Electrical axis of the heart. Vertical EOS: description, provisions, deviations

The electrical axis of the heart is a term that means the electrical activity of an organ, that is, the total indicator of its average vector during depolarization. This is an indicator of the electrical processes of the heart.

This concept is used in cardiology and functional diagnostics. Determining the direction of the EOS is carried out using an ECG.

In the direction of the axis, the doctor determines the bioelectrical changes that occur in the myocardium during contraction.

To determine the direction of the EOS, there is a coordinate system that is located on the entire chest.

With electrocardiography, the doctor can set the electrodes according to the coordinate system, while it will be clear where the axis angle is, that is, the places where the electrical impulses are strongest.

Impulses travel through the conduction system of the heart. It consists of atypical fibers that are located in certain areas of the body.

This system starts at sinus node. Further, the impulse passes to the atria and ventricles and to the bundle of His.

When any violations occur in the conductor system, then the EOS changes its direction.

Axis location

In a healthy person, the left ventricle has a larger mass than the right one.

This means that stronger electrical processes occur precisely in the left ventricle, and, accordingly, the electrical axis is directed there.

If we indicate this in degrees, then the LV is in the region of 30-700 with a value of +. This is considered the standard, but it should be said that not everyone has this axle arrangement.

There may be a deviation of more than 0-900 with a value of +, since it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the body of each person.

The doctor may conclude:

  • no deviations;
  • semi-vertical position;
  • semi-horizontal position.

All of these conclusions are the norm.

As for individual characteristics, it is noted that in people of high stature and thin build, the EOS is in a semi-vertical position, and in people who are lower and at the same time they are of a stocky build, the EOS has a semi-horizontal position.

The pathological condition looks like a sharp deviation to the left or right.

Reasons for rejection

When the EOS deviates sharply to the left, this may mean that there are certain diseases, namely LV hypertrophy.

In this state, the cavity is stretched, increases in size. Sometimes this is due to overload, but it can also be the result of a disease.

Diseases that cause hypertrophy are:

In addition to hypertrophy, the main causes of left axis deviation are conduction disturbances inside the ventricles and blockades of various types.

Quite often, with such a deviation, the blockade of the left leg of His, namely its anterior branch, is diagnosed.

As for the pathological deviation of the axis of the heart sharply to the right, this may mean that there is hypertrophy of the pancreas.

This pathology can be caused by such diseases:

As well as diseases characteristic of LV hypertrophy:

  • ischemia of the heart;
  • chronic heart failure;
  • cardiomyopathy;
  • complete blockade left leg of His (posterior branch).

When the electrical axis of the heart is sharply deviated to the right in a newborn, this is considered the norm.

It can be concluded that the main cause of pathological displacement to the left or right is ventricular hypertrophy.

And the greater the degree of this pathology, the more EOS is rejected. An axis change is simply an ECG sign of some kind of disease.

It is important to timely determine these indications and diseases.

Deviation of the axis of the heart does not cause any symptoms, the symptomatology manifests itself from hypertrophy, which disrupts the hemodynamics of the heart. The main symptoms are headaches, chest pains, swelling of the extremities and face, suffocation and shortness of breath.

With the manifestation of symptoms of a cardiological nature, you should immediately undergo an electrocardiography.

Definition of ECG signs

This is the position at which the axis is within the range of 70-900.

On the ECG, this is expressed as high R waves in the QRS complex. In this case, the R wave in lead III exceeds the wave in lead II. There is an RS complex in lead I, in which S has a greater depth than the height of R.

In this case, the position of the alpha angle is within the range of 0-500. The ECG shows that in the standard lead I, the QRS complex is expressed as an R-type, and in lead III, its form is S-type. In this case, the S tooth has a depth greater than the height R.

With blockade of the posterior branch of the left leg of His, the alpha angle is greater than 900. On the ECG, the duration of the QRS complex may be slightly increased. There is a deep S wave (aVL, V6) and a tall R wave (III, aVF).

When blocking the anterior branch of the left leg of His, the values ​​will be from -300 and more. On the ECG signs of this are the late R wave (lead aVR). Leads V1 and V2 may have a small r wave. At the same time, the QRS complex is not expanded, and the amplitude of its teeth is not changed.

Blockade of the anterior and posterior branches of the left leg of His (complete blockade) - in this case, the electrical axis is sharply deviated to the left, and can be located horizontally. On the ECG in the QRS complex (leads I, aVL, V5, V6), the R wave is expanded, and its top is serrated. Near the high R wave is a negative T wave.

It should be concluded that the electrical axis of the heart can be moderately deviated. If the deviation is sharp, then this may mean the presence of serious diseases of a cardiological nature.

EOS deviation to the right is recorded if it is in the range from +90 to +180 degrees.

Let's take a closer look at why this happens and what are the normal numbers.

When deciphering an electrocardiogram, one of the parameters is EOS - the electrical axis of the heart. This indicator indirectly reflects the position of this organ in the chest.

The atria and ventricles of the heart are controlled by impulses that propagate through the conduction system. When taking a cardiogram, electrical signals passing inside the heart muscle are recorded.

For ease of measurement, the heart is schematically represented as a three-dimensional coordinate axis.

In the total addition, the impulses form a directed electric vector. It is projected onto the frontal vertical plane. This is EOS. Usually the electrical axis coincides with the anatomical one.

What should be its normal position?

The anatomical structure of the heart is such that its left ventricle weighs more than the right one. Therefore, the electrical excitation in the left side of the organ is stronger.

Graphically, this is expressed in the fact that the axis is directed diagonally to the left and down. If you look at the projection of the vector, then the left side of the heart is in the area from +30 to +70 degrees. This is the normal value for an adult.

The position of the axis depends, among other things, on the individual characteristics of physiology.

The direction of the EOS is influenced by the following factors:

  • impulse speed.
  • The ability of the heart muscle to contract.
  • Features of the structure of the spine, chest, internal organs that interact with the heart.

Given these factors, the normal value of the axis ranges from 0 to +90 degrees.

In a healthy person, EOS can be in one of the following positions:

  • Normal - the angle of deviation from the coordinate axis is from +30 to +70 degrees.
  • Intermediate - from +15 to +60.
  • Vertical - between +70 and +90. This is typical for thin people with a narrow chest.
  • Horizontal - from 0 to + 30 degrees. It occurs in people with a wide chest with low stature.

In newborns, EOS deviation to the right is often observed. By the age of one or two, she becomes vertical position. After the children reach the age of three, the axis usually assumes a normal position.

This is due to the growth of the heart, in particular, with an increase in the mass of the left ventricle.

Why would she move to the right?

A sharp deviation of the electric vector from its axis is sometimes caused by processes occurring inside the body (pregnancy, development of tumors, etc.).

However, most often this means the presence of disorders in the work of the heart muscle.

Axis shift can occur for the following pathological reasons:

  • Ischemic disease. Blockage of the arteries that supply blood to the myocardium develops.
  • Violation of blood flow in the branches of the pulmonary artery. It occurs as a result of vasoconstriction, which causes an increase in pressure in the right side of the heart.
  • Myocardial infarction. Against the background of ischemic disease, tissue necrosis develops due to insufficient blood supply.
  • The opening between the left atrium and the ventricle narrows (stenosis), which leads to significant tension in the right side of the organ and its subsequent hypertrophy.
  • Blockage of the pulmonary artery (thrombosis).
  • Arrhythmia is a violation of the heartbeat, accompanied by chaotic excitation of the atria.
  • The occurrence of pulmonary pathology of the chronic type, in which the ventricle is also observed. In medicine, this disease is called "cor pulmonale".
  • Abnormal development of the myocardium, in which there is a displacement of the organ in right side. At the same time, the electric axis also deviates.

And also the shift of the axis to the right is observed due to long-term use tricyclic antidepressants, resulting in severe intoxication of the body. This negatively affects the work of the heart.

When in newborns the EOS is deviated to the right side, this is considered the norm.

However, if the shift is associated with (violation of the passage of the electrical impulse through the bundles of heart cells), then an additional examination of the baby is carried out.

Cardiac pathologies are congenital or acquired during life, which develop as a result of previous serious illnesses or due to increased physical exertion.

For example, professional athletes are often diagnosed with an increase in the mass and volume of the left ventricle (hypertrophy).

Signs of bias on the ECG

Corner electrical axis and its direction are the main characteristics when deciphering the ECG.

The interpretation of the cardiogram is given by a cardiologist. To do this, he uses special schemes and tables designed to determine the displacement of the EOS.

The diagnostician examines the QRS teeth on the electrocardiogram. This is a set of notation showing and displaying the polarization of the ventricles.

QRS waves characterize their contraction or relaxation. R - tooth directed upwards (positive), Q, S - negative, or directed downwards. Q is before R and S is after it. By these signs, the cardiologist judges how the axis is shifting.

Deviation of the electrical axis of the heart to the right occurs if R is greater in the third lead than in the first. If the highest amplitude of R is in the second lead, the EOS corresponds to the normal position.

Additional diagnostic methods

If the patient has a tendency to shift the EOS to the right on the ECG, an additional examination is carried out in order to make an accurate diagnosis.

Basically, this indicator indicates an increase in the mass of the right side of the heart.

The following diagnostic methods are used:

  • Chest X-ray. The pictures show an increase in the heart muscle, if any.
  • . The method allows you to get a complete visual picture of the state of the myocardium.
  • . Used in the presence of tachycardia in a patient.
  • An electronic cardiogram with an additional load (for example,) - to determine coronary disease.
  • Angiography - reveals abnormalities in the work of the coronary vessels.

Should I be concerned and what should I do?

By itself, the displacement of the electrical axis of the heart is not a disease, it only indicates the possible presence of pathologies. Cardiologists believe that one of the main reasons for the deviation of the cardiac axis to the right is hypertrophy of the heart muscle.

If a shift to the right side is detected, additional examinations should be immediately carried out. Based on their results, the doctor will prescribe treatment if any disorder is identified.

Usually, a sharp deviation of the EOS on the electrocardiogram does not signal a threat to life. Only a strong change in the vector angle (up to +900) can alert the doctor. With this indicator, cardiac arrest may occur. The patient is immediately transferred to the intensive care unit.

In order to avoid serious consequences, in the presence of EOS displacement, it is recommended to be examined by a cardiologist every year.

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The electrical axis of the heart (EOS) is a concept that implies the activity of conducting nerve excitations synthesized and performed in the heart.

This indicator is characterized by the amount of conduction of electrical signals through the cavities of the heart, occurring with any contraction of the heart tissues.

The electrical axis of the heart is one of the characteristics determined by the ECG. To make a diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct additional hardware studies.

During an electrocardiogram study, the device captures nerve excitations emitted by different parts of the heart by applying electrocardiograph sensors to different parts of the chest.

To calculate the direction of the EOS, doctors use a coordinate system, comparing the location of the heart with it. Due to the projection of electrodes onto it, the angle of the EOS is calculated.

In places where the zone of the heart muscle, in which the electrode is installed, emits stronger nerve excitations, there is the EOS angle.

Why is the normal conduction of electrical excitations of the heart so important?

The fibers that make up the heart perfectly conduct nerve excitations, and with their multitude create the cardiac system, where they conduct these nervous excitations.

The initial functioning of the heart muscle begins in the sinus node, with the appearance of nervous excitation. Next, the nerve signal is transported to the ventricular node, which transmits the signal to the bundle of His, through which the signal propagates further.

The location of the latter is localized in the septum separating the two ventricles, where it branches into the anterior and posterior legs.

The nerve conduction system is very important for the healthy functioning of the heart, because thanks to electrical impulses sets the normal rhythm of heart contractions, which sets the healthy functioning of the body.

If deviations appear in the signal conduction structure, then significant deviations in the position of the EOS are possible.

How is the electrical axis of the heart determined?

Reveal the location of the EOS, subject to the attending physician, deciphering the ECG using diagrams and tables, and finding the alpha angle.

This angle is formed from two straight lines. One of them is the 1st axis of abduction, and the second is the line of the vector of the electrical axis of the heart.

Location features include:

NormalIf the location of the angle is within plus thirty - plus sixty nine, then this indicates normal indicators of the electrical axis of the heart
Vertical EOSRegistered when defining the axis within seventy - ninety degrees
HorizontalWhen the angle is in the range from zero to thirty degrees
Offset to the leftThe position of the ventricle is within an angle from zero to minus ninety degrees
Offset rightIt is registered with indicators of the position of the ventricle in the range from ninety-one to one hundred and eighty.

Another way to identify the electrical axis of the heart is to compare QRS complexes, the main task of which is the synthesis of nerve excitations and contraction of the ventricles.

Definition indicators are given below:

NormalWith these electrical axis values, the R-wave of the second lead is larger than the R-wave in the first lead, and the similar tooth of the third compartment is smaller than in the first. (R2>R1>R3)
Left DeviationIf the normal position of the electrical axis is violated to the left side, the R-tooth of the first compartment is recorded - the largest, and the second and third, respectively, are smaller. (R1>R2>R3)
Right DeviationViolation of the electrical axis of the heart to the right side is characterized by the largest third R-wave, and a corresponding decrease in the second and first. (R1

To accurately determine the height of the teeth, if they are approximately at the same level, use the following technique:

  • QRS complexes are determined in leads 1 and 3;
  • The height of the R-teeth of the 1st lead is summarized;
  • A similar operation is performed with the R-teeth of the 3rd lead;
  • The resulting sums are inserted into a certain table, the data joining point corresponding to a certain corner radius is identified. By identifying the normal values ​​of the alpha angle, you can easily determine the location of the EOS.

You can also determine the position of the electric axis with a pencil. This method is not accurate enough, and is used, in many cases, by students.

To determine in this way, attach the back of the pencil to the results of the electrocardiogram in the places of three leads and determine the highest R-wave.

After that, the sharp side of the pencil is directed to the R-wave, to the lead, where it is as large as possible.

Normal indicators of EOS

The boundaries of normal levels of the electrical axis of the heart are determined by the study of the electrocardiogram.

In weight ratio, the right ventricle is larger than the left. Therefore, in the latter, nervous excitations are much stronger, which directs the EOS to it.

If we compare the heart with the coordinate system, then its position will be in the range from thirty to seventy degrees.

This arrangement is normal for the axis. But its position can fluctuate from zero to ninety degrees, which varies from the personal parameters of the human body:

  • Horizontal. In the majority of cases, it is recorded in people of short stature, but with a wide sternum;
  • Vertical. Mostly recorded in people of high stature, but thin build.

When fixing the electrical axis of the heart, the above positions are rarely observed. Semi-horizontal and semi-vertical positions of the axis are recorded in the predominant number of cases.

All of the above location options are normal indicators. Turns of the heart on the projection on the coordinate system will help determine the location of the heart, and diagnose possible diseases.

In the results of the electrocardiogram, rotations of the EOS around the coordinate axis can be recorded, which may be the norm. Such cases are considered individually, depending on the symptoms, condition, complaints of the patient and the results of other examinations.

Violations of the norm indicators are deviations to the left or right.

Normal indicators in children

For infants, he notes a clear axis shift on the ECG, in the process of growth it normalizes. For a period of one year from birth, the indicator is usually located vertically. Normalization of the position is characterized by an increase and development of the left ventricle.

In children of school and preschool age, the normal electrical axis of the heart predominates, and there is also a vertical and very rarely horizontal.

Norms for children:

  • Infants, ninety to one hundred and seventy degrees;
  • Children from one to three years old - the vertical position of the axis;
  • Adolescent children - the normal position of the axis.

What is the purpose of EOS?

Only one displacement of the electrical axis of the heart does not diagnose the disease. This factor is one of the parameters on the basis of which abnormalities in the body can be diagnosed.

In certain pathologies, axis deviation is most characteristic.

These include:

  • insufficient supply of blood to the heart;
  • Primary damage to the heart muscle, not associated with inflammatory, tumor, ischemic lesions;
  • Heart failure;
  • Heart defects.

What does EOS shift to the right mean?

Complete blockade of the posterior branch of the bundle of His also leads to a violation of the electrical axis to the right. In the case of registering a right-sided displacement, a pathological increase in the dimension of the right ventricle, which is responsible for supplying blood to the lungs, is possible for oxygen saturation.

This disease is caused by narrowing of the arteries of the lung and insufficiency of the tricuspid valve.

Pathological growth of the right ventricle occurs with ischemia and / or heart failure, and other diseases that do not occur under the influence of inflammatory and ischemic processes.

What does the displacement of the EOS to the left mean?

When determining the displacement of the electrical axis to the left side, it may indicate a pathological increase in the left ventricle, as well as its overload.

This pathological condition, in most cases, is provoked by the following factors of influence:

  • Persistent increase in blood pressure, which leads to the fact that the ventricle contracts much more strongly. Such a process leads to the fact that it grows in weight, and, accordingly, in size;
  • Ischemic attacks;
  • Heart failure;
  • Primary heart lesions not associated with ischemic and inflammatory processes;
  • Left ventricular valve disease. It involves the narrowing of the largest vessel in the human body - the aorta, in which the normal ejection of blood from the left ventricle is disrupted, and its valve insufficiency, when some part of the blood is thrown back into the left ventricle;
  • People involved in sports at a professional level. In this case, it is necessary to consult a sports doctor about further sports activities.

Violation of the normal boundaries of the electrical axis can be both a congenital indicator and an acquired one. In most situations, heart defects are the consequences of a fever caused by rheumatism.

Also, displacements of the electrical axis to the left side can appear with a displacement of the conduction of nerve excitations inside the ventricles, and blockade of the anterior leg of the His bundle.


A separate displacement of the EOS does not entail any symptoms. But since it occurs as a consequence of some pathological condition, the symptoms correspond to the disease present in the body.

The most common symptoms are:

If you find the slightest symptoms, you should seek the advice of a cardiologist. Timely diagnosis and effective treatment can save a patient's life.


To diagnose diseases associated with a violation of the electrical axis of the heart, it is required to conduct several hardware studies, in addition to the ECG, to confirm the diagnosis.

These include:

  • Ultrasound examination (ultrasound). It is a method that provides a large amount of information about the state of the heart, in which it is possible to determine structural disorders in the heart. During this examination, a visual picture of the state of the heart is displayed on the screen, which will help diagnose enlargement. The method is safe and painless, which makes it available to any category of people, including infants and pregnant women;
  • Daily electrocardiogram. Allows you to determine the slightest disturbances in the work of the heart, by the method of research by an electrocardiograph throughout the day;
  • MRI of the heart- is a very complex type of safe research and is very effective. Many mistakenly think that it is associated with ionizing radiation, but it is not. The basis of MRI is a magnetic field, as well as radio frequency pulses. During the examination, the patient is placed in a special apparatus - a tomograph;
  • Load tests (treadmill, bicycle ergometry). A treadmill is a study during exercise on a special type of treadmill. Bicycle ergometer - a similar way to check, but with the help of a special bike;
  • X-ray of the sternum. During this method of research, the patient is irradiated with x-rays. The results help determine the enlargement of the heart;
  • Coronography.

    The choice of research method belongs to the attending physician, depending on the patient's complaints and symptoms.


    All the diseases listed in this article can be diagnosed by only one violation of the electrical axis. If a shift is detected, it is necessary to consult a cardiologist and conduct additional studies.

    Registration of a violation in one direction or another does not require treatment.

    It normalizes after the initial pathological condition is eliminated. And only by eliminating it, the indicators of the electric axis return to normal.

    What could be the consequences?

    The onset of burdens depends on the disease that provoked the deviation of the electrical axis.

    Due to insufficient blood supply to the heart (ischemia), the following complications can progress:

    • Tachycardia. A pathological increase in the rate of contractions of the heart occurs when the myocardium does not have enough blood volume for healthy work, which it tries to compensate for in a large number of contractions;
    • Death of heart tissue. The progression of a heart attack due to prolonged oxygen starvation, provoked by insufficient blood supply to the heart, is inevitable;
    • Circulation failure in the body. Against the background of circulatory failures in the body, blood stagnation, tissue death of vital organs, gangrene and other irreversible complications can progress;
    • Violation of the structure of the heart;
    • Fatal outcome. Extensive myocardial infarction and other serious burdens can lead to rapid death.

    To prevent the development of serious complications and to prevent possible unexpected death, if symptoms are detected, you should immediately go to the hospital.

    Examinations will help doctors to correctly diagnose the disease, and prescribe effective therapy or surgery.

Quite often, after passing the ECG, the subject can put a record such as the vertical position of the EOS in the card. The degree of correlation and physique (according to Chernorutsky) of a person are also indicated there. What does the position of the electrical axis of the heart indicate and why did doctors introduce this term into medical practice? What does the vertical position of the EOS mean and does it indicate that a person has any problems in the work of the cardiovascular system?

General concepts

So, the electrical axis of the heart is a concept from the field of cardiology, which describes the position of the heart. To describe it, the line of the resulting vector to the frontal axis along the QRS is used. The angle itself in a healthy person is formed in a ratio of 0 to 90 degrees, possibly with a small deviation from the norm. All this indicates that there are no problems in the work of the cardiovascular system. However, such a parameter as the physique of the subject is also taken into account. Depending on this, for him, the normal position of the electrical axis of the heart can vary from vertical to horizontal. The first corresponds to those who have an asthenic physique (mostly thin). The gender of a person to the position of the EOS does not matter. That is, for both boys and girls with a thin body structure, the normal position of the electrical axis is vertical. If it is horizontal or with a huge deviation from the norm, this is considered a pathology.

Why is the definition of the electrical axis of the heart used in principle? To describe the rhythm of his work. After all, contractions of the heart muscle in each individual person occur with a different rhythm. In thin people, it is faster than in those who have increased muscle mass, although here it is already more about whether a person is engaged in sports or completely neglects his physical form.

If during the ECG the vertical axis of the heart is indicated, and the doctor also makes a note in the card about the presence of a regular sinus rhythm, this indicates that, in principle, there are no problems with the functioning of the cardiovascular system. A person is conditionally considered healthy if the ECG did not show any pathologies and abnormalities during the study. Sinus rhythm deviation is a complete destabilization of the contractions of the heart muscle. This already carries a fairly high risk to human health.

Do I need to know my electrical axis?

A reasonable question arises, is it necessary for a healthy person to know his EOS? What will the knowledge of the angle of location of the electrical axis of the heart give him and does it somehow help in the diagnosis of diseases of the cardiovascular system? For a healthy person, there is no need to understand all such concepts. If his heart has never hurt, there is no increased or low blood pressure, then the position of the electrical axis in any case will be considered normal for his body. You need to understand that the location of the heart for each individual person is individual. After all, science knows even those cases when the heart muscle was located not at all in the chest area, but shifted to the hypochondrium, or even to the abdominal cavity. In such cases, as a rule, complete chaos in the arrangement of organs is determined, but this only indirectly threatens human health.

Why can the position of the heart in the chest area change? Because the heart muscle is not attached to any of the organs, not to mention the abdominal cavity. At its core, it is always in limbo and is held by the movement of the diaphragm, lungs, bronchi and alimentary tract. In this case, the blood vessels are connected to the heart at the top, which again acts as an elastic support.

Who needs to know the axis of their heart? Those who are a regular client of a cardiologist and who have previously been diagnosed with hypertension or a deviation from normal body weight. After all, the horizontal position is normal only in cases where the patient has problems with being overweight. If it is established in a person with an asthenic physique, then here we are talking either about improperly located organs, or about a poor fit of the lungs to the peritoneum (due to which the muscles descend to the diaphragm and partial compression of the blood vessels occurs).

And it should be understood that initially the concept of the electrical axis meant not exactly the position of the heart muscle, but the direction of the action of the electromotive force of the heart at the moment of contraction. However, this indicator also directly affects the position of the muscle itself, because the extrusion of the contents of the muscle is performed only in one direction (from the vein to the aorta and arteries). In the opposite direction, the electromotive force cannot be directed, since this already indicates the presence of atrophy of the sphincter and the heart valve. The electrical axis of the heart is diagnosed according to the results of the ECG and the graph that appears when the heart muscle contracts. There are no diagnostic methods for checking the position of the heart. In addition, the statement of the horizontal axis does not mean that the heart muscle is turned sideways. Nothing of the kind - it is always located with the upper chambers up. The deviation from this position can be no more than 10-20 degrees.

What is research data used for?

The establishment of EOS is not used to diagnose diseases of the cardiovascular system, but to determine the risk of their occurrence in the future or with the aggravation of some factor. For example, if a study found that the sinus rhythm was 20 percent negative (that is, a slow contraction), then this may indicate that in the future the problem with the transmission of a signal to contract from the brain to the heart will worsen . All this in total leads to a violation of the heart rhythm and an increase or a sharp decrease in blood pressure. It is also important that the deviation can cause a sharp reaction of the human body to a change in weather. That's just the non-compliance with the normal parameters of the electrical axis of the heart muscle most often causes headaches when the weather conditions worsen. Many mistakenly believe until now that migraine is the culprit, although it is in no way related to blood pressure.

Also, the position of the electrical axis of the heart is an important indicator in establishing the diagnosis of arrhythmia. The fact is that it does not always indicate the presence of any pathologies in the work of the cardiovascular system. For certain categories of people, it is to some extent normal:

  • for residents of mountainous regions;
  • for those who work as a pilot, a pilot (the cardiovascular system is constantly subjected to excessive stress);
  • for the indigenous people of Africa, in whom the rhythm of the heart muscle changes during the day, which is explained by the intensity of ultraviolet radiation, due to which the skin partially loses the ability to sweat.

That is, the indication of the electrical axis when diagnosing arrhythmia allows you to accurately determine whether this factor really has a negative effect on the body's work or whether this is normal for a particular person.

What does the offset indicate and what to do in such a situation?

It can be assumed that a person during an ECG (cardiogram) revealed that his EOS deviated from the norm according to the schedule. What to do in this case? How to restore a normal schedule and minimize the possible negative impact on the body? The first step is to look for associated symptoms. And quite often, doctors establish hypertrophy or thickening of the myocardial wall. It is because of her that the schedule shifts. But it practically does not have a negative effect on the body of a healthy person.

To obtain more detailed information about the work of the heart muscle, doctors recommend signing up for an ultrasound examination of the chest organs after an ECG. Even then, the exact position of the heart muscle is established, and its physiological shape is determined, the process of contraction, pulsed extrusion of blood into the artery is studied. Why is an ultrasound not performed immediately? Because with its help it is impossible to set the heart rate. After all, a deviation of a few milliseconds can already cause the development of numerous pathologies of the cardiovascular system. And with the help of ultrasound, the heart is in fact examined only visually, there is a contraction of the chambers, the operation of the valves and the sphincter, which prevents the backflow of blood.

And far from always, the EOS shift indicates heart problems.

Quite a few cases are known when a deviation from the norm is diagnosed throughout a person’s life, but at the same time he never complains of heart problems.