Mole cleaner for sewer pipes. Mole - Proven Pipe Cleaner Installation Mole Pipe Cleaner

We constantly use sewerage in everyday life, so sooner or later we are faced with the problem of clogging of sewer pipes. What to do if the water drains slowly? in a simple way The solution to the problem is a chemical cleaner for sewer pipes - getting into the pipeline, they eliminate dirt and grease deposits.

Perhaps the most famous pipe cleaner is Mole: the combination of high performance and affordable price allows it to remain among the leaders among brands in its category. The tool is time-tested - even our grandmothers used the Mole. This name has become a household name, some call it any pipe cleaner. Over time, the Mole has not lost its relevance, today its merits are as obvious as in Soviet times.

Mole can be found in the form of a liquid, gel and granular powder. The chemical composition of the product differs only in the percentage of water. There are both small packages that are enough for 1-2 uses - for apartments, and large ones - for businesses, for example, for restaurants, dry cleaners or hotels. There is also an enhanced version of the composition of the Krot sewage product, which is characterized by a high content of active substance

Blockages most often occur in places where food debris can catch on something: siphons, bends in the pipeline, seams, protrusions, bumps and roughness. Vegetable fats act as a sort of glue, holding together collagen fibers such as hair and fish scales. Over time, blockages cling to more and more food debris, accumulate and layer them, growing and increasing in volume. Blockages prevent the free passage of drains, lead to a narrowing of the pipe and cause an unpleasant odor. If you notice these symptoms, this is a sure sign that a cleaning is needed.

What is included in the Mole?

The action of Mole is aimed precisely at dissolving fats of vegetable and animal origin, the remnants of protein tissues and collagens, which are the basis of blockage. The composition of the Mole pipe cleaner from different manufacturers may vary slightly, but its main components are unchanged:

  • Caustic soda (sodium hydroxide) is the main active ingredient in the product. It is a catalyst that dissolves organic matter. Mole contains 40-60% of the substance.
  • Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid acts on calcified deposits in the pipe and softens the water, making up to ten percent of Mole's composition
  • Potassium hydroxide is another alkaline compound that destroys organic waste, its content in the composition is approximately 5-10 percent. Potassium hydroxide is dangerous for human mucous tissues, so the product should be used with caution.
  • Distilled water. It is 25 percent in the solution and about 5 percent in the gel.
  • Surfactants. They allow you to weaken the surface tension in the blockage structure.

Usage algorithm

Before using Mole, you must read the instructions on the package - the cleaning agent may have a composition that cannot be used in plastic sewer systems. Also, the required amount of substance and the exposure time may vary slightly. Before buying, check the expiration date, over time, the Mole loses its effectiveness.

Keep personal safety in mind when cleaning drains. You need to interact with the Mole only in rubber gloves, and, if possible, in goggles. Contact with the product on the skin can lead to a chemical burn, so the damaged area should be rinsed as soon as possible under running water, if the Mole gets into the eyes, it is also necessary to rinse them and drip eye drops sulfacyl sodium, then, if necessary, consult a doctor.

It is better not to leave Mole sewer pipe cleaner in the system for a long time, for example, overnight. Excessive use of it adversely affects the condition of the pipeline. After cleaning, the packaging should be tightly closed and stored out of the reach of children.

Mole for the sewer system is one of the best solutions when clearing blockages. Due to its low price and high efficiency, it is popular to this day, despite its venerable age. Not surprisingly, many continue to use the Mole to clean the sewers.

Mole pipe cleaner has been popular for decades. With its help, it is possible to maintain the functionality of the household by successfully combating blockages that occur in pipes.

At the same time, the relevance of the Mole cleaning agent remains today, which was not affected by the changes that have occurred with sewer pipes and wastewater. The former, for the most part, became plastic, and the latter changed their chemical characteristics, but the substances that make up the famous product still cope with their task.

The most obvious benefits:

  1. Ease of use due to the absence of the need to disassemble the siphon.
  2. Keeping clean, which could not be ensured in the case of using a device in the form of a metal ruff.
  3. Quick clog removal.
  4. Instant readiness for use, since it is not assumed that any preliminary procedures are mandatory.
  5. Low cost against the background of other similar remedies for blockages.

Varieties of "Mole"

The modern market offers the sewer pipe cleaner in question in several versions, depending on the shape and packaging. Going for the "Mole" to the store, you may be faced with what you will be offered:

  • powder, which is a granular mixture;
  • liquid;
  • gel.

If you want to save money, then you should give preference to the gel, since the existing consistency ensures the slow spreading of the product over the surface, which reduces its consumption. At the same time, serious blockages, which almost completely prevent the passage of water, are unlikely to be removed with a gel. In this case, it is advisable to choose a liquid form of the agent in order to ensure its full penetration to the problem area in the pipe.

As for packaging, the Mole product can be packaged in fairly large containers and small bags oriented to several uses. You can also buy a concentrated version of the product, designed for the fact that it will be diluted in 10 liters of water.

Mole Turbo (gel)

Composition - alkali, an optimized mixture of surfactants and sodium hypochlorite. Volume - 1 liter.

The effectiveness of the gel lies in the fact that, due to its shape and high content of active substances, it quickly dissolves the blockage created by fats, collagen fibers, proteins and fatty acid salts. It is considered a good option for any pipes, regardless of the material of their manufacture.

Mole Tornado (gel)

Mole Ingredients: Water, 5-15% surfactant, sodium hypochlorite, sodium hydroxide. Weight - 1000 g.

Application: pour the gel into the drain hole, wait a bit and wash off the remaining blockage with water by opening the tap. If it does not help, then you should repeat the procedure again.

Usually, about 15 minutes is enough time to remove the blockage. This tool is suitable for use regardless of the type of pipe. The gel-like form of "Mole" and a sufficient content of active substances is a guarantee that the blockage will be removed.

Mole Tornado (granules)

Composition: granular form, including an inorganic filler and sodium hydroxide. Weight: 90 g.

Application: pour the pellets into the drain hole, excluding the possibility of their contact with stainless steel and enameled surfaces. Add a small amount of warm water (about 40 degrees), and after a few minutes rinse the system. It is possible to repeat the procedure if it was not possible to achieve the desired effect.

How it works

Before proceeding to the study of the principle of operation of the "Mole", you should understand the essence of the occurrence of blockages that form in the following positions:

  • siphon;
  • bends;
  • junctions of individual parts of the pipeline, sealed with rubber rings.

If we sum up the above list in a certain way, then we can say that a blockage appears where there is a possibility of catching on something. The surface inside the pipe over time becomes covered with a film of fat, which becomes a kind of adhesive tape for various debris. Gradually, it accumulates, the lumen of the pipe narrows critically and a plug occurs that prevents the normal passage of drains.

The pipe cleaning mole is designed to cope with the softening and dissolution of deposits, doing this as efficiently as possible. Under its influence, grease and debris lose their adhesion both to each other and to the walls of the pipes, which makes it possible to wash away the blockage with running water. It is worth noting that Mole is also suitable for sewage.


The drug in the form of a liquid can not be used immediately without shaking. You need to shake the container a little, then measure about 250 mm, and then pour it into the drain hole. Please note that these instructions for use are only suitable for liquid products.

Mole for cleaning pipes, like any tool that gets rid of blockages, is toxic. Avoid getting the drug on the skin.

As for the powdered "Mole", here the procedure is identical to the previous one, that is, use the drain hole so that the product is inside the pipeline. Only in this case, pour in the granules and make them active by adding a certain amount of water to them.

After carrying out one of the indicated procedures, it remains only to wait for the remedy to show its effectiveness, which will take about 1.5 hours. Then it will be necessary to flush the system to remove the remaining plug. This can be done with the usual tap water(hot is preferred) by opening the tap.


The pipe mole contains quite a lot of caustic substances, which makes you think about safety rules, such as the use of gloves for protection. If there was a hit:

  • skin, rinse immediately with water. Treat the reddened area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin with Bepanten or any other with similar properties;
  • in the eyes - rinse them and try to get to the hospital as soon as possible;
  • in the digestive tract - drink maximum amount water and seek medical attention.

How much is the mole

Mole is not the most expensive remedy and is in the economical range. Disposable sachets with granules cost from 25 rubles. Liquid reusable products are more expensive, from 45 to 110 rubles.

Choosing Mole, first of all, you will save the budget. And only then do you buy effective remedy sewer cleaning.


Such a fairly popular tool for cleaning sewer pipes, like Mole, known back in Soviet times, is widely used today. Though chemical composition Since domestic wastewater has changed over the past few decades, the main ingredients of the product are still able to cope with pollution.

Benefits of a sewer cleaner

Mole for cleaning the sewer has the following advantages:
  • minimum waiting time for cleaning results;
  • you don’t have to disassemble the siphon under the sanitary ware - you just need to pour the product into the drain hole;
  • low price (compared to other modern means for cleaning sewer pipes);
  • no dirt is formed, in contrast to the method of cleaning with a flexible cable.
When using the Mole, it does not hurt to use the classic plunger. The pressure it creates is sufficient to remove the contaminants softened by the agent in the pipes.

In stores, Mole for sewer cleaning is presented in the form:

  • gel;
  • translucent liquid (usually dark brown);
  • granulated powder.
The composition of the product, regardless of its form of release, includes the following substances:
  • distilled water (5-25%);
  • sodium hydroxide (40-60%);
  • potassium hydroxide (5-10%);
  • EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, 5-10%).

The principle of operation of the Mole

Means Mole is a solution of inorganic alkali with active additives. It allows you to effectively destroy deposits inside sewer pipes.

Usually blockages in the pipeline appear in such places:
  • knee;
  • bends;
  • siphons;
  • tow in cast iron elements;
  • rubber seals (plastic pipes).
Thus, hard deposits usually cling to uneven surfaces, ledges and drops, and it is in these places that they accumulate. Animal and vegetable fat is a kind of adhesive base for collagen fibers, and those, in turn, are overgrown with growths that make it difficult to drain and water and exude an unpleasant odor. You have to get rid of these contaminants.
The substances that Mole contains for sewage contribute to the softening and decomposition of household and food waste inside pipes that are not washed away by running water.

The most difficult to remove from the sewer system are vegetable and animal fats, fatty acid salts, proteins, collagen fibers (fish scales, human hair and animal hair). Mole's active components are able to destroy these deposits, this is precisely the principle of pipe cleaning.

Variety of packaging

A pipe cleaner called Mole is available in different packages - the options can be seen in the photo. In some cases, a small amount of a substance is required for a single use, while in others a large amount is required due to the need to clean several plumbing fixtures at once. Large packages of funds are usually purchased for dry cleaners, laundries, hotels, catering establishments, beauty salons, hairdressers and other large facilities.
For such consumers, funds are produced in packages of 5.5 liters, since the amount of drains at these facilities is many times higher than the needs of residents of ordinary apartments.

Of great importance is the unpleasant smell that comes from the composition for cleaning pipes, so solutions with flavors are produced for public enterprises that drown out the smell of chemicals. Of course, such products are more expensive, but these additives do not affect the effectiveness. Therefore, if you need to clean the sewer without overpaying for it, it is better to choose a regular drug, without flavorings.

Mode of application

When sewer cleaning is performed - Mole must be used in accordance with the instructions. It is easy to use and has been popular for decades. The label indicates how the Mole is used correctly - this is how it should be used. See also: "".

The most common variant of the remedy is liquid.

Instructions for use:

  • shake the contents of the package;
  • pour 200-250 milliliters of liquid from the bottle into the drain hole, observing safety measures;
  • leave for 1.5-2 hours, at this time do not use the plumbing product;
  • flush the pipeline with plenty of tap water.

Safety rules while working with Mole

by the most active ingredient Mole means is sodium hydroxide, which is dangerous for humans - if it gets on the skin, it can cause a serious chemical burn. The situation is much worse when the composition gets on the mucous membranes and eyes.
In the event that the product nevertheless dripped onto the skin, it is necessary to clean the affected area with plenty of water and consult a doctor. If the Mole gets into the eyes (or any other chemical means for cleaning the sewer), rinse them thoroughly and get medical help as soon as possible.
The remedy is especially dangerous if it gets inside, into the gastrointestinal tract - it can cause serious poisoning, up to death. Therefore, in this case, you need to drink a large amount of water (at least 2 liters), and immediately call an ambulance.

It should be noted that sodium hydroxide is of particular danger. Other substances that make up Mole, such as surfactants and EDTA, do not pose a particular threat to human life and health, but it is better to avoid contact with them. It should be borne in mind that the more sodium hydroxide in the product, the more dangerous it is if it comes into contact with the skin and eyes.

Such a tool as Mole has been used for several decades, and during this time its quality has been confirmed.
  • before pouring the product into the drain hole, open a tap with hot water for a couple of minutes so that the sewer pipes warm up;
  • after 1.5 hours, pour 1.5-2 liters of water and use a plunger so that the product penetrates into the deeper layers of fat and lime deposits.

If sewer cleaning is required - Mole will help to quickly and effectively eliminate deposits inside the pipes. Although there are more than modern facilities elimination of pollution in sewer pipes, Mole is still one of the most effective ways clearing blockages. The components of this drug quickly dissolve the formed deposits, which are then easy to get rid of - just wash them off with running water.

A clogged sink or bathtub drain creates many problems. Fat deposits, food debris and other debris accumulate on the inner walls of sewer pipes, significantly reducing their diameter. There is an arsenal of ways to deal with blockages, from chemicals to mechanical devices. Mole is a pipe cleaner that quickly dissolves deposits and dirt, opening up a drain for water. Inexpensive drug is available to any consumer, but before using it is worth familiarizing yourself with its composition and features of the action.

Why is there a blockage in the pipes?

The sewer system is not a straight pipeline, it has bends, turns, elbows and siphons. In these areas, solid particles linger, gradually accumulating to the state of a plug. One of the reasons that provoke blockage is the ingress of fat into the system, it covers the smooth walls of the sewer pipes with a sticky mass, holding debris.

Blockage in the sink

Attention. The real enemy of siphons and pipes is hair, it is they who cause stagnation of water in the bath and shower.

Ingredients of Mole

The range of chemicals for dissolving debris and grease in pipes is regularly updated with new products. The sewer cleaning mole has been used for decades. Among the many proposals, he does not lose his popularity. What is the secret of the effectiveness of the drug? To find out, you need to study its components:

  • The main active ingredient is sodium hydroxide or caustic soda. It is a powerful alkali known for its aggressive effect on organic matter. Caustic soda NaOH occupies from 45 to 60% of the total volume.

    Attention. When using a preparation containing caustic alkali, you must take care of your own safety, protect your hands with rubber gloves.

  • In products made in the form of a liquid, distilled water accounts for 25%.
  • Potassium hydroxide (potassium lye) - 8-10% of the drug, the substance serves as a catalyst and fat solvent.
  • Active surfactant additives - up to 10%.
  • Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid is a safe substance that is a stabilizer for household chemicals and a water softener.

The composition of the Mole cleaning agent does not change when it is released in various physical forms (dry or liquid).

How does the remedy for blockages Mole

The accumulation of dirt that blocks the flow of water occurs in various hard-to-reach places and pipe turns. Remove and unwind the siphon on your own, and after washing, install it in place - not everyone can do this task. It is much easier to pour or pour Mole into the drain hole and wait for the time indicated on the label. Caustic active alkalis effectively liquefy and partially dissolve organic cork. PVA reduces surface tension at the site of blockage. It remains only to rinse the sewer pipes with running water.

Advice. Various companies are engaged in the production of Mole means. Their products differ in percentage active substance. It fluctuates up or down, so it is better to find out the time to clear the blockage in the manufacturer's instructions.

Forms of release of the drug Mole

On the shelves of household chemicals departments there are products called Mole in various forms of release:


Due to its thick consistency, the gel-like agent is evenly distributed over the inner surface of pipes and siphons. It spreads slowly and is economically consumed. Active substances gels are capable of destroying the most persistent organic matter, and at the same time the engineering system is disinfected. The cost of a gel-like preparation is higher than other products.

Gel Mole


A liquid cleanser is a form of cleanser that is popular with consumers. The mole is offered in various capacities from 1 liter bottles to 5 and 10 liter cans used for commercial establishments (hairdressers, hotels, laundries). Mole Drain Cleaner is easy to use, penetrates deep blockages and effectively softens them.

Liquid Mole

Powder and granules

The dry preparation is highly effective in cleaning pipes and serves as a powerful prophylactic agent. The packaging of the product is usually designed for one application. Granules begin the process of corroding organics after contact with water. For a complete cleaning, you will have to wait a rather long time, and then rinse the pipes with plenty of water.

Dry means mole

Advice. When a chemical reaction takes place in the pipes, gas is released and an unpleasant odor appears. To get rid of it, you can open the windows. Some manufacturers add aromatic fragrances to their products, but such a product will cost more.

The benefits of the drug

Despite the creation of more and more effective formulas for eliminating blockages in sewer pipes, Krot is confidently holding its own among the popular brands of household chemicals. Among the advantages of the active composition, the following can be distinguished:

  • performance. With the help of an alkaline agent, the garbage plug dissolves in a short period of time. It takes about 1.5 hours to clear the blockage in the most difficult cases.
  • Available instructions. It is easy to use the drug, you do not need to mix anything, heat or carry out other manipulations. The liquid is poured into the hole and after a specified time it is washed with tap water.
  • There is no need to dismantle the sewer system or get dirt out like when using a plunger and a plumbing cable.
  • Affordable cost is also a significant factor. Mole from blockages is not inferior in effectiveness imported analogues and is much cheaper.

Pouring funds into the drain

Instructions for using the Krot pipe cleaner

Before using the drug, read the manufacturer's instructions on the label. Methods of use are somewhat different depending on the form of the drug:

  1. Wear rubber gloves to protect your hands.
  2. Shake the contents of the bottle of liquid or shake the sachet of granules.
  3. Open the package and pour / pour the drug in the required amount into the sink drain, sewer pipe or toilet bowl. The dosage of the liquid is 200-250 ml.
  4. After falling asleep dry matter, a glass of water is poured.
  5. The agent is left in the pipes for 1-2 hours, then washed with a large volume of water.
  6. If necessary, the procedure is repeated.

Instructions for a liquid product

Advice. For preventive purposes, the drug is used 1-2 times a month.

Precautionary measures

The product contains active caustic components, which, if it comes into contact with the skin and mucous membranes, cause a chemical burn. It is especially dangerous for the eyes and ingestion of the human body. In such a situation, you must immediately go to the hospital. In case of skin contact with the drug, immediately rinse the area with water. The product is stored tightly closed, it is placed away from food.

Time-tested effective remedy for blockages Mole will help clean and disinfect sewer pipes and appliances. With regular use, it will prevent the settling of fat on the walls and the accumulation of debris in individual nodes of the system.

The comfort of our life sometimes depends on very prosaic things. One of them can be classified as a sewer in an apartment or house. With proper care, pipes serve us regularly and for a really long time.

You can clean the sewer in different ways, and numerous chemicals very popular in this regard. At the same time, many people ask the question: is it possible to use "Mole" for plastic pipes? How to properly clean the plastic sewer?

Mole pipe cleaner: chemical composition and purpose

What is the main problem of sewer drains, siphons and pipes? In their periodic clogging. Household drains are full of various suspensions and solid particles. All this settles on the inner surface of the pipes and sometimes forms real plugs.

With some "gags" neither the plunger nor the plumbing cable can cope. Sometimes there is simply no time for such manipulations. Chemical cleaners then become almost the ideal solution. "Mole" among them is very popular, it is known to even the older generation.

This cleaner is cheaper than analogues, it “works” quickly and with good effect. But if earlier sewer pipes were predominantly cast iron, now plastic prevails. Is it allowed to use Krot for plastic pipes?

The cleaner is sold in three main forms - liquid, gel or powder. At its core, it is an inorganic alkali plus active additives. All together, this makes up a tool that dissolves or at least softens all kinds of food and household particles that settle inside the siphons, at the places of various connections and in the pipes themselves.
What substances and particles are "afraid" of this agent:

  • fats (whether animal or vegetable);
  • protein compounds;
  • human hair, animal hair.

How to use "Krot"?

The use of a means for cleaning pipes and drains does not differ in any subtleties. It is necessary to pour liquid, gel or powder into the drain hole of a bathtub, sink or toilet. When using powder, add a glass of water to the drain. Then you need to not use the plumbing for some time to let the cleaner work. The last stage is flushing the sewer with a significant amount of water.

There are two subtleties of using a cleaner that are not indicated in the instructions:

  1. It is advisable to warm the sewer with hot water if possible before filling the product. Cleaning plastic pipes will work better.
  2. The second trick is to work a little with a plunger at the end of the "Mole" action. This allows you to permanently remove the internal layers.

Alkali is harmful to the skin and mucous membranes, but the use of "Mole" according to the instructions excludes contact. Nevertheless, the work with the tool should be careful.

When should the remedy not be used?

The last question remains: is it possible to pour "Mole" into plastic pipes? The instruction to the tool does not prohibit this, which is not surprising. The mole itself in the form of a liquid and / or gel is packaged in plastic packaging. And nothing happens with vials.

And modern plastic pipes are subject to strict requirements in terms of strength and resistance to various aggressive influences. So really high-quality plums, siphons and pipes are not afraid of cleaning products.

We conclude: you do not need to believe the stories about the sewage system that dissolved in the Mole, about leaks and subsequent repairs. Good sewerage work consists of properly selected materials, high-quality workmanship and timely cleaning!