Giant dogs: the largest breeds. Shaggy giants - breeds of large dogs: name with photo and description Size of the largest dog in the world

A big dog is a big responsibility. Almost all owners of oversized pets know about this, and often they are already faced with this in practice. The group of large breeds of dogs is quite extensive and here you can meet both good-natured individuals and serious fighting and. But, in any case, the owner must know in advance what can grow out of a funny puppy and evaluate his own capabilities.

Today, this Turkmen breed is gaining popularity, because its representatives are excellent guards and watchmen. These are powerful, large dogs with an intimidating appearance, which, in fact, corresponds to their character - it is better not to meddle with strangers.

At home, these dogs are considered a national treasure, in addition, there is a ban on the export of purebred individuals. But - this is not only a prestigious, but also a difficult animal that requires a firm hand and serious work on socialization and education.

Dogs of this breed are the result of crossing the Japanese Akita with larger representatives - Mastiffs and German Shepherds. It turned out to be a large, proportional animal, with the appearance of its relatives from Japan.

She has a balanced psyche, but at the same time she has not lost her vigilance. It is used for protection, service, as a watchman, guide. In addition, such a pet is an excellent companion - loyal, calm and most often silent.

A large representative of the Laika, which has all the qualities necessary for a working hunting dog. Indana is a hardy, fearless, physically developed pet, able to work even in harsh conditions. Yes, he needs intense physical activity, but at the same time the dog is cheerful, sociable and sociable.

The English Mastiff is the largest dog breed in the world. Once used for hunting large predators and ungulates, as guards and watchmen. Today, this dog is mainly a companion, and does not like excessive activity. He will be happy to take a walk in the park, and then relax at home.

Despite the formidable appearance, kind and sympathetic, it still shows suspicion of strangers, so early socialization is required.

The breed appeared when falconry was at the peak of popularity, the dogs unmistakably found and marked bird nests. English Setters were immediately distinguished by their cute appearance, and they are still considered the most elegant representatives of gun breeds.

Today, these dogs are more often purchased as a companion and for a show career. It doesn't matter if the pet is a working dog or a pet, he needs regular exercise. Experts still do not advise buying a puppy from a working line for apartment living - their excessive activity can cause a number of problems.

A versatile animal that is capable of performing a variety of jobs - a guide, a search engine, a watchman, a hunter, a rescuer, is used for police and guard duty. No wonder a monument was erected to this white big man in his homeland, and this is given that the breed appeared only in the first quarter of the 20th century. For its breeding, representatives of various purposes were used, and the dog took the best qualities from each of them.

The breed was bred on the territory of the Soviet Union in the 30s of the last century. In breeding work, German Shepherds were used, trying to get more hardy dogs capable of working in any climatic conditions. The breeders succeeded, and in the 60s the standard was approved.

The East European Shepherd Dog is a large, hardy animal, infinitely devoted to its owner, performing almost any official work. It has pronounced protective and watchdog qualities, but in vain does not show strength, avoiding groundless conflicts.

The oldest breed, whose history goes back over 5000 years. Like most, they kept aristocratic, wealthy houses who could afford to hunt with a pack of these sophisticated, beautiful dogs.

If representatives of hounds most often need hunting, then you can’t say the same about the English greyhound. A 2-hour walk a day and a couple of longer walks a week are enough for a pet to get enough exercise. Do not trust the speculation that Greyhounds are difficult to train, they learn the program well if you approach the process correctly.

At home, the breed is considered the property of the country, and in the UK, its representatives serve at the royal court. descended from the Celtic greyhounds - huge dogs roaming with tribes across the territory of modern European countries.

These dogs are aristocratic, but at the same time they have a harsh character. It is not recommended to train them for guard duty, as the Irish are capable of showing excessive aggression. For their own, this is a favorite and a cutie, for strangers, it is a potential threat.

One of the most common breeds is a huge, massive dog with strong bones and a rich coat. It belongs to the oldest shepherd breed, and today it successfully plays the role of a watchman and guard. Already at one glance at such a colossus, the attackers will lose their desire to invade the territory entrusted to the dog.

Those who want to get a Caucasian Shepherd puppy should evaluate their own strengths and future prospects, the dog will jealously guard the farmstead, and any stranger, be it a person or an animal, will pay if he carelessly enters, even greet the owners.

Italian universal dog, with a developed territorial instinct, stately and self-confident handsome man. For his family, he becomes an excellent friend and shows patience with children, while he does not take his eyes off strangers, appreciating their behavior. In order for the dog to only look after the guests and not show aggression in situations incomprehensible to him, early socialization and education is required.

You should not isolate a puppy from society, he must master the territory and get to know who is a stranger and who is his, and how to behave. It can be said about the Cane Corso that he will not spare his life in order to protect the owner and household.

Quite a colorful representative of the shepherd breeds, commanding respect. His appearance can hardly be called ordinary, as the dog has long hair, twisted into dense bundles resembling ropes. It is somewhat similar to a lapdog, but too large, voluminous.

Modern ones are used as watchmen and guards, they do an excellent job with their duties. They are excellent shepherds, lost in a flock of sheep, suddenly attack predators who hunt robbery. Like other guard breeds, these giants require socialization.

The breed was bred in order to become a symbol, a "calling card" of the city of the same name, and one of the requirements for the breed is related to the appearance of the dogs - they had to be as similar as possible to lions. The breed has undergone many ups and downs, but the breeders still managed to save it.

- a large, powerful animal, causing awe and admiration. By nature, the dog is calm, balanced. Despite the pronounced protective qualities, he will not show aggression towards people who come, if the owner has made it clear that they are friends.

These descendants of warlike mastiffs look impressive, which is only worth their big head with multiple folds and luxurious jowls. Once they fought in various arenas with bulls, gladiators and other dogs, but over time their appearance and character have changed somewhat.

Mastino Neapolitans make excellent guards, watchmen and bodyguards, in addition, hunting is not alien to them. Once they went to big game, and one such dog could cope with a large boar or bear. Only, it seems that these dogs are slow and clumsy, at the slightest danger the dog reacts with lightning speed and inflicts severe injuries with its teeth.

One of the young working breeds, obtained by crossing several breeds of different plans. St. Bernards, Newfoundlands, canine greyhounds, piebald hounds and Caucasian shepherd dogs participated. The work was approached with all seriousness, and the result is worthy of attention. The dog borrowed the appearance of the St. Bernard and the Caucasian Shepherd Dog, turned out to be very mobile, hardy and efficient.

Despite the fact that the Moscow watchdog is positioned as a family dog, such an independent and large pet is not suitable for everyone and requires serious training and early education.

A stately handsome man, an Apollo among dogs, the Great Dane never goes unnoticed, appearing in a crowded place. Their ancestors were real fighters, brave and fearless, but the modern dog has a more good-natured character and is devoid of that primitive aggression. But, despite this, the owner must teach the pet "good manners", because this is a fairly large animal that can cause problems.

Inexperienced dog breeders can also start such a dog, but on the condition that a professional cynologist takes part in her upbringing, taking into account breed characteristics.

Canadian dog breed, whose representatives are distinguished by a balanced character, endurance and unusually cute appearance. When looking at them, there is no feeling of anxiety or fear, but only admiration.

Once they were excellent helpers for fishermen, they could dive even in icy water and get not only nets, but also people who got people. By the way, and modern dogs they have a weakness for water and have not lost the webbing between their fingers.

Perhaps this is one of the most common large breeds bred in Germany, but has gained fame around the world. How could its representatives deserve it? First of all, its representatives are very smart and understanding, amenable to training and can perform both official duties and protect and guard.

Such a hardy pet as does not require special care, however, he is able to show cunning, testing his master for "weak". The dog needs training and education, otherwise you can get a dog that will not obey.

The breed got its name because of the wavy, silky coat, before it was called "dog". Like other greyhounds, these are graceful dogs, not devoid of aristocracy, very fast, with good hunting qualities.

Tales that these are absolutely untrainable animals with low intelligence have long sunk into oblivion. In fact, they have a certain narrow specialization - they are pickling dogs, and it is difficult for them to find equals here. Naturally, Russian canine greyhounds are not universal dogs that perform many functions, and it is stupid to demand the impossible from a pet.

- large dogs, with thick hair that even covers their eyes, intended for guard duty, need special training, because otherwise they are dangerous animals.

They are considered the pride of Russian cynology, because the breed was destined for a special mission - to participate in military operations. But, when the wars were in the past, the dogs still turned out to be useful. In addition to the army, they began to be used for agricultural work.

The ancestors were rescue dogs that lived at monasteries in the Alps and could find people buried under layers of snow. Such responsible work taught the animals to act independently, according to circumstances, not to hesitate and not to be afraid.

Many St. Bernards are considered the standard of philanthropy, calmness and devotion. Despite their large size, representatives of the breed are not aggressive, they not only love, but adore children and understand the owner perfectly.

One of the most expensive breeds, which appeared in Tibet several thousand years ago. Due to the fact that the Tibetan monks lived in seclusion, the dogs practically retained their impressive appearance, because because of the voluminous wool and large size, the dogs resemble lions.

This is a serious breed that requires a special approach. prone to dominance, have powerful guarding instincts and are able to show aggression even to those who accidentally wandered into their territory. In the house, he will find a common language with all family members and will fiercely protect them.

Already at one glance it becomes clear that in the family of these powerful strong men there were fighting dogs. Yes, they inherited a frightening appearance, but the character has undergone a lot of changes. Today it is a phlegmatic, calm dog who loves his family. It is very difficult to endure separation, it is wary of strangers, but without a reason it will not attack.

When training, it should be borne in mind that this giant will not run briskly and execute the command, he will initially consider the solution of the task given to him, and you should not pull him to no avail.

Do you know which dog breeds are the largest in the world? There is no universal height or weight at which a dog breed is officially classified as large, but some breeds weighing over 45 kg are considered giant. Some very large dog breeds are strong and heavy, while others are tall and lean. The heaviest dog ever recorded was a St. Bernard named Benedict, who weighed 166 kg! Despite their menacing body proportions, almost all large dog breeds are often kind, affectionate animals and make excellent family pets. If you want to own a big dog, check out this list of the 25 largest dog breeds in the world.

25. Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Popular in Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and the North Caucasus, Caucasian Shepherd Dogs are strong, muscular dogs. The height of females at the withers reaches approximately 70 centimeters, and males - 75 centimeters, these large dogs are definitely not indoor pets.

24. English Mastiff

The English Mastiff is one of the largest dog breeds in the world, especially in terms of body mass. The first mention of these large dogs dates back to the 6th century BC. e. During the Roman conquest of England, the mastiff's loyalty and strength impressed even Caesar. A typical male can weigh up to 115 kg, but the heaviest English mastiff ever recorded was a stunning 156 kg dog named Zorba, and he remained the heaviest and tallest dog in the world throughout his life.

23. Newfoundland

Originally bred and used as a fisherman's dog, the Newfoundland is a huge, intelligent dog known for its excellent swimming skills. Newfoundlands are usually black, but brown, white or gray individuals are also found. Some Newfoundland males have been known to weigh over 90 kg, with the largest ever recorded weighing 120 kg.

22. Komondor

The Komondor, often referred to as the "mop dog", is a strong dog breed that was used to guard livestock and other property. Easily recognizable for its distinctive long, rope-twisted wool, the Komondor originated in Hungary, where it was declared a national treasure and is now guarded and protected from modification. Females reach a height of approximately 70 cm and weigh up to 50 kg, males are slightly larger - 80 cm tall and weighing up to 60 kg.

21. Deerhound

The Scottish Deerhound - or simply Deerhound - is a tall breed of hound bred to hunt red deer. Its antecedents were kept by the Scots and the Picts (a tribal people living in modern Britain) and used to aid in deer baiting. Males can reach 80 cm in height and weigh up to 50 kg. The growth of females is usually approximately 70 cm, weight ranges from 35-43 kg.

20. Neapolitan Mastiff

The Neapolitan Mastiff is another popular large mastiff breed. Although not as gigantic as the English Mastiff, the proportions of this dog are very impressive - males weigh 60-70 kg, females approximately 50-60 kg. The Neapolitan Mastiff is fearless and selflessly protective of his home and family. They are unusually intelligent dogs with a tendency to be independent thinkers.

19. St. Bernard

Originally bred to rescue people in the mountains, the St. Bernard is a giant dog breed popular in the Italian and Swiss Alps. Its proportions are huge - dogs can reach 90 cm in height and weigh as much as 120 kg. The heaviest St. Bernard ever recorded was named Benedict and weighed an incredible 166 kg. Another St. Bernard, Barry, was known for saving between 40 and 100 lives in the mountains.

18. Irish wolfhound

Originally bred from war hounds, the Irish wolfhound was used for hunting and guarding. The breed is very old; there are suggestions that they were brought to Ireland in 7000 BC. Reaching an average of 86 cm in height, this is one of the tallest dog breeds. Their weight, however, is quite average: approximately 55 kg for males and 48 kg for females. Unlike many other breeds, Irish wolfhounds have a high degree personalization and are most often known for their personal quirks and individualism, but they are rarely stupid or aggressive.

17. Russian black terrier

The breed was bred in the USSR in the late 1940s and early 1950s for use in the armed forces as a service dog. The Black Russian Terrier is believed to be a cross between approximately 17 different breeds. Males reach 72-78 cm at the withers and weigh up to 60 kg, females are slightly smaller and lighter. The Black Russian Terrier is a calm, confident and brave dog. He is very smart and well adapted to learning. The average life expectancy is quite high - up to 14 years, and the breed itself is distinguished by excellent health, but is sometimes subject to certain hereditary diseases such as dysplasia of the elbow or hip.

16. Great Dane

The Great Dane is a breed known for its gigantic size. Their height often exceeds 76 cm, and on several occasions Great Danes have been the tallest living dog in the world. For example, a Great Dane named Zeus (who died in September 2014 at the age of 5) measured 112 cm at the withers. They are very friendly to other dogs, pets and familiar people. Their average lifespan is 6-8 years, but some Great Danes have been known to live 10 years or more.

15. Leonberger

Often referred to as the "gentle lion", the Leonberger is a giant dog breed whose name comes from the city of Leonberg in Germany. With regard to body proportions, the average height of males reaches approximately 75 cm and weight ranges from 64-68 kg, the height at the withers of females is usually 70 cm, and the weight is approximately 52 kg. The Leonberger is easily recognizable due to its thick, water-resistant coat. These strong dogs are usually very loyal, intelligent, playful and kind, making them ideal family pets. Unfortunately, their average life expectancy is approximately 7 years.

14. Tosa Inu

Originally bred in Tosa (a former Japanese area) as a fighting dog, the Tosa Inu is a rare, strong dog breed. These dogs vary greatly in size. The Japanese breed typically weighs between 36 and 61 kg, while non-Japanese breeders have focused on dogs that weigh between 60 and 100 kg and are 82 cm tall at the withers. The breed originated from the Shikoku Inu, a local dog that weighs approximately 25 kilograms. These dogs were crossed with large European dog breeds such as the Mastiff, St. Bernard, Great Dane and Bull Terrier in order to produce a larger and stronger dog.

13. Bernese Mountain Dog

Originally used as a farm dog that accompanied shepherds in the Bernese region, Switzerland, the Bernese Mountain Dog is a large, heavy-weight breed with a distinctive tricolor coat of black and white chest and tan markings. The height at the withers is 64-70 cm, and the weight reaches 57 kg in males, while females are slightly smaller. The temperament of individual dogs may vary, but generally the Sennenhunds are calm, confident and obedient dogs, friendly towards children as well as other pets.

12. Boerboel

Bred as a guard dog, the Boerboel is a large, robust dog breed from South Africa. Their proportions are huge - these dogs can reach over 70 cm in height and weigh up to 100 kg. The Boerboel is a very obedient and intelligent dog with strong territorial instincts. They are loyal, especially friendly with children, and tend to be protective of their family and territory.

11. Anatolian Shepherd Dog

The Anatolian Shepherd Dog is a large dog breed that originated in Anatolia (Turkey) and was brought to America where it received further development. Perhaps the history of the breed goes back 6000 years. The growth of Anatolian Shepherd Dogs can exceed 80 cm, and weight up to 68 kg. However, due to their thick coat, they look even larger than they really are. The breed was bred to be independent and powerful to guard the owner's property without human assistance in large spaces, so training a dog in puppyhood is essential. They often live 11 years, which is 3-4 years longer than the average lifespan of other breeds of this size.

10 Tibetan Mastiff

Originally bred by the nomadic peoples of Tibet, China, Nepal and Central Asia, the Tibetan Mastiff is an ancient breed of large, muscular dog with thick, usually dark fur. Its name is misleading - it's not a mastiff. A better name for the breed would be the Tibetan mountain dog. Males can reach 83 cm in height and weigh between 45 and 72 kg, but larger individuals are quite common. As a herd guardian in Tibet, the breed is able to withstand predators such as the wolf and leopard.

9. Dogo Argentino

Bred in Argentina primarily for hunting, the Dogo Argentino is a huge, muscular dog with a white, very short coat. Females can reach up to 76 cm in height and weigh over 55 kg.

8. Greater Swiss Mountain Dog

The Greater Swiss Mountain Dog is another large dog breed that originated in the Swiss Alps. The dog has a strong body and great physical strength, and at the same time agile enough to perform the versatile duties on the farm for which it was originally used. Among all the Swiss Mountain Dogs, this breed is considered the oldest and largest: the weight of males often exceeds 72 kg, and the height reaches almost 76 cm. The Greater Mountain Dog is a kind, intelligent and sociable dog, full of enthusiasm and inclined to become strongly attached to people and children.

7. Bully Kutta

Also known as the Pakistani Mastiff, the Bully Kutta is a descendant of the nearly extinct Alan, an ancient breed of dog that originated in what is now Pakistan. Bully kutta has a predominantly white color, however, there are brown with stripes, just brown and black individuals. These are very large dogs - usually about 90 cm tall and weighing up to 95 kg. The breed is distinguished by obedience, friendliness and high trainability.

6. Dogue de Bordeaux

The Dogue de Bordeaux or French mastiff is one of the most ancient French dog breeds. This is a very strong and muscular dog that was bred to work in various fields: from pulling carts and carrying heavy loads to guarding flocks and even castles of the European elite. The Dogue de Bordeaux is not as tall as some of the other breeds on this list, but it is large and strong - males reach over 68 kg. One of distinctive features breeds - a wide, large head, which is considered the largest head in the canine world, in proportion to the rest of the body. Unfortunately, these dogs are prone to a huge number of diseases, and their average life expectancy is practically the shortest of all breeds and is usually around 5-6 years.

5. Kangal

Kangal is another livestock guardian and a large breed of dog that was bred in Turkey. Size standards for the breed vary greatly: for example, the American standard is 76-81 cm in height and weighs up to 66 kg for males, and 71-76 cm in height with a weight of up to 54 kg for females. The dog is not as massive as similar breeds, which makes it faster and more agile than other larger dogs. Kangal can reach speeds of up to 50 km per hour. It is a calm, controlled, independent, strong and reliable dog that, when properly trained, is very friendly towards people, especially children.

4. Landseer

The Landseer is remarkably similar to the Newfoundland, and some kennel clubs even consider the breed to be just a black and white version of them, but the International Federation of Kennel Clubs recognizes the Landseer as a separate breed. Not surprisingly, the body proportions are also very similar to those of the Newfoundland: males reach a height of 80 cm and weigh more than 80 kg. Landseer is known for his extraordinary kindness, gentleness and calmness. This large dog breed loves to swim and has been known to save drowning people. The Landseer is also faster and more responsive than the Newfoundland, making it easier to train.

3. Akbash

A native of western Turkey, the Akbash was bred as a livestock guardian dog. This medium to large breed of dog varies between 34 and 64 kg in weight and 69 to 86 cm in height. The Akbash is leaner and taller than other Turkish livestock guard dog breeds. They have a smooth white coat, sometimes with small patches on their ears. In terms of personality, the Akbash tends to be calm but intelligent. Protecting his herd, he is distinguished by endurance and perseverance. Their life expectancy is usually 10-11 years.

2. Cane Corso

Closely related to the Neapolitan Mastiff, the Cane Corso is another Italian breed that is highly regarded as an excellent hunter and herder. Quite muscular, but less massive than most other mastiff breeds. It is also slightly smaller than the Neapolitan Mastiff, reaching a height of approximately 70 cm at the withers and weighing 40-50 kg. The average life expectancy of the breed is 10-12 years.

1. Kuvasz

The Kuvasz is the oldest Hungarian dog breed that was originally used to guard livestock. It is a large dog with a dense white coat that ranges from straight to wavy. It is not as muscular and large as the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, but is large enough and agile enough to help the shepherd protect the flock. The Kuvasz is a large and intelligent dog and is often described as having a good sense of humor.

It is difficult to unequivocally determine who is the largest dog in the world, because two categories should be distinguished: the tallest and the heaviest dog.

It attracts attention and instills fear in people, gives rise to admiration and anxiety - the largest dog in the world is the favorite of its owners and a frightening beast for their enemies. The first place of honor is occupied by only one large dog. But some choose according to criteria such as height at the withers, while others take into account the complexion and weight of the pet. Looking into the Guinness Book of Records, two equally important categories can be named: the tallest and heaviest dog.

Who is on top? Nominated for the tallest dog

In 2013, in the Guinness Book of Records, the title of "tallest dog" that ever lived on Earth was marked by a dog named Zeus of the Great Dane breed. . His height at the withers was 111.8 cm, and standing on his hind legs, he could play in the basketball team, as the growth reached a value of 2.24 m. Weight fluctuated within 70 kg. The dog was born in the USA, in the small town of Otego, Michigan.

Near such a giant, the surrounding people seemed just teenage children. And according to the owners themselves, it was necessary to be especially vigilant so that Zeus did not inadvertently step on his foot. Otherwise, it was impossible to avoid the appearance of a bruise.

Great Dane ate 14 kg of dog food daily, which in terms of human food would mean a person's monthly ration. And when the owners wanted to go on a picnic with their pet, they could not fit in a car. Therefore, a small truck was bought specifically for the transportation of Zeus. But such a huge size did not prevent him from coexisting on the same square with a cat.

People passing by, seeing such a hulk, felt some confusion. On the one hand, the dog breed Great Dane evoked emotion, and on the other hand, people were not shy about asking questions like: “ Isn't that a horse?". Pet owner Denis Dorlag was not offended by such a reaction. After all, the doggie, in fact, could compete in size with a pony. Well, the Most Courageous asked to be photographed with him, and Zeus at that time posed with pleasure.

The nature and lifestyle of Zeus

Like all dogs of the Great Dane breed, Zeus was characterized by such qualities as nobility and good nature. Being a very devoted dog, he tried to fulfill all the requirements of the owner. He made no secret of his desire to sit on his lap. The owner of the dog, Kevin Dorlag, said that it was not easy for the dog to understand why he was previously loved to be picked up, and now they are trying to refrain from showing such tenderness.

Zeus really liked to play. But such pranks required great concentration and discretion from a person. A galloping 70-kilogram "joy" 111.8 cm high could even throw a fat man to the ground. It should be noted that 70 kg is not at all the limit for a Great Dane, their weight can vary even within 90 kg. And the largest weight value among the Great Danes reaches 113 kg. At the same time, the dog does not know how to measure its strength and size at all, and therefore you should not focus too much on the destructive power of the dog.

Thanks to all the efforts of his masters, Zeus led a socially active lifestyle. He was greeted with joy in hospitals and schools in Kalamazoo County. Zeus was not a passive spectator of everything that was happening. He participated in specially designed programs for the socialization of children, served as an assistant in overcoming the fear of dogs, took part in canistherapy - healing people through communication with the best friend of Mankind.

Zeus left this world at the age of 5 in September 2014.

Relay of greatness

The Great Dane George was the forerunner of the tallest dog in the world. The dog entered the Guinness Book of Records in 2010. He gives way to Zeus by only 2 cm. His height at the withers was 110 cm , and weight reached 113 kg . Due to the huge size of their pet, the family had to purchase a larger house. Like Zeus, George was taken out into society. Dog participated in charity events and became the highlight of a large number of television shows. And thanks to his excellent build and incredibly beautiful color, he was very photogenic.

Weight matters. Nominated for the heaviest dog

It is known firsthand that the largest and most massive are dogs of such breeds as the English Mastiff and St. Bernard. Because the mass of adults can reach up to 1 centner.

In 1989, a dog named Aikama Zorba was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the heaviest dog in the world. Heavyweight in November 1989 reached a mass of 155.58 kg with a height of 94 cm and a body length of 2.5 m. The owner of the dog was Chris Iraklides from La Sousa, who lived in London, UK.

As a rule, the mass of English mastiffs fluctuates within the mark of 80 kg. Interesting fact: with the help of these dogs, people processed precious stones. Passing through the gastrointestinal tract of the animal, the stone acquired a special luster.

The closest pursuers of the heavyweight nomination

For a long time no one can beat this record. Simultaneously with Zorba, a St. Bernard dog named Benedict lived on Earth, weighing 140.6 kg on March 20, 1987 with a height of 99 cm.

And the closest pursuer for the title of “largest dog” is a dog of the same breed mastiff with a weight of 128 kg named Hercules. In 2001, he was listed in the Guinness Book of Records at the age of 3. Its owner was the athlete George Flynn, who weighed 8 kg less than his pet. The owner said that his dog's paws were the size of a soccer ball, but the dog was very friendly. Feed him regular food. And for breakfast, such a giant could eat a kilogram steak.

Such huge sizes are not at all an obstacle to the good-natured disposition and kind-heartedness of the giant dogs. They love tenderness and care. They frolic with joy, like little children. Such dogs are very smart and independent and, unfortunately, live very little.

The Tibetan Mastiff is one of the oldest breeds of the largest dogs. They served in the monasteries as watchmen, and were also constant companions of the Himalayan nomads.

Tibetan mastiff

The growth of a male reaches 81 cm, females - 71 cm; weight up to 82 kg and 60 kg respectively.

Despite its intimidating appearance, it is a very kind and obedient dog. But the most surprising feature of this breed is not its size. The Tibetan Mastiff is an incredibly (almost like a cat) clean dog.

An interesting fact is that representatives of this chic breed are very reminiscent of lions. When the wool blows in the wind, at a certain distance they can really be mistaken for forest kings.

It is this characteristic feature that makes the grin of the Tibetan mastiff inspiring horror. Although, as we have already emphasized, these dogs themselves are not only very large, but also very kind.

By the way, the Tibetan mastiff named Hong Dong (Hong Dong) is the most expensive dog in the world. The Chinese tycoon paid 1.5 million euros for it.

  1. German dog

In addition to being one of the largest dogs, the Great Dane is also the tallest breed. Being quite slender, males grow to incredible sizes.

German dog. In the photo is the same Zeus

For example, a gigantic Great Dane from Michigan named Zeus, had a height of 111.8 cm. When he rose on his hind legs, then he reached 2.2 m in height.

The minimum height for males is 80 cm (for females 72 cm), weight - up to 91 kg and 59 kg, respectively.

Here it should be noted that some believe that the largest dog in the world means the tallest. However, this term refers not only to the height of the animal, but also to the overall dimensions, as well as the ratio of height and weight.

That is why the Great Dane cannot be in the first place in this rating, although it really has no equal in height.

  1. Pyrenean Mastiff

The Pyrenean Mastiff is a Spanish breed that has long played the role of a shepherd's assistant. Very large dogs.

Pyrenean Mastiff

The height of males is up to 81 cm (females - up to 75 cm), with an average weight of 80 kg. At the same time, there are Pyrenean mastiffs weighing more than 100 kilograms.

Extremely intelligent dogs, which are, as a result, very reliable. It is thanks to these qualities that they are widely used as bodyguards.

  1. st bernard

St. Bernard is not yet the largest dog, but already one of the largest in the world. Comes from Italian and Swiss. Initially, this breed was bred exclusively for rescue purposes.

st bernard

The average height of these wonderful large dogs is 80 cm, with a weight of more than 100 kilograms.

St. Bernard named Benedictine became famous as the heaviest dog in the world: she weighed 166.4 kg.

Another St. Bernard named Major F. went down in history as the longest dog in the world: 2 meters 69 centimeters.

Very calm, large and friendly breed.

  1. spanish mastiff

The name of the breed speaks for itself: this mastiff comes from. Used as a shepherd dog to protect herd animals from predators.

spanish mastiff

The average height of a male is 80-90 cm, weight up to 120 kg.

The biggest dog in the world

  1. english mastiff

And finally, the largest dog in the world is the English Mastiff. This breed has ancient English roots. The average height of these giants is 90 cm, and their weight is 110 kg.

The English mastiff named Aikama Zorbo became the champion in all respects of the largest dog. He was listed in the Guinness Book of Records. His height was 94 centimeters and weight 155.58 kg.

English Mastiff (pictured by Aikam Zorbo)

It is difficult to say whether these mastiffs possess, but the fact that they are aristocrats is for sure. With a gigantic size, they are very peaceful and have a balanced character.

Now you know which dogs are the biggest. We recommend that you pay attention to the heading "".

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They attract and frighten, cause delight and fear at the same time - the largest dogs in the world are the favorites of their owners and a thunderstorm for their ill-wishers.

However, the size does not affect the good-natured disposition of these giant dogs; many of them evoke affection with their tenderness or readiness to frolic like small children.

Zeus - god of the dog Olympus

In 2013, another fact added to the Guinness Book of Records - Zeus was noted as the tallest dog that ever lived.

The height of the largest dog in the world is 111.8 cm, it weighs more than 70 kg, it was born in the USA in the state of Michigan, the town of Otego.

Next to this simply incredible dog, the owners seem like teenage children.

According to them, you need to be very careful so that Zeus does not accidentally step on his foot, otherwise there will be a bruise.

And if the dog suddenly wants to stand on its hind legs, its growth, to the envy of the coaches of basketball teams, will be 2.24 meters.

So it was impossible to hide goodies on the top shelves of cabinets from Zeus.

The daily diet of the giant dog consisted of 14 kilograms of dog food.

Moreover, if the owners wanted to go on a picnic with their pet, a simple passenger car was not suitable for this.

Especially in order to make the transportation of Zeus possible, a truck was purchased.

"Little" dog that eats as much in a day as some people eat in a week

Passers-by a huge dog evoked mixed feelings. The owner, Denis Dorlag, says she occasionally heard questions like, “Is that a dog or a horse?”

And there is nothing to be offended by, because the dog really could easily compete with the pony in terms of size.

Particularly brave asked to be photographed with this dog, which, however, was not opposed.

The nature and lifestyle of Zeus

Like all well-bred Great Danes, Zeus was distinguished by nobility and good nature.

His boundless devotion to the owner was expressed not only in impeccable obedience, but also in the desire to sit in his arms.

Kevin Dorlag, the owner of the dog, said that it was quite difficult for the dog to understand why he was once seated on his knees, but now they avoid showing this kind of tenderness.

The largest dog in the world named Zeus looks like the "Giant" among these dogs

Zeus sometimes liked to play, but these amusements demanded maximum caution and concentration from the owners.

A jumping 70-kilogram "joy" with a height of 112 cm can knock anyone to the ground.

Moreover, a feature of all Great Danes is that they are not fully aware of their strength and size, therefore, their destructive action should not be regarded as deliberate sabotage.

Moreover, 70 kg is not the limit for Great Danes, their weight, like those of and, can reach 90 kg, and the lowest of the Great Danes has a height at the withers of 80 cm.

As a star of respectable size, Zeus led a socially active lifestyle, of course, not without the help of his masters.

So, he was a welcome guest in the hospitals and schools of Kalamazoo County.

And the dog did not just demonstrate himself, but participated in special programs for the socialization of children, helping to overcome the fear of dogs.

He was also involved in canistherapy - this is a treatment through communication with a person's best friends.

Zeus died at the age of five in September 2014.

Relay of greatness

Before Zeus, the title "the biggest dog in the world" was held by a Great Dane named George.

His height at the withers was about 110 cm, and he weighed 111 kg and did not look fat at all.

Like Zeus, George was socially active dog, regularly participating in charity events and visiting a variety of TV shows.

Well built, with a beautiful silver color, George was incredibly photogenic.

George took over the baton of greatness from his great predecessor Great Dane Gibson.

This dog grew at the withers - 108 cm, and standing on its hind legs, it reached 2.13 m. Moreover, for his mistress, Sandy Hall, Gibson became a real find.

According to her, she, being fond of breeding Great Danes since 1982, dreamed of raising her own tall dog. Well, well, dreams do come true!

Before Gibson, the tallest dog in the world was recognized as the 70-kilogram lady Nova, who lived, like the rest of her followers, in the United States.

Standing on its hind legs, Madame Nova reached 1.8 m in height. It's funny, but this beautifully built noble dog was very afraid of small dogs.

But she herself often liked to behave like a puppy. She rolled on the floor, stole goodies from the table, rushed around the house like a frantic one.

But when the daughter of the hostess came with her three-year-old son, Nova behaved like the most gentle nanny in the world.

Giant Parade

The expression "the largest breed of dog" can be understood in two ways. Some are guided by such a criterion as growth at the withers.

And in this sense, the Great Danes are leaders today. Others pay attention to build and weight, and here the Great Dane is not the most massive dog.

Leonbergers are not only excellent watchdogs, they are used to work as lifeguards on the water.

They did not win world prizes for their external data, but how many people are grateful to them for the saved life!

The title "the largest dog in the world" was held by Hercules from Great Britain. His weight was 128 kg.

Moreover, the owner did not have a goal to feed the dog, according to him, the dog's nutrition was correct, but he kept growing and growing.

Before Hercules, this title was held by the English Mastiff Zorba.

With a height at the withers of 94 cm, he weighed 156 kg, and in length from the nose to the end of the tail he was 2.5 meters!

Mastiffs are descendants of Great Danes, whose ancestor was.

A long time ago, Celtic tribes came to Great Britain from Asia Minor, and with them the predecessors of the English mastiffs.

Mastiffs were used to work gemstones, which were mixed with meat and given to the dog to eat.

After such "treatment" the stone acquired a special brilliance.

And in order for the pebble to be removed from the litter in time, a person was assigned to the dog, a “henchman”, whose duties included finding and seizing jewelry.

The Tibetan mastiff is often called a bear, the reason for this is the truly impressive size of the dog.

The representative of this ancient breed has a height at the withers of 70 cm and weighs up to 82 kg. And thanks to the thick long hair, this dog looks just huge.

Moreover, a distinctive feature of the Tibetans is their almost cat-like cleanliness.

An interesting fact in the history of the breed is that its representative named Hong Dong became the most dear dog in the world, which a wealthy Chinese coal magnate bought for one and a half million euros.

A huge dog also lives in the Stavropol Territory, which has the title of the largest dog in Russia.

His rather characteristic nickname - Bulldozer - suits him very well.

Moreover, this nickname was given to the wolfhound for a reason. The owner, Alexander Khudyakov, said that as a small puppy, this dog liked to shovel snow like a tractor.

Being the largest dog in the CIS for several years, Bulldozer won a lot of diplomas and titles. The working weight of the dog reached 113 kg.

St. Bernards on average have a height at the withers of about 70 cm.

However, genetic “shots” happen among them, when a dog of incredibly huge sizes grows out of a cute bear cub, sharply dominating against the background of the dimensions of fellow tribesmen.

Such "gigantism" is already visible in those with a stronger physique.

If every such case was recorded in the Guinness Book of Records, the St. Bernards could well argue with who is the biggest dog in the world here.

For example, in 1987, St. Bernard Benedict was "noted", who weighed as much as 140.6 kg.

But this is not the limit, before him, the “baby” Heydan Dark Blue, 94 cm tall at the withers, weighed 138.23 kg.

The Newfoundland is a large dog that tends to make decisions on its own in a variety of situations.

The largest dog in the world: Zeus and his "colleagues"

Next to this incredible dog, the owners seem like teenage children. You need to be very careful that the largest dog in the world named Zeus does not accidentally step on his foot, otherwise there will be a bruise.