Electromechanical combination lock for the gate. How to choose an electric combination lock for a gate

Combination locks are such devices that open only after its introduction on a special symbol panel. They have been used for a long time and are, in a way, pioneers in the field of installing tricky mechanisms. Combination locks are different structure and classification, however, there is something that unites them: they are reliable guards and easy to install.

Combination locks have a small classification:

  1. Conventional combination locks with automatic closing mechanism.
  2. Padlocks.

Ordinary combination locks can be mounted on any kind of doors, including wickets and gates. They are convenient in that they allow you not to control the closing process, but, at the same time, do not allow outsiders to enter the territory. .

Components of a code street lock on the gate and gate


The panel with the code is located outside the gate. Most often it is mounted on the wall - next to the door. Sometimes there are exceptions, and the panel is installed directly on the gate. The scheme of its action is extremely simple and, at the same time, complex: you need to dial the code. Difficulties in this case occur due to the fact that it is possible to forget the numbers or the sequence of their dialing. In this case, there is only one way out: completely remove the lock and reinstall the code combinations.


The bolt is located on the inside of the gate. It has an automatic component, thanks to which the door closes. It is small and has an electric drive. You can put the deadbolt in action by pulling it out of the grooves of the gate.

mechanical latch

The mechanical latch performs two types of work: it closes the gate automatically and facilitates its opening both from the outside and from the inside.

The advantages of a conventional combination lock include the absence of any unlocking devices, except for entering the code on the panel, as well as a low cost. The disadvantages: erasing the buttons on the panel, because of which you can quickly pick up the code for an outsider.

The most advanced devices that only a true professional can open. They are equipped with a complex device and a mechanical drive. The advantages include: the impossibility of opening, excellent protection for serious organizations. Cons: High cost.

Similar to regular combination locks. However, they are more reliable and, thanks to their special material, the buttons do not rub off, excluding hacking attempts. They are programmed with a specific code.

You can buy a ready-made copy, or you can make such a device yourself. However, when choosing the latter option, it is necessary to take into account such a factor as the lack of protection against hacking.

Plus, the electronic lock cannot be opened with a master key.


With a code, they also perfectly protect the gate from burglaries, have a low cost. However, in the minuses, an unattractive appearance and the threat of removing it with the help of special tools can be noted.

Thus, the best choice would be either ordinary combination locks with a short service life, or electronic ones.


In order to properly mount the code lock, you need to consider a few points:

  • Pick up a set of all the necessary tools.
  • Have the skills of a locksmith.
  • Patience and accuracy of calculations.

To install a code lock, you need to prepare the following types of tools:

  • Drill with drills.
  • Wire cutters.
  • Pliers.
  • Roulette.
  • Screwdriver with a set of nozzles.
  • Pencil.

On the video - a code lock on the gate:

After the tools are all prepared, you can proceed to the installation of the lock itself. This happens in the following sequence:

  1. Measurements are taken at the place where the lock will be installed.
  2. The striker of the lock is attached with a drill.
  3. The lock is attached to the door.
  4. The deadbolt is inserted into the reciprocal bar.
  5. Leading the cable under the device.
  6. Using a screwdriver, the handle and lock are attached.
  7. The lid is put in place.
  8. The code is being entered.
  9. Functionality check.

Measurements must be made in accordance with all dimensions of the lock, as well as handles and accessories.

In order for them to be most accurate, you can attach the main panel and striker to the places where they should be placed and make notes with a pencil.

Work with a drill should be as accurate and thorough as possible. The most important rule is not to drill close to the edges to avoid cracks and breaks. When applying, the entire lock is used. However, it is necessary to remove the cover from one side to make it easier to fix it. When inserting the crossbar into the striker, it is necessary to leave a small gap between it and the end part.

When a cable is connected, all precautions when working with electricity should be observed. This part of the work should be done with maximum accuracy and accuracy. Holes must be drilled immediately to accommodate the symbol board.

If the owner has forgotten the code from the door, he can remove the cover from the inside of the lock. After getting into the coding part of the lock, he should set the code that he wants. In this case, it should be borne in mind that the code numbers must be turned inward of the lock, and the rest - outward. For convenience and reliability, pull out the plates and turn them in the opposite direction.

Manufacturers and prices

Manufacturers involved in code locks include:

A combination lock is the best and inexpensive protection for all occasions. Its installation does not take a long time and, at the same time, it is ready to serve its owners for a long period of time. Locks of this kind must be purchased in specialized stores in order to avoid unforeseen consequences. It should be remembered: it will be impossible to prove the defect of the product, after its installation and removal. That is why it is necessary to check his external data without leaving the cash register.

To protect your home from the entry of unauthorized persons, all entrance doors are equipped with locks. It is the same with street gates, in addition to the handle, it must have a locking mechanism. Today, the market offers many options, and one of the popular ones is a combination lock.

Combination lock

Principle of operation

Despite the variety of models, the basic principle of operation for all devices is the same. In fact, the combination lock on the gate eliminates the need for the owner to use keys. After all, from the outside it opens by pressing a combination of keys, and from the inside with a special handle.

The castle consists of:

  • a scoreboard with keys, which is placed on the front of the gate;
  • lock mechanism;
  • interior with handle for unlocking.

Usually, such devices are durable and work without problems in difficult conditions. Therefore, they are often installed outdoors.

Padlock with code

The main advantages and disadvantages of combination locks

Of course, in popularity, locks with a combination mechanism are inferior to conventional lever locks. However, they have a number of advantages:

  • convenience - there is no need to use the key, so there will be no unpleasant situation when it is lost. On the other hand, if you forget the correct combination, then this will entail certain difficulties;
  • reliability - devices with a code work well under conditions of increased loads, for example, such mechanisms are often placed on access doors;
  • security - there is no way to open the lock with a master key.

However, they also have disadvantages:

  • it is easy to pick up a code for mechanical models;
  • if moisture gets under the buttons in winter, they may freeze;
  • if an electronic system is used, this will require an electrical supply.

In addition, electromechanical models that provide high reliability are quite expensive.

Panel types

In addition to differences in the mechanism itself, different models may differ in the type of panels installed. There are two types of them:

  • push-button;
  • optical.

Buttons are the most common. Entering a secret combination is carried out through a scoreboard with ordinary buttons. Most often, they are made of metal or plastic.

Optical panels are based on the use of infrared rays. They can provide high security for the premises. However, they are not recommended for use in high traffic areas.

metal buttons

Types of combination locks

Among the whole variety of models, there are several main categories of these devices on the market:

  • mechanical;
  • electromechanical;
  • electronic.

Naturally, they all have certain advantages and disadvantages.


These are the simplest models of a combination lock on a gate. Differ in ease of use and availability, and work very simply:

  • to open it from the street, you need to press a combination of several buttons;
  • From the inside, the device opens with a latch.

Instead of crossbars, the lock is equipped with a small latch.

Main advantages:

  • low cost;
  • simple installation of a code lock;
  • reliability;
  • simple design;
  • no key needed;
  • work well at low temperatures.


  • in winter, buttons can freeze to the panel;
  • to change the opening combination, you will have to remove the lock from the gate;
  • quite easy to pick up the code, especially after prolonged use - the buttons are quickly overwritten;

Thus, a mechanical lock is the most budget solution, which has a number of significant drawbacks. However, they are offset by the low cost of the device.

mechanical model


These devices are distinguished by high reliability and durability of work that a mechanical mechanism cannot provide. In fact, this is a combined version that combines mechanical and electrical parts. However, it must be borne in mind that electricity is required for its operation.

Usually, such locks can be opened with a key - this is necessary in case of a power outage. Also, some models are equipped with magnetic keys - this type is often placed on access doors, used on entrance gates and gates.

Main advantages:

  • high reliability;
  • hard to find a code;
  • can work in severe weather conditions;
  • easy to set up.


  • high price;
  • installation should be done by a specialist who is well versed in the system.

Thus, electromechanical devices can provide a high level of reliability. However, their cost is quite high.



This is the most modern look lock mechanisms. Their work is based on the use of an electronic programmable control unit. And as a locking mechanism, a magnetic element usually acts.


  • provides a high level of security;
  • reliable in work;
  • convenient to use;
  • there are several ways to open it - you can use the input panel or a magnetic key.


  • high price;
  • requires electricity to operate;
  • this is a rather complex system, so for proper installation, you need to understand it well.

Also, installed locks can be connected to intercoms and access control systems.

electronic model

type of instalation

All devices can be divided into three possible options for mounting on the door:

  • invoices;
  • mortise;
  • mounted.

Overhead models are quite simple to install and do not require special experience and tools. Mortise models provide a higher level of reliability. However, they are more difficult to install and may require a special tool to cut the gate frame.

Mounted models have the structure of a conventional padlock. Only instead of a key, they use a code mechanism. Such devices are used extremely rarely, and besides, they are afraid of direct water ingress. This is especially true in winter, since the locking mechanism can simply freeze.

Castle selection

The choice of a particular model should be made based on the needs and operating conditions. Usually, you need to pay attention to the following criteria:

  • the required level of security, for example, for a gate in the country and for the front door to the house, it will be completely different;
  • conditions of use - whether the lock will be used in frost, whether it will be affected by high humidity;
  • opening frequency.

In addition, you need to take into account the cost of the model, as well as the possibility of connecting electricity.

Lock installation

Before you do the self-assembly of this device, you should read the instructions. After all, there are many different models on the market and they may differ among themselves in the installation method.

Installing the mechanism

To work, you need such a tool:

  • screwdriver;
  • screwdrivers;
  • roulette;
  • Bulgarian.

You will also need a pencil to mark the holes.

The mechanical lock is mounted in the following sequence:

  • first, you should make sure that the mechanism is working properly;
  • after that, a place convenient for comfortable use is selected on the gate and a mark is made;
  • now, you need to take the lock and the counterpart and attach them to the gate;
  • first, the counterpart is attached - for this, it must be screwed with screws to the support post;
  • then, you need to remove the cover from the main body and attach it to the answer, the latch should enter the groove;
  • at the same time, you need to make sure that the distance between the lock and the counterpart is not too large, however, you should not put them too close to each other - the optimal distance between them is 0.2-0.3 cm;
  • when the case is exposed, it can be fixed with self-tapping screws;
  • if the frame of the gate is made of a corner, then you will have to use bolts;
  • at the same time, under the lock body you will have to put
  • now, you need to mark the footprint for the digital panel;
  • now, you need to make a slot in the door leaf, the easiest way is to drill holes along the edges of the markup, and then make two cuts with a grinder;
  • after that, you need to process the edges with a file so that there are no burrs, while the outer part should easily enter the hole;
  • and the last step, you need to attach a decorative strip on the front of the gate;
  • however, before that, it is advisable to lubricate the buttons - firstly, they will work better, and secondly, they will not freeze;
  • the easiest way to fix it on the screws;

And after all the details are installed, it is necessary to set up the mechanism and check it in operation.

Thus, installing a lock with a combination mechanism should not be a problem. However, this applies to simple mechanical locks. For more complex electronic devices, it is advisable to involve specialists.

Installing a combination lock on the gate helps protect the site and the house from intrusion. Combination locks do not require special keys, which are often lost. On the varieties and features of the installation of code locks, we will consider further.

Features, advantages and disadvantages of installing a combination lock on a gate

The most common variant of a combination lock installed on a gate is a mechanical combination lock. Such devices are able to immediately snap into place after the gate is closed. To open the lock from the outside, you must enter a special code combination, and to open it from the inside, just move the bolt.

Among the advantages of using mechanical combination locks on the gate are:

  • no need for keys, and, accordingly, in the manufacture of their duplicates;
  • affordable cost;
  • no need for electrical power;
  • small risk of breakage;
  • ensuring a high level of home security.

However, such a mechanism has one drawback, which is the need to remove the lock from the door if it is planned to change the code combination in order to open it.

The electromechanical type of lock for the gate is distinguished by a complex device and the presence of a mechanical drive. This type of locks is ideal for installation on gates, gates, doors. Among the disadvantages of such a lock is its high cost, and among the advantages is complete security and the highest level of secrecy.

Electronic type code locks are able to open a door or gate only if the code is entered through the keyboard. The principle of the device of this lock is highly complex, in its inner part there is an electronic unit programmed for codes. Among the advantages of installing electronic locks, they note the inability to open such a lock using a master key.

Some gates are equipped with combination padlocks. Such mechanisms, although they do not need special installation, are not very attractive in appearance.

If we compare the above types of mechanisms, then the most best option for installation on the gate - electronic. The mechanical combination lock has buttons, which, after a long period of their operation, are slightly erased, by the way the buttons are erased, you can determine the code combination and open the gate. Electric type locks are distinguished by special originality, quality and high secrecy.

Street combination locks on the gate: varieties and characteristics

A fairly good alternative to a mechanical combination lock is a magnetic boorish gate. These locks have special keys, with their help it will be possible to open the gate. Such locks have neither a button nor a special mechanism in the form of a keyhole. They have a specific area on which a magnetic key is applied.

It is more common to use magnetic locks in classified sites or in industry. Since at home, each family member should have a magnetic key, and again there is a possibility of losing it.

Among the advantages of this type of locks, we note:

  • ease and speed of opening the magnetic lock;
  • no need for constant maintenance and repair;
  • the absence of unnecessary mechanisms and parts that need repair and lubrication;
  • high level of secrecy, low propensity for breakage, high level of protection of the site from outside intrusion.

The duration of operation of such locks depends on many factors, among them are:

  • applying a varnish coating on the surface of the magnet, so the magnet perfectly resists moisture, temperature changes and corrosion;
  • the presence of a galvanized layer on the surface of the magnet makes the lock more resistant to external irritants and aggressive environments;
  • the presence of a nickel-plated coating reduces the risk of damage to the lock by destructive factors.

In relation to the principle of operation, combination locks are:

  • mechanical;
  • electronic;
  • electromechanical.

The first version of the castle differs primarily in that it does not have a keyhole. Therefore, a master key or twist is unsuitable for cracking it. However, if you forget the code for such a lock, then there are certain problems with its use.

The principle of operation of the lock is based on the presence of special rings inside it, which in a certain position ensure its opening and closing.

Electromechanical lock - a combination of the previous version with an electronic lock.

This device has a mechanical drive, the performance of which is provided by electricity.

Such locks are relevant if the gate is heavy and large. However, the electromechanical type of lock is quite expensive and requires additional costs for its installation. Code combinations of electromechanical locks consist of both electronic and mechanical combinations.

An electronic lock is based on the presence of an electronic unit inside it, which has a specific program; entering the correct code allows you to open the lock.

In relation to the installation location of the lock, code devices are:

  • hinged;
  • waybills;
  • mortise.

The first option does not require additional costs for its installation and can be easily removed, if necessary. However, appearance such a lock is not particularly attractive, while there is the possibility of its quick breaking.

A higher level of security is provided by an overhead combination lock. However, its installation requires special instructions. On the body of the overhead lock there is a special button, when pressed, it opens. The mortise lock in the gate is the most reliable and convenient to use, although it requires additional costs for its installation.

How to choose an electric combination lock for a gate

If we compare combination locks with ordinary ones, then the first ones have the following advantages:

  • the inability to make a duplicate key;
  • resistance to both high and low temperatures;
  • resistance to mechanical breaking.

Before choosing a combination lock for a gate, you need to decide on the following functions:

  • the level of security that the lock should provide;
  • operational characteristics - street or indoor version, the presence of a canopy over the gate or its absence;
  • device cost.

The last factor determines the lock model: mechanical or electronic. Since the first option is cheaper than the second. In addition, when choosing combination locks, you should pay attention to the digital combinations that can be entered, the possibility of changing them. The higher the number of combinations, the lower the probability of breaking the lock.

The scope of use of combination locks is quite wide, so the number of manufacturers of these devices is also high. When choosing between a particular company, we recommend that you first of all pay attention to the technical indicators of devices, comparing alternative models. Also, we recommend that you ask the seller for certificates of product compliance with international standards.

If you need to get an inexpensive, but at the same time high-quality lock, we recommend choosing the Russian company Mettem. Locks from this manufacturer are quite strong, wear-resistant, have a convenient design and are easy to operate. The code panel of the lock is capable of supporting more than a thousand different combinations.

More advanced models are produced by Sirius. Such models of locks cost about twice as much, but they differ in the presence of a larger number of code combinations. The combination lock has a creative body and modern design. There are two color ranges of combination locks - with gilding and chrome-plated. The presence of a built-in fuse on the lock increases the level of its reliability.

Installing a combination lock on a gate: technology for performing work

Before installing a combination lock, it is necessary to study its main components. As part of a standard mechanical combination lock, there are elements in the form of:

  • body part;
  • canopies;
  • blocking particles;
  • additional details such as sliders;
  • code elements.

In relation to the opening method, mechanical combination locks have a circle for dialing a code or a button. The option with buttons is more reliable, since after closing the gate, it automatically locks. However, such locks have few combinations, so the possibility of breaking them is at an average level.

Typesetting circles are distinguished by a large number of combinations, however, this version of the lock is not installed on the gate, it is more suitable for a safe.

Depending on the type of the outer panel, which is installed on the outside of the gate, combination locks are divided into:

  • keypad locks;
  • locks with optical panels.

The first option is more common, such locks are present on most gates and doors to the entrance of multi-storey buildings. Among the advantages of the keypad, we note its ease of operation and convenience in typing the code. Such panels are made of rubber, plastic and metal. The most practical and durable are buttons made of steel.

However, in places with low traffic, such as a private house, it is recommended to install optical panels on the gate. This system is the latest development and works on the principle of dialing a code in such a way that a person fixes his finger on an area with infrared rays. These beams are installed above each of the digital panels, if they are correctly compared, the lock opens the gate.

Some models of combination locks are equipped with additional protection against burglary, a microphone and a speaker with which you can contact the owners. The light panel is covered with safety glass.

To install a code lock, you will need:

  • drills with a set of drills;
  • screwdriver;
  • grinders;
  • pliers;
  • wire cutter;
  • screwdrivers;
  • sawing tool;
  • rulers.

Instructions for installing a code lock on a gate made of corrugated board with your own hands:

1. At the beginning, it is necessary to mark the gate on which the lock will be installed. To do this, each of its parts, internal and external, are installed on the gate and their location on it is outlined.

2. First, the main part of the lock is fixed, for this, use a screwdriver and self-tapping screws. Please note that the interval between the striker plates and the gate should not be more than 0.3 cm.

4. Check the operation of the lock, select the code combination to open it.

Please note that measurements before installing the lock are carried out in relation to the handle and additional elements accessories. To improve the accuracy of measurements, use a striker and a pencil. Please note that in order to avoid surface cracking, drilling is carried out near the extreme sections of the lock.

If you plan to install an electric lock, then at the same time, you should follow the basic safety rules for working with electricity. An electric combination lock requires a cable to be connected to it. To begin with, a panel is drilled on which the code symbols are located.

The main convenience in using such a lock is that if the owner of the house has forgotten the code, then there is the possibility of recoding the lock from inside the gate. To do this, you do not need to remove the lock, compared to a mechanical lock.

To install a magnetic combination lock, prepare the following tools:

  • electromagnetic combination lock, fasteners, corners, slats and anchor;
  • exit buttons;
  • reader;
  • a set of keys;
  • power supply unit;
  • controllers.

To install a magnetic lock, follow the instructions:

1. Drill the required number of holes for self-tapping screws into the steel frame of the gate.

2. Fix the lock on the surface.

3. A bar should be installed on the gate leaf to ensure its opening.

5. From the outside of the gate, a controller is installed that will recognize keys or cards.

6. The inside of the gate is equipped with a button, with which the gate opens without a lock.

7. After the installation of the coded magnetic lock, work is carried out to connect it. For these purposes, you will need a special cable and terminals.

8. In order to protect the cable from moisture, it is equipped with a special plastic tray.

9. The cost of such locks is determined in relation to the strength of the magnet and the size of the device.

Thus, installing a code lock on a gate with your own hands is not a difficult process, for the high-quality implementation of which you must adhere to all of the above instructions.

Installing a code lock on the gate video:

To protect the site from unauthorized persons entering it, a mechanical combination lock should be installed on the gate. Unlike other locks, a mechanical combination lock can be installed outdoors, it has the necessary protection against moisture penetration and other adverse precipitation from the outside.

How to choose and install a mechanical combination lock on the gate with your own hands will be discussed in this article.

Unlike an electronic gate lock, a mechanical combination lock is easy to operate and no less reliable from hacking. The mechanical combination lock is opened from the inside by means of a special bolt or button. Well, in order to open a mechanical combination lock from the outside, you need to remember and dial a certain number combination on the combination lock.

The advantage of combination mechanical locks is that they do not require electricity to operate. The disadvantages are the ability to pick up the code for opening the lock, but if the code is forgotten, then you will have to replace the mechanical combination lock with a new lock.

An electromechanical combination lock is much more difficult to open if you do not know the code. The advantage of such locks is also the fact that it is almost impossible to pick up a master key to them.

If it is not possible to order the installation of a mechanical combination lock from professional installers, then you can try to install a mechanical combination lock on the gate with your own hands. Moreover, this does not require a large number of tools.

What will need to be prepared from the tool for installing the lock on the gate is:

  • Bulgarian with a disk for metal;
  • Screwdriver or small electric drill with metal drills;
  • Pliers and a set of screwdrivers;
  • Roulette, level, and marker, in order to set exactly the combination lock;

All work on the installation of a mechanical combination lock on the gate can be divided into the following stages:

1. It is advisable to start all work on installing a mechanical combination lock on a gate with your own hands, first of all, with markings. To do this, the purchased mechanical lock is applied to the gate and the places of its fixation to the supporting part are marked.

If the supporting part for fixing the lock on the gate is not provided, then it must be made by hand, for example, from a piece of metal that is welded to the frame of the gate.

2. Using a drill or screwdriver, holes are made to fix the mechanical combination lock on the gate.

3. After the holes are made, you should remove the body cover from the lock, and then reattach the lock to the gate in the closed state, installing the locking bolt of the lock in the opposite half. In this case, it is important to leave some gap between the lock bar and the end of the gate.

4. If electricity is required to control the lock, then the power cable is laid by the locking mechanism of the lock at this stage.

As you can see, installing a mechanical combination lock on the gate with your own hands is quite within the power of every person. The main thing is to carefully understand the technology of installing a combination lock, watch a video about installing a mechanical combination lock on a gate, and then everything will turn out right.

It is difficult to imagine today a gate or a door to a house without a lock. Let it be a simple lock on the gate, but it should be to prevent the appearance of unwanted guests. And if earlier padlocks were used for gates or they were simply bolted, today the assortment is much larger. On sale are cylindrical, lever, electromechanical and many other locking devices, which differ both in price and in degree of reliability. Before you go shopping for a castle, let's look at their varieties, evaluate the pros and cons and decide on the price.

Basic Reliability Criteria

  • resistance to dirt and moisture is the main requirement for street locks on the gate.

Even after years, the device should work properly, not jam, not rust, and open smoothly, for which it is regularly lubricated from the inside with engine oil.

  • the lock should be opened from the inside with a latch, and from the outside with a lock, which will simplify its operation, but will not reduce reliability;
  • the size of the lock should correspond to the thickness of the fence.

So, for example, it does not make sense to install an expensive electromechanical lock on a profiled sheet gate, since the sheet is easily cut with a hacksaw or press scissors. Having spent on such an expensive constipation, you will not provide the required level of security.

Security standards for all types of locks are defined by GOST 5089-2011. At the same time, it is indicated that even a lock corresponding to all reliability classes and meeting security properties cannot provide full protection of the protected object. Along with the locking mechanism, an integrated approach must be taken, including protection with hardened metal plates, linings, etc.

A lever lock is best suited for a street gate - it easily resists climatic precipitation, is quite reliable, small, but durable.

Types of locking devices

Classification is carried out according to the type of built-in mechanism. If you cook specifically about street locks on a gate or gate, then here you can offer 4 main options:

  • code;
  • level;
  • cylindrical;
  • electromechanical.

A huge plus of this device lies in its reliability - there is no contact for the key, which means that there is no way to hack it mechanically. Of course, if there is a goal, you can break the mechanical combination lock on the gate even without a crowbar, simply by choosing combinations, moreover, over time, the buttons are erased, making it possible to select the code without error.

The most popular type of coding mechanism

To buy a combination gate lock, compare prices:

  • code "RIGEL" - 1730.00 rubles;
  • consignment note "Mottura-20.500" (S-left) - 4886 rubles;
  • code 150.10.00 "KERBEROS" - 2030 rubles;
  • code "Nora-M" 100 - 5697 rubles.

VIDEO: Installing a combination lock


The locking mechanism, whose secret part is presented in the form of plates with figured cuts. When the key is moved, the levers are folded and the lock is unlocked. The main advantage of such devices is high degree reliability - it is almost impossible to pick up a master key, as well as hard to knock out a larva. The weak point when choosing just such a lock on the gate will be the material from which it is made.

Level type

Among other advantages, we note:

  • resistance to dust, dirt and water;
  • long service life;
  • the ability to select mechanisms with additional code protection;
  • average price.

Of the shortcomings, only enough can be noted big size and the need to use the key on both sides.

Prices on different kinds lever locks:

  • consignment note SAPPHIRE NT- (12 levers) with an overlay - 2393 rubles;
  • consignment note Granite K - 1124 rubles;
  • consignment note ZN4 030.0.1 (without rods, without mechanism) (ZNSP) - 1022 rubles;
  • consignment note Mottura-20.501 (D-right) - 5196 rubles.


More often this type of locking mechanism is called English, bearing in mind the country of its invention. The secret part is made in the form of a cylinder, which, when the "native" key is turned, activates the bolt drive. These locks, even taking into account the rather high price, are very popular due to the possibility of changing the cylinder without replacing the lock (the dimensions of all cylinders are the same) and high reliability. To increase burglary resistance, manufacturers implement various technical solutions that, if they do not make the task of burglars absolutely impossible, make their life very difficult.

Mortise cylindrical (English) lock

Evaluation of the price policy of cylinder locks:

  • mortise APECS 1425-CR 00011447 - 1673 rubles;
  • mortise APECS 91/60-CR 91/60 00006561 - 733 rubles;
  • mortise ZENITZENIT-ZV4-3.01 black 00019716 - 767 rubles.

VIDEO: How to embed a lock in a gate


This type of gate lock is recommended by most users. Its operation is based on the operation of a solenoid or electric bolt, which controls the position of the cocking bolt. When turned on, a spring coil is activated, transferring the bolt to the counterpart of the lock, due to which the door closes. Unlocking occurs when an electrical signal is applied. This kind of locking devices can be installed on all types of doors, gates and gates, while the control can be both remote and mechanical.

Electromechanical lock type

When choosing an electromagnetic lock for a street gate, you should choose a multi-mode kit that is configured for different times of the day. During the day it can be controlled by intercom or electrophone, at night - remote or manually. At the same time, the night mode provides for a more reliable closing of the lock.

Varieties of electromagnetic locking devices

There are 3 classifications of these mechanisms:

  • placement method;
  • design features;
  • the presence of a blockage.

According to the method of placement, locks are divided into:

  • overhead - installed on the door leaf and can be opened mechanically even in the absence of contact, but are not connected to remote devices;
  • mortise - mounted directly on the door, the operation is completely dependent on the availability of power; interact with intercoms, video and electrophones.

By type of construction (mechanism operation):

  • electric, when the latch is in the groove and blocks the opening, and when a signal is given, the latch releases the spring and the latch returns to the housing. This is the standard type of locks in apartment buildings where intercoms are installed at the entrance;
  • magnetic lock, for which the electric motor is responsible. When switched on, the bolt is always under pressure, so it is mechanically impossible to open it. When the signal is triggered, the spring releases the bolt and the opening occurs. Such locks are used on street structures, garage doors, etc.,
  • solenoid - a complete analogue of the magnetic mechanism, except that the solenoid is responsible for the operation of the crossbar and spring. A big minus is a complete blockage in the absence of power supply;
  • electric latches are the simplest type of construction that can be fixed in the open and closed state. When a signal is given, the door opens with the turn of the handle; in the absence of a bolt, it is in the body and does not lock the leaf.

The type of blocking is:

  • with blocking, when it is possible to block the opening of the door or gate from the inside;
  • without it - you can open the door simply by pressing the button on the inside.

Complete set of the electromagnetic mechanism

Pros and cons

The first reason why they prefer to install electromechanical locks on the gate is the possibility of remote control. While in the house, you can easily let people in by simply pressing a button.

It is better to install electromechanical locks on street entrance groups complete with a video or intercom.

The second advantage is the versatility of the locking mechanism - it is installed both on profiled sheet gates and on powerful armored doors. Manufacturers do not provide any restrictions on the thickness of the canvas.

Together with high-quality object protection and ease of use at a distance, such locks are ideal for private areas, country houses, etc. It is pointless to put such a lock on the apartment door.


Unfortunately, there are more minuses than pluses, but they are easily fixable:

  • dependence on power supply is a problem only for magnetic locks, which cannot be opened when the electricity is off, all other varieties can be manually opened from the inside;
  • susceptibility to climatic precipitation and icing - to protect the mechanism and extend the service life, it is necessary to use linings;
  • control of the technical condition of the street lock - in case of any failure, including temperature or humidity, you can be locked from the inside, so regularly, at least once a year, it is required to service the lock.

Wiring diagram

Now, as for the prices, if you decide to buy an electromechanical lock on the gate:

  • invoice electromechanical Atis Lock SS universal (stainless steel) - 1600 rubles;
  • invoice electromagnetic Sean ML-45L - 2700 rubles;
  • mortise electromechanical Cisa 12011.40.0 (backset 40mm) - 4900 rubles;
  • overhead electromechanical lock ISEO 511310605 (section No. 3) - 5700 rubles.

We talked about the main varieties of street locks for gates and gates. Which one to choose depends on the budget, the tasks set, the ease of management and the size of the territory. The most convenient is. Of course, electromagnetic boorish, controlled remotely. The most reliable - level and cylinder. Different prices, different options, so there is always an opportunity to make the right choice.

VIDEO: How to install an electromechanical lock on a gate