Honey with flour for lactostasis. The use of various compresses for lactostasis - how effective? We prepare a remedy for abscesses and other skin ailments

Almost every modern mother understands how important it is to properly breastfeed a newborn baby. However, this process does not go smoothly for everyone, sometimes there are complications in the form of milk stagnation, and associated inflammation in the chest. Lactostasis is one of the most common problems of a nursing woman. You can get rid of unpleasant symptoms, do not harm yourself and your baby, on your own with the help of special compresses.

Laktostasis is a disease characterized by stagnation of milk in the breast. It must be treated as soon as it is discovered.

Lactostasis and methods of dealing with it

What is lactostasis? This disease is diagnosed when milk stagnation occurs in any segment of the breast. The causes of the phenomenon may be different, and the result is a milk cork that prevents the exit of the liquid. The tissues surrounding the problem area swell, forming a seal. In this place, the skin may turn red, and light pressure causes pain. A frequent manifestation of this disease is fever. It is very important not to miss the moment, otherwise a completely harmless lactostasis can develop into a more serious problem - mastopathy.

Lactostasis is quite treatable folk remedies. At home, you can fight milk stagnation with compresses. Such procedures will help a nursing woman feel better - the stagnation of milk will gradually resolve, and the pain will go away.


Cabbage is the most effective and budgetary way to get rid of lactostasis

Cabbage compress must be done according to the rules. Let us dwell on the features of this treatment in more detail:

  1. No need to use the top leaves of the head. First, disassemble the cabbage forks a little, and select a leaf from the second or third layer - then it will be more juicy.
  2. It is important that the leaf is dry, without traces of water, which will only dilute the healing juice. It is recommended to first wash the cabbage well, then air dry. So that each time you do not have to prepare raw materials for the compress, you can immediately select several sheets, rinse and dry them, then store in the refrigerator.
  3. This type of treatment is good for early stage diseases when the seal has not yet been localized. In this case, it is recommended to cover the entire mammary gland leaves, leaving the nipple free. The leaves should also cover the underarm area.
  4. It is best to fix the cabbage compress with a bra - pitted with a cup that completely covers the chest.
  5. How long to keep the compress? It is advisable to update it every hour and a half. Otherwise, its effect will be low.

The duration of treatment with cabbage compresses can be two to three days. Throughout this period, you need to check the problem area - try to express milk as soon as the seal becomes softer and more pliable.

Treatment with vegetables

Compresses from the most common vegetables, such as potatoes, will help get rid of the disease.

Compresses from other vegetables are also effective. What vegetables will help with lactostasis? Treatment with folk remedies is quite affordable for every mother. Consider all types of vegetable compresses separately, as well as their advantages and disadvantages:

  1. Onion. For him, you need to take one small onion and grate. Then add a spoonful of honey and flour to the resulting gruel, make a cake. "Stick" onion dough on a sore spot overnight. This compress is not without drawbacks - it is quite difficult to chop the onion, and the smell of the cake will remain on the linen. If the onion is pre-baked, you do not need to chop it, and you can apply it to the chest without honey. The effect will not be worse, and the smell is almost imperceptible.
  2. Beet. The red vegetable also has healing properties, and is quite capable of coping with lactostasis. Beets need to be chopped on a grater and wrapped in a piece of gauze or cloth (we recommend reading:). Attach to the chest, cover the compress with a film, put on a bra. Despite good efficiency and simple preparation, this type of treatment is not very popular. Beetroot juice will surely find a way out from under the cellophane film and can stain the laundry.
  3. Potato. Just like beetroot, this compress is prepared from a vegetable grated on a fine grater. You need to apply the gruel from potatoes by wrapping it in a piece of clean cloth. It is better that the mass is cold - you can pre-cool it in the refrigerator. Experts recommend applying potatoes immediately after feeding - in a couple of hours the product will soften the seal, relieve swelling, and the woman will have a chance to express stagnant milk before or during the next feeding.

Other types of therapeutic compresses

Kombucha has amazing beneficial properties, which allows it to be used in the treatment of lactostasis

Not only familiar vegetables can cope with lactostasis. There are other recipes for compresses that can be made at home:

  1. Figs. For this compress, you need one dried fig and half a glass of freshly boiled milk. Pour wine berry with milk for two hours. During this time, the figs should soften and become pliable (see also:). Squeeze out excess liquid and press the soft fruit to the chest, fix well. After two hours, change the compress to a fresh one.
  2. Tea mushroom. If there is kombucha in the house, it can be used as a remedy. It is enough to take a piece of the fungus, corresponding in size to the affected area, and fix it on the mammary gland for a couple of hours. This procedure is extremely effective, kombucha has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.
  3. Honey cake. In rye flour, you need to add a little honey, gradually kneading a dense dough. From the resulting mass, make a cake, which can cover the seal on the mammary gland. Cover with foil, tie with a scarf. Honey cakes should be changed every half an hour.

Recipes for the simplest compresses

Sometimes there is no time to prepare a remedy. Simple recipes for compresses from improvised means will help:

  1. Cottage cheese. It is necessary to attach a cottage cheese cake with a minimum percentage of fat to the chest, cover with a film and tie with a cloth. Refresh such a medical bandage every twenty minutes.
  2. Chamomile flowers. For the procedure, you need an infusion of chamomile. First you need to pour a glass of boiling water two tablespoons of medicinal herbs, insist for an hour. Then strain and chill. Immerse a small piece of bandage in the infusion, wring it out and distribute it on the affected area. Top with foil or parchment paper, fix with a handkerchief. Moisten the bandage as it dries, however, no more than three times a day.
  3. Rice starch. You will need rice starch, which must be diluted in water. It is necessary to achieve a fluid, thick consistency - like a dough for pancakes. Lubricate the bandage with a ready-made “dough”, make a starch compress. You can keep it up to two hours, preferably twice a day.
  4. Magnesia. You need to take a couple of ampoules of magnesia and soak a bandage in it, then wring it out a little. Cover with a bandage inflamed area and secure with a bandage. It is important to ensure that the fabric soaked in the medicine does not get on the nipple. If there is magnesia powder, it must first be diluted with water. Remove the dressing after the liquid has completely evaporated. Such a compress perfectly relieves inflammation and promotes the resorption of stagnation. However, there is a possibility that magnesia will cause an allergic reaction, so you should first apply the medicine to the skin near the elbow and wait half an hour. If the skin does not turn red, there will be no irritation on it - you can safely make a bandage.
  5. Ice. Ice will help to express milk, even in the presence of stagnation. You need to take a few cubes from the freezer, wrap them in a handkerchief, and apply to the nipple and surrounding tissues for two minutes. Then carry out pumping milk, gradually kneading the chest. This procedure can be done up to fifteen times a day.

It is important to start treatment on time to avoid complications in the form of mastopathy.

What Not to Do

Some folk recipes in no case can not be used in the fight against lactostasis. The most popular of them are camphor oil, dimexide, alcohol or vodka. Let's take a closer look below:

  • vodka or alcohol compress. On the one hand, alcohol is quite capable of coping with the task of resolving seals in the mammary gland. On the other hand, there is an opinion that alcohol can contribute to a significant decrease in milk production;
  • dimexide is today considered a toxic substance and is not used in pediatrics. It is perfectly absorbed into the skin, enters the bloodstream, which means that part of this remedy will also enter the milk;
  • camphor oil is also not recommended for use as a compress. It has been proven that its use violates lactation (see also:). In addition, camphor oil should not be allowed to get to the baby along with milk. It is even less useful to add alcohol to the oil, and apply it in the form of applications to the chest. Mom will get short-term relief, and the baby will get a dose of toxins.

To avoid serious consequences, lactostasis should be treated immediately, as soon as the first symptoms appear (for more details, see the article:). If, within three days, relief has not come - the seal has not resolved, the pain has not gone away, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Cabbage leaf and honey cake are traditional medicine. Doctors recommend using them as auxiliary.

But in the initial stage - one of the main ones. They can be used individually and in combination, in any case - it will become easier.

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What it is

- this is the initial form of mastitis, manifested:

  • the appearance of stagnation in one or more milk ducts;
  • local redness over the blockage;
  • pain sensations;
  • slight rise in temperature.

If no measures are taken, lactostasis smoothly flows into. Lactostasis at an early stage can be mistaken for a cold or flu - chills appear.

But the state of health remains normal. And then it is impossible not to notice the pain and redness. At the very beginning of the disease, you can get by with folk methods, then you have to connect medicines and, as the worst option, to carry out the operation.

Therefore, if signs of lactostasis suddenly began to appear, it is necessary to immediately begin to treat it:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to apply the baby to the breast more often. The baby sucks milk better than a breast pump or manual pumping.
  2. Change the position of feeding the child so that he lies with his nose to the stagnant lobule of the mammary gland.
  3. Try to gently massage the chest, overcoming the pain. One of the good methods is to massage the breasts with a warm shower before feeding.
  4. It is possible to use ointments, after consulting a doctor.

If all this helps badly, you can try to add to the measures already taken - a cabbage leaf compress and honey cakes.

How to make a compress

In order for the cabbage compress to work well, you must follow a few rules when preparing it:

  1. Rinse the cabbage leaf thoroughly with warm water.
  2. Then wrinkle or scratch a little with a knife (fork), cut off the protruding hard veins so that the sheet becomes soft and does not press on the delicate skin of the chest during prolonged wear.
  3. Attach the sheet to the chest, cover with polyethylene or cling film and fix on top with a bra.

Sometimes cabbage leaf, to increase the impact on stagnation (relieving swelling and pain), lubricate with honey from the inside.

Note: before feeding, it is necessary to rinse the nipple and areola of the nipple so that the cabbage juice that gets on them does not damage the baby's digestive tract.

How does the cabbage leaf help? IN traditional medicine cabbage leaf is used as a decongestant. And besides, this compress not only relieves swelling well, but also relieves pain - the leaf cools the hot sore chest.

The cabbage leaf on the chest should be left until it becomes thin and dry. Then you need to replace it with a new one. A cabbage leaf compress can be left on the chest, both during the day and at night.

honey cake

Honey is also a good helper for lactostasis, you just need to use it correctly. It doesn't take much effort to make a honey cake.

  • combine one part of honey with two parts of flour;
  • to stir thoroughly;
  • form a cake.

Sometimes other ingredients are added to honey and flour: raw yolk, vegetable oil. Flour can be used both wheat and rye.

The cake is applied to the sore breast, covered with a plastic bag or cling film on top and secured with a bra. It is recommended to keep such a compress from feeding to feeding.

It's important to know: honey is a very strong allergen and therefore it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the chest with warm water after using the cake.

The proposed treatment options for lactostasis are auxiliary and effective only on initial stages process. Allow to achieve:

  • rapid removal of edema;
  • reducing the sensation of pain;
  • positive effect on the outflow of milk.

If lactostasis does not go away after three days, and the symptoms are getting worse: the whole chest hurts, the body temperature rises greatly, new seals appear in the chest, you need to urgently contact the doctors.


To avoid manifestations of lactostasis, it is necessary:

  • regularly change the position when feeding the child;
  • do not hold the breast while feeding;
  • change the squeezing bra to a more spacious one;
  • avoid chest injury;
  • do not take long breaks between feedings.

How to treat lactostasis with folk methods, see the following video:

Breastfeeding is the best nutritional option for a newborn.

It provides the child with everything necessary for development and guarantees the immune protection of the unformed organism.

One of the problems that a young mother faces is the stagnation of milk in the ducts, or lactostasis.

Without proper treatment, the painful condition ends with uninfected mastitis. Compresses - simple and effective method relief of unpleasant symptoms at home.

Stagnation of milk in the ducts is called lactostasis. The main manifestation of the disease is painful hardening of the chest area. A blockage forms in the duct, preventing the exit of milk. The problem is exacerbated by the growth pathogenic microorganisms.If you do not take action, inflammation and complication in the form of purulent mastitis begin.

What symptoms to look out for in order to prevent the onset of the disease:

  • pain at the site of blockage of the ducts;
  • local edema, inside which a compacted area is palpated;
  • redness of the skin in the problem area;
  • feeling of discomfort in the process of feeding the child;
  • painful pumping;
  • deterioration in well-being.

If the listed symptoms are joined by an increase in body temperature to 38-39 ° C, then an infection develops in the body.

Causes of milk stasis in the breast

Common causes of breast congestion are improper attachment of the newborn to the breast and hyperlactation.

In the first case, an inexperienced mother feeds the baby in one position, while not all the thoracic lobes are emptied.

Increased lactation also leads to the formation of cork.

The baby is not able to suck out a large amount of milk. It hides, there is hardening, swelling and pain.

The causes of the development of lactostasis are various factors:

  • Squeezing the ducts with your fingers with improper support of the breast during feeding.
  • Incomplete emptying of the mammary gland and frequent pumping, provoking increased lactation.
  • Wearing a pressure bra.
  • Individual features of a woman: narrow ducts, increased viscosity of milk.
  • Sleep on the stomach, during which there is pressure on the mammary glands.
  • Stress, fatigue or hypothermia.
  • Bruises and other mechanical injuries.

Short-term blockage of the ducts does not pose a threat to the mother and child.

Lactostasis is a temporary condition of the mammary gland. It can be eliminated within 3-5 days without drug treatment. Frequent feeding, with an interval of no more than two hours, will help restore the normal outflow of milk. Before it starts, a warm shower and massage of seals in the chest are recommended. The procedure is performed in a circular motion, from the periphery to the nipple.

Express some of the milk before the baby is attached to make it easier for the baby to suckle. To reduce discomfort in the chest caused by stretching and tissue damage, will help various options compresses.

Types of compresses for lactostasis

Local application of compresses helps to relieve swelling and painful symptoms. They are not considered the main therapy, but help to alleviate the condition of the young mother. The procedure is carried out in between feedings. Use at home is recommended simple recipes from available products.

honey cake

Honey is known as one of the healthiest foods.

It tones, relieves inflammation, has a bactericidal effect.

To make honey cake you will need:

  • Wheat flour.

The ingredients are taken in equal proportions - 1: 1. Honey is melted in a water bath and mixed with flour. You should get an elastic dough. It forms a small cake. The compress is applied to the painful area of ​​the chest. From above it is covered with plastic wrap, fixed with a bandage.

Application time - 15-20 minutes. It is possible to use honey on its own. The product is wrapped in 1-2 layers of gauze and applied to the mammary gland. The duration of the procedure is no more than 10-15 minutes.

Before using honey, make sure that there is no allergic reaction to this product.

cabbage leaf

White cabbage is rich in vitamins, mineral salts and phytoncides.

Fresh leaves of the vegetable reduce inflammation, swelling, and promote the resorption of seals.

Wash the cabbage, remove the dense veins and lightly beat off the surface until the juice appears.

A cool sheet is applied to the chest under the bra and covered with a clean cloth. The procedure does not cause an allergic reaction, so its duration is up to three hours. Periodically, the cabbage leaf is removed and replaced with a fresh one. To enhance the effectiveness of the impact allows the application of a thin layer of honey on the compress.

Cottage cheese

So, a compress from cottage cheese with lactostasis. Cool fat-free cottage cheese relieves swelling of tissues well, helps to establish an outflow of milk. The product is crushed to a uniform consistency, wrapped in a thin cloth. On the chest, it should be no longer than 20 minutes.


Beets are a unique vegetable that preserves beneficial features almost a whole year.

In folk medicine, the root crop is used to treat various diseases.

A compress of finely grated beetroot improves the microcirculation of fluid in the tissues.

Cold compress

The use of cold to reduce tissue swelling is a common practice. To make a compress, you will need ice and a dense, clean cloth. The duration of exposure is no more than 2-3 minutes. An ice compress is applied to the areola of the nipple. After cooling, the breasts are kneaded and the milk is expressed. The full course is 10-15 procedures.

Alcohol compress

Getting rid of problems with blockage of the duct with the help of alcohol compresses is a popular solution to the problem.

It should be noted that the skin of the chest is thin and sensitive. The concentration of alcohol should not exceed 20-30%.

Gauze or a cotton napkin is folded in several layers, moistened in a solution and applied to the area of ​​​​inflammation. From above, the compress is covered with a polymer film and a retaining bandage is made.

Official medicine does not welcome the use of alcohol when getting rid of lactostasis.

The warming effect can exacerbate inflammation in the ducts and breast tissues. There is an opinion that alcohol vapors reduce lactation.


Magnesium sulfate or magnesia topical application improves blood flow in tissues, promotes resorption of seals.

The drug is sold in a pharmacy in the form of a powder or a 25% solution in ampoules.

The liquid product is already ready for use, and the powder must be diluted in water according to the instructions. A small napkin is moistened in a solution of magnesia and applied to the area where swelling has occurred.

The drug dries the skin, so after the procedure it is worth using a moisturizer.

When applying a compress, the nipple and areola are excluded. The damp cloth is covered with plastic wrap. The procedure is carried out until the magnesia solution dries. Its effectiveness was noted by the majority of women treated for lactostasis.

A compress with magnesia can cause discomfort and an allergic reaction of the skin. If you feel a burning sensation, remove the damp cloth immediately and wash your breasts.


Infusions and decoctions of chamomile have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

To prepare the composition you will need:

  • 2 tbsp. l. dried chamomile flowers;
  • 220 ml hot water.

Chamomile grass is poured with boiling water, covered and infused for 1-1.5 hours. The composition is filtered.

A bandage or gauze is moistened in the infusion and applied to the chest for 30 minutes. During the day, the procedure is repeated 3 times.

The elimination of lactostasis should begin immediately after its detection. The goal of all procedures is to restore the normal movement of milk through the ducts. Do not panic at the first symptoms of a problem. Most mothers face this situation when feeding their first child. It usually takes 3-4 days to solve the problem. If discomfort, soreness and tightness in the chest persist for a longer time, then a doctor's consultation will be required.

  1. Start feeding from the breast in which lactostasis has formed.
  2. Before starting the procedure, do a massage.
  3. Wrap your chest for 10 minutes in a towel soaked in warm water, or take a shower. This will expand the ducts.
  4. Express some milk before feeding.
  5. After feeding the child, apply cold compress, which will reduce tissue swelling and relieve discomfort.

Prevention of lactostasis

Several simple tips help to avoid complications in the form of mastitis:

  1. Learn to properly breastfeed your baby, change your position when feeding.
  2. Choose supportive but non-constricting underwear made from natural materials.
  3. Protect your chest from shock and injury.
  4. Do not squeeze the ducts with your hand, support the mammary gland without pressure.
  5. Avoid stress and overwork, rest as soon as possible.

At an early stage of the disease, compresses quickly and effectively help to cope with the problem. Removal of edema, reduction pain has a positive effect on the well-being of a young mother.

Listen to the signals of the body, so as not to miss the development of the disease. At the first signs of lactostasis, normalize the baby's diet, start doing massage and applying compresses.

Related video

The main thing for a woman is the fastest possible diagnosis.

After all, the identification of this pathology at a very early stage of development allows you to cure it with the help of the most gentle and simple techniques at home.

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Signs of the disease

A nursing mother can make such a diagnosis on her own if she notices the following:

  1. Intermittent discomfort or pain in one or both breasts.
  2. A feeling of discomfort in the mammary glands that first appeared during the first few weeks of feeding.
  3. Regularly appearing small (subfebrile) increase in body temperature.
  4. In one or both mammary glands, dense lumps are felt from time to time, disappearing after a woman breastfeeds a child or expresses milk.

What to do

On the initial stage development of this pathological condition it is quite possible to get by with regular pumping and applying various compresses to the affected chest.

Compresses can be very different, as active substance may apply:

  1. Alcohol.
  2. Dimexide.
  3. Salt.
  4. Magnesium sulfate.
  5. Cottage cheese.
  6. Ice and many other substances.

And now in more detail about the most popular types of compresses, with which it is possible to defeat lactostasis in a nursing mother.

In order to put such a compress, you should take honey and flour, mix them until a homogeneous pasty mass is obtained.

Give the resulting substance the shape of a cake and put on a sore chest. A polymer film is laid on top of the mass and tied with a warm scarf.

Note: the procedure is performed only for those women who have not previously experienced allergic reactions to bee products.

The exposure of the compress should be from 15 to 20 minutes. At the end of this time, the cake is removed and the accumulated milk is expressed.

Warming up

Lactostasis responds well to treatment with dry heat, and in order to warm up the skin, alcohol (the ratio of water to alcohol should be 2: 1) or vodka (bring the concentration of ethanol to 30%) is most often used.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Moisten a cloth or gauze of the appropriate size with a pre-prepared alcohol solution.
  2. Apply a compress to the problem area.
  3. Cover with plastic wrap.
  4. Warm up with a warm bandage.

Doctor's advice: exceeding the concentration of ethyl alcohol is not allowed, since an excessively strong solution can lead to burns of the delicate skin on the chest.

Apply the compress regularly, you can not even remove it during feeding.

Curd and absorbable

For a curd compress, you need low-fat cottage cheese.

The cooled mass is applied to the diseased chest, covered with cellophane or other polymer and tied with a cloth. The exposure is 20 minutes.

Magnesia is needed to prepare a absorbable compress. This substance can be purchased at a pharmacy, in the form of a powder or 25% aqueous solution in ampoules.

When applying a compress, the following points must be met:

  1. The dry powder dissolves in water (the ratio of water and magnesia by weight should be 3:1), the solution of the substance from the ampoules can be used without additional dilution.
  2. The resulting solution should moisten a piece of cloth or bandage and squeeze a little (so that it does not drip).
  3. Apply a compress to the sore breast, without covering either the nipple or areola.
  4. Cover it with dry cloth and a piece of polymer film.
  5. Wear a loose bra over the compress.

Such a compress is applied at the end of feeding and remains on the chest until the medicine dries. Magnesium sulfate can be used only if the patient does not have allergic reactions on him.

Use of ice

Another option is a cold compress of ice cubes placed on the areola of the nipple.

The exposure is 2 to 3 minutes. Immediately after the procedure, the mammary gland must be kneaded with strong movements that should not bring pain.

Then the milk is expressed. The number of procedures is from 10 to 15.


This is an ambiguous method of treatment, which has both positive and negative sides.

Dimexide is able to be absorbed very quickly into the bloodstream, and from there into the mammary glands, and even if the compress is applied to one breast, the drug will be present in the milk from both.

The smell of this substance is felt in milk a couple of minutes after applying the compress. In addition, dimexide metabolites may adversely affect the health of the infant.


Salt solution, applied as a compress, reduces the toxic effect of pathological metabolic products, and also inhibits all types of pathogens.

The therapeutic effect is observed precisely in the anatomical region on which the salt compress is applied. The solution for the compress is prepared in this way: 3 tablespoons of salt are added to one liter of distilled water (the temperature should be about 50 ° C) and all this is thoroughly mixed.

Then a piece of tissue is impregnated with the resulting solution, which is applied to the affected chest. The compress is fixed with a bandage.

Compresses for lactostasis have long proven their effectiveness. However, it should be remembered that one can count on their help only in the initial stages of the development of pathology, therefore it is so important not to miss its first signs.

How to put a warm compress, see the following video:

Many face stagnation breast milk. It seems to me that this is often due to a lack of knowledge on this issue. Doctors in maternity hospitals may explain something, and for sure, mothers have read more than one piece of advice. But in practice, it's a completely different matter.

In the early days, it is not always possible to understand that the milk has come, and also whether the baby drank it to the end, whether it should be expressed. And also, a child eats a lot or a little, does he have enough. In addition to these thoughts in the head, there may be swelling and pain in the chest - again, it is not clear why.

The first signs of stagnation

It didn't take long for me to realize that I was stuck. Or as it is commonly called correctly - lactostasis. The chest was bursting almost constantly. The nipple cracked and always made itself felt when feeding. I didn’t know what hurt more - breastfeeding with this breast or the pain from the arrival of milk.

One fine evening, the pain was such that it was not milk flowing through the mammary glands, but something dense, like a stick, was moving forward. For some reason I didn't pay much attention to it. I got used to the fact that I have a lot of milk and I always have it.

On palpation of the chest, I felt a thickening, I tried to crush it with massage and pumping, but it didn’t work - it was very painful and I felt sorry for myself. I was advised to do warm compresses, which is not entirely correct - you need to be very careful with them. If the process of hardening of stagnation has already begun, this can only do harm, which I did.

In the morning I woke up, and the skin on my chest turned pink. In general, I could not cope with the stagnation in this breast on my own (I had to see a doctor), but I saved the second one with a honey cake. The fact is that all warm showers, massages, compresses are effective methods, but only at the very beginning of stagnation, if later - all this only contributes to the progression of stagnation. And how not to miss the beginning of the process? How do I know whether it is already possible or not to heat the chest?

honey cake

A friend recommended this folk method. I immediately liked the fact that the chest does not need to be heated. Even if it does not help, it will not aggravate the situation. To be honest, by that time I was in a desperate situation and did not believe in the action of the cake. However, she helped me a lot!

Preparation and use

Step 1. We take honey and flour in a ratio of 1: 1, mix everything. The cake, like any dough, should lag behind the hands. If it still sticks, add more flour. The consistency of the finished cake resembles plasticine.

Step 2. Pinch off a piece from the cake and flatten it with your fingers to make it flat. The thickness should be 2-3 mm.

Step 3. Apply to the affected area of ​​the chest, cover with a cloth or gauze in several layers. The fact is that honey will soon melt and will be absorbed into a rag. In general, for this procedure, I asked my mother for an old bra - which was too big for me. Conveniently.

Step 4. You need to walk with a honey cake constantly until the stagnation passes. Breaks can be taken for several hours.

The most important thing for any lactostasis

It's simple - mercilessly tseditsya. Take all your will into a fist, remember that you are the strongest on the planet and endure with clenched teeth. The only way! A honey cake helps to draw out the infection that has formed stagnation, it will not drain milk for you and will not come out by itself.

And the main thing to remember is that you just need to endure a maximum of 3 months.

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