What does the male name Elisha mean. The influence of the name Elisha on fate and character

Elisha - a melodious male name taken by the classic for the famous "Tale of the Dead Princess", has a single meaning - "saved."

Name origin

Confirmation that the Hebrew nickname is in the Old Testament history. Back in the ninth century. BC. lived the biblical prophet Elisha, the son of Saphat, who for 65 years predicted the birth of Jesus.

The name Elisha, whose meaning and the fate of the first owner promise salvation, did not become overly popular, but its uniqueness attracts contemporaries, especially in intelligent and bohemian circles.

general characteristics

Little Elisha has a happy childhood as a boy. He grows up as a cheerful, strong, physically developed tomboy, rarely gets sick, is naughty even less often, and is always in a cheerful mood.

Eliseyushka is a very sociable child, he has many friends - peers and older children. It is interesting to talk with this well-read, erudite, quick-witted boy and adults. The boy loves animals, if his parents allow him to get a dog, he will take care of his four-legged friend himself.

School years fly by for Elechka in a constant search for talents: he sings, plays music, draws, plays on stage, plays sports, while not forgetting to get excellent points for his knowledge.

When Yelka's classmates and yard friends are just thinking about choosing a profession, this fellow already knows perfectly well who he will go to study next and what profession he will devote his life to. Although there are a lot of options for a talented guy.

There are many musicians, writers, artists, athletes among the owners of the name Elisha. If the chosen activity disappoints a man, he will immediately change it. Eliseichik is very efficient and hardworking, everything “burns” in his hands, he gives out a lot of practical ideas, creatively approaches crisis situations.

Positive character traits

Elisha is a leader capable of leading a large number of people. His artistry and open, good-natured manner of communication attracts others. At work, the guy is indispensable, and on holidays with friends he always stands for the toastmaster.

As a romantic and emotional nature, Elisha often falls in love, but quickly cools down, but parted with another passion carefully, trying not to offend. He is looking for his only one, which will combine beauty, sincerity, tenderness, sexuality and violent temperament. In the meantime, the search continues, gaining experience and learning the art of love.

Negative Traits

The young man, nicknamed the savior, shows an imperious character and is very jealous of everything that belongs to him. This list also includes close friends.

Spring Elisha is characterized by silence and isolation. He experiences failures without sharing with anyone, and others often take this behavior of a man for arrogance and selfishness.

Zodiac sign

A boy born in Cancer realizes the direct purpose of the name and becomes a savior (chooses a profession related to saving people or animals).
The mysterious Moon will be the patron of the dreamer.
Blue, silver and light green colors in clothes are in harmony with the extravagant appearance of Elisha.
Moonstone will provide the young man with the ability to make the right decisions.


Spruce, Elik, Eliseika, Eliseichik, Lizik, Fox, Elish, Aliseo, Elisito, Ela, Elek.

Name Variations

Elisha, Eliseo, Eliseu, Eliseus, Ulysses, Lyseo, Elisie, Cheyo, Elisek.

Historical figures

1530 - 1579 - Westphalian magician at the court of Tsar Ivan the Terrible, astrologer Elyseus Bomelius.
16th century - Danish Ambassador Elisey Isenberg.
1550 (1554) - 1624 - Orthodox figure, educator, who founded a printing house in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, Archimandrite Elisey Pletenetsky.
1778 - 1830 - Russian artist of the imperial theater troupe Elisey Bobrov.
1822 - 1885 - American politician, military leader Ulysses Grant.
1831 - 1885 - Russian writer, literary historian, critic Elisey Kolbasin.
1920 - 1994 - Cuban poet, translator, author of children's books Eliseo Diego.
1951 - 2011 - Cuban writer Eliseo Alberto.
born in 1944 - Argentine screenwriter, director, producer Eliseo Subiela.
born in 1954 - Chilean racing driver Eliseo Salazar.
born in 1975 - Cuban professional boxer Eliseo Castillo.
born in 1983 Eliseu Pereira is a Portuguese football player.


Meaning: The name Elisha is of Jewish origin. According to the main version, it comes from the Hebrew name "Elisha", which in turn is translated from the Hebrew language as "God is salvation" or "God saves." And by the way, this name was mentioned in the Old Testament, and belonged to the disciple of the prophet Elijah ...

The male name Elisha is not very popular today. But on the other hand, he has excellent energy and good compatibility with many female Russian names. And by the way, this name enjoyed quite good popularity during the existence of the USSR ...

Popularity: At the moment, the name Elisha occupies 56-58 positions in the ranking of Russian names and accounts for approximately 3-5 boys out of 1000 newborns.

Conversational options: Yelesya, Eliseyka, Elya

Modern English counterparts: Elisha, Elisha, Elisias

The meaning and interpretation of the name

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The meaning of the name Elisha promises many contradictory qualities. Usually the bearer of this name is an active, efficient, restless ringleader, unable to sit still, all the time moving towards adventure. He is spoiled and indomitable, inattentive and irresponsible, frivolous, needs guidance and tight control.

Hot-tempered, but cheerful and sincere, adventurous. He tries to help everyone around, not greedy, not a flatterer and not a liar, sincere and fair. There is a small minus - selfishness.

Advantages and positive features: the most important advantage of all bearers of the male name Elisha lies in energy and efficiency. These men never sit still, they are constantly moving, doing something and achieving something new.

Elisha treats badly people inactive, useless, living without a goal. And the bearers of this name also hate people who are prone to self-interest and deceit, albeit insignificant.

There is also a second version of the origin, according to which this name could come from the Greek male name Odysseus.

The nature of the name Elisha

The nature of the name Elisha is such that it actually characterizes the boy as a robber, initiator, organizer, spoiler and simply an irresponsible person. The character of Elisha does not allow the bearer of this name to be reasonable, responsible, executive and obligatory, serious and systematic. On the contrary, in the case of this name, the bearer can always be described as a person incapable of responsible decisions and systematic actions, so everyone around will always be dissatisfied.

The character of all Eliseevs is such that they do not allow others to rely on the bearer for anything. This person cannot be relied upon, he is not capable of becoming responsible, he thinks only of fun and pampering, and even in maturity he can be active, as for an adult man. Yes, and his woman will not be easy, because he cannot be trusted with a single thing, he behaves like a child and always thinks of only one thing - how to get as many new experiences as possible and have fun.

On the other hand, despite the fact that it is precisely such and such a character that this name promises, in many respects the character does not depend on the characteristics of the name, but on additional, and not always less important factors. In this case, the character very much depends on parental upbringing, on the environment, and much more.

Early childhood

From early childhood, a boy, for whom at birth his parents decided to choose a rare male name, Elisha, can have an extremely complex character. Usually, the meaning of this name promises its bearers such traits as stubbornness, emotionality, irascibility, capriciousness, resentment, aggressiveness, intolerance, perseverance, pomposity, self-confidence and selfishness. Moreover, all these features begin to appear in the boy Elisha already in childhood, even before the start of studies as such. The parents of this boy will have a very difficult time, because he constantly contradicts everyone and everything, always argues about everything, never accepts other people's opinions and always conflicts with everyone who is in his environment. Plus, he is too capricious and touchy - he can suddenly begin to demand something for him to buy, regardless of any obstacles, whether it is the impossibility of buying or the intentional refusal of his parents. It is undesirable to refuse such a boy, the meaning of this name endows him with such perseverance and perseverance that he will achieve his goal sooner or later anyway. But the meaning promises not only the above features, there are others that appear in most boys with this name ...

Among other things, the baby, who is patronized by the meaning and energy of the name Elisha, this name can also reward with a bunch of good qualities, the most important of which is sociability. It is with her that Elisha will never have problems - he will always and everywhere find a friend for himself, easily makes contact, never refuses to communicate, is very sociable and talkative.


A teenager, who is patronized by the meaning and energy of the male name Elisha, may have an even more complex nature. The main problem of the boys named by this name lies in the unwillingness to make concessions and uncompromisingness, which already in adolescence begin to appear with their most vivid images. And plus everything, the boy Elisha has a bunch of additional shortcomings, including self-confidence, independence in decision-making, irresponsibility, carelessness, disobedience, adherence to principles, rudeness, irascibility, emotionality, unpredictability, distrust, vindictiveness, intransigence, and incitement. The boy Elisha should not have enemies and ill-wishers, but he will not have many real friends either - the whole problem is that he does not know how to make concessions and requires his friends to give in to him in everything without exception. The value can turn this boy into a leader, an organizer, a person with excellent organizational skills, but too irresponsible and reckless. Such people are never popular in society...

Problems can also arise at school, moreover, in large numbers. Firstly, meaning can reward a boy named after Elisha with too strong initiative, and initiative, especially excessive, is far from always rewarded and welcomed. Secondly, this boy can be too mobile and naughty, which will naturally cause a lot of negativity among teachers. And thirdly, he is too self-confident and independent, and always argues with adults, which can also have an extremely negative impact on learning outcomes and communication with teachers.

grown man

The biggest problem of an adult man, who is patronized by the energy and meaning of the male name Elisha, is distrust and fear of telling someone about his problems and experiences, fear of betrayal and deceit, unwillingness to see something good in people. Such people never tell anyone about their own problems and grievances, accumulate them inside themselves, and when the time comes, they simply explode emotionally and cause damage to themselves. But there is also a counterbalance - a man over whom the meaning and energy of the name Elisha dominates, he is a sociable person and always ready to listen, support a person with advice and deed. It is precisely for this that Elisha will certainly be appreciated by friends and peers, colleagues and relatives.

It’s never boring with Elisha, the meaning rewards men named by that name with an excellent sense of humor, excellent imagination and incredible creative potentials - in the end, no matter what happens, this one will always figure out how to cheer up the environment and himself personally. But irresponsibility and unwillingness to think about the consequences often bring a lot of problems, because of which many may simply begin to avoid communicating with him, considering him dangerous. Elisha is unlikely to become a leader or leader, he loves to command, but Elisha will never have responsibility, diligence, prudence and other leadership inclinations. Yes, and you should not count on him as a good specialist in some business either ...

Interaction of the character of Elisha with the seasons

Winter - the winter bearer of the name Elisha is open, seeks to surround himself with the attention of others, is talented and versatile, cheerful and optimistic, but an egoist by nature. He is jealous and domineering, demonstrates power in all possible ways. It will be difficult for his wife with him, it is extremely difficult to win his trust. But he is a good father and a reliable protector of the family.

Spring - spring will be a cheerful and optimistic man, inventive, not ready to sit back. He needs activity and communication. Freedom-loving and independent, he holds on to these qualities to the last - he is afraid of serious relationships and attachment to women. Charming and attractive, knows how to manipulate, but does not use this quality.

Summer - a quick-tempered, unpredictable, mood-dependent little man will grow up here. He does not know how to trust, he tries to renounce true friendship and serious relationships. He finds salvation from loneliness in work - he will definitely achieve success in his chosen activity. He is a born leader, purposeful and practical, hardworking.

Autumn is a lover of communication and positive, charming and pleasant, endearing to people, but afraid of affection. He is honest and fair, sincere, but overly straightforward, and this repels loved ones. Leads in deeds exclusively by emotions and mood, common sense and logic are not for him. He will become a good father and spouse, but the keeper of the hearth is “nothing” from him.

The fate of the name Elisha

The fate of the name Elisha in love, marriage, and relationships with representatives of the opposite sex is such that the guys named by this name do not have a very stormy personal life as a teenager. Yes, they are charming and cheerful guys for the most part, girls love them, but irresponsibility, irascibility and excessive emotional repulsion of many of them even from the simplest thoughts about relations with Elisha. This is a very difficult person, a naughty and a prankster, but by no means a gentleman, and his fate corresponds to him ...

In maturity, not much will change - fate will most likely force Elisha to be alone. But this is unlikely to hurt him very much, because he will simply have no time to search for a soul mate. This one needs an ugly sex life and constant variety, but not the seriousness that adult girls rely on. The fate of Elisha is such that it involves a very long search for a soul mate, one that wants to tolerate him as he is - especially since Elisha himself will never want to change for the sake of love.

But fate also assumes the formation of a man named after Elisha an excellent father. Yes, perhaps he will not be responsible, and he will not become a support for his wife, but he definitely will not hold his father's love. And as history shows, this is how the fate of the practical majority of Eliseevs develops.

Love and marriage

In his youth, Elisha enjoys stunning success with women and does not hesitate to lead a rather stormy personal life with a lot of interesting, but short-term acquaintances. Intimacy plays a very important role in his life. However, he considers his love adventures as a way to search for his one and only chosen one. These searches may be somewhat delayed, so early marriage is not typical for him. But having finally found true love, he will not delay marriage. His wife will be a not very young, morally strong, beautiful, spectacular and bright woman with due patience, as well as the ability to insist on her own point of view.

In family relationships, Elisha becomes a truly faithful and gentle spouse, but he is not a supporter of foreplay and shows his feelings to his beloved only in private. It is important for him to feel the reciprocity and sublimity of their love. He devotes a lot of time to his wife. In addition, he is also a wonderful host and is able to cope with household chores without the help of his wife. He is the main breadwinner in the family, as well as a reliable support and support for the household.

Elisha is a rather soft and docile spouse, but he will not allow any woman to make himself a henpecked or sit on his head. The strong character of his wife should be skillfully combined with her good looks, kindness, calmness and desire to share his interests. It is extremely important for him that his beloved wife always supports his opinion and defends his position. Such devotion will be rewarded with Elisha's trust, affection, care, and fidelity.

Elisha as Father

With the birth of children, Elisha shows his best qualities and hurries to take maximum part in their lives. It cannot be said that he refuses to hang out with friends, but now he returns early and begins to appreciate his beloved wife even more. In addition, he loves his babies so much that his wife can sometimes even be jealous of his babies. However, this, of course, is not serious and his beloved simply begins to be proud of her husband.

Elisha is fond of art and sports, therefore, in the educational process of his children, he is actively involved in their diversified development, and also teaches them to find a creative approach to any business. His children often attend all kinds of sections and circles. Elisha usually starts with his childhood passions: basketball, football, music and drawing. However, if the children do not like anything, he will not force them to go somewhere.

He is able to become a good father, a real protector and breadwinner of the family. He helps his wife not only with upbringing, but also with the education of children. Elisha can sometimes teach them lessons himself. And when the children grow up, he makes every effort to ensure that the children receive a quality education. His children grow up independent, honest and hardworking people.

Elisha Horoscope


Aries - the bearer of the name Elisha, patronized by this sign of the zodiac, is afraid of losing independence and freedom, cherishes them, and because of this, remains alone for a long time. He hates flatterers and liars, avoids powerful people. Prefers peace and family circle. Begins to hiccup a life partner at an early age.


Taurus is reasonable, prudent, self-confident, a little self-centered, hardworking, he achieves everything on his own. Unpredictability is not for him - everything goes according to plan for him. He does not accept defeats and failures, he does everything to obtain victory in a dispute or work.


Gemini is a bright bearer of the name Elisha, cheerful, open, the soul of the company, desired in society. Charming and eloquent, he uses this to manipulate people's minds. His goal is to be the center of attention by any means, even if it's a lie. Well versed in people, selective in choosing friends.


Cancer is emotional and quick-tempered, difficult to communicate, too serious and responsible, tries to act according to the scheme in everything, even in relationships. From an early age, he is looking for a chosen one, sincerely believing in true love. Often disappointed in people due to strong naivety.

a lion

Leo - this sign of the zodiac promises a newborn named Elisha practicality, a pure mind, dedication and hard work, the ability to be a leader and leader. Uncompromising, stands his ground to the bitter end, does not accept other people's opinions, considers himself special. Women are delighted with him.


Virgo - and this is a restrained, but very emotional little man who does not know how to trust people, who loves a lonely pastime and tranquility. He has no time to relax or have fun, he is always looking for new hobbies, new work. Ready to grow and improve.


Libra - this sign has compatibility with the ladies of any zodiac. He is cheerful and open, charming and delicate, speaks beautifully and is not rude, sociable and easily makes new acquaintances. Appreciates loyalty and sincerity in people. He hates hypocrites and liars with all his heart.


Scorpio - the owner of the name Elisha, born of a scorpion, will grow up straightforward, a little rude, tough and aggressive, but dreaming of care and understanding. It is hard for him to fight his own pessimism, but he does not hide it. Needs a cheerful, but also domineering wife.


Sagittarius is a person of mood, unpredictable, fickle, changeable, emotional and dependent on mood emotions. He never uses common sense, relies on intuition in everything, rarely trusts anyone and avoids close communication, even with ladies.


Capricorn - here a complex, two-faced, unpredictable character is bestowed. It's hard to get along with such a person. He is both tough and hard, and vulnerable and emotional. He needs a second half compliant, frivolous, driven, which will be easy to manipulate. With this, he will be a "good boy".


Aquarius is a serious, unemotional, diplomat by nature, sociable, but in moderation, gets along well with people, but is kept neutral. He has no time to complain about everyday troubles and wait for support, he is a hard worker, achieving everything himself and acting for the benefit of himself and his family.


Pisces - and this bearer of the name Elisha, is a creative person who loves art in all its manifestations. Sociable and versatile, sociable, loves "nothing to talk about." With him it is easy and at ease, and this he attracts. The compatibility is excellent, he is courteous and caring with the ladies, he will always help and never betray.

Compatibility with female names

The best name for Elisha is considered to be compatibility with such female variations of name forms as Anastasia, Ekaterina, Evdokia, Carolina. Astrologers assume that in the case of creating a couple with one of these ladies, there will be every chance of building a really strong and lasting marriage.

With women named such names as Margarita, Diana and Natalya, Eli has a chance to have a good relationship, in which mutual understanding and love will reign, but such relationships will not last long, as the stars provide.

But with Victoria, Angelica and Veronica, experts do not recommend creating an alliance at all, because here the chances for a happy marriage are negligible.

According to the phonosemantic analysis, the name Elisha has such characteristics as “bright”, “beautiful”, “safe”, “gentle”, “light”, “good”. These epithets fully correspond to the bearer of the name, who radiates positive energy and charges others with optimism. This is a kind, sensitive and sensual guy who will always come to the rescue, will not be afraid to stand up for the offended, even if the enemy surpasses him in strength. He is brave, decisive, noble, generous and incredibly charismatic, so no one can resist his charms. Outwardly, Elisha gives the impression of a soft and weak-willed person, but in reality he has leadership inclinations, strives to occupy a dominant position.

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    The meaning and origin of the name

    Linguists who study the secret of the name Elisha are inclined to believe that it is of Hebrew origin and is derived from the rare name Elisha, which in translation into Russian means “God is salvation”, “saved by God”. This name is identified with the character of the Old Testament, a follower of the prophet Elijah.

    In Islam, the prophet Elisha is known as Al-Yasa.

    Some scientists believe that the male name has Greek roots and comes from the name Odysseus (the Latin version is Ulysses). That is what in ancient history was the name of the king of the island of Ithaca, the leader of the Achaeans in the Trojan War. According to this interpretation, the meaning of the name Elisha is “angry”, “angry”.

    Common forms of the name: Elya, Eliseika, Liseyka, Yelesya, Eliseichik, Eliseyushka, Yelyushka, Elesechka, Yelesyushka. A short appeal Lesya is an independent name and an affectionate appeal to such names as Alexey, Oleg, Leonid, Larisa, Olesya.

    Synonyms include: Elisha, Elisha, Eliseo, Eliseo, Elisha, Elise, Elisias, Eliseu, Wallis, Wallis, Ulises, Ulisses, Ulisses, Wallises, Ulisses. Derived patronymics: Eliseevich, Eliseevna.

    Famous and famous people with the name Elisha:

    • artist of the drama troupe of the Imperial Theaters of Beavers;
    • Danish Ambassador Isenberg;
    • an employee of the NKVD and the KGB of the USSR Sinitsyn;
    • Soviet military commander holder of three orders of the Red Banner Goryachev;
    • Russian writer, literary historian Kolbasin;
    • life physician, magician and astrologer at the court of Tsar Ivan the Terrible Bomelius;
    • Archimandrite, founder of the Lavra Printing House Pletenetsky;
    • stylist, director of the fashion department of the fashion magazine Port Kostsov;
    • Portuguese football player Eliseu Pereira dos Santos;
    • Argentine film director Eliseo Subiel;
    • Cuban poet, prose writer Eliseo Diego;
    • Chilean racing driver Eliseo Salazar;
    • French geographer Elise Reclus;
    • Brazilian football player Eliseo Quedas;
    • American polar explorer Elisha Kent Kane.

    Astrology and numerology

    Name astrology:

    • planet - the moon;
    • element - Water;
    • metal - silver;
    • The corresponding zodiac sign is Cancer.

    Magic symbols and talismans include:

    • The number is 2.
    • Color - blue.
    • The plant is forget-me-not, cabbage.
    • The tree is an aspen.
    • The spirit animal is the fox.
    • Talisman stone - moonstone.
    • Lucky day of the week is Monday.
    • Lucky season is winter.

    In numerology, the figure of the name is a deuce, which carries creative energy. A man with such a fate number is intelligent, modest, clean and friendly. Easily converges with people, knows how to make a favorable impression. Thanks to his diplomatic abilities, he settles any conflicts, often acting as a peacemaker. A reliable friend and faithful comrade, a good family man and a caring father. Does not tolerate violence and rudeness, brings good to the world. Prefers to work in a team, can become a competent boss: honest, fair and loyal to subordinates.

    Suitable professional areas for people-"twos": accounting, finance, education, medicine, philology. The professions of a dancer, musician, artist, writer can reveal the creative potential. Oratory skills will help you become an outstanding politician or public figure.

    Among the shortcomings of character, one can single out self-doubt, timidity, indecision, a constant feeling of anxiety and anxiety. A man with such a fate number is a fatalist by nature, believes in omens and often lets the situation take its course. Many abuse his decency and gullibility. The desire for honesty and the inability to lie give the “two” person a lot of problems and emotional experiences.

    Since the full form of the name Elisha consists of 6 letters, this testifies to the refined taste of the man, his gentleness and good nature. He needs support and support. Women idolizes and idealizes, therefore, in love, she often encounters disappointments. He pays a lot of attention to his appearance.

    Literal decoding:

    • E - insight, sociability, desire for self-expression, charm, commercialism and selfishness. Strengthening qualities due to the double repetition of the letter in the name.
    • L - artistry, artistic talent, increased attention to one's person, sometimes capriciousness and narcissism.
    • And - sensitivity, peacefulness, kindness. Subtle romantic nature, hidden behind a mask of practicality and earthiness.
    • C - common sense, the desire for material well-being, authority, stubbornness, unpredictability.
    • Y - passion, impulsiveness, explosive character.

    History and religion

    The name Elisha appeared in Russia with the advent of Christianity, in the 10th century, and quickly spread among all social strata of the population. For many centuries it was in great demand, but in the twentieth century it began to gradually go out of use. Interest in the name revived in the late 90s, when the fashion for old and rare names returned. Today it ranks 57th in the ranking of the most popular in the Russian Federation.

    The church name Elisha is present in the Orthodox calendar, therefore, at baptism, it remains unchanged. The day of the angel will be considered the date coinciding with the birthday, or the day of honoring the memory of the saint, immediately following it.

    The main patron saint of the owners of the name is the prophet Elisha, who lived in the 9th century. BC e. He came from a noble family, by the command of the Lord he was called to serve Elijah the prophet. After the death of the spiritual mentor, he became his main follower. He preached Christianity among the pagans, healed the sick, predicted the future. Worked miracles during life and after death. According to legend, the dead man, who was thrown into the cave with the relics of the saint, miraculously resurrected.

    Name day dates according to the church calendar:

    The formation of personality

    The powerful energy of the name endows its owner with optimism, kindness, generosity and at the same time authoritarianism and a desire for leadership. Elisha needs adequate upbringing and sufficient attention from her parents. Then he can become a harmonious personality, a noble man with healthy ambitions. Otherwise, the boy will turn into an egoist who is only interested in his own personality and reputation.

    Suitable patronymics: Vladimirovich, Nikolaevich, Andreevich, Orestovich, Vissarionovich, Yakovlevich, Yurievich, Timofeevich, Sergeevich, Stepanovich, Potapovich, Petrovich.


    Little Elisha is a charming, energetic, cheerful child, distinguished by courage and prudence. Loves and respects parents, listens to their opinion, tries to imitate adults. Thanks to leadership inclinations and authoritarian nature, he quickly becomes the main one in any team. Easily finds a common language with peers. He is not afraid to stand up for a friend, he will always come to the rescue, he knows how to stand up for himself. He loves animals very much.

    Studying is easy for the boy, because he is smart, quick-witted, quickly assimilates the information received, and knows how to highlight the main thing. He achieves success both in the humanities and in the exact sciences. Engaged in self-education, reads a lot. At school, he does not particularly stand out against the background of other students, he prefers to maintain even friendly relations with his classmates.

    Elisha has an excellent ear for music, artistic talents and creative abilities, so she enjoys attending courses in acting, singing, drawing, and learning to play musical instruments. Parents need to encourage their child's hobbies to reach their full potential.


    Young Elisha is a charming guy with an excellent sense of humor, sociable and cheerful. He continues to engage in self-development, enthusiastically reads interesting and informative literature, but from what he read, he remembers only what he needs. In adolescence, he becomes more stubborn and quick-tempered, but knows how to control emotions and rarely loses his temper. He loves sports, attends gyms, leads an active lifestyle, so it is almost impossible to find a guy at home lying on the couch.

    Elisha begins to feel female attention early, and this fact flatters him very much. Being a brave and fearless young man, he knows how to protect his honor and the reputation of the chosen one, he always stands up for the girls. At heart, romantic, loves to dream.


    Adult Elisha is a smart, kind, honest and sympathetic man with a heightened sense of justice. Not prone to meanness and lies, values ​​​​friendship. A sociable man has a lot of friends and friends, and he appreciates each of them, he will always come to the rescue. He never boasts of love affairs, does not like to talk about his personal life and, in principle, rarely opens his soul to anyone to the end. Prefers to keep thoughts and feelings to himself, is silent about his experiences. Stubborn, quick-tempered, but carefully hides his shortcomings from others.

    The owner of the name is an addictive nature, a little frivolous. He does not tolerate monotony and routine, but he can do what he likes for days on end. When one hobby gets bored, he immediately finds another.

    Elisha loves power and strives for leadership, so do not be deceived by his outward gentleness and meekness. In reality, a man skillfully manipulates people to achieve his goals, but those around him are not even aware of this. They are impressed by his natural artistry, a certain irony of statements, a peculiar model of behavior. It is simply impossible to resist the charm of the owner of the name, which he willingly uses.

    Character traits and fate

    Elisha is a passionate, sensual and kind man who knows how to treat himself with irony. Despite external complaisance and compliance, he has steel willpower, determination and authority. He was born in order to become a leader, so he dreams of becoming the best in any business. He is rarely satisfied with his successes and strives for more even where any other person would have stopped long ago.

    A man is constant in addictions and does not change habits until they become unacceptable. Having reached a dead end, he sharply turns 180 degrees and starts life anew, parting with the past without regret, including the people who were once there.

    Elisha has excellent oratory skills, so she is always in the spotlight, can lead the crowd, becoming the main ideological inspirer. He likes to give others positive emotions, but sometimes he can be irritable, especially if something does not go according to plan. Despite his openness, he does not trust unfamiliar people, treats them suspiciously and wary.

    The information presented in the table will help to better understand the complex nature of the owner of the name:



    temperament type


    Elisha is distinguished by mobility, energy, activity, manages to visit several places in a day. Shares positive emotions with others while keeping negative thoughts and feelings to himself. It does not cover personal problems, therefore it gives the impression of a holiday person

    Intelligence, thinking

    The analytical mindset allows a man to find cause-and-effect relationships, to separate the main from the secondary. He is easily given both the exact and the humanities. Thanks to curiosity and a penchant for self-education, he can become a highly qualified specialist in any industry.


    Developed intuition helps Elisha find ways out of difficult situations, expose dishonest and cunning people, and skillfully adapt to new circumstances.


    Elisha is a highly moral person, true to his ideals. Not capable of lies, hypocrisy and betrayal, has an innate sense of justice. Reliable and responsive friend


    Optimism, energy, kindness, responsiveness, reliability, justice, honesty, purposefulness, sociability, charisma


    Frivolity, stubbornness, irritability, incredulity, secrecy, dominance, selfishness

    Elisha is a diversified guy, so he has a lot of hobbies: from astrology and palmistry to fashion design. He is constantly engaged in self-development, loves to give food for thought, stubbornly and persistently looking for his place in life. This approach allows you to unleash all your creative potential, gain knowledge and skills in different directions. A man simply needs to always learn something new, exchange thoughts and ideas with others.

    Among the most favorite hobbies of the owner of the name: tennis, football, directing, drawing, history, architecture, esotericism, fashion. In adulthood, after many years of marriage, Elisha loves to go fishing alone in nature. Sitting in silence with a fishing rod on the river bank, he recuperates and recharges with energy.

    Combination with the time of year

    Character traits are influenced by the time of year when Elisha was born.


    The "winter" owner of the name is an incredibly sociable and artistic guy. Knows how to parody and copy acquaintances, is the soul of the company. He looks at the world with optimism, but is somewhat selfish. Strives for leadership in relationships, powerful and authoritarian.

    He is a reliable husband and a caring father. He is jealous of his chosen one, it is extremely difficult to win his trust.


    "Spring" Elisha is a cheerful and cheerful man, a little superficial and sociable. Active, freedom-loving, not accustomed to depend on anyone. Never sits idle, prone to ingenuity. Charming, outwardly attractive, knows how to manipulate people, but rarely uses his talent.

    He marries late, because he values ​​\u200b\u200bits independence.


    Elisha, born in summer, is a born careerist, a determined and purposeful man. Hardworking, energetic, always achieves what he wants. He does not know how to trust people, prefers to rely only on himself. Those around are repelled by the quick-tempered and unpredictable temper of the guy, frequent mood swings.

    He pays little attention to his personal life, because he is busy with a career.


    With his love of life and sociability, the "autumn" Elisha wins people over. He is honest, open, but his straightforwardness sometimes hurts those around him and interferes with building harmonious relationships. When making decisions, he is guided solely by emotions, and not by common sense, therefore he often makes mistakes.

    A man will become a loving husband and father, but he cannot be called a reliable keeper of the hearth.


    Nature rewarded Elisha with good health. He rarely gets sick, and if he feels unwell, he approaches the problem with humor and a share of self-irony, as if turning the disease into a joke. Regular exercise helps keep the body in good shape and stay in excellent physical shape.

    Vulnerabilities include: cardiovascular system, organs of vision.

    Elisha needs to avoid stress, increased stress and overstrain, as they negatively affect the mental state, provoke nervous breakdowns and neuroses.

    Work and career

    When choosing a profession, Elisha prefers the one that promises the greatest income, since material security is the driving force for him. in search of myself and better conditions work can change many areas of activity. If it is not possible to achieve what he dreamed of, he becomes depressed, becomes irritable.

    Realization in the profession is extremely important for an ambitious man, so he does not stop looking for his own path to success.

    Thanks to his oratory skills, sociability, charm, he easily joins a new team, adapts to any circumstances. The man is hardworking, inquisitive, responsible and diligent, so he is respected by his superiors. Quickly moves up the career ladder, usually holds a managerial position. He manifests himself as a fair, honest and loyal boss, who is loved and respected by his subordinates.

    The owner of the name subtly feels female nature, therefore, he can become an outstanding designer of women's clothing and underwear. His diplomatic skills and the gift of persuasion will come in handy in mediation: concluding agreements, organizing festive events, negotiating, etc.

    The best professions for Elisha:

    • journalist;
    • editor;
    • translator;
    • TV presenter;
    • musician;
    • Writer;
    • stylist;
    • fashion designer;
    • the hairdresser.


    Elisha has all the makings to become a successful businessman. He knows how to make the right decisions, can independently organize the workflow, distribute responsibilities.

    Money seems to go into the hands of a man, so he will be able to turn a small business into a large influential corporation or enterprise in the shortest possible time. Success accompanies the owner of the name in business negotiations and signing lucrative contracts, because he knows how to subordinate people to his will and manipulate them.

    Elisha likes to help people, so he may well open an orphanage or create a fund for those in need. Perhaps, in old age, a man will give the lion's share of his earnings to charity.

    Love, sexuality, compatibility

    Charming Elisha enjoys increased attention from girls who see in him the perfect combination of masculinity and romance. In his youth, the owner of the name is passionate, but windy, can spin several novels at the same time. Due to the active sexual temperament, he literally does not miss a single skirt, but over the years he becomes more selective and reasonable.

    In a love relationship, Elisha is unpredictable: either he bombards his beloved with messages and pesters with every minute calls, then he disappears for several days, and then returns as if nothing had happened.

    Elisha is attracted to beautiful, smart, economic girls. It is important for a guy that the chosen one shares his hobbies, interests, views on life. He cannot stand criticism from his beloved, because he believes that the other half should support him in everything.

    The intimate sphere of life is extremely important for the owner of the name, so he likes liberated and passionate women. In sex, he likes to experiment, he knows how to please himself and his partner. The sexuality of a beloved inspires a man to new achievements.

    There are great chances for a successful marriage with the owners of the following names:

    • Irina. A romantic guy from the first minutes falls in love with a sensual girl, but for a long time he cannot admit it to himself. As a result, she opens up to the chosen one and is convinced that the feelings are mutual. An atmosphere of love and mutual understanding reigns in the family: Elisha takes on financial responsibilities, and Ira takes care of the household.
    • Tatyana. The family is the meaning of life for both, so everyone works on relationships and is engaged in self-development. Partners do not strive for leadership, but, on the contrary, support each other, work for the good of the family. Such a marriage is doomed to success, but spouses should avoid monotony.
    • Ekaterina. The girl sees in the guy a reliable male shoulder, and the chosen one is fascinated by her charm and sociability. Mutual understanding reigns in the family, but the marriage can break up because of Katya's emotionality. In order not to lose her husband, she should learn to restrain herself and not torment her partner with jealousy.
    • Evgenia. Lovers are united by common hobbies, views on life, values. They like to share thoughts and emotions with each other, so they seem to those around them to be the perfect couple. No difficulties can make partners disappointed in each other.

    A less successful union is possible with the bearers of the following names:

    • Anastasia. Passion immediately flares up between partners, but later people realize how different they are. Everyone is trying to defend their point of view, to become a leader in the family. After a series of quarrels and scandals, a break occurs.
    • Maria. The girl is annoyed by the inconstancy of the guy and his flirting with other women, and the man is repelled by the inconstancy and changeability of the mood of his beloved. Nobody wants to compromise and adapt to a partner.
    • Olga. Elisha becomes an imperious leader in the family, and Olga obediently obeys, but not for long, since it is not common for a wayward and independent lady to indulge her husband in everything. Marriage exists until the patience of a woman bursts.
    • Julia. A temperamental girl, in principle, is of no interest to Elisha, since he is attracted to calmer girls. Yulia does not want to see such a frivolous chosen one nearby.

    Marriage and family

    Elisha responsibly approaches the choice of a future wife: he consults with relatives, tries to get to know the inner world of the bride better. Most often he marries an older lady. In marriage, it becomes softer, sedate, balanced and calm. Nevertheless, the owner of the name cannot be called a homebody - he still likes to spend time in the company of friends, but does not refuse his duties at home. He loves children very much, is engaged in their upbringing, works on the development of talents.

    Laziness and jealousy are the two main character traits that irritate Elisha in women. Next to such a wife, he becomes aggressive and tough, so the girl needs to work on herself in order to save the marriage.

    The owner of the name will never forgive the betrayal and betrayal of the second half: he will not only immediately file for divorce, but also take away the children and most of the property.

    Astrological characteristic

    Features of the character of Elisha depend on belonging to a particular zodiac constellation:

    • Aries. Freedom-loving, independent, will not allow himself to be manipulated. Avoids deceitful, hypocritical and powerful people.
    • Taurus. A hardworking, sensible, purposeful man, he relies on his own strength in everything. Lives according to a predetermined plan.
    • Twins. Charming, extravagant guy who always tries to be in the spotlight. Selective in choosing friends.
    • Cancer. A serious and responsible man with a quick-tempered and controversial character. It is difficult to get along with him.
    • A lion. Differs in intelligence, practicality, purposefulness, considers himself special. Can't compromise.
    • Virgo. Active, active, hardworking, strives for self-improvement. Prefers solitude.
    • Scales. Sociable, charismatic, quickly converges with people, values ​​friendship. It is popular with women.
    • Scorpion. A straightforward, sharp and aggressive guy who is shunned by others. Pessimist.
    • Sagittarius. An infantile, naive, unpredictable and windy man. Lives with emotions, not logic.
    • Capricorn. A dual person: on the one hand, independent and firm, on the other, vulnerable and sentimental. It is difficult for others to understand him.
    • Aquarius. Hardworking, sociable, born diplomat. Never complain about life.
    • Fishes. Interesting interlocutor, diversified personality. He has many hobbies, conquers women with erudition and courtesy.

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    Money has always been my main concern. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the matter is in yourself, all failures are only a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye, or some other evil force.

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    It all started when I ordered a personal...

The unusual male name Elisha is familiar to everyone since childhood. After all, that was the name of the handsome prince who went in search of his bride in Pushkin's "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs". For a long time the name Elisha remained "literary", and only in recent years has it become increasingly common among boys and young men.

Various forms of the name

A little boy named Elisha can be called Yelesya, Elya or Lesya for short. Affectionate and diminutive nicknames for him are Eliseika, Eliseichik, Eliseyushka, Eliseenka, Yelyushka, Elyunyushka.

For an adult male, the name sounds only like Elisha. And if you want variety, then you can use the interpretations accepted in some languages.

On behalf of Elisha, patronymics Eliseevich and Eliseevna are formed. The female counterpart exists only in French and sounds like the male one - Elise.

Celebrities named Elisha

The name is so rare and little used that it is almost impossible to find namesakes among famous people. However, there are still some outstanding personalities:

  1. Elisey Pletenetsky (in the world Aleksey Mikhailovich) (born between 1550 and 1554 - d. 1624) - Orthodox cultural and public figure, archimandrite of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, founder of the first printing house.
  2. Elisey Petrovich Bobrov (1778-1830) - artist of the drama troupe of the Imperial Theater.
  3. Elisey Isenberg - the ambassador of the Danish king, who came in 1572 to Tsar Ivan the Terrible.
  4. Elisey Yakovlevich Kolbasin (1831-1885) - Russian writer, critic, literary historian.
  5. Elisha Kent Kane (1820-1857), American polar explorer and physician.
  6. Elise Reclus (1830-1905), French geographer and historian.
  7. Eliseu Angelo Visconti (1866-1944) was a Brazilian painter and graphic artist of Italian origin.
  8. Eliseo Subiela (1944-2016) - Argentine film director, screenwriter, producer.
  9. Eliseo Salazar Valenzuela (born 1954) is a Chilean racing driver.
  10. Eliseo Diego (1920-1994) Cuban poet and translator, author of books for children.

It is noteworthy that the central street of Paris is called “Avenue des Champs-Élysées”, which is pronounced “chanzelize”, and translates as “Champs Elysees”. According to Greek mythology, this was the name of the territory in the afterlife, where the souls of heroes-favorites of the gods fell after death.

Character and fate

The owner of the name Elisha gives the impression of a soft and trusting person who is easy to wrap around his finger. However, in reality, this man is not so simple: he knows how to set life goals and stubbornly achieve their fulfillment.


Nature generously rewarded Eliseychik with various talents. He draws well, sings, dances and makes progress in sports. The child's musical abilities are especially developed, and if the parents pay attention in time, then Eliseika can become a good pianist or violinist. He is not shy of large crowds and enjoys performing at matinees and school concerts.

Elisha has an amazing imagination. He is able to compose a story about absolutely improbable events, in which he allegedly took part. At the same time, the boy describes the details so colorfully that it is simply impossible to believe that this is fiction. As he gets older, Elisha can start writing small fantasy novels and even get published in various publications.

It is easy for Eliseyka to study at school, he does his homework with pleasure and answers in the lessons. For a well-read and erudite boy, each answer at the blackboard is a kind of performance, since in this case all the attention of the class is focused only on him.

The boy is always surrounded by buddies and friends. In his company, he will definitely be the leader, the initiator of all tricks and fun. The guys respect Elisha for his fair character, because he will never offend the weak, but, on the contrary, will come to the rescue and protect.

In high school, the young man is already determined with his future profession and begins to prepare for entering the university. He reads additional literature, goes to various courses, studies with tutors. Therefore, he does not have problems in the entrance exams.

What can Elisha become in adulthood? If his creative inclinations have not “withered in the bud”, then a musician, artist, artist, writer or journalist. Not daring to devote her life to art, Eliseika will become a good doctor, teacher, lawyer or translator.

In rare cases, the owner of the name Elisha can choose a sports career. Most likely, these will be single sports, for example, wrestling, tennis or fencing, where the guy will be able to again, as in childhood, go out in public in all its glory.


Our hero treats any chosen business recklessly, trying to show his abilities as much as possible.. Not excluding the material side, he nevertheless attaches great importance to the essence of the work, trying to make some kind of invention and achieve success.

A man has business acumen and intuition, as well as good analytical skills, so at some stage he can start his own business - open a restaurant, art gallery, law office or medical center. Elisha will make a good leader, because he himself knows how and loves to work and always encourages this craving in his subordinates. In a few years, the company of our hero will become prosperous, and its owner himself will become a wealthy person.

Even as an adult, Elisha retains affection for childhood friends. Often they work in the same team and always spend their free time together. Our hero is always sociable, relaxed and has a great sense of humor, so in any company he will still be the "highlight of the program."

Few people know that the smiling and positive Elisha is capable of bouts of anger. He can suddenly get angry if one of the employees "ruined" the work, or at cafe visitors who behave too cheekily. In these cases, being close to a man is quite dangerous, because in anger he can even go beyond what is permitted.

Love and family

Elisha from his youth enjoys stunning success with the fair sex. They literally do not give a pass to a handsome and artistic guy, so Eliseyka masters all the intricacies of love at school. He gets so into the taste that he cannot imagine himself without a lady of the heart, and sometimes meets with several girls at the same time.

Our hero likes free, non-binding relationships, and he is in no hurry to tie the knot, realizing that then love adventures have to make a point. In addition, Elisha sees on the example of his friends what difficulties await him in family life, and very carefully approaches the choice of a life partner.

The wife of our hero will be a calm, charming lady who will completely share his views and lifestyle and turn a blind eye to the "innocent pranks" of her husband. She will become a full-fledged mistress of the house, but she will not make a single decision without her husband, believing that this is the only way to act in the family.

Elisha will be an attentive husband and a caring father. He will try to give his offspring the most versatile education and provide all material benefits.

Name Compatibility

Being loving by nature, Elisha nevertheless does not flaunt his intrigues. Carefully looking for a soul mate, he also pays attention to the compatibility tables for female and male names.

Elisha will suit women with a soft and supple character, able to understand and forgive.

With powerful business women who will strive to make a henpecked husband out of their husband, nothing good will come of our hero.

Health and hobbies

As a child, Eliseika is almost never sick. As an adult, he leads an active lifestyle and therefore is not subject to various ailments. In addition, the man adheres to a healthy diet, trying not to gain excess weight. Only in very mature years can there be problems with the heart and blood vessels, which should not be left to chance.

Hobbies of our hero are versatile. He loves cars and enthusiastically changes them almost every year. He is a collector and collects antiques. He participates in various creative competitions and loves to be among the viewers of television talk shows, trying again not to miss his chance to be in the spotlight.

Before marriage, Elisha prefers to spend holidays with a large company at the sea or ski resort. Becoming a family man, goes on tour different countries most often in your car.

The main character traits of Elisha

Possessing a sensitive and slightly frivolous disposition, Elisha nevertheless achieves success in life and becomes a wealthy person. What qualities help him, and what hinder him in achieving his goal? Results in the table.

Our hero named Elisha loves to attract attention. Therefore, his behavior does not always lend itself to generally accepted standards. But it is thanks to his eccentricity and unwillingness to imitate many that he achieves success in life.

Name origin

There are several versions of the appearance of the name Elisha. According to the main one, which is followed by most historians and linguists, it comes from the Hebrew name Elisha, which means “saved by God” in Hebrew.

Elisha - biblical prophet

According to legend, Elisha was the son of a simple plowman, but by the will of fate it was he who was chosen by the prophet Elijah as his disciple and follower. The young man traveled for a long time with a mentor and learned from him the Christian commandments. When, at the behest of God, Elijah the prophet ascended to heaven, he left Elisha as a gift his mantle (mantle) as a sign of the succession of the prophetic spirit.

Elisha died at almost a hundred years old, having survived the reign of six kings. All these years he wandered and performed numerous miracles. The history of Orthodoxy keeps information about how the prophet Elisha made the water of the Jericho spring drinkable, managed to feed a whole city with a few pieces of bread, and supplied soldiers in the desert with water.

Once a woman came to the prophet, who, after the death of her husband, found herself with children without a livelihood. There was nothing of value left in her house, except for a jug with the remains of the sacred oil - oil. Elisha advised the widow to collect all the empty dishes in the house and pour a few drops of oil into them. When the woman did so, before her eyes all the vessels were filled to the brim with fragrant oil. The poor widow was able to sell oil in the market and buy everything she and her children needed.

Repeatedly the prophet Elisha happened to revive the dead people. Even after his death, there were cases when the dead were resurrected only by touching the relics of this holy man.

The memory of the prophet Elisha is celebrated by Orthodox and Catholics on the same day - June 14th. Consequently, the name day of the boy or man Elisha falls on this date. According to church custom, a believer should visit the temple and offer a prayer to his guardian angel.

Interestingly, adherents of the Muslim faith also have their own Elisha. By analogy with the biblical prophet in the Koran, his name is Al-Yasa, and he is a student of the prophet Ilyas. Therefore, some historians insist that the name Elisha first appeared in Muslim countries.

There is a third interpretation, according to which Elisha is a modified form of the ancient Greek Odysseus, which in Latin sounds like Ulysses. In this case, the name, translated from the Hellenic language, means "angry of the gods."

Disputes about which of the versions is the most correct are still ongoing. But in any case, the owner of the name Elisha is provided with divine protection, which affects his fate.

Short form of the name Elisha. Yelesya, Eliseyka, Elya, Lesya, Liseyka, Eliseito, Cheio, Sezeu, Lizeu, Seio, Seiko.
Synonyms for the name Elisha. Elisha, Elisha, Elisias, Eliseo, Eliseu, Elisey, Ulysses, Ulises, Ulisses, Ulisses, Wallis, Wallis, Wallis.
Origin of the name Elisha The name Elisha is Russian, Jewish, Orthodox, Catholic, Jewish, Greek.

The name Elisha has two versions of origin. According to the first version, the name Elisha comes from the Hebrew name Elisha, which means “God is salvation”, “God saves”. This name was borne by one of the prophets in the Old Testament, a disciple of the prophet Elijah. In Islam, the prophet Elisha is also known as al-Yasa (Al-Yasa).

According to the second version, the name Elisha is one of the variants of the pronunciation of the name Odysseus. The name Odysseus comes from the Greek name Odysseus and means "angry", "angry". In Latin, the name sounds like Ulysses. This name was worn by the king of the island of Ithaca, one of the leaders of the Achaeans in the Trojan War, mentioned in Greek mythology. Also, this name sounds like Ulises, Ulisses, Ulisses, there are options with the addition of "o" - Wallis, Walliss.

The diminutive treatment Lesya is also an independent name and an affectionate appeal to other names, for example, Alexey, Olesya, Leonid, Oleg, Larisa.

Among Catholics, Elisha's name day is celebrated on June 14. The remaining dates indicated are the Orthodox name day of Elisha.

Elisha is a good inventor, has a rich imagination. Often he proposes to introduce new rules into well-known children's games. Elisha is musical. Since he has a subtle psychology, he will benefit from classes at a music school in the violin class. During his school years, Elisha does not stand out much from other students. However, Elisha does not give clear preference to anyone, he treats everyone with calm politeness and friendliness. Elisha is athletic, enjoys tennis or football, is able to stand up for himself and protect a friend. The boy is smart and comprehensively developed, spoils his excessive stubbornness.

In his youth, Elisha read a lot. He is interested in any book he sees. However, from what he read, Elisha remembers only what he may need in the future, the rest he decisively discards. As he grows older, stubbornness is added to hot temper, but Elisha has enough intelligence to hide both. Elisha knows how to control himself well. This man does not tend to lie, he has an innate sense of justice.

"Noyabrsky" Elisha is an irritable person, trusts few people. "September" and "October" Elisha is more restrained. He is unhurried and does not tolerate fuss. Having overestimated his abilities, the "autumn" Elisha knows how to admit his mistakes and tries to correct them. In Elisha, born in summer, the main character trait is his kindness and willingness to help loved ones. It is Elisha's willingness to sacrifice his own interests that others often take advantage of.

Elisha is characterized by an analytical mindset, he has abilities in both the exact sciences and the humanities. Elisha will not be able to engage in a monotonous occupation that does not require mental effort and initiative. Favorite business captivates him with his head. He would rather change his specialty than engage in a business that is not interesting to him. But, having changed, Elisha will easily get involved in the work, instantly grasp the essence of the matter. "Spring" Elisha shows abilities in the field of arts. He draws well and plays music. He will make a good musician or artist, and perhaps he will choose an acting or literary career.

Elisha tries not to advertise his feelings and experiences, preferring to experience them alone. Elisha's personal life is hidden from others. In women, a man with this name causes stunning success. Elisha is not dissolved, although he may have several novels at the same time. This is Elisha's way of finding the one who will be his girlfriend for years to come. Having found such a woman, Elisha becomes a faithful, considerate and loving husband. Elisha, born in November, is distinguished by vulnerability and nervousness. He prefers to deal with experienced partners, behaves cautiously with women. It will be many years before he decides to marry.

"Autumn" Elisha is jealous. This is a very temperamental man. In a relationship, he is unpredictable, then surrounds his chosen one with attention, then disappears for a long time. Having married, Elisha becomes a voluntary recluse, devotes himself to his wife.

Elisha has been growing up as a sociable boy since childhood. He gets along well with his peers, quickly becomes a leader in all games, but does not seek to dictate his will. Elisha is cheerful, has a subtle sense of humor. His cheerful nature attracts his peers to him. In communication, Elisha is distinguished by kindness and responsiveness, he is always ready to help his friends. And Elisha has many friends, and he values ​​​​all of them very much. The man named by this name is a devoted and faithful friend.

Born in autumn, Elisha is not a fan of noisy companies, prefers the company of close friends. "Winter" Elisha is more open to others, He, on the contrary, loves big companies. Always in the spotlight, Elisha shows himself to be a talented storyteller, parodying his acquaintances, which causes general laughter. Elisha, born in the spring, as well as the "autumn" is closed and laconic. He speaks little and concisely, does not repeat the same thing several times. Society prefers solitude, spending time with a book or fishing.

Name day of Elisha

Notable people named Elisha

  • Elisey Bobrov ((1778 - 1830) artist of the drama troupe of the Imperial Theaters)
  • Elisey Pletenetsky ((d.1624) archimandrite of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, founder of the Lavra printing house)
  • Elise Reclus ((1830 - 1905) French geographer, historian, anarchist)
  • Eliseo Salazar, Eliseu Salazar Valenzuela ((born 1954) Chilean race car driver, participant in the world championships in racing in the Formula 1 class and sports cars, as well as in the CART and IRL racing series. The only racer from Chile who took part in the world championship " Formula 1.)
  • Eliseu Pereira dos Santos ((born 1983) Portuguese football player)
  • Elisey Isenberg (Danish ambassador. In 1572 he came to Ivan the Terrible with a letter from the Danish king Frederik, in which he assured the king of unchanging friendship, complained that the Russians were taking land and fishing places from the Norwegians, asked for a “dangerous letter” for the ambassadors of Emperor Maximilian Ivan replied to this letter on July 27 of the same year. Magnus's messenger, Kaspar, also came with Isenbreg.)
  • Elisey Sinitsyn (high-ranking officer of the NKVD and KGB of the USSR, organizer of intelligence networks in Poland and Finland)
  • Elyseus Bomelius, in Russian sources - Elisha Bomelius ((c.1530 - 1579) an adventurer from Westphalia at the court of Ivan the Terrible, who was professionally engaged in astrology and magic. In the chronicles he is referred to as the "evil sorcerer Bomelius." He was officially listed as a life doctor. Sometimes he performed duties executioner.)
  • Elisey Kolbasin ((1827 - 1890) Russian writer, critic, literary historian)
  • Eliseo Quedas, Ilisio Quedas, nicknamed Carioca (former Brazilian football player)
  • Eliseo Subiela ((born 1944) Argentine film director, screenwriter, producer)
  • Eliseo Diego ((1920 - 1994) Cuban poet, prose writer, translator, author of books for children)
  • Elisha Kent Kane ((1820 - 1857) American polar explorer, doctor. Member of two sea expeditions in search of John Franklin. The 1853-55 expedition led by Kane discovered the Kane Sea, the Kennedy Strait, the Humboldt Glacier and Washington Land (northwest Greenland ).)