Subtraction type 16. Addition

Topic: Subtraction of the form 16 -

Goals: draw up subtraction tables for cases of the form 16-- and carry out work aimed at memorizing them

develop the ability to solve complex problems. develop thinking, speech, cognitive interests,

Cultivate interest in the subject, cultivate love and respect for nature

Planned results: students will learn how to subtract numbers with the transition through a dozen within 20; use terminology when compiling and reading mathematical equalities; solve and model complex problems using schemes; perform tasks of a creative and exploratory nature; control and evaluate their work and its results.

Methods: verbal, partially exploratory, explanatory and illustrative

Equipment: cards with tasks for work, subtraction algorithm, circles for reflection, pictures of animals

During the classes

    Class organization

That's when the bell rang.

The lesson starts.

Very quietly you sit down.

And do not be lazy to work.

-May the lesson bring us the joy of communication.

Today, guys, we have an unusual lesson with you - a lesson-excursion. And where we will go, you will find out if you solve the examples.

5+6= .. p 7+7=..o 8+8=...z

6 + 7 \u003d .. o 13-5 \u003d ... p 12-3 \u003d .... a

Zoo is a wildlife museum where you can get acquainted with representatives of the animal world of our planet.

calligraphic minute

So let's start our lesson. Let's open notebooks and write down the number, class work

Wild animals invite us to visit. But in order to enter them, you need to buy tickets.

Let's buy tickets. Tickets for schoolchildren cost 6 des.1 tenge.

How much will it be? (61)

How many children want to visit the zoo, find out by guessing the number in which 1 ten 6 units (16)

Let's write this number

What is this number? (two digits)

Name the neighbors of this number. 15, 16

2.Updating knowledge

The bird meets us firstflamingo o. Quiet let's pass him. Having finished the dictation, we will learn about this bird.

Mathematical dictation (1 student on the board)

1) Write down the number in which 2 dec.5 units. 25

2) Write down the difference between the numbers 40 and 10 40

3) 1 term 30, 2 term 20 What is the value of the sum-? fifty

4) Increase 10 by 5 15

5) 12 minus 8 4

6) the number 10 was added to the number 90

7) write down the number following the number 6 7

-Let's check.

What do these numbers say?

(story about flamingo, tiger)

Flamingos live 25-30 years. At the end of the 50s, there were about 50 thousand flamingos in Kazakhstan. and now there are no more than 15 thousand of them. . These birds weigh 4 kg.

The tiger is the largest animal in the wild cat family. Its body is up to 4 meters long. Daily income up to 30 km. Tigers do not form permanent pairs. A tigress bears her cubs for 100 days. She gives birth to 2-4 cubs. Babies open their eyes on the 7th day. They live 25-30 years. In 1947, hunting for tigers was prohibited in our country, and capture for the zoo is allowed only with special permission.

4.New theme

It's not so easy to walk quietly past a resting beast. But we coped with the task.

A tiger lives in the next enclosure. The tiger ruined all the examples, erased the answers

Let's solve them together. (he indicates the topic of lesson 16 -)

Self-determination to activity.

Who guessed how our theme will sound? 1 6 - *

-What should we learn?

Right! How many subtraction methods do you know?

What knowledge do we need for method 1?

(composition of the number 16, addition table)

And what knowledge do we need for method 2?

(subtraction by parts)

(learning new material)

We work according to the algorithm (on the board, the standard 16 - subtract in parts)

Who wants to help me?

There is a note on the board

16 -8 =8 1 6 – 6 – 2 =

Well done!

5. Setting for memorization

- Guys, let's read our expressions in chorus

This you must remember.

6. Consolidation of the studied

- What is the next stage of the lesson we should have? (repetition)

- Why do we need it?

Where can we use it?


The guys at the zoo, there is also a lake with waterfowl. They swim quietly and rest. Let's also have a little rest with them.

Beautiful cranes, cranes flew

And sat on the water.

Sat, sat, flew again

Cranes fly, flap their wings,

Bent over the water, shake their heads

Straight and proudly know how to hold on

They sit very quietly on the water.

Working on learned material.

Working on a task

1) There were 6 cranes sitting on the shore of the lake. And 2 more cranes swam in the lake. How many cranes are there in the zoo?

Name the task condition

What words do we take for a short note?

Read those task question.

What do you need to know to answer the question?

Number of cranes on the shore and number of cranes in the lake.

1) 6+2 -8 (in the lake)

There are 14 species of cranes in the world. These birds are endangered.

2) By solving equations, we can learn interesting things about lions

X + 9 \u003d 16 x- 8 \u003d 8

X=7 x=16

The claws of a lion can be up to 7 centimeters long.

The average life expectancy of lions is 16 years. But in captivity, they usually do not live longer than 11 years.

3) Independent work. Argali live in the next enclosure. He prepared tasks for us for independent work

What is the next step in the lesson?

Why do you need independent work? What will she give us?

Choose a task according to your strength. Work.

1 level

2 level

3 level

10.Verification of independent work

- Who chose 1 column? Get up.

Who chose column 2? stand up

Comparison with the decision of classmates.

What are our friends at the zoo calling for?

Why is it necessary to protect nature?

Don't pollute the water!

Don't hurt animals!

Do not pollute nature! After all, nature is our common home! Man is in the hands, which means that the beauty and riches of our native Earth are in our hands. Remember this!


11. Reflection

- What did you learn in class?

Where can you use it?

What tasks did you enjoy? Why?

What did not like? Why?

I am satisfied with my work

Worked well, but there were errors

I need help

12. Lesson summary Thank you all for the lesson.

5+6= .. p 7+7=.. o 8+8=... s

If you put the numbers in descending order, you will find out where we are going today

5+6= .. p 7+7=.. o 8+8=... s

6+7 = .. o 13-5 =… p 12-3=…. but

If you put the numbers in descending order, you will find out where we are going today

5+6= .. p 7+7=.. o 8+8=... s

6+7 = .. o 13-5 =… p 12-3=…. but

If you put the numbers in descending order, you will find out where we are going today

5+6= .. p 7+7=.. o 8+8=... s

6+7 = .. o 13-5 =… p 12-3=…. but

If you put the numbers in descending order, you will find out where we are going today

1) 8 + 4= 9 +3= 8 + 8=

1) 8 + 4= 9 +3= 8 + 8=

1) 8 + 4= 9 +3= 8 + 8=

2. *+ 3=11 16 - * =8

* - 4=9 7 + * =16

2) *+ 3=11 16 - * =8

* - 4=9 7 + * =16

2) * + 3=11 16 - * =8

* - 4=9 7 + * =16

8 + 4= 9 +3= 8 + 8=

1) 8 + 4= 9 +3= 8 + 8=

1) 8 + 4= 9 +3= 8 + 8=

*+ 3=11 16 - * =8

* - 4=9 7 + * =16

2) *+ 3=11 16 - * =8

* - 4=9 7 + * =16

2) *+ 3=11 16 - * =8

* - 4=9 7 + * =16

5+6= .. p 7+7=..o 8+8=...z

6 + 7 \u003d .. o 13-5 \u003d ... p 12-3 \u003d .... a

If you put the numbers in descending order, you will find out where we are going today


6 cranes were sitting on the shore of the lake. And there were 2 more cranes swimming in the lake. How many cranes are in the zoo?


6 cranes were sitting on the shore of the lake. And there were 2 more cranes swimming in the lake. How many cranes are in the zoo?

6 cranes were sitting on the shore of the lake. And there were 2 more cranes swimming in the lake. How many cranes are in the zoo?


6 cranes were sitting on the shore of the lake. And there were 2 more cranes swimming in the lake. How many cranes are in the zoo?


6 cranes were sitting on the shore of the lake. And there were 2 more cranes swimming in the lake. How many cranes are in the zoo?


6 cranes were sitting on the shore of the lake. And there were 2 more cranes swimming in the lake. How many cranes are in the zoo?

6 cranes were sitting on the shore of the lake. And there were 2 more cranes swimming in the lake. How many cranes are in the zoo?

Math lesson in 1st grade.

Topic: Subtraction of the form 16 -

Objectives: To improve the ability to subtract a number in parts; to consolidate knowledge of the composition of the number, the names of the components in addition and subtraction, to form the ability to solve problems in two steps; to promote the development of the ability to compare, prove and draw conclusions; contribute to the development of a culture of behavior.

Equipment: Drawings depicting the sun and clouds, an owl, a wolf, a hedgehog, a hare, a squirrel, Little Red Riding Hood, a house with a grandmother, a cobweb with a ladybug, a river with a bridge, flowers and butterflies; cards on which numerical expressions, numbers, texts of tasks are written.

During the classes.

Organizing time.

That's when the bell rang.
The lesson starts.
Very quietly you sit down
And do not be lazy to work.

Spring has come, the birds are singing, the sun is shining. On your desks are drawings of the sun and clouds. Pick up a drawing that suits your mood. I want you to have a good mood until the end of the lesson.

Updating of basic knowledge.

Today we will travel with the heroine of a fairy tale. Listen to the riddle and say her name.
Grandmother loved her granddaughter very much,
She gave her a red hat.
The girl forgot her name.
Well, tell me, what was her name?
(the teacher attaches a picture of Little Red Riding Hood to the board)
- Together with Little Red Riding Hood you will go to your grandmother. You need to be friendly, resourceful, as you will encounter many obstacles along the way.
Game "Day and Night"
- First we met an owl.
(the teacher attaches a picture of an owl to the board and writes down the expression 9 + 4 - 7 + 5 - 3 + 8)
- She asks you to calculate the value of the expression written on the board. When I say the word day, you remember the first two numbers and the sign of the arithmetic operation written between them. At the word night, you close your eyes and calculate. (students perform mental calculations, say out loud the final result: 16).
- What can you tell about the number 16?
(it follows the number 15, precedes the number 17, it is less than 17 by 1, more than 15 by 1, it is two-digit, it has one ten and 6 units. The number 16 can be represented as the sum of the numbers 9 and 7, 8 and 8,)

A moment of cleansing.

Write down the number 16 in your notebook, but first let's stretch our fingers.
There is a stretching of the fingers.
Finding unknown components of addition and subtraction.
- We went to a sunny meadow. What numbers are missing?
(teacher puts a picture on the board)
How to find the unknown term?
(to find the unknown term, subtract the known term from the sum)
How to find the unknown minuend, subtrahend?
(to find the minuend, you need to add the subtrahend to the difference. To find the subtrahend, you need to subtract the difference from the minuend)

Dance exercise.

Working on a new theme.

We have already rested and can move on, but someone is calling us for help. Look, a ladybug is stuck in a web. Can we help her?
(The teacher attaches a drawing to the blackboard. Students go to the blackboard and calculate the values ​​of the expressions, writing the equalities in the following order: 16 - 7 \u003d 9, 16 - 8 \u003d 8, 16 - 9 \u003d 7)
How were the calculations done?
(Subtracted in parts or
minali number composition)
- What interesting things have you noticed?
(Decrease equal, subtract increase by 1, difference value decrease by 1)
Get the numbers ready. I will show the expression, and you will show its value.
(The teacher shows a card with examples for tabular subtraction within 20)
- Well done. Ladybug is free. Let's move on. But who did we meet?
(The teacher attaches a drawing of a hedgehog, a squirrel, a hare to the board)
- The animals want to report something interesting, but first you need to complete their task.
(Students complete the task in the textbook page 79 number 1)
After the solution, check the answers with the teacher.
The animals wanted to warn us of the danger: a wolf lies in wait for us.
A drawing of a wolf and segments of different colors appear on the board.
How many lines do you see? (three)
Show. How do you know how long one line is longer than the other? (it is necessary to measure the segments and subtract the length of the smaller one from the length of the larger segment)
Okay. Which way to send the wolf so that he does not have time to get to the grandmother before us? (in long)
While he is walking, we will rest.


Pull up, pull up, pull up
Bend in two, unbend.
Three - in the hands of 3 claps,
Head 3 nods,
Four handles wider
Five - wave your hands,
Six - sit quietly at your desks.

For reinforcing what has been learned.

We are getting closer to my grandmother's house, but the river blocked our way.
We can cross the bridge if we complete the following tasks.
(The teacher attaches a drawing to the board and writes down the condition of the problem: “9 crucians swam in the river, and 2 less pike”)
- What is written on the blackboard? (sentence)
What needs to be done to complete the task? (Ask a Question)
- What question can you ask? (how many pike were swimming in the river)
- How to solve the problem? (children's answers)
What needs to be changed in the problem so that it can be solved in two steps? (you need to change the question of the task)
- We will write down the actions with explanations.
For students who have previously completed the task, the teacher offers cards with tasks.
(Solution of the problem in the textbook p. 79 number 2.)
- So we came to the house, but first you need to climb the stairs so that the door opens.
(Two students go to the blackboard and do the calculations)
- That's grandma. She is glad to see you, and has prepared a riddle for you:
Someone in the morning slowly
Inflates a red balloon.
And how to get out of hand -
It will suddenly become light around. (Sun)
(The teacher attaches a picture of the sun to the board)
- Who can read what is written in the sun? (well done)

7. The result of the lesson.

This is where our journey ended. We got ahead of the wolf, helped Little Red Riding Hood to reach her grandmother. What did you like about the lesson? What have you learned?
What is your mood? Children raise the picture with the desired image. (cloud or sun)

Compiled by: Stepeeva T.V.

Attached files

Mathematics lesson in 1 "A" class.

Lesson topic: "Subtraction of the form 16 − □ ".

Lesson type: combined.

Lesson form: story lesson.

Lesson Objectives: 1) improve the ability to subtract a number in parts;

consolidate knowledge of the composition of the number 16, the names of the components

when adding and subtracting;

to form the ability to solve problems in two steps;

2) develop cognitive activity, the ability to analyze,

draw conclusions;

3) cultivate curiosity, a sense of mutual assistance,

love for mathematics.

Equipment: handouts "sun" and "cloud"; didactic visual material, board.

During the classes:

Organizing time

That's when the bell rang.

The lesson starts.

Very quietly you sit down

And do not be lazy to work.

Each of you has a sun and a cloud on your desk. Assess your mood. I really want you to have a good mood until the end of the lesson.

Updating of basic knowledge

Today we will go to a fairy tale. But what is the name of the heroine of this fairy tale, you will find out if you guess the riddle:

Grandmother loved her granddaughter very much,

She gave her a red cap

. The girl forgot her name.

Well, tell me, what was her name?

Together with Little Red Riding Hood you will go to your grandmother. The path lies through the forest, and there are many surprises, so you need to be attentive, resourceful and friendly.

Verbal counting.

1. The game "Who is faster."

1 row: 2 +8 +7 −10 +3 −4 +6 +4 16

2 row: 6 +4 +9 −10 +1 −5 +8 +3 16

3 row: 3 +7 +6 −10 +4 −3 +4 +5 16

What number did you get?

What can you tell about the number 16?(its neighbors are numbers 15 and 17;

It is two-digit, it has 1 ten and 6 ones.)

A task: Mom baked 10 pies with jam for grandma, and 4 less with cabbage. How many pies with cabbage did mom bake?

How many cakes did Mom bake for Grandma in total?

2. A minute of calligraphy.

Write the number 16 in a notebook for a whole line, but first we stretch our fingers.

Finger gymnastics "Fingers say hello."

3. Finding unknown components of addition and subtraction.

So, we, together with Little Red Riding Hood, go to grandmother.

We walked, we walked through the forest and went out to a sunny clearing, and on it flowers were apparently invisible.

Find what numbers are missing?

+ 7 + 7 = 16

8 + = 16

6 = 16

16 – = 6

How to find the unknown term?

How to find the unknown minuend?

How to find the unknown subtrahend?

Working on a new theme

Well done!

We continue our way, but someone calls us for help.

Look, an evil spider has caught a ladybug in its web.

Can we help her?

Students at the blackboard calculate the meaning of expressions with an explanation.

16 – 7 = 16 – 6 – 1 = 9 16 – 7 = 9

^ ^

6 1 7 9

16 – 8 = 16 – 6 – 2 = 8 16 – 8 = 8

^ ^

6 2 8 8

16 – 9 = 16 – 6 – 3 = 7 16 – 9 = 7

^ ^

6 3 9 7

What interesting things did you notice?

(reduced equal, subtracted increases by 1, so the difference decreases by 1.)

What conclusion can be drawn? (The more we subtract, the less remains.)

Well done, ladybug is free.

And here is a new meeting!

Who is waiting for us?(hedgehog, hare and squirrel)

The animals want to tell us something very important. The animals say that a wolf lies ahead of us.

Which road to send the wolf so that he does not have time to reach us

to grandmother.

_______________________________ _____________________

How do you know how long one line is longer than the other?

(must be measured from the length of the larger segment subtract the length of the smaller one.)

Well done!

While the wolf is coming, we will rest.


Get up, stretch,

Bend in two, unbend.

Three - in the hands of three claps,

Three nods of the head

Four arms wider

Five - wave your hands,

Six - sit quietly at your desks.

Consolidation of what has been learned.

Relax, let's move on.

And here is the hunter. He promises to help us if the wolf suddenly gets ahead of us, but we must complete his task, solve examples.1 row 2 row 3 row

15 – 6 15 – 8 14 – 9

15 – 9 15 – 7 13 – 8

7 + 6 9 + 8 8 + 6

6 + 6 – 7 8 + 5 – 9 7 + 6 - 4

After solving on their own, the students compare their answers with the answers on the board.

Who made the right decision?

Who made one mistake? two? three?

We are getting closer to my grandmother's house, but the river blocked our way.

We can cross the bridge if we complete the following task.

There were 9 carp swimming in the river, and 2 less pike.

Ask a question so that the problem can be solved in two steps.

(- How many fish swam in the river?)

Under the guidance of the teacher, work is carried out on the task and a short note is recorded.

Karasey - 9


Pike - ? 2 less

One student writes down the solution and the answer on the back of the board, and the rest independently solve in notebooks, then check.

So we approached the house, but first you need to climb the stairs so that the door opens.

One student goes to the blackboard and performs calculations, "climbing" the ladder.

Here is the grandmother. She is glad to see her granddaughter Little Red Riding Hood. Grandmother thanks us for helping her granddaughter and prepared a riddle for you:

Someone in the morning, slowly

Inflates a red balloon.

And how to get out of hand -

It will suddenly become light around.(Sun)

(The teacher attaches the sun to the board.)

Read what is written in the sun?Well done!

Summary of the lesson. Reflection.

And so the fairy tale ended.

We got ahead of the wolf, helped Little Red Riding Hood get to her grandmother.

What did you like about the lesson?

What have you learned?

What is your mood now? Show.

(children show either the sun or a cloud.)

Thank you all very much. You did a very good job.

Lesson 125

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Lesson 125

Lesson Objectives: consider cases of subtracting single-digit numbers from the number 16 with the transition through a dozen; to consolidate the ability of students to solve problems and expressions of the studied types.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Calligraphic minute.

16 16 16 16 16 16

III. Verbal counting.

1. "Chain".

2. Decipher the word, find out the boy's name.

(The encrypted name is Andrey.)

IV. Learning new material.

1. Consideration of cases of subtracting single-digit numbers from the number 16 with the transition through a dozen.

Differences are written on the board:

16 – 7 16 – 8 16 – 9

Students explain how they will find the values ​​of these expressions. (Expression values ​​are found in two ways.)

2. Writing a subtraction table from the number 16.

In notebooks, students write down (with commenting) the table:

16 – 7 = 9 16 – 8 = 8

V. Solution of expressions.

Consolidation of students' knowledge of tabular addition and subtraction.

For this purpose, task 1 is orally performed (p. 79 of the textbook, part 2).

Task 2 is completed with commentary (p. 26 in notebook No. 2): students insert the missing numbers, proving the correctness of their choice.

For example:

The difference between the numbers 16 and 6 is ten.

In order to get the number 7, you need to subtract three from ten, which means that the number 3 is missing:

16 – 6 – 3 = 7.

Reduce thirteen by three to make ten. To get the number 18, add 8 to ten:

13 – 3 + 8 = 18. Etc.

VI. Work on tasks.

1. Solving simple problems.

Students read task 2 (p. 79 of the textbook, part 2).

- Read the terms.

- What is the question asked about?

- Let's make a diagram of the task:

- Write down the solution to the problem.

(16 - 6 = 10 (hours).)

- Formulate and write down the answer.

Students formulate and write down the answer.

Answer: 10 people.

2. Solving compound problems.

Next, the children read task 3 (p. 79 of the textbook, part 2), highlight the condition and the question, name the data and the desired number, make (under the guidance of the teacher) a short note, independently ( followed by a frontal check) write down the solution, formulate and write down the answer.

1) 6 - 2 \u003d 4 (d.) From Art. class

2) 6 + 4 = 10 (d.) in total.

Answer: 10 girls in total, 4 of them from high school.

Then students in pairs solve problem 1 (p. 26 in notebook No. 2) followed by a self-check.

VII. Work on the development of observation, logical thinking of students.

At the end of the lesson, students can be offered tasks that contribute to the development of observation, logical thinking.

For example:

1. Without calculating, determine Which amount is greater:

- Prove you are right .

2. Which figure is not drawn?

(Answer: no pentagon drawn.)

3. Word game(p. 79 of the textbook, part 2).

(Answer: 1) Vitya composed 12 words;

2) Viti has 3 words left. )

VIII. Summary of the lesson.

– What do you want to say?

What task was the most interesting for you?

- What else would you like to do?

– What would you do differently?

- Whose work would you like to recognize?

195 – 262

Preparing to get acquainted with the addition technique

Two-digit and single-digit numbers with a transition

To another category.

195 – 199,

Adding double and single digit numbers with

Moving to another category. Problem solving.

200 – 204

15 Improving computing skills. 205 - 208,

Problem solving. Computing skills and


209 – 214,

Problem solving. Improvement of computing

Body skills and abilities.

215 – 218,

219 – 225

Subtracting from a two-digit number is unambiguous

Go with the transition to another category.

226 – 230,

559, 565

And skills. Problem solving.

231 – 235,

Improvement of tabular skills


236 – 240

Improving Computing Skills

And skills. Problem solving.

241 – 243

Control work number 7.

24 Problem solving. 244 - 247,

508, 513

Control work number 8.


248, 249,

Table continuation

Improving Computing Skills

And skills. Problem solving.

250 – 254

Improving Computing Skills

And skills. Problem solving.

255 – 262

3rd quarter (40 hours)

Double figures. Addition.

Subtraction (continued - 11 hours)

263 – 298

1 Acquaintance with the reception of addition of two-valued

Numbers with a transition to another category.

263 – 268,

510, 514

Addition of two-digit numbers with the transition to

Another rank. Problem solving.

269 – 273,

522, 525

3 Improving computing skills. 274 - 277,

Formation of computational skills and


278 – 280,

Improving Computing Skills

And skills.

281 – 283,

532, 534

Control work number 9.

Subtracting a two-digit number from a two-digit number

With the transition to another category.

284 – 287

Improving Computing Skills

And skills. Problem solving.

288, 289,

501, 502

Improving Computing Skills

And skills. Problem solving.

290 – 293

10 Problem solving. 294 - 298,

Control work number 10.

Angle (3 h) 299 – 304

Introduction to angle. Comparison of angles by

Chine. Square.

299, 300

Sharp and obtuse angles. Comparison of angles by weight


301, 302,

Approximate lesson-thematic planning

Table continuation

Right angle. Square. 303, 304

Rectangle and square (3 hours) 305 – 315

Polygon, rectangle, square. 305 - 315

Three-digit numbers (23 hours) 316 - 405

18 One hundred as a counting unit. The structure of the three

Significant number.

316 – 321,

566, 569

19 Reading and writing three-digit numbers. 322 - 326,

552, 554

20 Reading and writing three-digit numbers. 327 -331,

21 Reading and writing three-digit numbers. Solution


332 – 336,

22 Writing three-digit numbers as a sum of times

row terms. Three-digit comparison

Numbers. Problem solving.

337 – 342

23 Reading and writing three-digit numbers. Solution


343 – 347

Control work number 11.

25 Problem solving. Reading and writing three-digit


348 –352

26 Reading and writing three-digit numbers. Difficult-

Nie and subtraction of two-digit numbers with transition

The house is in a different category.

355 – 360,

Oral addition and subtraction of numbers within

Lach 100. Problem solving.

361 – 366

28 Checking the mastery of the topic. 367 -372

29 Checking the mastery of the topic. 373 - 377

Control work number 12.

Table continuation

Approximate lesson-thematic planning

31 Addition and subtraction of three-digit numbers on

The basis of knowledge of their discharge composition.

378 – 382,

520, 523

32 Adding and subtracting hundreds. 383 - 385,

527, 529,

33 Unit of length - 1 m. Roulette. 386 - 391,

553, 555

34 The ratio of units of length (1 m, 1 dm, 1 cm) 392 - 397,

560, 562,

35–36 Problem solving. The ratio of units of length. 398 -405,

563, 577

Control work number 13.


IV quarter (28 hours)

Multiplication. Displacement

Multiplication property (14 hours)

406 – 457

Meaning of multiplication. Names of com-

Components and results of multiplication.

406 – 409

2 The meaning of multiplication. 410 - 414,

3 The meaning of multiplication. 415 - 417,

573, 579

4 Multiplication by 1 and 0. 418 - 421,

Preparing for tabular smart cases


422 – 426,

6 Problem solving. 427 - 429

7 Commutative property of multiplication. 430 - 432

8 Multiplication table with the number 9. 433 - 435

Approximate lesson-thematic planning

Table continuation

Table multiplication with the number 9. Solution


436 – 441

10 Table multiplication with the number 9. 442 - 445

11 Table multiplication with the number 9. 446 - 449

12 Table multiplication with the number 9. 450 - 453

13 Problem solving. 454 - 457

Control work number 14.

Zoom in several times (7 hours) 458 – 484

15 The concept of "increase in ..." and its connection with the definition

Multiplication line.

458 – 461

16 Table multiplication with the number 8. 462 - 465

17 Problem solving. 466 - 469

18 Problem solving. 470 - 473,

570, 576

19 Table multiplication with the number 8. 474 - 478