Report on practice in a preschool institution. Practice Report



1 Familiarization with the work of the educator, assistant educator in the first half of the day

2 Familiarization with the work of the educator, assistant educator in the afternoon




I, Kozak Natalya Sergeevna, a 3rd year student of the Faculty of Pedagogics, underwent an educational (introductory) practice from November 14, 2011 to November 18, 2011 at the State Educational Establishment "Ploskinsky nursery-garden of the Pinsk region", the head of the practice is Vinyarskaya Nina Vladimirovna, chief specialist of the ROO.

State Educational Institution "Ploskinsky Nursery-Garden of the Pinsk District" is located at the address: Pervomaiskaya Street 10, Ploskin village, Brest region, Pinsk district. The kindergarten was founded in 1978.

Belongs to the District Education Department of the Pinsk District Executive Committee of the Brest Region. It is a state budgetary institution.

It functions as a typical preschool institution. Works with a five-day working week, with 10.5-hour stay of children. The preschool is attended by 45 children aged 2 to 7 years old, children are brought to kindergarten from two nearby villages, there are 3 groups of different ages in each group of 15 children.

The main direction in the work of a preschool institution for the 2011-2012 academic year is:

Continue work on the development of coherent speech of preschoolers through a role-playing game.

Having studied the base of the preschool institution, I found out that the preschool institution is staffed by 85% in accordance with the approved staffing table. Total employees - 15 people. Currently, 5 teachers have secondary specialized education, 2 of them receive higher education while studying at universities, 1 teacher has a first qualification category, 2 teachers of the second qualification category, 2 teachers without a category.


1Familiarization with the work of the educator, assistant educator in the first half of the day.

I am doing an internship in a kindergarten in which I myself work as a head, I am familiar with the rules of conduct in a preschool institution, I am also familiar with the instructions for organizing the protection of the life and health of children in kindergarten.

For internship, I chose an older group of different ages, where 15 children are brought up at the age of 5, and 1 child of 7 years of age 1 attends the group in the afternoon, I know all the children and their parents, I know each child, his abilities. Basically, in the group, all children are from prosperous families, 5 children from large families, registered families in the group are not.

The main educator in the group is Kolesnikovich Natalia Nikolaevna, work experience of 10 years, has 1 qualification category. She compiled a grid of group activities, the daily routine of the group. The dressing room has a corner for parents. I studied the specifics of her work: the functions and professional duties of the educator of the senior group. I looked at the work plan of the educator, its content.

The preschool institution is open from 8.00 to 18.30, every morning the teacher takes the children in the locker room, is interested in the well-being of the child from the parent, how he is doing. Then the teacher Kolesnikovich Natalya Nikolaevna conducts morning exercises with the children, where she performs a set of planned exercises. After charging, the teacher appoints children on duty who serve the table, the assistant teacher Kovalevich Tatyana Nikolaevna distributes food, the children at this time play with the teacher, then wash their hands, and sit down to eat. The teacher watches how the children sit at the table, how someone holds a fork, spoon, corrects those children who are sitting incorrectly. After breakfast, the children have free time to play, the teacher also appoints children on duty who help the teacher in preparing for the lesson, the children put everything they need for the lesson on the tables. After class, each child cleans his workplace. I watched the teacher's activities, such as drawing, familiarization with the environment, physical education. I concluded that the teacher carefully prepared for the classes, the children followed all the instructions of the teacher with interest, while the teacher’s speech was calm and confident. The group also has a favorable microclimate.

Preparing for a walk, the teacher reminds the children how to behave on the street, the children get dressed, line up in pairs, and together with the teacher and assistant teacher go for a walk. During the walk, the teacher draws the attention of the children to the trees, what they are, what happened to them, watches the trees together with the children, and invites the children to play, also plays games with the children at the request of the children, the assistant teacher helps the teacher.

After the walk, the children play on their own in the group room, the teacher appoints attendants who, under the supervision of the assistant teacher, set the tables. The teacher at this time plays with the rest of the children, then the children clean up the group, wash their hands, and sit down to eat. During lunch, the teacher reminds the children how to behave at the table, how to sit and hold cutlery. As the children eat faster and slower, the children undress, brush their teeth, go to the toilet, and go to bed. The teacher and assistant teacher at this time control the actions of the children, how they adjust their clothes, how they brush their teeth. After the children are all on their beds, and have already calmed down, the teacher reads a fairy tale to the children, the children fall asleep. During sleep, the teacher controls that the children are all covered with a blanket.

Having observed the work of the educator, I can say that the atmosphere in the group during the day is friendly, the educator does not shout, he does not raise his voice at the children. Also, the work of the educator in the morning is very busy, and sometimes tiring, and only during quiet hours does the educator have a little time to rest and prepare for classes. next day. But it can be said that the teacher’s assistant also provides important assistance to the educator, she helped the educator in everything, despite the fact that she also performed her job duties.

2Familiarization with the work of the educator, assistant educator in the afternoon

The rise of the children was carried out gradually, the children woke up, did exercises, then washed and dressed. The teacher watches how the children performed all the indicated actions, helped the children to dress, combed the children and braided.

Then the teacher appointed the children on duty, they set the tables, the rest of the children played a game with the teacher. After the teacher's assistant has distributed food, the teacher sits the children at the tables, wishes them a bon appetit.

After an afternoon snack, the children have free creative activity for about 40 minutes, and the “Skillful Hands” circle, the group teacher also conducts the circle, all the children from the group attend the circle, it is free. After the circle, the children also have free activities for games, but the teacher can offer the children a new game unknown to them and begin to learn it. The child's departure home, the teacher communicates with the child's parents, talks about his success throughout the day.

You can make an analysis of the day that the activities of the educator in the second half of the day are much easier than in the first. Since a large chunk of time is devoted to independent games of children, where the teacher watches the children and their activities, takes an active part in those games where a teacher is needed, where the children themselves are not able to figure out the rules of the game. The assistant teacher also provides assistance to both the children and the teacher, if necessary.

CHAPTER 2. Independent organization of children's activities in the senior group

1 Independent organization of children's activities in the morning

I started the morning by taking the children to the group, the teacher watched my actions. After all the children were in the group, I did morning exercises with the children, then appointed attendants to lay the tables, and with the rest of the children they put things in order in the group. After the children sat down at the tables, she wished the children bon appetit. During breakfast, she made sure that all the children sat correctly, did not slouch, held the spoon in their hand correctly.

After breakfast, I helped the teacher conduct classes (drawing, literacy, physical education), after classes, we dress with the children and go for a walk, while reminding the children how to behave

walking up the stairs. During the walk, she spent games with the children “At the bear in the forest”, “Owls”. We also watched the grass with the children, what it has become. After returning from a walk, the children undress, I appoint two attendants, the children wash their hands and set the tables, I play a game with the rest of the children, then the children wash their hands and sit down to eat at the tables, I wish the children bon appetit. During lunch, I watch how the children sit at the table, how they use the spoon and fork. Then the children undress, put their clothes on the chair, brush their teeth, and lie down on their beds.

After all the children are on the beds and calmed down, I read P. Ershov's fairy tale "The Little Humpbacked Horse" the children fall asleep.

Having carried out independent activities in the first half of the day, I can conclude that the educator plays a big role in the life of the child, since the educator spends most of the time with the children. And the knowledge of the child depends on the knowledge and skills of the educator. After all, the teacher helps the child directs him, gives him the knowledge that he needs.

2 Independent organization of children's activities in the afternoon

I started the second half of the day by raising the children from their beds, we did exercises with the children, the children washed themselves, then began to dress, I combed and braided the girls, appointed two children on duty, they set the table under the supervision of an assistant teacher. After that, all the children sat down to eat, I and the assistant teacher wished me a good appetite.

After an afternoon snack, the children have independent activities where the children themselves choose what to do, the boys played in the constructor, some of the girls in theatrical games, two children drew, the rest of the children played in the store. I watched the actions of children, the nature of their games, how children find a way out of the situation. Then I offered the children a new didactic game "Find the extra" and told the rules of the game, lost with the children 2-3 times, and the children began to play on their own, but under my supervision.

I can conclude from the day that has passed that the independent activity of children occupies a very important place in the development of the child. In independent games, the child solves all the problems that concern him, plays the situations in which he finds himself, poses for the actions of adults.


During the practice, I had the opportunity to observe the work of kindergarten teachers, where I saw that educators have a large reserve of positive qualities in their relationship with children, such as goodwill, perseverance, and attentiveness.

One of the characteristics of the teaching staff is responsibility. At the same time, in the course of observations, it was found that the team does not always have enough cohesion, its members are not always unanimous in their assessments of the problems facing the team. I would like that the team would have more common interests, there was a unity of opinion.

However, the educator needs to pay more attention to communicating with children in the Belarusian language and replenish the stock of Belarusian words. And it is also necessary to continue teaching children to understand expressions in the Belarusian language of different grammatical structures; to form the correct pronunciation of specifically Belarusian sounds; to develop the dialogic and monologue speech of preschoolers in the Belarusian language; to expand children's knowledge about Belarus, about its national heroes.

Based on the results of monitoring the teacher of the group, we can say that the teacher conducts classes taking into account the necessary requirements. Classes are diverse, of different types and forms. The teacher in the classroom solves all the tasks, and most importantly, solves the problem of improving the health of children.

During my internship as a kindergarten teacher, I learned a lot, studied all necessary documentation educator.

The teacher of a preschool institution should be not only a teacher, but also a psychologist, since the correct arrangement of children with him occupies a large place in the work of an educator. To become a good educator, you need to constantly improve your creative potential, study innovative activities, and improve your professional level.

kindergarten teacher


.E. A Streh "Practice at the Faculty of Preschool Education." Part 2 - Minsk 2010

2.V.A. Zebzeeva "Organization of regime processes in a preschool institution" Minsk 2007.

.L.V. Lobynko, N.V. Avramenko "Preschool and family" - Minsk 2007

.O.P Zhikhar, Z.V. Koshcheva “Peculiarities of planning and organizing work with children in preschool institutions of different ages” Mozyr 2010

.L.A. Panko "Praleska" program of preschool education, Minsk 2007

6.L.B. Garunovich. Developing the features of dzitsyatsi ў dzeynastsi: A guide for teachers of preschool institutions. - Minsk 2002

Tags: Organization of the work of a kindergarten teacher Practice report Pedagogy

I underwent an educational and familiarization practice on the basis of the Municipal Preschool Educational Institution Kindergarten No. 26 "Dobrynushka", located at the address: Bryansk, st. Romashina, 36; under the guidance of a teacher-psychologist - Kiryushina Galina Vladimirovna, a psychologist of the third category.
The purpose of passing the educational and familiarization practice: get acquainted with the work of a psychologist, learn to observe, understand and analyze the activities of a teacher-psychologist of a preschool educational institution.
The objectives of the educational practice are as follows:

1. Familiarization with the system of building the work of a teacher-psychologist in a preschool educational institution: goals, objectives and main directions, forms and methods of work;
2. Mastering professional ethics;
3. Acquaintance with the specifics of the work of a psychologist in a preschool educational institution;
4. Analysis of the professional position of the psychologist, worldview, style of behavior;
5. Familiarization with the requirements for the organization of the workplace (office) of a psychologist, the requirements for maintaining documentation;
6. The implementation of passive participation in the procedure of psychological diagnostics: the formation of skills to observe and record the progress of diagnostic work, analyze the data obtained, the psychological conclusion, plan further psychological work;
7. The implementation of passive participation in the procedure of psychological correction (developmental work): the formation of skills to observe and record the progress of correctional work, analyze the results, plan further psychological work;
8. The implementation of passive participation in the procedure of psychological adaptation (developmental work): the formation of skills to observe and record the progress of adaptation work, analyze the results, plan further psychological work.
Stages of educational practice:
During the period of internship from November 23, 2009 to December 13, 2009, under the guidance of a practical psychologist, I carried out:
1. Acquaintance with the psychologist's office: equipment, work areas and features of their use;
2. Acquaintance with the methodological literature of the teacher-psychologist of the preschool educational institution;
3. Acquaintance with the documentation of the psychologist of this institution;
4. Acquaintance with the goals, objectives and main areas of work of a teacher-psychologist and their direct implementation in practical work:
- diagnostic work;
- correctional and developmental work;
- adaptive-developing work;
- advisory work;
- psychological prevention.
5. Acquaintance with the procedure for analyzing the materials of psychological work in the preschool educational institution.
The work of a teacher-psychologist in kindergarten is built in several directions:
1. Methodological work (district methodological associations and the city association of educational psychologists);
2. Work with the teaching staff (educators and administration of the preschool educational institution);
3. Work with kindergarten students;
4. Work with parents of pupils.

November 23, 2009 (Monday)
On the first day of practice, I met the head of kindergarten No. 26, a methodologist and a teacher-psychologist - Kiryushina Galina Vladimirovna, a psychologist of the third category, work experience - 3 years. She showed me her office, located on the second floor of the kindergarten. The psychologist's office is divided into three zones:
    Study area - desks for students, chairs and a board;
    Work area - table, chair, computer and cabinets with books and documents;
    Relaxation zone - armchairs, flowers, carpet.
The furniture is arranged functionally, the office is quite comfortable, although not very spacious. The temperature in the office is good - not stuffy, not hot, but not cold either. In summer, the office is ventilated, in winter all windows are tightly insulated, so the temperature is favorable all year round. The office is illuminated very well, the color scheme is designed in pleasing to the eye, soothing tones.
I got acquainted with the methodological literature in the office. These are books in the following areas:
- General psychology;
- Social Psychology;
- Psychological processes;
- Methodology;
- Diagnostics;
- Correction;
- Pedagogical psychology;
- Fundamentals of medical psychology;
- Fundamentals of conflictology;
- Age-related psychology;
- Methodological support (textbooks);
- Periodicals on psychology;
- Periodicals for preschool educational institutions.
The psychologist familiarized me with the documentation:
1. Long-term work plan of a teacher-psychologist for the academic year;
2. The work plan of the teacher-psychologist for each month of the academic year separately;
3. Plan of correctional and developmental classes of a teacher-psychologist for children of senior preschool age;
4. Plan of adaptive-developing classes of a teacher-psychologist for young children;
5. A long-term plan for the work of a psychologist with children of senior preschool age to form intellectual readiness for school;
6. Protocols of conversations and observations, results of diagnostic studies;
7. Primary admission cards (admission cards for parents of pupils of preschool educational institutions);
8. Sheet of remedial classes (for each child individually);
9. Journal of registration of group forms of a teacher-psychologist (list of groups of preschool educational institutions);
10. Folder of work with parents of pupils (lectures for speaking at parent meetings; description of parent consultations);
11. Folder of work with teachers (lectures for presentations at teachers' councils; description of consultations of educators; workshops for teachers);
12. Psychological information for parents (posted on stands);
13. Analysis of the psychological service for the academic year (conclusions: a description of what has been done during the academic year, what needs to be paid attention to and what needs to be done in the next academic year) (see Annexes).
November 24, 2009 (Tuesday)
I was present at a group diagnostic examination of children in the preparatory group. The study was conducted using the Methods of Express Diagnostics of Intellectual Abilities (MEDIS) (I.S. Averina, E.I. Shcheblanova, E.N. Zadorina) (see Appendixes). The purpose of this survey: to identify the level of development of intellectual abilities of children of 6-7 years of age: erudition (awareness) and vocabulary, logical thinking and mathematical abilities. The test provides good indicative information about the ability to learn in elementary school and about the individual structure of the child's intelligence.
The survey was conducted in the office for children of the preparatory group No. 6. The diagnosis involved 7 children aged 6-7 years. In this preschool group there are children who are not yet 6 years old, they are examined individually by a number of methods specially selected for their age and are not allowed to study using MEDIS.
In a group examination, the experimenter needs the help of an assistant. I was that assistant. We arranged the desks so that none of the subjects looked at the neighbor's notebook, laid out forms with subtests, on the cover of which the last name and first name of the child being tested were indicated in advance. Then we seated the children at the right desks. At the beginning of testing, the psychologist paid special attention to the children's way of fixing the answers in the test book, as well as to the way to correct mistakes. The psychologist showed the children on the blackboard how they should do it. During the training tests, Galina Vladimirovna made sure that the children knew what they needed to do and helped those who needed additional clarification.
During the test, I walked through the rows and made sure that the children worked on the page and in the place where they needed to, and also that they clearly crossed out the ovals with a cross. The psychologist repeated each task and allotted enough time for each task. The total test time for the children was approximately 25 minutes. We then collected the children's forms, thanked them for participating in the study, and went to the psychologist's office to process the test results.
The data turned out to be as follows: 4 children have an average level of development of intellectual abilities (11-13 correctly solved problems), 2 children have a high level (more than 13 correctly solved problems), and 1 child has a level of development of intellectual abilities below the average (less than 11 correctly solved problems). solved problems). The psychologist entered these results into a computer.
November 25, 2009 (Wednesday)

Methodical day.
November 26, 2009 (Thursday)
I attended an adaptive-developing lesson for children of the nursery group No. 3. Theme of the lesson: "Ball". The objectives of this lesson:
1. Group cohesion, development of the ability to interact with peers;
2. Increased emotional tone;
3. Development of a sense of rhythm, coordination of movements;
4. Development of orientation in space;
5. Learning to reflect in speech their location, the location of other children, objects;
6. Development of visual and tactile perception, speech and imagination.

big ball; cloth bag; a small plastic ball and a plastic cube (commensurate in size); yellow, red, green, blue gouache; toothpaste; album sheets with a drawn ball for each child (see Applications).
The lesson was attended by 10 children (4 boys and 6 girls) aged 1.5 to 3 years. Some of the children still speak poorly, indistinctly. But most speak well already.
Classes in this group are held twice a week (Tuesday and Thursday). The psychologist repeats all the topics of the classes with the children two (and some three or four) times. This is done so that children remember the words of nursery rhymes and songs, the rules of games. The psychologist conducts the “Ball” lesson for the second time, so most of the guys are familiar with it.
When Galina Vladimirovna and I entered the nursery, the children were very happy to see her. The session went like this:
1. Greeting. The psychologist greeted the guys, and they greeted her.
2. Examining a big ball with children.
3. Drawing a circle with your hands in the air.
4. Learning the poem by S. Marshak “My cheerful sonorous ball” with rhythmic slapping on the ball with your hands (first with the right, then with the left).
5. "Turning" children into balls with the consolidation of knowledge about color.
6. The mobile game "My cheerful sonorous ball" with the bodily embrace of children among themselves and with a psychologist.
7. The mobile game "Hide and seek for balls" with the expansion of vocabulary and orientation in space. The psychologist repeated this game three times.
8. Didactic ball game "Hide and Seek" with learning to reflect the location of the ball in speech.
9. Educational game "Ball in a bag" (for the development of perception, speech and imagination) with the consolidation of knowledge about the shape of the object.
10. Finger painting stripes on the ball. Before starting classes, the psychologist mixed gouache with toothpaste, resulting in finger paint. She seated the children at their desks, gave them sheets with the image of a ball (the name of the child was signed on each sheet) and invited them to choose the paint of their choice (yellow, red, green or blue). She then helped each child to color a white strip along the ball drawn on the paper.
11.Reflection of the lesson. The psychologist sat the children in one row on the chairs, stood opposite and began to conduct a conversation: “What did you like to do the most?”, “What did you learn new, interesting?”.
12. Farewell. The psychologist told the children: “Our lesson is over. Let's say thank you to each other for a fun game. Goodbye".
The session lasted approximately 20 minutes. I sat on a chair near the window and watched. Of course, my presence distracted the children: they looked at me, some even approached me, asked questions or told me something.
After the lesson, the psychologist noted those present in the register of group forms.
November 27, 2009 (Friday)
I was present at the individual diagnostics of a child of senior preschool age. The psychologist brought the boy from the preparatory group No. 6 to her office. She offered him to sit in any chair he wanted. It was noticeable that the child was not in the mood. Galina Vladimirovna asked him why he was sad. The boy said that today is the first day after his illness he came to the garden and misses home. The psychologist asked if he wanted to work with her. The boy shook his head negatively. Galina Vladimirovna said: “Good. Next time. Then let's go to the group, ”and led the child back.
She returned 5 minutes later with another boy from the same group. Everything was in order with his mood, and he agreed to perform several tasks. First, the psychologist-teacher sat opposite the child and began to talk with him at ease. She asked if he liked going to kindergarten, who he was friends with in the kindergarten, if he liked the teachers, what classes were held in the group today in the morning, what games he played today, etc. The boy turned out to be quite sociable, supported the psychologist's conversation, told her about his friends in the garden.
The age of the boy is 5 years 8 months, so the intellectual abilities of this child cannot be studied using MEDIS. For this purpose, individually selected methods are used:
1. The “Drawing” technique is aimed at identifying the level of imagination. After talking with the subject, Galina Vladimirovna invited him to draw. She gave him a landscape sheet of paper and a box of pencils and asked him to draw whatever he wanted, even if it was something that didn't exist. The boy drew, the psychologist began to ask what exactly was drawn on his sheet. Then she asked him to give her this drawing.
Criteria for evaluating a drawing: 1) Speed ​​of imagination processes; 2) Unusual originality of images; 3) Wealth (variety) of images; 4) Depth and elaboration (detailedness) of images; 5) Impressibility, emotionality of images.
2. Test for the study of visual memory. The psychologist showed the subject 10 pictures and asked him to remember what they depicted. So twice. In the first attempt, the boy named 5 pictures, in the second - 6.
3. Methodology "What is superfluous here?" to determine the level of logical thinking. The psychologist showed the child the forms, where he had to determine what was drawn extra in each line. At the same time, time was kept.
4. Method "Learn the words" to determine the level of auditory memory. For 6 attempts, the subject must memorize as many words as possible by ear.
5. Method "Find differences" to determine the level of concentration and distribution of attention. The child is asked to find 10 differences between two pictures.
6. The "Name the words" technique is aimed at assessing the level of vocabulary. The psychologist said the name of the group (for example, colors or cutlery), and the boy had to name as many words as possible related to this group.
The individual diagnostic study lasted 20 minutes. After the last task, the psychologist thanked the child for the work done and escorted him back to the group.
November 30, 2009 (Monday)
I helped the psychologist to process and interpret the results of an individual diagnostic study of a parent - the mother of one of the pupils of the kindergarten, a 5-year-old girl. Diagnostics was carried out using E. Schaeffer's Parental Attitudes and Reactions Measurement Questionnaire (PARI) and the Parental Relationship Questionnaire (ROI) (see Appendixes).
In the Questionnaire of Parental Relationships, the subject received a high test score on the “Cooperation” scale (80.93 points), which is interpreted as the social desirability of behavior (see Appendixes). According to the results of PARI, the subject received high scores for the following features: "inciting verbal manifestations, verbalization"; "equalizing relationship between parents and child." These signs indicate optimal emotional contact between parent and child. Also, high scores on the scale "severity, excessive severity", which characterizes excessive emotional distance from the child and on the scale "overcoming resistance, suppression of will", which indicates excessive concentration on the child. But the average scores on these scales are approximately equal. Also, the subject has a high score on the basis of "dissatisfaction with the role of the mistress of the house." This scale characterizes the attitude to the family role. This indicates the priority of production problems over family ones. It can be assumed that the subject is characterized by dependence on the family and low consistency in the distribution of economic functions (see Appendixes).
December 1, 2009 (Tuesday)
I helped the psychologist in preparation for the adaptive-developing lesson for young children (in nursery group No. 3) and attended this lesson. Theme of the lesson: "A walk in the autumn forest." Lesson objectives:
1. Group cohesion, development of empathy;
2. The development of auditory attention, arbitrariness, the ability to quickly respond to instructions;
3. Reduction of excessive motor activity;
4. Learning to distinguish colors, the ratio of objects by color;
5. Development of spatial representations, the ability to display in speech using prepositions (on, under, in, for, etc.) the location of things;
6. Development of general motor skills;
7. Development of memory, speech and imagination.
Materials needed for the lesson:
painting "Autumn Forest"; toy hedgehog; toys fox, wolf, bear; red, yellow and green maple leaves for each child; red, yellow and green baskets; album sheets with the image of a hedgehog for each child; black gouache; toothpaste (see Applications).
I helped the psychologist find the necessary materials in the preschool educational institutions, draw 15 sheets (because there are 15 children in the group) with the image of a hedgehog and decorate them. While the children were having music lessons, Galina Vladimirovna and I prepared the nursery group room for the lesson: we set up an easel with a picture, hid a toy hedgehog, put colored baskets on one of the desks, stirred gouache with toothpaste, freed up most of the room for outdoor games, put some chairs in a row.
The children came and were very happy with our presence in the room. The session went like this:
1. Greeting.
2. Examining the autumn forest in the picture and naming the main signs of autumn.
3. The mobile game "A walk in the autumn forest" with telling nursery rhymes and showing movements:
"On a flat path, on a flat path
Our legs walked, our legs walked ... "
The teacher-psychologist walked in front, told a nursery rhyme and showed movements, the children followed her in single file and repeated.
4. Didactic game with the hedgehog "Hide and Seek" with learning to reflect the location of things in speech using prepositions. The psychologist offers the children to find a hidden hedgehog. Then he hides it again, the children find it again. Then a third time...
5. Examining a toy hedgehog with learning a poem by B. Zakhoder:
“What are you, hedgehog, so prickly?
- I'm just in case.
Do you know who my neighbors are?
Foxes, wolves and bears!”
6. Explaining to children how a hedgehog defends itself from "its neighbors."
7. Mobile game "Hedgehog defends himself." The psychologist invites children to "be a hedgehog." They become in a circle and expose their backs when the psychologist walks with a fox, a wolf and a bear. The game is repeated 2-3 times.
8. Didactic game "Put the leaves in baskets" with learning the correlation of colors and learning the primary colors of objects. The psychologist gave each child three sheets of paper (red, yellow and green), the children had to arrange them in baskets corresponding in color. Not everyone coped with the task on their own, some psychologist helped to choose the right basket.
9. The game "Song for the hedgehog." Each child was in the role of a hedgehog (sat in the center of the circle), the rest of the children walked around with a teacher-psychologist and sang a song for the hedgehog: “Walking slowly through the forest, suddenly they saw a hedgehog ...”.
10. Drawing needles on a hedgehog with a finger. The psychologist sat the children at their desks, gave them sheets with a painted hedgehog and put a jar of paint. Then she helped each child in turn to draw the hedgehog's needles.
11. Reflection of classes. Galina Vladimirovna seated the children in a row on chairs and had a conversation with them about the past lesson.
12. Farewell. The psychologist told the children: “Our lesson is over. Let's say thank you to each other for a fun game. Do you want the hedgehog to come visit you again?
The lesson lasted 20 minutes, 8 children took part in it. One boy did not want to study, the psychologist did not force him. All this time he stood in the corner and watched. Galina Vladimirovna from time to time invited him to join them, but he refused, although it could be seen that he was interested.
After the lesson, the psychologist noted those present in the register of group forms.
December 2, 2009 (Wednesday)
Methodical day.
December 3, 2009 (Thursday)
I attended an adaptation-development lesson for young children. The lesson was held in the same nursery group No. 3. The theme was repeated: "A walk in the autumn forest." This time there were 8 children in the class. The boy, who refused to participate in the games last time, joined the group today in the middle of the lesson (when the children were looking for a hedgehog, because he saw where the psychologist hid it). My presence of children almost did not bother me, they almost did not pay attention to me. Many children remembered the words of songs and nursery rhymes and willingly helped the psychologist to hum. After the lesson, the psychologist noted those present in the register of group forms.
During the game "The Hedgehog Defends", the fox "bitten" one of the boys (he was not at the last lesson). He got scared and cried. She explained to the child, “that the fox didn’t actually bite him, he’s a hedgehog, she pricked herself on his needles.” The boy still whimpered until the end of the lesson, and then refused to go for a walk with the teachers. Galina Vladimirovna and I reassured the boy, helped him get dressed and escorted him outside.
December 4, 2009 (Friday)
I assisted the psychologist in processing and interpreting the results of an individual diagnostic study of a child (a boy from preparatory group No. 6).
The results turned out to be:
1. Method "Drawing": for each criterion, 2, 1 or 0 points are given. The test subject has a total score of 5 points for 5 criteria, which indicates an average level of imagination.
2. In the test for the study of visual memory, the test score is 5 points. This is the average level.
3. Methodology "What is superfluous here?" - the subject has a high level of development of logical thinking, he made a total mistake.
4. In the "Learn the words" method, the child learned 7 words in 6 attempts. This is estimated at 4-5 points - the average level of auditory memory.
5. In the Find the Differences method, the boy found 7 differences. This indicates an average level of concentration and distribution of attention.
6. In the “Name the words” method, the subject named 21 words for the entire test. This result is estimated at 2-3 points - a low level of vocabulary.
These results are average. The psychologist entered the results of the individual diagnostic examination of the child into a table in the computer.
December 7, 2009 (Monday)
I attended a correctional and developmental lesson for children of senior preschool age, which was conducted by a teacher-psychologist in the preparatory group No. 6.

1. general characteristics institutions
2. Structure and management system of the organization
3. Problems of management and recommendations for improving management
List of sources used


Internship completed at MBDOU CRR "Rainbow" as a deputy head. The training practice was completed from March 28 to April 10, 2016 (2 weeks).

The purpose of the training and production practice is to consolidate the knowledge gained in management and study the activities of the MBDOU CRR "Rainbow".

Practice objectives:

  • Familiarize yourself with the organizational and legal form of the institution;
  • To study the main legislative and regulatory documents and materials that regulate and determine the activities of the institution;
  • Obtain information about the mission and purpose of the institution;
  • To study the organizational structure of the enterprise (institution), the management system at the enterprise.
  • Familiarize yourself with the main areas of activity;
  • To study the management system at the enterprise, the style and methods of management;
  • To get acquainted with the solution of problems related to planning and efficient use of the organization's resources, and the rationale for choosing the optimal solution;
  • Develop recommendations for improving the efficiency of enterprise management.

The object of the study of practice is MBDOU CRR "Rainbow".

The subject of the research is the organization of management in MBDOU CRR "Rainbow".

The information base of the study is the reports and regulations of the MBDOU CRR "Rainbow".

Research methods - analysis and observation.

Report structure: title page, content, introduction, main body, conclusion, list of references and references.

1. General characteristics of the institution

The full name of the institution is the Municipal Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution Child Development Center - Kindergarten "Rainbow" in the village of Kysyl-Syr of the municipal district "Vilyuysky ulus (district)" of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

The name of the local self-government body exercising the functions and powers of the founder of the MBDOU CRR "Rainbow" - the Administration of the MR "Vilyuysky ulus (district)" of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

Head Afanasyeva Nadezhda Nikolaevna.

The list of documents on the basis of which the institution operates:

  • The Charter of the educational institution was approved by the Decree of the Head of the Municipal District "Vilyuisky Ulus (District)" of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) dated 10.07.2012. №263
  • License for the right to conduct educational activities Series СЯ 002430 registration No. 367 of 07/06/2012. indefinitely.
  • License for medical activities series FS 0007835 No. FS-14-01-001235 dated 11/19/2012.

Table 1 - Number of staff units of the institution

Table 2 - Income received from the provision of paid services (works)

Table 3 - The number of consumers who used the services (works) of the institution

Main tasks MBDOU CRR "Rainbow":

  1. To create and improve conditions for the full-fledged psychophysical development of children, taking into account their age (physiological, psychological, personal) characteristics.
  2. To form a psychological basis for the development of mental functions and prerequisites for schooling in children in accordance with individual characteristics. Provide social adaptation children to the conditions of MBDOU.
  3. To systematize the features of the mental development of children with visual impairment in order to better adapt them to learning in elementary school.

The mode of operation of the preschool educational institution:

  • five-day work week;
  • 12-hour stay of children in preschool from 7.00. – 19.00. – 12 groups, 24-hour mode – 1 group;
  • days off: Saturday, Sunday, public holidays.

Children's groups are equipped with furniture that meets age standards. The kindergarten has a gym equipped with sports equipment that meets the requirements of sanitary standards, a music room, a psychologist's office, speech therapists, speech pathologists, music directors, an office in English, art studio.

The territory of the kindergarten is fully landscaped. All walking areas have a beautiful well-groomed appearance. Each group has its own separate area, equipped according to age needs. Much attention is paid to the safety of students and staff. The facility has an automatic fire alarm system. The territory of the garden is fenced.

The number of groups is 11, of which:

Nursery - 1 group (children from 1 year 8 months to 3 years old);

Younger age - 3 groups (including 1 with visual impairment);

Average age - 2 groups (including 1 with visual impairment);

Senior age - 2 groups (including 1 with visual impairment);

Preparatory - 2 groups (including 1 speech therapy and 1 with visual impairment).

In the kindergarten, the educational process is carried out by the following specialists: the head of the preschool educational institution, the senior educator, the teacher-psychologist, the speech therapist teacher, the teacher-defectologist, the senior nurse, the educators of the MDOU, the music worker, the physical education instructor.

For the implementation of the educational process:

- DOW develops and approves the annual work plan.

- The preschool educational institution independently establishes the sequence, duration and content of children's activities, taking into account its balance, compliance with SanPiN and the content of the Educational Program.

- Determines the daily routine for each age group, in accordance with seasonal changes (the duration of the time spent in the open air, daytime sleep, the number of classes changes).

- Determines the class schedule.

Currently, there is no recruitment and selection system as such in MBDOU CRR "Rainbow". Recruitment of workers is carried out in traditional ways, such as advertisements in periodicals. Some of the employees are accepted on the recommendation of those already working in the Establishment.

The list of employees of the kindergarten includes more than 30 people.

The recruitment of employees of MBDOU CRR "Raduga" is carried out in accordance with the structure and staffing of the Institution. Employees of the Institution are hired under an employment contract. For the implementation of additional educational services, including paid ones, persons may be involved on the basis of civil law contracts. The labor legislation of the Russian Federation applies to persons working in the MBDOU CRR "Rainbow".

Persons who have the necessary professional and pedagogical qualifications that meet the requirements of the qualification characteristics for the position and the acquired specialty, confirmed by education documents, are accepted for pedagogical work.

The procedure for remuneration of employees of the Establishment is determined by the Administration of the MR "Vilyuysky District". The minimum wage must not be less than that established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Employees of the Institution have the right to enjoy benefits and bear obligations in accordance with the current legislation, labor contract, local regulatory legal acts.

Employees of the Institution have the right to a long (up to 1 year) vacation.

Long-term leave is not paid and may be granted to a teacher at any time, provided that his continuous teaching experience at the time of application is at least 10 years, and going on leave will not adversely affect the activities of the Institution.

A long leave is granted to a teaching worker at his request and is issued by order of the Institution.

Long leave to the head of the Institution is issued by the Founder.

For a teacher who is on a long vacation, the place of work (position) is retained. During a long vacation, it is not allowed to transfer a teacher to another job, as well as dismiss him at the initiative of the administration of the Institution, with the exception of the liquidation of the Institution.

For a teacher who is on a long vacation, the workload remains, provided that during this time the number of groups has not decreased.

For a teacher who falls ill during a long vacation, a long vacation is subject to extension by the number of days of incapacity for work certified by a sick leave, or, in agreement with the administration of the Institution, is postponed for another period. A long vacation is not extended or transferred if the teacher took care of a sick family member within the specified period of time.

Certification of employees of the Institution is carried out in accordance with the general procedure provided for the certification of employees of institutions, organizations and enterprises that are on budget financing.

Measures for labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and hygiene are applied in accordance with the standards and procedures established by the laws of the Russian Federation, as well as local regulations.

Employees of the Institution are encouraged for conscientious and impeccable work, and also bear material and disciplinary liability for dishonest performance of labor duties stipulated job description, an employment contract in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Employees of the Institution are subject to compulsory social and medical insurance, are entitled to pensions and other social benefits.

The institution maintains accounting, statistical reporting and keeps records of financial and economic activities in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The institution has the right to transfer the responsibility for keeping records of financial and economic activities, accounting and statistical reporting to centralized accounting.

The Institution submits to the Founder a report on the results of its activities for the past period (six months, 9 months, a year) in the form and within the time limits established by the Founder.

The institution provides the bodies authorized by the legislation of the Russian Federation with the information necessary for taxation and maintaining a system for collecting and processing economic information.

Control and revision of the activities of the Institution is carried out by the Founder together with the Department of Education of the administration, control and audit, tax and other authorized bodies within their competence.

The results of financial and economic activities are considered by the balance commission of the Founder with the participation of the formation of the administration of the Vilyui district.

2. Structure and management system of the organization

The mission is not to reveal the individual abilities of each pupil, but to create conditions for their manifestation and development.

The organizational and legal form is a municipal institution. Type - preschool educational institution. Status : preschool educational institution, kindergarten of a general developmental type.

The management of MBDOU CRR "Raduga" is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Charter and is based on the principles of unity of command and self-government.

Description of the educational process: form of organization of the educational process. The nature of the educational process: simple. The degree of continuity is discontinuous. Degree of technical equipment - partially - mechanized. The study of the state of educational work with children and the implementation of control.

Features of the organization of the educational process.

The analysis revealed strengths and weaknesses within the organization. Analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the organization and identified functional areas that require immediate intervention or can wait.

Personnel management in MBDOU CRR "Rainbow" is handled by the head and senior educator. The common functions of these two positions are the management of a team of employees, participation in the development of long-term and current planning.

MBDOU CRR "Rainbow" is a legal entity, has an independent balance sheet and a personal account opened in the prescribed manner, a seal with the coat of arms of the Gornozavodsky municipal district, a stamp and a letterhead with its name. MBDOU CRR "Rainbow" independently carries out financially - economic activity. Financial and planning and economic issues of the DOE are carried out by accounting, which consists of several sectors: the material sector - accounting for consumables in general. Settlement sector - payroll.

The preschool educational institution is in contact with such budgetary organizations as the Tax Inspectorate, Financial Department, Department of Education.

Individual information is submitted to the Pension Fund for each employee of the enterprise and 20% of the payroll fund is paid, which are divided into 6% - in Federal budget Pension Fund and 14% - in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (10% - insurance premium and 4% - funded part). 2.9% are contributed to the Social Insurance Fund (FSS). 1.1% - to the Federal Health Insurance Fund (FFMS). 2% - to the Territorial Health Insurance Fund (TFMS). 1.3% - contributions from accidents.

Having familiarized myself with the organization of the work of the senior educator, I noted the technical equipment of her workplace, these are: the presence of a PC (2 pcs.); the local network; e-mail, MFP, multimedia installation.

The predominant type of technology in the work of a senior educator is “paper”.

The main application package that the senior educator uses in his work is Microsoft Office 2010.

The institution is headed by a head who has passed the appropriate certification. The head of the institution carries out its activities on the basis of the principle of unity of command and ensures the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to the institution, bears personal responsibility for the activities of the institution.

The manager acts on the basis of an employment contract concluded with him, this Charter, the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Irkutsk region, as well as other regulatory legal acts binding on him.

The head carries out the current management of the activities of the Institution, he is accountable in his activities to the Founder and the head of the Department of Education of the administration.

The head of the Institution is the chairman of the Council of Teachers of the Institution.

The forms of self-government in the Establishment are the Council of Teachers, the Methodological Council, the Parents' Committee, the general meeting of the labor collective.

In order to consider complex pedagogical and methodological issues, issues of organizing the educational process, studying and reviewing advanced pedagogical experience, the Establishment has a Council of Teachers.

Members of the Council of Teachers are all teachers, as well as the chairman of the parent committee of the Institution.

The chairman of the Council of Teachers of the Institution is the head of the Institution, who, by his order, appoints the secretary of the Council for the academic year.

The Board of Trustees of the Institution represents the interests of the parents (legal representatives) of pupils, other individuals and legal entities before the administration of the Institution.

The Board of Trustees is elected at the general meeting of the parents of the Institution for a period of one year. The number of members elected to the board of trustees is determined by the general meeting.

The Chairman of the Board of Trustees and his deputy are elected at the first meeting of the Board of Trustees by a majority vote.

Meetings of the Board of Trustees are held as necessary in accordance with the work plan, but at least once a quarter. Extraordinary meetings of the Board of Trustees may be convened at the request of at least half of the members of the Board of Trustees.

Members of the Board of Trustees perform their functions free of charge.

The Parents' Committee of the Institution represents the interests of the parents of pupils and other individuals and legal entities before the administration of the Institution.

The Parent Committee of the Institution is elected for a period of one year. The parent committee consists of parents of students, 1 person from the group. Elections of representatives to the parent committee of the Institution are held by open voting at group parent meetings. The Parents' Committee of the Institution elects a chairman from among its members, who manages the work of the Parents' Committee.

Meetings of the parent committee of the Institution are held as necessary in accordance with the work plan, but at least once a quarter.

At meetings of the parent committee, minutes are kept, which are signed by the chairman and secretary of the parent committee.

The decisions of the parent committee, taken within its authority, are brought to the attention of all interested parties.

The labor collective consists of all employees of the Establishment. The powers of the labor collective of the Institution are exercised by the general meeting of the members of the labor collective. The meeting is considered eligible if it is attended by at least half of the employees of the Institution. The decision of the general meeting is taken by open vote. The decision of the general meeting is considered adopted if at least half of those present voted for it and is binding on all members of the workforce of the Institution.

The general meeting of the labor collective meets as needed, but at least once every six months.

The management structure of the MBDOU CRR "Rainbow" is very simple, it is presented below.

Working with children requires a lot of effort and energy from the educator, so goodwill, tact and respectful exactingness among all participants in the pedagogical process are especially important in the team. A leader who shows respect for the personality of each teacher, taking into account inclinations, interests, opportunities, combined with reasonable exactingness, achieves much better results than one who strictly adheres to authoritarian methods of management. One of the best ways to increase interest in work and create a well-coordinated team is to respect people and delegate responsibility and authority to them.

This is due, first of all, to the long-term application of the developed program for the provision of services. Such a structure assumes a small number of administrative staff, this can be seen in Table 4.

Table 4 - The number of AMS and the wage fund

The existing organizational and managerial structure of the MBDOU CRR "Rainbow" is linear - functional in terms of its construction and highly centralized. With this management structure of the institution, each unit performs well-defined functions in the overall chain of the production process. In fact, this is a conveyor, and each department clearly knows its role in the functioning of this conveyor: the educator develops development programs for the implementation, educators teach, etc. This structure is optimal for:

  • small and medium sized companies;
  • for enterprises with a limited range of products.

This structure works well in a stable economic situation and is designed to perform the same type of repetitive operations. MBDOU TsRR "Rainbow" successfully worked according to such a scheme with a stable market, in accordance with the approved orders. Under these conditions (and only under them), the system has the following advantages:

  • internal organizational links are clearly delineated;
  • the system allows to improve the professional level of educators;
  • the command and control system is relatively simple;
  • relatively low overhead costs subject to full capacity utilization.

The functional administrative-command management structure does not correspond to the economic realities in which the institution found itself. It does not ensure the fulfillment of the tasks facing him, namely:

  • access to modern working conditions;
  • creating conditions for the development of activity and responsibility of the heads of individual production units for the specific results of their work.

The functional structure contains shortcomings that were not previously decisive, but in the changed economic conditions have become serious and require immediate elimination.

The main ones can be called:

  • Responsibility for the results of the work of the enterprise as a whole lies solely with the head of the enterprise, and the criterion for evaluating the activities of the heads of structural divisions is the quality of the services provided, the solution of general developmental tasks, etc. At the same time, they tend to distance themselves from responsibility for the financial and economic results of the unit's activities, and, in addition, the traditional system of intra-company accounting simply does not allow these results to be objectively assessed;
  • the structure “resists” the expansion of the profile of the provision of modern educational services;
  • heads of specialized divisions are focused on routine current work.

The management structure of the MBDOU CRR "Rainbow", which existed for many years, was the most typical for many preschool institutions in Russia. It fully corresponded to the tasks that the institution faced in the conditions of a planned centralized economy, and functioned quite adequately. The change in the external environment required a corresponding adjustment of the structure. The management of the institution (even before the appearance of external consultants) realized the fact that the management structure of a municipal preschool institution must be transformed into a mixed one, in which each structural unit is endowed with one degree or another of independence, focuses on the needs of a particular market and becomes a business unit within the company.

It was decided to build a solution to the problem of optimizing the management structure by increasing the speed of all procedures for collecting and processing information and creating such an organizational model of information flows that will allow classifying information according to various parameters, providing the fullness of the information space (from a preschool institution as a whole to an individual pupil). At the same time, an important condition for the existence of such a single information space is the timeliness of updating its content.

To date, work has been carried out to improve the organizational structure of management. The most optimal and promising option is a mixed type of organizational structure of intra-preschool management. The management structure of the MBDOU CRR "Rainbow" is largely not complicated. There is a tendency to design an organizational structure of an integrally differentiated type, which is formed according to a linear-functional and matrix principle, revealing a new division of labor.

Informatization of preschool education is a process of introducing the achievements of informatics and information technologies into teaching, education management and research. It is based on the use of computer tools, storage, processing and presentation of information in a variety of forms.

It is information technologies that open up a broad perspective for the most adequate implementation of monitoring models in a preschool institution and the way to building more and more complete models of the activities of the head and specialists of a preschool institution.

The organizational structure of an institution with a developing information environment implies the inclusion of functionally-oriented zones in the organizational structure as mandatory blocks. Due to the introduction of an information and communication zone into the information environment of the kindergarten: a media center, a TV center, an Internet node, it is necessary, accordingly, to include in the organizational structure of an educational institution such additional units as the head of the media center, media library methodologist, video engineer, engineer of the Internet node. Thus, a block appears in the organizational structure associated with the coordination of actions and interactions between the organizational structures of each functionally oriented zone separately and all of them taken together - the information service block.

On the one hand, the system integration of the information service block into the educational process requires a significant expansion of the horizontal, strengthening of horizontal connections, strengthening of developing integration processes in the organizational structure being created; on the other hand, given the increasing role of the coordinating and controlling function of management, it is necessary to note the increase in the number of levels in the hierarchy of the organizational structure, the expansion of the management vertical.

After improvement, the kindergarten management structure contains the following links:

Level 1 - manager; council of teachers, board of trustees, parent committee, labor collective;

Level 2 - expert advisory service for determining the development strategy of a student-oriented pedagogical system and information environment; deputy heads for areas; Chief Accountant;

Level 3 - coordination and methodological council that regulates the management of the educational process in the information environment of the kindergarten, which includes coordinators of basic and specialized education, educational and scientific and methodological work, the head of the information service;

Level 4 - heads of services to ensure the system integration of the Internet into the educational process and the effective functioning of the pedagogical system: heads of the organizational structure of the information service: head of the media center, network administrator, educational process manager, database engineer; head of the psychological and pedagogical service, organizers of educational work;

Level 5 - Heads of laboratories: multimedia and computer video laboratories, media center methodologist, library service, Internet node engineer, webmaster, cable TV center engineer, psychologists, speech therapist, social pedagogue, medical service, educators, etc.

Project and other creative groups have their own organizational structure, their own organizational connections, in accordance with the requirements for organization and self-governance for objects. Their areas of responsibility are delimited. Leaders in professional and organizational-pedagogical terms are nominated as leaders of creative groups or teams.

Thus, the plurality of goals and strategies of a managed object generates a plurality of organizational structures, a variable arrangement of governing bodies, and a shift in emphasis in their functioning.

What benefits can be expected from the introduction of a new mixed administrative and management structure:

  • changing the thinking of the leaders of the institution;
  • the interest of managers and staff in raising their professional level, acquiring practical skills in working in market conditions;

The introduction of a mixed management structure can also lead to some negative points that must be remembered:

  • there may be conflicts between departments in the distribution of resources;
  • individual divisions may try to focus their attention not on the strategic development goals of the entire enterprise, but on their short-term tasks (obtaining momentary benefits).

The current management structure in the context of constant routine work to provide services, full or partial workload of individual departments has become obsolete and does not meet modern requirements.

A new division for information technology has been introduced. Adopted specialists in new information technologies.

Summing up, it can be noted that cases of restructuring of domestic enterprises are quite rare. There are a lot of managerial, psychological, ethical difficulties. At the same time, reforms are usually carried out carefully, in stages. The leadership, in turn, must be mentally prepared for the emergence of the opposition and for long, painstaking work with it, which requires patience and endurance.


Based on the documentation of the MBDOU CRR "Rainbow" of a preschool institution, the following were studied: the scope of activity, form of ownership, the main tasks of the institution, the property of the institution and its financing. The analysis of personnel was carried out: the payroll and the principle of recruitment of employees. The analysis of the organizational and managerial structure of the institution is given, the type of organizational structure of the institution's management is determined, its advantages and disadvantages are identified. The forms of self-government in the institution in addition to the head are considered.

The management structure of the MBDOU CRR "Rainbow", which existed for many years, was the most typical for many preschool institutions in Russia. It fully corresponded to the tasks that the institution faced in the conditions of a planned centralized economy, and functioned quite adequately. The main advantages are: each subordinate has only one leader and several subordinate instances. The main disadvantages are no duplication of functions, each has its own specific function.

The change in the external environment required a corresponding adjustment of the structure. The management of the institution (even before the appearance of external consultants) realized the fact that the management structure of a municipal preschool institution must be transformed into a mixed one, in which each structural unit is endowed with one degree or another of independence, focuses on the needs of a particular market and becomes a business unit within the company.

After carrying out work on the development of improving the organizational structure of the management of the institution, a mixed type of organizational structure of intra-preschool management was proposed, a tendency was revealed to design an organizational structure of an integrally differentiated type, which is formed according to a linear-functional and matrix principle. A new division for information technology has been introduced. Adopted specialists in new information technologies.

Thus, the goal of the practice was achieved - improving the management structure in the municipal preschool institution.

In addition, it can be noted that the current external environment requires organizations to be not only ready for any changes, but also able to undergo them. In other words, dynamic balance is needed. Obviously, in order to achieve such a balance, the organization must have a sufficiently flexible structure. While flexibility does not guarantee adaptability, it is nonetheless necessary to achieve such goals.

Building a flexible or otherwise meritorious organizational structure is one of the main objectives of structure design.

List of sources used

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2. Charter MBDOU CRR "Rainbow"
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9. Vikhansky O.S., Naumov L.I. Management. Man, strategy, organization, process: A textbook for the economic specialties of universities. - M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 2015. - 416 p.
10. Golitsyna N.S. The system of methodical work with personnel in a preschool educational institution. - M.: Publishing house PRIOR, 2012. - 405 p.
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12. Kabushkin N.I. The role of management personnel in ensuring the effectiveness of the management of the organization // Modern management. - 2013. - No. 7.-S. 95–108.
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18. Website of the Russian Academy of Preschool Education of Family Education,
19. Silchenkova S.G. Computerization of human resource management of the enterprise: Dis. cand. economy Sciences: 08.00.05.-M.: RSL, 2013 (From the funds of the Russian State Library).
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Report on the practice on the topic in MBDOU CRR "Rainbow" updated: November 14, 2017 by: Scientific Articles.Ru

I know why the educational practice in a preschool educational institution was needed. It contributed to the systematization of the theoretical knowledge gained, which I applied in practice.

Thanks to this practice, I learned to analyze and draw conclusions about the construction of the learning process in kindergarten.

I was psychologically ready for the internship, which is why I was able to acquire many different skills and abilities, such as communication with children, the ability to interest children in this or that activity, etc.

I was also ready to practice professionally - pedagogically, this was evidenced by the ease with which I got involved in the learning process.

I have mastered the algorithm for solving the tasks assigned to me in professional and pedagogical activity.

I know what competencies I formed in the process of professional and pedagogical activity.

During the practice, I managed to achieve my goal and solve problems.

The diagnostic study I conducted was of great importance in the formation of both psychological and pedagogical qualities. This task was not easy, but very interesting, it developed my conversational skills, taught me how to observe, analyze, and give explanations to various facts, events, and various manifestations of a person.

Thanks to the diagnostic study, I was able to:

  • - develop the ability to identify, analyze and take into account general psychological patterns;
  • - to develop the ability to notice and analyze the problems that arise in children that require pedagogical intervention.

To diagnose the cognitive sulfur of older preschoolers, I have selected methods to determine the level of development of involuntary memory, self-control, attention and perception. In my opinion, these components of the cognitive sulfur of children are the main ones for this age category. Since they can compensate for the shortcomings in the development of other components.

For example, the development of memory and attention will lead to the fact that thinking will begin to develop actively.

The diagnostics carried out by me made it possible to identify a number of problems that prevent children from developing the cognitive sphere. I gave some recommendations for their elimination, however, I noted that for more accurate recommendations, it is necessary to conduct a more complete diagnosis of each child.

Self-analysis of the results of the practice and the expert assessment of my work by the head of the practice, the employees of the preschool educational institution coincide.

In general, I can say that I coped with the tasks set and deserve an “excellent” rating.

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1. Teaching practice program

Purpose of practice:

Formation in students of a holistic view of the features of pedagogical interaction between the educator and preschoolers and mastering the functions of the educator's activity in groups of preschool children.

Practice objectives:

1. To update the theoretical knowledge of students, to promote their creative application in the pedagogical process of the preschool educational institution.

2. To form a professional pedagogical orientation; to cultivate a steady interest in the profession and love for children, to develop the need to deepen and improve skills and abilities.

3. Develop professionally significant personality traits; discipline, restraint, organization, purposefulness, goodwill and others.

4. To form professional and pedagogical skills that meet the qualification requirements for a preschool teacher.

Organization of practice: Pedagogical practice in the preschool educational institution is carried out in 7 and 8 semesters each for 3 weeks.

Part-time and part-time students implement an internship program at the place of permanent work in a preschool educational institution, in groups with children aged 3-7 years.

At the end of the practice, the student reports to the faculty leader.

Practice is given a grade.

Accounting documents:

1. Diary of pedagogical practice.

2. Summaries of direct educational activities.

Practice Evaluation Criteria

The level of formation of professional and pedagogical skills;

professional competence;

Attitude to practice, manifestations of professionally significant qualities;

The quality of the implementation of all tasks of the practice;

Quality and timeliness of delivery of reporting documentation.

date of completion

Place and time of execution

Topic 1. Building a subject-developing environment in a preschool educational institution

Task 1.1. Analyze and make a conclusion about the compliance with hygienic standards and pedagogical requirements of the subject-developing environment in the group. Task 1.2. Analyze and make a conclusion about the compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards, pedagogical requirements for the physical culture and development environment in the gym. Task 1.3. Analyze and make a conclusion about the compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards, pedagogical requirements of the environment in the music hall of the preschool educational institution.

Senior group. Sports hall. Music hall.

Topic 2. Play and development of the child's personality

2.1. Game activity analysis.

2.2. Independent organization and management of creative games.

2.3. Formulate tasks for children of your age group for the development of gaming activities.

Group. Walk.

Topic 3. Organization of physical education in a preschool educational institution

3.1. Analysis of motor mode in the group

3.2. Drawing up a plan-outline of morning exercises.

3.3. Drawing up a plan-outline of a mobile game.

Music hall. Group.

Topic 4. Artistic and aesthetic development

4.1. Observation and analysis of independent visual activity

4.2. Drawing up a plan-outline and conducting GCD on fine arts and its implementation

Topic 5. Cognitive activity. Fundamentals of environmental education of preschoolers

5.1. The system of work on environmental education (outside classes)

5.2. Independent conduct of ecological games and observations

Walk. Afternoon.

Topic 6. Summing up the results of teaching practice in a preschool educational institution

1. Registration of the final documentation

2. Participation in the conference

2. Building a subject-developing environment in a preschool educational institution

Analyze and make a conclusion about the compliance with hygiene standards and pedagogical requirements of the subject-developing environment in the middle group.

List the activity centers created in the group

In accordance with the requirements for FGT, the corners were renamed into developing activity centers that correspond to the educational areas of the directions for the development of children. Each center has a name, emblem, rules of conduct and an algorithm for working in it.

Center "We speak" (speech development),

Center "Funny Account" (mathematical);

Center of didactic games "Meditate";

Center "I and my body" (valeology);

Center "On the pages of books" (book);

Center "My Motherland" (patriotic);

Art activity center "We draw";

Nature Center "Green Planet";

Security Center "Pedestrian";

Research Center "I want to know everything."

The group has created a psychologically comfortable environment for children, as well as conditions for children's independence, initiative and creativity. To organize activities in the group, the subject-developing environment is being improved: the content of activity centers is correctly selected, focused on the interests of children, manuals and didactic material are made by the hands of educators, and activity centers are also designed in accordance with the age of children. Activity centers created in the group are aesthetically pleasing and meet hygienic and safety requirements. The child has the possibility of an individual choice in which activity center to engage in. The parents of the group take part in the creation of the developing space, which increases their pedagogical competence and helps to establish contact with the child. The group selected a card file of experiments and observations, finger games, visual and didactic material on REMP, literacy, environmental education. Projects were completed: “Toy Store”, “No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten”, “The earth is our common home”, “What a charm these fairy tales are”, “It is fashionable to be healthy”, “Road rules for children are supposed to know”, “Planets solar system”, “Russia is my Motherland”. The method of organizing the pedagogical process through the project method based on the interaction of the teacher with children contributes to the development of the child's personality, develops the ecological culture of children, brings up a careful, humane attitude towards nature.

· Check the principles of building a subject-developing environment that are implemented in your group and write down those that you have to work on:

Comfort and safety of the environment, compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards;

Compliance of the developing environment with the educational program according to which the kindergarten operates;

Accounting for all areas of child development;

Variety of environments, their rational arrangement;

Ensuring a richness of sensory experiences;

Ensuring independent individual activity;

Providing opportunities for research, search activities, experimentation:

Accessible arrangement of items and aids in accordance with the age of children;

Creation of conditions for change, design of the environment.

The construction of a subject-developing environment, which is implemented in the senior group, is based on all of the above principles. I believe that the principle that needs to be worked on is the principle providing a richness of sensory experiences.

Expand one of the principles and features of its implementation in the group:

Security wealth sensory impressions. Furnishings for group rooms must be selected in such a way that they reflect the variety of colors, shapes, materials, and the harmony of the surrounding world. For this, as a rule, a lot of space is given to natural and various waste materials. Along with this, a variety of household items are often brought into groups of preschoolers, and natural things are used in the paraphernalia of role-playing games. For example, in the game "Barbershop": hair dryer (without cord), combs (flat, round). Hair clips, shampoo bottles (empty), etc. A variety of activities of children in such an environment is an effective condition for the development of sensory abilities, which, in turn, are basic in the system of intellectual abilities of a preschool child.

Analyze the subject-developing environment in the group and its compliance with the principles of construction and the program being implemented:

IN MDOU - CRR - kindergarten No. 34 in the senior group created conditions for all types of children's activities: play, communication, labor, cognitive research, productive, musical and artistic, reading, motor.

The developing environment is organized taking into account the interests of children and meets their gender and age characteristics. The group is distinguished by its individuality, a corner of experimentation, natural, the theater is made with their own hands and collectively with children. Didactic corners with sets of materials for the development of sensory and fine motor skills of hands have been created for preschool children. The content of the developing environment in the group for children aged 5-6 reflects the development of knowledge of educational areas by children.

Analyze and make a conclusion about the compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards, pedagogical requirements for the physical culture and development environment in the gym.

The selection of equipment is determined by the tasks of both physical and comprehensive education of children. The main set of equipment and aids is located in the gym, as different types classes in physical culture are mainly held in it.

In order to develop children's interest in different types of exercises using aids, some items and aids should be stored in the pantry, which allows you to update the material in the group.

Equipment for sports games it is desirable to store in a sectional cabinet or in closed boxes.

Hoops, jump ropes, cords are best placed on the hooks of one free wall in the group.

Physical education equipment is located in the group so that children can freely approach it and use it.

The selection of equipment is determined by the program objectives of both physical and comprehensive education of children. According to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 2151 dated July 20, 2011, clause 3.2.8. “Materials and equipment for movement activities include equipment for walking, running and balance; for jumping; for rolling, throwing and catching; for crawling and climbing; for general developmental exercises. In a kindergarten, it is necessary to have a sufficient amount of physical education equipment to provide children with a favorable level of physical activity in the process of various forms of physical education for preschoolers. The variety of equipment and aids makes it possible to use it productively in various types of GCD in physical culture, while creating their variable content for the development of the arbitrariness of children's movements, their independence and creative ideas.

It is necessary that the equipment (dimensions, dimensions and weight of objects) correspond to the age characteristics of children and their anthropometric indicators. The amount of equipment is determined based on the active participation of all children in the process of various forms of physical activity. The dimensions and weight of portable equipment should be commensurate with the capabilities of children.

One of the important requirements for the selection of equipment is to ensure the safety of children when using it. Each allowance must be stable and durable. In order to provide insurance, prevent injuries in children during physical education classes, it is necessary to have good fastenings and gymnastic mats.

The materials from which the equipment is made must meet hygienic requirements, be environmentally friendly and durable.

A variety of shapes, colors of sports equipment should contribute to the development of artistic taste in children. Delicate pastel colors are most preferred for painting equipment. Most of the physical education aids are used by children in the process of performing physical exercises and outdoor games. Therefore, equipment sets should include a wide variety of items: large-sized (gymnastics with benches, stairs, booms, etc.). Portable and stationary, made of different materials (wood, rubber, plastic, etc.). Small (rubber rings, balls, balls, hoops, etc.).

The presence of a variety of equipment in the sets is due to the specifics of the construction and content of different types of physical education classes (morning exercises, corrective exercises after a daytime sleep, physical education classes, games and exercises outdoors and indoors, sports activities and holidays). For the rational organization of the motor activity of preschool children, it is important to pay attention to the placement of equipment at the place of its use (for certain conditions).

Conclude compliance with:

For the rational organization of the motor activity of preschool children, it is important to pay attention to the placement of equipment at the place of its use. Much attention is paid to the physical development of children. The hall is sufficiently equipped with equipment and sports equipment for the development of motor activity of children, both standard and non-standard. All equipment meets pedagogical and sanitary requirements. In the gym there are manuals for physical exercises, the development of basic movements, the prevention of postural disorders and flat feet, sports games and exercises. In the hall, physical education classes are held by the whole group, subgroup and individual; morning gymnastics, sports entertainment, sports activities. The hall for the convenience and coordination of physical culture and health-improving work works according to a specially approved schedule.

Analyze and make a conclusion about the compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards, pedagogical requirements of the environment in the music hall.

Formulate and write down the requirements and norms:

Federal state requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the main general educational program of preschool education (BEP DO) are a set of requirements that ensure the implementation of the BEP DO, aimed at achieving the planned results of preschool education.

The subject-developing environment in the music hall has its own characteristics associated with the specific focus of the educational field "Music".

The music hall in the kindergarten is, as a rule, the largest, brightest and best equipped room, it is the visiting card of the kindergarten. It hosts not only classes with children, but also all kinds of holidays, entertainment and other events for children, employees and parents. Therefore, here, as in any kindergarten, the requirements of SanPiNs and compliance with fire safety rules are extremely relevant.

The space of the music hall, as well as the group room, can be conditionally divided into the same three zones: working, quiet and active.

Make a conclusion about conformity.

The music hall in the kindergarten is the place where children get acquainted with the secret of music, learn to sing, and where the dreams of little stars begin. As music has an individual character, so the interior of the music hall in kindergarten is distinguished by its individuality, grace and attractiveness. A beautifully and lovingly designed room has an active effect on the child: it has a positive effect on his development, well-being, including psychological. The hall looks especially elegant on holidays! In addition to traditional music classes, morning performances and leisure activities, various intellectual educational games for older preschoolers are held in the music room using a multimedia projector. To do this, methodological materials have been developed taking into account health-saving technologies (abstracts of classes, entertainment scenarios, visual gymnastics complexes).

· Formulate tasks for the development of the subject-developing environment of the group.

The object-spatial environment in each age group of the kindergarten should have distinctive features, namely:

1. The environment in which the child develops should provide personality-oriented education and social and emotional interaction of children with adults, where the child emotionally manifests himself, expressing a consciously correct attitude to the environment, realizing himself as a person.

2. Emotions of a child, positive or negative, are born in the process of his communication with the material world.

3. Teachers and parents need to direct them to the development of such individual qualities as mutual assistance, kindness, the ability to see beauty, love for others.

4. A properly organized subject environment presupposes the unity of the material and spiritual world of the child.

5. Each object of the objective world not only contains certain information, but also encourages children to express their emotions.

6. The subject-developing environment includes the color scheme of the group, wildlife objects (houseplants, aquariums and terrariums, mini-greenhouses), the design of activity areas (game, dining room, bedroom).

3. Play and development of the child's personality

Game activity analysis.

· Observe and describe the development of the content of the role-playing game of children in your age group.

How do the players get the idea of ​​the game?

l How varied are children's play ideas?

How varied are the play tasks set by the child?

l What is the degree of independence of children in choosing a plan and setting game tasks?

Observing children in role-playing games and joint activities were carried out in the game room, on a walk, as well as during independent activities.

Role-playing games take one of the important places in children of senior preschool age. Children take on roles in kindergarten, at home, on the playground, etc. Gradually, this type of game becomes the most favorite for most children. A gender-role division of preferences can also be noted: boys are interested in technology and outdoor games, while girls prefer role-playing games “Beauty Salon”, “Barbershop”, “Mothers and Daughters”, etc.

Observations have shown that in pronounced activity in role-playing games, there is independence in organizing joint activities with other children.

Game designs are not static, but sustainable and evolving. Children jointly discuss the idea of ​​the game, take into account the point of view of the partner, reach a common solution. A long-term perspective of the game appears, which indicates a high level of development of game creativity. Before the game, children outline a general plan, and during the game they include new ideas and images in it, i.e. planning, consistency of the game is combined with improvisation.

In the game, children recreate relationships between people. Game action can be replaced by a word, because. speech plays a big role in story games.

At this age, it is typical to learn as much as possible about the game that children play, so they often turn to the teacher with clarifying questions, or for confirmation of the correctness of their actions.

· Ways for children to solve game problems. Describe the idea of ​​ways to display reality in the game, answering the following questions:

b How varied are the play activities with the toys?

b What is the degree of generalization of play actions with toys?

l Presence in the game of game actions with substitute objects and imaginary objects, the degree of independence of children in using the named methods of solving game problems?

b Does the child take on the role?

l How varied and expressive are role-playing activities?

b Presence of role-playing statements.

ü The presence of a role-playing conversation, its content.

In the plot-display game, children convey not only separate actions but also elements of adult behavior in real life. In games, a "role in action" appears. The child performs the function of a mother-seller, without naming himself in accordance with this function. And to the question of an adult: “Who are you?” replies: "I am Alla (Masha, Andryusha)." In such games, actions with plot-shaped toys at first are very similar to real practical actions with objects and gradually become generalized, turning into conditional ones. Then the child begins to act with imaginary objects: bathes the doll with non-existent shampoo.

The development of game actions is due to the development of objective ones. Mastering objective actions leads to their generalization and inclusion in other situations. An adult contributes to the transition of the baby's objective actions into play ones, showing play actions or encouraging the child to perform them: “Put Mishka to sleep. Feed the doll." Later, children themselves turn objective actions into play ones.

First, the plots describe the actions of one character with certain objects in one or successively changing situations. Characters, objects and actions with them are rigidly fixed and repeat, as it were, according to one pattern. For example, a girl cooks dinner, feeds a bear. The plots then include several characters with a set of specific connections. The connection of the characters is set by means of their inclusion in the overall situation of the role through a consistent exchange of actions. There are three options here. The first involves two fixed characters, one of which is the object of the other, for example, a hairdresser and a client. The second consists of independent actions included in the general situation, for example, the driver and passengers. In the third, the characters exchange actions: the buyer chooses the goods, and the seller weighs.

Interaction of children in the game.

b Does the child interact?

To whom does the child set game tasks: an adult or a peer?

Is the child able to accept play tasks?

b What is the duration of the interaction of children in the game.

As the results showed observations of the play activities of children, the play of preschool children is characterized by a low level of development, the role-playing actions of children are not always coordinated. There is a frequent intersection of role-playing and real relationships of playing children, they express their disagreement, dissatisfaction with partners, are distracted from the goal of the game and incompletely embody the plan. The game theme is the same. The role-playing behavior of the participants in the game is characterized by a lack of cohesion, initiative, and emotional coloring. In the games of preschoolers, role-playing dialogues are rare, which involve the communication of children from their role. Children mostly use the plot suggested by adults and other children; rarely offer new play options, new uses for a known object; do not always realize their plan of activity. Only some children choose their own topic; able to conjecture the proposed version of the plot; can captivate others with their ideas; quickly adapt to the game task; can offer more than one version of the plot.

The main task of the educator is to help them overcome fear, embarrassment, inactivity, and also form positive relationships with their peers.

Describe the degree of independence of children in the game.

The level of development of the independence of older preschoolers can be significantly increased through the use of complex educational influences that are organically included in the general system of educational and educational work of the kindergarten and are not aimed at the formation of initiative, independence and responsibility. The most important form of children's activity, in which such influences should be carried out, is a role-playing game, which provides favorable opportunities for the formation of initiative - the central structural component of independence. Independence is formed mainly on the material of productive activity, responsibility - in the performance of labor assignments.

The effectiveness of work aimed at developing children's independence is ensured by the introduction of a number of significant motives into the activities of preschoolers: achieving success, social significance of the results of activities, etc.; enrichment of children's knowledge about the surrounding reality; arming them certain ways actions that allow you to achieve your goals without the help of adults.

An important role in the education of independence, the desire to bring the matter to the end is played by the creation in children of an appropriate emotional mood, the formation of an emotional anticipation of the results of their activities.

The most favorable conditions for the formation of independence of older preschoolers are provided by collective role-playing games in combination with various types of productive activities with elements of labor. Education of independence should be carried out in stages. The stages differ both in pedagogical tasks and in the methods used to ensure the development of initiative, responsibility, and independence in children.


- Home, family.


- "Kindergarten".

- "School".

- "Library".


- "Ambulance".

- "Polyclinic".

- "Hospital".

- "Veterinary hospital".

- "Pharmacy".


- "Shop".


- "Sewing Studio".

- Photo studio.

World of beauty:

- "Salon".

- "Beauty saloon".


- "Construction".

- We are building a house.

Entertainment. Public places:

- Zoo.

- "The circus".

- "In the cafe".

- Travelers.

- "Cosmonauts".

· Supervise the development of the content and compliance with the rules of the games. Write down the observation of game activity with the rules (developing, mobile) 2-3 children. To record the observation, you can use the tabular version.

Child's name

Types of games and plots that the child prefers

Game material (toys, game attributes)

Diversity, stability, Dynamism of game plots

The dependence of the use of gaming skills on gaming interests

Mila P.

Games with rules, creative, theatrical

Jump ropes, hoops, suits.

Diverse, plays regularly, the plot makes sense.

Gaming skills do not match interests

Pavel A.

Creative (director's), p / and low mobility

Small toys, robots - transformers, balls, dinosaurs.

Games are monotonous, plays rarely.

Gaming skills match interests

Maxim L.

Creative (construction, directorial), p / and small ceiling, d / and.

Building material, small toys, ring toss, balls, cars.

Regularly plays, games are monotonous, the plot is dynamic

Gaming skills match interests

Independent organization and management of creative games.

· Make a summary of the role-playing game guide and implement it in the group. (Attach the abstract to the reporting documentation).

Write down the reflection of the activity.

The game "City of Masters" was held with children, aimed at consolidating previously acquired knowledge about the work of adults.

All tasks of the lesson were completed, the children actively participated in role-playing performances.

Children could predict a possible situation. During the game, there was real opportunity control how the action that is part of the communication process is performed. So, while playing "Hospital", Vitya D. cries and suffers like a patient and is pleased with himself as well performing his role. The dual position of the player - performer and controller - develops the ability to correlate their behavior with the behavior of a certain model.

Tasks for children of the senior group on the development of gaming activities.

1. Encourage children to use expressive means of speech, gestures when conveying the characters of the performed character.

2. Provide conditions for children's play activities.

3. Give the child the opportunity to freely choose the game that suits his interests.

4. The teacher encourages children's initiative.

5. Can connect to the game, taking on a role that is not directly related to the plot-semantic context, can introduce a role from a different semantic context into the game (this forces children to turn the plot in a new direction).

6. The educator contributes to the development of initiative and independence in the game, activity in the implementation of game ideas in children.

7. Encourage the child's desire to make the missing items for the game with their own hands.

8. Pay attention to the formation in children of the ability to create new diverse plots of the game, coordinate ideas with partners, come up with new rules and follow them during the game.

9. Contribute to the strengthening of children's play associations, be attentive to the relationships that develop children in the game.

10. Orient children to cooperate in a joint game, regulate their behavior based on creative game ideas.

11. To develop the skills of children to independently organize a joint game, to fairly resolve conflicts that have arisen in the game. Use normative methods for this (order, different types of lots).

12. To develop in children the ability to widely use the game role to deploy a variety of plots, for inclusion in a game agreed with peers.

13. Improve children's ability to regulate behavior based on game rules.

14. The teacher gradually forms in children the ability to creatively combine a variety of events, creating a new plot for the game.

15. The teacher supports the interest of children in free improvisation based on fairy tales, literary works, offering different forms: dramatization by roles, puppet theater, participates with the children.

4. Organization of physical education in the preschool educational institution

Analysis of motor mode in the group.

Analyze the motor mode for children of the older group, compare the results with the norms and requirements of SanPIN and other standards recommended by the Methodological Recommendations "Medical and Pedagogical Control of Physical Education in Preschool Educational Institutions". Draw reasonable conclusions.

Requirements for the organization of physical education

1.1. Physical education of children should be aimed at improving health and physical development, expanding the functionality of the child's body, the formation of motor skills and motor qualities.

1 .2. Motor mode, physical exercises and hardening activities should be carried out taking into account the health, age of children and the time of year.

It is recommended to use forms of physical activity: morning exercises, indoor and outdoor physical training, physical training minutes, outdoor games, sports exercises, rhythmic gymnastics, training on simulators, swimming and others.

In the volume of physical activity of pupils aged 5-7 years, it should be provided in organized forms of health-improving and educational activities 6-8 hours a week, taking into account the psychophysiological characteristics of children, the time of year and the operating hours of preschool educational organizations.

To implement the motor activity of children, the equipment and inventory of the gym and sports grounds are used in accordance with the age and height of the child.

1.3 . Physical development classes of the main educational program for children aged 3 to 7 years are organized at least 3 times a week. The duration of physical development classes depends on the age of the children and is:

In the senior group - 25 min.,

Once a week for children 5- For 7 years, classes on the physical development of children in the open air should be organized year-round. They are carried out only if the children have no medical contraindications and the children have sportswear that matches the weather conditions.

In the warm season, under favorable meteorological conditions, it is recommended to organize directly educational activities for physical development in the open air.

1.4 . To achieve a sufficient amount of physical activity of children, it is necessary to use all organized forms of classes. exercise with a wide inclusion of outdoor games, sports exercises.

Work on physical development is carried out taking into account the health of children with constant monitoring by medical workers.

In accordance with the draft federal component of the preschool education standard, the active motor activity of children in the daily routine should be 45-50% of the total volume of daily motor activity.

Medical and pedagogical control over the physical education of preschool children.

Medical control over the physical education of children in preschool institutions includes:

1. Dynamic monitoring of the state of health and physical development of children, which is carried out during in-depth examinations by doctors of preschool institutions or clinics.

2. Medical and pedagogical observations of the organization of the motor regime, the methodology for conducting and organizing physical exercises and their impact on the child's body; control over the implementation of the hardening system.

3. Control over the sanitary and hygienic condition of the places where classes are held (room, site), sports equipment, sportswear and shoes.

4. Sanitary and educational work on the issues of physical education of preschoolers among the staff of the preschool institution and parents.

Carrying out medical and pedagogical observations at physical education classes, a doctor, nurse, teacher should familiarize themselves with the lesson plan, check whether the plan and content of the lesson meet the requirements of the "Program" for children of this age, the state of health and the level of physical fitness of children.

Summing up, we can say that the motor mode in the institution is It is a means of strengthening the health and increasing the efficiency of the child's body. Teachers create optimal conditions for the motor mode of children.

The motor mode of the senior group meets the requirements of SanPiN.

Tab. 3. Outline of morning exercises


Organizational and methodological instructions

Starting position - main stance. At times - tilt your head to the right, raise your shoulders. On two - take the starting position. On three - tilt the head to the left, lower the shoulders. Take the starting position. Start the exercise!

Breathing is free. The back is straight.

I. p. - o.s. feet shoulder width apart. For 1-2 right hand take aside. On 3 - 4 return to the starting position. Repeat the same only to the left. Start the exercise!

6 once

I.p. - o.s., legs together. 1 - 2 hands up, feet on toes. On 3-4 Take the starting position. Start the exercise!

Maintain balance, breathing freely through the nose

I.p., - stood up straight, legs together slightly bent at the knees, (heels together socks apart), arms straight, slightly laid back. On 1 - jumping over the ball forward. On 2 - back, three - to the left, four - to the right. Accept the starting position. Start the exercise!

Average pace 30s.

Spring bouncing. Breathing freely through the nose. Back, head straight.

I. p. - feet shoulder-width apart, arms laid back. On 1 - the tilt of the body to the right - down. On 2 - tilt the body straight - down. On 3 - the tilt of the body to the left - down. Accept the starting position. Start the exercise!

3 times

Breathing is free through the nose, movements are smooth.

Starting position - main stance, feet shoulder-width apart. On 1-2 raise the right knee, arms down. 3-4 starting position. Repeat the movement with the left leg.

8 times

Maintain balance, breathing freely through the nose.

Starting position of the main rack. Jumping. 1 foot to the side, arms to the side. 2 starting position

8 times

The movements of the arms and legs are coordinated.

Outline of the game « Take it fast " with kids senior gr.

Tasks of conducting:

1. Improve running in children;

2. To develop in children dexterity, attention, speed of reaction.



Organizational instructions and methods of conducting

Gathering children to play

Cubes, balls, sandbags, small rubber toys, cones, which should be 1-2 less than the number of children playing, are laid out on the carpet over the entire area.

Interest and name the game

Guys, today we will play a game called "Quick Take"

Explanation or reminder

There are various objects on the carpet, look at them. To the music, you will run around, between objects. As soon as the music stops, you need to take one item and raise it above your head.

Distribution to roles

And now we will choose a leader who will turn the music on and off. A leader is chosen for the counting rhyme. The counting rhyme begins: A jackdaw sat on a birch, Two crows, a sparrow, Three magpies, a nightingale.

Game control

Be careful not to push. All the rules, we remembered, took all their places at the signal one-two-three, start the game. We do not push each other, Valya B.

The results of the horse and the change of roles. Clarification of the actions of the players

Let's count how many items each of you. One two Three. The host changes and the game continues.

The overall result of the game

Now we will once again calculate how many items each of you collected and sum up the overall result of the game. Most of the items were collected by Leonid Z.

5. Artistic and aesthetic development

Observation and analysis independently oh visual activity.

Make up questions and analyze the independent visual activity of 2-3 children in your group.


1. Do you like to draw?

2. What do you usually draw?

3. Tell me what you can draw with?

4. What do you like to draw more with paints or pencils?

5. What else can you draw?

Observations and analysis

From the conversation, we found out that children love to draw. When choosing materials for creating drawings, they opted for simpler ones: pencils, felt-tip pens. The question of what other materials can be used to create an image caused the children difficulty in answering. Also, all the children answered that they are independent in creating and implementing the idea and they do not need any help. When creating drawings, children mainly pay attention to the image of objects. In accordance with this, we can conclude that children are fond of drawing, showing their imagination, but it is limited to the choice of simple materials, which limits the development of creativity.

Drawing up a plan-outline and conducting a GCD on fine arts.

· Make a plan-outline of GCD. Attach the abstract to the reporting documentation. Write down the reflection of the activity.

The lesson went according to plan. All assigned tasks have been completed. The children listened to the teacher with great enthusiasm and completed all the tasks.

6. Cognitive activity. Fundamentals of environmental education of preschoolers

developing preschool game

The system of work on environmental education (outside classes).

· Describe the system of games and observations and conversations in your age group.

Didactic games:

"Know by smell."

"Guess by touch."

"Find out the description."


"About friendship".

"Zimushka - winter".


"Draw a vegetable."


"Magic Water".

"I sow, I sow, I sow."

Game "Seasons",

"Connect the leaves to the trees."

Didactic lotto "What first, what then?".

Drawing up a summary and conducting environmental games and observations.

Conduct and write down the reflection of the activity.

Children enthusiastically participated in the implementation of all tasks. There was an atmosphere of understanding and cooperation at the lesson.

After the children began to draw conclusions about which objects sink and which do not sink, it became difficult for them to conclude why this object sank and the other did not. They simply answered shortly "Because it is heavy, or light." Children really like classes with experiments, we must try to conduct them as often as possible. In general, the lesson was successful and interesting.

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