Why is a woman constantly hysterical and swearing. Nervous breakdown and hysteria

Female hysteria is a special emotional state that is practically uncontrollable, accompanied, as a rule, by raising the voice to individually high parameters, crying, and also excessive gestures.

Most representatives of the strong half of humanity, faced with such emotional manifestations, are lost and have no idea what to do. And no wonder - in just a few minutes, an affectionate and caring woman turns into a screaming and waving vixen. To understand how to deal with this, you need to know what can provoke a tantrum, and in every possible way avoid such situations.


The main triggers of female emotional explosions include:

  1. Chronic overwork - unfortunately, today many women are forced to provide for not only themselves, but also their children. Each representative of the beautiful half of humanity has a truly gigantic burden of duties - not only professional, but also domestic. in this case, it acts as a kind of relaxation - in a similar way, a woman simply throws off her accumulated fatigue.
  2. Following the fashion trends that have developed in society - in an effort to maintain themselves in a certain shape, and now a thin figure is considered beautiful, many charmers deny themselves proper nutrition. Their diet simply lacks fats and carbohydrates in the amount required to maintain the health of the nervous system. Sometimes a woman's hysteria is just a direct consequence of banal malnutrition.
  3. A simple lack of time for yourself - the need to take care of everyone and everything is inherent in women by mother nature. It's just that for some it comes to excessive forms - they help everyone but themselves. Outbreaks of aggression and - these are just the harbingers of the coming hysteria. You need to learn how to allocate your time so that precious minutes remain for yourself, the one and only.
  4. Irregularity or complete absence of intimate life - the body of Eve's daughters is designed in such a way that intimate life acts as a physical as well as psychological nourishment for their emotional balance. And one “spark” is enough - the absence of sex for some period, so that the body rebels, gives out a lot of negative emotions.

The reasons for women's tantrums can be different. The above is not a complete list of them. In order not to deal with such consequences, it is better to take care of the psycho-emotional health of your chosen one in advance - to give her more attention and love.

How to respond to female hysteria

Many representatives of the strong half of humanity, due to the peculiarities of their thinking, believe that hysterical outbursts in women arise from scratch. This misconception is fundamentally wrong. By simply ignoring the tantrum, the man thereby achieves the exact opposite result - his chosen one will certainly calm down, but will remember for a long time the fact that her “cry of the soul” was left without due attention and support.

Not many men understand how to respond to a female tantrum correctly. It is not worth demanding reasonable arguments and explanations at this moment. This is a meaningless exercise - a woman simply does not control herself at this moment. She splashes out all the negativity accumulated inside her and simply cannot cope with it.

A man can only listen and show maximum attention and empathy. Sympathy and love are appropriate in such a situation. Attention to words is the key to understanding the problem.

As a rule, a woman at the moment of hysteria directly declares that she was brought to a similar state. Following from this, a man must respond - if a woman needs a strong shoulder on which she can cry, then substitute him. If she wants some specific promises, for example, a trip on vacation to the warm sea, then she should clearly speak out whether the desire will be fulfilled.

Such manipulative tantrums sometimes become the norm in some families. Therefore, they can be ignored by men. Sometimes this is a special personality type, their nervous system, an anomaly that leaves an indelible imprint on a person's personality. Such ladies can literally wind themselves up in a second so that they no longer control their behavior. The best tactic in this case is to listen, to agree, to do it your way.

How to deal with female hysteria

The tendency to emotional outbursts is traditionally considered the prerogative of the beautiful half of humanity. However, one should distinguish between those caused by stress or problems and hysteria. The latter is not always to be encouraged. It is better to anticipate an outbreak of negative emotions in advance and try to stop it at the very beginning of its appearance.

How to stop a female hysteria:

  • in the absence of time for rest, take on at least part of the daily burden, for example, buying food for the family and walking the dog so that the beloved can devote more time to herself;
  • take care of a balanced and proper diet - prepare dinner from light, low-calorie, but nutritious foods;
  • taking your soul mate during a vacation somewhere far away from everyday life, of course, focusing on the family budget, but even a week without household pots will benefit a woman;
  • compensate for dissatisfaction with sexual life with romantic dinners and hot sex by candlelight;
  • if the reason lies in physiology - the premenopausal time of life has come, it is better to seek professional help from a gynecologist, well-chosen hormone therapy simply works wonders with the female psyche.

In no case should you leave your “soul mate” with a problem alone. By ignoring the hysteria, you can face even greater problems in the family - it can be destroyed by misunderstanding and accumulated resentment. Having understood and eliminated the cause, a man will strengthen the marriage, create psychological comfort and coziness for himself.

Not all women are hysterical by nature, sometimes this is their only manifestation of overwork and a cry for help. And you can prevent outbursts of rage in your beloved by simply paying attention to her problems - not far-fetched, but real. So, it’s enough to go for a walk in the park in the evenings or give pleasant little things that speak of love, for example, fragrant bath salts or a new hair clip. Yes, sometimes a simple conversation at dinner about what happened during the day - this will already testify to the man's attention to the cares and affairs of his chosen one, which she will certainly appreciate.

Greetings to everyone who came to the site site! Today we are not going to explain to you why and how strong emotions arise, why and how tantrums arise. After all, in fact, when you generally pay little attention to descriptions, the only thing you need is an instruction: how to cope with a tantrum or

We understand this and want to help you. So just read and do everything as written in the instructions. BUT for psychologists from the site site!

Psychological technique: “How to cope with hysteria on your own!”

Step 1. It is important for you to recognize (realize) that you are having a tantrum or you are simply experiencing an emotion that is inadequate for you.

Your emotions can be strong(resentment, fear, anger, anxiety, shame, depression, longing) and often they are irrational, the reasons for their appearance in a particular situation do not seem clear enough to you, because they appear suddenly and you perceive them as excessive emotions, and everything that happens around acquires a certain totality. But just ask yourself the question: “Why ... .. (I am in so much pain, I am afraid, I am aggressive, etc.)?”

Step 2. Feel the outer emotion.

In order to become aware of a deeper experience, it is important to start from the very surface of experience. “When did I have this experience? In what context did it arise? What did I see, hear, think, what caused me this emotion (anxiety, resentment, guilt, fear, shame, anger). What happened next?

As soon as you start asking yourself these questions, you will feel that strong emotions recede into the background, but this does not mean that you can stop there. After all, everything needs to be completed. Read the third step.

Step 3. “What else did I feel? (before)?"

People often start analyzing their reactions or behavior after the "disaster" has happened. And the true causes of this "catastrophe" will become obvious to you only when you begin to analyze the previous conditions that influenced the occurrence of hysteria or a strong negative emotion. Those, what feeling or experience arose before the tantrum or strong negative emotion? Perhaps it was fleeting, barely perceptible to you. These were superficial emotions. And often it is anxiety that masked a deeper experience and desire to do something or say something important. Or anger, for example, can mask repressed actions or desires to cry..

Step 4. Define the overall process.

Look at the situation from the outside. What does it look like in your life? You can recall a certain number of similar situations and determine the zone of your specific sensitivity and vulnerability, reach out to significant memories from the past. And you can understand that in fact you react so violently not to the present situation, but to the situation that was in the past (it’s just that the present situation is somewhat similar, but it’s not the past!). That is, maybe you had the same anger or fear when you were punished or compared with someone as a child? Or the appearance of anger was preceded by intense envy, and you can recall situations when you were deprived of something and envied others. Who had what you didn't have? In other words, it is important to note “what is similar I do in similar situations?

Step 5. Generalizing your behavior and identifying the cause of the internal conflict.

Summarize all the components of your experience—the surface emotion, the context in which it occurred, the underlying deeper emotion, and the situation in which it occurred in the past. This one: “How to cope with a tantrum on your own!” will allow you to build your deep moods, and you will find those "triggers" of your strong emotions, tantrums and internal conflicts.

Psychological online help to clients on the site site with strong emotional experiences (management of anger, anxiety, fear, depression).

When you seek online psychological help from a psychologist via skype, the psychologist will help you focus you on your feelings, as if protecting you from excessive analysis and distractions on another topic that is not related to your problem.

The psychologist will try to combine your reasoning about the situation and life in general and your energy, which is contained in emotions and experiences. The main thing for a psychologist is not your statements (because the brain can lead to "wilds"), but the process that occurs during your statements.

That is, the following will be analyzed: What do you say and when do you say. Do you live through your words, are you really determined to change something in your life, or are you just arguing. Your feelings during the story. How do you speak: do you express your needs and feelings clearly and completely, or is there something holding you back. Whether you speak for yourself or talk about people in general.

Therefore, you it is important to work with your feelings with a psychologist at a psychological consultation other than working on yourself on your own. You can allow yourself to be different and respond to the stressors of everyday life in a different way, You only need

“Yesterday another hysteria happened ... And there was no particular reason ... no, he was ... but not the kind to throw a tantrum. So I started up and could not stop. She screamed, cried, scattered objects, rushed around the house. It's horrible. And all this was directed at my young man. Today I feel like a squeezed lemon, my head is splitting, a terrible weakness ... And wildly ashamed.
I don’t know how to calm myself down…”

(From the women's forum)

Internet forums are filled with such revelations. Mostly written by women. They ask for reasons, ask for help, try to give each other advice on how to deal with tantrums. But all the recommendations are shattered by the cruel reality - hysteria cannot be controlled, no matter how hard you try. How to stop the tsunami of emotions sweeping away everything in its path - feelings, relationships, happiness, and why this happens, read in this article.

Tired of crying and hysteria, but I can't handle it

It's really hard when you lose control of your feelings and can't deal with them. You understand with your mind that an attack is starting, but you can’t do anything. Any trouble, even the most insignificant, suddenly starts a chain reaction of unnatural behavior - a real emotional storm that cannot be stopped.

Hysterical attacks can manifest themselves in different ways, but there is one thing in common: they are always intended for other people - the audience! Emotions cannot be stopped, they splash out - on the spouse, parents, children. Hysteria falls on their heads with a stream of sobs, screams, running around the apartment, scattering things, breaking dishes ... In general, there are more than enough manifestations - theater! How to deal with this drama and tragedy?

What a hysterical woman looks like is better not to describe - the sight is not very pleasant. And the state of health after the attack is also disgusting - devastation, headache, aches all over the body. Often - a strong sense of shame for their behavior. She doesn't know how to stop a tantrum, how to deal with it. A woman in a state of "switching off" consciousness can cause real harm to herself and others - she can break glass, dishes, break and cut things. In general, the damage is not only moral, but also quite material.

You can try all means to cope with yourself: try to restrain these attacks, play sports, read mantras, hold your breath and silence yourself. various drugs to stop this recurring nightmare. There are many ways, but the result, as always, is the same - nothing helps. After the slightest stress, negative thoughts begin to wind up, and then emotions splash out in a stormy stream of tears, screams and accusations.

What are our loved ones experiencing in these moments? Imagine - in the morning a woman escorts her husband to work with a hysteria, in the evening she meets her husband with a tantrum ... and on Saturday and Sunday she throws a weekend tantrum. How viable will such a marriage be if after each emotional outburst it is more and more difficult to improve relations, and for some reason the husband is moving away faster and faster.

So what is the reason and how to stop it? What causes the unconscious desire to throw a tantrum and why is it so difficult to deal with it? The materials of Yuri Burlan's training "System-Vector Psychology" will help to deal with this. This knowledge will allow us to visit the other side of the stage, behind the scenes of the theater of one actor, or rather, the actress and get to know her better.

Why is it difficult to stop a tantrum

On the forums, women often call any manifestations of discontent - swearing, aggression - a fit of hysteria. Indeed, everything looks very similar, but the reasons are different. In fact, not all women are capable of throwing real tantrums, but only the owners of the visual vector - incredibly emotional, sensual, with an impeccable taste given by nature, a desire for beauty, capable of compassion and empathy.

They cannot imagine their life without love, it is love for them that is the meaning of life. The manifestation of feelings and emotions gives visual women great pleasure, so they easily cry with joy and grief. They sympathize with the heroes of movies and books, animals, plants and admire the bright colors of nature. These women are potentially able to cope with all difficulties and give their love to all mankind, all life on earth!

But where do the tantrums come from? Why, instead of endowing others with their love, do women suddenly begin to hysteria - insistently demand attention and love for themselves?

The roots of the problem come from childhood. A child with a visual vector has an innate fear of death - this is the first human emotion, the strongest and still living in each of us - fear for one's life, fear for oneself.

In the process of human evolution, the emotion of fear of death has evolved from fear “for oneself” into fear “for another”. That is, developed visual people began to fear not for themselves, but to worry about another person. They received the ability to love, sympathize and compassion. And if these feelings are developed and realized in a modern woman, then she will never be subject to tantrums.

What if it's underdeveloped? If for some reason they do not let go of attacks of fear from childhood? If you can’t cope with yourself and are constantly afraid that you won’t get what you need for an inner sense of security and protection from any life’s adversities? If all thoughts are fixated only on themselves and their experiences, then a paradoxical situation arises. Emotions are rushing out, they can not be stopped.

But instead of giving love and worrying about other people, such a woman begins to demand love for herself, pity for herself, attention for herself. Unconscious fear breaks out in a fit of hysteria - screams, tears and other insane actions, up to swallowing pills and threatening suicide.

A similar situation arises if a visual woman is sufficiently developed, but cannot realize her enormous sensual potential in society, when her soul asks to play on stage, but she has to play a one-man theater in front of relatives - in the kitchen. She is ready to love, to create a strong emotional connection ... but she cannot find a response in a partner.

The lack of emotions creates a void inside, which grows, expands, and it needs to be filled with something. And now, from any trifle, an explosion of emotions follows - another fit of hysteria. He can't be stopped, can't be handled until this gaping void is filled.

After such scandals, the woman herself does not understand why such an attack happened, because the reason was trifling. She is uncomfortable that she could not stop in time, often ashamed of her behavior. She is tired of her tantrums, but does not understand what the problem is. And the true reason is in unspent emotions that can no longer be “stored” inside.

The best way to cope with yourself and forget about tantrums

The desire to make a scandal arises from within, and it is very difficult to consciously deal with this phenomenon. Female hysteria is always stressful for the woman herself and for her loved ones. But there are also children's tantrums, which are even more difficult to stop, but this is a big separate issue.

System-vector psychology reveals the characteristics and desires of any person, accurately determining the true motives of his behavior. You can cope with hysteria and stop these attacks if you learn to understand the inner world of a person, to see the most hidden corners of his soul.

“... From the results, first of all, I can say that I have become a much more balanced person: if earlier I could behave ugly and incorrectly in some situations, for example, arrange a violent unbridled hysteria or take offense at someone for a long time and sullenly, now adequately respond to all external stimuli. As a result, my relationships with family and friends have improved. I know how to avoid quarrels with them, and in cases where a quarrel does occur, I know how to behave in such a way as not to aggravate the situation, as it was usually, but, on the contrary, to level it ... "

“...I consider the attainment of inner peace to be my most important result. It doesn’t come in one day, but after a month of training I feel that I have changed myself, and my loved ones felt confident and secure, believed in their strength to move on…”

A woman with a visual vector is either a source of happiness - love and intimacy for the people around her, or a source of suffering - continuous bouts of hysteria, fears and emotional blackmail. It all depends on the direction of her main desire, which she has to realize.

Already at the free online training "Systemic Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan, every woman will receive a deep understanding of her internal states and will be able to cope with bouts of hysteria. Register now.

The article was written using the materials of Yuri Burlan's online training "System-Vector Psychology"

hysteria or hysterical fit- a way of expressing the emotions of a hysteroid personality. It develops in situations where reality does not coincide with the desires of a person and there is a discrepancy between the expected and the actual.

The purpose of the tantrum protest, provocation, attracting attention, obtaining personal gain, manipulating others.
Hysteria often occurs in children under 5 years of age, which is associated with the age-related characteristics of the nervous system and the inability to control emotions. In adults, tantrums are more common among women. In men, this type of behavior is 10 times less common.

Forms of tantrum

  • Hysterical behavior- When interacting with others, a person often demonstrates the following personality traits:
  • ostentatious emotionality;
  • exaggerated experiences;
  • suggestibility;
  • propensity to deceit;
  • flight into illness, when mental experiences are transformed into bodily suffering;
  • desire for parental or partner/spouse custody.
As a result, human behavior looks unnatural and not adequate to the situation.
  • hysterical fit- an acute emotional reaction, a surge of feelings that a person demonstrates, although he does not experience them to such an extent. Manifested by crying, screaming, wringing hands ...
People are prone to hysteria hysterical personality type. Such a character is formed when a child grows up as an idol of the family, but subconsciously feels that the praise of loved ones is not deserved. According to psychoanalysis, the reason for the formation of a hysterical personality type is the “betrayal” of a parent of the opposite sex. The parent begins to pay less attention to the child and reacts to him only when he is upset and violently shows it. This model of behavior is perceived by the child as the most effective and, having matured, he continues to use it.

Hysterical behavior and tantrums make a person "difficult" to communicate. They can have more serious consequences: the destruction of the family, hysterical personality disorder, suicide attempts. In this regard, it is necessary to take measures to correct hysterical behavior.

Why does hysteria occur?

The tendency to tantrums is due to 3 factors:
  • Upbringing according to the “family idol” type, as well as cultivating demonstrative character traits in the child, encouraging “acting” and mannerisms;
  • Congenital features of the nervous system;
  • State of health, exhaustion after severe injuries and long-term illnesses.
Why does a person develop a tantrum? Scientists do not give a definite answer to this question. There are several theories:
  • Hysteria is the displacement of the problem by emotions. A person sees a problem in front of him and tries to force it out of the psyche with a violent manifestation of emotions. The problem often remains unresolved.
  • Hysteria - an attempt to manipulate other people, get attention, get them to do what they want. With the help of a fit of tantrum, a child or an adult tries to achieve what he wants. And in the event that he succeeded once, the tantrums will be repeated. They will become fixed as a model of behavior and will be used in various situations.
A hysterical seizure can be provoked by:
  • refusal of others to fulfill a desire or request;
  • lack of attention or respect;
  • refusal of a request or an unpleasant phrase;
  • prolonged sexual dissatisfaction;
  • jealousy;
  • hormonal disruptions during PMS, pregnancy and menopause;
  • prolonged nervous tension, stress;
  • night shift work
  • chronic fatigue caused by mental and physical activity. this reason can cause hysteria in a strong-willed person who is not prone to hysterical behavior.
The development of hysteria in women contributes to lack of professional implementation. This type of behavior is more common among housewives who devote all their time to family and life. Longing, lack of social life, lack of impressions and attention from the husband provoke hysterical fits. Their goal is to arouse sympathy or guilt in the husband, playing on which the woman is trying to achieve what she wants.
Hysteria in men is not a frequent occurrence. At the heart of a hysterical attack is also an attempt to manipulate loved ones. Less often, the cause may be nervous exhaustion, when there is no resource to solve the problem constructively.

What are the symptoms of tantrums in children?

A tantrum in a child is an attempt to attract the attention of parents or get the desired thing (a toy, sweets, watching a cartoon).

An attack of hysteria in children has vivid manifestations:

  1. Loud crying. It can be theatrical, with sobs and eye rolls, sometimes without tears.
  2. Scream. The child groans, screams, shouts out separate phrases.
  3. Redness of the skin of the face. Less commonly, the face turns pale or blue.
  4. Fall to the floor. Less often, the child lowers slowly and theatrically so as not to hit. He rolls on the floor, punches and kicks.
  5. Hysterical Bridge. The child falls to the floor, arches, resting on the crown and heels.
  6. The child scratches himself with his nails, bites his hands, pulls out his hair, tears his clothes.
  7. After a seizure, the child quickly calms down, especially if he gets what he wanted.

Vegetative disorders in hysteria in a child are caused by changes in the work of the autonomic nervous system, which controls the internal organs:

  1. Vomiting due to stomach cramps;
  2. Respiratory arrest (in children under 3 years old) is a sign of increased nervous excitability leading to spasm of the larynx;
  3. Trembling in the body;
  4. Salivation that occurs with spasm of the muscles of the larynx;
  5. Urinary incontinence due to spasm Bladder and temporary loss of control over it.
A hallmark of a hysterical fit- after his condition, the child quickly returns to normal: the mood improves, the vegetative symptoms disappear. This is especially noticeable if the child managed to achieve what he wanted.
The symptoms of a hysterical seizure are greatly intensified if there are people nearby who painfully perceive the child's behavior and make concessions. Without an "audience" the hysteria quickly stops. The child does not experience the depth of feelings that he demonstrates. On the contrary, children with a hysterical type of character endure trouble quite easily, and their mood quickly changes to the opposite.
It is important not to confuse a tantrum in a child with an epileptic seizure. Call your doctor immediately if you experience the following symptoms:
  • A sharp drop;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • Isolation of foam from the mouth;
  • Cramps - erratic movements that gradually increase and turn into sharp, rhythmic flexion of the limbs;
  • After the seizure, the child feels very tired, does not remember what happened, falls asleep.

What are the symptoms of tantrums in adults?

Symptoms of hysteria in an adult appear only when there are people nearby whom he is going to influence.

External manifestations of a fit of hysteria:

  1. Screaming, accusations, threats.
  2. Weeping out loud, often without tears, with eyes closed.
  3. Shouting out individual sounds, words. Repetition of the same phrases.
  4. Irregular movements. Hand wringing, foot stomping, face scratching, hair pulling, teeth grinding. The movements are convulsive and theatrical, while the person does not cause significant harm to himself.
  5. Fall to the floor. He does this consciously and carefully enough so as not to injure himself.
Vegetative disorders:
  1. Vomiting caused by stomach cramps;
  2. Swallowing disorders associated with muscle spasm of the larynx and esophagus;
  3. Spasm of the larynx, accompanied by a feeling of suffocation;
  4. Frequent urination;
  5. Body trembling - hands tremble, chin trembles;
  6. Temporary loss of function. According to the person, he loses the ability to hear, see, distinguish between smells and tastes, feels numbness in half of the body. These disorders develop against the background of complete health of all organs and the nervous system. Often a person has exactly those symptoms that, in his understanding, should be with the disease.
Violations are associated with a malfunction of the autonomic nervous system and self-hypnosis. At the same time, a person is so amenable to self-hypnosis that he really feels what he says.
The tantrum lasts as long as the audience is willing to pay attention. After an attack, a person cannot thoroughly remember what he said and what he did, but his consciousness is completely preserved. He calms down pretty quickly. Feeling much better, especially if others have made concessions.

Remember that with a hysterical seizure, the following symptoms never occur:

  • foaming from the mouth;
  • biting the tongue;
  • painful blows to the head;
  • persistent requests to enter certain drug;
  • involuntary defecation and urinary incontinence;
  • disturbance of consciousness;
  • lack of pupillary response to light;
  • deep sleep immediately after the attack.
These signs are characteristic of withdrawal syndrome (withdrawal), epileptic seizure or stroke. If at least one of them appears, you need to call an ambulance.

Which doctor should I contact if my child has frequent tantrums?

If a child over 5 years old has frequent tantrums, then a consultation with a child psychologist or psychotherapist is recommended. He will diagnose, determine if there is a disorder, if necessary, draw up a program of psychocorrection (conversations, games, exercises). give advice to parents on how to behave during a tantrum
If tantrums in a child are accompanied by autonomic disorders (stopping breathing, sweating, heart palpitations), then you need to contact a pediatric neurologist for examination.

How is the behavior of a child prone to tantrums corrected?

Tantrums in a child in the vast majority of cases are a passing phenomenon. Prevention of tantrums is based on a change in the approach to education. Parents and grandparents should be aware that if after a tantrum the child gets what he wants, then soon the hysterical attack will repeat. It is important that they be united in their desire to teach the child to behave "like an adult" - to ask, negotiate, wait. If none of the relatives succumb to the child's provocations, tantrums will disappear in 2-4 weeks. Otherwise, even after reaching adulthood, the child will throw tantrums in front of a person who is sensitive to them.

Every child needs individual approach, but there are general recommendations on how to behave when a child has a tantrum:

  • Be calm and reserved. A tantrum in a child should not piss you off. It is important not to switch to an overly affectionate tone or shout.
  • Impossible requests must be rejected firmly and calmly. Explain the reason with persuasive arguments.
  • Pause. Don't rush to your baby at the first sign of crying. The lack of publicity in your face can make him stop hysterical. If this does not happen, go up to the child and say in a calm voice: “I see that you are upset now. We'll talk when you calm down."
  • Ask for help:"I can't figure out what you want. Help me, explain everything in detail. This is how you teach your child to express his feelings and desires in words and look for a constructive solution to the problem.
  • Ask to listen:"You've spoken, now it's my turn..." Remember that you need to be as brief as possible. “I heard you. I will do what is best…”
  • Suggest a compromise:"Let's make a deal with you..." If possible, then make a concession. For example, "We'll buy a doll after payday" or "Chocolate can be eaten after dinner."

Child psychologists offer a simple method based on positive reinforcement:

  • During a tantrum, do not pay attention to the child, do not talk to him until the attack stops. But don't leave the room.
  • As soon as the child is silent, come up and friendly talk to the baby. Don't give in to his demands. But if possible, suggest an alternative.
  • If the child repeats screaming or crying, move away from him and stop talking.
Thus, good behavior is reinforced by a good attitude. In the mind of the child, the thought is postponed: “As long as I behave well, they are affectionate and attentive to me. When I scream, they don't notice me."

Children often throw tantrums in public places. This is because there are many temptations, and there are interested viewers. Parents are uncomfortable in front of outsiders to ignore the bad behavior of the child, besides, they often interfere in what is happening, playing into his hands. To wean a child from tantrums, parents must adhere to the chosen model of education both at home and in public places.

Remember that tantrums in a child or teenager will stop if he regularly encounters situations where hysterical behavior does not work. Indulging whims exacerbates the situation and can reinforce tantrums as a pattern of behavior in adulthood.

Is there a drug prevention of tantrums in a child?

A mentally healthy child does not need medication for the prevention of tantrums. There are no specific drugs that can prevent hysteria.
To reduce general nervous excitability, you can use:
  • mint tea;
  • melissa tea;
  • chamomile tea.
Despite the safety of phytotherapy, it is better to check with your doctor about the dosage and contraindications before taking it.
Homeopathic preparations appointed exclusively by a neurologist or pediatrician. They do not “cure” tantrums, but improve the functioning of the nervous system, increase resistance to stress, and speed up falling asleep:
  • notta;
  • dormikind;
  • nervochel.

How to help an adult with a tantrum?

  • Create a calm environment. If possible, get rid of interested viewers. Give the person a few minutes alone.
  • Sprinkle cold water face, neck, hands. Offer to drink water and wash.
  • Lightly pat your face and hands. Sharp blows can worsen the condition and cause a new fit of hysteria.
  • Do an act that a person does not expect - wrap in a blanket, sing.
  • Give a sniff of cotton wool moistened with vinegar or ammonia A strong smell affects the receptors and certain areas of the brain and will be a distraction.
  • Do not communicate with him. If these measures do not work, then do not talk to the screaming person. Put on an air of indifference and go about your business.
If a hysterical fit developed after a person put forward unrealistic demands, then it is necessary to firmly and calmly refuse. Indulging whims only exacerbates the situation. Tantrums become more frequent, against this background neurosis may develop.

The use of tranquilizers and antipsychotics is only permissible if a psychiatrist has diagnosed a hysterical disorder. Healthy people with a hysterical type of character can be helped by combined natural-based sedatives:

  • persen forte;
  • new pass;
  • phytosed;
  • valocordin;
  • adonis brom.

Should an adult see a psychiatrist after a tantrum?

After hysteria, especially a single one, there is no need to see a doctor if the condition improves within 10-30 minutes.

See a psychiatrist if symptoms appear hysterical disorder personalities. Its symptoms appear constantly, and not from time to time:

  • Constant desire to be the center of attention, regardless of the situation and environment (in line, in public transport).
  • Infantilism- "childish" behavior model - capriciousness, laziness, excessive emotionality.
  • Mood instability. Pictorial flashes of fun or tantrums that always occur in the presence of spectators. Left alone with himself, a person reacts more calmly to similar situations.
  • Pathological fantasizing- a person systematically invents facts in order to embellish himself or slander another.
  • Demonstrated suicide attempts- a person can take a handful of pills in front of the audience or threaten to jump out of the window.

What is the treatment for patients with frequent tantrums?

Hysterical behavior lends itself well to correction. People with a hysterical temperament are not prescribed medications. Treatment is based on psychotherapy and self-help measures. If desired, you can get rid of tantrums in 1-2 months. For this it is recommended:

  • Compliance with rest and sleep. It is necessary to go to bed and wake up at the same time, giving at least 7 hours of sleep. During work or study, it is worth taking breaks, alternating mental activity with physical activity.
  • Exclusion of psychotraumatic situations- quarrels, conflicts, noisy entertainment, watching thrillers and horror films.
  • Normalization of the hormonal state via medicines. The level of sex hormones in a woman significantly affects her emotional state. A gynecologist-endocrinologist prescribes treatment to normalize estrogen levels.
  • Regular sex life. Sexual release helps to normalize hormone levels. It also improves the neurochemical processes occurring in nervous system and helps reduce stress.
  • Increasing the level of self-esteem:
  • Stop comparing yourself to others. It is permissible to compare the present self with the past self;
  • Repeat positive statements about yourself;
  • Make a list of your strengths and achievements;
  • Every day, selflessly help others, without talking about it;
  • Get a job that brings pleasure;
  • Make decisions on your own without seeking the approval of others.
  • Alternative discharge methods:
  • Sports - tennis, cycling;
  • Dancing;
  • Physical work (in the garden).
  • Mastering relaxation skills:
  • yoga;
  • meditation;
  • autotraining.
  • Change in attitude. Tantrums occur when expectations don't match reality. Therefore, you should not expect much from people and upcoming events, so as not to be disappointed.
Even if a psychiatrist has diagnosed histrionic personality disorder, psychotherapy is the mainstay of treatment. The doctor prescribes antipsychotics or tranquilizers only when signs of depression appear.

Any scene of hysteria causes unpleasant emotions and leaves a bad aftertaste. And even the eyewitnesses of the scene, not to mention its participants. What are the causes of female tantrums and how to deal with them?

In ancient times, ancient healers called the disease, accompanied by uncontrollable outbursts of emotions, the word Hysterus, which is translated from Latin as "womb rabies." Doctors believed that this ailment was characteristic only of women with an unstable hormonal background. To date, it is known that hysteria is by no means a female preference, men are also subject to it. However, according to statistics, there is one hysterical man for every 10 female hysterics.

What causes hysteria? As a rule, female hysteria comes from impotence and a desire to achieve from others what a woman has long wanted to receive. Hysteria in this case is the highest point, the threshold of emotional restraint that a woman transgresses when she can no longer endure. This is a kind of valve for the release of accumulated grievances. This process is uncontrollable for the woman herself.

Often, hysteria is associated with all sorts of female ailments, hormonal changes in the body.
Hysterics are divided into three categories:

1. Hysteroids are individuals who from birth have impulsive character traits, a developed and mobile imagination. These are artistic natures who are easily excited and are good at the art of manipulation.

By the way, congenital hysteria often not only does not violate their adaptation in society, but helps to reach certain heights. One of the very revealing examples of hysteroids is Zhirinovsky. Hysteroids are not treated, the maximum that they are shown is psychotherapy aimed at correcting behavior.

2. Suffering from hysterical neurosis. This condition is both congenital and acquired. Often, its first manifestations can be seen even in childhood, when the child suddenly falls, begins to roar heart-rendingly and clobber the floor with his hands and feet for little reason. And it is at these moments that you need to immediately deal with neurosis.

The main thing is to teach the child that you will not react to his seizures. Indifference is your best assistant against such escapades. A hysteric always needs an audience; without it, the intensity quickly fades away. And, of course, a child with signs of hysterical neurosis must be treated by a child psychologist. Otherwise it will get worse.

3. Suffering from hysterical psychopathy. These people are definitely not manipulators and blackmailers, their behavior is not a pose or an artistic trick, but a severe form of mental illness.

Hysterical seizures in these patients are of a rough, brutal nature - with loss of consciousness, impaired motor functions(legs are suddenly taken away) and even a hysterical arc (when the body arches with a bridge). These people need serious psychiatric treatment.

How to stop hysteria?

With the exception of serious medical cases where specialist help is needed, there are a few quite effective methods stop the tantrum.

If possible, just get out of sight, leave the tantrum alone, and the attack without "audience support" will stop on its own.

Sometimes, if the tantrum is not the most extreme, a simple glass of water offered to the erupted person can help.

A quick and sudden pain effect will help to cut off a mild attack. You can sharply squeeze the hysterical hand, pinch it painfully, or even give a slap in the face, although, of course, all these are extreme options. It is better to try something suddenly and quickly distract the tantrum. For example, discreetly call his mobile phone.

If a tantrum was thrown by a person who is usually calm and reserved, but explosive, do not try to argue, be silent, listen. He will calm down and regret his outburst.

And one more observation: in general, emotional outbursts are normal and useful if they are appropriate.