), fungi, protozoa and others;
  • Allergens - dust, plant pollen (ragweed), animal hair, mold, poplar fluff, skin flakes, ground pepper, snuff, tobacco smoke and other combustion products;
  • As a reaction of the nasal mucosa to drops against the common cold, incl. plant-based - from aloe, kalanchoe, cyclamen;
  • Chemical fumes - powders, perfumes, hairspray, deodorants, air fresheners;
  • A sharp change in the temperature regime from cold to warm or vice versa - when entering a room from a frosty street or in the opposite direction;
  • Changes in the hormonal background, which often causes this act in pregnant women in the last stages;
  • Bright light can also be an irritating factor - you may have noticed that when you suddenly open your eyes to a sunny room in the morning or leave a dimly lit room on a sunny street, tears can also occur along with tears.

sneezing symptoms

If "sneeze" occurs without a runny nose and / or fever, it is more likely the result of an allergic reaction of the nasal mucosa to any substance. Otherwise, they talk about the development of any disease or pathology.

The most common symptoms when sneezing, which may indicate the appearance or presence of a disease or pathology:

  • Runny nose, copious discharge from the nasal cavity of the mucous transparent liquid, which can eventually turn yellow and green, sometimes with an admixture of blood;
  • Redness of the eyes, increased tearing;
  • Increased body temperature, periodic chilling;
  • Weakness, increased fatigue, feeling of weakness and bad mood;
  • Pain of various localization - headache, muscle, articular, in the throat, in the chest, in the abdomen;
  • Increase lymph nodes ;
  • Cough ;
  • Urticaria and other types of skin rashes;
  • With intoxication from infection, there may be a lack of appetite, nausea, diarrhea.

What diseases are indicated by the above symptoms?

Features of treatment

What to do with sneezing and how to treat it? Due to the wide variety of causes of sneezing, the physiological and pathological approach to this issue should be comprehensive and considered by the doctor.

Single sneezes usually do not require medication. It is enough to identify and remove irritating nasal mucosa factors. The presence of additional symptoms, which we talked about a little earlier, requires medical consultation, especially for young children and pregnant women.

1. Removal of the exciting factor.2. Medical treatment.3. Symptomatic treatment.4. Diet.

In many cases, to eliminate single bouts of sneezing, it is enough to perform a number of simple steps:

  • Change bedding, especially pillows with down and feathers, in which dust mites can settle over time and provoke the physiological act discussed today;
  • 2-3 times a week to do wet cleaning in the place of residence or work;
  • When working with highly active substances that tend to evaporate, as well as construction work, use personal protective equipment - masks, respirators and others.

Drug treatment of sneezing is aimed at eliminating the pathogenic factor - infections, allergies.

Thus, in infectious diseases, depending on the pathogen, antibiotics are used (for bacterial infections), antiviral drugs(at viral infections), antimycotic drugs (for fungal infection).

For allergies, antihistamines are used - Claritin, Loratadin, Diazolin, Edem and others.

Symptomatic treatment involves the use of drugs that stop the pronounced severity of the symptoms of the disease, one of which is sneezing. This facilitates the course of the disease (the root causes of sneezing), helps to recover faster and prevent serious health complications, for example, at a high temperature of 40 ° C and above.

To cleanse the nasal passages of mucus and microbes, rinsing helps well. As well-proven means for these purposes, they allocate - soda-salt solution, "Aquamaris".

To relieve fever and pain, NSAIDs are prescribed - Nurofen, Paracetamol, Nimesil.

To improve nasal breathing with severe nasal congestion, vasoconstrictor drops are prescribed - Farmazolin, Nazivin, Otrivin.

It is also recommended to drink plenty of water - ordinary pure water and plant-based teas, in which vitamin C is present. Drinking helps to increase the body's defenses and remove the waste products of the infection from it.

Useful are tea with raspberries, viburnum, wild rose and other medicinal plants.

4. Diet

Nutrition is an important factor in the treatment and prevention of various colds.

It is strongly recommended during this period to eat greens, vegetables, fruits and other foods rich in vitamins and macro-microelements. Thus, the body tolerates the disease more easily and recovers faster.

What should I do if I constantly sneeze? Regular rinsing of the nasal cavity will help eliminate an unpleasant symptom. To perform this procedure, it is recommended to use tools such as:

  • drugs based on sea ​​water;
  • decoctions and infusions of medicinal plants;
  • a solution of iodine, furacilin, potassium permanganate;
  • a solution of table or sea salt.

Constantly stuffy nose and sneezing, how to normalize the condition? Nasal drops and sprays can be used for treatment. Medications are selected depending on the cause of the violation.

If persistent rhinitis and sneezing are the result of an allergic reaction of the body, drugs such as Zirtek, Claritin, Teridin are used to eliminate such symptoms. These drugs help constrict blood vessels, eliminate sneezing and itching.

With a runny nose of any etiology, Knoxprey, Sanorin, Nazol, Otrivin, Tizin show high efficiency.

An effective vasoconstrictor effect is exerted by drugs such as Xylometazoline, Oxymetazoline, Tetrizoline.

To eliminate inflammation and reduce the irritating effect of dry air, special nasal ointments can be used - Oxolinic, Boromenthol.

Also for internal use it is useful to use means that strengthen the body's defenses (echinacea extract, vitamin C).

Self-medication in most cases not only does not solve the problem, but can also provoke the development of severe complications.


The site provides background information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

General information

Physiological function sneezing as a protective unconditioned reflex is the removal of foreign particles ( such as slime or dust) from the respiratory tract. The very act of sneezing is a forced, sharp exhalation through the nasopharynx, carried out after a deep short breath. It differs from coughing in that the tongue is pressed against the palate during sneezing, and a sharp exhalation occurs through the nose.

The act of sneezing is carried out as follows: a person feels a nosebleed, which precedes the appearance of a sneezing reflex, inhales deeply, filling the lungs with air; his soft palate rises, the arches of the pharynx are reduced, the surface of the tongue is pressed against the hard palate; eyes close involuntarily.

Then the intercostal, diaphragmatic, and abdominal muscles contract. The muscles of the larynx contract last, causing the glottis to close. All these reflex actions ultimately lead to the formation of increased intra-abdominal and intra-thoracic pressure.

After that, the air is vigorously exhaled. The speed of exhaled air passing at the level of the glottis can reach 50 - 100 meters per second, and its pressure is 100 mm Hg. Droplets of saliva and mucus from the nasal and oral cavities enter the air stream. Due to the forced air movement, these droplets spread over a distance of 3-5 meters.


The sneeze reflex occurs when irritation of the mucous membrane lining the nasal cavity occurs. The causes of this irritation may be fluff, dust, pet hair ( so-called "dust agents"); mold, pollen, dead skin particles ( allergens).

Another type of irritant that affects the mucosa of the nasopharynx and nose is volatile substances ( perfumes, cigarette smoke).

The appearance of a sneeze reflex can provoke a sharp change in temperature ( for example, when a person left a warm room outside at sub-zero temperatures); or a sudden bright light that hits the eyes, causing them to close their eyes.

Appearance in bright sunlight

Sneezing, which occurs as a result of bright light hitting the cornea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eye, is called " reflective sneezing into light". An explanation of the mechanism of this phenomenon has not been found, although scientists have tried to find an answer to this question since ancient times. Aristotle, for example, believed that people sneeze in bright sunlight due to exposure to the sun's heat on the nose.

In the 17th century the philosopher Francis Bacon conducted small experiments that showed that if you close your eyes and go out into a bright light, then the sneeze reflex will not work. bacon he explained this by the fact that under the influence of sunlight the eyes begin to water, and then this lacrimal fluid enters the nasal passages and causes irritation of the nose. And as a result, the sneeze reflex occurs.

However, modern science has rejected this hypothesis, since physiologists have proven that sneezing occurs too quickly after exposure to sunlight, and tear fluid does not have time to drain through the tear ducts into the nasal cavity.

Sneezing occurs as a result of irritation in the nasal cavity, and the trigeminal nerve is "responsible" for it. This nerve is close to the optic nerve. That, in turn, reacts to a bright sudden light that hits the retina. Immediately after this, the optic nerve sends a signal to the brain to constrict the pupils in order to regulate the amount of light entering the eyes. Trigeminal nerve perceives this signal as an impulse of irritation of the nose. That's why we sneeze.

People whose pupils contract sharply almost always begin to sneeze. And it’s not always the case in bright light - after taking narcotic drugs, the pupils begin to narrow, so very often people suffering from drug addiction are also prone to sneezing attacks.

There are no official statistics, but according to unofficial observations, reflective sneezing occurs in 20 - 35% of people. But since this phenomenon is absolutely harmless, it has no special significance for medicine.

Surprisingly, some people who experience reflex sneezing consider it useful property. It happens that an unpleasant tickling sensation appears in the nose, but its strength is not enough to provoke sneezing. Therefore, such people are simply looking for a source of bright light ( fit a window or turn on a table lamp) and cause sneezing, which brings relief. And some people do not even need a light source, it is enough to imagine it in their imagination for the reflex to work. By the way, there are other reflexes that are triggered by an imaginary picture. Among them is the reflex of salivation to an acidic stimulus. In order to cause profuse salivation, it is enough to imagine a juicy, sour lemon, cut into slices, flowing with juice.

If surgery is performed in the eye area, then local anesthesia is required. In those people who are characterized by reflex sneezing, this reflex occurs during the injection. Therefore, before the introduction of anesthesia, such people are first injected with sedatives. If this is not done, then the patient will sneeze when the doctor gives the anesthetic periocular injection, and he will be forced to stop the administration of the drug so as not to damage the eye.

Women of the European race are most susceptible to reflective sneezing, judging by medical data.

Another factor that affects the appearance of a sneeze reflex is the degree of fullness of the stomach. Shortly after eating a hearty meal, such people begin to sneeze repeatedly. It doesn't matter what kind of food it was.

Sneezing and sickness

People who sneeze frequently and for no apparent reason are definitely more sensitive than those who only sneeze in the midst of a cold. To roughly understand why you have prolonged bouts of sneezing, you should determine the body temperature and check the nasal cavity.
If the nose itches, there is a strong itch in it, but there is no runny nose, then this is most likely an allergy. If the resulting itching in the nose is accompanied by subfebrile or high fever, then this is an acute respiratory disease ( or SARS).

Colds are associated with inflammation in the upper respiratory tract. A cold occurs when hypothermia sets in. If the immune system is strong, then it will not allow a cold to develop. And if the immune system is weakened, and unable to resist the disease, then the disease develops very quickly.

Signs of a cold: fever, headache, unexpressed pain all over body, sneezing, runny nose, cough, sore throat.

Treatment of colds is divided into two stages, including symptomatic therapy and elimination of the very cause of the disease.

Symptomatic treatment is the fight against the consequences of the disease. And the suppression of the activity of bacteria and viruses is the elimination of the very cause of the disease. Of course, to alleviate the patient's well-being by giving him an antipyretic or expectorant is right, but the fight against the consequence will not eliminate the cause of the disease. Therefore, the most important thing in treatment is to strengthen the immune system, which in turn will lead to the suppression of the bacterial flora.

This is an infectious disease of viral origin, with an acute course. The danger of the disease is that it is extremely contagious. Measles is characterized by signs of intoxication of the body, a sharp increase in temperature, a rash on the body, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract and oral cavity, conjunctivitis .

Morbillivirus ( causative agent of measles), unstable in the environment, and quickly dies under the influence of disinfection measures ( boiling, treatment with disinfectant solutions, sterilization). However, there have been precedents when the measles virus was spread, for example, through the ventilation system in one building where there was a large crowd of people. Morbillivirus survives best at low temperatures ( from -15 to -20 degrees). Therefore, outbreaks of the disease occur mainly in the winter.

Morbillivirus is transmitted by air during coughing or sneezing, along with secretory mucus. Mostly children are ill. Adults get sick in the event that they did not get sick in childhood, and, accordingly, did not receive immunity. After recovery, immunity to this disease persists throughout life.

Newborn children receive short-term immunity from a previously ill mother, which lasts for the first three months of life. If the mother falls ill during pregnancy, then the child is at risk of transplacental infection with the measles virus.

Prevention of measles is total vaccination of children.

The entry gate for infection is the mucous membranes in the upper respiratory tract. Once inside, the pathogen begins to multiply and spread through the bloodstream. In the tonsils, lymph nodes, liver, spleen, intestines, lungs, inflammatory infiltrates are formed.

The next stage of the disease is the appearance of visible symptoms. There are catarrhal phenomena, runny nose, coughing, sneezing. Then rash spots appear on the body.

The virus infects the conjunctiva, larynx, pharynx, sometimes the bronchi or lungs. Inflammation can affect the central nervous system, which can lead to complications of the disease, such as meningoencephalitis and meningitis. Catarrhal inflammation in the affected organs, due to the multiplication of the virus and the production of antibodies against it immune system, takes on an infectious-allergic character.

The latency period for measles is 7 to 14 days. The course of the disease can occur in a typical form or in atypical.
There are three stages of the disease, which are manifested by the corresponding symptoms:

  • catarrhal manifestations.
  • Eruptions.
  • Reconvalescence.
The first stage of measles - catarrhal - begins acutely. The sick person feels headache, change in appetite, his sleep may be disturbed. Body temperature rises to 39, sometimes even up to 40 degrees. Coryza very profuse; mucous discharge from the nose sometimes has an admixture of pus. Barking cough, hoarseness, sneezing, swelling of the eyelids are all clear symptoms of measles. The eyes become extremely sensitive to bright light. The eyelids stick together in the morning from discharge from the eyes.

Visual inspection shows an increase in cervical lymph nodes. Dry rales are heard in the lungs. Some patients experience short-term diarrhea.

A few days after the appearance of the rash, the patient's condition is relieved. The temperature drops, but literally in a day or two it rises again. After a repeated increase in temperature, spots in the form of “semolina porridge” are found on the inner shell of the cheeks - white rounded rashes with a thin red border. It's bright clinical sign measles.

Symptoms of intoxication are growing, health is deteriorating. There are changes in the digestive system.

There are bright spotted rashes that can merge into one large spot. First, the rash appears behind the auricles, on the scalp, then passes to the neck and face. The next day after the onset of the rash, the spots move to the chest, torso and arms. After another day, spots appear on lower limbs, and those that were on the face become less bright.

This downward "spotting" is a characteristic differential sign that doctors use in making a diagnosis. Adults suffer the disease much harder than children, and their rash is more abundant.

During rashes, catal phenomena intensify: runny nose, sneezing, coughing, lacrimation and photophobia. The examination reveals such disorders as palpitations and changes up or down the "working" blood pressure.

convalescence ( the so-called period of pigmentation) is the third stage of the disease, which is characterized by an improvement in well-being, normalization of body temperature, and a weakening of catarrhal phenomena. Gradually, the spots of rashes turn pale and fade away. In their place, peeling is formed, which slightly stands out in color from the rest of the skin.

The course of measles can be complicated by pneumonia, laryngitis, tracheobronchitis, stomatitis. Adults may develop meningitis, meningoencephalitis, and measles encephalitis.

Chickenpox ( or chickenpox) is an acute infectious disease that spreads by air. The virus that causes chickenpox can also cause herpes zoster at the same time. Chickenpox is the primary manifestation of an infection that affects children, and herpes is a secondary manifestation that usually occurs in adulthood.

The virus is not resistant to the external environment, it is sensitive to ultraviolet radiation and disinfectants. Well kept in low temperature environment. Therefore, the incidence of chickenpox increases in winter.

The disease is considered highly contagious, transmitted through the air through sneezing or coughing. Mostly children are ill. Adults who have been ill in childhood retain lifelong immunity.

The virus enters the respiratory tract, multiplies and accumulates there, appears in the blood and lymph, and then enters the epithelium of the skin. From this, superficial necrosis is formed in the epithelium, which has the appearance of characteristic rashes. Usually these rashes disappear without a trace. The exception is when the epithelium is damaged in the deep layer due to re-infection or when the integrity of the vesicles ( rashes) has been violated. Therefore, it is important to explain to sick children that they do not comb the rashes and do not peel off the crusts.

Disease periods:

  • Latent period ( can last up to three weeks).
  • prodromal period ( at this time, a person becomes contagious, that is, contagious to others).
  • Period of appearance of vesicles ( the appearance of obvious symptoms).

General symptoms: rash, fever, malaise. Rashes appear on the face, then spread further through the body. They appear as single or multiple formations.

Prevention of chickenpox in the team where a case of the disease is detected is the isolation of the sick person, thorough disinfection of the premises, and, if possible, the establishment of quarantine. Chickenpox is vaccinated against children and adults who have not been ill before and work in conditions of increased risk of infection ( doctors, teachers, food workers).

Allergic diseases are an increased reaction of the immune system, formed as a response to the impact of specific environmental factors that the body considers dangerous or potentially dangerous.

The immune response of the body is formed as a complex protective mechanism, the role of which is to prevent hostile microorganisms from penetrating and multiplying.

Immunity in response to the invasion of microbes includes a mechanism for the production of antibodies that destroy specific substances that have entered the body - antigens.

Sometimes the body's reaction to harmless substances is distorted, and it perceives them as a threat. These reactions are hypersensitive, and the antigens that are responsible for the appearance of these reactions are called allergens.

The immune system can "remember" foreign substances, recognize them and produce antibodies to neutralize antigens. If a similar antigen enters the body again, then the immune system will be able to recognize it and attack it with already developed specific antibodies.

Allergic reactions manifest themselves in a variety of ways, and can affect different tissues and organs of the body. The severity of an allergic reaction varies widely.

Allergy symptoms appear when a person has been exposed to an allergen. Allergies often occur in those who are genetically predisposed to it. Itchy eyes and skin, runny nose, sneezing, hives are all common symptoms of allergies.

Sneezing is a physiological way of self-purification of the body from unnecessary substances or particles, which is somewhat modified in case of an allergy. The sneeze reflex takes on a paroxysmal form - a person sneezes non-stop, every day. This is especially often manifested during the flowering period of plants whose pollen is a strong allergen.

With allergies, rhinorrhea is sometimes observed ( runny nose). If, with a cold, the mucous discharge from the nose usually has a thick consistency and a yellowish color, then with an allergy, the color is transparent and the consistency is watery.

Since the mucous membrane becomes inflamed and thicker during allergies, the nasal canal becomes blocked, which leads to poor outflow of mucous secretions. Blowing your nose does not help clear your nose.

An allergic rash is the most striking manifestation of the disease, which is characterized by the formation of reddish spots of various sizes on the skin. Spots can pour out on the hands, and on the face, and on the legs. Most often, the rash is accompanied severe itching causing serious discomfort to the sick person.

Itchy eyes are another symptom of allergies. Itching sensation occurs without any external causes, can last for a long time; It is impossible for a person to remove it on his own. At the same time, the eyelids have an edematous, reddened, swollen appearance.

Allergic and vasomotor rhinitis
Inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the nasal cavity - rhinitis - is one of the most common human ailments. Several clinical forms of rhinitis have been identified, each of which has its own characteristics.

Vasomotor and allergic forms of rhinitis are very similar in their clinical manifestations:

  • Labored breathing.
  • Attacks of sneezing.
  • Runny nose.
  • Burning and itching in the nasal cavity.
Allergic rhinitis is a chronic disease, it is based on a mediated inflammatory reaction, which is provoked by the contact with the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity of allergic agents.

Vasomotor rhinitis is also a chronic disease, but in this case, nasal hypersensitivity develops not under the influence of allergic factors, but as a result of nonspecific endogenous or exogenous factors.

When making a diagnosis and drawing up a treatment algorithm, it is necessary to find out the following points:

  • Are there any anomalies in the structure of the nose, which can also give a clinical picture of rhinitis?
  • Does the identified rhinitis have an infectious or non-infectious genesis? The answer to this question is the characteristic clinical sequence of symptom onset; the nature of the mucous secretions; the appearance of catarrhal phenomena in the larynx, pharynx, trachea.
  • If rhinitis has a non-infectious origin, is it allergic or non-allergic? In favor of the fact that rhinitis is of an allergic origin, the following facts testify: during rhinoscopy, a poor gray shade of the mucous membrane is visualized; received positive reaction for special skin allergy tests; antibodies were found in the blood serum.
  • If rhinitis is allergic, then what is the nature of its manifestation: seasonal, permanent? This data is obtained through the collection of anamnesis.
Consistent clarification of the above nuances allows you to accurately determine the form of the disease and choose the optimal treatment algorithm.

According to the severity of the course of rhinitis, there are:

  • light form ( mild clinical symptoms rhinitis, which do not disrupt a person's daily activities and do not interfere with his sleep). The patient feels the presence of symptoms of the disease, but it can do without drug therapy.
  • moderate form ( symptoms of the disease interfere with sleep, interfere with mental and physical activity; quality of life is seriously deteriorating).
  • heavy form ( the symptoms are so pronounced that the patient cannot engage in any activity, cannot sleep normally if he does not receive appropriate therapy).
Treatment of allergic rhinitis consists in prescribing to the patient:
  • Topical corticosteroids.
  • Antihistamines, which allow you to stop allergy attacks. Most of these drugs eliminate attacks of constant sneezing, burning in the nose, runny nose.
Drugs related to corticosteroids are characterized by a delayed onset of action. These pharmacokinetic features allow the use of corticosteroids with a very low risk of systemic effects.

There are other groups of drugs used to treat allergic rhinitis, but based on their effectiveness in relieving individual symptoms, the degree of risk of complications, and the cost of the course of treatment, then oral antihistamines and topical corticosteroids can be considered as optimal therapy.

Treatment of vasomotor rhinitis begins with the identification of all possible causes, which can lead to a nasal reaction.

Vasomotor rhinitis is often caused by abnormal structure nasal septum. In this case, the treatment is carried out with the help of surgical intervention.

Drug therapy of vasomotor rhinitis consists in prescribing antihistamines to the patient ( although they do not give the same effect as with allergic rhinitis) and topical corticosteroids. Additionally, physiotherapeutic methods of treatment can be used ( e.g. intranasal electrophoresis) and acupuncture. Patients are shown restorative procedures - hardening, physical exercises.

If conservative methods of therapy do not bring a visible effect, then surgical treatment is used. It consists in carrying out operations, as a result of which the size of the inferior turbinate is artificially reduced, which makes it possible to restore nasal breathing.

Rhinitis of pregnant women
Rhinitis that occurs in women in the last stages of pregnancy is a consequence of the fact that hormonal changes occur in the woman's body before childbirth. In the blood, the amount of female sex hormones increases, and in parallel with this, the blood flow speeds up. Because of this, the mucous membrane swells, which leads to difficulty in breathing.

The course of rhinitis varies in different ways: from mild symptoms to complications that require medical treatment.

From the fact that the nose is stuffed up and breathing is disturbed, the lungs and heart suffer. In addition, the nose does not fulfill its main functions: it does not clean and warm the air that is inhaled, thereby exposing the lungs to the harmful effects of the external environment.

For a pregnant woman, this condition creates a double danger - both for her and for the fetus. If there is no nasal breathing, then this leads to oxygen starvation of the mother, which will negatively affect the unborn baby. As a result of rhinitis, a woman undergoes a change in taste and smell, an allergy develops.

The complexity of rhinitis lies in the fact that vasoconstrictor drops cannot be used to remove it, because they have an effect on the entire body, including the vessels in the placenta through which the fetus feeds. Violation of placental circulation leads to fetal hypoxia.

In addition, these drugs can increase nosebleeds, which sometimes occur in pregnant women. And with prolonged use, they dry the nasal mucosa, and gradually cease to cope with their main function. Therefore, drops that relieve nasal congestion are contraindicated in pregnant women.

The severity of the treatment of rhinitis in pregnant women is that many medicines can affect the placental circulation, so the choice of drug should be approached very carefully. Ideally, drug treatment it's best not to use it at all.

One of the main remedies that is used to treat rhinitis of pregnant women is a nasal douche. This is a procedure in which the nasal cavity is washed. Thanks to washing, the nose and nasopharynx are cleared of microbes, allergens, mucus, dust. Swelling of the mucosa and inflammation is removed, which allows you to restore nasal breathing.

Sneeze reflex disorder

Sneezing is disturbed in people who suffer bulbar paralysis.

Bulbar palsy is a pathology that appears when the nuclei of some cranial nerves are damaged ( vagus, sublingual, glossopharyngeal). Bulbar palsy manifests itself as a speech disorder ( the nerves responsible for articulation are affected) and swallowing disorder ( the structures responsible for swallowing are affected - the muscles of the tongue, pharynx, larynx, epiglottis, soft palate).

Patients often choke on liquid food, and it happens that they are not able to make a swallowing movement. Because of this, saliva accumulates and flows out of the corners of the mouth. They cannot sneeze or cough. Speech becomes slurred, nasal, slow. The conversation noticeably tires the patients.

In seriously ill patients, as a rule, respiratory rhythm disorders and cardiac activity are disturbed, which can lead to death.
Bulbar syndrome is characteristic of genetic diseases (porphyria, Kennedy's disease), for oncological, for vascular, for inflammatory and infectious diseases.

Which doctor should I contact for sneezing?

Since sneezing can be provoked various diseases, then apply when given symptom it is necessary to different specialists whose competence includes the diagnosis and treatment of the affected organ. That is, in each case, in order to understand which doctor to contact when sneezing, you need to assess which organ is affected and presumably provokes sneezing. And it is possible to suspect the defeat of one or another organ during sneezing on the basis of the concomitant symptoms that a person has. Accordingly, in each case, the decision of the question of which doctor to contact depends on the symptoms associated with sneezing that a person has.

If sneezing in an adult or child is frequent (several times within 2-3 hours), and there is an itchy nose, runny nose, pain, sore throat, general malaise or fever, and possibly redness of the eyes , cough, wheezing, then this indicates an acute respiratory disease (ARI), flu, colds. In this case, it is necessary to contact an adult general practitioner (make an appointment), and to children - to pediatrician (make an appointment).

If sneezing, in addition to the symptoms of acute respiratory infections, is combined with rashes on the body and face of any kind, quantity and nature, then an infectious disease is suspected (measles, rubella, chickenpox). In this case, it is recommended to contact either infectious disease doctor (make an appointment) or to a therapist.

If a child or adult suffers from a runny nose for a long time (longer than 10-14 days in a row), which is accompanied by regular sneezing, but there are no additional symptoms, then most likely we are talking about chronic rhinitis (vasomotor, atrophic and etc.). In such a situation, it is recommended to contact otolaryngologist (ENT) (make an appointment).

If an adult or child begins to sneeze often, but there is no runny nose or the discharge from the nose is clear and watery, and other signs of a respiratory infection (pain, sore throat, general malaise or fever, etc.) are not observed , but on the other hand, there is a strong congestion and itching of the nose, there may be a rash on the skin, redness of the eyes, itching of the skin and eyes, then most likely this indicates an allergic reaction. In such a case, you should contact allergist (make an appointment) or, in his absence, to a therapist.

If a person has frequent sneezing against the background of severely constricted pupils or any other signs of drug intoxication (for example, causeless gaiety or vice versa, insensitivity, lethargy, poorly coordinated movements, etc.), then drug addiction is suspected. In this case, it is recommended to contact narcologist (sign up).

If rhinitis with sneezing occurs in pregnant women in the later stages, then it is recommended to contact at the same time gynecologist (make an appointment) and otolaryngologist.

If a person cannot sneeze and cough, and at the same time his speech and swallowing movements are impaired, as a result of which the voice is nasal, slurred, and when eating and drinking they choke, saliva flows from the corners of the mouth, then bulbar syndrome is suspected. In such a case, you should contact neurologist (make an appointment).

What tests and examinations can a doctor prescribe for sneezing?

Sneezing is provoked by diseases of various organs and systems, and, accordingly, in the presence of this symptom, the doctor may prescribe a variety of studies and tests, the specific list of which depends on which organ is suspected to be affected by the specialist. Indeed, to identify diseases of different organs, various examination methods are used, both laboratory (analyzes) and instrumental ( Ultrasound (make an appointment), x-ray (book), endoscopy (make an appointment) etc.).

When an adult or child sneezes frequently and, in addition to sneezing, there are symptoms of an acute respiratory disease, flu or colds (runny nose, pain, sore throat, general malaise or fever, as well as possible redness of the eyes, cough, wheezing), and possibly a rash on the body - the doctor suspects acute respiratory infections or an acute infectious disease (measles, rubella, chickenpox, etc.). In this case, it is usually assigned only complete blood count (make an appointment) and urine for evaluation general condition sick. Other tests and examinations, as a rule, are not prescribed, since the diagnosis is made on the basis of a characteristic clinical picture. If there is a rash on the skin, if the doctor has doubts about the diagnosis, a blood test may be prescribed to identify pathogens for measles, rubella, chickenpox, etc.

When sneezing is provoked by a runny nose that has existed for a long period, then chronic rhinitis is suspected, and in this case, the otolaryngologist necessarily produces rhinoscopy (make an appointment)(examination of the nasal cavity with a special tool - a rhinoscope). If necessary, the doctor can also examine the pharynx and larynx with instruments. In the vast majority of cases, rhinoscopy is sufficient to make a diagnosis and start treatment, and therefore other examinations for chronic rhinitis, as a rule, are not prescribed. Laboratory tests for chronic rhinitis are usually not prescribed, since this disease does not provoke changes in any indicators of blood, urine or other body fluid. But the doctor may prescribe a general blood and urine test to assess the general condition of the body, as well as a blood test for IgE levels to confirm the allergic nature of rhinitis (but this test is prescribed only if there is a suspicion of an allergic rhinitis).

However, if we are talking about rhinitis of pregnant women, then, in addition to rhinoscopy, the doctor may prescribe blood tests for the content of estriol, estradiol, progesterone, as well as an assessment of autonomic tone, since the data of these studies are necessary for the subsequent selection of the most effective treatment regimen.

If chronic rhinitis exists for a long time (longer than several months), then the doctor may prescribe endoscopy and rhinopneumometry to assess the condition of the tissues of the nasal cavity. However, these studies are ordered and conducted relatively rarely.

If an adult or a child has constant sneezing, and at the same time the nasal cavity is dry or watery transparent contents are released from it, there are no signs of acute respiratory infections, but the nose itches, there is severe nasal congestion, a rash may appear on the body, the eyes turn red, the skin itches, then this indicates an allergic origin of sneezing. In this case, the doctor prescribes the following tests:
blood test, as well as an allergen sensitivity test by any method that a medical institution is able to produce. That is, depending on the technical capabilities, the analysis for sensitivity to antigens is performed either by the method of skin tests, or by determining specific IgE in the blood. The skin test method is less accurate, but simpler and cheaper, and therefore it is used most often. And the method for determining specific IgE in the blood is expensive, although very accurate, but is used more rarely due to the high cost of reagents.

A general blood test is necessary to assess the general condition of the body and confirm allergy readiness (a large number of eosinophils). And an antigen sensitivity test is necessary in order to understand which substance provokes an allergic reaction.

A blood test for IgE concentration is not always prescribed, since it only reveals that a person is allergic to some substance. But the fact of the presence of allergies can be determined by general analysis blood, therefore, with allergic rhinitis and sneezing, an IgE blood test is rarely used.

When frequent sneezing is present against the background of severely constricted pupils or any other signs of drug intoxication (for example, causeless gaiety or vice versa insensitivity, lethargy, poorly coordinated movements, etc.), drug intoxication is suspected. In this case, the doctor prescribes a urine or blood test to determine the presence of various narcotic and psychoactive substances (for example, opiates, amphetamine, methamphetamine, cocaine, cannabinoids, etc.).

When a person sneezes and coughs with difficulty, or cannot do it at all, although such an urge is felt, and at the same time his speech is nasal, slurred, slowed down, when he tries to swallow something, he chokes, and saliva constantly flows from the corners of the mouth, then it is suspected bulbar syndrome. In this case, the doctor performs neurological tests, which are sufficient to make a diagnosis. After that, the doctor prescribes the following examinations necessary to find out which disease led to bulbar paralysis:

  • Study of cerebrospinal fluid;
  • Computer (sign up) or magnetic resonance imaging of the brain (enroll);
  • X-ray of the junction of the skull with the spine.
In addition, general and biochemical blood tests (make an appointment), urine analysis, as well as blood tests for the presence of pathogens of various infections.

Before use, you should consult with a specialist.

03.09.2016 82126

All people on our planet are gifted with a mass of reflex functions. One of them is sneezing. an incomparable reflex that a person needs to free the respiratory passages from irritants. If a person sneezes rarely, then doctors recommend not paying special attention to this. You should think about treatment if this process is accompanied by other symptoms or lasts too long.

How do we sneeze?

This symptom is not a pathology. Its occurrence is accompanied by the influence of any irritant.

Before starting the process, a person feels a slight and fleeting itching in the nasal passages. Then there is a shortened exhalation through the nose, then a deep inhalation through the mouth. During this period of time, the vocal cords contract, and tension appears in the tonsils of the palate. The tongue is “riveted” to the sky and a sharp exhalation is made.

It is worth saying that the lower center of the brain is responsible for the fact that a person sneezes. If this area is damaged, it will lead to the inability to sneeze at all.

Purpose of a sneeze

Why do people sneeze? This process is necessary for a person to clean the respiratory passages from dust, dirt and foreign bodies that have penetrated. In other words, sneezing is a protective reaction of the human body. After the process is completed, the person feels much lighter, while the lungs are filled with a new portion of fresh air.

If, after sneezing, the area of ​​the nose and mouth is not covered, then the germs will be transmitted to 150 other people.

Reasons why a person sneezes

In medicine, such causes of sneezing are noted.

  1. The presence of a cold.
  2. Chemicals that accumulate in the nasopharynx in the presence of viral diseases.
  3. Allergic response of the body.
  4. Dry or cold air.
  5. Hormonal changes.
  6. Mechanical and physical stimuli.
  7. Hypothermia.
  8. A sharp decrease or increase in air temperature.

It is worth saying that a person can sneeze for other reasons - due to exposure to too bright light (according to statistics, 35% of people sneeze for this reason).

Frequent experiences, experienced stress, fear and depression also lead to the formation of this process. This is due to the body's desire to maintain balance in the nose.

Doctors say that the membranes of the nose are too sensitive to the emotional state of their owner. With a sharp change in mood, blood vessels are constantly compressed and unclenched. Helping them return to their previous state helps sneezing.

During the gestation of the fetus, the expectant mother constantly sneezes. This process is completely unrelated to the fact that a pregnant woman has overcome a cold. This is due to hormonal imbalance in the body. future mother. A woman can also sneeze before the onset of menstruation. This process causes pain in the lower abdomen due to contraction of the muscles of the uterus.

Sneezing in allergic reactions

Causes of frequent sneezing may be associated with manifestations allergic reactions. This process occurs, as a rule, seasonally - during the flowering period. Allergens are:

  • animal hair;
  • strong odors;
  • dust;
  • plant pollen;
  • bright light, etc.

With allergies, a person often sneezes, his nose itches on the outside, and his eyes are very watery. In such cases, the doctor advises taking antihistamines ("Suprastin") and vasoconstrictor drops. After using the proposed means, the edema from the mucosa will drop sharply, and the accumulated mucus will separate faster.

It should be remembered that the use of vasoconstrictor drugs for more than 5 days is not recommended.

Is sneezing a sign of a cold?

In medicine, this is considered absolutely normal.

Therefore, if the process is accompanied by increased body temperature, sore throat and runny nose, then they say for sure. Does sneezing cause pain? This is clearly an infection.

Do not delay the trip to the doctor, otherwise self-treatment will lead to irreversible consequences.

Many are interested in the question: "Sneezing with a cold - good or bad?". The answer in this case is obvious: "Good!". The body reflexively responds to the penetration and spread of infections in the nasopharynx. With the help of sneezing, all pathogenic microorganisms are rejected.

Never stop sneezing when you have a cold. Doctors explain this by the fact that microbes can penetrate the middle ear, which will lead to the appearance of otitis media, sinusitis and other dangerous diseases.

Often people come to doctors who complain: “When I sneeze, whitish lumps fly out of my mouth.” In this case, they talk about the presence of tonsillitis in the chronic stage. Lumps arise due to the death of epithelial tissues in the region of the tonsils of the sky, as well as the release of pus from them, which accumulates during inflammation.

Sneezing in babies

Frequent sneezing in newborns is not necessarily accompanied by a cold. During the period of being in the womb, the child is constantly in the water. There is also fluid in his throat and nasal passages. After the birth, the baby's respiratory system begins to work actively, getting rid of excess water, thereby leading to drying of the mucous membranes and the formation of crusts.

This is how doctors answer mommy's question about why her immediately after birth.

It is worth saying that people are not able to sneeze in their sleep, since all the nerves involved in this process rest with their master.

"Why am I sneezing?" The answer to this question is not necessarily the statement: "It's a cold!". The reason may be something else. Therefore, if this process occurs for a long time, it is better not to self-medicate, but to urgently consult a doctor.